Hes Mine


Published on Jul 10, 2010



The usual copyrights exist on this as well as all of my works. This story involves sexual contact between young males. If this type of story is not what you're accustomed too, fit for your liking, or for any reason forbidden where you live, please do not read any further. On the other hand, if none of the above applies to you then enjoy this and many of my other works of fiction.

Chapter 1 Past Life

We drove for what felt like days across five states into a place that I don't even remember. My dad kept telling us that we all lived here before but my brothers and I didn't believe it.

"Over there is where your mom and I met and over there is where your uncle Curtis and I played pranks on the Dover twins" my dad stated in excitement while driving. My mom was agreeing with him as well and pointing to familiar places she knew too.

"I remember when Priscilla and I would play hopscotch in front of old lady Milton's driveway," my mom said sighing, "those were the time huh Jeffrey."

"Yea, I think we spoiled these kids in the Midwest they aren't used to the southern living" my dad said while pressing his horn and waving at some man that he knew.

He was right to, me and my brothers were way out of the loop. We were on our way to Pine Grove, this small urban city down south that my parents grew up in a long time ago. We used to live out in the Midwest at this place called Sunset Valley with a predominately white population. We were doing good over there, so I thought. My dad was a doctor at the local hospital and after performing this life saving surgery he became front page news. So good in fact that his old hometown wanted him to come back home and be the chief of staff. At first my dad declined but with the housing market being a slump that it was, we weren't able to make ends meet like we used to. My mom was a designer and the clothes that she made were "too urban" for some of the locals in the area and she wasn't making a profit like she wanted to. My dad called Memorial back home and told them that he would take the job a week later. Surprisingly they still didn't find anyone for the position. Now we were on our way to Pine Grove and though it was a small city in my eyes in favored a small town. The local people were black but they weren't the country bumpkins that my older brother said would be here. I didn't see any confederate flags either which goes to show how wrong my Midwest education informed me on my future surroundings. I saw black, white, and Hispanic people around and they were all getting along

My name is Jayson but everyone calls me Jayse. I have three older brothers (Justus, Jamison, Jamarion) and one younger brother (Jeryn) which made me feel like the black Malcolm in the middle except for the genius ability. My parents loved the letter J so much that they named their sons with the same letter not to mention their own names Jeffrey and Jazmine. I am 16 now, a rising junior and wanted to graduate from my high school back in Sunset Valley with my friends but we didn't have any family back there so I wouldn't be able to stay with anyone. I am 6'0'' tall and 145lbs due to me running track every year which gave me nice assets as well. Oh yea, I probably gave my sexuality away, yes I'm gay and have been for awhile now. I came out to my parents when I was 14 when my date came home crying and told her parents that she saw me kissing a boy behind the bleachers at school. Well he was my first boyfriend, not to mention the fact that he was white. He was about the same height as me at the time and super cute. His name was Daniel and he played baseball. I always noticed him at school but was too shy, cliché I know. I went to one of his games and while he was in the dugout he kept looking back at me and smiling. I looked around thinking he may have been looking at someone else but no one was paying him any attention. He called this young kid over to him and wrote a note and before I knew it the kid ran over to me and said "this is for you" and ran away. I opened the note, looked inside and it said "Do you think I am cute yes or no if yes look in my direction if no then ignore me for the rest of the game but I think that you are cute." I smiled, folded the paper and placed it in my back pocket. I wanted to play hard to get so I looked out at the game ignoring him for a minute but he was so cute and what was so bad is that he knew it too. Like I said he was tall with brown hair and green eyes and the pinkest lips that you ever saw. For about 15 minutes I was doing good and then it was his turn to bat. He walked up to the plate and hit a strike. He gained his stance again and hit another strike. This was unfamiliar because he was the best guy on the team next to his brother. After the third pitch he hit a home run, dropped the bat and instead of running around the bases he walked. Once he got all the way around and past third base he looked in my direction and smiled. I forced myself not to smile but I couldn't help it and smiled back. Just what this cocky boy wanted.

After the game I was looking for my big brother Justus, but he was talking to some girl so I just sat on the hood of the car to wait for him. Fresh into college on a scholarship and he thinks he can get any girl he wanted. These girls flocked to him because of his looks and intellect but I didn't see it. He always wore a low cut and his complexion, like everybody in my family was a almond brown. He was able to charm the pants off any girl and boy for that matter but though he hated gay people, when I told him I was gay he said just because I was his brother he loved me but hated gay people. Whatever I thought, just one more closeted homophobe. I waited patiently because he had a bad temper whenever he felt rushed to do anything. I looked at him pleadingly but he threw up his finger signaling 1 minute and turned his back to me. Idiot I said to myself and laid my back on the hood of the car.

"Looking up at the stars or thinking of me" a voice said that woke me up from my daydream. I looked up and saw Daniel there standing beside me in jeans and a t-shirt. He must have just showered and changed because I could smell the fresh soap coming from him.

"Neither," I said playing off his charm, "I'm just waiting for my brother."

"When did your brother get back into town?" he asked sitting on the hood beside me.

"Um...he's just visiting for the weekend, why are you so worried," I asked and for the first time looked him deep in his green eyes.

"He used to tutor me in science. I didn't know he had a cute little brother," Danny said while putting his stuff on the ground.

"I'm not little, I'm 14-1/2," I said and crossed my arms fake pouting. This eventually got a laugh out of him and he slid a little closer in my direction.

"You're three years younger than me so you're a kid, kid" Danny said laughing.

"Whatever, why are you over here?" I asked trying hard to seem older than I was and not at all impressed by his calm demeanor.

"Because you thought I was cute" he stated confidently.

"I didn't say that you was..." I started before being cut off.

"But you did look up at me" he said rubbing his index finger over mine.

"Because you looked at me first...um my brother is standing right over there and you're over here feeling my fingers," I said moving my hands away and in between my thighs.

"I know," he said "lets walk right quick." He must have sensed my hesitation because he said, "I'm not going to hurt you. I promise we'll just walk around the baseball field the lights are still on. Pleeeeeaaasssee!!!!!!" he begged.

"I guess but not too far I don't want my leaving me." I said sliding off the hood of the car.

"It's right over there. He can still see us from here." He said.

We began walking and talking which is when I realized that he was always attracted to black boys and had a crush on my brother but thought that my brother was too masculine for him.

"Do I act feminine?" I asked worried.

"No but at times I see it especially when you're running in those short track shorts. I even notice when you're at your locker and you wear those tight jeans that make your butt poke out a little. The way you walk kills me, because you got so much confidence in every step until it's mesmerizing. I'm late for class sometimes because..." He said before I cut him off.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa" I stopped walking, "You noticed all of this about me? How come you didn't say anything?" I asked surprised and blushing a little.

"Because I wanted to wait to be sure" he said softly.

"What if you were wrong?" I asked

"Then I wouldn't have a chance to do this," he stated and pulled me in for a kiss. Not a small one neither but a deep one with a whole lot of tongue. I was so thankful that we were behind the bleachers now because if we weren't then someone would see us. He pushed me up against the wall of one of the stands and started caressing my body and squeezing my butt really hard. I was taken into the lust not to mention my first kiss with a guy and I stroked his hair and grabbed his neck wanting more of his tongue inside of me. I wanted to lose my virginity here but he pulled away and laughed.

"Wow you're a little devil aren't you" he said wiping his face.

"Me you're the one squeezing my butt," I said smiling.

"You're right I'm sorry. Let's go back I don't want your brother leaving you." He said and giving me one last kiss. "You want to be my baby?"

"Huh?" I asked shocked.

"Do you want to be my baby?" he asked again this time with pleading eyes.

"You don't even know my name," I said defensively.

"I stalk you at school remember, of course I know your name Jayse." He said back matching my tone and smiling in the process.

"Ok Daniel, only if you promise to never break my heart."

"I promise...

I stopped my reminiscing from two years ago when I heard my mom say "we're here."

My brothers Jamarion, Jeryn and I all returned my mom's happy tone with sad ones when we realized that we were out of Sunset Valley forever.

"Wow this place is bigger than I expected," my dad said out loud, "Come on guys let's go inside."

The place was big. We looked up at our new two story house with 5 bedrooms, two car garage, big back yard, swimming pool, and a basketball court. The street we lived on kind of resembled Wisteria lane from Desperate Housewives. I had to laugh at my own inside joke because it did look a lot like it except a lot of black people were around. Though I was used to a lot of white people I guess it was good being around my own kind. Some of the neighbors were passing by and waving. Southern hospitality I guess. My dad told us to unpack the stuff from the SUV while he and mom got acquainted with the neighbors.

"I wanna go back to Sunset Valley" my brother Jeryn said, taking his headphones out of his ears.

"We can't go back there idiot. Mom and dad have to move here because of their jobs," Jamarion shouted.

"Stop yelling at him" I came to Jeryn's defense, "you're only mad because you left your little snow bunnies back at the valley."

"You the one to talk with yo paisty waitin' on you too" he yelled at me while throwing some of the bags from the roof of the SUV down at me and Jeryn.

"Stop calling him that," I defended throwing the bags on the ground.

"Guys stop fighting before dad comes over here!" whined Jeryn.

Fed up with both of them, I was about to walk inside when a big Great Dane came running to me and knocked me down...and that's when he came. A tall, slim, sexy dark-skinned black guy around my age I think, with a low cut and waves all around. He had on a white tank top that made his dark skin pop out and some red b-ball shorts that hung low exposing his plaid boxers. I noticed the bulge in the front of his pants and slowly started to look up to meet his face.

"Yo, are you ok?"

Please feel free to make comments or suggestions to jaypoet929@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 2

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