He's a runner, he's a track star

By Alex

Published on Jul 19, 2024


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Chapter 17: California Dreaming

"Honey, do you have the boarding passes?" Said mom.

"Yep, I have them downloaded to the phones." said Dad.

"Hey Dad, do you think we can go to the beach when we arrive?" I said.

"If we have time son." "We have to meet with your advisors, get you enrolled in classes, pay tuition, get your books, meet with the athletic director, and have you moved in and settled." "It's gonna be a busy weekend." Dad said.

"Yes sir."

"I'm going to miss you big brother!" Jasmine said.

"I'm going to miss you too, and I'll be home for Fall break." "I'm going to convince Dad to let me hold his American Express card and use some of his sky miles." I said.

"I heard that!" said Dad.

We all boarded our flight to sunny California and flew about 6 hours to the West coast. I was so stiff sitting on the plane for so long, I couldn't wait to land. When we finally arrived at LAX, Dad had already arranged an Uber Black SUV to come and take us to the hotel. We arrived at the JW Marriott and the place was huge with a swimming pool on top. I'm not going to lie, I'm feeling some butterflies in my stomach about this move and starting college. I knew this day would come but I didn't think it would be this soon. I really hope I do well here and get the opportunity to run.

As we unload, mom and dad had their own room and Jasmine and I roomed together. We had a joint suite with separate bedrooms and living area in the middle. I was so tired I took a long hot shower, slipped on a fresh pair of white briefs and my track USC shirt and went straight to bed. Jasmine stayed up and played on her phone most of the night.

Alex: Hey bro we made it to LA!!

Josh: Nice bro!! I can't wait to get out there with you. What time is it there?

Alex: It's 9pm

Josh: It's midnight here. Crazy time difference bro.

Alex: Yes, I'll hit you up later tomorrow. Just wanted to let you know I made it. Love you bro.

Josh: Love you too!

As I drifted off to sleep, I started thinking about Coach Jay and how my little pink hole would be gaping wide open by now from his massive cock. I couldn't believe such a cock like that existed on a man. He's so strong and powerful and his muscles just stand out all over his body. My little petite self just adores the way he handles me and has me on my knees begging for his meat. Coach said he would try to make it out here to one of my meets when I get settled and adjusted to the team. I hope he keeps his promise because I surely do miss him and his dick. As morning arrived, I got up before everyone and got dressed and ready to get the show on the road. Dad greeted me in the living room and was up and ready as well.

"Let's get some breakfast before we head to the school," Dad said.

"Today is the day sweety, are you excited?" "Did you get enough sleep?" Mom said.

"Yes mom, I'm well rested and I'm a little nervous but I'll be okay." I said.

"Going off to college can be nerve wrecking, I remember when I first arrived at the university and hardly knew anyone." "Your father and I met while on the track team and it was a good thing I met him because I got two wonderful children from him." "We were both young and very determined to make it, especially your father coming all the way from Puerto Rico." "I want you to have fun son and do great things while you're here." "Your father and I are proud of you and you will be fine." Mom said.

"Don't be afraid to explore and make friends and share some memories." Dad said.

"I know." "I plan on doing that and making you all proud." I said.

The hotel breakfast was really good. I had an omelet and some toast and was finishing gulping down some cool OJ.

"Dad, Mom, I wanted to talk to you both about something." I said.

"Well what is it honey?" said mom.

"Well, I've been..." I said.


"Hey guys, we have to run...Alex, hold your thoughts son. The Uber just arrived!

Well, I finally built up enough courage to tell my parents about my sexuality and now we have to catch our Uber and start the morning off with many errands. We arrived on campus and were greeted by some faculty staff and their athletic director. The campus was beautiful and there were buildings everywhere. One of the staff members walked us through the admission building and there were students hanging out and guys and girls in athletic gear all over.

"Don't be alarmed, we invited all student athletes to come during the last month of the summer before school officially starts. This gives all our athletes time to register first for their classes, get situated with their coaches and buy books." said USC Admin.

I was looking all over the place and in pure amazement. It felt like I was in a dream and there was music playing in the background. I couldn't believe I was finally here. As we were making our way to the athletic department, I stumbled upon a familiar poster that I saw during my campus visit earlier this year.

"Darren Jones." I said.

I remember that name and his poster. Oh yeah, that's the guy who is the freshman running back from Georgia. I'm sure he's really popular here and has all the girls after him. As I gazed up at his poster I couldn't help but notice how good looking he was. All football players are pricks and I'm sure he's a douchebag like the rest of them.

"Alex, catch up son." Dad said.

"Coming sir." I said.

We finally arrived at the athletic department and I met with my coaches and a few other team mates. The head coach of the track team was Coach Marco Petrino. He's an all-time record holder who ran for USC back in the day and is a decorated olympian with a couple of gold medals. Coach Petrino was born in Italy and came to America when he was just 5 years old. He dominated track during his era and accomplished so much. I have much respect for him and can't wait to work with him and his staff.

"Alex, it's a pleasure to have you on my team and run for USC." Coach Petrino said.

"Yes sir, I'm excited Coach and can't wait to run for this great institution." I said.

"You'll do great here and if you stay focused and work hard, I'll make sure your years here at USC are successful." Coach Petrino said.

"Also, you can call me Coach P or Coach Petrino, either one is fine." Coach said.

"Thanks Coach!" I said.

"Well, I'll let you get settled in Alex and meet with the rest of the staff. We start practice in a couple of weeks and I'll see you around." Coach P said.

I was so excited and Mom and Dad could see the joy in my eyes. We ended up getting all of my classes registered and purchased about 10 books from the bookstore. We made a few runs to the stores to grab some bedding, a refrigerator, and a few groceries. Luckily, since I'm an athlete and my parents are paying for my school out of pocket, I get my own dorm room with a suite mate. I was scared that I was going to end up rooming with someone in an open room setting. I get some privacy and that's cool. I met my roommate and he's from Seattle and his name is Landon. Landon is an Asian guy majoring in biology as well and he's on the boys swim team. Glad I got someone cool.

"Landon, this is my mom and dad, Judge Wright and Dr. Wright." I said.

"Hi." Landon said.

"So Landon, Alex tells me that you're also a pre med major," said Dad.

"Yes sir, my entire family are doctors and I'm following in the family footsteps." said Landon.

"Sounds familiar." Dad said.

"I'm going to let you boys get acquainted, Alex, we are going to head back to the hotel and get some rest." "We will see you in the morning," said Dad.

After everyone left I jumped on my bed and just laid there for a few moments and realized that I'm actually living out my dream and that I'm at USC. I pinched myself because this doesn't seem real.


"Come in." I said.

"Hey dude, I'm going to grab some food at the diner, you want to walk down with me." said Landon.

"Um sure." I said.

Landon Nguyen is the cutest asian boy I've ever seen. He was definitely built like a swimmer and pretty tall for an asian guy, but he is so down to Earth and very friendly. Landon stood about 5 '11 and a half or 6 feet, he weighs about 160 pounds, dark tan skin, walnut shaped eyes, and smooth dark brown almost black hair. He kept it cut short and a few bangs in the front. I'm not sure if he's gay or straight yet, but I'm hoping my gaydar will reveal some things to me this semester.

"Yo Landon, do you mind showing me where the student workout facility is?" I said.

"Yeah, it's a few yards over from where we are going, we can make a stop there on the way to the dining hall." Landon said.


Josh: Yooo!

Alex: What's up bro?

Josh: Wyd

Alex: I'm going to grab some food. I'm with my roommate now

Josh: Oh word, is he cool? Is he weird?

Alex: Nah, he's actually pretty chill bro. Cool dude so far and showing me around a bit. When you get here, I'll introduce yall.

Josh: Bet

Alex: How are things back at home?

Josh: Good, just ready to be on the coast with you broski

Alex: Soon!!

Landon and I finally made our way to the student gym and when I say that this gym was super bad ass, I mean it was nice and big as fuck. There were so many lifting stations, treadmills, workout rooms, indoor swimming pools, tennis courts, an indoor football training center with a track. I was in love.

"This place is sick!" I said.

"Yeah bro, that's part of the reason why I came to this school because of the amazing swim team and their love for the sport. A lot of their swimmers go to the Olympics and that's been a very big dream of mine." Landon said.

As we made our way around towards the indoor track, I noticed the football team was practicing there and I decided to take a look. Landon followed right behind me and told me that they're working on the main football field and getting it ready for the upcoming season, but the players also practice here with the track team.

"I see this is where I'm going to be in a couple of weeks." I said.

As we were walking out and headed towards the exit, someone yelled out loud.

"Heyyy, heads up."

Before I could turn around and look up, I see this huge 6'2 man built like a machine heads towards me and almost knocks me down. I managed to move out of the way within seconds and he caught the ball in front of me.

"My apologies man."

We locked eyes and it must have felt like a minute of just looking at each other. I knew it was only a few seconds, but it felt like it. Darren Jones is his name. He's the hotshot running back from Savannah, Georgia. Sophomore and has already been scouted by the NFL since he landed here. He's the type of man that was built in the country by uncles and brothers and a stern father who breeds hyper masculinity. A macho man if you will! Darren was of caramel complexion standing at just over 6'2 and weighing in at 185-190 pounds. Solid muscles and a few tattoos to go on his sleeve. He looks like your typical over masculine football player, but I'm sure he has a soft spot to him. My eyes naturally made my way down to his crotch area and OMG!!! His compression shorts were white and you could see the outline of his dick. It looked like a baby's arm. I was so blown away that he caught me staring at it.

Darren ran back to his practice squad and I hurried and gathered myself together and caught up with Landon and we made our way to the dining hall.

"So what do you think?" said Landon.

"About what?" I said.

"The student workout facility," said Landon.

"I like it a lot, I'm glad this is my new home." I said.

"Hey Landon," I said.

"Yeah." said Landon.

"Does the football team always workout there?" I said.

"As far as I know, yeah." Said Landon.

We got some food and made our way to the table and sat down and ate and talked about more college stuff. I was thankful that I had a roommate to show me the ropes a bit and also help me find things. I'm looking forward to new beginnings.

The next day, I got a call from Dad saying that they were on their way back over to the campus to get a few more items. Mom, Dad, and Jasmine were flying out Sunday afternoon and we have one more day to spend together.

"Hey son, I was thinking after we make a few store runs, let's check out the beach today. It's sunny and the weather is nice out for a Saturday." Dad said.

"Oh that would be awesome Dad." I said.

"Great, I'll see you in about an hour." Dad said.

I was so excited to get out of the town and see some more of the city. We made our way to Santa Monica and stopped by the pier. We took a couple of pictures and ate some food before heading towards the beach. Jasmine and I had our swimsuits on and mom and dad were just relaxing up under an umbrella. It was a good feeling having the family there and getting to spend more time with them. I convinced Dad to drive by UCLA so I can see just how close I am to Josh. Turns out we are like twenty minutes away from one another.

"We leave tomorrow son and your mother and I have decided to give you your own American Express card, but they need to be for emergencies only." Dad said.

"OH SHIT!" I said. "I mean Oh Shot."

"Oh Dad this is the best!" I said.

We spent about another hour at the beach and slowly wrapped the day up and headed back towards the hotel. I decided to stay with them one more night and see them off on Sunday. I had to get back to my dorm and get settled because I'm going to start hitting the gym and doing some pre-drills with some of the guys from the team. This will help me get to know them and a few of the coaches before we actually start Summer practice. My mind is solely focused on school and track and nothing else.

Sunday rolled around fast and I couldn't believe that my family would be leaving me in a few hours. We grabbed some breakfast together and they took me over to the school. I gave them all hugs and watched them get into the Black SUV and drive off. Sunday evening approached and I chilled in my room for the most part. I caught up with Landon and talked with him for a few minutes and went off into my room. I rolled over to my nightstand and picked up my journal and began to write my first weekend at USC.

Dear Journal,

Well, we've made it to college and I'm officially a USC Trojan. I got settled into my room and met my suitemate and his name is Landon. Landon is from Seattle and is a swimmer. Seems like a pretty awesome guy so I'm hoping we click well. I have all of my studies and books and even registered for all of my classes. I met with Coach Petrino and found out that practice begins in two weeks. I don't know what I'm going to do for two weeks. I guess I can hit the gym everyday and also hit the indoor track to practice with a few of the fellas. I miss Coach Jay and being around him. He worked me so well while in Florida and I know I want get any treatment like that here. I have to be focused on school and school only. But, I ran into the school's running back and he is very good looking! Or shall I say, he ran into me! Either way, I'm not interested but a boy sure can look. Until then, keep working hard, keep striving to be great. You've got this Alex!

I closed my journal and just laid there and was thinking about being held and having Coach Jay hold me in his arms. I miss that feeling and having his cock shoved deep inside me. I honestly felt his power when he would go balls deep. The sense of being powerless had me really horny. I dreamed of summer nights when I would let Jay take advantage of me and had me bent over for him at any given moment. I became his pussy boy and I didn't mind giving it to him.


Coach Jay: Hey stranger!

Alex: Coach!!

Coach Jay: How's my boy?

Alex: Good Coach, I was just thinking of you.

Coach Jay: Oh really?

Alex: Yes

Coach Jay: I hope it was good then.

Alex: Of course, I was hoping you could come up this way maybe before my track season started. I'm going to be super busy, but I want to see you.

Coach Jay: I'll let you know Alex, school is starting soon and I have a set of new boys that are running this year. Practice is going to be heavy but I will try to make my way to Cali.

Alex: Thanks Coach!

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