Hero in the Hallways

By moc.loa@nootacceMneerG

Published on Dec 23, 2004


This story is fictional. If you are not over the age of 18 or are opposed to this type of material please Do Not Read It. Also this story belongs to Green and reproductions without permission are not allowed.

Hi this is my story A hero in writing. Volume 2 in The hero saga. I would like to thank George Z for editing.

I dedicate this one for all of you people that responded me with your comments about A hero in the hallways. Including you George z, Keith, Simon and Madison-aysha who gave me the kick I needed to finish volume one. This story is for Jonas.

A Hero In writing will take a different tune than volume 1. It will be better please let me know what you think. Email me Greenmeccatoon@aol.com. Please visit my website. www.geocities.com/greenmeccatoon/

A Hero In Writing

By Green

Part 1 Connections


"Where Is author Jonathan Williams? Thousands ponder as the sequel to Hallway Hero, Hero Of Words, flies off book shelves across America. The young author went into seclusion earlier this year due to unknown reasons. Fans of the book speculate that this might be a marketing ploy to sell the books and the movie." The host of one of those entertainment News magazines blurted out. "We've gotten word from secure sources that the author fears for his life, after a series of events that happened a year ago."

"Hallway Hero the movie has crossed it's seventy million mark at the box office, with it's second week at number one. sequel rumors are buzzing. As very big name stars prepare to play the roles, we spoke to Melissa Browning the actress playing herself in Hallway Hero. The actress has just been nominated for best Supporting actress."

"Do you know where Jonathan Is?" The host asked Mel as they cut to her interview.

"Yeah off course," Mel answered. "I just talked to him today. He's fine." She lied.

"Is this a marketing ploy?"

"No. He's just deep into writing his next book he is really busy."

"There are rumors of a sequel. Is there an ounce of truth to that?"

I switched the channel. There was yet another magazine show speaking of me.

"We spoke to Craig Peterson one of the true life characters in Hallway Hero at the premier."

"Where Is Jonathan?" The host asked Craig. "Are you still talking to him,?" He didn't answer he just smiled and kept walking.

"There you have it folks. The mystery continues. For more updates visit our website." I turned the V Off.

Chapter 1

Craig was completely out of my life. No matter how hard I tried he just doesn't respond to me. I couldn't blame him. I was the one who left. I knew I would regret it but it had to happen this way. I still don't remember everything but what I did remember was significant enough for me.

"I can't say that my past actions were the best. In fact I can't even say that I thought they were right. I left all I had to regain what was once mine. I am alone and It was by my choice. I regret it yes but It had to be done. I just hope that you have it in your heart to forgive me. I am back in New York now. I know it's been at least a year since you saw me last. I don't expect that you waited for me but I want to see you Craig," I said into the phone. It's all I had left. I knew he listened to his messages.

My cell phone rang. I picked it up. "Hello? Craig?"

"Yes honey?" said Mel.

"Hey Mel how are you?"

"Hey mystery man. I'm fine I just got a role in a new movie."

"That's great Mel."

"I'm in New York. Can I come over."

"Can I meet you somewhere?"

"John you can't deal with your life like this. It's Over Helene is dead." I kept quiet. I really wanted to tell her about the letter. "You need to let people In. And this leaving in seclusion you've done that before remember. It doesn't work." Yet this time The reason was my life.

"Why don't I meet you at your hotel."

"OK, John you win. Either way I have something to give you. I'm in room seventeen on the seventh floor."

I put on a black hoodie. I made sure I had my mase and my cell phone. I was headed towards the post office. I had moved from my old apartment. I couldn't deal with what happened there. Every time I went by that place I picture glass and blood in my mind. I had nightmares almost every night. No one but my agent knows where I live. My agent bought my place under an alias. I needed to seclude myself once again.

I wasn't safe and I knew that. Dominique could be anywhere so I kept a low profile. I very rarely did interviews or book signings. I didn't tell anyone about the letter that he sent me. I couldn't let them worry about me. I took self defense classes. I even bought a gun and learned how to shoot it at a shooting range.

I was extremely paranoid. My apartment was wired with an expansive security system. There was a camera built into the door that was hooked onto a computer terminal. There was motion sensors everywhere.

I put in the code before I shut the door. I looked back behind me to make sure no one was there. I lived my life like this now. If there was any possibility that Dominique was coming for me I wouldn't make it easy.

"She may be gone but I'm still here. Dominique." That one sentence made me it's slave.

Hallway Hero crossed the seventy five million mark. The studio wanted to buy the rights of my next book. It was stated in their contract that they had first choice. My fans had bought the sequel in record numbers. Everyone wanted more and more.

This time around Mel was the one that was famous. She was nominated for numerous awards for her role in the movie. One of those magazines named her this years rising star. Drew had also made it big with his band. Their CD was a hit their new video had heavy rotation on the music channels on TV. They were even allowed to play themselves in the Hallway Hero movie and contributed to the soundtrack. My books were flying of the shelves and here I was cowardly hiding from the world.

I once again lost myself In New York City. I always kept a low profile to make sure nobody recognized me. I still occasionally saw somebody reading my book. I was tempted to just go ever there and sign it for them but I couldn't. I was no one now and until I knew I was safe that's who I'd be.

I hailed a cab and told him where to take me. I looked at the city as we made our way to the hotel. I always loved the city at night. The lights that Illuminated the empire estate building always had me transfixed. Tonight they were red and green for Christmas. The lights shone vibrantly in the snow and the purple sky.

"You going to meet your girl, Yes?" asked the driver in a thick accent.

"No, Just a friend." I answered as we passed Times Square.

"I have seen you before. Yes?" I nodded. "Yes I remember you. You are the book writer. That book Hero in the hall."

"Hallway Hero," I corrected.

"My wife, she read your books. We just saw your movie. Fantastic."

"Thank you, but I really don't have a say in the movie making. I just signed the contract."

"Hey can I ask you question?"


"What about this boy Dominique? What happened to him?" I froze. He noticed. "I'm sorry am I crossing line with question?" Every time I heard that name It made me uncomfortable.

"No your not crossing the line. I don't know where he is. I know he was released but other than that I don't know." I replied as he pulled up to the hotel.

"OK, I tell you what you sign my book and I give you ride no charge," He said as he extended his copy to me. I signed it. "Thank you much," he said as he pulled away. I looked over to one of the buildings there was a huge billboard advertising The movie.

The news stations were going crazy and so were the message boards. Everyone wanted to know where I was. There was a whole website with sightings of me and pictures. Almost all of the pictures were fake but they had one of me at the grocery store. I had my agent contact them and they removed the picture.

I headed inside the lobby of the hotel. I headed towards the elevator. There was a group of people on so I waited for the next elevator to come. To my relief I was the only one this one. I got off at the seventh floor and found room Seventeen. I hesitated to knock for a second. I took a deep breath.

I saw someones shadow. I knocked. "I'm coming yelled Mel from the other side." I knocked harder. I saw the shadow coming. "John are you OK?" she had opened the door as I realized the shadow came from one of the cleaning ladies. "John!" she said as she pulled me in to her room. She looked out into the hallway.

"You freaked out over the cleaning lady?"

"I thought it was someone else."

"John how long have you been living like this?"

"Mel I'm fine. I have everything under control."

She looked at me for a second. I took her in too. "You look beautiful."

"Don't change the subject," she said as she eyed me suspiciously. "Thank you. Now give me a hug." I held her close noticing Michael's journal on her vanity. I always wanted to read it but I felt it wasn't my place. "Oh I have to give you some thing." I watched as she grabbed the journal from the vanity. "I want you to read this."

"Mel I," I began to say but she insisted.

"No John this is just as yours as it's mine. Here John."I stared at it before I took it. "John It's not going to kill you." I froze. "Oh bad choice of words."

"it's OK Mel. I'm just paranoid."

"I really don't see why. I think you need to get yourself some help."

"No Mel seriously I'm OK," I said hoping that she would drop the subject all together.

"What aren't you telling me? What's got you so spooked?"

"Nothing Mel It's just Helene and her death it took a lot out of me."

"No It's not that but you aren't going to tell me so let's go get dinner."

She had a limo pick us up. "Where are we going?" I asked as we pulled away from the hotel.

"Oh this little place I know."

I watched the city in silent desperation as the limo drove us across town. I wished I would have stayed home. At least I had control over what happened there.

"Have you talked to Aaron and Meghan?" I nodded "They've been in the city for a while and you still don't talk to them."

"I haven't had the time. With writing and all."

The limo pulled up to a fancy looking restaurant. Some photographers got out of their cars and flashes surrounded us. "Shit," I thought as we walked in.

"Surprise!" Yelled everybody I knew. I froze. I was ambushed.

I wanted to leave but he stopped me from leaving. That face. "Craig?" tears were coming from my eyes. I couldn't believe it. I walked over to him. I stopped when I noticed he was talking to someone and holding his hand. He didn't even notice me.

"Happy birthday Son," said my father.

"Oh thank you Dad," I said as he hugged me.

Aaron and Meghan joined us. "I just read the book It's great." Said Meghan. I smiled but I was really choking. There he was the love of my life and he was there with somebody else.

"Have you seen the movie yet?" Aaron asked me.

"No I can't bring myself to," I stopped when I noticed Craig was looking at me. "I can't go back to that."

"Happy birthday to you," Sang my mother from behind me. I turned to her. She held a cake with a number two candle on it. I smiled. My mother always put the wrong number on my birthday cakes. I blew the candle and everyone applauded.

"You thought we forgot your birthday huh?" Asked Mel.

"No actually I forgot my birthday." That seemed to hit a sour note with everyone. They just looked at each other. "Oh come on it's a joke." I lied trying to brighten the mood. Everyone gave uneasy giggles.

We sat and ordered our food. Craig stared at me throughout the whole dinner as I caught up with everyone. Meghan and Aaron were doing great In New York. She had gotten a job in a local magazine and he was running a skateboarding business in Brooklyn. Mr. Peterson sat next to me. "I hear a rumor of a sequel," Joked Mr. Peterson. Mel just smiled getting his joke. I smiled.

"You know I finally read that book?" said my father to my shock.

"Dad, you weren't supposed to read that." I Whined.

"Hey I wanted to read it this whole time."

"Dad you promised me. "

"I read it too said my mother," I couldn't believe it. "I never knew you felt this way about these things John. I never knew it was that rough."

"Well I'm still here," I said as I looked over to Craig.

He seemed to understand and nodded his head. Then he looked back to the guy he was with. That hurt. I excused myself and walked over to the bathroom. I really just wanted a way out. I lost him forever now. I noticed an exit door on the other side. I took it and walked away from the restaurant. I pulled my hoodie close to me.

"John!" someone yelled. I hailed a cab. I got in as he pulled over and I never looked back. My cell phone rang. I shut it off.

I had the cab pull over a block or so from my apartment. It was just a precaution. I couldn't be to cautious. I felt the pocket in my hoodie to make sure I still had the journal. I really wanted to read it.

My phone rang as I reached my apartment. I checked the caller id to see who it was. It was Mel. I really didn't want to answer. There was three messages on the answer machine. I pressed play.

The first message was my agent. He wanted me to meet with him about some new contracts. The second was Mel. "Jonathan answer your phone. I cant believe you left you son of a bitch. Call me." The third stopped me dead in my tracks. "John, I want to talk to you. Call me John," said Craig's voice. It took everything for me not to call him back.

"Too late asshole," I thought as I sat down and read Michael's Journal.

Chapter 2

From The Journal Of Michael.

Am I a lie? Are we all a Lie? I live my life in secret. Not the type of secret you might think just the secret that will end my life. When you are part of a social crowd you have to keep up an image. Especially when it's the popular crowd. My problem is that I am a part of two crowds. Two crowds completely opposite from each other. My secret makes this all unimportant.

I would consider leaving one for the other but I had to much to lose on both sides. What could I lose, you ask? Well I could lose my friends. No really I mean that. Being with the punks I can be myself. I can play my music and I can sing, I can be friends with Drew, but with the popular kids I have to hide myself. I know what your thinking If it's so bad why do you keep coming back? there are two people that keep me coming back. Mel and John.

I imagine that these people I speak of will some day read this after I am gone. So let me tell them that I have never met three people as special as they are. Even though they tore me apart I will always be loyal to them.

I'm in love. Yes I'm in love with the most beautiful person I have ever seen. If only she would notice me as much as she noticed him. Mel, The one that took my heart, my life that was in love with John. Jonathan, Who was Drew's crush.

"Why don't you tell her?" I think to myself every time I see you.

"What are you writing?" she asks every time she sees me writing here. Her red hair drove me wild. Those bright eyes and that beautiful smile.

"Just some home work," I would reply.

"Have you seen John?" she would then ask breaking my heart. I would facilitate the heartbreak by pointing to John who would just happen to be walking by us.

John. My friend. He was so far away from all of us. He was higher than we could all be. So much popular than I could ever dream of. He was everyones friend. The nicest guy you could ever meet.. He was untouchable to me. Too perfect maybe. Yet as I realized these things I knew that Inside he kept something. Yet he balances everything so well. Always moving. Always here always there.

Then last but not least there is Drew. He was there for me and I was there for them. I guess I should really say he was my best friend. He was my wing man when the populars weren't around. Of all the people I knew he needed me the most. I was his rock. I hope that when I'm gone he would be strong enough for himself as I was for him.

"Why would I be gone?" because my days are counted and I know that. I have cancer and I am no longer living for me. I'm living for them. That's my secret. Nobody but me knows.

"Hi guys," Said John as I write. "I want to run for president."

"That's a good Idea you know you would win," I said. He had a loyal following. He was the prince of our court. The leader of the populars. As far as I was concerned he held them in his hands.

"Yeah but I heard meatball is running. She would have my head," John Said as the bell rang.

Why does drew put up with me? There he sat alone and bored as everyone talked to their friends sharing extremely shallow versions of their lives. He sat alone as I sat with those that ran this school. If it wasn't for John and Mel I would be right over there sharing my shallow life with him.

"Are you paying attention to me?" John asks breaking me away from my writing.

"Yeah John I'm paying attention. Go on," I said. Yes go on share with me your whole life. Share with me what you keep inside. Tell me why you ignore Mel when she practically throws herself at you. Tell me why you are staring at Charlie Ireson.

"Well I need at least fifty votes to qualify," he said but I was no longer aware of him. Melissa Browning, the gorgeous Melissa Browning had just made her way through the door of our crowded English class. She could stop time and for me she often did.

"Hi John," She said completely ignoring me. Giggles came from somewhere behind me as she sat next to John and not me.

"Mel am I that invisible? Am I not good enough to warrant an acknowledgment that would make my day. Do I not deserve to hear your voice say my name," I thought.

"Hi Michael," She finally said sending my heart an electricity jolt.

"Hi Mel," I shyly responded. Then the smile came. Somewhere across the classroom I knew Drew was laughing at me. He would tease me for hours later.

"Michael are you doing anything after school today?" Asked John. What could I say? He had me in school but Drew needed me after school.

"Yeah I have to do something with my dad," I lied but it kept them from knowing. Drew deserves my attention as much as they do. Even if he has to wait.

I had to balance them. I feel myself breaking apart inside. Like I said i am living for them now. I know I wont make it till the end of the year. I want to be there for all three of them. I want them to remember me at my strongest.

"So how was your day?" I ask Drew When I meet him after school. He would shrug. I know what that means. He's mad at me. "Drew what's wrong?" he doesn't answer.

I See the bruises on his back as he takes his sweater off to change. It hurts to see a friend in pain. "Michael can you hand me my guitar," He asks knowing full well that I saw the bruises.

"He hit you again?"

"It's no big deal. It could have been worst," He said trying to change the subject as he played a riff.

"Drew, you cant live like this."

"I have to live like this. I ain't rich like you are. I have nowhere else to go. Now are you going to play or what?"

I tried playing but my heart wasn't into it. How could I let this happen to him. Me that lives in the big house. "Drew if you want to you can crash at my house tonight."

"No It's best if I go home. Plus your parents don't want me around you."

Yes my parents. Those bastards. They hated anyone or anything that wasn't like them. "I can sneak you in through my window. They would never know."

"Hey I might be poor but I have my dignity. I am not going where I'm not wanted. Thanks for the offer though."

Something in me kicked in. tonight I would play and sing like I never had before. I am going to play away my feelings. I am going to play away my pain.

Chapter 3

Where did this come from. I thought as I put the journal down. Tears were coming from my eyes. Michael had written this. He was living for us. "I wish I knew sooner,." I thought. I would have read more but it got to me.

I walked over to my bed and I got in. It was to much. Everything was to much. Craig was to much. Michael's journal was too much. My life was too much. I cried myself to sleep.

Sometimes I thought I saw him clearly. There he was the Love of my life. Sometimes it's as if he's behind a smoky glass and he shuts off the light. I can't get closer to him and I can't see in the dark. Was he punishing me?

I took a deep breath as I got off the elevator. The head of the studio that produced the movie wanted to meet with me. We were In talks to produce the sequel to hallway hero and he wanted me to be more involved with it's production. I was ready to decline. I don't really want to be a part of that and I really wanted to be as low profile as possible.

I walked over to the receptionist that escorted me to the conference room. The head of the studios was there with several other important people and the director. My agent sat on the other side with my lawyers.

"Mr. Williams it's a pleasure to finally meet you. I'm Austin Smith." Said the Director extending his hand. I shook it and smiled. I greeted the rest of them and we sat to negotiate.

They had doubled the amount I was paid. They wanted me to have a cameo in the movie as well. They also wanted me to write the script. They felt it would give legitimacy to the story.

"OK we would like to be able to proceed but we have a minor problem,"said my agent.

"What is that Arthur?" Said the head of the studio.

"My client would really like to be involved less than what you would like him to be."

I explained it to them carefully leaving the part about Dominique out. They seemed to understand. I would do the cameo at the end of their shoot but that would be the extent of my involvement. I signed the papers and they offered to take me out to dinner to celebrate. I declined and Left for my apartment. That night on the news they announced the sequel.

I pressed play on my answer machine. "John call me I'm serious. I really need to talk to you," said Craig's voice. It hurt every time I heard it. The second message clicked on. "John this is Craig again. I was going to go by your house but it occurred to me I that I don't know where you live now. I called your agent and asked for the address but they wouldn't give it to me. Call me John."

The third message was Mel. "How dare you leave. I will have your head for this. Meet me tonight at my hotel. If you don't come I will have no choice than to disown you."

I looked at Michael's Journal. I wanted to read from it again. I went to pick it up but The phone rang. I let the answer machine take it. "Hey Open the door It's Craig. I'm outside." I froze.

The phone rang once more. "John answer your phone please. Let me in I need to talk to you. I won/t call again John."

I walked over to the door and looked a the camera screen. There he was. Craig the one I would die for. He knocked on the door. "John I know you can see me. Please answer the door. I need you to answer the door."

I hesitated a minute before I started to unlock the door. There he was looking at me as I looked at him. I wanted him more than I ever did. I just needed him to acknowledge me. I needed him to let me in. I needed him to say yes.

"Come in Craig," I said he stepped inside I quickly closed the door.

"Nice dark place you have here John," He said. I took him in once more. He was so close.

"Craig why are you here?"

He pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to me. I already knew what it was.

Chapter 4

Dominique sat alone in the middle of the room. The room was empty except for one chair. And all of the papers he had thrown across the room. Yet he liked it like this. Yeah he liked it like this. He was miles away from where he was supposed to be and nobody cared. He was the key now.

"Ha," he screamed to himself.

Helene was gone. "The tormentor" as he called her. "I hated you, but I tolerate family," he thought as he looked at the news paper on the floor. It had Helene's face on it . Helene Mayer was shot down by the FBI today after killing two detectives and a failed attempt to kill author Jonathan Williams.

"John Williams, Author Jonathan Williams, who would have thought that asshole could have made it this far," he thought.

Dominique got up from his chair and walked over to the window. "Oh Helene would be furious if she knew," he thought.

"Time to go," he said to himself and walked out of the room.

Dominique walked onto the subway and headed towards Brooklyn. He had a few people there that he needed to see. He looked at the piece of paper he held in his pocket and waited as the train crossed the river.

His destination was a small Skateboarding shop in Brooklyn. He saw it immediately as he stepped on to the platform. "Here goes nothing," he thought as he made his way to Aaron's Skateboarding shop.

Aaron was talking to a couple of kids as Dominique walked in. Aaron didn't notice him at first but when he did his eyes got wide.

"You and I need to talk," Said Dominique as he handed Aaron the paper. "I didn't write that." Aaron looked at the paper and then back to Dominique. Aaron pulled out his own piece of paper.

Next: Chapter 8: Hero in Writing 2

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