Hero in the Hallways

By moc.loa@nootacceMneerG

Published on Nov 1, 2004


This story is fictional. If you are not over the age of 18 or are opposed to this type of material please Do Not Read It. Also this story belongs to Green and reproductions without permission are not allowed.

Hi this is my story A Hero In The Hallways. Please tell me what you think. Email me Greenmeccatoon@aol.com.

A Hero In The Hallways by Green Part six



I felt the cold steel on my temple. It couldn't end like this. Everyone I knew, Everything I had ever done and all that ever mattered to me came to mind. "You don't need to do this Helene," I said.

"But I do Jonathan," she said pulling me towards her. "I have to do this because if I don't then I can't forgive myself." she dropped the gun to her side. "Why do you always win Jonathan? Why cant you just let me have what I want?"

"Helene you already won. You took everything I had," I said slowly as she got closer to me. I could smell the sweat on her. Her eyes locked on me seductively.

"Why Jonathan?" She put the gun in my face again. "It's so easy. I pull this trigger and your gone from my life. Never again will I see you." She pulled herself close again. "You know your so hot. If only you and me could."

"Do it," said Dominique cutting her off. "It's about time he got what he deserved."

"Shut up Dominique," she yelled back. He seemed taken aback.

"Let me go. Please don't do this," I pleaded. Dominique pulled out a gun of his own.

"If you aren't going to do it then I will," He said bringing the gun into my face. I shook my head.

"Where did you get a gun?" she asked him.

"Shut up Helene I'm trying to concentrate." He got closer to me. "You know me and you could have worked out. She is right you are hot."

"You guys are fucking psycho!" I yelled once Again.

He looked away from me to Helene. "He thinks we're psychos," he said to her and then looked back towards me. "You have no Idea." Helene pistole whipped him. He went down really fast.

"You know he can get annoying. He can't take this away from me. I have waited far too long," she said putting the gun in my face.

At that point I excepted the fact that I was going to die. The look in her eyes told me that much. I closed my eyes and expected it to be over. All I heard was the sound of sirens. I opened my eyes. Dominique was on the ground. Helene was running towards her car as the police came from the other side.

"Get on the ground," Yelled the police.

It was like a dream. I was alive. I was alive. I wanted to jump for joy but then I thought back to the security officer. I hoped he wasn't dead.

"Get on the ground," said the police officer as he kicked the gun away from Dominique's hand. "What is your name?"

"Jonathan Williams<" I replied as the other officer helped Dominique up.

"What happened here."

I recounted the whole story. He wrote down what he needed and drove me home. He told me that the Security officer had a broken leg and collar bone but he would be OK.

My parents were waiting for me when they got home. I hugged them both. Mel was also Inside. "I'm sorry John," she said.

"For what?"

"That I didn't chase after you. I heard you but I was afraid and."

"Mel it's OK I'm here now. It's good that they didn't see you." I found out later that she had called the police. Mel had actually saved my life.

My parents became extremely protective of me. They made sure I was never without someone. We had a police officer placed at school and at my house. My friends took turns with me. Helene was still on the loose.

Dominique was taken to a psychiatric hospital. He would face trial when Helene was caught. Unfortunately we wouldn't know when that would be.

I however became a paranoid wreck. I would freak out at everything. I wouldn't leave the house unless it was strictly necessary. She was out there And I wasn't going to take that chance.

Mel was in the same state that I was. We fed of each other. We got closer and bonded over lifetime movies and delivered pizzas that we had the Officer check to make sure it was safe to eat.

"Why is it that when you get pizza delivered it always gets nasty after ten minutes?" She asked.

"What are you talking about?"

"Well look," she said opening the pizza box."the cheese turns a weird yellow color." I looked over to it.

"But pizza is awesome when it's cold."

We formed a false sense of security. I guess it helped us deal with everything.

"You should call Craig over."

"Why? were having fun just you and me."

"Because he is your boyfriend."

"You know what this feels like? Like one of these sappy movies we watch."

"Shut up. Why do we even watch these movies?"

"Because they are food for our pathetic souls," I said as I handed her a slice of pizza.

"You know you can stop babysitting me. I can deal by myself now."

"But I like being around you."

"Call you man." She said pointing at the phone. "Plus these movies are just for women. Get it Women."

I walked over to the phone and dialed Craig's cell phone. It rang three times before he answered. "Hello?" he said.



"Whatcha doing?"

"I'm watching a sappy Lifetime movie." I laughed. "What's so funny?"

"Well You have to ask Mel? I want you to come over."

"I'll be there In a minute," he said before closing on me.

It actually took him ten minutes. He knocked the door and I let him in. "I didn't know what to wear," He said as he walked in.

"Well you were supposed to wear a g string," I said pulling him close to me.

"Maybe you should get the police officer to strip for you," he said before he kissed me.

"Get a room both of you," Said Mel, And we did we went to my room. We made out for hours. He was mine once again, and I gave myself to him. It was perfect. He was perfect.

School was getting back to normalcy. I began writing. I would write for hours on end. I poured my soul into my writing. I felt that it had a far greater purpose.

Mr. Peterson checked in on me everyday. He made sure I was writing. My teachers said they loved my writing. I let Craig read it. He seemed really overwhelmed by it.

"This is crazy. How can you remember these things so vividly?" He asked me after he read the first chapter.

"I don't know. I just remember things."

"Well either way this is really good stuff."

"Thank you."

"When is chapter two coming out?"

"Soon I promise."

"What are you reading?" asked Mel as she walked into my room.

"John's autobiography," Said Craig.

"Ooh can I read it?"

"No. It's not ready yet," I said snatching the papers from Craig's hand.

"How come he can and I can't?"

"Because I can give him something you can't," Craig yelled and I blushed. Mel gave a hurling gesture.

"Shut up jerk," I said leaving my room. I printed a copy for Craig to read but I wasn't ready for anybody else to read it. Mel and Craig followed me out to my fathers office.

"I never thought things would end up like this," I said as I fed the paper to the shredder.

"You are so paranoid john," said Mel. "All I have to do is go on the computer and bring it up."

"You know she's right," Said Craig. Mel took off for my computer and locked herself in my room.

"Mel don't. Mel Open the door!" I yelled banging at my bedroom door. I heard a scream. "Mel What's Wrong?" I got no answer. My instincts kicked In. I broke the door with my shoulder.

There I found her terrified. Helene stood behind her with a knife on her neck...


"I still don't get it," I said as I put the book down.

"What's that?" asked Drew.

"How does she get into my parents house undetected. These cops must be incompetent."

"I read something about that a while back. I guess part of your house the cops couldn't see from the outside."

Helene had escaped once again. They figured that she pulled herself up from the window to a ledge that runs on the upper floors of the hospital and got herself into a room.

"How aren't you terrified. I read that book and I couldn't piss straight for a week."

"Well I know that I'm still alive. That kinda cancels it out."

"That's true."

Drew and I became good friends. I think I took him by surprise that I was a rich kid and I was still a good person. I think he expected me to be an asshole like the people I used to hang out with.

"Do you remember any of that?"

"No Drew. I remember a bit here and there but not everything. I don't think I will regain my full memory."

"Maybe that's for the best. I wouldn't want to remember half of that," he said as he helped me out of bed. "Well sir I guess this would be goodbye."


"Well I figure you are leaving here and then back to New York."

"Yeah but I don't want us to stop being friends just because I am going back home."

"I'm sorry it's just that I don't have many friends here."

Mel picked me up at the airport. I waved to Drew as we pulled out of the hospital. "He seems like a nice guy."

"Yeah he is. I feel like I should do something for him."

"There you go again the Hero trying to save the day."

"I'm not a Hero Mel. Not that I want to be the victim either."

"Well, i know him from way back. He used to live in the same trailer park I used to live."

"I wonder if he still plays in a band maybe I can help him out with that or something."

"Have you ever heard them play. They are really good."

"I should talk to my agent."

"Yeah that's a good Idea."

We drove to my parents house. We were leaving for New York that same night. I picked up my cell phone and called My agent.

"Where the fuck have you been."

"Arthur don't speak to me that way."

"I have four new offers all of them at least double what the first few were and you asked me not to speak to you this way."

"I need you to do me a favor. I need you to help out a friend of mine."

We set it all up before we reached my parents house. If they wanted me to sign one of those contracts they needed to help drew and his band get signed. I didn't expect them to actually pull it off but I expected them to at least try to get them recognition. I called the hospital.

"Drew I have a proposition for you."

"John. What are you talking about?"

"How fast can you get your band together."


"Because I just talked to my agent and He might be able to get your band a record deal."

"John you don't have to do this."

"But I want to do this. My agent will call you with the details."

It felt good to help somebody. Especially a good person that deserved it. "Oh That reminds me. I have some thing to give to you. Remind me when we get home."

I had a press conference to do with the press. I had at least two dozen reporters waiting for me. "Are you sure you want to do this?" "It's part of the plan."

"What if it doesn't work?"

"It will Mel I promise."

I stepped out of the car and was surrounded by the reporters and their flashing cameras. Three of them shoved their microphones in my face. One of the officers helped me over to where a podium was set up. The chief of police briefed the reporters on what happened and how they thought she got away.

"How did you manage to get away again?" Yelled a reporter to the back.

"I didn't she got away. A friend of mine distracted her."

"Aren't you afraid that she will try this again?"

I gave her the scripted answer. "No not really I can't live my life like that." I hoped that she was watching this. It was all planned. We were to go to New York and wait for her there. The FBI was going to be monitoring my apartment. Every response was scripted including the reporters.

"This will no doubt make you a far more famous person that you already are. Will you be writing a sequel to your book?"

That question wasn't scripted. I realized that this reporter wasn't one of the FBI ones. "I don't know yet." he wrote what I said in his notebook.

The chief escorted me into my parents house. "OK everything is set. One change though you can not staying in your apartment. It's not safe. Detective morrow will escort you to the airport. Two detectives will meet you at the airport and escort you to New York and to your apartment building. At that point they will take you in and out a back door."

I nodded It was so overwhelming. I was being used as bait to catch Helene. My parents were extremely nervous and Insisted on coming with me to New York. Mel, Aaron and Craig also offered to come.

We left in three black sedans. My parents and I were in the middle one with Detective Morrow. Mel Aaron and Craig drove ahead in the first one and we had three detectives behind us in another Sedan.

"We have reservations for you at a secure hotel in the city. Your parents and your friends will be taken there. You will meet them later after we have taken you through your building," Said detective Morrow.

"This is so scary."

"I'm not going to lie to you it is dangerous but I can guarantee you that we are doing everything possible to ensure your safety."

His words really gave me no comfort. I thought of how everything could go wrong. Everyone I love was there with me. Something could go wrong at any time.

The FBI was flying us in a jet they had charted. I met the two new Detectives. They were extremely serious about what they were going to do. They made it clear that I was in danger. They told me to do everything they said.

I took my pills before I got on the airplane. I looked for a seat in the back. I wanted to read ahead before we arrived in New York.

Craig came over and sat next to me resting his head on my shoulder as I opened the book.


She Didn't see Craig and that gave us an advantage. He padded my back and tiptoed down the stairs to the front door. All I had to do was stall Helene.

"John what the fuck?"

"Helene let her go."

"Why? She's something you have. She is valuable," She said moving closer to the window. Fear struck me when I realized what she wanted to do. "Every thing you have. I have to take. Don't worry. I wont do anything to her if you do everything I say."

"Helene Let her go."

"I need you to help me Jonathan. I can't go to jail I have to be class president next year," she said getting closer to the window.

"Helene it's over OK. Just let her go."

"What this over? No John I tell you when it's fucking over. Now you Listen to," She stopped as she saw Three cops rush into my room. They pushed me out of the way. I fell to the ground. "Helene let her go," I yelled as I watched it all go down In slow motion. She threw Mel down on the floor. Then she jumped through the window taking the Officer down with her. He shot one of her legs when she tried to get away.

"Shit!" She yelled. She tried to move, Two cops held her down as they cuffed her. "I'll get you Mother fucker. I'll get out and I will kill you," She yelled up at me. It was surreal.

Mel ran over to me. Craig hugged me as they escorted her around the house. "I'll get ya don't worry it's only a matter of time," She said as they took her out of the yard.

I gave the officer my statement. She watched me with her cold eyes. Every word that came out of my mouth was another reason for her revenge. She smiled as they drove her away.

Just like that It was over. "When good kids go wrong." Was the headline in the local paper. Who were they kidding she was never good. The paper had a picture of her and one of Dominique.

The News stations all ran the same reel of Helene's mother crying as her father gave a statement. "I never thought My daughter would do this. She was always a good kid," He said.

Mr. Peterson Gave his resignation. "I believe that the parents that run this school with their politics and their meddling should be held responsible for this. These parents need to understand that their children are capable of destroying other students lives, and when they do succeed they must be held responsible without their parents calling up the superintendent and having him revoke the punishment," He said as he left the school one last time.

The media focused on me more than any body else. Every body wanted to know my story. I had interviews with the top news anchors in the nation and internationally.

I had offers from several authors to write my story. Mr. Peterson urged me to write it myself. I wrote it all. It poured out of me in buckets. The more I wrote the better I felt. Craig was always read my stories first. Mr. Peterson made sure my teachers kept their part of the Bargain.

Helene was sentenced to fifteen years in jail with parole in eight. She was to live out that sentence in a psychiatric hospital. Her parents never knew who their daughter really was.

Dominique was given a lesser sentence of ten years with parole in three. He too was serving his sentence in the psychiatric hospital.

I was free once again to be a teenager. One that was in love. I had him alright. We finally had time to be together without any hassle.

We always went to our place at the cliff. He still counted the time in between waves. I watched in admiration. He was finally truly mine.

"Why do you look at me like that?" He asked.

"Because I can."

"What? I never said You could."

"I'd still do it anyways."

"Then I will have to sue you," He said crawling closer to me. "For emotional harassment."

"That's right. Walk closer I'm cold."

"Hey it was your Idea to come here In the middle of winter."

"Please. You'd be mad if I didn't suggest it on our anniversary."

"Oh yeah that's right. You always remember these things."

"I have to remember," Said pulling him close and giving him a big fat sloppy kiss. "I hope this lasts."

"It better," He said as he pulled me up of the ground. "Come on we have that party to attend."

My Story was being published. That I would say was a reason for celebration. Mr. Peterson had set it up at his house. All my friends were there, My teachers were invited and so were my parents. It was a good time.

"Congratulations John this is going to be a best seller," Said David handing me a copy. "Sign my copy. Please." I liked the cover. It was a picture Mike had taken of me in the class election.

Mel walked over with her copy in hand. "So am I allowed to read it now?"

"No! Give me that," I joked. She smiled and asked me to sign it. "I never thought you would be here," She said as she gave me a big hug.

I needed to speak with my parents. They were having a conversation with Mr. Peterson. I walked over. "Oh here's your brilliant son. Did somebody say best seller?" Mr. Peterson yelled as I approached them.

"Thank you," I said as my mother gave me a hug. "Mom I need to talk to you and dad alone."

"OK son," She said and excused herself from Mr. Peterson. "What's going on John."

"I need to ask something of you."

"I already Know John," said my mother.

"I didn't even say."

"John. Trust me we know and I promise I wont read the book. Your mother and I will respect your wishes." I hugged them both. "Plus maybe we could watch the movie when it's done." I laughed.

"Come on dad let's go party." I said pulling them closer to everybody.

The party went on till after midnight. "Thank you Mr. Peterson. I wouldn't be here with out you. I cant repay this." I said as he was going to bed.

"You can repay me by cleaning up this mess."

"Shut up dad! Go to bed."

"Alright Craiggy," He said disappearing up the stairs.

"Craiggy?" I mocked.

"Don't you start," He said handing me my coat. "Come on let me walk you to your car."

"But I want to help you clean up this mess."

"Don't worry dad can do it. He wants to call me Craiggy does he."

He walked me to my car. And kissed me.


It all went wrong. By the time it was over three people were dead. My body laid on the ground. The Headline read Three dead in FBI plot to catch Female Criminal Helene Mayer. They found me unconscious on the sidewalk. There was glass all around me from the glass door I fell through. You see it all Happened so fast.

Things were tense. They outfitted me with a Kevlar vest. They hid it underneath my jacket. They made sure I had a radio. There was an Officer waiting for me inside the building. I was to walk out of the Taxi and into the building and get on the elevator. The elevator was to go to the basement and from there they would escort me out the back of the building. There were agents in my apartment waiting for her.

The thought that she could be anywhere scared me but I kept my composure. I stepped of the Taxi. The taxi driver handed me my bag. The driver was an an FBI agent. He nodded at me and I began to walk towards the front door. I Instantly regretted it. Randy was the door man for tonight. "Shit," I thought. He didn't speak to me though. He was nodding his head towards the street. I didn't want to startle him but he was acting strange already.

"Hi Randy," I said but he didn't answer me. His nodding got faster and more desperate. By the time I realized what he was doing I was already inside the lobby. There was a trail of blood coming from the elevator and Helene was shooting at me. I felt the bullets hit the vest. I fell backwards through the glass door.

She shot Randy when he tried to move me away. She also shot a second agent in the head when he came down the stairs. They told me that she just kept shooting as they shot her down. She had killed the Agent that was waiting for me in the elevator.

And there I was unconscious on the sidewalk with glass all around me and blood flowing from a person I thought of as a friend. They carried me on to a stretcher. "You are going to be OK you weren't hit," Said somebody as the hoisted the stretcher into the ambulance.

"Where is my family?" I asked but no one answered."Is Randy OK?"

"MR. Williams I need your cooperation. I need to make sure that you weren't cut by the glass," She said as pulled the vest off of me.

"I need to talk to my family."

"We already checked for bullets. You weren't hit with any. OK I see not cuts on you. Provided that you don't have a concussion you are free to leave."

Randy was going to be OK. He too was outfitted with A vest. Helene had hit his leg but barely. The blood was coming from that wound. They took him to a local hospital to stitch it up.

They escorted me back to the hotel my parents and My friends were staying. Craig ran to me when he saw me. "Are you OK?" he said checking me for wounds.

"I'm OK Craig."

"What about Helene?" Mel asked.

"She's fine but."

"What happened?" My father asked.

"It was all my fault. I agreed to it. Two lives are on my hands and I don't know how to make that right. I don't know how to make sense of it. Helene killed two officers." Craig held me close as I broke down. I told them the whole story. My parents were angry ans so was Craig.

"They could have killed you!" Yelled my mother.

"It's OK Mom I'm here now."

They went on like that for an hour. I got a call from One of the FBI detectives. He apologized for what happened. He said I shouldn't blame myself for their deaths. They would have gone through with the plan with or without me.

The Media once again went wild. I signed the contract for the movie adaptation. They wanted me to write it but I declined. I couldn't relive that. My agent's firm was able to help Drew and his band. They were given a record deal at a small label. He couldn't be happier.

Aaron and Meghan moved to New York City. They truly seemed happy here. Mel moved to L.A. She was asked to play herself in the Movie adaptation. I guess they thought a real character would enhance the story. And Craig well let's just say things turn out for the best.

"I need to get away," I said To Craig as he held me. "I have to go away where nobody knows me."

"Then let's go somewhere," he said pulling me away.

"No Craig I want to go alone."

He just looked at me and let my hand fall. "John I can't go through that again."

"Craig I just. Look it's not forever just for a little time. I need you to understand that."

"I can't John." He said cutting me off. "I waited too long John and I can't put myself through that again."

I can't say that It was the right decision it was just the one I had to do at that moment. I needed to be me again. Maybe life wasn't easy. I know he waited for me for a long time but if I didn't do this then I wouldn't be the person he was waiting for. I Needed to find that person again.

"Is everything OK?" Meghan asked from the door. "I don't mean to pry but I just saw Craig leave and he was crying."

"I made a decision. One that I might regret but not as much as I would have regretted it if I didn't go through with it."

"You are going away aren't you?" I nodded. "I knew you would. Well wherever you go please make sure you find what you are looking for. He will get over it. I just hope that you will."

"I will Meghan. I will," I said from the window as I saw Craig leaving. He got into a taxi and tears formed into my eyes. It was over.


"It has been a year since the New York City Ordeal. How is that affecting your life these days?" Asked David from his side of the table.

"Everything is quiet now. Nothing exciting happens and nothing unexpected waits for me. My life is now under my control. Maybe I don't remember everything but what I do remember I cherish," I said to David. He was doing an on air interview with me on his radio show to promote the updated version of Hallway Hero.

"What about Craig? Anything between you and him?"

"No I haven't seen him in a long time."

"I have here a copy of the Updated version of Hallway Hero. It's fantastic. The first ten callers get free signed copies. So call when you hear me utter the catch phrase," He said into the Microphone.

I Stepped away and took my headphones off when I finished the Interview. He walked over to the control room and grabbed an envelope.

"Good Job John," Said Dave from the control room.

"Thank you. I just hope Craig is hearing this."

"I have a feeling he's listening don't you worry. Trust me you did the right thing."

"Thanks Dave, I'm sorry but I have to go. I'm meeting my parent's for dinner."

"Sure I'll finish up here. Hey before you go somebody left an envelope here for you."

I stepped over to the control room. David handed me the envelope. "I wonder who this is from?" I opened it and found a single piece of paper. On it there was one sentence.

"She may be gone but I'm still here. Dominique."

The end.

I want to thank all of the people That read this story. Some really inspired me to keep going. Look for a Hero In The Hallways volume 2 coming soon. Thanks Green

Next: Chapter 7: Hero in Writing 1

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