Hero in the Hallways

By moc.loa@nootacceMneerG

Published on Oct 20, 2004


This story is fictional. If you are not over the age of 18 or are opposed to this type of material please Do Not Read It. Also this story belongs to Green and reproductions without permission are not allowed.

Hi this is my story A Hero In The Hallways. Please tell me what you think. Email me Greenmeccatoon@aol.com.

A Hero In The Hallways by Green Part four Fallible

I stared at the food. I couldn't eat it. "John are you OK? You haven't touched your food," Meghan said from across the table. I looked up at her and nodded. Aaron looked at me too. He didn't say anything. I knew what I had to do.

"When are you guys going back home?" I asked. Mel looked up at me.

"We leave in a couple of days."

"I need to go back home. I need to go back tomorrow morning."

"John are you sure that's a good Idea?" asked Mel.

"I need to Mel," I said.

"I can't go with you John."

"I know Mel. It's OK you have to go to school anyways."

"I could go with you," Aaron said.

"I'd like that."

It came back to me. Just a little memory but I knew it was enough. I held his hand. Michael needed me and I was there. I waited next to him. I was there when he passed. Tears welled up in my eyes.

"I need to go to Michaels grave."

Mel began to cry. I walked over to her and embraced her. "I'm sorry Mel, I'm so sorry." I held her tight.

"I loved him so much."

How could a person do what Helene did? How could a person destroy the life of another over a school election. She had taken and crushed everything and everyone around me. Yet from that came everything I have now and I know that somewhere out there someone waits for me.

"Meghan can you please stay here with Mel?"

"Sure, can I talk to you for a second?"

"Let's go to the living room. Grab a chair I don't have furniture there yet."

We sat facing the window. You could see the glow of the city. I always looked out to the city from here. "Nice view," Meghan said.

"Thank you."

"I wanted to talk to you about Craig."

"I figured as much."

"He needs you. I know everybody is saying that maybe you should wait before you speak to him, but I am his best friend. I know what he needs more than anything, and that's you."

"My father said I should wait. Until he is ready for me."

"He isn't ready. He will never be ready. He needs you to be ready. He never talks to anyone anymore. I have to literally force words out of him. He dropped out of school and works as a dishwasher at some dive. He won't tell me where he went for so long."

"Wow. This is all my fault."

"No it's not John. When you go back please make sure you see him. Even if he doesn't want to see you."

"I will Meghan."

"Listen there is also something you should know. I know it's not something you want to hear right now but I have to tell you. He has another guy," I melted as the words came from her mouth. "I know for a fact that he doesn't like this guy. He just needs to believe in the fact that he still has you. This guy is not good for him."

"Another guy?"

"John no listen."

"I can't break his relationship up. I don't even know if I love him. I love him." I smiled. "I love him don't I?" It felt right saying those words. A vision of me holding his hands at the edge of a cliff came to mind.

"Yes you do. That isn't a relationship. He's the love of your life, and you are his. When you had your accident he used to play love songs for you cause he knew you liked them. When you woke up and didn't remember you he thought he lost you forever."

"I remember a song. I just." I began to cry.

"John just remember you guys were meant for each other. All these obstacles they are just there to make you stronger."

Aaron Met me at the airport. I bought two first class tickets. "You know you don't have to come if you don't want to?"

"It's OK I want to. Anyways I want you to get to know me again."

"I'm scared."

"Don't be dude. You are among friends."

Our flight was going to take an hour."You know I have never taken a first class flight."

"Me neither I drove here when I moved."

"Wow how long did that take?"

"About four hours."

"Hey You should go visit David when we get home."

"Sure I want to see him and Sheryl."

"Oh they broke up man."

"Does she still Live back home?"

"Yeah She's a teacher at the local middle school."

I wanted to reconnect with all the people I was friends with. "Mel said I introduced you to Meghan. How did that happen?"

"We had a party for you once. It was a birthday party."

"Yeah I just read up to the part where Craig surprised me."

"The next morning you introduced us over breakfast."

"I want to have everything I had before. My memory is coming back little by little."

"John that's great."

"Yeah it scares me. Every time I remember something I feel worst about what I had done to everyone after my accident." These people were my friends. I had to make it up to them. I was a jerk and they still stood by me. Especially Mel.

"I want to ask you something."

"What's that?"

"Why were you such a good friend to me?"

"Because you were the only other person I had that had gone through the same situation I had."

He was right. He and I have had our fair share of missiles. "But I was such an asshole."

"You know I used to be mad at you a lot. It all melted away when I heard what Helene did to you."

"I would be mad at me to. I was such a jerk."

"Yeah, but you know what? I was too before they dropped me." I smiled and reached for my book. I looked at the cover. There I was. Confetti everywhere. I looked so happy.

"I thought I had it all."

"So did I. I am so much happier now."

"I am reaching for that."

Aaron began to doze off. I opened my copy of the book and began to read again.


Maybe life could have gotten easier after all. Maybe it was all worth it. I had him back, yet I couldn't shake the feeling that maybe the worst wasn't over. Unfortunately I was right. Things would take a sinister turn. At the center would be Helene Mayer.

I grabbed him and planted a big kiss. "Hey you can have him all to yourself later. Right now we need a picture." Mel said breaking our lip lock.

"Hi john," said Michael. He didn't look good. He tried to smile I knew that just being there was asking a lot from him. I hugged him.

"You know I wouldn't have been mad if you stayed at home. I could had came to you."

"John I needed to be here. I couldn't pass on my best friends birthday. It could be my last." His words chilled my bones. I didn't know how right he was.

"Don't speak like that Michael. It scares me."

"Come on John they are going to take a picture."

I held his arm and walked outside. Mel pulled Michael in her direction. Craig motioned for me to come next to him. I quickly placed myself next to him and gave the biggest smile. Aaron took the picture and we all went back inside.

"That's going to be an awesome picture," Aaron said.

"Make sure everyone gets a copy," I said.

I held Craig's hand I couldn't let him go again. Somebody put some music on and everybody began to dance. With the exception of Michael and Mel. They snuggled together by the fire. "Would you like to dance Mister Williams?" Graig asked me.

"No I have a better Idea." I pulled him to an empty room. I locked the door and without thinking pulled his face to mine. "I've waited a long time for this." He tasted so sweet.

I could say that at that moment everything was perfect, that everything in the universe fell into place, but it wouldn't be enough to explain it. I was floating. We kissed so hard that my lips began to hurt. I wasn't breathing but I couldn't care less.

"John... I can't... Breathe."

"Wow I needed that."

"Yeah. I think I'm going to get a drink."

I watched him walk away. I got him back a second time. This remarkable guy. He was mine and I was his. Could it be more perfect? Could it be that the bad times were finally over?

"Here have a drink."

"You know I never thought I would get you back."

"I thought I had lost you again. When I saw you kissing that guy I lost it. I couldn't believe that you would do that."

"I never told you about Dominique." I pulled him to a bench at the window.

"Yeah I figured it out somewhere along the way. It took a lot of nagging from Meghan, but here I am." We kissed again but he stopped.

"Wait turn the lights off. It looks cool watching the snow falling. The porch lights make the snow glow." I turned off the light and sat next to him. "See it looks awesome."

He was right it was so beautiful. Having him there to watch it with made it that much special. It was perfect. I was here with the love of my life. I fell asleep in his arms. I woke up to the smell of Breakfast.

"You are cute when you sleep," said Michael waking me up.

"Wah?" I said turning to him. "Be quiet you'll wake Graig up. Why don't you come eat breakfast with me. I want to talk to you."

I groggily followed him out to the kitchen. David and Sheryl were making Breakfast. Meghan was having a conversation with Mel. Aaron stumbled into the room behind me. "Mmm. What smells good?"

Meghan quickly looked up at him. The attraction was clearly there. "Meghan this is Aaron."

"Hi Aaron," She said extending her hand. She was blushing. So was he.

"Uh hi Meghan," he said as he took her hand.

"John grab a plate and follow me to the den," Said Michael. I did as he asked.

"What did you need to talk about?"

"Well I wanted to ask if you would help me with something?"

"What's that?"

"I need you to be my best man." I wanted to cry. I wanted to smile. I wanted to do something. "I already asked her. She said yes."

"Then I have no choice. Do I?" He hugged me.

"I wasn't her to have the right to be by my side. This way my parents can't say anything."

Now I understood. It was the saddest thing in the world. I began to cry. My heart broke for them. "I will be there for you every step of the way. I swear."

"Thank you John."

How could I have been so selfish. I was so worried about myself that I never stopped to notice how other people were doing.

Mel walked over and sat next to us. David and Sheryl followed. Meghan and Aaron stayed in the kitchen. They were having a good conversation. I thought I heard him invite her to a concert.

"So how did it go?" Asked Sheryl.

"Yeah spill it," added Mel.

"Guys there is nothing to say. I have him back that's all."

"Oh come on. When I woke you, you looked like you were in bliss. He didn't look that disappointed either." Michael said as Craig walked in.

"He better not be." Said Craig.

"Grab some breakfast I said motioning towards the kitchen."

A few of the other kids sat around us. This felt good. I had all my friends new and old all together in one place. I had Craig.

And so it began. The part of our lives that I would always remember as our turning point. Things would change. Some things for the better and other things for the worst. As we drifted into this void I had comfort in knowing I had my friends to go through it.

Michael and I began making preparations. He was so eager. He wanted it to happen so fast. Inside I understood more than anything. Yet the more he did the worst I felt. He didn't have a lot of time left. I made sure he got what he wanted.

"We can have it in my backyard. Mom and dad said it was OK," I said as we walked into the tailors.

"Yeah that would be great. I just want something simple, but it has to be perfect."

"I know Michael. I know."

The tailor measured us for the tuxes. It was only a week away. We had everything planned. Meghan, David and Sheryl offered to take care of the decorating and catering. Michaels band offered to play at the reception. Everyone wanted to help. My father got a license so he could marry them. Michaels parents were not to know about the wedding until after. We kept everything hidden.

"I can't wait," Said Mel as we picked up her dress. She had asked me if I could be best friend and bridesmaid. I agreed. They were my friends. My best friends.

"Hey it's only a day away."

"I know but the faster we get married." she stopped there.

"Mel are you OK?"

"John I just want to thank you for being there. I mean you always have. You took me in when my mother left. You made sure we had all the time we needed and here you are being bridesmaid and best man."

"Mel you guys are my friends. I have to do this."

"Thank you John," she said as we pulled up to my house. "I'll see you tomorrow. Don't have too much fun tonight OK." We had planned a small bachelor party for Michael. Nothing big just a dinner among his friends.

"I won't. I'll see ya tomorrow."

we had a great dinner. We shared old stories and a few laughs. By the end of the night we were exhausted. I drove everyone home one by one. Michael was the last one. He had fallen asleep.

"Michael come on wake up we are almost at your house."

"John I need to go to the hospital," He barely choked out.

"Michael this isn't funny," I yelled.

"John take me to the hospital."

I pulled an u turn and headed to wards the hospital. I picked up my cell phone and called ahead. They would be waiting at the emergency doors.

"Michael speak to me. I need to know that you are still there."

"I'm here John."

It all happened so quickly. By the time I had made it to the hospital They were waiting for me outside. I watched as they put him on a stretcher and disappeared down a hall. I called Mel but she didn't answer. An hour later I was allowed to come in. He didn't look good.

"Hey bud," I said as I sat next to him. Tears were already coming from my eyes. I held his hand.

"I need you to do something."

"What's that?"

"Call your father and Mel. I don't have long. I need him to marry us."

I did as he asked. My father said he'd come as soon as he could. It was too late. Michael was getting worst.

"I'm not going to make it," he said. "I need you to tell her I love her."

"I will."

"John. Thank you." It was the last thing he said. I held his hand as he died. My shirt sleeve was wet from the tears. I walked out of the room. His parents came in as I walked out. They scowled at me.

I was lost. This couldn't happen not like this. Then I saw her. Mel was running towards me. She had her wedding dress on. She stopped when she saw my eyes. She broke down right there.

"No John! NO!" she screamed.

I couldn't take it. I fell to my knees. I crawled over to her. "Mel I'm sorry." I said as I embraced her.

"He can't be gone. Everyone leaves me."

"No Mel I'm here. I'll always be here."

things just went by slowly. It was almost as if time had stopped. We weren't allowed to attend his funeral. His parents were adamant even after my parents had pleaded with them.

I watched Mel close for the next few days. It was as if she wasn't there. I mean she was there physically but not there mentally. I had my parents switch her into my new school so I could be closer to her. I made sure to be there after every class and after school. At times she would just breakdown. She cried herself to sleep every night. I was afraid of leaving her alone.

Some days she seemed fine. She would almost smile. Other days she was cold. She showed no emotion and stayed away from everybody. I couldn't blame her. I just tried to be there for her.

As the weeks passed I began to fall into the same depression. I barely talked to anyone. I stayed away from everyone. I needed to just be away. Craig understood and gave me my space.

Some of my teachers noticed my desolation and called up Craig's father at my old school. Mr. Peterson asked me to meet him in his office. The school looked the same, yet it had a feeling of foreboding. "Are you sure you want to go in there again?" asked Craig as we made it to the front door.

"Yeah I'm ready." I took a deep breath and I walked in. The main hallway was empty. No dream team, no cheerleaders, and no preps. We made our way down the hallway. It seemed so peaceful. We had made it halfway out of the main hallway when the bell rang. The masses poured out of their classrooms. We tried to make it to the administration offices but were caught up into the crowd. Some of the kids recognized me and began to whisper. Helene saw me and gave me a diabolical smile. She formed her hand in the shape of a gun and pulled the Imaginary trigger.


I was choking back the tears as we made it through the terminal. It hurt inside. I just wanted to burst right there and break down. It took every thing I had. Aaron Looked at the chapter I read and frowned. He gave me a hug.

"You know I feel like I should remember these things but I don't. I just remember bits and pieces now and It's killing me." I said to Aaron as we made to the gate.

"Well John you can't expect everything to come back at once."

He was right. I wanted everything to come back to me all at once. I remembered being besides Michael on the bed but that's where my memory ended.

"Excuse me are you Jonathan Williams?" I turned to see a teenage boy that looked to be about eighteen years old. He had an accent I couldn't quite place.

"Yeah. Can I help you?"

"Would you please sign my copy. I just love your book it helps to have something like this to read." he said really quickly and holding out a heavily torn paperback copy. I think it was the international version. "It helps a lot when you are you know." I understood.

"Sure, but I'll do you one better. You can have my copy. I pulled out my hard-cover copy. "What's your name?"

"My name is Simon." I wrote him a little note on the inside. I handed him back the book.

"Where are you from?"

"I'm from south Africa."

"Wow that's a ways off," I said suddenly connecting his accent.

"Yes. I'm here as an exchange student. Thank you so much."

"Oh you're welcome. This is Aaron. He's in my book." Aaron shook his hand and we said good bye.

"He was cute," I said. As we made it out to the baggage claim. I saw him show his friend the copy I gave him. That made me feel better.

"Yeah it's crazy how many people have read your book."

"Yeah remind me to call my agent."

My father and mother offered to pick us up but I decided to rent a car instead. It made it easier to visit Craig without my parents. "OK first I need to go to Michael's grave. I want to put flowers there."

"OK there's a shop over there. Let's see if they have flowers."

"After we go to the grave I need to go see Craig."

"Wait a minute. You were supposed to wait?"

"I need to see him. I know he needs me."

"OK but if I take you to where he lives and you do not like what you see I wont be held responsible."

"OK Aaron. Thank you."

I asked Aaron to stay in the car. What I had to do I needed to do alone. I sat before his head stone and poured my heart out. " I would have been here sooner. I was a little um delayed. I miss you. Michael. I didn't do what you asked me too. I couldn't get her there in time." I began to cry. "I brought you some flowers. I know. I know everyone brings you flowers but it seemed like the right thing to do."

"Actually nobody brings him flowers," said somebody behind me. I turned to see who it was. There was a guy standing there he looked familiar but I couldn't place him. "Not even his parents."

"Do I know you?"

"Yeah we've met once or twice. I was Michael's friend. My friends and I we used to um yell shit at you every time you walked by us."

"Oh," I stood up to leave.

"Hey you don't have to go. I'm not going to yell shit at you. Actually I want to thank you."


"For being there for Michael. I heard your conversation. I wish I was as close to him as you were."

"I miss him."

"Me too." He looked uncomfortable. "Hey I read your book. It's good stuff."

"Thank you."

"If I knew things were that bad for you, I would have taken it easy. My name is drew by the way."

"Hi I'm John."

"Do you still talk to His Girlfriend?"


"I have something of his that she might like to have."

"What's that?"

"He had a journal. It's filled with entries and shit."


"Yeah. I found it at my house. He must have left it before he died," he said as he reached into his bag and pulled it out. "Here maybe you could give it to her."

"I will."

He handed me the letter bound journal. I wanted to open it but I couldn't. I knew deep down it was meant for one person. It was for Mel and I couldn't violate that. "Thank you," I said as he started to walk away.

"Hey maybe we could get a cup of coffee sometime."

"I'd like that," He said and turned to leave.

I said my goodbye to Michael and walked back to The car. Aaron smiled as I got in. "You ready."

I told him about Drew as we neared Craig's place. "So let me get this straight. Michael had a journal that apparently no one knew about."

"Yeah his friend Drew gave it to me."

"And you aren't going to read it."

"No it's for Mel."

We pulled up to Craig's Driveway. My Stomach was doing back flips. He was in there. Probably with another guy. "Here goes nothing." I stepped out of my car and walked up the path to the door. I took s deep breath then I pushed the doorbell. I heard music playing but no one answered. I looked back at Aaron. He pointed towards the side of the house. I walked around. The music was getting louder. I also heard two people yelling.

"Fine I'm leaving!"

"I want all your shit out of here by the time I get back!" said a deep menacing voice.

I began to walk back. I didn't want to be a part of this. "Who the fuck are you?"

I turned to see a tall guy. He looked pissed. "I'm John. Craig's friend."

He looked me over for a little bit. "Is he here?"

"Yeah He's back there."

"Thank you." I stepped around him. He however decided he wasn't going to leave. He followed me. I saw Craig throwing stuff out of a window.

"Craig what the fuck is this? Now you are bringing your boy toy friends over too?"

"I thought you were." Craig stopped when he saw me. "John," He mouthed. He quickly began throwing stuff out the window again. He didn't look like the Graig I knew. His eyes were sullen. He had a rough look to him.

"Craig are you going to tell me who this fuck is?"

"He was the love of my life. Something you fucking failed to be." The words tore through me. I was the love of his life.

"Well, well, well. This is the infamous Jonathan Williams," said the tall guy. I looked at him. He was intimidating. He looked to be in his thirties. The thought of Craig and him together made me sick.

"Maybe I should come back later," I said but the tall guy held my shoulder.

"No, why don't you join us for a cup of coffee?" His eyes were undressing me.

"No I think he should go," Graig yelled down.

I didn't feel comfortable being there. I turned to leave. I saw the tall guy glare at Graig. I looked at Craig. "Call me." his icy eyes just stared at me.

I felt dirty. I knew it was going to bother me seeing him with another man, but this just destroyed me inside.

I walked back to the car. Aaron was talking on his cellphone. "It's David he wants to see us later." I nodded and got in the passenger side. The tall guy watched us from the front door as we pulled out of the driveway."I see you've met Trevor.'

"Is that his name?"


"How could they be dating? He's obviously in his thirties."

"Try early forties."

I turned my gaze to him."No."

"That's why we told you to wait. They were bound to break up eventually. They hate each other. We were hoping that he could tell you about this himself."

"But Meghan said he needle me now."

"Well Meghan thinks that he won't leave him until he knows he can have you."

I understood now. Meghan wanted me to bring the old Craig back. "He looks so different."

"That he does my friend. He's grown up. He's old now."

We began to pull into my old neighborhood. The houses were huge cookie cutter masterpieces. Every one had an expensive car and highly manicured lawns. Every thing was based on an image. "Can I ask you a question?"

"What's that John.?"

"Why did we put ourselves through that bullshit?"

"Well when you're a teenager superficial things matter more than anything. We learned our lessons though."

"Yeah," I said as we passed Eddie's house. "What ever happened to Eddie?"

"Well when his parents found out about him being gay they sent him to that place they sent Graig. It didn't work of course. He then became a gay activist in Washington."


"Yeah he keeps praising your book as giving him the inspiration. It makes me want to puke. He's such an asshole. I know for a fact that he's still out there trying to rape people." he said as we pulled into my parents driveway. There was a group of reporters interviewing my parents.

"What's going on?" I asked. All of the reporters ran over to me.

"Do you think that it's safe for you to be here?" asked one reporter. "Will you hide?" asked another.

"I don't know what you are talking about." I said into a microphone.

"Helene Mayer has escaped," said another reporter.

Next: Chapter 5

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