Hercules Bound

By moc.liamg@swerdna.nave.rm

Published on Jan 13, 2021


Hercules Bound Chapter nine: Nine Tenths of the Law Evan Andrews 2020

This is a fan fiction.

Given how convoluted Hercules' story has become in myth, legend, and modern drama, don't expect this to fit cleanly into any. It's its own story with its own continuity. And its own style. Xena ruined me for serious Greco-Roman fantasy. I admit it.

To make things easy for me, I imagined certain people in certain roles. In this chapter, for, example, I imagine Herc being played by Kellan Lutz, Iolaus by WCW wrestler Evan Karagias, Hermes by porn actor Armond Rizzo, and Autolycus by porn actor Diego Lauzen. Your casting may vary. This story should in no way be considered a true representation of the sexuality of either the actors or the characters.

The story depicts males in sexual situations with other males. If this offends you, if you are underage, or if reading such is illegal where you are please stop reading now. Thank you.

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Hercules stomped up the stairs and into the naos of Hermes's temple.

The statue of the god posed on its plinth: winged helmet, winged boots, and not a stitch else on. He looked oh-so-innocent. Anyone who listened to the myths, though, or who was part of the family, knew better.

"Hermes, you pest, where are you?!" Herc roared up at the statue, "You have some explaining to do!"

"Well, you won't get an explanation from the statue," a voice said by his side, "His head's made of stone."

Herc glanced to the side and then glanced down at a figure that barely cleared 5 feet, if that. The dark-eyed boy from the Agora.

"Oh, is this the game we're playing today?" the hero demanded of the five feet of pulchritude that stood beside him.

Hermes, for such it was, wore a casual drape over his right shoulder, belted into a kilt at the waist to more-or-less cover his loincloth.

"I'm sure I don't know what you mean, Brother," Hermes simpered as all the olive oil in the place congealed solid, "Is there some problem?"

"You know there is," Herc growled, "Autolycus..."

"He's a clever boy, isn't he?" Hermes was beaming, "Takes after his father in the most encouraging ways."

"Was he the one all over the Agora this afternoon, stealing wantonly?"

"Wantonly? How can you say that?" and then the god tilted his head to the side and after a moment said, "I suppose some of it could be called `superfluous', but it certainly wasn't wanton. My boy was quite specific about what he took. Still, I don't think you came here to bat words around, or to compliment your nephew."

"No, I did not," Herc barked, "Where's Iolaus?"

"Iolaus?" Hermes said, "Young? Good looking if you're into mortals? And far too green to have been left unattended in the Agora of Athens in the middle of the Dionysia? Is that the one you mean?"

"Your nephew, Iolaus, as you said. And yes," Herc growled, "Where is he, Hermes?"

"Closer than you think, Brother, yet beyond your reach. Do you want to see him?"

"Hermes, I'm warning you."

"Yes, you're a terrible brute. I'm frightened to death and shivering. But if you really want your little friend, you need to trust me to take you to him," the boyish god held out his hand.

After staring at the hand for a minute, Herc took it and let himself be guided towards the door behind the cult statue that led into the opisthodomos.


They didn't do anything so mundane as enter the temple's back room, however. Instead, Herc found himself in some ethereal boudoir still holding Hermes' hand. The airy space was surrounded by columns. Doric, Herc noticed. For all his pretense Hermes liked the classics; only his trickery was excessively intricate. Between the columns, all-but-sheer draperies fluttered in a breeze, diffusing the otherworldly light. In the middle of the room stood a single wide couch like the ones in the andron of Phalerus' house, and on the couch lay a bound, gagged, and buck-ass naked Iolaus.

Iolaus' ankles were bound with a length of red silken rope, and his wrists were tied in front of him with the same cord. The hetaira's lapis necklace was wrapped and draped around the young man's balls and erect cock, and the deep blue strand swayed pendulously as Iolaus' body rocked gently. Behind him reclined a preternaturally handsome, muscular stud who grinned insouciantly at Herc and Hermes as he used Iolaus' body. Spooned up against Iolaus' back, the young man gently thrust his own erect cock between Iolaus' thighs, which motion was being telegraphed to the necklace. The weeping head of the stud's cock peeped out as he thrust forward and then disappeared as he pulled back. At least, Herc thought, they hadn't just started fucking Iolaus the way Ares would have. Still, the boy was clearly mortified: first that he had been taken, and secondly that he was being used as a sex toy.

"Mrph blargh grungh," the young hero tried to say something, and while the gag mangled his words they did not mask their intent.

Iolaus was begging his uncle, his hero, his best chum, to rescue him from this embarrassing situation.

"Hello, Uncle Hercules," the ravishing young man who was interfemorally fucking his cousin said, "Have you come to join us?"

"Autolycus?" Herc asked.

The stud smiled an affirmative.

"Can't you see the family resemblance?" the young man asked.

Herc couldn't, not because he was bad at faces, but because Autolycus' right hand had now reached around and taken hold of Iolaus' plump cock. Ever so slowly, Autolycus started to pump Iolaus' shaft, teasing the boy's most sensitive skin. The young hero had to bite into his gag to keep from moaning as the sensations flooded his brain, and his eyes rolled up into his head. Autolycus apparently knew damned well what he was doing.

"You fucking little..." Herc started to say, but Hermes cut him off.

"Now, now, Brother," Hermes said soothingly, "Be reasonable. Autolycus here is the best thief in the world—after me of course—and what else was he to do? He saw your little friend here wandering vaguely all about looking high and low for something—or perhaps someone," the god blew a kiss at Iolaus, "He was practically begging to be spirited away, although maybe not in the way he was. And so my boy did just that, and now here's your little friend safe and sound. Embarrassed perhaps, but otherwise none the worse for wear. I'm quite looking forward to sitting around the hearth tonight rehashing the story of how he stole your little buddy—or is it fuck-buddy?—practically out from under your nose."

"I'm warning you, Hermes. Let Iolaus go," Herc growled.

"No," Hermes said baldly, "You know it doesn't work that way, brother mine. If you want your friend back you're going to have to pay our ransom."

"Ransom? Are you joking? I have nothing to ransom him with."

"Ah, but you do, you know," Hermes starred into Herc's angry eyes, "You have something you've been sharing around with almost all our other brothers while holding out on little old me. That's the ransom I want."

Hermes' impish smile was way too knowing.

"I think you know what I'm talking about," the god of thieves and merchants said.

"Fuck," Herc thought, "What do I do. I mean, he has..."

And then the hero looked more closely at his brother. It wasn't as if Hermes had anyplace he could hide Ares' symbol, so what...? How...?

"Don't bother, O mighty Hercules," Hermes said, "I know what you're looking for—Ares' sign, right? Well, you won't find one on me. I mean, do you really think that blowhard would just give me one? No, he'd want me to beg like a little bitch—and we both know that's not happening. That brass-greaved nincompoop has no sway over me and never will. Hades alive, I wouldn't even politely ask that hard-ass for a grain of barley, let alone to borrow a sigil like that. So, I had two options: steal the sign—or steal you. I decided it would be more fun to steal you, and now here you are, and Mr. Blood and Guts has no idea where you've disappeared to. I bet it's worrying him stupid right about now, or do I mean stupider?"

"So you expect me to just..." Herc started to say, but Hermes cut him off by reaching across and cupping the muscular hero's family jewels the same way he had Iolaus' just the day before. This time, though, instead of taking away, Hermes left something.

Herc suddenly found himself possessed of a raging erection that demanded immediate satisfaction, the same one, incidentally, that Hermes had stolen from Iolaus. Hormones raced through the hero's semidivine flesh, and his jaw dropped as Hermes caressed the shaft that was now threatening to tear out of the pouch of his loincloth.

"You see," Hermes smiled, "Someone's really enjoying the show Autolycus and your little friend are putting on. Am I right?"

By now, Autolycus was running his thumb over Iolaus' frenulum, teasing out dribbles of precum and eliciting groans of desperation from the young man.

Hercules could only groan himself. He was unable to take a step away from Hermes' massaging hand.

"Yes, you do like it," Hermes said, "And Iolaus seems to be liking the show he's getting, too. Now, slip out of that chlamys and let me get a good look at you."

Herc undid his belt and pulled his silk tunic up over his head. Hermes' eyes grew wide with delight. He fished the head of Herc's hard cock out of the leg of his loincloth and cunningly teased the exposed blood-engorged flesh.

"Mmmm," Hermes grinned, "Baby brother definitely needs to see some more of all this."

Herc stood frozen in place as Hermes proceeded to loosen the fastenings holding the offending and now inadequate garment in place, all while his other hand continued to grease his brother's frenulum with precum. The loincloth fell to the floor, and Herc's cock leapt forth. Hermes took it firmly in hand as it broke free of its restraints and began to stroke.

"Fuuuuuuhk," Herc moaned.

Hermes's fingers found the corona of Herc's cock and began a twisting motion over the sensitive flesh there.

"Oh, yeah! Just like that!" Herc sighed.

Autolycus leaned over Iolaus' shoulder and whispered to his captive, "Look at Uncle Herc go, Cousin. I bet you'd like some of that action too, wouldn't you?"

That said, Autolycus began his own teasing torture of the nerves under Iolaus' corona. The hero stud could only gasp and writhe as Autolycus drew him further into the net of the growing sexual frenzy. Iolaus' eyes sought his mentor, but he could only stare in lust and awe of the now naked demi-god. He'd seen Herc stripped down any number of times, and on the receiving end of another man's lust as well, but he was still fascinated by Herc's glistening muscles, by his weeping cock, by the way Hermes played his uncle's body, and even by the god of thieves' own magnificent flesh. Due to the gag, all Iolaus could do was nod the affirmative; he did want it. Then and only then did Autolycus undo the gag and pulled the cloth out of Iolaus' mouth.

"Au..." the young man began, but the prince of thieves cut him off by planting a deep kiss on him. Iolaus was surprised, but not for long. Kissing was definitely more fun than talking, and Autolycus was certainly skilled.

"Mmmm!" he and Autolycus both groaned as their lips slid and tongues fought back and forth.

Autolycus pulled his dick out from between Iolaus' thighs and rolled his cousin onto his back before crawling on top to straddle the young man's hips. Lifting Iolaus' bound hands, Autolycus deftly began to untie the complicated knots that had held him defenseless. As he did do, Autolycus rocked his muscular ass against Iolaus' rock-hard dick. The young hero could only watch, open-mouthed and wide-eyed, as his hands fell to his sides. What should he do? What could he do? Part of him, the voting minority wanted to rush to his uncle, either to free him or to claim Hermes' attentions for himself—he wasn't sure which. But instead he went with the majority, reached up, and began to feel up his abductor's full pecs.

"Mmm," Autolycus sighed as Iolaus flicked a fingernail over his nipples, "That's nice."

Iolaus' exploring hands worked their way down over washboard abs until they reached the shaft that had been pleasuring itself between his thighs mere minutes before. As Iolaus began to masturbate his cousin, Autolycus turned about and took care of the ropes binding Iolaus' ankles.

"There," the thief said when he was done, "The only thing holding you now is that you want it. You want me."

He pressed Iolaus' length into his ass crack and used the muscular globes to give Iolaus back some of what he'd just been enjoying.

"Fuck!" Iolaus cried and his hips started to pump against the full flesh, "Oh fuck!"

"You want inside me, Cousin?" Autolycus asked, "You want to fuck this hot ass? Say the words, Iolaus. Say the words, and it can happen."

"I... I want.. no, I need to fuck you!" Iolaus blubbered.

Tears of frustration ran down his face the same way precum did from his cockhead.

"See," Autolycus cooed, "That was easy, wasn't it?"

The thief lifted himself up and guided Iolaus' prick to his fat ass. Expertly, his hole opened, and his ass absorbed Iolaus' passion.

Leaning down until they were face to face, Autolycus whispered, "Give it to me, Iolaus. Give me all of it! Give me the fuck you know you want to."

Iolaus desperately thrust up into Autolycus' guts, and the thief cried out as his cousin began to fuck him. Not far away, the naked Herc was enjoying the oral ministrations of his divine brother.

"Fuck! So fucking good!" the demigod moaned.

Herc should have expected that Hermes would be able to swallow his whole shaft in one go, but the fact that the black-eyed beauty was doing it again and again. The sensation was un-fucking-believable.

"You are delicious," Hermes mumbled around Herc's prick, "I can't understand why Ares is so damned fixated on your ass."

Hermes reached between Herc's legs, and his fingers found and invaded his brother's fuck-hole.

Herc roared in lust, and Hermes said, "Or perhaps I do. That is one hot man-pussy you've got there, Brother."

"Ungh ungh ungh," Herc grunted as his hole and his shaft were dominated by Olympus' master manipulator.

Autolycus screamed again, and Herc looked over to see what the boys were up to. Iolaus had rolled Autolycus onto his back and was now crouched over top of him, revenge fucking his cousin.

"Fuck me!" Autolycus howled in between inarticulate screams, "Fuck! My! Hole!"

"The boys have the right idea," Hermes said as he pulled off Herc's cock and stroked the glistening length, "How you like to get yourself some hot ass, too, you beast?"

Herc wasted no time. His dick was in total control of his body, and it knew what it wanted. Or at least it was ready to take Hermes' suggestion. Herc reached under Hermes' arms and lifted the smaller man into the air. Hermes' legs immediately wrapped themselves around Herc's massive thighs, and his arms fought for a secure hold around the hero's neck and shoulders. Then Hermes pressed a desperate kiss on his brother.

"Do it!" the black-eyed trollop gasped, "Stick it in me! Do it now!"

It sounded like Hermes was begging, but, given how far Herc was lost in the sexual frenzy, it was as good as an order. Reaching down, Herc grabbed hold of his cock and pressed it against his little brother's pucker.

"What are you waiting for?" Hermes said.

With a single raw thrust, Herc buried himself in Hermes' hot channel and began to screw like some insane animal.

"Argh argh argh!" Herc cried as his sensitive fuck-plum ravaged his brother's insides.

"Yes!" Hermes, never at a loss for words, squealed, "Just. Like! That! Fuck!"

They rutted—it was far to primal a thing simply to be called fucking—standing there in the middle of Hermes' private boudoir. Herc planted his feet wide apart and used Hermes' own weight to balance them. On the couch, the younger members of the exclusive little orgy were fascinated.

Even as their hips kept fucking, Autolycus said, "Look at them go! That is so fucking hot! I have got to go get me some of that ass!"

"Uh, Autolycus..." Iolaus started, but his cousin had already rolled off of him and was standing, naked and hungry, on his two feet.

The young hero followed his cousin out of the bed and caught up with him just as he started to caress Hermes' juggling ass.

"Um," Iolaus started as he watched the son feel up his father, "This doesn't seem right, Autolycus."

"Huh, why not—can you get me that low stool there? Thanks," Autolycus said, "Wait, do you mean the fact that Hermes is my father? Is that it?"

Iolaus' look must have been answer enough.

"Look," the thief said as he climbed up onto the stool, "We're talking about the gods here. The rules that govern mortals don't apply to them. If you're going to be involved with them at all—and, surprise, you already are—you need to come to grips with that, sooner rather than later."

That said, Autolycus took aim, forced his cock into his father's ass, and began fucking him in tandem with brawny Uncle Herc.

If Hermes had been fuck-crazy before, he was now doubly so.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck me!" the god keened as the two demigods DPed him.

Iolaus stood there, dumbly, jerking off until Autolycus reached out and pulled him in for a sloppy kiss.

"Get a stool," Autolycus panted, "I need you to fuck me again, while I fuck Dad."

The scene would have looked great on a krater, Iolaus thought later. Herc's muscular thighs forced his meat into Hermes' ass just as Autolycus' was pulling out. The two shafts worked against each other as much as they did against Hermes' anal walls, and Iolaus was holding onto his cousin's chest as he screwed Autolycus' semi-divine ass. He was never sure later if the draperies were wafting back and forth because of a breeze from outside or because of the screams issuing out of the fornicating foursome.

Suddenly the well-oiled fucking machine fell apart. Herc pulled Hermes off of Autolycus' dick and lay him on his back on the couch for some really deep penetration. Autolycus leapt up onto the couch, straddled his father, and presented his own sweet cock for Herc to suck. Iolaus watched, as this new hot scene found its rhythm. Then he stepped up behind Herc and started to finger his buddy's hole.

Herc gasped, and then cried, around Autolycus' dick, "Fuck me, Iolaus!"

Iolaus pulled up one of the stools and sank his shaft balls deep into Herc's guts. Herc had clearly been ready for this, maybe even eager, and his anal guardian grabbed tightly around his nephew's ramrod, though not so much that it prevented his ass getting the fucking it desired.

"Fuck me, boy!" Herc cried as Iolaus pounded up into his muscled ass.

"Just don't' stop fucking me, you beast," Hermes laughed.

Herc didn't, or at least he didn't until Autolycus' luscious body became too great of a distraction. Herc shoved the muscle-puppy onto the couch and followed him down. Flipping the young man onto all fours, Herc clambered up and crouched over the thief.

"Yes!" cried Autolycus as Herc's cockhead knocked at his anal door, "Fuck me!" and Herc took him in one thrust before starting to fuck his other nephew's hot butt hard.

Hermes looked up at Iolaus seductively and said, "Come on, lover boy. Wanting this ass is what got you into all this trouble to begin with. Take me!"

Grinning, Iolaus did, but he also gave Hermes something he clearly wasn't expecting. While the young man screwed the god's ass, he also bent nearly in half so as to suck the divine cock as well.

"You jewel!" Hermes squealed as Iolaus tongued his piss-slit, "I should keep you here forever, never let you go!"

The rounds of fucking and sucking continued for what seemed like hours. Finally all four stood in a line of male copulation. Herc was deep in Autolycus, who was fucking Iolaus, who in turn was ramming Hermes again. They thrusted and pulled back, wriggled and writhed. Beyond the capacity for speech now, they could only grunt, moan, and whine as the sex made them a single entity with a clear, and now immanent, goal.

Suddenly, Hermes pulled off Iolaus.

"Down," he cried to Herc, "You two, get him down onto his knees and beat yourselves off!"

Herc dropped, and the other three gathered around him, flogging their cocks.

"Go, Iolaus!" Hermes said, slapping the young mortal's ass.

The shock of the slap rode up into Iolaus' brain and straight back down into his balls. Fire consumed his scrotum, and his cock pulsed and shot a decent-sized load (for a mortal, as Hermes said later) onto his uncle's broad pecs. Autolycus pushed his cousin aside and gave Herc a pearl necklace that Aphrodite herself might be jealous of.

Finally Hermes stepped forward, growing about a foot in height as he did so.

"Open your mouth, Hercules!" he ordered.

Herc complied and watched as Hermes' prick released a flood of divine sperm. Wad after wad of glistening jizz filled Herc's mouth, and some overran, leaking past his lips to run down his chin when it dripped to join his nephews' loads.

"Swallow it, Herc," his brother said, "Swallow it all!"

Hermes had lost his extra foot of height now and, reaching down, scooped up the mingling remains of all three loads before feeding them into Herc's mouth.

"Now, you cum," Hermes said.

Herc's hand went wild, stroking, beating, pommeling his cock. In less than a minute, his eyes shut, and he cried out, "Mmmming!"

Hermes pulled the bucking meat from Herc's hand and held it to a clear glass drinking vessel. Herc's load wasn't anywhere near as large as Hermes' own, but there was enough to be impressive, and Hermes made sure he milked every drop of it there was to be gotten of his brother's semi-divine seed.

Hermes held the goblet up and appreciated the harvest.

"Sweet," he said, "Autolycus and I will enjoy sharing this tonight. We certainly worked hard enough to get it."

"Tonight?" Herc mumbled, and then his eyes flew open, "Tonight!"

The sky beyond the draperies was pocked with stars.

"Shit!" Herc moaned, "Phalerus' symposium. We've missed it, or we'll be inexcusably late."

"Phalerus?" Hermes said, "You mean one of your Argonaut friends that actually was there when they stole the Fleece? Well, I can't go around disrespecting a man like that. Up!"

Hermes snapped his fingers, and Herc and Iolaus found themselves on their feet, clean of all evidence of their orgy, and dressed once more in Phalerus' lent finery."

"To Athens," the god said, and they found themselves outside the door of Phalerus' house.

Iolaus looked up and was amazed to see the sun in its late afternoon position.

"There," Hermes beamed, "Am I not a wonder? Since measuring things, and mismeasuring them, is under my aegis, time included, I have returned you in good time to get to your symposium."

He knocked on Phalerus' door and stepped back.

"Go," Hermes said, "Enjoy yourselves. And, Iolaus, say hello to Phryne for me."

Iolaus was dumbstruck. Did he actually know Phryne? That wasn't just another of Hermes' tricks?

"Oh, and Herc," Hermes said, "You paid my ransom handsomely, and you've taken my load. That earns you a freebie. One time and one time only, call on me and I will hear you and come to your aid. Save it for when you really need it."

And then the god was gone, and the porter opened the door.


Herc and Iolaus had just enough time to bathe and change for dinner, and what a dinner it was. The food was all of the best, and the wine, though watered, was top-notch. The guests were the cream of Athenian society, and tonight the day's controversial playwright was included in that number.

Then came the symposium which left Iolaus' head spinning—though to be fair it might have been the wine. Given that the wine-server was Hermes, it was certainly possibly. Likely even. Ideas were batted about like the inflatable bladders that children played with. Nothing, and nothing, was off limits it seemed, and then there was Phryne. The hetaira was every bit as magnificent as Phalerus, and Hermes, had led them to believe. She sang; she danced; she played the flute and the lyre; and most of all she was as active in the conversations as were the men. Iolaus, worn out by the day's sexual exertions and the strain of trying to follow all the conversations at once, fell asleep as Phryne sang a gentle song about a robin of all things.

He awoke in his bed in Phalerus' guestroom and found Herc already up and active. There were more plays to attend, and more entertainments like last night's, and for a change Iolaus went along to some, but not all, of the tragedies. And so it continued for the duration of the Dionysia. True to his threat, Herc disappeared when some of the comedies were preformed, retreating to the sanctuary of the Academy where, as he said, the men made sense. But if Iolaus could endure tragedy, Herc could endure a comedy or three.

At the end of Festival, Herc and Iolaus took their leave of Phalerus. In the background, Adonis waved at his now-erastes' friends. The heroes walked back to the north gates and out of the greatest city on Earth.

"What are we going to do, Uncle," Iolaus asked.

"Well, I've heard..." Herc started.

"What you do now," Hermes said, appearing suddenly between them and taking each by the arm, "Is come with me. You are summoned, Brother."

And with that, they disappeared.

Next: Chapter 10

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