Hercules Bound

By moc.liamg@swerdna.nave.rm

Published on Mar 27, 2021


Hercules Bound Chapter nineteen: Zeus Schools His Son Evan Andrews 2021

This is a fan fiction.

Given how convoluted Hercules' story has become in myth, legend, and modern drama, don't expect this to fit cleanly into any version you know. It's its own story with its own continuity. And its own style, Xena ruined me for serious Greco-Roman fantasy. I admit it.

To make things easy for me, I imagined certain people in certain roles. In this chapter, for, example, I imagine Herc being played by Kellan Lutz, Argus by 300 actor Gerard Butler, Zeus by Steve Reeves (who else, I mean really?), and Ganymede by model Luciano Acuna Jr. Your casting may vary. This story should in no way be considered a true representation of the sexuality of either the actors or the characters.

The story depicts males in sexual situations with other males. If this offends you, if you are underage, or if reading such is illegal where you are please stop reading now. Thank you.

This is the final chapter of Herc's story, and I hope people have enjoyed it. I especially want to thank the readers who have written me. It means a lot.

If you enjoy this story, or even if you hate it, please contribute to keeping Nifty going at http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html


In the end, Herc's capture was quick and efficient, and the hero wasn't sure at the time if Ares had simply been outfoxed or if he had planned this end all from the beginning


"Bring him!"

The words rolled like thunder, but of course they would since it was Zeus, god of the heavens, that spoke. The Lord of Olympus sat enthroned in all his divine glory, his forever bumboy, Ganymede, kneeling at his left foot looking revoltingly smug. The sky god's bitch of a wife, Hera, sat on his right side, the look on her face combining contempt and elation. Hestia, who seldom left the sacred fire, sat quietly, her head covered by a fold of her plain workaday robe as if she were in mourning.

Argus of the Thousand Eyes forced the stumbling Herc into the throne room. Chains (`Forged by Hephaistos himself so don't even bother trying to break them", Argus had told him) held the hero captive's wrists together in front of him, and his upper arms were chained tight against his chest. Otherwise the hero was naked, save for a cock ring Ares had finally forced on him. The finishing touch, though, was Ares' sign where it hung from an iron collar the war god had fastened around his disgraced brother's throat where it hung like a holiday gift tag screaming "To Dad from Sonny Boy." As a final humiliation, a length of chain welded to the collar served as a leash, reinforcing the image of Herc as nothing more than a common beast.

"Look, O my lord, your son, your favorite son," Hera gloated, "Look at him: shaved, ringed, collared, and chained. And naked, as he has been for months. Shall I tell you about how your precious boy has been whoring his ass the length and breadth of the Hellenic world?"

The queen of heaven proceeded, venomously, to detail Herc's activities, or ordeals depending on whose side of the issue one took. She didn't tell all, but she certainly told enough f the right sort to infuriate Zeus. She especially made sure to detail Herc's encounters with Poseidon and Hades.

The storm god was incensed, and the sky responded: dark clouds, rolling thunder, and the real threat of lighting

"Is this true?" Zeus demanded of Herc, "No, don't even try to speak. I can read the guilt in your face."

"Fucking boys and men, I could care less about," he continued, sparing a tender look for his cupbearer, "But to know that the mighty Hercules has been the length and breadth of the world giving up his ass like a mewing whore—even to my brothers—that's too much. You! My son—no, no longer my son! Hereafter I deny you my love, I deny you my regard, and I deny you my protection."

"Father..." Herc protested.

Herc had noticed that Zeus had not mentioned his freeing of the Titan Prometheus, so maybe, if he could calm his father down, he could protest if not his innocence then at least that he'd had no choice in the matter. Once Ares had forced the oath out of his half-mortal brother, there was no way Herc could have resisted. Zeus might be angry at him but even he should realize that breaking his oath would have brought the Furies down to destroy him.

"No!" the sky god roared, "I will not hear it!".

With a vicious slap, Zeus sent Herc flying across the all-but-empty throne room.

"Not Father! Never again from you Father! Did you think you could keep these enormities a secret? You have given your ass to Olympians, to small gods, even," he spat, "To men. And worst of all, you have acted the slut for a Titan! The humiliation is too great."

Herc remembered every act of fornication Ares had coerced him into and hung his head in shame.

"Wife," Zeus roared, "Long ago Metis prophesied that a son of mine would shake the sanctity of Olympus. He would turn against his own and bring the Olympian order down, perhaps even try to replace me. Today I see at last that rebel son's face. Advise me, you who are steeped in the art of vengeance, how ought I to punish him."

"Sweet my lord," Hera cooed, her voice honey and arsenic, "Why not punish his transgressions in kind? He likes to be fucked? Good, then take him to your bower and fuck the living shit out of the little turd."

Her oh-so-flowery language had slipped, Herc noted.

"By the dark fields of Tartarus, my lord," Argus added, "You could even let Ganymede fuck him. That'd be a pretty sight, the muscle boy giving up his cunt to the pretty boy."

Ganymede looked peeved as Argus laughed. Zeus on the other hand crossed the throne room in a thrice and grabbed Herc's collar, hauling him into the air. Dangling, Herc gasped for air, and his feet kicked the air powerlessly.

"His ass, yes," the king of gods said icily.

"And when you've done with punishing him with that great big cock of yours," Hera was laying it on thick, "Why not exile him to Tartarus where he can serve as an ass-whore in the brothel they have there to keep their guards amused. Being semi-divine, who knows how long he might last?"

"So. Be. It," Zeus growled each word.

The lord of Olympus dropped Herc to the floor and, grabbing hold of his leash, drug the hero, kicking, out of the room. Ganymede all but pranced after them, and when he could Herc threw his father's forever eromenos angry glares. The venomous little prick (Herc couldn't stand the sight of him though he was well worth looking at) had probably been waiting for years for something like this. Artemis' tits, he may have had a hand in it too. Choking, Herc didn't even notice the look of malign triumph that twisted Hera's otherwise regal face.


Coming into his private bower, Zeus gave the chain a final tug and threw Herc through the air to land on the bed. Ignoring the fact that the chains were digging into the hero's flesh, Zeus flipped his not son over onto his stomach and stared down and the helpless demi-god's ass.

"You like to be fucked? Then by the glory of Olympus I'll give you a fucking the likes of which you've never imagined."

His father, Herc noted, clearly had no self-esteem issues to work out.

"This," and the sky god now cast aside his robes to stand naked, haughty, and alarmingly erect, "Is the last thing you'll ever get from me!"

Fuck, Herc thought as he stared at his father's gargantuan member. Hades and Poseidon had shrunk down to human size in order to fuck him, but he was not going to receive the same consideration from his father. Zeus was still a dozen feet tall, and his cock was in proportion – which was to say out of all normal proportion. His father's rampant beast was almost as thick as Herc's own thigh. And Zeus was clearly bent on using the mighty weapon on his boy. This fuck was going to be true physical agony, as well as emotional.

Zeus reached underneath and pulled Herc's hips up. The hero's knees got a purchase on the mattress, and he found himself presenting his hole in doggie position.

"Lube, you git," Herc thought as a smug Ganymede settled in on the bed to watch, "Lube my ass up."

Yeah as if. Zeus clearly had no plan to make this easy on his once favorite son. He barely took time to aim before slamming his king of the gods breeding iron into Herc's unprepared ass. Herc's body tensed; his eyebrows rose into his hairline; his eyes shot open wide; and he let out a sound he hadn't made in the whole time he had been at Ares' mercy. It wasn't pain, wasn't shock, and certainly wasn't pleasure. No, it was a primal combination of all three, a sound that no thinking creature had made since Gaia had dropped her first child. The inhuman shriek shook the columns, and still the mighty shaft slowly and inexorably sank home. When he bottomed out, Zeus roared his triumph.

"Fucking hot!" the sky god howled, "No wonder people want a piece of this ass! Open for me, bitch!"

"Aiyiee!" Herc screamed as Zeus began to fuck his son hard, and then harder still.

Thunder and lightning roiled through the sky at the force of Zeus' lust fury. He would breed this slut into humility and out of his life. He would shame-fuck away the enormity of the scandal his half-mortal get had painted his father with. He would visit on the semi-divine flesh a truly fitting and lasting punishment. All Herc could do was lie there, wide-eyed and howling, and take it. And took it he did. And he took it when Zeus turned into a bull, making his cock even longer. And he took it when Zeus turned into a swam. And an eagle. And a satyr. And a bear. And a serpent. And a flaming brand. Even when Zeus defiled his son's flesh by turning into a shower of gold, Herc took it, grunting and moaning in time with the invasion of his guts.

So long as Zeus wore his human guise, Ganymede had been content simply lay alongside them, staring adoringly at his erastes, and stroking his own pretty-boy cock. Once the sky god moved on to the more inventive guises, though, Ganymede crawled up the mattress to Herc's far end. He pulled Herc's handsome head up by the collar and shoved enough pillows under the hero's muscular chest and throat and chin to secure his mouth at optimal cock-sucking and face-fucking height. Only then did the pretty young man bring his not inestimable dick close to the mouth of his no-longer rival for Zeus' affection. Carefully, he forced the head into Herc's oral cavity; then he began to slide the sensitive nub of his frenulum over Herc's raspy tongue. The salty taste of his boy precum registered in Herc's mind, but most of his mind concentrated on the dick in his butt. As Ganymede grew more confident, though, he began to fully encunt Herc's handsome face. The hero longed to bite the bum-boy's cock off (It would doubtless grow back, or Zeus would restore it,) but he was still under Ares' compulsion to be good fuck, so he let himself be skull-fucked by the hateful young man. Effectively gagged by fuck-meat, Herc could only choke, gag, and gurgle counterpoint to the squelchy percussion session being produced by Zeus' raping of his ass.

Zeus switched form again and fucked Herc's ass in the guise of a dire wolf. The beast's long dick tormented the already abused anal tunnel, which Herc could manage, but then his massive knot forced its way through Herc's guardian muscle. Herc redoubled his pathetic struggling and crying, but all for naught. He was compelled to submit, to be a willing participant even, and father and son were soon doing the ancient dance in a remarkable yet unspeakable synchronicity.

"Yeah. Fuck him, Daddy," Ganymede crooned to the king of the gods, "I like what his mouth does when you surprise him like that. He wasn't expecting the knot."

Herc momentarily reconsidered biting the little prick's junk off, but again resisted the urge.

Zeus suddenly returned to his form as king of the gods, and Herc all but cried as the width of the knot disappeared.

"Would you like to try fucking something other than just that mouth, my love?" Zeus said to his cup-bearer.

"Wouldn't I just!" Ganymede sighed, and then he perked up. "Wait, you really mean that, Daddy? You'll let me fuck his ass?"

"Why not? Everybody else seems to have, and what kind of erastes would I be if I didn't share my toys?" Zeus laughed cruelly.

Quickly, because he knew how quickly his lover's whims could one-eighty, Ganymede scurried around Herc's abused body and brought his dripping member to Herc' dripping hole.

"Do it!" Zeus ordered.

That said, Ganymede shoved inside and began to breed Herc for himself.

"Oh, Daddy!" Ganymede sighed, "I think you may have broken his pussy with your big dick."

"Tighten that hole, bitch," Zeus ordered his son.

He swatted Herc's muscular ass hard enough to leave a handprint, and Herc slowly regained enough control over his fucking muscles to will his sphincter to contract.

"Oh, fuck!" Ganymede now cried, "It's so good!"

Zeus smiled and took up position behind his favorite piece of ass. With a single thrust he forced his length (now of a more considerate size) into his boy, so slamming the cup-bearer's dick even deeper into Herc's guts.


It was unclear if Herc made the noise or if Ganymede had. They both had good reason too.

Ganymede had never been fucked by Zeus when he was in such a mood, and Herc was trying desperately to deal with this new humiliation. It wasn't enough apparently that Daddy Dearest had handed his ass over to that that conceited trollop, no. Instead Zeus was using to bum-boy as a cock extension. Herc could feel Zeus' superhuman excitement as the king of Olympus fucked his once-favorite son, using the dick of a man he knew Herc despised. If it was meant to dissolve any final affection Herc might have felt for his father, it worked.

"Why, Father?" he wanted to cry. It was too much.

The pile of fornicating male bodies worked their way through a medley of positions, always in the same fucking order though, until the weakest partner of the triad gave up his load.

"Fuck! Daddy!" Ganymede cried, "Your fat cock is going to make me cum!" and immediately Herc endured a gut washing of the pretty boy's sperm.

"Fuck," Ganymede sighed as he collapsed on Herc's sweaty back.

Zeus pounded a few more strokes into his favorite ass, just to hammer the point home. (As if he needed to.) Then he pulled out roughly and pushed Ganymede to the side. Herc's ass was leaking the boy's sperm, and that sent Zeus into an even more primal frenzy.

"Make him lick you clean, my magnificent boy," Zeus said as he eagerly slid back into Herc's man-cunt.

Frantically Herc tried to get his ass back into a state to endure Zeus rutting, but he was distracted by being forced to suck clean the cock that had just seeded him. Beyond humiliation now, Herc stuck out his tongue as Ganymede presented his slick and dripping boy-cock and licked away the slime of his own violation. Ganymede was so turned on by the laving of Herc's tongue that he pulled the hero's face back down onto his cock and fucked another load into Herc's body via his oral pussy.

Zeus enjoyed the sight and waited until his sweet boy had seeded Herc a second time before flipping the hero onto his back.

"Look at me, bitch," Zeus hissed through clenched teeth, "I want you to be watching when I shoot my load. I'm going to fuck you out of Olympus and into the depths of Tartarus where you will serve out eternity chained to a brothel bed. This hot ass will be the fucking property of every creature in the underworld, and they will have my permission and command to use you like the whore you are."

Herc stared at his father. He had, as any good Greek would have, and especially as a dutiful son, worshipped Zeus. Now, though, he no longer saw the king as merting anything but contempt. He turned his eyes away, and as Zeus renewed his assault on Herc's fuck-hole the hero breathed a prayer.

"Brothers," Herc mouthed into the sheets, "Our father is going to destroy me. Help!"

The force of Zeus' final assault on Herc's ass made the links of his chain leash clink, softly singing a song in the hero's ear.

"Brother," clinked Hephaistos' voice, "I give you a gift. I made these chains from the net I once used to capture Ares and Aphrodite in flagrante dilecto. I made it with weak links that you can break, if you can summon the strength and will. After that, you need but cast them at a foe, and they will bind him tight, and bind him so strongly that not even the might of Zeus will suffice to break them. That's a subtle hint."

A gentle breeze now tickled Herc's ear.

Hermes teasing voice whispered, "Brother, I give you a gift. All that's holding you, Hercules, is Ares' seal and the oath it represents. But I've done some digging, and that whole affair was a set-up planned between him and our bitch of a step-mother. Your oath was extorted and is therefore void. You have my word on it, and Athena agrees with me. Better, we have presented your case to the Furies who concur with us both. You need but to free yourself, and with your brothers' help you can escape this trap. First, see where the lord of light comes to your aid with his own gift."

As the voice ended, the light of the rising sun burst through the clouds and filled the room with a light more intense than Herc could remember.

"Daddy!" Ganymede cried as he huddled against Zeus, "It's too bright! I can't see!"

Zeus had his hand over his eyes, and he bellowed, "Apollo! What are you doing?!"

Instantly Herc swelled his muscles and burst the chains asunder. He rolled to the right, out of Zeus' reach and, gathering the separate lengths of chain up, threw them at Zeus. In midair they coalesced into a whole, and as they met with Zeus' body, and that of his boy-toy, they wrapped the lovers tight, immobilizing the king of gods and keeping Ganymede from summoning help. After Herc's screams, nobody in the palace paid any attention to either Zeus' or Ganymede's cries for help. Not even Hera, for she knew better than violate the sanctity of Zeus' bedchamber.

Herc ran between two of the columns and stared at the precipitous drop. Olympus was lofty, and there was no way he could survive such fall. Jumping therefore was out. And if he tried to climb down and if Zeus were to free himself then Herc was no better (and possibly worse) off. At that point a bird flew up then and dropped a pair of winged boots at Herc's feet.

"Fly, my brother," the bird sang in Hermes' voice, "Get off of Olympus as fast as you can. Head for the rainbow." And that said, the bird turned and flew away.

Herc pulled on one boot and then the other before, trusting to fortune, leaping into the air. He had no idea where to go or how to use the magic in the boots, but the boots seemed to know what to do. Trusting, Herc let the boots take him where they would, which turned out to be one of those wispy, weak rainbows that Iris threw up on occasion. In a barely controlled plummet Herc slid down the rainbow which disappeared as he neared the ground. Herc grabbed hold and slid down until the weak colors faded out. After that he fell again, but the boots managed to land him on a hillside where row after row of grape vines grew on frames. Herc fell onto one knee, steadying himself with a fist to the ground. He was free, and he was away. But was he away enough?

The scent of the grapes surrounded him, and another voice rang in his head.

"When you find yourself abandoned by all others, come to the vineyard and call on me."

Remembering the taste of wine and cum in his mouth, Herc dug into the earth and prayed.

"Dionysos, Brother, make good your promise. Master of intoxication, lord of joy, I beg of you. Bring me to you!"

Herc had travelled with several of the gods in different ways, he was not prepared for what happened next. Vines ripped out of the ground, laying hold of Herc and wrapping him tight before pulling him under the baked earth. When he and they had gone, the soil was precisely as it had been when a rogue demigod had landed, and a clever bird sang from among the vines.


Herc at length burst from the ground like a vine himself. Dionysos had clearly carried his message far and wide, because the land where the god of wine now held court was like no place Herc recognized.

The young god lay reclined on a couch, with his court around him, looking smug. But added to their number were an assemblage the likes of which not been seen in the long life of the earth: Herc himself of course; Iolaus and his father Iphicles; ancient Pan and his disciple Priapus ever horny; Daphnos; Autolycus; the young Olympians Hephaistos, Apollo, Hermes, and Dionysos; Notos the South Wind, and Prometheus himself. And sitting at the hearth, as she did whether the hearth was on grand Olympus and the meanest mortal hovel, Old Hestia sat. Her head was covered, but they could all see her wide, knowing, smile.

"Hercules," Hestia said, "Where you father's favor may be withdrawn, let ours be bestowed."

The flames leapt and Herc became the center of an overdue round of comradery. He back was slapped; he was kissed on both cheeks; Hermes even copped a feel. Wine flowed, as it should, and the hearth produced delicacies untold. Satyrs played and sang, and feet moved in dance. A few discrete (or so they told themselves) couples took themselves into the secrecy of the night and made love.

When it all wound down, Herc found himself sitting with his inner circle of friends close to the fire.

"What now?" Iolaus asked, "Zeus has never struck me as a Well, I guess you got me there' live and let live' kind of guy."

Herc was thinking, but before he could speak, his aunt put in her two obols worth.

"He is not, grand-nephew," Hestia said, "He never has been, and he never will be. Already he is free, but between I and several of the other goddesses have opened his eyes to how skillfully he was played."

"Played?" Herc asked.

"Of course," the goddess smiled, "What better way to get unbreakable chains close enough to his regal person than to egg him into taking them into his chamber himself. Wrapped around you, that is. Even now he has `discovered' a plot between Ares and Hera to depose him and set the war god on the throne of Olympus."

Hermes looked smug.

"Some of my better work, if I do say so myself," he said.

"But that won't work," Hephaistos said, "Ares might fall, but, believe me, Hera will wiggle out of it someway."

"Trust me," Hestia laughed, "Zeus knows his brat's idea of subtlety is poking a hornet's nest, and this was beyond his abilities to plan."

"But not beyond his abilities to carry out, "Hermes smiled, "Assuming he was managed and massaged along the way."

"And who best to counsel subtle revenge than old Cow-Eyes herself," Hestia crowed, "And who better placed to have heard it all than poor little me."

Herc was confused. This was nothing like the meek goddess the priests spoke of, but perhaps after ages sitting meekly by she had finally had enough of her siblings' bullshit.

"So...?" Herc said, leaving the question hanging.

"You need to get out of sight," Prometheus said, "You and anyone who cannot stand up to Zeus' scrutiny."

"That leaves us out," Apollo said, "I am quite noticeable. And I and my brothers would be certainly missed, but there are several here to would make fine companions in adventures beyond the lands of the Middle Sea."

"Remember, you did once wish you could see what manner of men lived in my lands," Notos laughed.

Herc looked at Iolaus, his constant companion since the beginning of this strange story.

"You will come with me, yes?" Herc asked.

"Do you even need to ask?" Iolaus said, and he leaned over to kiss his buddy.

"And I," said Iphicles, "You'll want my consent if you're going to become lovers – because that what this looks like."

"And I," said Autolycus, "Who knows what magnificent treasures we may find in those lands."

"And I," said Prometheus, "Anywhere in the Hellenic cultural sphere is too close to my former prison for my liking."

"Then it is settled," Notos said, putting his hand into the middle of the circle. "We stand as brothers."

One by one the rest of the fellowship pledged themselves, but Herc said, "Let us be friends; let us be comrades, but I think I've had enough `brotherly' for a while.

While they laughed, Notos said, "And so it is settled. With the first light, I will carry us all to the lands beyond Libya and Africa."

"Can we make a stop along the way?" Herc said, "At Minos' palace in Crete? I have a certain responsibility to carry out there. At least I assume the addition of a hundred fighting men would make our band all the more formidable."


When the rosy-fingered Eos kicked Helios' ass over the horizon, there was nothing left in the vineyard to see but a cadre of Dionysos' followers sleeping off their wine. Soon enough though, the world of the gods and spirits reeled with news of the ruckus in Olympus, of Ares punishment, of Hera's sequestration, and of a daring raid on Knossos in which his prize dairy was emptied of every single cum-cow. Minos was furious, and Midas was beside himself.

Of Herc's new adventures, well, as the poets would say, continued on next scroll.

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