Her Husband Was Home!

By BawdyPen (Roderick Stafton, Roderick Shafton)

Published on Nov 30, 2003


HER HUSBAND WAS HOME! Part 1 by bawdypen

19-year-old Eddie lay naked on the bed, close enough to the older man that their sides were touching. He was slowly wacking his stiff boner while watching the guy's wife going down on her husband's enormous 11-inch cock. It was exciting to watch how much she seemed to love licking and sucking on that big pole. Occasionally she'd glance over at him and wink, making the kid gulp and get a rush of embarrassment--wondering if his face showed the fascination he felt watching such a huge piece of meat being blown. Hell, any guy'd give his left ball for a rod like that. Of course it wasn't as if...

At least he felt much more relaxed than when he'd followed the seductive woman home and found her husband there when he walked in! Man, that was a terrifying moment seeing that tall stud with a butch mustache eyeing him up and down. He expected the dude to start growling menacingly. So, you thought you'd just drop in and give my lady a nice slam-bang screwing, stuff your slimy meat away and take off, hunh?...before he hauled off and dislocated Eddie's jaw so hard he'd never speak properly again.

But Frank had an incredible way of putting him instantly at ease. That, and with Gloria grinning like a Cheshire, Eddie somewhat untensed and just stood there bewildered.

"Well, who's this, darling?" he asked her, smiling and extending his hand to Eddie, "someone to pass an afternoon of pleasant debauchery with?" He felt Eddie's hand trembling as they shook. "Take it easy, kid. Everything's fine. Gloria loves bringing home strays and mothering them all over. Listen, I don't mind if she brings home a guy and gets her cunt drilled. Hell, if it's alright with you I'll come along and watch. Better yet, she can do us both. Sexy stud like you can handle a little adult fun, right? Show you what a kick it is fucking a hot woman while her husband watches and urges you on. I'm sure you can dig that, and I fucking love watching a dude plow her hard and make her whimper. Come on, let's fix some drinks and go in the bedroom and get fucking naked. Everything's cool and all we have to worry about is getting our rocks off as many times as possible in as many positions we can think of. You look like a healthy young stud to me, but Gloria can be pretty insatiable. Come a time you can take a breather and watch me fuck her. Ever seen an 11-inch prick when it's up and roaring? Well, I got one and dudes with their shit together get off on seeing her and me put on a show for 'em. You got first dibs, of course. I'm not muzzling in on your action, just want to make it more interesting."

Nervous, but tingling with horny anticipation, Eddie began taking off his clothes while he watched Gloria undress. He was almost drooling when the brunette's big knockers came into full view. His prick was instantly on the rise. Something about big tits always excited him. Foolishly trying to push it back down, it only snapped up harder than ever. That's when Gloria moved toward the bed. Eddie's gaze followed her naked movements then suddenly froze straight ahead as she passed Frank. He gulped, swallowing hard, as his eyes widened to take in the sight of Frank's unbelievable prick sticking way out ahead of his rangy naked body. Eddie's own cock twitched, trying to decide whether to go up or deflate in embarrassment. Feeling totally inade- quate, Eddie wished he'd never gotten into it, and wanted to grab his duds and run out the door. Frank was used to that reaction and noticed it right off. Still, he couldn't resist a tiny bit of needling as he wagged it.

"Fuckin' big honker, ain't it?" he chuckled. "Listen, kid, I didn't get this monster because I'm so handsome or because I'm more of a man, it just came with the package. So don't let it intimidate you. Run across a lot of guys that'd sell their own mother for that hefty joint you got swinging there. Times I'd rather have it myself than this ornery nuisance. Cock this size is only good for showing off, rest of the time it's just in the way."

"Heh! Don't you believe it, honey," Gloria laughed, pulling Eddie to the bed by his prick. "Now, most women definitely prefer a dick like yours on a regular basis--especially if they like taking a guy down to his balls when blowing him--but Frank can throw in those extra inches when you're in the mood to be ravaged like a bitch in heat! But I brought you home to play with, so come here and let me suck that juicy thing!"

She layed him out and proceeded to lick him from his nipples to his knees before concentrating on washing his balls and slopping up and down his rigid shaft. She had him squirming in no time. That's when Frank got on the bed next to him. Cooing seductively for him to cool off a bit, she scooted over and began to administer the same treatment to her husband. Eddie stared in wonder at the hypnotic sight of her slowly tonguing up and down Frank's incredibly long manhood. It was like watching a porn flick up close. Seeing the sexy woman with huge tits licking up and down a tremendous prick and running her sensuous tongue over his fat knob with a lewdness that he'd only seen in films or imagined in jackoff fantasies...openly expressing her delight at having a man's cock in her mouth. She'd done much the same to Eddie, but seeing her adoration of Frank's cock had a voyeuristic extra charge to it.

She returned to Eddie and sucked his cock for only a short while. Then she looked up at him with twinkling eyes and told him to pull his knees back.

"Way back, sweetie," she cooed. "Gloria wants to sniff your butthole. Spread 'em wide, doll, and lemme in there. Oooh, smells divine! I just love it when a guy's crack smells like you'd think it would. Sweaty and pungent, just this side of ripe. Ever had your asshole sucked, Eddie? No? Well, Gloria's gonna suck it for you. Just spread it in my face watch me clean that wrinkled beauty for you!"

Eddie gasped as he felt her wet tongue slowly sliding up and down between his cheeks.

"Never did that before our second date," Frank chuckled, leaning into Eddie's ear. "Told he I wouldn't fuck her again until she ate out my asshole. Got pissed and stomped off. Next day her pussy was dripping like mad and she calls me up. 'Frank. Get your ugly hairy ass over here. I don't care if you bend over or sit on my fucking face, but I need your big cock so bad I don't give a rat's ass if you haven't wiped it since February!'"

Frank laughed heartily and Eddie got turned on all the more since her tongue was worming it's way right up his fluttering hole.

"Yep, got down like a two-bit whore and ate out my shithole like a fruit in a men's room! Bitch pulled her face away one time in surprise, and said, 'Damn, Frank, I kinda like this! Even as smelly as it is it feels terrific doing something so friggin' nasty!' Well, I always get off on seeing a chick suck my ass, so when I saw she dug it I couldn't help rubbing it in. First I rubbed it all over her face and said, 'I knew you'd love it, you slut, that's why I took a shit just before leaving the house. Hell, baby, you said don't wipe it!'"

"Yeah," Gloria piped up, "and you haven't wiped the fuckin' thing since, either!" Then she dove back into Eddie's fragrant shithole and fluttered her tongue around.

"How's his bunghole taste, sweetie?" Frank asked. "Nice and juicy? Yeah, Eddie, my little sugarplum loves eating out young stud assholes. Bet she's digging in there real deep, hunh?"

"Oooooh, yeh!" Eddie gasped. "Man, that's so good! Always thought you had to pay a bundle to get a chick to do that."

"Yeah, cunts get real prissy when it comes to licking a guy's shithole...even if it's clean as a whistle they act all disgusted. She's good, alright, but no match for a horny queer. If you ever have a queer offer to eat you out, Eddie, go for it. Drive you wild the way they can turn you inside out. No fussy bullshit about it stinks too bad, they go right in there and whiff a man's crapper like it's ambrosia, then suck the juice out of your hole!"

"God, that's sick!" Eddie blurted, scowling, totally unaware he might be offending Gloria. It made Frank grin.

"Who gives a fuck? Feels fantastic. Dude wants to eat out my dirty shithole, I say make your mouth happy, faggot. Stopped at this old rest stop out in the toolies years ago and got propositioned by some lonely cocksucker that'd probably been waiting all day for a man to come along. He was so fucking desperate to honk on my big prick he said I could take a crap in his mouth if I'd let him suck me off."

"Jezzus, you didn't, did you?"

"Betchur ass I did! Sat down on his puss and let him chew my smelly hole til I loosened up, then I grunted and farted and plopped a big greasy turdball into his mouth. I hopped up so I could watch him sucking on it. Man, that was wild! Fucking faggot laying there looking up at me with glassy eyes and a big mouthful of shit...getting off on doing it...getting off on me watching him. Fucker starts getting up cause he wants my prick in his mouth, and I'm expecting him to spit out the stuff but it's all gone. Sonofabitch ate it! Woofed it down without even belching, and wrapped his shitty lips over my cock and gave me a blowjob Linda Lovelace couldn't match!"

"Doing stuff with guys like that doesn't bother you?" Eddie asked, breathlessly curious.

"No, why should it? If it gets my jollies, and I'm not running to catch a bus, I'll go for it. You know, I'll let a fella do me if he wants. Hell, I even blew a guy in college. I'm not ashamed of it. He liked my prick, I was all fired up, I said gimme that damned thing I'll try anything once. Fuckin' got our rocks off, man! Guzzled his load down but I didn't much care for the taste. Shit, every guy oughta suck a prick at least once. Never know if you were born to blow men til you blow a man, I say. Could be missing out." He grinned mischiev- ously then glanced down at Gloria. "Hey, you frumpy asslicker. Don't you think you've dragged all the flavor out by now? His craphole ain't gonna singe your tongue til he takes another dump. Crawl over here and eat me." He raised his legs and pulled them back. "Get on down there, Eddie. Get a good peek at how somebody looks eating out a stud's hairy shithole when they love their work. Come on, baby, daddy's got a dirty pooch that needs cleaning. Show our buddy what a nasty cunt you are. Demonstrate that not all women are pussies when it comes to licking off their man's poopoo."

Eddie scooched down as suggested. He was rather anxious to see the filthy act being performed. It'd certainly felt good having it done. He stifled a repulsed groan at the sight of Frank's obscenely exposed large hairy anus and the lewd way he was making it poke in and out. It was really disgusting, he thought, a man's shithole. Especially after all of Frank's rambling it was impossible to block out the vulgar imagines of big greasy turds coming out of there. One after another, all he could picture was how it must look when Frank takes a shit! The gross visions only slightly subsided when Gloria put her tongue in there and began to lap his wrinkled ring. But when he heard her brazenly sniffing the cruddy opening, all he could think about was whether her tongue was cleaning leftover shit as it shamelessly slathered between and around those bulbous wrinkles of anal flesh. But, amazingly, a sudden depraved outburst of Gloria's shocked him out of his reverie and allowed him to enjoy the perverted act for what it was...fucking nasty!

"Oh, you donkey-dicked bastard!" she spat. "I was a nice girl til you ruined me. Just a sweet innocent young thing that liked a good porking and doing a naughty thing like sucking on a man's thing til it squirted. Now I'm a crazed slut that crawls between men's legs and dives under his sweaty balls praying that it stinks underneath cause I got a constant hunger to eat out dirty assholes! I might get over it if you ever started wiping your ass, but you know I'd probably only beg you to stop. Mmmm, spicy! AHH!" She used her thumbs to pry Frank's asshole open, then turned her head. Lean down here, Eddie. No, don't worry. Just bent down and take one big whiff of his ass. Just check it out. You know what to expect. But even if you find it repulsive I want you to have that scent in mind while you watch me eat him so you can enjoy all the more what a filthy act I'm doing and get off on how much I love doing it."

"Yeah, smell my asshole, Ed. Won't hurt ya none. Stick your nose right up to my shithole and sniff the fucker. Then you can really appreciate what a dung-lapping cow Gloria is...bringing strange dudes to the house, getting fucked and blowing 'em, and sucking their assholes right in front of me!"

Figuring he had nothing to lose, Eddie got his face up next to Gloria's less than an inch from Frank's unnaturally large, hair-ringed turdchute and sniffed deeply. He was about to draw away quickly, but Gloria pushed the back of his head in and told him to take just one more. He did, but then jerked his head out of there.

"AW, THAT'S PUKEY!" he cried, firmly believing that to be his honest opinion and blocking out any little doubt that might intrude on his ego. He was aware of his mounting fascination with their depraved lasciviousness. He was becoming pleasantly overwhelmed by thoughts of perversions, but wanted to keep them distanced and not permitted to become an incentive to person- ally indulge in any behavior that would forever plague his conscience with shame and humiliation. His twisted ramblings were snapped to by the sound of laughter.

"Pukey?" Frank chuckled. "Only to the faint of heart, kid. Times it was a lot filthier than it is now, but never once did Gloria ever puke over it. Didja, baby?"

"Not even a tummy churn, you rascal. I'm too much of a slut now. Only makes me lick faster and dig in. Maybe I'm just a fruit in a woman's body, cause I love cleaning out my man! Of course, I love cleaning out other men, too."

"Long as you do me when I ask, I don't care if you line up the American Legion post and go down the line rimming the lot of 'em."

"Jeez, hon, at least make it the Boy Scouts."

About ten minutes later, after Gloria had switched back and forth a few times, she was avidly blowing Eddie with no- nonsense seriousness. Frank was huddled right next to Eddie, stroking his own bone, watching her engulf a large portion of the big meat. More than she'd done thus far, and Eddie was fascinated. He was so hot to fuck her but hesitated making the suggestion because by then he was rather used to them directing the action. Because of that, perhaps, but mostly because of his being on the edge, when she went back to Frank's cock Eddie put up only token resistance when Frank's hand began to gently press on the back of his head, urging him downward.

"Go ahead, stud, take a lick on it. Do it with her. Shouldn't bother a real stud's sense of manhood to take a swipe on another guy's prick now and then. Now's your chance, go for it. Suck a dude's knob it might as well be a big fucker like mine, right?"

"Come on, sugar," Gloria coaxed, "it's wonderful. No need to be bashful. If a butch stud like Frank can admit blowing a guy, you shouldn't be embarrassed."

"Easiest way is just go down on it, kid," Frank pressed and Gloria aimed the big shaft at his lips.

Next thing Eddie knew he had Frank's prick in his mouth. His lips and tongue were working it over as if they were in charge instead of him. I was only supposed to take a fucking swipe on it, Eddie mused, and here I am cocksucking!

The teenager quickly dismissed any concerns that he'd been conned once the sensation of having that monster sliding between his lips proved to be incredibly exciting. With Frank's hand caressing his back and shoulder, and Gloria whispering sexy encouragement while scooting over to lick Eddie's prick, Eddie flung aside any lingering worries that he was queering another man. He just didn't give a flying fuck. The prick was prime manmeat and he'd been eyeing it with hidden desires since first catching sight of Frank standing naked with a towering boner. He knew now that he'd successfully suppressed an instant desire to rush over and kneel down for the honor of adoring the man's gigantic prick. And now that it was actually in his mouth, he felt no man alive could possibly not harbor an instantaneous urge to suck such a beautiful piece of flesh, especially since it's so silky and hard and his lips make the blood pulse and oh, momma, I got the damned thing stuffed to the back of my cocksucking throat!

"Oh, sugarpuss, we got a winner here!" Frank moaned. "Suck that bastard, Eddie. Fuck your bullshit pride and teenage vanity and let yourself go. SUCK MY COCK! SUCK THAT BIG MUTHERFUCKER! HONK ON IT, YOU COCKSUCKER! You're fuckin' naked with a throbbing hardon giving a married man a blowjob while his wife sucks you and watches. Pig out on my prick. You're young, beautiful, and free. And you love sucking my prick. Show me how you love it, boy. Show me how much. Then I'm gonna turn you over and suck your juicy dick and lick your balls. And if I get a mind to, I'll shove my tongue up your hot little shithole and eat it out! CAUSE THE THREE OF US CAN DO ANY FUCKING THING WE WANT TO DO!"

True to his word, Frank pushed Eddie flat and went down on him. Panting, still in shock over how he'd slobbered on that stiff cock with uncontrollable lust, Eddie shook with fevered euphoria at the sight of the masculine stud engulfing his entire prick with undisguised joy. Suddenly, his whole body shook with violent tremors and he blasted a powerful gushing stream of hot jizz into Frank's cocksucking mouth!

"AHH! D-D-DON'T STOP! DON'T STOP!" he screamed, wanting nothing to interfere with the most incredible orgasm of his life. "OH, FRANK, KEEP BLOWING ME, MAN!"

A vague remembrance of Frank saying he hadn't cared much for the taste of cum was the lingering fear behind his admonition. But the delicious trembling continued as the man frantically gulped down his tremendous load with no hint that he desired to do anything but drink every creamy blast that squirted up from the boy's balls and spewed from the gaping hole in his throbbing cockhead.

Eddie collapsed in exhaustion from the overwhelming ejaculation and jar to his senses. Breathing in some needed oxygen, he watched Frank crook his finger and beckon Gloria. When his wife sidled up next to him, the guy pressed their lips together and dripped the last mouthful of Eddie's teenage spend onto her tongue. Then they both smacked their lips.

"Hey, you little queer," Frank pointed with a grin, "if you'd been that first guy I'd blown I'd be sucking cocks daily and having Gloria pick up dudes we can both suck off. That, my young friend, was hot, nasty, and fucking delicious! I don't know what they're putting in teenage balls these days, but yours churn out a syrupy nectar the fucking Pope would kneel to gobble down. Whew, turned me on something fierce watching you suck me. I could see your mind going, man. I could feel you loving it. How you doin'?"

"Ah, great. What a come that was. You blew me better than any chick ever did, Frank. I think you've been wanting to do it again ever since that first one. I know one thing, I liked blowing you. When your cock was in my mouth I suddenly realized I wanted to suck you the moment I saw it. Guess I'm still a dumb kid in some ways or I'd had the sense to beg you to stick it in my mouth right then and there."

"Hah! Some things just have to happen in a certain order for different people."

"Yeah," Gloria interjected, "like Tommy. He's a darling 14- year-old that lives down the block. I saw him riding his bicycle in front of the market one day and got a wild urge to bring him home and lick his sweet body up one side and down the other. Little rascal caught on to my teasing hints right away and asked if I wanted to sex him up, cause if I did he'd sure like to suck on my big tits! I said honey, come on to my house and you can bury your face between them and anywhere else. That made him gulp, but he managed to croak out, 'Y-you mean, you know, your cunt? Your twat?' On the bed with my legs wide open, sugar. You can just look or go exploring all you want. 'Criminy! But, doesn't it stink? All the guys say pussies really stink.' Are we talking about guys who really know? Everything can stink if you let it. Your poophole stinks if you don't wipe it, right? Well, pussies smell but they only stink if you don't wash it. Besides, doesn't a handsome boy like you want to do things the big boys do? Don't you imagine it when your pecker gets real stiff and pound it off? What do you picture doing when you play with yourself. And don't kid me, I know all boys your age play with yourself every chance you get. 'Boy, I sure do! Sometimes I get so fucking hot I come a load right in my pants!' Oooh, that's a delicious thought. Now if I'd been there I'd have pulled your pants down and licked all the sweet cream running down your leg, licked all over your balls, then taken your pecker in my mouth and cleaned it real good for you! 'Wow! You're gonna make me come in my pants right now. Look, I got a boner just thinking about it!' Oooh, that's a nice bulge you've got in there. Let's go to my house and you can whip it out. We can take all our clothes off and do it. Anybody ever sucked your pecker? 'Gosh, no. Would you? Don't you think I'm just a kid? I mean, my pecker gets really hard, but it's not very big. I'm only 14.' Big ones, little ones, I'm a lady who likes cocks in her mouth of every size. What really counts is whether you can shoot some nice creamy juice into my mouth. And I especially love having a young man like you squirt his sweet jizz for me to drink. 'Heck, I shoot all over the place. I always got a rag handy but I get so excited I forget it and shoot all over myself and the bed.' That'd be a pretty sight to see. I'll bet you scoop some of that buttery balljuice up and eat it, don't you? 'Well, sometimes, sorta. How'd you guess?' Honey, all boys gobble their own cum once in a while. Even grown men. I once watched a college tennis player flip his leg over his head and suck his own cock. Shot his wad right between his lips and gulped down every drop like it was honey. He said he'd been doing it since he was 16 and won't ever stop. When I asked why, he said first because it's luscious and second because he can. He said every guy he ever met who could suck themselves off loved drinking their own loads. And since technically they were already cocksuckers, quite a few of them enjoyed sucking off other guys without feeling any shame about it. Have you ever sucked another boy's cock? 'Um, no, but me and a friend secretly jerk each other off sometimes. That's not so bad, is it?' Honey, absolutely not. Glad to hear you got balls, kid. Takes a man with guts to do it, and even more of a man to admit it. The secret to good, hot sex is doing whatever the fuck you want to do and screw what anybody thinks about it! Of course, you have to be a little discrete at your age. Gotta trust who you're with. But if you get the urge, just tell your buddy you want to try sucking on his prick, and if he's man enough he'll do the same to you. 'Hmm, I never got that urge so far. But I kinda like holding his prick and watching it squirt.' Sweetie, let's go get all bare-assed naked and see what pops up!

"Now, you know our little modus operandi by now. Well, that time Frank stayed in another room. I'd had the randy youngster sprawled out with his balls licked and his stiff pecker sucked just enough to tease it terribly, and had just gotten him nestled between my thighs, instructing him on how to eat cunt, when Frank peeked into the room. With junior firmly entrenched in my trench, he couldn't see Frank enjoying the sight of a horny fresh virgin boy nibbling his first pussy. And Ed, my new-born lecher, that kid must have had some wild jackoff fantasies, because he was eager to put them into practice! I watched his puppy dog eyes gleaming while his lust-starved little tongue began to lap my juicy cunt up and down, up and down, burrowing his face in there, saying if that was stink he was all for it. No persuading for that kid. First little suggestion of it, and he shot his tongue up my hole and started eating my cunt like a champ! When he returned to the outside, I even began humping my rearend up and down. I was purposely wiping my whole gash over his face, from clit to asshole, and he never hesitated for a moment. If I was moving like that, then it must mean he was supposed to lick both holes, and both holes he'd darned well lick!"

"That's when I tiptoed in and stood next to the bed," Frank chuckled, "just waiting."

"And you should have seen his eyes when he eventually caught a glimpse of someone standing there. He turned real slowly then let out a gasp and tried to jump away. But I wrapped my thighs around him and held him in a tight grip, saying it was alright, don't be afraid, it's only my husband, Frank. Well, that hardly put him at ease seeing a 6 ft. naked man with an 11-inch boner pointing in his direction. He let out some incomprehensible groan from deep within his guts as his eyes fixed mesmerized at a cock he was positive could not possibly exist. Even the furtive glimpes at a buddy's dirty pictures from his dad's dresser drawer had big ones that were nothing compared to Frank's."

"I grinned at him and held out my hand to shake," Frank said. "I sure as hell didn't want the kid to shit his pants cause he didn't have any pants on. I said, 'Looks like you were really enjoying that. You like eating out my wife's cunt?' He couldn't do more than stammer so I gave him an easier one. I asked him what his name was. 'K-Kevin...sir.' Well, at least he managed that much. 'Hey, no need for that sir bullshit, son. You're eating my wife's pussy and probably hoping to fuck her. Well, that's fine. I don't mind one little bit. I'd like to watch you go at it. Maybe give you a few pointers on the way. You don't mind if I watch, do you? Has she sucked your prick yet? Gloria loves sucking pricks. Say, you're sure having a hard time taking your eyes off my cock. Do you like it? It's okay if you do. I don't mind another guy admiring my big meat. Heck, reach up and feel it if you want. Lotsa guys ask to do it. You know, cause it's so big and takin' a feel don't mean anything. There, you like that? Go ahead, grab it and slide your hand up and down. Just like you do your own. When I was your age I couldn't keep my hands off my cock. Hell, I still can't keep my hands off it! Hard enough trying to keep everybody else's hands off it. No, go ahead. I didn't mean to stop. Feel me up. It's a monster and you have a right to be surprised. Not many men have honkers like this. That's it. Hell, you're young. Kid your age don't have to worry about doing stuff. You can mess around all you want. Now, maybe a man in his thirties that goes around feeling up guy's joints all the time could be called a queer, but a horny dude just starting out is supposed to try things out, and do stuff like queering his buddies and junk. Here, why don't you sit up. Let the boy loose, honey. You brought him home so he could let his passions go wild, didn't you? Well, for the moment I think his passion is how nice it feels stroking my huge cock. Honey, why don't you get down on the floor and lick Kevin's balls for him while we men try a little naughtiness of our own. Yeah, slop those pretty little nuts for him. Lick that rock hard shaft of his, too. Ooh, that shows Kevin's got a real lusty nature. Got a nice grip on a grown man's big bone, and it makes his own prick stand right up and say YEAH everything's fine and it's gonna be fun.' I put my hand on his head and gently urged him forward. 'Suck it, Kevin. Don't be afraid, I'm not gonna ram it or even move. Just wrap your lips over that fat cockhead and give it a nice suck and see what you think. Oh, that's it. Keep going. Test it out. See if you like sucking cocks. If you don't, at least you gave it honest try like a man. If you do, there's lots of beautiful hard cocks in this world that would love to shoot a big load of jizz in your mouth. Hey, if you'd like to, we can lay down and you can suck on my prick and lick it up and down. In this house, you're free to do anything you want. Come on, get on the bed. I'll lay down and you get between my legs and blow me while Gloria licks out your asshole. I saw you licking her asshole. Maybe you'd even like to try licking mine later on. Might stink a little, but who gives a fuck. I always say a little raunchy smell only makes a guy's prick harder, cause guys like being nasty and doing weird stuff. That's why 99% of the perverts in the world are men. Cause we dig it hot and dirty, and a real man enjoys feeling smutty when he's naked and has a hardon. Yeah, Kevin, we're naked and we got terrific hardons. Blow me.'"

"Frank's got such incredible powers of persuasion," Gloria said. "He mixes calm, soothing suggestiveness with obscenities that make a person anxious to try every act they thought was dirty and disgusting because Frank makes it sound like great fun. Which it is, of course, and that's why it works."

"No shit!" Eddie exclaimed good-naturedly. "Sure did a number on me!"

"Pretty boy, I'm not through with you yet," Frank threatened with a smile. TO BE CONTINUED

Comments appreciated...please mention story name. bawdypen@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 2

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