Help,my first story


Published on Oct 26, 1996



Hi everybody,

This is my first story,so be kind.

Personal thanks to Eddie,whose stories have given me the motivation to actually do what I keep promising myself.Thanks Eddie.

I know its short and not really very complete but hopefully I've left a few points for later expansion.




I suppose I've come to accept my fate now,but who would ever believe me or my story anyway.

I know you would consider me to be lucky ,and you would probably be right.When you spoke to me in the coffee room I thought at the time,Shit not another one,but after a while the feeling grew that you might well not only believe me,but may even help relieve my pain .

Where to start,everybody says the beginning, so here goes.

I was born in London in 1950,dont laugh at me!,I said 1950 and I meant it.My parents weren't rich by any means,but we got by.

I was given the name Robert Jones,now your laughing again,please hear me out. I grew up to be your average bloke with your average nine to five, and considered myself well off.What with a decent job and an attractive girlfriend .I expected her to accept a proposal anyday.

That was when we were invited to that party down in Hampstead.I knew we would probably be well out of place,but Sandra worked as the secretary for the bloke, and insisted we go.She thought there might be a chance of promotion.Huh, fat chance I said to myself mentally,I know what he really wants,and he'd better not try anything while I'm around.

We got there okay,and everybody seemed to be enjoying themselves.I suppose I should have expected what happened next but,being the so called 'swinging 60's',and Hampstead,I didn't even think about it.

The pills came round.

Looking back I sometimes wonder if there wasn't maybe an element of determination in the way that Simon ,Janets boss,gave everybody else theirs leaving me with a single pill which looked different to the others.

The 'Just say no' campaign was only a dream of a young actress then,so I didn't even think twice about popping it.

It all seemed great for a while,what with the lights and sounds,but then things started to get really weird. My head started spinning madly,the party goers started to fall to pieces,literally to my eyes.Growing darkness and the last thing I heard before everything went black was a voice screaming "get the Ambulance he's in a bad trip".

Excruciating pain greeted me as I awoke, but I'd got used to that a long time ago.What I didn't expect was the giant figures around me.

"Cootchy coo sweetheart" one of the giants,obviously female, said and I wondered what the hell she was talking about.

I tried to shout to her but all that came out was a low gurgle,thinking that I must have something in my throat I tried again,and again only a gurgle.

Then something happened which threw me into a panic,one of the females reached down and literally picked me up.That really started me screaming,all that came out though was a strange high pitch keening.

"Congratulations Mrs Burrows,you have a fine healthy baby,both of you can go home tomorrow.I assume your Husband will be here to pick you up?."

BABY?!!,I thought,what the hell was happening here?.

"Yes nurse he,ll be here at ten."

"Fine lets make sure your both ready for him then,Its time to nurse and then we'll get you both dressed."

I had sort of calmed down by then,if you can call the state I was in,calm,but I did feel hungry and didn't struggle as the nurse handed me over to the person who was supposed to be my Mother.

Placing me against her breast I seemed to start sucking automatically.It was as if I had no control,and the sucking was instinctive.

Ten minutes later I stopped.Feeling strangely satisfied I felt irresistibly tired and could not stop my eyes from closing.

I awoke sometime later,God knows how long but it could have been hours let alone minutes.Again I felt something strange,a wet feeling down by my crotch and I realized I'd peed myself.

I tried to shout, but again I was only capable of that strange sound,and I also found that I could not stop it once started.

In some dim area of my mind I must have been trying to rationalize what was happening to me,but no matter what theory I could come up with.The fact was that I had somehow been reduced in age and was now this Woman's baby.

Eventually I came up with something that,although weird,was the only thing I could think of.Somehow I had died and been reborn or ,My mind had been transferred by some effect of the drug.Until I could get out of this situation I had no way of knowing which.

The nurse came then and all my thought was taken up by the humiliating reality of a nappy change.

She rocked me a little afterwards,and again that feeling of tiredness overcame me.Blackness.

I'm sure you don't want to know the hell I went through,what with living through infancy again.but that wasn't the half of it.I mean I soon realized that to keep from seeming mad,I had to Fake everything.Down to the last Burble and the halting speech.toilet training was an especially trying time for me and the parents I was only just beginning to accept.

There then followed the school years,and inevitably because of my previous experience I became something of a gifted student,so much so that I was enrolled in a special school.That was dodgy,I mean look at me,and remember what I said earlier,How would you react?.

The teens followed along with puberty and the mood swings,I had come to trust my new parents by then and accept my new life,but that part hit me like a ton of bricks.

My original theory had been revised now that I knew the date,somehow dont ask me how,my mind had been released by the drug and locked on to this baby being born in the local hospital.Because the babies mind was more or less empty it was perfectly suited to the process.I soon found out that I had been "reborn" so to speak on the very night of the party.

I've since traced my ex girlfriend,and found her married to Simon and kids of their own.I even became friendly with them,being of the apparent same age.Invitations soon followed to the house and thats when my suspicions were first aroused.

I dont know how but I got the distinct impression that Sandra knew who I really was,she seemed very uncomfortable around me,and kicked us out to play as soon as she had the chance.Birthday parties were a real trial for her but I had been invited by the kids,so she had to bear with it.I got a perverse pleasure watching her squeam with anguish.I mean one word from me and both she and Simon would know for sure.Allright nobody would believe me,but they couldn't be sure.

Shit!!!,theres my mother,you'll have to split.No dont stay,please.

Tell you what I'll be here again same time next week I'll see you then if you want.

I know it looks perfectly normal but she is really nosy when it comes to my friends,and I'd have to go through a real interrogation about you.

I mean she's the real protective type,and wants to know about anybody her DAUGHTER meets.

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