Helping with the Birthday Party

By Alex Benton

Published on Jun 28, 2020



Hey everyone, this is the first story that I've written. I'd love to hear what you have to think about the story. Email me at Hope you enjoy it!

It was a hot day in June. My parents had asked me if I could help host my little brother's birthday party. He was having a dozen of his friends over for the day, and all of their parents were expected to come too. While my mom and dad entertained the guests, I was expected to make sure all the food was in order and everything stayed relatively clean. As compensation for my help, my parents promised to give me some money to buy new clothes before I started college in the fall.

If I was being honest though, getting to see all these dads was payment enough. As I carried drinks from our garage to the coolers in the backyard, I noticed that most of the families were starting to show up. All of the kids immediately started running around in the backyard where we had some games set up. The moms all flocked to the pool where we had tables with umbrellas. It was cooler in the shade, so they sat there and started chatting about their kids and other stuff going on in town. I had just finished filling one of the coolers with beer, so most of the dads walked over near me. They were soon talking to one another about their kids' upcoming sports seasons with drinks in their hands. I was trying to be as inconspicuous as possible as I admired them. They all seemed to be in their forties--with a few exceptions--and they were all wearing shorts with either a t-shirt or a button-down. Each had something sexy. Whether it was chest hair poking out from their shirt, facial scruff that framed a square jaw, or arms that bulged out of their sleeves, it caught my eye and I couldn't help but stare at all of them. I hadn't met most of them, so I was easily ignored.

I was so caught up in watching these men that I almost didn't register my name being called from behind me. I turned to see Mr. Evans walking my way with his wife and son. He was the only father here that I knew personally. He had three sons. The two younger ones were the same age as me and my brother, so as we became friends, our families became closer as well. He gave me a tight hug, and I tried my best not to melt into his arms.

"How are you doing? I hear you'll be in California next year for college?"

"Yeah, I'll be going to school near Los Angeles. I'll be far from home, but I'm looking forward to college life." I tried speaking in coherent sentences, but I was still feeling the rush of his hug and it made it hard to concentrate.

He cracked open a beer. "I wish Jason was a little bit more adventurous like you, but he chose to stay closer to home." Jason was his son, and we were best friends when we were younger. In middle school, I had a massive crush on him and imagined losing my virginity to him. Over the past few years though, we drifted apart. He was a natural athlete, so when we started high school, his success in sports made him instantly popular. After that, we spent our time in different social circles. Nowadays, he's with his football buddies most of the time. We're still friends though and hang out whenever our families are together. His popularity has made him a little arrogant, and when we're together, he usually talks about the girls in school he's hooked up with. Sometimes I still imagined losing my virginity to him, but I'd lost hope in that long ago. Nowadays, I just admire him and the men of his family. They're all tall with impressive builds, so it's hard not to lust over them.

I tried ending my conversation with Mr. Evans so that I could get back to my work, but he kept questioning me about school next year. "You're probably looking forward to being surrounded by college girls right? I remember my time with the co-eds, if you know what I mean," he said with a smirk. I didn't know how to respond. I wasn't out yet, and I didn't have a lot of experience with "guy talk," so I didn't know what to say. Not to mention, I couldn't help but picture Mr. Evans sleeping with girls in college, and that made it hard to focus.

I did my best to laugh it off and change the subject. "Oh yeah I'm really looking forward to that Mr. Evans. Umm...I need to get back to helping my parents, so maybe we can catch up more later?" Before he had the chance to respond, I went inside. I just hope he didn't pick up on my discomfort at the mention of girls. To keep busy, I started getting some snacks ready in the kitchen for my brother and his friends.

A few hours later, all the kids were inside, so I decided to hop in the pool while everyone was busy. It was really hot, so it felt nice to swim a few laps. Suddenly, I noticed one of the dads approaching the pool.

"Hey, you're the one helping with your brother's party right?" I nodded. "I saw you swimming out here and thought I'd copy you. It's fucking hot out, huh? I'm Mr. Romano, Ari's dad." He was at the edge of the pool, extending his arm for a handshake. I swam over and introduced myself. I remembered my mom mentioning a Mr. Romano. Apparently, he's divorced so he was the only one to come to the party without a wife.

He took off his shirt, exposing a tanned chest with curly black hair. Then he unzipped his shorts and stood in just a pair of striped boxers. He was going to swim in his underwear! I tried not to gawk as he dove into the pool and swam a few laps. He must have noticed my staring, however, because he stopped in the shallow end and smirked at me. Then, he stepped out of the pool. The wet fabric of his boxers clung to his skin, revealing a sculpted ass and a hefty bulge. It took every ounce of energy not to stare at what was barely hidden behind the shorts. He wrapped a towel around his waist, and I tried to look like I was still swimming.

"Hey, could I shower somewhere to wash off this chlorine?"

"Um...sure. If you walk through that door, it'll lead to the basement. There's a bathroom there with a shower."

"Do you mind showing me the way? I hope you don't mind, I'm just really bad with directions."

I thought the directions were pretty simple, but I agreed. I got out of the pool, dried myself with a towel, and led him inside. When we were inside, I pointed to the bathroom door and told him the shower was in there.

"Thanks bud." He went into the bathroom, but then poked his head back out. "Hey, this towel is kind of wet, and there aren't any new ones in here. Do you mind grabbing a towel from one of the bathrooms upstairs while I rinse off?"

Wanting to help, I went upstairs to look for a new towel. I noticed that everyone was finishing their lunch, and people were starting to make their way back outside. I finally found a towel and made my way back to the basement. While I was walking down the stairs, I heard the shower going. When I got to the bathroom, I knocked on the door and told Mr. Romano that I would leave the towel right outside.

"Come in and leave it in here!" I was shocked by his offer. I hesitated for a moment, before opening the door. The shower curtains were clear, so nothing was hidden from me as I gawked at his body.

"Thanks son." His deep voice sent shock waves through my body. I pulled my gaze away from his package and looked up at him. He had a cocky look on his face.

"Hey, I'm sure you could use a rinse too. You were in the pool longer than me, so I'm sure you wanna get that chlorine off. Why don't you come in here with me?"

"Um I'm not sure--" Not giving me a chance to respond, he pulled back the curtain, grabbed my wrist, and pulled me into the shower.

"Why don't we get this off so you can really get clean." We were standing so close to one another, our chests merely inches apart, when his fingers found their way beneath the waistband of my bathing suit. Looking directly into my eyes, he pulled off my suit. I stood there, frozen, refusing to break eye contact. Mr. Romano poured some body wash into his hand and started massaging my body. His strong hands started on my shoulders, then they travelled down my back gently pressing against my flesh. Finally, he cupped my ass cheeks in each of his hands. They massaged the muscle there, but his fingers also started to gently press against my hole. After a minute of his groping, he turned off the shower.

"Mr. Romano, I--"

"Shut up and get on your knees." I obeyed. With one hand holding the base of his dick, Mr. Romano used the other to guide my mouth to his crotch. I briefly tried to resist, but his hands were too strong. He held my head firmly as he thrust himself inside me. At first, I choked on him and began to tear up. But as he continued, I adjusted to his assault on my mouth.

"Yeah take it bitch. I wanted to do this as soon as I saw you swimming in that little bathing suit of yours." He continued pumping into my mouth. I started to taste his precum.

"Have you ever done this before?" I shook my head no. "Aw fuck that's hot." He gripped my hair with both hands and shoved his dick down my throat even further. "Even when they're inexperienced, boys are so much better at taking a man's dick down their throat. Last year, my wife came home and found me balls deep in a neighborhood kid's ass. She left me, but it was worth having a shot at that kid's tight pussy."

We could hear everyone was back outside and knew people would start to notice we were gone, so he picked up speed. In between heavy breaths, he shot into my mouth. He had a heavy load, so it was hard to swallow it all. Some of his cum dripped down the side of my mouth. Before I had the chance to recuperate, he grabbed me by my underarms and pressed me against the wall with his body. As his mouth explored my neck, his hand found its way to my ass. His thick index finger gently pushed against my hole.

"I'll have this later," he told me, his mouth just below my ear, breathing warm air against my neck. "We should get back to the party." He let me go and got dressed. His boxers were still wet, so he went commando. I peeked my head out the door, saw no one was there, and let Mr. Romano make his way outside. When he closed the door, I stepped out of the bathroom. I was about to make my way outside when I heard a voice behind me.

"Hey there sport, I've been looking for you." Mr. Evans had a knowing grin on his face. Or was that just my being paranoid? Did he see Mr. Romano? Did he hear us? "Your mom asked me to help you get the cake ready. She wants us all to sing to your brother before we have dinner. I tried getting you earlier, but I think you were...busy."

I blushed. "Oh...okay, let's go upstairs then." I didn't know what to do. I couldn't tell how much he knew about me and Mr. Romano, so I tried to pretend that everything was normal. I followed him up the stairs, graciously soaking in the sight of Mr. Evans' ass in those shorts. I suddenly realized I never had the chance to cum earlier, so my dick started to chub up. When we got to the kitchen, I got to work on the cake. There wasn't much left to do, just some finishing touches on the icing, so Mr. Evans sat at the kitchen counter while I worked. We made small talk until I finished and put the cake in the fridge.

"Hey son, could you do me a favor?"

I turned to find him sitting back in his chair. His legs were spread, displaying a hefty bulge. Images of me kneeling in front of him to pull off his shorts flashed through my mind. Forcing my mind back to the conversation, I asked him what he needed.

"Well I was outside earlier, running around with the kids, and I guess I must be getting old because my shoulders are killing me now. Would you be able to...massage them for me? Everyone else is outside and I don't want to bother them."

"Um, are you sure Mr. Evans?"

"Yeah don't worry, it's not a big deal. And aren't you supposed to be helping out with the party? Making sure all the guests are...satisfied?"

"I guess--"

"Perfect!" And, without pause, he pulled off his shirt. "Why don't you grab that lotion on the counter over there?" I thought I'd rub his shoulders for a minute and be done. I didn't think he'd be getting undressed and need lotion for it!

While I grabbed the bottle off the counter, I took a moment to check out his chest. He had a layer of thick, brown hair covering a bulky, but toned, upper body. God, he was so hot. I walked over behind him, pumped some lotion into my hands, and started massaging him. He didn't feel knotted or tense, but I wasn't a masseur so I wouldn't know. I started at the base of his neck and slowly worked my way outwards to his shoulders. His skin was soft, but his body was hard with muscle.

After a few minutes of massaging, Mr. Evans turned to me and asked, "How `bout I return the favor?" He must not have been expecting an answer because he got up behind the chair and told me to sit down. I reluctantly sat down. He hadn't put his shirt back on, so I could feel his heat against my back.

"We better get this out of the way." All of a sudden, he pulled my shirt off, leaving the two of us half naked! He pumped some lotion into his hands and began kneading my shoulders. Immediately, it felt so good, and I was completely under his control. Slowly, he worked his way down my back, then across my body to my chest. As his fingers grazed my nipples, I had to keep myself from moaning. My eyes we shut, and I let myself succumb to the pleasure.

"Looks like you're really enjoying this, huh son?" Then, suddenly, I felt one of his hands reach down and grasp my hard cock!

In shock and unable to make eye contact, I told Mr. Evans I had to go to my room. My mind was racing. What had just happened? Up until that point, he had only ever treated me like any dad would treat his son's friend. That was the first time we had touched beyond just a hug or pat on the back. I got to my room and hopped on to my bed. Had I liked it though? I'd always had a huge crush on Mr. Evans--and his son for that matter--and imagined what it would be like to be fucked by him. Thinking about it now had me touching myself on my bed.

Suddenly, the door opened. I was frozen with my hand still down my shorts. Mr. Evans smirked at me.

"Why am I not surprised?" I stayed frozen as he walked towards me. When he got to the bed, he grabbed my thighs and yanked me towards him in one pull. His force brought me back to my senses.

"Wait, Mr. Ev--" He clamped my mouth shut with one hand, while the other caressed the length of my inner thigh.

"Shhhhh...I know you like it. I can see your dick's hard." His hand inched its way under the hem of my underwear. "I've had my eye on you for a while. I knew you were a faggot by the way you always looked at my son when you were kids. I think he was too thick-skulled to see what he could do with fag like you, but I hoped he would've learned eventually. Faggots are always the best at giving head, you know. When you and my son stopped seeing each other so much, I forgot about what we could do with you. Then, today I overheard you and Mr. Romano in the basement and thought I'd like a piece of that ass too."

"But I only gave him a blowjob! We never...I've never had sex like that."

"So you're saying I really got myself a virgin pussy then? That's even better." At that moment, he pulled off my shorts, leaving me there on the bed in only my briefs. I was ready to jump off the bed, but he pinned me down. My legs were hanging off the bed while he held my head down by placing one of his arms on my neck. With his other hand, he tore a hole in my underwear, exposing my ass. He spat into his hand and proceeded to shove a finger into me. My back arched at the sudden pain. His mouth found its way to my neck

"Shhhhh...You should relax. It'll make this easier."

"But I--" A second finger made me gasp for air. I had never felt so violated. Fingering me with one hand, he used the strength and weight of the rest of his body to hold me down on the bed. I was completely under his control.

"Mmmm you feel so tight." I felt his breath, hot against my ear. "I think you're ready." With that, Mr. Evans unzipped his pants, and pulled out his dick. He didn't even take the time to really undress. His shirt was still on, and his shorts hung around his waist, as if he was just taking a piss.

I watched as he spat into his hand and started stroking his thick cock. Once he thought it was lubed enough, he lined it up with my hole and thrust forward. My eyes shut from the sudden force, and I could feel myself inhale sharply. I had never felt a pain like this, but Mr. Evans continued to force himself on me and showed no signs of stopping. I could feel the heat of his breath on my neck as he groaned.

"I haven't felt anything this good in years," he said in between groans. "Last time I had something this tight around my dick was when I fucked a kid I met when I dropped Jason's brother off at college."

After a few minutes of nonstop assault, he pulled out. I was still in a daze, and my ass was throbbing. He grabbed me by the hips, turned me over, and pulled my ass up. He crawled forward so that he was now on the bed with me. He spat on my hole before driving himself inside me again. He was fucking me with quick, hard thrusts. He placed one of his hands against my back, in between my shoulder blades, pushing my upper body down. At this angle, he was able to go deeper inside me, so he was able to hit my prostate harder. My body was overwhelmed. My hole was still on fire, though the rest of my body was feeling waves of pleasure.

Again, Mr. Evans wanted to change positions. He pulled out and released me from his firm grip. After getting off the bed, he stepped out of his shorts. I took this moment of respite to appreciate the power he had over me. His body and assertive attitude had me in a trance, not even thinking about refusing his advance on me.

He got back on the bed and pushed me back against the headboard. He grabbed my legs and threw them over his shoulders. He guided his cock back to me hole, and resumed fucking me with abandon. We were finally looking at each other. He was smiling. I couldn't tell if he got pleasure from the pure sensations of fucking me, or if it was from knowing he was able to inflict such a combination of rapture and pain on me. Then, out of nowhere, he spat on me. A small part of me felt disgusted, but I knew it was what I deserved. I didn't wipe it away and let it slide down my face.

He was picking up the pace of his fucking, and I could tell he was close. I grabbed the sides of his chest and tried to pull his body even closer to mine. Picking up on the invitation, Mr. Evans thrust harder and harder. His mouth found its way to my neck, and in between shallow breaths, he bit down on my flesh. I could feel his stubble scratching my skin until, finally, his thrusts stopped, his body tensed, and his cock erupted into my ass.

He groaned loudly, and for the first time, I worried that someone could hear us, but I made no effort to stop him. Once his orgasm subsided, he stayed, slumped over my body, for a moment before pulling out of me and getting off the bed. As he put his shorts back on, I felt my hole. It was wet with his spit and cum, and my hole was sore like I had never felt before.

"Don't mention this to anyone, kid. It won't look good for either of us."

"Yes sir."

"Good. We'll do this again." It wasn't a question. "Oh, and by the way..." he pointed to my cock, which I hadn't even touched yet, "You should take care of that."

Hope you liked it! Originally, I was going to write a second part to this story, but I think I'm just going to move on to another story that I'm much more excited to write. If you have any feedback on this one, or ideas for me to write in the future, email me at Thanks!

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