Helping the Hottest Guy in School

By John Johnson

Published on Jun 29, 2005



Disclaimer: Of course this never happened but I wish it had so badly.

All of this is pretty much true except for the actual fucking

or any sex or me getting this close to him.

My name is Kyle. I was 16 and in my sophomore year. I was about 175 lbs. and 6 feet tall. I worked out, had a cute face and an ok body. It was still developing. The guy in the story is named Jeff. We had chemistry together and were in the same grade. Truthfully I didn't notice him until a couple of weeks into class, and then he hit me. He walked in one day. Perfect. Short spiked brown hair, sculpted chest and nice arms and this perfect bubble ass that fit his shorts so good that you wanted to get up push him over and shove your dick deep inside him. He was one of those jock/frat boy types but not really stupid - more amazingly well built and cute. I sat in class with him that morning thinking about him non-stop. I couldn't take it. As soon as school ended I went home and shut my door.

I laid on my bed and felt up my body thinking about this guy. He was so fucking hot. I imagined myself feeling up his body. I got hard immediately. So hard that my dick was the biggest it has ever been. I put my hand into my shorts and stroked using nothing but the sweat on my palms and the precum seeping out of the head for lube. After about 5 minutes, I was getting close so I took off my shirt, took out my dick, and aimed it at my face. I came all over my body. I cleaned up by wiping it onto the bed. When I went to sleep that night, I knew he would be there the next day.

I went to chemistry again and he was there sitting down talking with some of his friends. A couple of who I already knew and were also hot. I looked at him. When I first noticed Jeff, it was such a raw emotion that I didn't even notice much about him. I started to notice his smooth, hairless skin - his perfect posture that was due to his back and shoulder muscles being so well defined - his smile and laugh. Everything was perfect. I basically sat through all of chemistry with a hard-on rubbing my legs together to appease my want for jacking off. Then she ended the lesson and we had time to talk. Basically the guys that I was friends with made a circle with Jeff in it. So I went in. We all started talking. He wasn't arrogant. He was normal. He was cool. He talked directly to me and I joked with him. He seemed like he genuinely liked me as a friend. I wish I could have him so badly but I knew he was one of those guys who fucked a different girl every weekend.

Well finally my moment came. I did really well in the class and everyone knew it. The teacher kind of made it public who got the highest grade. Jeff joked with me occasionally how I did so well, and I replied

"Sorry that you're a dumbass - I can't help it." We laughed. He finally pulled me to the side and asked,

"Would you mind doing me a favor?"

I said, "depends..."

"I need a tutor for chem, I think I could be getting a lot higher grades." All that went through my head was that I would get to spend time alone with him. So like some in the closet teen does when any hot guy asks him for a favor - I agreed. He said awesome. We met after school and his mom picked us up. He was wearing a tight college cap that was angled up and to the side with a nice t-shirt from A and F. The shirt wasn't actually tight. It's just that his body filled it out so well. He was also wearing khaki shorts with a belt and sneakers. I went over to his house. His mom let us know she was going out and no one would be home so to call if there were any problems. I was getting so horny thinking of the possibilities. He the told me to follow him up the stairs. I walked just staring at his perfect ass. He turned around to let me know his room was on the left and caught me staring. "You ok?" Jeff said to me probably knowing what I was thinking. "Yea sure just tired" - I tried to cover.

I sat on his bed and said, "How do you want to do this?" He asked if we can start on the levels such as electron clouds and shit. I agreed. He sat on his bed next to me, and we got started. After bout 20 minutes, he said - I need a break.

We started talking about random shit, school, life, home, sports, then my favorite topic with any hot guy - girls. Why? Because talking about some cunt with a nice pair of tits will get any hot teen horny. Watch and learn.

He asked if I had a girl friend and I said no. I asked, "Do you?"

"Yea, her name is Ally"

"Is she that freshmen?"

"Yea, she's so hot," he said leaning back for a great view of his body, "but she's a little bit of a pain."


"She never puts out and when she does its not good"

"Damn - how far have you gotten?"

"She sucks me off fairly often but her teeth always get in the way. She also refuses to do anything else down there." I was getting fucking hard and needed him to go on,

"Such as...?"

"Well she doesn't do anything interesting."

"Wow that sucks - I hate when I have a really hot girl friend who gets on her knees for me once a week." He laughed and punched me in the arm jokingly.

"Yea but you don't get it. She'll suck me off but her teeth will scrape my dick, she won't put one ball in her mouth, and she doesn't swallow. I can't even get off half of the time and she even expects to be eaten out perfectly and right after."

"I could see where that gets to be a pain."

"But, once in a while.... Once in a while, she'll get it perfect," Jeff began to feel his crotch, "Every lick and suck will push me closer to the edge and it is so fucking hot." I could see his meat filling out his shorts. He grabbed it and messaged it. I decided to go all out.

"Let's say I knew someone who thinks you're the hottest guy in the school and would give u the best head ever with no dating or shit involved?"

"What's the catch?"

"It's a guy."

He looked into my eyes and had a small cunning smile. "I knew were checking me out sometimes in chem." Before I could reply, he jumped up on top of me pushing me onto my back laying flat on my body. He lifted my arms above my head with one hand so that his armpit was just to the left of my face. I could breath his scent in pushing me to full sized erection. He slowly grinded his crotch into mine while keeping his perfect level with mine. He said "I bet you've wanted me to do that all year." He rolled onto his back laying next to me on his bed. "Well why don't we get started?"

I said one rule - "I get to please you in anyway - just trust me, you'll like it." He smiled and nodded. I lay flat on his body. Knowing kissing him on the lips would weird him out, I settled for his strong neck. I used my arms to prop me up a bit. After about a full 30 seconds of just sucking on his neck I pulled back and removed his hat. I muttered,

"You're so fucking hot." And again he flashed his sexy smile. I started to feel up with both hands starting at his stomach moving up to his chest with his shirt between me and his bare body. The warmth I felt pushed me to lift his shirt up to reveal his body but I didn't take it all the way off. Just enough to reveal his tits. I put my lips to his left nipple. I sucked on it while playing with it with my tongue. He responded with a small groan. I then moved to the other tit.

He wasn't complaining. After I felt like I did enough foreplay, I kissed my way to the center of his chest. I lifted my head up and helped him remove his shirt. He sat up and put his arms above his head. He seemed to be sexy in any position he took. I pulled it off admiring his body. He said, "That was pretty hot." I said, "yea it was." I pulled off my t-shirt, threw it to the side and then pushed him back down onto the bed. His body had this great look where it was big toward the top and went down into a v-shape. I kissed him from the center of his chest to the navel. I circled my tongue there and then undid his belt. He was staring down at me with his head tilted up. He used his right arm holding it above his head and bringing his forearm back down to hold up his head. I left his belt on undone thinking it looked sexier and unbuttoned his shorts. I slowly pulled the zipper down and pushed opening apart. His underwear was revealed. Of course, they were boxers. I put my nose to where they covered his patch of pubic hair and breathed in deep. I looked up and said,

"I'm gonna need to fuck something after this." Jeff laughed flashing his cute smile. I pulled down on his shorts and underwear at the same time. They smoothly came down releasing his hard cock. It sprang up and landed on his flat stomach. It was so nice. Smooth, Circumcised, about 7 and 1/2 inches long. I loved it. I brought my lips right above his balls and breathed hot air going up to its head. Jeff's tensed up,

"Dude, this is way to fucking tempting, just suck it already." I went to his balls and placed my tongue at the base of them and licked hard from the bottom slowly going up the shaft. I then lifted his cock up a little with my hand and put it into my mouth. Jeff said being more relieved,

"Ooooo that's better... yea..." It was hard to get in at first because of its size but it didn't bother me. My head bobbed slowly each time letting a little bit more of his meat slide into my throat. I looked up to see his eyes shut tight with his mouth open wanting to scream out. His body was gaining a light film of sweat bringing out his sexiness. I knew I was doing it right. I messaged the underside of his dick with my tongue. After about 3 minutes, I decided to give him what his girlfriend couldn't. I took my mouth of his cock.

"Don't stop" Jeff begged but I just ignored him. I went to his nut sack and licked each nut rolling them in my tongue separately then taking them in together. He shut up and started moaning again. I watched him feel up his chest with then one free hand he had. He was so hot, and I was so glad I could help him out like this. I went back to his dick - licking it like a ice pop. I then swallowed it hole causing him to utter a load moan. He reached down with his hand and placed on the back of my head. He used it to push my mouth even deeper onto his dick. We went on like this till I pulled off. I commanded, "Lift up your legs." He did exposing his perfectly sculpted ass. I went down to his hole. I stuck out my tongue and licked it.

Jeff said, "Yo that's so gross, but feels so nice." I sort of laughed and kept going. I then tried to fuck his ass with my tongue because I knew this was the closest I was ever gonna get to doing that. He moaned so much and said I wish my girlfriend would do this. I pulled myself up to his face and put one finger up to his lips and said, "Lick it." He looked at me a little weird but I pushed my one finger in to his lips and let his tongue cover it in saliva. To keep him happy I grinded my shorts onto his bare cock. I slowly fucked his mouth with my finger like it was a cock and he took to it. Sucking it and licking it. I pulled it out and went back to his dick. As I began to suck his dick, I slowly pressed my wet finger to his ass. I pushed it in and at the same time took his whole cock in my mouth.

He yelled, "Oh FUCK..." Once down, my head bobbed and I finger fucked his ass at the same time. He was looking down at me with his eyes open now, as if I was making him hard and not his imagination. He still held his mouth open breathing hard and fast. With my free hand I grabbed his nuts and messaged them. He barely managed to get out,

"Dude,...this... is, I have to cum." I felt his hole squeeze around my finger showing that he was about to cum. At that moment I shoved my finger as far as it could go into his ass, I pulled on his sack, and I pushed his cock all the way until I had all 7 and a half inches down. Jeff yelled, "Holy Shit!" while tightening every built muscle in his body. I felt wave after wave of hot cum shoot down my throat. I hate the taste of cum, but I didn't care - I wanted to take him into me. I swallowed it all. After seven shots unloaded into my mouth, I swallowed and I felt Jeff loosen up. His muscles relaxed. I slowly pulled my finger from his hole. I let go of his sack. And I pulled my mouth off his dick sucking to make sure I get every drop of everything that came out of it. Jeff smiled down at me and said,

"I've fucked some wet and tight pussies and gotten a good amount of head, but man that was probably the best I have ever gotten it." I laughed a shy quiet laugh. Jeff noticed the straining meat within my shorts.

"Come here, I'll give you something to fuck." Jeff said signaling me to lay down on top of him. I lay myself so my face was level with his. He unzipped my shorts and slid them down with my underwear. My dick was now touch his flat and smooth stomach.

"Kyle - for sucking me off like that, I'll let you hump my stomach. You think you can cum like that?"

"...yea" I slowly grinded my dick up against his flat stomach. This was the luckiest moment of my life. It was so hot. I just kept my eyes fixated on Jeff and his sweat covered body. He took one arm and placed it on my ass, lightly guiding my hard-on into his stomach. He took his other hand and placed it on top of my dick increasing the friction between us. I pumped faster and harder. My moans grew stronger and every moment I watched Jeff's body. Noticing his tight and large chest to his cute preppy face and flat stomach. O Fuck it was getting to be too much.

"Jeff I have to cum." "Go ahead..." I shot six loads of my juice all over his stomach some shooting as far as his chest. I pulled up and said thanks. "Don't worry, after what you did to me? you definitely deserved it." I bent down and licked my cum off his body. His sweat, my cum, and the smell of sex was so unbelievably hot. I watched him zip up his shorts and put on his shirt. He looked at me and smiled. I did the same. Jeff was the first to speak.

"It's getting late, you should go home now."




"Don't tell anyone, It was great but I just rather keep it between us."

"Don't worry. I don't want it getting out either."

We went downstairs and his mom walked in. "O good, you guys finish up good?" "Yea, he helped me out a lot." - Jeff said. She drove me home and Jeff came for the ride. As I was walking away from the car Jeff called out to me. "Kyle! Maybe you wouldn't mind helping me out at school sometime?" All I said was, "Anywhere anytime."


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