Helping Kyle Out

By Indian Horned

Published on Mar 12, 2011


Brian was looking a little embarrassedly at Kyle after what had just transpired but he just found Kyle grinning back at him, his face a little flushed, and his muscular chest glistening with the lightest sheen.

"Fuck, what time is it?"

Brian looked at his watch, and said that it was just a few minutes to seven.

"Fuck!" was Kyle's only reply. "Hey bro, that was very cool of you but I need to head out to meet some buds at a bar."

Brian looked back at Kyle with just the slightest bit of disappointment.

Kyle was quick to pick up on that. Smiling that famous winning smile of his, he said, "Tell you what, Bri. Why don't' you join us for a night out on the town, huh?"

"Seriously, Kyle?"

"Yeah, but you'll need to get dressed up a bit. Say, why don't I grab a quick shower after my impromptu exercise here, get dressed, and meet you at the doorstep in twenty?"

"Sure, Kyle. Would love to go out with you."

"Hey, grab me that towel from over there."

Brian walked over and fetched the towel, and watched with just the tiniest bit of disappointment as Kyle covered himself up.

"Hurry up, kid. You need to get dressed, and I need to take a quick shower."

Brian grabbed his backpack which he had placed on the floor, unlocked the door, and stepped out, as Kyle went out behind him to the showers. He ran up two floors to his room, and started hunting in his closet for a nice shirt to wear. Finding one, he realized it needed to be ironed. "Fuck, twice in one day," he thought to himself as he set himself to the task of getting dressed.

When he dressed up, and went out the door, he saw Kyle waiting for him. Kyle looked absolutely breathtaking in his crisp shirt, ironed pants and black shoes. In the twilight, with his sexy blond hair, twinkling blue eyes that appeared almost violet in the dark, muscular body that filled out his clothes nicely, and lightly scented cologne, Brian couldn't help but staring.

Finally, he just blurted out, "Wow, Kyle, you look like a model in those clothes."

"You did a good job on that shirt, pledge," was Kyle's only reply grinning away. "Let's go. The others will be waiting for us."

As they walked along, Kyle chatted amiably with Brian about the swimming coaches, his own workout schedule, and the classes he was taking. Brian was charmed by Kyle's easy-going ways, and found himself, to his own surprise, chatting away just as easily.

Fifteen minutes later, they had hit the main drag where Kyle was supposed to meet his buddies. They were waiting for Kyle.

"Sorry, guys. Just got a little delayed here. This is Brian. He'll be joining us tonight."

"Wassup, Brian?" said the nearest guy, "I'm Ryan," as he reached out to shake his hand.

"Bro, Sean," said a laconic guy, hands still in his pockets, standing next to him.

"Brian, huh?" said a buxom saucy girl, "I'm Chris."

"Yeah, that's really Christina," joked Ryan, "but if you call her that, she's gonna cut off your both your balls, grill them up, and have them for lunch."

They all burst out in laughter looking at Brian's dumbfounded face.

"C'mon, kid, let's go," laughed Kyle, as he grabbed Brian in a buddy hug, as they all marched down the street together.

When they reached the bar, the only place they could find was a standing table. Kyle remarked, "Hey guys, Bri here is a fuckin' pledge so he's gonna be in charge of getting the drinks and everything." He looked at Brian who looked a little worried, and said, "Don't worry, kid. The drinks are on us."

Turning back to the group, he said, "C'mon, pony up the dough, kids," with a goofy charming smile. One by one, the handed their bills to Kyle who gave them to Brian, and said, "Grab a pitcher of beer, and five glasses, and keep `em coming."

Brian went up the crowded bar where he was summarily ignored for a bit. Finally, he managed to snag the bartender, grab the stuff and bring it back to the table.

"Before you get a drink, pledge, go put our names down for a table otherwise we'll be standing here all night," said Kyle.

Brian groaned. He was going to be doomed to be doing these errands all night. When he got back though, he found Kyle handing him a drink, and giving him a winning smile and a wink.

"Cheers, drink up."

As the beer flowed, and the conversation ebbed and flowed, Brian began to realize why Kyle was such a popular guy. It wasn't just about his looks. He laughed easily, told funny stories, had a winning way of taking a funny line, and repeating it in varied ways until the entire group was doubling up in laughter. Brian spurted beer through his nose more than once.

"Hey, you wanna go check if they have a table for us?" asked Kyle.

Brian obliged. When he returned, he said, "They have a smaller booth. Can we squeeze in?"

"Fuck yeah," replied Ryan, "I'm ravenous. Let's go."

It was a tight squeeze in the booth. On one side, sat Kyle with Brian sandwiched against the wall. On the other, sat Chris and the laconic Sean. Ryan grabbed a stool, and sat at the head.

They ordered more beer and food, and once again, Brian found himself laughing away with the crowd. He was also crushed up next to Kyle, and found himself pressed against Kyle's tight muscular body and the shirt that he had ironed just a few hours ago, smelling his clean smell with just the slightest hint of cologne, When Kyle's hand brushed against his, he started just a little bit, and then quickly grabbed his beer, and gulped some.

When the food was cleared, and they could drink no more, there was a round of discussion about what to do next. Chris suggested going out to a club but Kyle just drawled, "Naah, I've had a long workout today. I think I'm gonna head back."

"Oh c'mon."

"We'll do it some other time," said Kyle smiling away, and even Chris found herself succumbing to Kyle's charms.

"Fine, I'm goin'. You coming, Ry? Sean?"

So the group split into two with three headed off to the clubs.

"You want to head back?" said Kyle to Brian.

"Sure, Kyle."

As they started walking back, Brian started stumbling just the slightest bit.

"Whoa, kid, looks like you had a little more than was good for you, didn't you?" said Kyle, as he grabbed on to Brian with his muscular hands. "Hang on, it's not that far away."

When they got back, and climbed the stairs, Brian said, "Kyle, you're a cool dude. I really enjoyed this evening."

"You wanna come and hang out in my room for a bit?"

"Sure, Kyle."

As they entered Kyle's room, Kyle locked the door behind them, and started peeling off his shirt, "It's a little warm in here for spring, huh?" He took off his black shoes too.

Brian stared at Kyle just the least bit glassy-eyed, "Wow, Kyle you look really handsome in that crisp ironed pant of yours."

Kyle just laughed, "C'mon, let's hang out and watch some TV." He went over to his fridge, grabbed two waters, and handed one to Brian. "Drink some. You won't get a hangover this way."

As they relaxed, Brian couldn't help stealing glances at Kyle's impeccable body. After a while, Kyle stood up, took off his pants and just said, "I'm gonna get comfortable."

Brian just sat there silently drinking his water.

"Aren't you hot in your dressy clothes, Bri?"

"Yeah, Kyle."

"Go ahead. Just take `em off and relax."

Brian obliged, and soon he and Kyle were sitting on the couch next to each other in just their boxers. Kyle draped his muscular arms around Brian in a friendly way. Brian kept sneaking glances at Kyle's body, and thinking about his thick cock. Soon, he couldn't help but get hard.

After a while, Kyle noticed Brian's crotch. "Still horny, huh?" he laughed. He slipped off and tossed his boxers onto the dresser in one smooth motion.

Brian gasped at seeing Kyle's thick cock again.

"You like it, huh? Go on, take it in your hands."

This time, Brian required no further encouragement. He just grabbed it gently, and held it. "It's really warm, Kyle."

"Take it in your mouth, bro."

Brian took Kyle's thickening cock in his mouth, and started sucking it gently. Kyle moaned at the pleasure. Soon, he was rock hard with his cock engorged and the veins sticking out.

Brian was lost in sucking Kyle's cock when Kyle grabbed him, pulled his boxers off, and told him, "Let's do this differently." He pushed him over to the bed, and just said, "Lie down."

As he lay down, Kyle stood across the bed leaned over, and inserted his cock inside Brian's mouth at right angles. When Brian tried to play with his own cock, Kyle grabbed his hands and said, "That's my job."

Brian looked a little confused.

"Get it nice and wet."

Brian obliged for a bit but then Kyle abruptly pulled his cock out. Brian said in a disappointed voice, "What's the matter, Kyle?"

Kyle didn't reply. He just smiled winningly at Brian, mugged him gently, and got on top of Brian to start rubbing their cocks together.

Brian moaned as he got to be in full contact with Kyle's muscular body for the first time, and his cock rubbed against Kyle's steel-hard thick wet cock.

"You like that, huh?"

Kyle slid down just a little bit. He held Brian's hands behind his back, and pushed forward a little till Brian's knees were bent.

Brian panicked a little when he realized what Kyle was about to do but Kyle smiled and him, and just said, "Relax."

Kyle's hot wet rod nuzzled against Brian's ring, and he thrust forward quickly and popped it open. Brian's eyes went wide and he let out a loud whimper. "Let me in, just breathe and relax." As Brian relaxed a bit, Kyle pushed forward with firm force until he was inside Brian all the way.

Brian eyes were the size of saucers but as Kyle released Brian's hands, and rubbed his hair gently, he relaxed slowly, and wrapped his hands around Kyle's firm muscular body.

When he found Brian relaxing, Kyle pulled out almost all the way, and thrust all the way back into Brian firmly. Brian moaned. Kyle repeated it again, and started thrusting gently but firmly with long strokes. Brian moaned louder from the pleasure. His cock which had gone soft with the invasion was rock hard against Kyle's abs. As Kyle alternated with long piston-strokes, and small jabs, Brian's head started spinning deliriously with the new sensations that Kyle was inducing in him.

"You like that, huh, Bri?" said Kyle as he continued to pummel Brian's hole with his thick ramrod. Brian's eyes were rolled back in his head as he gripped Kyle's muscular body. Before he knew it, his ass was contracting firmly around Kyle's pole, and he involuntarily shot his load all over Kyle's abs.

"Shoot that load, pledgeboi."

Now that he had released, Brian was very embarrassed as he looked up at Kyle but Kyle just grinned at him winningly, and renewed his attack on Brian's hole. His muscular chest was sheened with exertion, and his blond hair was slightly matted to his forehead. He leaned in, and held Brian close while thrusting hard with long strokes. "Take it, boi."

Brian could smell the scent of Kyle's sweat mixed with the cologne that had made him so heady earlier this evening. He ran his hands all over Kyle's muscular back and wrapped his legs around him. Even though he had just cum, he got hard again at being so close to Kyle's muscular body.

Kyle meanwhile started attacking Brian's hole with a fury.

"Lick my chest, pledge."

Brian started licking the small drops of sweat off Kyle's muscular chest. He then moved his attention to Kyle's eraser-shaped nipples, and started sucking them like a teat. The thought of actually being able to lick and touch Kyle's muscular body along with the sensations that Kyle was bringing deep inside him got him so excited that he moaned uncontrollably. He couldn't help it. His ass contracted around Kyle's pole and opened his floodgates for a second climax.

As soon as Kyle found Brian's ass pulsing furiously and milking his thick rod, he knew he wasn't going to be able to hold it back any longer. "Gonna cum inside you, pussyboi!" he shouted. He thrust furiously twice, and then with one long piston thrust entered Brian all the way, and released himself to a copious climax.

Kyle kept fucking Brian's wet hole to get the last few bits of pleasure out, and then collapsed over him.

Brian could hardly believe that this stud was so close to him, and experimentally ran his hands over Kyle's damp hair.

Kyle lifted up, and pulled out, leaving Brian with a feeling of emptiness. Then he grinned his wide smile again, and said, "You know, the room next door is empty, and there's a connecting door. You want me to get you that room, pledge?"

(Thanks to all the comments I have gotten for the first story but this really is the logical end of this particular series. You can email me at

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