Helping Kyle Out

By Indian Horned

Published on Mar 6, 2011


It was a cool spring evening when Brian was walking across campus. His hair was still wet from the showers after swim practice, and he was wearing a pair of jeans and a hoodie. His flip-flops flapped as he shuffled across campus with Jenny right next to him.

Suddenly he heard someone yell, "Hey bro! Come up here and help me out." Looking up, he saw Kyle up in his room in the frat house wearing nothing but a towel, and dripping wet looking as if he'd just gotten out of the shower after working out. "Hey Kyle, what's up?"

Kyle volleyed back, "Bro, I need some help. Wanna come upstairs for a bit?" Brian shrugged at Jenny, and wondered what Kyle wanted. Jenny, clearly attracted by what she saw, hollered, "Can I come up too, Kyle?" "Naah, send Brian up, bit busy at the moment."

As Brian climbed up the stairs to Kyle's room, his thoughts started wandering to thoughts about Kyle. He was the preternaturally handsome campus stud. Sexy blond hair, blue eyes with a smooth handsome lean body. He was popular too because of his decency, casual "aw-shucks" attitude, and winning smile.

Brian knocked on the door and Kyle yelled out telling him to enter. "Wassup dude?" Kyle had his back to the door, and was mussing with his hair in the mirror as he said, "Yo bro! Need some help. Plus you're a fuckin' pledge so get your ass in here." Brian grinned as he stepped in. "Shut that door." Brian obliged as Kyle said, "Yo, start ironing that shirt over there, pledge. Need it to go out later."

Brian groaned inwardly. Even though he had ironed shirts all his life, he hated doing it. He tossed off his backpack into a corner, and grabbed the board which was near the wall, and set it up. He plugged in the iron, and as it was heating up, he placed the shirt on the board. To distract himself from the task, he looked up at Kyle who was facing away from him. His eyes drank in Kyle's lean muscled body, and his eyes couldn't help returning again and again to Kyle's lean abs, and the white towel.

Kyle meanwhile was digging through his drawer for something, and his muscles rippled as he kept searching. He shut the drawer in disgust when he couldn't find it, and squatted down to a lower drawer. As he stretched his hands, his muscles bulged and Brian's eyes widened. Kyle grabbed the stuff he was looking for, and Brian noticed that it must've been Kyle's favorite pair of boxers which he threw on top of the drawer after he stood up, and kicked the drawer in disgust. Kyle turned around to notice Brian staring at him. "What are you staring at, Brian? You're gonna burn a hole through my abs. You a fag or somethin'?

Brian blushed hard, and stammered, "No, Kyle. You're fucking ripped man. I need to start working out with you or something."

Kyle grinned his famously winning smile that nobody could resist, and blurted, "Yeah, kid, you do. You don't have a bad body. Get you nice and muscular in no time." He then flexed his abs, and asked, "You wanna feel these?"

Brian desperately wanted to but he just said, "Naah, I'm good". "Go on bro, check them out", Kyle insisted, and Brian figured it would be fine since he had to be talked into it. He stopped ironing the shirt, and stepped around the board with a grin, "OK, you crazy fucker." He ran one finger up and down Kyle's abs. "Hard as iron, bro."

Kyle laughed, "Oh fer cryin' out loud, feel them properly with your palm." Brian grinned wider, and rubbed his hand over Kyle's body.

"You like that, huh?"

Brian stepped back, and said, "Great abs, Kyle. I bet Jenny would like them."

"She's not the only one, pledge!"

Brian stepped back to his ironing, and just muttered, "Yeah, probably not Kyle. All the girls want to get with you."

"Not just the girls", Kyle lobbied back with a wink.

Brian laughed nervously, and set himself to the task of making Kyle's shirt as crisp as possible. "You're going to be one handsome stud in this shirt, Kyle."

Kyle smiled winningly, and flexed for Brian. "You want to check out the guns, bro?"

"Naah, Kyle, why do you want me to feel you? We both know you're stronger than me." Kyle laughed as he turned away, "Now iron that shirt, kid." He walked back to the mirror over the dresser, and started mussing with his wet hair.

"I've finished your shirt, Kyle", Brian said, as he held up the shirt with on a hanger that he grabbed off the floor. "Looks good doesn't it?"

"Great job, pledge. That's a really crisp shirt."

Kyle grabbed his yellow boxers off the drawer, and dropped his white towel.

Brian's eyes went wide, "Fuck, Kyle. You're hung like a horse on my grandparents' farm. Shit, dude!"

Kyle laughed out loud. "You've never seen a big one before, Brian? It's not even hard!"

Brian stared hard and his mouth gaped open just the slightest bit. "Not like that, you fucker! No wonder the girls talk about you."

"Bet you never saw a thick uncut one before either, huh?"

Brian shook his head.

"Dude, your eyes are wider than a drunken bitch at a frat party. Come on over", he beckoned. Brian hesitated, and Kyle barked out loud, "Come right here, you pledgee fuck."

Brian walked over nervously, "You serious, man?"

Kyle smiled that famous winning smile of his again, "Yeah dude, it's no big deal. Go on touch my soft horse cock. Take it in your hand."

Brian blushed and whispered, "You serious?"

"Just do it, bro. It's no big deal."

Brian took it delicately in his hand, and grasped it gently. "Wow, it's warm."

Kyle smacked Brian playfully, "Told ya, it was no fuckin' big deal, kid."

Brian let go of Kyle's thick cock. "Aah, fucker." He laughed and stepped back nervously.

"Bro, chill out."

"I am", said Brian with an edge in his voice.

"You liked touching it, didn't you? Be honest, dude."

Brian blushed as he shook his head.

"You wanna touch it again?"

Brian replied nervously with hesitation, "Do you want me to, Kyle?"

"Go on. It's cool bro."

Brian shrugged and stepped forward again, and gripped Kyle's cock again, "Fuck, Kyle, this is a big dick."

Kyle grabbed Brian in a friendly buddy hug, smiled at him, and said, "Bro, you love this horse cock, don't you?"

"Wish mine were that big", said Brian while he gently squeezed Kyle's cock.

Kyle moaned gently from the stimulation.

Brian grinned when he saw that Kyle was actually enjoying it, "You like that?" He squeezed a little harder and muttered, "Fucking thick cock."

"Yo bro, shut off that iron, or the whole place will be up in flames."

"Shit." Brian let go of the cock hesitantly, and ran over to shut the iron. He put away the board, hung up the crisp shirt, and blurted "Sorry, Kyle."

Kyle laughed and grinned wide, "You just got distracted by my horse pole." He walked over and grabbed Brian again in a buddy hug, "And my abs."

Brian laughed nervously again, "Shit, Kyle. Now what?"

"You like what you see, bro. Go on grab it."

Brian needed no more encouragement this time, and he grabbed the cock quickly which had started plumping up from the attention given to it. "Shit, how big is it gonna get, Kyle?"

"I'll show you, kid" said Kyle, stepping back, and pulling on his own cock until it was stiff as a rod, veins sticking out with the foreskin still covering the head.

"You're fucking hung. And you have veins that stick out like your muscles, Kyle."

Kyle just grinned, "You'd been staring at that white towel forever, Brian. Thought you were gonna burn my horse cock up with your laser eyes."

Brian looked down with an embarrassed smile, "Yeah."

"Fuck, kid, all this horsing around has made me horny."

Brian got nervous again suddenly, and his voice cracked as he blurted out, "What do you want, Kyle?"

Kyle drawled in that sexy languid way of his, "You wanna help me out, bro? It can be our little secret." "If you want me to. I'm a pledge, remember."

"Lock the door first", was Kyle's only reply, "and get back in here to help me out."

Brian scurried back after his assignment, and took Kyle's rod in his hand. He nervously and gently started jacking Kyle off. Kyle grabbed Brian by both of his shoulders, and pushed him down gently but firmly. Brian nervously mouthed a "fuck" while he went down on his knees.

"Help a bro out. Just take it in your mouth for a bit."

Brian started licking over the head, and then opened his mouth and took the head in. "Fuck that feels so good, you pledgee fuck", groaned Kyle. He gripped Brian's head hard with his muscular hands and shoved half his cock down Brian's throat, and held it there with his firm grip. His arms were tense and muscles bulging as he held Brian's head in place. His nipples, about the size of quarters stood out, as Brian moved his mouth up and down the shaft, glad to finally enjoy Kyle's body, and give him the pleasure that he wanted. He lapped at the head of the cock, rolled his tongue around the head, and took the cock down into his throat.

"You're a born cocksucker, kid. Never had one that this good," Kyle grunted. "Run your hands up my abs and chest." Brian was glad to oblige and he rubbed Kyle's hard chest and pecs, and started playing with his nipples which were the size of erasers. Kyle arched his back as the feelings from his cock raced up and down his spine. He shoved his throat deep into Brian's mouth and held it there. Brian choked some but he took it willingly, glad to see that his hero was enjoying himself. He tilted his head so see Kyle's reaction only to see that Kyle had his sexy face thrown back with his eyes closed while he let out a slow guttural grunt of ecstacy.

Kyle started thrusting hard while holding Brian's head in a vice-like grip. "Fucking amazing, pledge. You suck cock better than anyone." Kyle was not known for having a quick trigger but the feelings that Brian aroused in his cock were bringing him to a quick simmer. He could barely control himself as he fucked the pledgee's mouth with long deep strokes.

Kyle held Brian's head firmly as he thrust deep and released himself. The cum was copious and Brian struggled to hold it. "Swallow it, boy", said Kyle and Brian took a deep gulp and let it all down his throat. Kyle fucked Brian's mouth to get the last few bits of pleasure out.

"Fuckin' awesome, dude. You're better than any chick", said Kyle as he pulled his thick cock out of Brian's mouth. He lifted him with his strong hands, and gave him a quick buddy kiss on his cheeks. He grabbed Brian's crotch, and found that he was hard. "My horse cock got you horny, huh?"

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Next: Chapter 2

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