Helping Harris

By Barrett Evans

Published on Dec 20, 2000


Story Codes T/BB Cross Dress NC


This story may contain descriptions of sexual acts between boys and girls of various ages. If this is not to your tastes, please leave now (unless you want to be educated and have an open mind that is!)

The story is copyrighted by the author. Please do not distribute it to any newsgroups and/or other web-sites without permission of the author. You may, however, send it to your friends in any form you wish, as long as payment is neither requested or received.

The story is fiction. Any resemblance to any individual, alive or dead, isn't intended but is a nice idea...

From the writer of Silly Games and It's Cold Outside and Rivers Edge.

Chapter3 - Dress up

Both I and Craig were totally lost by this and were only put straight when Chrissy made it clearer. "He is wearing these to go to my house and then he can change OK".

"Oh no way", came from Craig.

"Oh yes way, and just shut up unless I tell you to speak, RIGHT", replied Chrissy.

With that Chrissy pulled out the most wonderful girls blouse, girls knickers, laced socks and trousers and to finish of a pair of black girls shoes with raised heels. Wow, what a sight, "You are joking aren't you Chrissy", I asked.

"No, I am sure that Craig will agree, after all he wants to please us don't you Craig", as Chrissy stared into Craig's eyes.

Craig looked down at the floor in front of him, his penis now shrivelled away into hiding. The air was silent as we waited for his agreement as he pondered the risks associated in accepting or refusing his orders.

"Um", Craig mumbled.

"Sorry, did you say something Craig", Chrissy pressed.

"Ok", Craig responded aggressively.

"Ok Chrissy, I would love to try on those nice clothes you have for me", said Chrissy.

If he could have Craig would have beat the shit out of Chrissy at that point, possibly the last bit of fight left in him, but Chrissy would have none of it forcing Craig into submission.

"OK Chrissy, I would love to try on those nice clothes you have for me", said Craig.

As he finished I blurted out "YES!!!", I can't believe this Chrissy it's wicked.

With that Chrissy passed first the knickers over to Craig, they were white and looked very small indeed, in fact I wondered if they would cover anything at all. As Craig lifted his foot to pass it through the leg hole he kept his head down in shame. Lifting the second foot he gently pulled the thin material up his tanned legs, where they stretched like licra to cover his limp dick. The material clung to every contour of his organ giving me a tremendous thrill deep inside.

Chrissy spoke, "Turn around and let me see how they fit".

Craig turned slowly around revealing how the back had slipped into the crack of his arse, showing of his gorgeous cheeks in their full glory. I wondered how it felt rubbing against the skin of his back door.

"Oh that's nice Craig, we must get you sunbathing with them on, so that you get that arse tanned a bit", said Chrissy.

Chrissy passed Craig the lace socks next, instructing him to stand on some paper he dropped on the floor to keep them nice and clean. Craig carefully eased them on, once again they were tight, but fitted. Personally he was looking so hot I would have taken him out like that, but I suppose it wasn't really practical as Chrissy passed Craig the thin blouse.

Next came a surprise as Chrissy pulled out a bra from the bag, walking over to Craig to help him get it on. Chrissy as usual had prepared well and padded some cotton wool into the cups to give them some shape. Next he passed Craig the blouse which he put on swiftly hoping to hide the bra, but as the cloth of the blouse was so thin and silky you could clearly see the lacework of Craig's bra beneath.

Craig instinctively took the trousers from Chrissy as he held them out pulling them on at first easily, but as they became tighter having to inch them up his thighs. Jesus, what a sight, showing the definition of his leg muscles so perfectly, I would be surprised if no one made a pass at him in the journey to Chrissy's house.

Lastly came the shoes, which were clearly to small, as Craig struggled to get his feet in. "Come on Chrissy these are to small", begged Craig, but Chrissy was not having any of it as he helped Craig get them on.

The we both stood back to admire the sight in front of us, and what a sight it was from the bully of the school to this, dressed as a girl. Even Craig's hair which was longer that normal, waiting for a trip to get a hair cut helped give the feminine impression. He really did look like a girl, just a more muscular girl than normal.

Well, he was done, all we had to do now, was walk home.

"Right, here goes then Craig", announced Chrissy throwing open the shed door.

"The world awaits you", I added with the biggest grin in the world.

Craig didn't even pause for a second before starting to walk towards the open door and out into the yard. The we took up our positions on either side and started to walk out towards the street. The tight shoes that Craig was wearing had the added effect of making him walk in a exaggerated manner swinging his hips back and forth in the most sexy way. Me, I was hard as a rock with the excitement and was having difficulty myself walking along with my dick firmly hugging my leg.

Craig's face was burning up as we hit the street and began to walk along it while cars went past. In reality no one took any notice and would probably have noticed more if he was in just his boxers.

But to Craig this was the ultimate humiliation and the one which as Chrissy knew all along would totally break him allowing us to do whatever, whenever we wanted with our new toy.

It took us a while and Craig moaned about how painful his feet were a few times on the way, but his face when we turned the corner and one of his gang was sat on the wall across the street. As we walked on the opposite side directly in front of him, his eyes followed us.

"Hey, Craig, he can't take his eyes off you, bet he is thinking what a sexy chick she is", chuckled Chrissy, sending me into a fit of the giggles.

I added as once we were past and I had checked back to see what he was doing, "He is still looking at your cute ass Craig".

Craig never said a word, though and never made eyes contact with his mate, preferring to keep his head low down. As we continued we passed a few people on the way, no one any of us particularly knew and none really looked much either.

Finally Chrissy's house came into view and we walked up the drive to the door. Chrissy opened up as his parents weren't back yet and we went into the front room. I was pretty thirsty by now and suggested we get a drink, so Chrissy went off to the kitchen and fixed us one.

When he returned we sat down, leaving Craig standing, but giving him a drink also. Then Chrissy spoke, "Well, Craig I have to say you have been a good boy today and as long as you always do what we say and stop bullying then your secret passion for bondage and sex will stay secret".

"But, I want to give Todd a chance to make a request for you to complete either now or another day and then you can get dressed and run off home".

"A request", asked Craig.

"Yes something he wants to see you do, it up to you Todd", said Chrissy.

"Umm, I don't know, can I wait or do I need to say now", I asked.

"Well, as he will do anything you want anytime, I suppose it can wait", said Chrissy.

"No, wait, I have an idea", I interrupted.

"This is what I want you to do before you go Craig, I want you to do us a really hot and sexy striptease", I asked.

You could see the lump in his throat, but he didn't protest, just added "Do I get any music then".

To which both I an Chrissy chuckled.

Chrissy strolled over to the CD player and sorted through some CD's until he found a suitable track and then with Craig ready to start played it.

As the music started up Craig really got into it and I really think he was enjoying himself now. He gyrated his hips back and forth and caressed his body with his hands while slowly removing first his blouse, inching it up smoothly and over his head in time with the music.

Next he worked he flung the shoes off, which I am sure was a great relief and worked the trousers delicately down his legs removing them quite effectively from his feet.

Now in front of us was the most beautiful creature you ever set your eyes upon working at his best to excite us as he danced. God I was hard as a rock and needed to jack off when he was done big time.

Next he snapped of the bra which was not much as he had nothing to hide underneath. The socks were the same and although as he brought his feet up to meet his hands at the sides, his thighs and clenched ass cheeks looks wonderful.

He was obviously enjoying it himself, as he also had a raging stiffie which was doing it's best to escape from the slender confines of his knickers. As teased us slowly inching the knickers down, I could see his organ positively shaking and throbbing through the material. Then it emerged from the top and he rolled the knickers down and off. His final few movements before seeking permission to leave were truly breathtaking and I just had to leave the room at that point to get some satisfaction myself rushing to the upstairs bathroom.

By the time I returned he was gone and Chrissy was laid back in the sofa waiting to see my face.

"So you enjoyed that hey, what a nice finish to a real nice day", said Chrissy.

"I can't wait for school tomorrow", I replied.


Sorry for the delay in this part, but I had Christmas shopping. Don't Spam me, or I might Spam you back....

Oh and for all those trying to find the other stories/parts, they are at: and now exclusives at


Barrett (

A boys innocence is never lost through good only evil.

Next: Chapter 4

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