Helping Harris

By Barrett Evans

Published on Nov 11, 2000



This story may contain descriptions of sexual acts between boys and girls of various ages. If this is not to your tastes, please leave now (unless you want to be educated and have an open mind that is!)

The story is copyrighted by the author. Please do not distribute it to any newsgroups and/or other web-sites without permission of the author. You may, however, send it to your friends in any form you wish, as long as payment is neither requested or received.

The story is fiction. Any resemblance to any individual, alive or dead, isn't intended but is a nice idea... "

Chapter1 - Getting Even

As I walked into the school, I heard him shout..

"Come here you little shit, where were you".

I was supposed to meet him at the entrance yesterday after school and he was as usual going to give me a beating for his amusement and to show his mates just how hard he was. But I didn't like the idea so I got out early and ran all the way home.

Suddenly I felt a hard shove from behind and I fell into the lockers crashing to the floor in a heap. I knew it was best to submit and stay down, if I got up it would give him more to aim at. So I stayed put and just listened to the flow of abuse and laughter from him and the few mates he had.

His name was Craig Harris a 14 year old, and what an arsehole he was, he only picked fights with those who were younger and weaker than him. He never started anything with someone in his own strength league, a classic school bully and I hated him.

When he got bored and moved on to the next victim I got up and picked my things up. Then I heard a voice...

"Hey, you alright, here let me help you".

"Oh just leave me, I'm fine", I moaned back.

"Why do you let him do that to you, why don't you sort him out", as I turned to face the boy.

"Duhh, because he's bigger than me, why didn't you sort him for me".

The boy was a new boy in my class, who I really didn't have a lot to do with called Chris or Chrissy or something.

Anyway, he said "What me on my own, I don't think so".

He added, "I've seen him picking on loads of kids in our year, together we sort him out once and for all".

"Yea, Sure", was my finishing line as I started of to the class leaving him behind.

He never followed and that was that, we never spoke all day and I just got on with my work. Harris was out of my hair for the day so I kept well clear of him.

It was when I went to bed my mind began to tick, and I thought about what Chrissy had said to me and what he had in mind. I was pretty innocent at that point and I really had no idea what sort of things he might get up to, I guessed he would probably just want to kick the shit out of Harris, but how. Eventually I got off to sleep, but I woke the next morning after a really weird dream about me and Chrissy tying Harris to a tree and beating him with a long stick taken from a nearby tree on his arse. The effect was to give me a raging hard on which I went to the bathroom to deal with.

Anyway on the way to school I decided it might be a good idea to see just what Chrissy had in mind and how he proposed disabling Craig Harris in order to get away with it. I also needed to know how he was sure that Harris was not going to get us back afterwards.

When I arrived at school I went in search of Chrissy who I found alone as usual, he had not really made many friends and some of the others in the class thought he might be gay or something because he was always eyeing people up in the changing rooms.

When I tapped him on the shoulder he spun around surprised to see me...

"Oh, it's you, don't you know you shouldn't creep up on people like that", he said.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I've been thinking about what you said yesterday, about Harris, and what should be done", I replied.

"Oh, right that, well he deserves it".

"But how would you get him and what would we do that would make sure he never touched us or anyone else again", I asked.

"Well, I can't tell you that, all I will say is he will never bother you again, and it's up to you if you want to sort it or not, just say the word", Chrissy secretively informed me.

Well, I paused for a little while, the idea of no more bother from Harris was a nice one, but what if it went wrong. All my trust was in Chrissy and I hardly new him at all. I guessed though that things could get worse, but then the idea of things getting better was a nice one so I went for it.

"OK, then lets do it, but how", I asked.

"All you have to do is get him on his own somewhere secluded then I'll do the rest and you can watch, let me know when you have thought of somewhere", he replied.

Well, I spent all day not concentrating on lessons and trying to think of somewhere secluded and someway of getting Harris there. The first thing the location, somewhere we could not be disturbed and that was not to risky. I racked my brains, until it suddenly came to me, the derelict house I passed on the way to school, now it was all boarded up, and kids had been in the house through the back, but not into the shed. I had noticed ages ago that the lock was still on the door and after all who would want to go in some old shed, although it was reasonably large and no doubt had stuff still inside.

I would need to check it out and Chrissy would probably want to come as well, but how the hell was I going to get Harris to come on his own, invite him for tea maybe!

No that a hard one and the only thing I could come up with was a pretty poor one, to really piss him off and then run for it all the way to the shed. I was a pretty good runner, but I didn't know how good Harris was.

I proposed all this to Chrissy who agreed to come with me to the shed after schools out and check it for suitability. To test the plan out I had to run all the way though and time how long I took and if I could run that far. The bell went for the end of school and I walked out of the class, to be spotted by Harris who gave a shout..

"Come here you little runt".

But I was gone down the corridor, and out to meet up with Chrissy. After I had detailed where the shed was located Chrissy smiled and agreed it sounded good.

"Go, on then you better get started, see how long it takes", said Chrissy.

I passed him my bag, to lesson the weight I had to carry.

"What's this, you can't pass it to me when we do it, you need to run with it on", and with that he passed it back.

I set off, fast to start with cause I tried to imagine Harris hot on my tails, I knew it would take about fifteen minutes to get to the shed at an average running pace. Chrissy plodded along alone behind, planning things through in his head. By the time I arrived at the shed door I was exhausted and collapsed in a heap on the ground in front gasping for air.

This was going to be a problem I thought, if I'm weak from running I can't help Chrissy sort Harris out, so we would need someone else.

Chrissy strolled on round the back and towards me with a big grin.

"You made it then, bet you took your time though", he jibbed.

"No I did it in 17 minutes, not bad for a first time, but I'm not going to be able to help you at the end of it", I warned.

"Hey, I said don't worry about that, I will sort everything from when you burst in through that doorway".

With that he set to work on the lock, and in no time he had it open.

"How, did you do that", I asked.

"Ahh, now that would be telling wouldn't it, I've had lots of practice though".

We entered the shed, dark and dingy, but once the wood had been moved from in front of the glass windows and the sun allowed in it looked pretty cool. It had wooden beams supporting the roof which Chrissy seemed pleased with, I never guessed he was planning on using them to tie Harris too.

"Ok, how about tomorrow", he suggested.

"That soon", I whined.

"Yes then you won't have time to change your mind, I will pop back later with some stuff and skip the last lesson to get here ahead of you. All you have to do is get him here, and remember alone", said Chrissy.

"Ok, tomorrow it is then, so I will see you here then", I asked trying to reassure myself he would be here to save me.

"Yep, no probs".

I went home preparing for a sleepless night worrying about the next days work and if I would still be alive at the end of the day or not. And yes it was a sleepless night, I tossed and turned all night and felt pretty sick my sun up.

I didn't see Chrissy all day which worried me, but I had to go through with the plan, so at the end of school when I walked out of the last class, I guessed Harris wouldn't be far away. The I heard the familiar sound...

"Come here you little runt".

"Fuck you you big wanker", I screamed back and hit my heels fast.

I heard him say to his mates, "Why the little bastard", and he brushed anyone out of his way in his charge to catch me. His friends followed though hoping to see a good beating. I shot out through the gates and on my way glimpsing back to see his friends pull up as they passed the gates. He was on his own, but was slowing.

I shouted back at him "Come on shit head, or can't you catch me".

Well he wasn't having that especially in front of his mates so he took up the challenge as I knew he would.

He was closing on me though as I stretched my muscles extracting every last bit of power and using my own fear to it's maximum effect. In the distance the house came into view spurring me on. I kept thinking, please be there Chrissy I need you now.

As I turned the corner towards the shed, I slid a little and the gravel sprayed into the air. I regained my balance and rushed for the door shouting "Chrissy!".

I hit the door square on as Harris turned the corner blurting abuse and an "I got you now dumbo".

I slid across the wooden floor and crashed into the junk on the far side of the shed which promptly came crashing down around me. Then silence, the thought went through my mind, where the hell is Chrissy.

Then came the storm, I couldn't see with everything on top of me, but I could here an eruption of noise and shouting from Harris.

"Oye, when are you gonna give me a hand out here", as Chrissy peered in at me.

"Oh, Jesus you made me jump out of my skin Chrissy", I replied.

"Ye, bet you thought it was gonna be Craig hey, well he's a bit tied up just now", Chrissy said as I moved things to take a look.

What a sight I saw as I scrambled out, Harris hung upside down from his ankles trying to get loose and screaming language I had never even heard of before. In his struggles his T-shirt had fallen down over his head leaving his chest and stomach exposed to me and Chrissy. And I have to say with him flexing around and screaming at us he did look sexy with his nicely formed abdominal muscles and a nice smooth skin.

"Right we need to get his arms out of the way, grab this rope and tie it securely around his wrist and I will do the same with the other wrist, OK", said Chrissy to me.

"You'll pay for this you little fuc**** ba****", screamed Craig.

Then after a struggle I got his arm pinned under mine and managed to get the rope tightly tied around his wrist, "Now, what do I do with it", I asked Chrissy.

"Throw the rope over the joist and we can tie it of", as he struggled with his right hand.

Eventually we had both the ropes over the joist in the shed roof and tied each one to opposite sides of the sheds steel base supports. This made sure he couldn't bring his arms together and couldn't get to his ankles either.

"Now we need to get his legs down, come see how I got him up there", said Chrissy.

Now the rope holding his ankles up in the air went out through a hole in the roof that Chrissy must have made so we went outside and around to the back. There I saw how he managed to lift Craig's weight, he had tied lots of heavy items from around the derelict houses yard onto the end of the rope.

"I tied all this crap onto the end and supported it on the scaffold poles and the other end on the tree branches. I set a noose on the floor in the shed which you ran over and then when he was in place I pulled the scaffold away with a bit of rope", Chrissy explained.

"That was it, crash bang and up he went, you should have seen his face as he saw me and then a second later his legs vanished", he finished with tears in his eyes.

"Lets untie some of this stuff now and we can lower down his legs".

So with that we set about untying some of the heavy items from the rope holding his ankles. As we did so his legs inside slowly lowered, of course they were still tied together so he couldn't go anywhere.

When we walked back in he was now back upright supporting his weight on his arms making sure they were out of the way. Now that the T-shirt was back down, I could see how angry he was and I was just glad he was all trussed up out of harms way.

Then Chrissy turned to me and whispered...

"Now we need to shut him up so no one knows we are here, oh and then we get his trousers down", with a wicked grin on his face.

Out of his bits and pieces he lifted up a roll of duct tape and pulled off a length ready, cutting it with scissors he approached Craig.

"No... No, if you do I'll...", screamed Craig.

"You'll what, just shut the fu** up", replied Chrissy.

With that he went around behind Craig and standing on an old wooden box, reached around and stuck the first of three strips of duct tape over Harris's mouth silencing him once and for all.

"Now, lets get those trousers off hey Todd".

With that Chrissy got down from the wooden box and removed Craig's shoes and socks, the he wrapped his arms around Craig's knees to stop him from kicking out with both legs or wriggling about and beckoned me to take the trousers down.

I stepped forward with a stirring in my groins as the excitement grew and reached for Craig's buckle, he tried to wriggle violently but Chrissy held him still and I started undoing it. Soon I was working on the button and then the zipper seeing the tops of his trousers loosen and fall back. Finally came the moment when I gently tugged them down his thighs, and past Chrissy's arm. Lastly I pulled them off his feet, leaving him dangling in just his CK boxers, totally awesome.

Finally, catching both me and Craig by total surprise was Chrissy's little surprise as his boxers flew down and of his feet in one split seconds motion. Craig's limp cock slapped against his legs as it bounced out of the boxers leaving him totally nude.

"Ahh, I didn't know we were going to do that", I said as my cock got hard.

I tried to shuffle to make sure that Chrissy couldn't see any tell tale signs but he could as I locked onto his eyes gazing directly at my crotch.

He realised he had been seen and walked over, "It's OK, it's only natural, and if it helps I am gay like they say at school".

I didn't really know what to do or say, so I didn't do or say anything, just looked at the gorgeous naked fourteen year old body stretched out at our mercy in front of us.

Chrissy broke the silence, "Now all we gotta do is get him hard, and take some pictures with my digital camera, when they are done I am going to go and get them uploaded to a safe place on the net. If he ever does anything

to us or any other poor kid, we publish them. It won't take me long and I will be back for some fun. Do you wanna start on him Todd".

"That's brilliant, he would never dare touch us again with those, OK, I will", with a new found confidence and superiority over Craig.

I moved forward and touched his hot naked flesh, he twitched away from me for a second, but he couldn't do anything about it. So I continued caressing his body with my hands, working him up and down, and as I did this he started to get hard. Maybe he liked being tied up and teased.

"Go on, you have got him going now Todd", said Chrissy.

Slowly but surely I gained the courage to touch, other than my own, my first penis. When I did Craig's eyes just came out of their sockets with surprise as I gained more and more confidence and began to massage his wonderful snake into it's full glory. As I worked him I totally forgot the situation and Chrissy and rubbed my own organ through my clothes. Craig's purple head emerged form it's sheath glistening with the first dribbles of pre-cum.

By now his whole body was in the throws of an oncoming orgasm as I increased the movement I my hand up and down his shaft.

"Todd, let go and step aside a moment", Chrissy whispered into my ear shocking me from my pleasure.

"OK", as I heard the camera doing it's magic and wiping the look of ecstasy from Craig's face.

Chrissy took quite a few from front back and sides zooming in on his throbbing organ to maximum effect. Then he suggested that we save what Craig so desperately wanted to give us until he had uploaded the pictures. So a slight change in plan developed as Chrissy bought his next surprise from his bits and pieces, a copper ring.

"What's that", I asked in my innocence.

"It's a cock ring, fits over his dick end and keeps him hard while stopping him shooting", Chrissy calmly replied.

He applied some Vaseline from a jar and then proceeded to slide the ring gently in place over Craig's penis until it slid down his shaft applying a comfortable pressure all around. Not to much to stop the blood flow totally, but also enough to keep his organ under some pressure. I was impressed but did wonder how Chrissy new all this stuff and where did the ring come from.

Anyway once he was done he used some tissue to rub away any Vaseline so it couldn't slide back down and then announced to Craig....

"Now, you be a good boy and we will be back in about one hour, but if you are naughty then we might forget. Oh, and think about how much you want to shoot your wad, cause you will need to beg real good".

Chrissy gave Craig's dick a little tickle and with that we both walked out of the shed closing the door behind us....


So write and let me know what you think. Don't Spam me, or I might Spam you back....

Oh and for all those trying to find the other stories/parts, they are at: - and now exclusives at


Barrett (

A boys innocence is never lost through good only evil.

Next: Chapter 2

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