Helping a Friend

By Phil Ward

Published on Jan 28, 2013



Helping a Friend

This story is true and happened to me about 7 or 8 years ago. Obviously the names and locations have been changed a bit but it's all true.

I was stood waiting for the bus to go home, it was a cold March night and it was raining like no bodies business outside. The bus station didn't offer much protection from the cold but at least I was dry.

It was about 8pm at night and I had been in Town for a friend's birthday, the rest of the group had gone out for drinks and such but that wasn't my kind of thing. Plus the busses stopped at around 9pm so staying out would have meant no way to get home.

I should probably introduce myself, I'm Pete, I'm 17 and attending the local college. I'm 6ft tall and about 9.5 stone. I was a typical geek, into Star Trek, Computers, Manga & pretty much anything that wasn't mainstream at the school I had attended last year.

Eventually the bus turned up and a boarded with the pass I had bought that afternoon and sat near the back. The bus was early so it sat there for about 10 minutes when someone got on to it. I was in the middle of a day dream when he got on.

He wasn't aggressive or obnoxious but he was plainly very, very drunk. I recognised him instantly. When I had attended high school last year he was in the year above me and was a talented drummer. I knew him by reputation alone; he probably didn't even know I existed. His name was Jason.

Anyways he was struggling to understand the bus driver and the amount that he needed to pay; he kept saying that he didn't have enough. Eventually a woman at the front of the bus offered to pay the rest of his fair and that was the end of it. He did however ask the driver if he could be woken up when it got to his stop.

I thought nothing of it as I was half listening trying to get back to the awesome day dream I was having.

About 40 minutes later we reached the bus stop for where we had to get off, at this time of night the bus does a funny U-turn and goes back on itself up the road. Jason was told this was his stop so he got off in the pouring rain and made his way home.

I got off on the next stop as it was closer to my house. I made my way through the cut in the buildings and down the road next to the supermarket.

That's when I saw Jason trying to and eventually failing to get over a small wall. He fell over into a fairly deep puddle and just lay there.

I wasn't too far behind so I went over to him to make sure he was ok. When I bent down to check up on his he groaned a bit and asked who I was. I told him that I was from the same high school he was attending.

I helped him up and asked him where he lived, turned out he only lived about 10 minutes up the road from me. I offered to make sure he got home alright; he said he would be fine but I insisted after just watching him get over that wall.

"So how come you're not at the high school anymore?" Jason asked in a slurred voice

"I was sick of the bullying. Not nice when you've got to face it alone" I said back to him, I was holding on to him as he was unsteady on his feet.

"Yea I heard about that, they'll get what they deserve" he replied.

"Probably." Was all I said

After about 5 minutes of walking and sometimes struggling to get him stay up right he piped up again.

"I bet it was hard to come out after all that." He said to me

"I didn't really have a choice; I was outed so there was no point in hiding it."

"Well at least you're free of it now." He stated

"Yea its kinda nice to have a clean start at the college"

"I gotta ask" he choked while laughing, "Did you ever?" he sighed, "did you ever wank over me and my mates?"

I thought about it for a second and thought the true answer of "Yes" wouldn't be a good thing to reveal. "No not really dude, if anything I admired you because of your drumming skills"

"Oh right I see." He sounded a bit let down.

We eventually made it to his house. We were both soaked and cold and I was aching from having to carry him.

"Is anyone in to make sure you get to bed ok?" I asked him fishing for his keys in his pocket.

"No" he replied. "My mam is out on nightshift and won't be in till morning"

"Ok well I'll see you in and make sure you're ok"

We stepped into his house and I flicked on the hall light. His room was behind the stairs so at least I didn't have to climb them.

"Where do you keep your towels dude?" I asked him when I got him into his room.

"There's one over there" He pointed towards his chair and sure enough there was a towel hanging off it.

"Well if you get undressed I'll go get you a pint of water"

"I'll do my best" He laughed he tried to slip his shoes off.

I walked into his kitchen and poured him a glass of water, when I got back I saw that he was struggling to even get his socks off. I sighed and put the glass down.

"I'll have to help you won't I?" I asked him

"I think so, I can't even bend down to get them."

"Drink this first" I picked up the glass and offered it to him, he took it and downed it in one.

"Right" I said "Arms up"

"You're not gonna rape me are you dude?" he laughed as he lifted his arms

"Hardly. Sorry to tell you this but you're not my type" I just said to him as I slipped off his soaked jacket and tshirt.

I had him stripped down to his boxers in no time and he was about to sit on his bed when I stopped him.

"They're wet too." I said "they'll have to come off".

"At least let me lean on you so I can do it myself."

I went over to him and he put one hand on my shoulder and used the other to take off his wet boxers, he struggled to get them below his knees so I took them off the rest of the way. I then laid him down in his bed and left a note on his side table to remind him of how he got home. By the time I was finished writing it he was fast asleep and had failed to pull the covers over himself so I had a chance to admire his body.

He was in good shape, a bit shorter than me at about 5ft 8 but he had good muscle tone and was a bit stocky. He had a light dusting of blonde hair all over his body and he soft 4 inch cock was nestled nicely on top of some heavy big balls.

I let myself out and made my way home. By the time I got in I was well and truly soaked. I stripped down and had a really long, hot bath to get rid of the cold and the aching and then went to bed.

The next day I had a message on facebook from him telling me "thanks for all the help and for not taking advantage of him. Also that he was sorry if he asked too many embarrassing questions."

I replied saying that all was fine and he didn't really ask anything.

And that was that. In the 7 or 8 years since that has happened I haven't really spoken or seen him since.

Hope you enjoyed this true story and sorry for the lack of sex.

If you wanna get in contact my email is

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