By moc.loa@9391ENOSRAM

Published on Nov 5, 2006





Chuck F.

The screams could be heard through out the old building. They echoed off the empty wall and down the long deserted halls. They were enough to make your skin crawl knowing that whoever was screaming was in a great deal of pain. You could almost at time hear the sounds of a leather strap against bare skin. The bare skin of some poor soul deep in the building?s basement.

?HELP ME PLEASE! WON?T SOMEONE HELP ME?? came the load soulful screams of what sounded like the voice of a young man. ?PLEASE SOMEONE.?

There had not been signs of live in or around the old factory building since it had closed 20 years earlier. It was suppose to be empty. It had stood vacant all those years except for an occasional tramp camping for a few days. It had been vacant ever since the new highway had by passed the town, letting it and others slowly die. But now you could hear loud screaming coming from its interior. Who was making the screams and what was causing them?

Office Mike Peters had been driving past when he heard the screams for the first time but he had not paid much attention until several days had gone by and he again was patrolling the area when he again heard them. This time he figured he had better report it to the chief when he got back to the station house.

Walking through the station house door he asked,?Hey Rick, the chief in the office??

?Yeah I guess,? replied Officer Rick Walter?s looking up from the magazine he was glancing through. ?Or he was the last I knew.?

?Fuck,? Rick thought to himself. ?I?d give my right nut to get my hands on that hot stud for a few hours of hot fun.? He dropped his hand down to his crotch and squeezed the growing bulge.

Mike Peters was a true southern boy. He stood 6 foot, brown hair and eyes. His body was muscular from hours at the gym. Broad shoulders tapering down to a 2 inch waist. He showed the outline of his thick cock inside the tight uniform pants which also hugged his bubble butt. All in all he was the perfect specimen.

Rick Walter?s was an almost duplicate cut except his hair was blonde and hung below the collar of his shirt. He also showed the outline of a thick cock and a tight bubble butt.

You ever heard any strange noises coming from the old factory?? Mike asked.

?Yeah, a few nights ago as I was headed home.? Rick said. ?You hear them too??

?Yeah, twice now and I?m going to talk to the chief about it. Want to tag along?? Mike asked.

?Sure,? said Rick standing up. ?Not much doing right now. We might get a hot case.?

As Rick stood up, Mike could not help notice the outline of his thick cock running down his leg inside his pants. He felt his own cock twitch and begin to grow.

?Shit! Not in this god forgotten place. Nothing happens around here.? Mike replied as he headed towards the chief?s office and knocked.

?Well don?t just stand there, get your ass in here.? Came the voice of the chief through the closed door. ?Let?s hear what are on your little mind boys, Shall we??

Chief Josh Carter was a man around 45 years of age, six foot 2 inches tall, well developed body from also running the family farm out east of town. It wasn?t much of a farm but it had been in his family for a long time. The main crop was cotton which he and his three sons picked each fall. He was often asked why he didn?t hire a few of the local blacks to do the picking and he always laughed and said,? The boy do just fine and I don?t have to pay them.?

Mike entered the chief?s office with Rick close on his heels. Rick was checking out the hot ass in front of him and wanted to reach out and grab it. His cock was full grown and leaking into his underwear.

?Well close the damn door. You live in a barn or what.? The chief said as he looked up at the two men standing there.

?So what can I do for you two this morning?? You ain?t get some little gal knock up have you? He laughed and felt his cock jump.

?No chief nothing like that,? said Mike. ?I was just wondering if you know what?s going on out at the old factory. Some powerful screaming if coming from there.?

?From the old factory?? asked the chief. ?Hell there ain?t no one out there I know of. You sure??

?Yes chief, we?ve both heard it a couple of times. Ain?t that right Rick??

?That?s right chief.? Said Rick as he moved closer to Mike?s back. He could almost feel the heat rising from him body.

?So what do it sound like, these screams? Some animal??

?No sir. They sound like a young man trapped or something.? Said Rick. Maybe Mike and I should go check it out.?

Mike looked at Rick and smiled. ?Yeah maybe we should do just that. Just you and me.?

Josh agreed with the idea and told the two men ?be careful, you don?t know what you might find out there.?

As Mike turned around to leave his hard cock rubbed against Rick?s cock and he reach down and squeezed it hard.?

?Come on Rick, Let go see what we can find out there. Be sure to bring a loaded gun.?

Rick smiled and replied, ?My gun is always loaded. You just might get to find out.?

Josh watched the two young men leave his office and couldn?t help but feel a twitch as he watched their asses moving.

?Dam one of these days I?m going to have to search those boy.? He said to himself.

Reaching under his desk he pulled his pants open and dragged his ten inch cock out and stroked it hard and fast. He needed to blow his big load as that bitch Mary Lou had teased him last night and didn?t put out.

?You?re loss Mary Lou,? he moaned as he felt his cock releasing the pent up load.

Rick and Mike climbed into the squad car and headed for the old factory. Rick kept eyeing Mike bulge and slowly slid across the seat and took hold of it.

?Mike looked at Rick and moaned,? I wondered how long it would take you to feel my cock. I?ve seen how hoe check it out.?

Rick reached down and unbuttoned the pants and reaching in pulled out Mike?s big throbbing cock.

?Kiss it Rick. Kiss that cock. Let me feel your hot lips around it.?

Mike slid the seat back as Rick bent down and took the cock into him mouth. ?Mmmmmm.? He moaned. ?Oh yeah boy, that feels so great. Let me pull of the road so you can really work my cock.?

Mike pulled the car behind some bushes and slid his pants down around his boots. His big cock stood tall as He pressed Rick?s hard down.

?Come on Rick. Suck it good. I know you have been wanting it, well now?s your chance.?

Rick Swallowed Mike?s cock down his throat and sucked hard, tasting the pre-cum leaking from the mushroom head.

Mike slid his hand down the back of Rick?s pants and fingered his ass. His finger slid in deep and located the small nut deep inside.

Rick moaned and pulled his pants down, giving Mike a better shot as his ass.

?Nice,? said Mike. ?Nice and tight. Bet it would feel good to fuck it. Would you like me to fuck you Rick??

Rick worked his ass back onto Mike?s fingers and moaned around Mike?s cock.

?Mike pulled his cock from Rick?s mouth and opened the door and stepped out and walked around the car. He opened Rick?s door and pulled Rick down onto the seat and raised his legs high.

?Oh that looks so nice,? Mike said. ?I?m going to enjoy fucking your ass and making you beg for more.?

Slowly he pressed in feeling the ring slowly open letting his cock head pop in. He slowly slid deeper until his cock was buried in Rick?s hot ass.

?Fuck me Mike,? Rick begged. Mike my ass with that big cock of yours. I?ve been praying for it ever since I met you. Oh yesssss it feels so good.?

Mike began fucking hard. Pounding his cock deep and hitting Rick?s prostate each time he drive in. He knew it wouldn?t take long to unload his hot juices.

?Yeses. Oh God Yes Mike give it to me. I want to be your bitch whore anytime you want. I?m going to shoot, Fucccccccccccccccck.?

Mike felt Rick?s ass tighten around his cock as Rick shot his load. This caused Mike?s cock to explode and pump his load into Rick?s hot ass.

?Take my load Rick, ?Mike cried. ?I?m going to breed you good. Hell I just might breed you every night from now on. I think I?ll make you my bitch and fuck you every chance I get. Maybe I?ll even dress you in lace panties and bras like a real girl.?

?Yes Sir,? moaned Rick as he felt Mike?s load seeping out of his well fucked man-pussy. ?I?ll be your girl if you want and you can fuck me any time. I?ll even wear the panties and bras for you.?

?Hell, I might even let a few friends sample you from time to time.? Said Mike. I?d love to watch you getting fuck by the boy?s big cocks.?

Rick could see himself being fucked by Mike?s friends and it was making his hot again. He could almost feel their cock pounding him hard.

?Well let?s get out to the old factory and see what?s going on.? Said Mike as he buttoned his pants. ?Hell maybe some bikers are fucking some boy?s tight ass. Maybe they will fuck your ass too, how would you like that??

Rick was not to sure about that but he pulled his pants up and climbed back into the car. His ass felt a bit sore as he sat down carefully.

Part 2

Mike pulled the car up next to the old factory?s loading dock and got out. It was quite now as he headed towards an open door, with Rick close behind.

Slowly the two policemen made their way deeper into the dark factory interior. They eyes slowly adjusting to the dim light. Rick was so close that he ran into Mike. ?Sorry.? He said.?

?You hear anything?? Mike asked. ?I though I head a low moan coming for down below. Come on let?s check it out.?

?Do we have to?? said Rick as he took hold of Mike belt. I hate the dark you know.?

They could now hear the moans coming for below and slowly went down the metal stairs. Mike had his hand on his gun as he pushed Rick back.

?You wait here.? Said Mike I?ll see what?s up ahead and see if I can find what?s moaning.

Slowly Mike made his way down the dark hallway until he reached a metal door. Placing his ear against it he listened to the moans coming from the other side.

Mike ran his hand over the door looking for some sort of latch to open it. His hand hit a metal bar and he slide it back letting the door swing open it was pitch black inside but he could hear the sounds of moaning.

He turn round to Rick and said,? Go out and get the flash light. Hurry it up.?

?Yeah, yeah,? said Rick as he made his way back up the stairs and out to the car. He picked up the flash light and turned it on once he was back inside. ?That?s much better,? he said to himself.

?Here you go Mike,? he said handing the light to Mike. ?What?s in there??

?Just hold on a minute and we will find out. Man you can be a pain in my ass at times.?

Mike shined the light into the room and could not believe what he saw. ?Dam, what the fuck is going on in here?? he asked. ?Come here Rick, you?re not going to believe this.?

Rick slowly walked into the room and he saw what Mike was shining the light on. ?What the fuck?? he said. ?Ain?t never seen the likes of this.?

What the light was showing was a young boy, maybe 16, chained naked and covered with long red welts over his body. Mike and Rick slowly walked towards to boy and checked him over.

?Nice looking boy ain?t he?? Rick said. ?Got a nice ass and cock on him. Wonder who chained him up here and beat him.?

Mike had to admit the boy did have a hot little ass and long thick cock, which hung low between his legs. He slowly ran his hands over the boy?s ass letting his fingers slip between the cheeks to where his finger rubbed against the little rosebud.

The boy moaned load as he felt Mike?s fingers touch his ass, but he could not help it as he felt his cock begin to swell up.

?No please don?t hurt me anymore,? the boy cried. Please, I?ll do anything you say even let you fuck me.?

?Easy son,? Mike said as he walked in front of the boy. ?We?re not going to hurt you. We?re here to help you. Can you tell me what happed to you??

The boy began to softly cry as he blushed. ?Um, these guys picked me up last week as I as hitching a ride back up to college. They threw me into the back of their van and drugged and stripped me. Then they took turns raping me. God it hurt so bad but they said I?d get use to it and they brought me here and you see what they did.? One of them seemed to enjoy whipping me with a long whip. After each whipping they raped me again until I would pass out. Please get me out of here. I can?t take it any more.?

Rick was fondling the boy?s cock and balls as he listened to what the boy was saying. He wanted so bad to go down on his knees and suck that cock but he looked at Mike to see what he was doing.

?I?m afraid we will have to leave you like this for a little longer boy. We want to catch those men and see that they get what they deserve. My partner and I will go back to let the chief decide what to do. I?m sure we will be out of here real soon.

Mike turned and motioned Rick to follow him outside. As he left the factory he looked at Rick and saw how hard his cock was. ?You?re such a whore you know that? You wanted to suck the boy?s big cock didn?t you??

?Well,? said Rick it was a nice big cock and needed to be sucked. You saw how hard it got.?

?Come on, let?s tell the chief what we found then I?ll take you home and let you have all the cock you want. Man I want to fuck that ass of yours again.? Said Mike placing a hand on Rick?s ass.

?Yeah, I want you to fuck my ass all night, wear it out with that big cock of yours.? moaned Rick.

Mike and Rick told the chief what they had found at the old factory including the young man chained naked and beaten.

?Damn!? said the chief. ?What the fuck is going on out there and who you think is doing it? What did the boy say??

Mike told the chief that the boy had said he had been kidnapped and chained in the old factory and that he had been beaten and raped every night by at least three men but he didn?t know who they were.

?Well I want you two to stake the factory old for a few nights and see who comes and goes. Don?t want to think it could be any of our boys from around here.?

Rick looked at Mike and smiled. His mind could see Mike?s big cock fucking his ass as he sucked that young cock. Hell maybe whoever was doing those things to the boy would also do to him. He hoped they would rape him as well. He wanted Mike to watch his being raped. His cock began to grow inside his pants. He only hoped the chief didn?t notice.

As the two men left his office Chief Carter reached down and pulled his hard cock out of his pants and began to stroke slowly. That dam Rick seems to have gotten himself into cock and looks as though he would really like if I were to fuck his tight little ass. Wonder if Mike has fucked it yet. Now there is a god old boy with a real horse cock on him. I wouldn?t mind feeling that cock take my ass. The thought of Mike?s cock pounding his ass sent Chief Carter over the edge and his cock sent jets of hot man juices to cover his hand and belly. GAWG DAMN! Fuck my ass Mike. Let?s see how you would feel.

As promised Mike took Rick back to his place and had his strip and lie spread eagled on the big bed. Mike tied Rick?s hands and legs to the corners and slid a pillow under him to raise his ass higher. He reached under and pulled Rick?s hard cock back between his legs.

Walking over to the closet, Mike took out a long strip of leather and folding it in half walked back to the bed and slid the strap across Rick?s ass. Rick felt the leather and moaned. ?Yes beat me. Beat my ass.?

Mike removed his clothes and stood there with his horse cock standing straight out from his body. He slowly pulled his arm back and just s quickly let the strap land hard across Rick?s ass.

?AAAAAAAAAAH? cried Rick. ?Yes do it. Beat me good then rape me like that kid at the factory. Again he felt the strap land across his ass. Each time leaving a red welt. Slowly the strap moved up and down his body. Covering him with welts from his shoulders to his feet. All the time he begged for more.

Mike?s arm began to grow tired from the beating but his cock was harder then it had ever been. He climbed between Rick?s spread legs and lined his cock up to Rick?s tight man-pussy and slammed it home, driving it all the way in.

?OOOOOOOOOH YESSSSSSS MIKE,? Cried Rick, ?rape me. Make me feel every inch of your big cock in my man-pussy. Turn me into your bitch. Use me, fuck me make me do as you tell me. I?m yours from now on.?

Mike pulled his cock back until only the mushroom head remained in Rick?s tight hole then slammed it back deep and hard. He was so turned on by the beating that he did not care if he hurt Rick. In fact the idea only made him fuck harder. Again and again he slammed his thick cock onto Rick, each time Rick would beg for more.

Mike was like a wild animal filled with lust and desire to penetrate this man?s ass. He could feel his cock thicken and knew that soon he would be pumping his juices deep inside, breed like a stallion would a mare. He could feel Rick?s ass tighten around his cock and knew Rick was cumming as he fucked harder. It seemed Rick had cum at least three times already and now he felt Rick?s ass once again tighten around his cock.

?I?m going to breed your ass Rick,? Mike moaned as he felt his cock explode, sending his hot juices deep into Rick?s ass.

?That?s it take my load in that pussy of your. You like how good it feels. You know that it will be filled every night or when I want it. Don?t you??

?Ooooooooh Yes Mike,? Rick moaned. ?I want to feel you fill me with you man-seed. I want you to use my ass for your pleasures.?

For the rest of the night Mike raped Rick?s ass until both men could no longer get their cock up. Only then did they fall asleep with Mike?s cock buried in Rick?s ass.

Rick dreamt about the boy in the factory, only it was him instead and the men who raped him were Chief Carter and Mike. He moved his ass and felt Mike cock begin to respond again. Slowly he worked his ass back and forth feeling the cock inside grow harder.

?Fuck me Mike,? he whispered. I need to feel that cock again.?

Although still half asleep, Mike began a slow in and out movement. He cock growing harder with each thrust until he was again pounding that hot ass.

?Fuck Rick,? he moaned.? You have a really hot ass and it feels so good around my cock. I may never let you leave my bed.?

?I hope you won?t,? Rick softly moaned. I?ve wanted you since you first entered the station a couple of years ago.?

Mike looked at the clock and noticed the time. ?Damn we need to get out to the factory and see who shows tonight. I want to find out who has been raping the kid?s ass.?

Rick smiled to himself because he now had a good idea who was raping the boy. He just needed to prove it.

They both dressed and headed for the old factory and chose a spot where they could see the boy and the door. Now they were going to get some answers.

Mike walked over to the boy and said, ?We?re here boy and soon you will be out of this mess. We?re going to catch these men who are doing this to you. Gently he ran his hand over the boy?s body, gripping his soft cock and balls and ran his hand over the tight little ass, slipping his fingers between the ass cheeks. You have a nice body boy to bad it is being abused like it is. The boy looked up as he felt Mike?s hand rub his ass. He started to say something but Mike told him to be quiet as he walked back to where Rick was hiding.

It seemed like hours past before they hear the some of the door opening and saw the outline of a man enter and walk over to the boy. The man ran his hands over the naked boy and reached for the whip, which lay on the bench close by. He pulled his arm back and the whip lashed against the boy?s bare body again and again.

?NOOOO PLEASE? cried the boy. ?I want tell anyone I promise only please stop.?

The man pulled his throbbing cock out of his pants and walked behind the boy and rammed it deep into his young ass.

?I know you won?t be telling anyone son. No one would believe you.? The man moaned as he rammed his cock in and out harder and faster.

Just as he was about to send his juice into the boy, Mike and Rick stepped out and said,? Hold it right there you per. We got you now.?

?Shine the light on his Rick; let?s see who we got here. Said Mike.

Rick did as Mike said and when the light shown on the man Rick gulped and said, ?Chief!?

?Get that light off me Rick and get your clothes off. We?re going to be having a little fun, just the four of us, right Mike??

Rick turned to Mike and noticed he was completely naked and his cock stood out hard and throbbing.

?Yup, that?s right chief. I think Rick is about ready now.? Mike said moving over to Rick and grabbed a heads of hair.

?You said you wanted the boy Rick, Well now you are going to get your wish and you are going to take his place. Got those clothes off NOW!?

Rick stripped off his clothes and his cock stood tall and hard.

?You see chief,? said Mike. ?He can?t wait to take our cocks. He has the perfect ass to fuck the way we like. How about letting your nephew down so Rick can take his place??

?His nephew?? cried Rick. ?This was all a set up?

?Yes son,? said the chief as he unchained his nephew. ?Bring him over Mike and let?s enjoy ourselves. What do you say Jacob. Want to have a little fun with our deputy??

?I sure would like to fuck his ass uncle.? Said Jacob as he helped Mike chain Rick. He does have a nice looking ass on him don?t he??

Mike laughed and said,? Well go on son, he?s ready to take that ten inch cock of yours and don?t be afraid to be rough. He likes it rough, don?t you Rick??

Rick looked at Jacob?s big cock as he walked around behind his and slid his cock between Rick hot moist ass cheeks. He knew he was going to be raped and couldn?t help but push back as he looked at Mike.

?Yes Mike,? Rick said. ?I like it rough; I want you all to rape me hard. Let me feel those big cocks.?

With that Jacob pulled back and rammed hard, sending all ten inches deep into Rick?s hot ass. He gripped Rick?s waist and began to drive his big cock in and out, sending waves of pleasure through the both of them. Rick?s cock grew harder and leaked pre-cum.

Mike had moved the chief in front of Rick and told him to bend over and suck Rick?s cock.

?That?s right chief, suck that cock. Use your hungry mouth and suck it down your throat. Don?t forget his balls.? Mike said as he moved behind the chief. ?Suck that cock like you really want it. I want to see it down your throat,?

Mike spread the chief?s legs wider and slipped two fingers into the puckering hole. The chief let out a moan as he felt his ass invaded but he didn?t stop sucking Rick?s cock.

As Jacob fucked Rick?s ass he watched as Mike slid his cock all the way into the chief?s ass. Mike pulled Jacob?s head towards him and kissed his hard.

?I?m sorry we put you through this baby, but it was the only way, and beside you enjoy when I whip you and fuck your hot ass. Now let show these two who owns them. WE have two hot pussy-men to serve us. All we have to do it keep them full of our cocks and they will do whatever we ask.?

Jacob and Mike began a steady rhythm of fucking the two men hard and deep. Rick had a look of deep lust in his eyes while the chiefs worked his ass around Mike?s big cock.

?Who know who else we might want to fuck in the shithole of a town. They are some hot hillbillies that look like they?d be worth fucking.? Jacob said.

?Yeah there sure are and the first one I want to fuck it the preacher man. You see the ass on him?? Mike laughed.

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