Hello Neighbor

By Boo Jum

Published on Nov 19, 2019



This is part 9 of my story Hello, Neighbor.


This is a work of fiction. Some of the situations and people are based on personal experience, or things I heard from friends. But by and large it is all my fantasies.

If you enjoyed reading it, please let me know. If you have any comments, criticisms or suggestions feel free to let me know. I can be contacted at boojum64@gmail.com.

As always, I am grateful to nifty.org for hosting my story. Please show your appreciation to nifty, by donating to the site:



"So, that was your initiation to sex?" I ask

Aaron chuckles.

"Not really. That was more of a one-off. I didn't have sex for over a year after that. I didn't know anyone else who would be interested, and I was too scared to, anyway. I was really screwed up at that point. I hated myself for having these feelings, I didn't know anyone I could talk to about them. And I was barely hanging on in general."


Aaron hated his new school, which, he felt, was no better than the previous school. He was older now, and more aware of the teachers' attitude, which was to treat the kids like garbage. He hated the new apartment Tina had found, where he had no privacy. But mostly he hated Bob, Tina's new boyfriend/pimp.

Bob was a huge bear of a man, fat, greasy and unshaven. He had no job to speak of, occasionally performing some unspecified service for his few friends, and receiving a meager sum of money in return. Most of the day Bob spent drinking, and he had an almost superhuman capacity for alcohol. When he was drunk, he was mean, and frequently violent. Bob insisted that Aaron call him uncle Bob. He also insisted that, in addition to a long list of household chores, Aaron get a job, and surrender his paycheck at the end of each week.

"You're old enough now," uncle Bob explained. "We all have to contribute to the upkeep of the household."

" I don't see you contributing," Aaron retorted.

Uncle Bob's response was to punch Aaron very hard in the solar plexus, leaving him red faced and gasping on the floor.

So Aaron got a part time job working in an office, doing odd jobs, and the occasional delivery or pickup.

One day, late afternoon, Mr Porter, one of the partners called Aaron into his office, and gave him a large envelope.

"I need you to deliver this envelope to the address printed on the front. It's in the city center. Can you do that?" he asked.

"Sure," Aaron told him.

"And," Mr Porter glanced at his watch. "It's getting late, so you might as well go straight home afterwards."

Aaron took the envelope, and set off.

By the time Aaron had completed his delivery, he urgently need to pee. As he was near the central bus station, he detoured there and went inside, into the men's room. The place was gloomy, and smelled strongly of cleaning agents and piss. Along one wall was a long trough that functioned as a urinal, and opposite it were a row of cubicles.

There were a couple of men standing at the trough, but as Aaron stepped forward they turned and left, one after the other, until only one old man was left, standing at the far end of the long urinal. Aaron couldn't help staring, as he peed. The man had his fly open, and his cock hanging out. His semi erect cock looked like a large white worm, protruding from his trousers. The minute he saw Aaron looking at him, he began masturbating fast, and smiled at Aaron.

To young Aaron, the man looked ancient and unappealing, but the situation seemed so charged that Aaron couldn't prevent himself from getting an erection, too. Seeing this, the man sidled over till he was standing next to Aaron, who didn't know how to respond, so he did nothing. This encouraged the man, who bent at the waist and then reached out and took Aaron's cock in his mouth. Or at least, he tried. Aaron was so spooked by this that he turned and fled, not even stopping to zip himself up until he was outside.

Aaron stood there trembling, for a few minutes. When he had calmed down a bit, he began to walk away, and then he noticed a man standing to one side, eyeing him. This guy was younger, and not bad looking. He was dressed quite smartly. When he saw that Aaron had noticed him, he smiled at him. Aaron stopped walking, and the man came over to him.

"Hello," said the man, smiling. "Did that nasty looking guy try something with you as well?"

He had a foreign accent.

They chatted for a while. The man's name was Ron, and he was British, just there on business for a few days. He had long, sandy brown hair, designer stubble, and light grey eyes. He was short, and fairly slim, and there was something delicate about him, almost effeminate. But he was friendly and smiled a lot. After a few minutes, Ron got to the point.

"Would you like to go to my hotel room?" he asked. "It's not far."

With a few misgivings, Aaron agreed. They were there within minutes, where he sat on the bed while Ron poured them both a drink from a bottle of whiskey.

Aaron had never had anything alcoholic, but he followed Ron's example, tossing it back in a single swallow, then coughed at the shock of it. Ron laughed, and poured him another drink, and after a while Aaron felt light headed and dizzy. He leaned back, and closed his eyes, and was dimly aware of Ron fumbling at his belt, and the feeling of Ron's stubble tickling his stomach and hips, as he engulfed Aaron's cock. The soft ring of Ron's lips, moved up and down along the length of Aaron's cock, and it felt good.

Aaron opened his eyes. He was lying on his back, naked. Ron, who was now also naked, loomed over Aaron for a second, as he sat, impaling himself on Aaron's cock. Aaron gasped at the sensation. He felt his cock penetrate Ron's arsehole. It felt different to Ron's lips on his cock. It was tighter, but it felt more accommodating somehow.

Ron commenced bouncing up and down exuberantly. His body was pudgy and pinkish, with a light plumage of sandy colored hair. His own cock was erect, and bounced sideways and back and forward as he fucked himself on Aaron's cock.

Aaron cupped Ron's buttocks, lifting him and bucking his hips, penetrating Ron harder.

"Oh yes! That feels good," Ron gasped.

Ron had his head thrown back as if he was going to howl at the moon. Aaron began to fuck him harder and faster, almost throwing Ron off as he bucked beneath him. Ron was masturbating furiously now, as Aaron fucked him.

In a single move, Ron scrambled up, disengaging from Aaron's cock. He turned and got on all fours, presenting his round, white arse to Aaron. Aaron stood up, and positioned himself behind Ron, holding his hips, and began fucking him.

With no warning, Ron let out a loud moan, almost a shout. He pushed his arse back, taking Aaron's cock as deep as he could. As he did so, Aaron felt Ron's sphincter muscles throbbing with his orgasm. The sensation of Ron's sphincter clenching around his cock put Aaron over the edge, and he held Ron close against him as he ejaculated. Then he fell back, puffing and sweating.

As Aaron dressed afterwards, Ron opened his wallet and held out a note to him.

"Errr...." Aaron was at a loss. What was expected of him?

Ron took another note out, and held them both out.

"Errr..." Aaron said again.

"Look, just take it. I'm not going to pay more," said Ron, and shoved the notes into Aaron's hand.

Aaron took the money and left, feeling a bit insulted.

Uncle Bob was furious that Aaron was so late. He expected Aaron to make him supper on time every evening. And when he smelt whiskey on the boy's breath he was even angrier, beating Aaron with a belt, and, when that wasn't enough, with his fists.

Finally Aaron managed to escape, and went to a nearby park, where he sat, and cried with pain and anger. It was already dark, and nobody was around, when he heard footsteps. A girl stopped next to him and said


Aaron looked up, automatically at the sound of his name, but he immediately turned his head away so the girl wouldn't see he had been crying.

"It's Sofia. Sofia Lambardi," she said.

Sofia lived in the apartment next to Aaron, with her father and older brother. She sat on the bench, next to Aaron. She was tall for a girl, with masses of dark black curly hair, and large brown eyes.

"My dad also beats me, sometimes," she said, conversationally.

Aaron sat, half turned away, battling to control his tears, and Sofia sat quietly next to him. He found her silent presence comforting. Finally Aaron wiped his cheeks, and breathed a shuddering breath as he straightened up.

When Sofia saw that he had calmed down a bit, she began talking to him, chattering vivaciously, ignoring Aaron's taciturn responses. Despite himself, Aaron was drawn into the conversation, and began to feel better.

"Wanna see something?" Sofia grabbed Aaron's wrist, and jumped up, pulling him along.

"What-" Aaron started.

"It's just up here. Not far," Sofia said, holding onto his arm, as she walked fast, almost running.

Sofia led him to a far corner of the park, and ducked into the bushes, pulling Aaron after her. To his surprise, there was a small building hidden by the bushes. She pushed the door open, and they went inside. It was dark inside, and Sofia lit a candle, which gave a bit of light. Aaron could see a few cushions, covered by an old blanket, that were arranged to form a sofa. There was a small table, and next to it, a cupboard with a padlock.

"This is my secret place," she explained. "I come here when I want to be alone. Like, if my dad beats me, and I don't want to be at home."

She flopped dramatically onto the makeshift sofa. The movement caused her short skirt to ride up, revealing her slim, smooth legs, and part of her buttocks. Aaron stared, puzzled by some dark marks on her buttocks. It took him a second to realize that they were bruises.

When Sofia saw the direction of his gaze, she scowled, and pulled her skirt down. Aaron averted his gaze guiltily, not knowing if she was more embarrassed by the exposure of her arse, or by him having seen proof of her father's abuse.

But Sofia recovered a few seconds later, and patted the cushion next to her.

"Come, sit by me," she said.

Aaron sat next to her, and after a short embarrassing silence, they resumed their conversation. They remained there till very late, and Aaron was sure he could sneak back into the apartment without getting caught.

The two of them became quite friendly after that, and met frequently in Sofia's special place. They also went out together, a few times.

But the other, furtive, area of Aaron's life was his increasingly frequent visits to the men's room of the bus station, and later on, to other cruising areas in the city.

It was on one of these visits, when he was hanging around outside the toilet, waiting for a likely looking candidate to show up, that he was approached by a young guy. Around Aaron's height and build, he looked to be in his early twenties at the most. He had a shaggy head of blonde hair, blue eyes, and a thin, cruel mouth.

"I got a john, wants a sandwich. White on one side, rye on the other. Said he'd pay double. He's into rough trade. You down for it?" he asked.

Aaron didn't understand half of what the boy had said, but he followed him to a nearby apartment building.

When they opened the door they were greeted by the sight of a big fat man wearing nothing but a couple of leather straps, kneeling on all fours. The blonde boy went up to him and slapped him hard across the arse.

"What did I say about moving?" he asked. The man made no reply, so the blonde guy hit him again, harder.

The man squealed, and said "Sorry. Sorry sir"

"Well, get on with it," said Blondie, undoing his belt.

The man reached out and opened Blondie's trousers, and began sucking his cock. Blondie looped his belt around the man's neck, and then looked across at Aaron.

"Don't be shy. Show us what ya got," he said.

Somewhat reluctantly, Aaron stripped. The sight of the older man sucking the younger boy's cock had turned him on, and his cock was fully erect.

"Oh man, that's some impressive piece of meat ya got," said Blondie, looking appreciatively at Aaron's erection.

The older man looked up when Blondie said this. He stared hungrily at Aaron, and the tip of his tongue came out, and moistened his lips.

"I want him to fuck me," he said to Blondie.

Blondie made a "help yourself" gesture to Aaron, then used the belt to pull the man's head down onto his crotch. As the man resumed sucking Blondie's cock, Aaron stepped up behind the man, and began rubbing his cock over the man's arsehole.

The man released Blondie's cock from his mouth with a soft "plop" sound. He looked over his shoulder at Aaron.

"Don't hold back," he said. "I can handle it."

Something about the way he said it suddenly reminded Aaron of uncle Bob. He looked down at the fat, flabby, hairy man kneeling in front of him, and suddenly it seemed as if uncle Bob was asking Aaron to fuck him hard.

All of his aggression towards uncle Bob came out, and he rammed his cock into the man's arse as hard as he could. The man gasped, and let out a moan, and Aaron began fucking the man hard. As hard as he could. Harder. Initially the man, took his cock, but after a few minutes he began whimpering. His big fat arse quivered, as Aaron slammed his cock into the man's arsehole. His body shook, and he began trying to get away from the punishment being inflicted on his arse. But Aaron grabbed the man's hips, and held him in place.

"Is this what you wanted, uncle Bob?" Aaron grunted over and over, as he jackhammered the man's arse. "Is this what you want to do to me?"

The man was almost yelling with pain, as he tried to escape from Aaron. But Aaron wouldn't let him go. He held the man, and fucked him mercilessly, releasing all the pent up fury and frustration that he felt towards uncle Bob.

As suddenly as it had started, it ended. Aaron's orgasm was unstoppable, and he growled in fury, as he ejaculated into the man's arsehole. Then he withdrew his cock, as the man collapsed face down, almost crying. After a few minutes, the man half turned, and looked up at Aaron.

"I've never been fucked like that before. That was awesome. I want you to do it again," he said.

But Aaron turned away from him, filled with disgust and shame at himself. He was already pulling on his clothes, as Blondie hurried to get the payment from the fat man, and followed Aaron out of the apartment.

"Jeez, man. Where's the fire?" he asked as he ran after Aaron, huffing with the effort. "Doncha wanna get paid?" He held out a couple of notes from the wad that the fat man had given him.

Aaron stopped, and turned as Blondie skidded to a halt next to him, panting with the effort. He snatched the money from the boy's hand, then turned to go.

"Leave me alone, he growled.

"Seriously, man," panted Blondie, not leaving him alone. "That was great. D'you always fuck that hard? You'll need to bring it down a notch. But if you're interested, I can find you loads of johns who'd love to be fucked by you. You're the perfect combination of sweet innocence with huge cock."

This last sentence stopped Aaron in his tracks. He'd never considered himself sweet or innocent, and while he was dimly aware that his cock was larger than most guys he'd seen, he had never considered it a selling point. Now he thought about himself for the first time, as a stranger would see him.

"It's easy money," said Blondie, who thought that Aaron was considering his offer. "And mostly, it's not so bad."

"Okay," Aaron said to Blondie. "So who's next then?"

"Hey, man," laughed Blondie. "You gotta learn to pace yourself. Look, meet me tomorrow afternoon back by the bus station."


"And that," says Aaron, "is when my real initiation into the world of stubble-cheeked blowjobs began."

"You were a rentboy?" I ask, and Aaron looks away.

"I- it's not something I'm proud of. I'm just trying to be honest, leaving nothing out," he says.

"We've all got dark secrets," I assure him.


It was a few months later. Summer vacation was just starting, and Aaron was at work. Today he was assigned to cleaning out the company storeroom. He was working hard, and was sweating profusely in the stifling, airless room, so he took advantage of the fact that he was alone, and removed his shirt.

"Hello, Aaron," said someone behind him.

Aaron turned. There stood Mr Porter. He was accompanied by the fat guy that Aaron and Blondie had fucked. The man was staring at Aaron with a knowing smirk. His eyes crawled over Aaron's body, lingering at the bulge in his jeans.

"Mr Marsden has a lot of files that he's taking home," said Me Porter, gesturing at a large pile of boxes on a cart. "Can you help him?"

"A fine strong young man like this? I'm sure he'll help me out," said Mr Marsden. His voice had a campy inflection.

Aaron shrugged his shirt on, and began to push the cart towards the elevator.

"So, you disappeared kind of suddenly last time," said Mr Marsden, as they went down to the parking.

Aaron didn't reply.

"You're a really sexy guy," the man continued, stepping closer to Aaron. He breathed deeply. "You smell so... masculine." he almost shivered with desire, as he said it.

Just then, the elevator doors opened, and Aaron stepped out, pulling the cart between him and Mr Marsden.

As Aaron bent to load the boxes into the trunk of Mr Marsden's car, the man slid his hand down Aaron's buttocks. Aaron flinched away.

"Don't be like that," Mr Marsden said. "I've been dying to find you. I looked all over town. I want you to fuck me again."

Aaron turned and began walking away.

"Please. I'll pay you double what I paid last time," Mr Marsden called after him. Aaron paused.

"Yeah?" he asked.

"If you call me uncle Bob." the man added.

"What's your name?" Aaron asked.

"Bob," replied the man.

Aaron considered this for a minute.

"No it's not," he decided.

"Ok, it's not. But will you call me uncle Bob? Please? It really turned me on."

Eventually Aaron allowed the fat man to persuade him, and they traveled to his apartment.

Once inside, Mr Marsden stripped to his underwear, and knelt in front of Aaron. He opened Aaron's trousers, and exclaimed at the sight of Aaron's erection.

The sight of Mr Marsden kneeling in front of him naked made it easier for Aaron to imagine him as Tina's boyfriend, and a rush of anger and frustration swept through his body.

Aaron removed his belt, then wrapped it around Mr Marsden's throat, taking a cue from Blondie. He used the belt to pull the man's head down towards his cock. Mr Marsden tried to resist, but Aaron slapped his face, and forced his cock into the man's throat, until he was choking and gagging. When Aaron released him, Mr Marsden was breathing heavily, and his eyes were watering from gagging. But he smiled up at Aaron, a knowing, lustful smile.

"Fuck my mouth," he said. "Fuck it hard."

Mr Marsden lay on the bed with his head tilted back, and Aaron shoved his cock into the man's throat. Every time the man gagged and arched his back, Aaron drew back, but the man pulled Aaron towards him.

"Pinch my nipples," he gasped, pulling Aaron's hands onto his pendulous, hairy breasts.

"You like that, uncle Bob?" Aaron growled, as he pinched and twisted the man's nipples.

"Owwww yes," Mr Marsden gasped in pain.

"You like it when I hurt you, don't you uncle Bob?

You want me to fuck you, uncle Bob?" Aaron asked.

"Yes," breathed the man. "Fuck me. Fuck me hard. Make it hurt." His hands were in his underpants, as he played with his erect cock.

"You like it hard, don't you, uncle Bob?"

"Ohhh yes," the man half moaned.

Aaron forced Mr Marsden down on his knees, then forced his face down till it was against the floor. Mr Marsden's arse was in the air. Aaron ripped Mr Marsden's underpants, exposing his flabby, white, hairy arse. He took his belt and slapped it hard a couple of times on Mr Marsden's arse. The man jerked and cried out with each blow.

Aaron leaned his weight on the man's lower back, and in one move he shoved his cock into Mr Marsden's arse. The man cried out in pain, and squirmed underneath him.

"You like that, uncle Bob? You want more?" Aaron growled.

The man moaned hoarsely.

"Take it, uncle Bob. Take my cock," Aaron almost shouted.

He began fucking the man, pausing every now and then to slap his arse hard. Mr Marsden jumped with every slap, and shrieked campily. The force of Aaron's fucking was pushing him forward, and he braced himself against the wall. Aaron gripped his hips roughly, pulling the man's buttocks apart, as he fucked him.

Aaron held his breath, and fucked the man as hard as he could. But for some reason, he couldn't feel an orgasm coming. He pushed the man forward, face down, and fucked him hard, straining and gasping. It seemed a long time until he felt himself climaxing. The man lay face down on the carpet, not moving. Aaron stood up. The man turned on his side.

"That was great," he said. "I had the most wonderful orgasm while you were fucking me."

Aaron looked down at him. Suddenly he noticed a bruise where he had hit Mr Marsden's arse.

"Oh. Oh, did I did that? Wow I- I'm really sorry," he began to apologize, but the man stopped him.

"Don't worry. It's all good," he said. "That was awesome," he added. "I want you to come here every week."

Mr Marsden crossed to the desk, and opened a small safe that was built into the desk. He removed an envelope, and checked it's contents. Then he gave it to Aaron, who also checked how much money was in it.

"I meant what I said. Now that I've found you I won't give you up so easily. I want you to come regularly, and fuck me like that." Mr Marsden said.

Aaron returned to the office, feeling drained. He resumed his work, but found it difficult to concentrate, and left as soon as he could.

The moment Aaron walked through the door of the apartment, uncle Bob was on him, hitting, slapping, shouting accusations. Aaron never figured out how uncle Bob knew that he had extra money. Perhaps he could smell it, the way a shark scents blood. Uncle Bob had been drinking, and he beat Aaron violently. Tina, who had never made any effort to protect Aaron, sat on the couch, hugging herself, and rocking back and forth, as uncle Bob beat Aaron viciously, cursing him, and accusing him of all sorts of crimes.

Finally, when uncle Bob pauses to regain his breath, Aaron managed to get away. He flung open the door, and ran out into the night, uncle Bob's roars and threats diminishing in volume as he escaped. He ran without stopping to Sofia's special place, where he flung himself down on the makeshift sofa, sobbing.

Sofia found him there, a while later, and comforted him as best she could. She had purloined a bottle of whiskey from her dad's stash, and now she produced it. Aaron took an almost perverse pleasure in the burning sensation it produced in his stomach, but he was still very upset.

"Here, look what I've got." Sofia produced a tube of Ben Gay. "Lie down here, and I'll rub some on your back. It will help with the pain."

Aaron lay on the sofa, as Sofia lifted his shirt and began rubbing the cream onto his skin. It felt pleasant, and it did alleviate his suffering a bit. Combined with the whiskey, he was beginning to feel better.

"So tell me, Aaron, do you have a girl?" Sofia asked.

"Mmmmm," Aaron answered noncommittally.

"I'll bet you get lots of girls, don't you," she continued.

Aaron closed his eyes, surrendering himself to the sensation.

"Turn over, I'll do your stomach now," Sofia said.

Aaron was suddenly uncomfortably aware that he had an erection. What would Sofia think if she saw it? She'd probably think he was a pervert, trying to take advantage of her.

"No! I-I mean, I can't. It- it hurts too much," he said in a panic.

"Shhh. It's ok," Sofia said.

She put her arms around Aaron and hugged him tight. He turned on his side. Lying on the bed face-to-face, their lips touched. Sofia took the lead and pulled Aaron closer to her. Their kiss was passionate, their hands running over each other's bodies. Without their lips detaching Sofia began unbuttoning Aarons shirt and opening his trousers. Aaron pulled Sofia's dress up over her head. He could feel her nipples, through her bra, rubbing against his chest. For a moment, Aaron struggled to undo the clasp of Sofia's bra, but after a moment he succeeded,and pulled her close to him.

Sofia had pulled down Aaron's trousers. Their kiss now had them rolling around on the sofa- wearing nothing but their underwear. Aaron ran his hands over Sofia's breasts and down her stomach. Her skin was smooth and soft - so different from the feel of a man. His hand was on her panties, he slid his hand down a little further. His middle finger laying directly between the lips of Sofia's moist pussy. In one swift move, he had his hand inside her panties - he could feel how wet her pussy was. Sofia arched her back each time she felt Aaron's finger touch her so intimately.

Aaron was consumed with passion. He took a second and realised his cock was rock hard and bursting out of the top of his briefs. He felt Sofia's hands pulling them down and removing them. They were now both naked, kissing each other, exploring each other's body - fingers, hands, tongues.

Aaron leaned over and began to kiss and lick Sofia's breasts. Her nipples were hard as he ran his tongue over them. His hand was between her legs, his fingers gently playing with her clit. In a split second he realised despite never being with a woman before, it was all coming to him quite naturally. Sofia's pussy was totally smooth and he could feel her hand on his. He slipped his finger between her outer lips and he let it naturally slide deep inside her. His cock was throbbing by now. He slowly began to slide his finger in and out of her now wet pussy. Her hand on his the whole time pushing it down to maximise the pleasure. She was panting heavily and her groans seemed to be turning him on even more. He kissed her chest and continued down kissing her stomach then moving down further and until he was kissing her pussy. He licked it. He found her clit and played with it gently between his teeth. With his lips and teeth occupied with her clit, he again put a finger inside her. The taste wasn't like he thought it would be. He was enjoying himself, carried away with the whole situation, the passion and his desire to please her. He could feel her hands on his head, pushing him down so his whole face was emerged in her pussy, his tongue working busily all the time.

Aaron sat up on his knees between Sofia's legs. His thick cock standing erect, he rubbed it a couple of times. He gently lifted up her legs and slowly rubbed his cock over her wet pussy. In one swift movement he began sliding his cock inside her. The sensation was amazing - warm, wet and soft. The feeling of his cock penetrating deep inside her being engulfed by her pussy magnified his level of horniness. Sofia moved her body to get the most out of feeling Aaron inside her. Her movements adding to Aaron's feelings. He was actually fucking a woman! He began to withdraw and then slide back in again, the movements became more rapid sliding his cock in and out of her. She was so wet, there was no resistance and the feeling was divine. While pumping his cock in and out of her, he leaned over and kissed her. She wrapped her arms around his neck while they kissed - Aaron continuing to fuck her in short, sharp movements and then sliding it in as deep as he could and leaving it inside her. He could feel his balls hitting her arse each time he thrust inside her - this seems to turn Sofia even wilder and her groans louder.

He pulled out of her and rolled on to his back, Sofia climbed on top of him. As he lay on his back she sat on his cock and he could feel it sliding deep inside her. She began to gently rock backwards and forwards on his cock. Her movements becoming more and more rapid, their breathing becoming more and more intense. As she rode his cock, he cupped her breasts with his hands as they bounced up and down. He realised he was getting closer. The intensity grew as did the speed of her movements, and he guessed she was close too. She rode him faster and harder, he thrust himself to get as deep inside of her as he could.

Sofia's breathing and groaning becoming louder and louder. He took one hand from her breasts and placed it on her pussy - playing with her clit - he could feel his cock sliding in and out of her. This was the peak - Sofia let out a scream, her breathing deep and strained, her body became stiff as it was taken over by the power of her orgasm. Realising Sofia was climaxing, Aaron felt each and every movement from Sofia's jolting body and gasped with the sheer pleasure of it. Next thing Aaron could feel his cock explode deep inside of Sofia, string after string of cum shooting inside her, both of them panting and sweating as they came down from their climax.

Neither of them able to move, they were momentarily frozen in time with Sofia still sitting on top of Aaron. His cock began to soften and he could feel it sliding out of Sofia, they both smiled at each other as it happened. Sofia managed to roll off Aaron and lay on the sofa next to him. She pulled the blanket to cover them both and neither said a word as she put her head on his chest and he a protective arm around her. The little room was quiet but they were both fulfilled with what had just happened as they lay in bed in silence. Completely unaware of the extra pair of eyes that had been watching them the whole time.

Aaron woke the next morning, in the little hut. Sofia was gone, he was alone. For a moment he thought it might have been a dream, but he could still smell her perfume on his body, and it made him feel peaceful and content. He decided that he had no desire to see Tina or uncle Bob that morning,so he went straight to work.

Around midday, the police arrived, and arrested him.


Next: Chapter 10

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