Hello Neighbor

By Boo Jum

Published on Nov 11, 2019



This is part 8 of my story Hello, Neighbor.


This is a work of fiction. Some of the situations and people are based on personal experience, or things I heard from friends. But by and large it is all my fantasies.

If you enjoyed reading it, please let me know. If you have any comments, criticisms or suggestions feel free to let me know. I can be contacted at boojum64@gmail.com.

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"Are you really sure you want to do this?"

Aaron sounds and looks nervous. We're sitting in a secluded part of the hospital garden, Aaron in a wheelchair and me opposite him on a bench.

"Yes," I tell him.

"You won't like it," he warns me.

But he settles himself into his chair, and looks off to the side. I see the resolve in his gaze before he turns back to look at me. Then he focuses on something behind me, and begins to talk...

"It kind of feels weird, talking about myself like this," he says. "I feel kind of... I dunno. Ridiculous. But... let's start with my parents. They played a large role in shaping my life. Like most people, I guess. At least my mother did. I never had a father "


Her name was Tina. She was a lost child, in her teens, when she ran away from home, and she ended up with a group of bikers. They used her as a mule, for transporting the drugs that they sold to others. And when she wasn't occupied with that, they found more recreational uses for her. By that time, she was addicted, and they kept her in line by supplying her with whatever drugs she was using.

Under those circumstances, pregnancy was inevitable. But it was only discovered when Tina was arrested, along with most of the bikers. Social services were alerted, and they whisked her away, and set her up with her newborn baby, in a small apartment.

Initially, Tina tried to be a good mother to her son, even going as far as having him circumcised. But while welfare provided Tina with the basics for survival, they couldn't provide her with hope. By the time that Aaron was few years old Tina had lapsed back into the old spiral of drugs. Aaron grew up in a series of dingy apartments, in the worst neighborhoods of the city. And inevitably there were the men, part boyfriend, part pimp, who would use Tina for a while, and then disappear.

On the bad days, Tina made sure that Aaron knew how worthless he was, and how much better her life would be if he hadn't been born. But he did have his uses, mainly as a lever to get some more support from what passed for social services in those parts of the city. And as he grew older she found an additional use for him, as a shill for shoplifting. Nobody would suspect that cute little boy with the innocent, radiant smile.

School was not a pleasant experience for Aaron. The other kids mocked him for his second hand clothes, which were obvious donations from welfare. And there was always someone willing to point out that Aaron's textbooks were also second hand, or that he couldn't afford any of the extra curricular activities suggested by the school. He was the weird kid, from a weird family, and mostly avoided by the other kids.

When Aaron was in second grade, towards the end of the school year, the school arranged a swimming lesson, at the municipal swimming pool. The weather was already warm, and the kids were already too distracted by the coming summer vacation to do any serious studying. A swimming lesson was as good a way as any to keep them in line.

The pool was within walking distance of the school, so one of the teachers walked over with a group of children, where they were handed over to the swimming instructor, a youth counselor who worked with the school. His name was Rico, but he preferred to be called Rick.

As the other boys ran to the locker rooms Aaron hung back a bit, unsure of what was expected. As a consequence the door was locked from the inside when he tried to open it. Knocking resulted in some muffled voices, and some laughter from within. Resigned to wait, Aaron was standing by the door when Rick saw him.

"What's the matter, kid? Why aren't you changing?"

Aaron explained the situation, trying to pretend that it wasn't a big deal, and who cared anyway.

"Well, why not come and change with me? In the instructor's locker room," Rick said. The offer was friendly and matter of fact, although his expression and smile gave the impression of a shared secret. Maybe Rick could sense Aaron's loneliness, and maybe he couldn't be bothered to wait for the weirdo kid to change. Either way, it made Aaron bean with pleasure.

Rick led Aaron past a reception area into an office, and then into a side room, where there was a bench and some lockers. Feeling increasingly nervous, Aaron followed him. He'd never been in a locker room, or even been alone with a man. None of Tina's boyfriends had ever showed any interest in him, beyond his use for shoplifting. Except when they felt he was in the way, and this was mostly dealt with by slapping him or knocking him around. Rick closed and locked the door, then unlocked one of the lockers, as Aaron watched from lowered eyes, and followed his lead.

Rick took off his shirt. Aaron took off his shirt.

Rick took off his shoes and socks. Aaron took off his shoes and socks.

Rick took off his trousers. A bit self consciously, Aaron sat on the bench, and in one movement pulled off his trousers and underpants, and put on his swimsuit as quickly as he could. Then he turned and looked at Rick.

Standing there.

Totally nude.

Rick took a speedo from his locker, and checked it was the right way around, before putting it on.

Aaron stared at Rick, fascinated. He had never seen anyone as beautiful as him. He had olive skin, and a swimmer's build. Broad shoulders, well developed pecs, flat, well muscled stomach, tapering to a narrow waist, with long, muscular legs. His body was totally hairless, except for an explosion of dark hair at his crotch. In those days, naked people still had hair. His cock hung down, long and thick, jutting partly out as if he was just beginning to get an erection.

As he pulled his speedo up, he half turned back to his locker, giving Aaron a glimpse of his round, muscular arse, as he pulled his swimsuit over it. Then, completely oblivious, he pulled the waistband of the speedo down, affording Aaron another glimpse of his profusion of pubic hair, along with the base of his cock, and settled his swimsuit into place, giving his cock a final tug of adjustment.


"At that moment I had two thoughts, almost simultaneously. The first was `wow what a huge willy he has.' And the second was shocked amusement at seeing all that pubic hair. It looked so out of place on his otherwise smooth body, I wanted to laugh. But mostly I remember the tight feeling in the base of my stomach, that today I can understand as arousal."

Aaron turns his head, and looks at me.

"I couldn't take my eyes off him. That was the first time I ever saw a grown man naked," he says. "And it was the first moment I ever felt sexual attraction to anyone. Not that I understood that at the time. It's only in hindsight that I can understand what I felt that day. It was also the moment that I realized that something was different about me. Not the way people expected me to be."

"Did he- I mean-" I'm afraid to ask.

"Molest me?" Aaron chuckles. "No. He didn't touch me, look at me or acknowledge my presence in any way. As far as he was concerned, we were just two guys in a room changing into our swimsuits. Nothing to see, nothing to say".

"So..." I find myself intrigued by his story.

"I'm getting there. Have a bit of patience," Aaron says.

He is quiet for a moment, and then continues.

"I never really had many friends. And, in the first couple of years at school, I was always getting into fights.

He pauses a minute, then continues, "It's funny. We lived in a really crappy neighborhood, and I wasn't the only kid with an unmarried mother. But I was the only one they called `bastard'. Kids can be really cruel, sometimes.

"Anyway. I was a bit of a loner, most of the kids were mean to me. And the ones who weren't actively mean to me, ignored me. My only friends were the other social pariahs, like Bernie."


Bernie appeared at school a few days after the school year had started. Short, painfully thin, and so pale as to be almost transparent, he was the quintessential nerd, shy and awkward. He also had a very bad skin condition, that instantly earned him the epithet "germboy". None of the kids would even sit next to him, claiming that they didn't want to catch his infection. To Aaron, it seemed that Bernie's status of outcast was more infectious than his skin condition. So they sat together, and hung out together sometimes, more out of lack of options than real friendship.

It was about half way through the school year, just after a gym class. The boys were changing in the locker room, and a couple of the kids were clowning around in their underwear, when Bernie committed the cardinal crime of watching one of them too closely.

The instant that he saw, the boy pounced on Bernie.

"Hey, germboy," he said, giving the epithet an additional emphasis, "whatchoo lookin at?"

"Yeah, whaddaya lookin at" his friend joined in instantly. The two of them pushed forward.

"I- nothing," said Bernie.

He hitched his towel around his waist, and tried to retreat to a corner. But the bullies wouldn't relent.

"You got the hots for me? Is that it?"

"Yeah, faggot," sneered his friend.

They crowded Bernie further, and he retreated. The other boys in the class laughed nastily.

"You better be careful, faggot," said the first boy.

"Be careful, faggot," echoed his accomplice. "You know what happens to faggots, don'tcha"

"What does happen?" asked the first boy.

"They get it in the arse, don't they," his friend replied.

"That's what he wants, isn't it, little faggot," the last part directed at Bernie.

"I- no. It's- I'm not-"

He got no further. One of the boys shot out a hand, and pulled Bernie's towel away, leaving him naked. Bernie covered himself with his hands, as the bullies used the towel to deliver stinging blows to his body. As he cowered in the corner, doing his best to avoid the blows, the first boy knocked him sprawling, then fell atop him, pinning him to the ground in a wrestling hold. Bernie struggled helplessly, unable to get free.This elicited more nasty laughter from the watching boys.

In an instant, the second bully was beside them, holding a broom that he'd found somewhere.

"Faggot wants it in the arse, lets give it to him," growled the boy.

The laughter faded, but nobody made a move to try and stop them. Bernie struggled wildly, looking around. He shot a beseeching look at Aaron. But Aaron sat there, not moving. The beseeching look changed to one of disappointment, and a second later to one of pain, as the broom handle was forced into his arse. He shrieked in pain, a shrill, high sound. The bullies held him as he struggled and yelled, forcing the handle deeper. They only stopped when they saw blood.

It might have ended a lot worse, had Rick, the swimming instructor and part time youth counselor, not heard the noise from the locker room.

"What's going on?" His voice boomed, as he threw the door open.

The other boys suddenly realized that this had now become serious. In seconds they had absconded, like rats deserting a sinking ship, leaving Bernie writhing and crying with pain on the floor.

"What the fuck-" Rick seemed at a loss for a few seconds, and then his training asserted itself.

"You," he snapped at Aaron, who was the only one to have remained, sitting without moving. "Go fetch the nurse. Run!"

Aaron set off, pausing to look back once at Rick who was holding a towel, and trying to comfort Bernie at the same time.

An ambulance came, Bernie was taken away, and never came back to the school. A few days after the incident, Aaron asked Rick if he'd heard any news on Bernie, and he was informed that Bernie was recovering, but that his parents felt it best if he continued his schooling somewhere else.

Of course there was an inquiry, every boy in the school was questioned individually. The principal even made an impassioned speech in front of the entire school, appealing to our better nature, and exhorting us to tell her who had committed this crime. But the bully boys made it known among the school kids that the fate of anyone who snitched would be worse.


"I wish I could say that I stopped them," Aaron looks at me, looks away . There are tears in his eyes.

"I wish I could say that I helped him. That I stood up for him. But I didn't. I was just relieved that it wasn't me." He heaves a shuddering breath.

"I dream about it sometimes. That look of disappointment Bernie gave me. I still feel guilty," he adds.

I don't know what to say, so I reach over and hold his hand.

"You were just a kid," I say. "There were two of them".

"But still. I should have done something."

I lean closer, and put my arm around Aaron. He leans into me, and speaks into my chest.


By age thirteen, Aaron had grown to loathe his mother's drug habit, and the men who supplied her. He dreaded the days that he would come home to an empty apartment, knowing that Tina had gone out hooking to get money for her fix. Usually it meant there was nothing to eat, but by then he was adept at shoplifting something small from one of the local shops. But even worse were the days when he came home to her craving, her irrational bad moods.

That was the year when a group of terrorists hijacked a plane, and flew it into the World Trade Center. School was suspended, and the kids were sent home early. Aaron saw no reason to get home early, and be subjected to Tina's bad moods, so he hung around long after the other kids had gone, wondering aimlessly around.

"Hi," someone said, and he turned.

It was Brian, standing in the hall. He was a few years older than Aaron, but he'd failed a couple of times, and been held back, so they were in the same class.

"Oh. Hey, Brian," Aaron said warily. Brian was usually friendly to Aaron, but he was quite unpredictable, and had been known to beat other kids up with no provocation.

"Why ya hangin around here for," asked Brian.

"No reason. Just a bit bored, I guess," replied Aaron.

"Yeah, me too," agreed Brian. "Wanna come over to mine? I've got some magazines we could look at".

Initially a bit suspicious, Aaron agreed, and the two boys walked to Brian's home, which wasn't far.

"Aren't your parents here," Aaron asked curiously, looking around the apartment. It looked clean and neat, nothing like the detritus of his own home.

"Nah. They both work. Here, this is my room."

Once we were in his bedroom, Brian produced a paper packet, and a tube of superglue. He squirted some glue into the packet, then squeezed the opening to a small gap,which he held over his nose, and inhaled deeply.

"What's that?" Aaron asked curiously.

"It makes me feel good,"Brian replied. "Wanna try?"

Aaron considered it for a moment, but a look at the glazed expression on Brian's face dissuaded him. It reminded him too much of Tina. He declined politely.

"Ya sure? It'll make ya feel good. Like, powerful. Whatever you want. Whatever ya trian ta do"

"No. Thanks," Aaron said.

Brian shrugged, squirted another drop of glue into the bag, and huffed deeply, holding the bag over his mouth and nose.

After a while, Aaron got bored with watching Brian, and was about to get up and go, when Brian produced a couple of battered Penthouse magazines from under a heap of clothes in his cupboard.

"Where did you get these?" Aaron was intrigued.

"Me dad buys em. He thinks I don't know," Brian said, as he paged through, the magazine.

"Pwoaaargh. Look at the pair on this one," he said, holding up a picture of a particularly buxom girl.

He passed the magazine over to Aaron , who looked it over, pretending to be interested. But when he looked up to return the magazine, Brian had his trousers open, revealing a huge, uncut, erect cock, which he was stroking as he watched Aaron. He was at least three years older than Aaron, who was barely starting puberty at that point, so Brian's cock looked massive in comparison to his own. It was also the first time Aaron had ever seen an uncut cock, and he couldn't take his eyes off it. He was fascinated by the way the glans of Brian's cock would disappear and reappear as his foreskin furled and unfurled. The foreskin seeming to pucker to a tiny opening, that seemed too small to dilate enough to admit the glans, which would then appear, like a flower unfurling in a time lapse film.

Aaron had heard guys at school whispering about circle jerks, although he'd never been invited to participate in one. So it wasn't surprising when Brian motioned to the rapidly tenting front of his trousers, and told him to show his own cock. Feeling a bit self conscious, Aaron opened his trousers, and revealed his own stiff cock. Brian stared at it, stroking his own cock, and they masturbated for a while. After a couple of minutes, Brian scooted over to Aaron, and grabbed his cock, pulling Aaron closer till their cocks were touching. He gripped them both, stroking them. Brian's cock was leaking copious amounts of precum, which he rubbed on Aaron's cock, and used that as lube to stroke both their cocks. Brian was a redhead, with milky white skin, and his cock was a pinkish color, surrounded by a forest of dark, ginger pubic hair. His cock contrasted strongly with Aaron's dark, almost black, almost hairless cock.

After a few minutes Brian dipped his head, but as he took Aaron's cock in his mouth, Aaron jerked back in shock. Brian looked up at him.

"Let's suck each other off," he suggested.

The moment he said it, Aaron felt a strong surge of desire, and he really wanted to. But the thought of taking another boy's cock into his mouth made him feel afraid, and he hesitated, fearing the consequences of doing something like that. It felt like crossing a boundary, and things wouldn't be the same afterwards. In addition, it felt a bit abrupt. Almost as if Brian was playing a prank on him. Get Aaron to suck his cock, then go and tell the entire school that Aaron is a queer. Visions of Bernie floated in Aaron's head.

"Er, what?" He asked, trying to buy time.

"Yeah. Don't be afraid," Brian said. "It'll feel good. Lie back, I'll suck you off, then you suck my cock".

It took him a while to convince Aaron that he was serious. Trembling with a mixture of fear and excitement, Aaron lay back, and felt Brian's lips around his cock as his head bobbed down and up, down and up. Brian's mouth was warm and moist, and he caressed Aaron's cock with his tongue as he took it into his mouth. The feeling was indescribable, and Aaron felt almost overwhelmed. It didn't take long for his orgasm to start building up. Aaron told him to stop, but Brian ignored him, taking his cock deeper into his mouth, and tightening his lips as he did so. Aaron was almost powerless to resist, holding Brian's head, not sure if he should pull it close or push it away. Before he could react he ejaculated into Brian's mouth. He half expected Brian to pull back in disgust, and was surprised again when Brian swallowed his cum, and looked up at him, smiling tentatively.

"Now you do me," Brian commanded, and sat on the edge of the bed facing Aaron, his trousers round his ankles, his legs spread wide.

Aaron knelt in front of him, looking at Brian's erect cock, as it bobbed gently in front of him, almost as if it had a heartbeat. He still felt incredibly aroused, and he wanted to take Brian's cock into his mouth, but he hesitated, afraid again of the repercussions an action like that would have. He glanced up at Brian, who nodded encouragingly, and Aaron screwed up his courage, taking Brian's cock into his mouth.

Surprisingly, it didn't feel bad. The tip of Brian's cock was slick with precum, and it felt a bit weird on his tongue. He tried to bob his head up and down, mimicking the way Brian had done it, but when Brian's cock hit the back of his throat he gagged a bit, and moved back.

"Yeah. Don't stop. That feels good," Brian breathed. "Just be careful with your teeth"

Aaron continued sucking Brian's cock. It seemed to go on forever, but after a while Brian asked "Do you want me to pull it out before I cum?"

Aaron nodded, and Brian put his hand on the nape of Aaron's neck, encouraging him to continue.

A few seconds later, Brian stopped Aaron with a hand on his shoulder, and Aaron released his cock. Still kneeling in front of Brian, he watched as Brian spat on his hand, and used it as lubricant to masturbate. The sight was fascinating, especially when Brian shot his load all over his stomach. Some of it reached as high as his chest. The thought that this was caused by Aaron having sucked his cock turned Aaron on so much that within seconds his cock was hard again.

"Well. Looks like you enjoyed that," Brian said. Aaron didn't know what to say, feeling a bit overwhelmed, so he said nothing.

"Want another round?" Asked Brian "Maybe this time we can try something a bit different."

Aaron lay back and let Brian suck his cock again, but after a few minutes he raised his head and looked at Aaron hopefully.

"D'you wanna fuck me?" He asked.

The thought hadn't crossed Aaron's mind, but the minute Brian mentioned it he could think of nothing he wanted more. He was so aroused by the thought that he couldn't say anything. Finally he nodded.

"Hold on, I've got some lube,"

Brian rummaged in a drawer, then held up a small jar of some sort of Vaseline. He turned around, and got on his elbows and knees. Aaron was vaguely aware that, somewhere along the line, both their trousers had ended up in a heap in the corner. He got up on his knees behind Brian, unsure of what to do. His erect cock rubbed against Brian's arse, and in between his arse cheeks.

Brian reached around behind, and stroked Aaron's cock,smearing some of the Vaseline on it. Then he pulled Aaron forward until the tip of his cock was positioned at the opening of his anus. But Aaron was shorter than him, and he couldn't reach properly. Brian bent lower, spread his legs wider, and suddenly the tip of Aaron's cock was hitting some sort of resistance in his arse. He gasped and let out a low guttural sound, almost as if in pain, arching his back. Aaron immediately pulled back, thinking it had hurt.

"Ah! Don't stop!" Brian gasped.

"Are you sure? I don't want to hurt you"

"No. It's good. Put it in again."

He reached back and pulled Aaron's cock against his arse, guiding Aaron into him again. This time his cock went all the way into his arse, and both boys gasped. Brian's arse felt so tight, and so warm, and Aaron could feel his sphincter contracting around his cock. He pulled back a bit, and then thrust himself into Brian . His arse was slick and welcoming, and seemed to pull Aaron's cock in. Brian was breathing hard, making low moaning sounds. He flexed his arse muscles, and moved his arse back and forth, arching his back every time. He reached around, and pulled Aaron against him, tightly. Gripping his hips, Aaron thrust his cock into his arse. He could feel another orgasm starting, and he fucked Brian harder and faster.

"Oh! Yes! Yes!" Brian moaned.

Aaron was holding his breath as he fucked him harder and faster, and as he ejaculated he released his breath in a long "Ooof". Then he collapsed on top of Brian, who remained there on elbows and knees. Aarons hands went around Bernie's body, and gripped his huge erection. His fingers could barely reach around it. It seemed so natural to move his foreskin forward and back. Brian was also huffing and puffing, and he came with no warning. Aaron could feel the inner muscles of his arse contracting, and he felt the splashes of Brian's semen on my hand. Then Brian collapsed onto his stomach, pulling Aaron down with him. His cock slipped out of his arse.

The two boys lay there for a couple of minutes, but Aaron was filled with feelings of confusion and shame at what they'd done.

He jumped up, and began pulling on his trousers, gabbling out some excuse about having to get home. Brian seemed very disappointed, but he made no move to stop him.

The entire journey home Aaron replayed in his mind what Brian and he had just done. Each time, the thought of it would fill him with shame, and he felt kind of dirty. Aaron was glad, for once, that the apartment was empty when he got home, and the first thing he did was shower in the hottest water he could stand, vowing never to do anything like that ever again.

Aaron had no idea how he was going to face Brian after that. Should he ignore it and continue as usual? Did this make them friends? Should he totally ignore Brian, never speak to him again?

To make matters worse, every time he thought about fucking Brian, he got aroused. Deep inside his heart , he acknowledged that he had enjoyed it, had wanted it to happen, and wanted to do it again and again.

As it turned out, he didn't have to worry. Later that evening, Tina came home, in a panic. She was shaking and on the verge of hysteria, smoking cigarettes one after the other as she paced up and down. When Aaron tried to talk to her she snapped at him, and slapped his face, so he kept silent. After a while she calmed down, and told Aaron that they had to leave.

"Pack just the stuff that you can easily carry," she said. "We're in a hurry."

It didn't take Aaron long to get ready, He was pretty much used to this happening. They'd left like this before, when rent was due but they had no money. But Tina seemed more upset than usual, refusing to explain what the problem was. She only seems to calm down when they were on the bus, the city lights dwindling behind them.


" I wasn't sorry to move," Aaron said to me. "I wouldn't miss our crappy apartment, or any of my classmates. But I was kind of sorry that I had left without having said goodbye to Brian. I resolved to try and contact him when I could. But despite my best intentions, I never saw him again. Good old Brian. I wonder whatever became of him..."


Next: Chapter 9

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