Hello Neighbor

By Boo Jum

Published on Nov 4, 2019



This is part 7 of my story Hello, Neighbor.


This is a work of fiction. Some of the situations and people are based on personal experience, or things I heard from friends. But by and large it is all my fantasies.

If you enjoyed reading it, please let me know. If you have any comments, criticisms or suggestions feel free to let me know. I can be contacted at boojum64@gmail.com.

As always, I am grateful to nifty.org for hosting my story. Please show your appreciation to nifty, by donating to the site:



The smell is the first thing that impinges on my consciousness. A faintly antiseptic smell, with undertones of cleaning agents, that I associate with hospitals. I can't seem to open my eyes more than a slit, but I can hear faint voices from far off, and everything seems bright. I put my hand to my face, and I can feel something covering my eye and part of my face. But my other eye opens, and I see a room in a hospital An orderly with a man-bun, dressed in light green scrubs, is doing something with some sort of monitor next to the bed. I try to say something to him, but I can't keep my eyes open. Everything fades to black....

When I open my eyes again, HookNose is sitting by the bed, doing something on his phone.

"What-" I manage to say. My throat feels as if I've swallowed broken glass. I swallow with difficulty.

"Well, Barnes. Welcome back to the land of the living," he says.

"Where am I? What happened?"

"When you didn't show up to our meeting, I put a trace on your phone. That's how we found you. And not a moment too soon, by the look of things," he replies.

"What about Aaron? Did he-"

"Aaron's safe. He's in intensive care, down the corridor. He's in a worse situation than you. They really did a number on him."

"Can I see him?"

"Sure, sure, when you're feeling better. But you're gonna need to rest for a few days, till you've regained your strength. Relax."

I lie on the bed, fighting the urge to sleep. The orderly bustles around, marks something on a chart, and bustles out. Despite my efforts, I can feel myself drifting off...

When I open my eyes again it is night. The room is dark, the only illumination is from a light in the passage. The orderly in green scrubs is standing with his back to me. He turns, and I see that it is Paul glaring angrily at me. I gasp, and moan in fear. He raises his hand, and the light from the passage glints off the knife blade he is holding.

"You're gonna pay for that, you little fuck," he hisses. "And when I've finished with you, your boyfriend will get much worse."

Paul approaches the bed. I look around, and see a tray on a dresser next to the bed. feel weak and powerless, but I grab the tray, brace myself, and as he gets near, with a supreme effort, I lunge at him, hitting him in the face with the tray as hard as I can. He stumbles back, the knife drops from his hands, as he covers his nose and mouth with both hands. I try to throw the blankets off, and escape, but I get tangled up. Paul looms over me, and grabs my shoulder. I flinch away, mewling with fear.

"Hey! Hey! Take it easy," HookNose says.

I look around wildly. Paul is nowhere to be seen, the orderly half runs out of the room, holding his bleeding nose, trying to staunch the flow of blood. HookNose is standing by my bed,holding my shoulder.

"That was one helluva nightmare," HookNose laughs. "Take it easy. You're ok now.

"Aaron? Paul's going to go after Aaron." I try to sit up, but HookNose pushes me down.

"Relax. Paul Hogan is far away, and he won't be hurting anyone again."

"But what about Aaron? I want to see him."

"Sure. When you're feeling better. I'll go call the doctor." He exits the room.

As soon as HookNose has left, I throw back the blanket, and get very unsteadily to my feet. There is an unused IV pole near the bed, and I grip onto that, and lean on it to keep myself upright, as I hobble towards the door.

When I open the door,HookNose is standing nearby, talking to the orderly with the man bun, a swarthy, rotund, moon faced guy. His nose is swollen and red. The orderly turns away, looks me up and down, and walks off. HookNose has his back to me, but he turns when he hears the door open. His jaw drops in surprise.

"Jeez! What the- get back into bed. Are you crazy?"

"I'm going to see Aaron," I reply.

"You're in no condition to go anywhere," he sputters.

"I won't know if I don't try," I snap.

When he hesitates, I move my improvised walking stick forward, till it hits his leg. "I'm going to see Aaron. Either help me, or get out of the way " I tell him.

"Jeez. You're a stubborn- Here, let me help you."

He grabs my arm, and more or less shepherds me down the corridor to the door marked "Intensive Care". He holds the door open, and I go in.

Aaron is lying on the bed, eyes closed. His one arm, atop the blanket, is encased in a plaster cast. He looks gaunt, and for the first time I see a few grey hairs in his stubble of beard.

"Is he- What did-" I find that I can't continue.

"He was severely beaten, broken ribs, broken arm, ruptured spleen. Not to mention repeated electric shocks, severe dehydration and stab wounds. But the doctors say his prognosis is favorable," HookNose tells me.

At the sound of our voices, Aaron opens his eyes. He looks up at me.

"Hi, Steve," his voice is raspy, barely a whisper. "Am I glad to see you."

I find it difficult to talk, suddenly.

"Yeah. Me too," I finally say.

Aaron smiles. He closes his eyes, and his other, bandage wrapped, hand comes out from under the sheet and grabs hold of mine. His grip is weak.

"Well, let's get you back to bed, before you pop a stitch," HookNose pulls at my arm. "You ladies can lick each other's cunts when you're both feeling better."

"Don't be such an arsehole, Hadidi," rasps Aaron.

"Wait, you're Hadidi?" I say this almost as if I'm accusing him.

"You didn't know?"

"How was I supposed to?" I shoot back. "You were so busy playing the bad cop routine, you didn't bother to introduce yourself."

HookNose looks kind of shamefaced, but says nothing.

Aaron lets out a weak chuckle. "Looks like we all have a bit of explaining to do," he says.

I allow HookNose... errrr... Hadidi to lead me back to bed.

"Why are you here, anyway?" I ask.

"You guys are officially under police protection, he replies. "In case there are other attempts on your life."

I feel totally drained, and more in need of rest than I am willing to admit. As soon as I am back in bed, my eyes close, and I fall asleep.

A couple of hours later, I jerk awake, heart pounding. Fatso's face, distorted with rage, seems to loom over me. I hear the silky little "-tchik" sound the knife made, as it bit into his side, and my hand twitches with the muscle memory of the feeling the knife made, as it scraped across something inside him, and went in all the way.

"Another nightmare?" Hadidi looks into the room from the corridor. I nod, not trusting my voice.

"Relax. You're safe now," he says.

I lie down, willing myself unsuccessfully to calm down. But I don't succeed. Every shadow seems to contain a lurking figure, each noise seems to signal an impending attack, and finally, just as it is getting light, I give up on sleep, and go to check on Aaron.

The door to his room is open, but the curtains around the bed are drawn. As I step up, I hear voices, and I peek through a gap in the curtains.

Aaron is lying naked on the bed. The orderly with the man-bun is sponging down his body, and the expression of lust on his face is almost ludicrous. He is practically drooling, as he strokes Aaron's body with the sponge, lingering longer than appropriate around Aaron's crotch.

My mind registers the bandages around Aaron's chest, and the bruises and burn marks on his stomach, thighs and arms. But at the same time, I feel a tightening in the base of my stomach, at the sight of him. He has lost a bit of weight , but he still has the body of a Greek god, and I realize that this is the first time I've ever had the opportunity to get a good look at his cock in it's flaccid state. He is a shower, apparently. I stare at his beautiful, naked body as if mesmerized, unable to tear my eyes away. I cannot control the gasp of desire that escapes my lips, as I feel a familiar stirring in my groin. Oh, I'm getting well, all right.

At the sound of the gasp, Aaron turns his head, and sees me through the gap in the curtains. He doesn't look happy to see me. I feel my cheeks flush, and I turn away in embarrassment. I wait outside until the orderly leaves, and then go back into the room.

The curtains around the bed are open now, and Aaron is sitting up in bed, his pajama top is open, showing the bandages on his chest, and his perfect six pack abs. He greets me quite curtly. I try to make conversation, but his replies are monosyllabic. It doesn't help that every few minutes, the orderly comes in to fuss around him, causing him to shut up altogether.

Finally Aaron says "I'd like to get some fresh air. Do you think you could help me go outside for a bit?"

Glad to help, I bring a wheelchair. As I help him get to his feet, Aaron grabs onto me, and hugs me tightly, pulling me against him as hard as he can. Initially taken aback, I return the hug, and we stand there for a moment.

Once he's in the wheelchair, Aaron ignores the advice of the orderly to stay close, and insists that he needs to feel some fresh air.

I wheel him out into the garden, and he turns his face up to the sun.

"Oh! That feels so good," he says. "When they-" he breaks off for a moment, then continues "They kept me down in that basement for a few weeks. Each day they- beat me, and I was so sure- I was so sure I was going to die, and all I wanted-" he leans back and closes his eyes. "-was to feel the sun on my face just one more time..."

Aaron's voice trails off and I see him visibly relaxing. A couple of minutes go by before I realize that he has fallen asleep. I sit with him for a while, until it becomes uncomfortably hot in the sun, then very gently maneuver the wheelchair back to the ward.

The orderly seems shocked to see Aaron so sweaty and flushed, but Aaron ignores him. I help Aaron get back into bed, and as I turn to leave he grips my arm.

"Will you come tomorrow morning?" Aaron asks.

"Yes. Of course," I reply.

I'm not really surprised when, quite soon after supper, I find myself feeling very tired. After all, I barely slept last night. I try to fight the growing drowsiness, but fall asleep soon enough. Only to jerk awake a couple of hours later, heart pounding, and it takes me a few seconds to realize that I'm not back in that abandoned building, being chased by a murderer.

Too keyed up to fall asleep again, I feel the need for some fresh air.

"Stay inside the building," advises the young cop who is seated outside my room. I take the elevator up to the top floor, where I find a staircase that takes me up to the roof.

The roof of the hospital is a maze of piping and machinery. The faint light of the waning moon creates pockets of dark, which contrast with the open areas in a stark chiaroscuro. I wend my way among the large oblongs of machinery, to the edge of the roof, where I stand for a few minutes, looking out. From a distance, in the inky black night, I can see the lights of the cars, as they pass near the hospital. It all seems so remote from the harrowing experiences I have been through. I breathe in the cool air, and stand in silence, until the chill and the damp air begin to penetrate my flimsy hospital pajamas.I head back down to bed, but as I approach the door to the stairwell, I hear voices. Someone else is coming up to the roof.

Instinctively, I shrink back into the shadows, and a couple of seconds later the door to the roof is thrown open, and three indistinct shapes emerge. As they draw closer, I recognize the orderly with the man-bun, and two other men one dressed in hospital scrubs, the other in the uniform of a security guard. None of them notice me, hiding in the shadows. One of the men grabs the orderly around the waist, and the other tugs on the orderly's trousers, trying to pull them down. The orderly grabs his trousers, and struggles half heartedly, shrieking with girlish laughter, as he eventually submits, and allows the two men to pull his trousers down.

I'd like to leave without them seeing me, but they are too close to the door, so I remain hidden in the shadows, watching as the orderly bends at the waist, with both the other guys standing in front of him, and begins sucking the one guy's cock, as he grips the other guys cock and slides his hand along the length of it, pausing every few strokes to cup his testicles.

After a few minutes, he switches over and begins sucking the second guys cock. Number Two leans back against the wall, throws his head back, and moans loudly as the orderly sucks lustily on his cock. The first guy watches them, playing with his own cock. But after a few minutes the orderly switches back. Number One grips the orderly's head, and begins fucking his mouth. Even from this distance I can hear the wet, squelching sound as his cock goes into the mouth of the orderly who is bent over in front of him. Number Two slides his hand over the orderly's exposed arse. With one hand he begins stroking the orderly's erect cock, as with the other he begins to probe the orderly's arse with his finger.

The orderly groans loudly, without removing the cock that is fucking his mouth, and he makes no resistance as Number Two positions himself behind him. He reaches back, and grips Number Two's cock, and positions it at the entrance to his arse. Number Two grabs the orderly's hips, and begins fucking him fast and hard.

I watch the three of them. It's been quite some time since I had sex, and I feel myself getting aroused. The two men fuck the orderly quite energetically, and he seems to be enjoying it, judging by his moans and the way he is moving his arse.

Number Two is huffing and making a lot of noise, as he fucks the orderly harder and harder. I can see him arching his back with every thrust, and suddenly he throws his head back, his face contorted, and for a split second I thought he was going to howl at the moon. But all that comes out is a strangled cry. Number One looks at him with a look that seems part approval and part sympathy, as the guy withdraws his dripping cock. The orderly turns around, and Number One begins fucking him, as Number Two pulls his trousers up and moves a few meters away, and lights up a cigarette.

As they resume the fuck, the orderly turns his head, and looks straight at me. For a second or two I'm not sure if he can actually see me, and then he grins a most salacious, lascivious grin, as he begins to move his hips and stroke his own cock, while bent over getting fucked for the second time. He looks straight at me, and doesn't look away or pause in his masturbation, as the second guy fucks him and ultimately comes up his arse. He too pulls up his trousers, and then both go out through the door, leaving the orderly there with his trousers down.

"Well, are you just gonna skulk in the shadows, or are you gonna join in," he says.

I mentally shrug, and move forward till he can see me.

"Come closer," he gestures me over.

His trousers are round his ankles, and he is still playing with his cock. I move closer, and he grabs my erect cock through the hospital pajama trousers I am wearing.

"Ooh! Enjoying the show, are we," he exclaims, as he squeezes my cock. I try to pull away, but he pulls me closer.

"Don't be so shy, come to uncle," he chuckles.

He kneels in front of me, pulling my pajama trousers down halfway, just enough to get to my cock, and engulfs it in his mouth. His lips are soft and his mouth is moist, and he sucks my cock all the way to the hilt, playing with my balls as he does it. Despite myself I can feel an orgasm coming. I try to pull back, but the orderly holds me, sucking harder. My cock hits his throat, and goes in. The sensation overwhelms me, and I ejaculate into his willing mouth. He chokes and coughs, as my spurts of come enter his throat, and then he straightens up, eyes swimming with tears.

"Damn, that was a huge load!" He exclaims. "How long have you been saving that up?"

I return to my bed, feeling drained in more ways than one, but I manage to sleep the rest of the night.

Early the next morning, I make my way to Aaron's room. He greets me with a smile, and

I sit next to him, and we chat for a while.

After a few minutes, I notice that he is squirming uncomfortably in bed.

"Are you in pain," I ask.

"I really need to pee," he replies.

"Hold on, I'll call the - "

"No! Don't!" He almost shouts. Then, a bit softer. "Please don't. I can't abide that guy drooling over my dick."

"Would you prefer if I drool over it?"

This elicits a weak chuckle. "Could you just help me get to the toilet?"

I help Aaron to the toilet and back. Once he is back in bed, he flops his head angrily back on the pillow.

"I hate this," he growls. "I feel so helpless. I can't wash without help, I can't pee without help. I can't even scratch my balls properly."

"I could help you," I say.

There is a moment of silence, and then Aaron asks "What do you mean? Help me scratch my balls?"

"I was actually thinking of more practical things, but if you want me to scratch your balls I will."

"Would you? Help me take a shower?" Aaron sounds hesitant.

I help him stand up, and he leans on me as we cross the couple of meters to the bathroom. There is a chair in the shower, which he sits on as I help him undress. Once he's naked, I take a washcloth and a bottle of liquid soap, and begin washing around his bandages. When I lean forward he grabs me,pulls me down onto his lap and begins nuzzling my neck and ear.

"Hey! I thought you wanted - "

"You. I want you," he holds me close as I sit on his lap, and kisses me.

We kiss and hug. I squirt some liquid soap onto my hands, and use it to massage his back, his shoulders, his neck. Behind my back I hear Aaron taking some soap from the dispenser, and we lather each other up as we kiss.

My hands go lower very slowly, stroking his muscular thighs, and between his legs. I touch his cock very tentatively, and it responds by getting hard.

"Look what I found," I say teasingly. I squeeze his cock, and Aaron groans.

"Can you - Will it hurt if we - " I hesitate.

"It'll be a lot more uncomfortable now if we don't," Aaron chuckles.

I squirm around until I am straddling him, and I begin rubbing my arse against his erection. Aaron leans back and closes his eyes. I half stand, and position his erect cock at the opening of my arse. Then I sit. Aaron's eyes fly open, and he gasps in surprise and pleasure. His back arches, but I push him down.

"Lie still. I don't want you to injure yourself," I tell him.

I move back and forwards along the length of his cock, clenching my sphincter as I do so. His cock feels so huge in my arse, filling me up, and dilating my sphincter, and it feels so good that my arse twinges involuntarily. Aaron groans, and cups my arse cheeks in his hands, as I ride him slowly and gently. He puffs and gasps with each movement I make.

Suddenly there is a knock on the door. I freeze and clench my arse involuntarily, making Aaron gasp again.

"Is everything ok in there?" It's the orderly.

"Yes. Fine." Aaron manages to gasp, and I can barely stifle my laughter.

"Do you need any help?" The door handle turns, and Aaron jumps involuntarily.

"No! No, I'm fine, just taking a shower," he manages to say.

"Well, ok then," says the orderly. "There's a help button on the wall, just ring if you need assistance".

"Will do," Aaron replies.

Once the orderly has gone Aaron relaxes, and I resume riding him. After a couple of minutes he pulls me closer to him, and hugs me hard, kissing me on my face and neck. It isn't long before he gasps and grabs the cheeks of my arse, as if trying to stop me, and then he lets out an involuntary groan, as I feel the pulsing of his cock inside me.

"Sorry. Sorry," he pants into the crook of my neck.

As we dry off and dress in fresh hospital pajamas, Aaron remarks with a smirk

"Hanky Panky in the shower. Kind of reminds me - "

"Of what," I ask curiously.

"Stuff I've done," his response is kind of short. "Nothing interesting."

"No, tell me," I insist.

"I... I'm afraid. There are some things that, once you hear them, you won't like me."

"Now you're really making me curious. Worse than your juvie record?"

Aaron pauses.

"Who told you that?" He asks

"Paul Hogan. And your pal Hook.... errrr Hadidi," I respond.

Aaron doesn't respond, but he looks very pensive as I help him dress and get back to bed. Finally he says

"Give me some time to gather my thoughts, and I'll tell you my sordid life story tomorrow.."

Next: Chapter 8

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