Hello Neighbor

By Boo Jum

Published on Aug 13, 2019



This is part 6 of my story Hello, Neighbor.


This is a work of fiction. Some of the situations and people are based on personal experience, or things I heard from friends. But by and large it is all my fantasies.

If you enjoyed reading it, please let me know. If you have any comments, criticisms or suggestions feel free to let me know. I can be contacted at boojum64@gmail.com.

As always, I am grateful to nifty.org for hosting my story. Please show your appreciation to nifty, by donating to the site:



The smell is the first thing that impinges on my consciousness. A dank, musty smell of closed off and long unused places, with an undertone of urine, and something else. Everything is dark, and when I try to move something restrains me.

"He's coming round," says an unfamiliar voice.

There is a swish of cloth, and whatever was covering my head is removed. I blink in the sudden glare of lights. I seem to be in some sort of abandoned warehouse. A few strategically placed floodlights illuminate the plain concrete floors, strewn with the detritus of a long unused industrial space: empty metal barrels, a broken chair, some large unidentifiable machinery. Beyond the glare of the floodlights I get the impression of a large, dark space.

I squint in the harsh light, and I can see Paul, standing next to an unfamiliar guy. Well dressed, sallow features, hair slicked back into a pony tail. A third guy, tall, thin and buck toothed, is standing a couple of meters to the side. When I try to move, I realize I am naked, and tied to a chair.

"What- where am I? What's going on?"

None of the men in front of me answers. I pull at the straps that are holding me.

"Paul? What the fuck?"

I look around, and next to me, I can see another figure, a naked guy, tied to a chair, slumped forward, head down. There are some kind of little alligator clips attached to his nipples and the glans of his cock, with wires connected to a box on a table nearby.

When he hears my voice, the guy lifts his head. His face is battered, both eyes are so swollen that I don't think he can see anything. It takes me a moment to recognize Aaron. I gasp in shock.

"Aaron! What have you done to him?" I shout accusingly at Paul.

"Hello, neighbor," says Aaron. "I'm so sorry that they dragged you into this."

"Well, isn't this a touching little reunion," sneers Paul. "I can certainly see now what attracted you to him." He gestures at Aaron's crotch.

"Feeling threatened, are you?" I shoot back.

Without a blink or a change of expression, Paul backhands me across the face so hard that I almost topple over backwards.

"Cut the crap," says the guy with the ponytail. There'll be time for that later. "

"Right. To business," says Paul. "Specifically, a certain parcel that a certain person gave you. Where is it?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," I respond.

Paul nods to the buck toothed guy, who crosses to the table next to Aaron, and turns a knob on the box. Aaron's body convulses, his back arching. He throws his head back, the tendons in his neck standing out, and his eyes bulge almost out of their sockets. The noise he makes is not human.

"Stop! Stop! Stop!" I yell.

"Will you tell us what we want to know?" Paul asks leisurely.

"Yes! Yes, goddammit! Just stop!"

Another nod from Paul, and Bucktooth turns the machine off. Aaron slumps back down, head lolling on his chest.

"So tell us what he gave you," says Paul.

"An envelope," I am looking over at Aaron, who isn't moving. "Is he alive?"

"What's in the envelope?"

"I don't know. I didn't open it."

"Where is it now?"

I hid it"

"Tell us everything," says Paul. "And remember, if you lie, your little boyfriend will get much worse than he already did."

I look over at Aaron again, hoping to see a sign from him, but he just slumps there, barely breathing.

"I put it in a locker at the bus station," I tell him.

"Where's the key to the locker?" Paul asks.

"I don't have it with me. It's locked in the drawer of my desk, at home," I tell him.

"And where is the key to the drawer of your desk?" Paul sounds menacing.

"On my key ring, in the front pocket of my trousers ," I say.

Bucktooth crosses to a corner of the room, where my clothes and bag are lying. He removes the keyring from the front pocket of my trousers, and drops them next to the rest of my things. Then he takes the keyring over to Paul.

"Which key?" Paul dangles the key ring in front of me.

"The black one," I say, dejectedly.

"Clever boy," says Paul. "You've bought yourself a bit of extra time. But just remember, if you're lying, your boyfriend will pay the price. And when we've finished with him, we'll start on you."

"Keep an eye on them," Paul says to Bucktooth. "And don't do anything to either of them. Especially that one," he points at me. "He's mine."

He gestures to his ponytailed companion, and he and the bucktoothed man each take a floodlight. Their footsteps echo faintly as they move away, until Aaron and I are left in the silent gloom.

I look over at Aaron. He is slumped on the chair, breathing shallowly.

"Aaron. Are you ok?" I whisper.

He stirs, but it takes a minute for him to answer.

"How did you get dragged into this?" Aaron whispers back. His voice sounds hoarse, as if he's been shouting. "I did my best to leave you out."

He speaks with difficulty, as if he is in pain.

I tell him about being interrogated by Paul and HookNose.

"Why didn't you just give the envelope to Hadidi? Like I asked you to?"

"After what Paul said, I wasn't sure what to do," I answer. "It took me too long to make my mind up."

"What did he say?"

"He told me that you were undercover, and that you went crooked, and murdered your partner. He also said that you did time in jail, and that you have mafia connections."

He falls silent, and after a few minutes I say "Aaron?"

"So I guess the cavalry isn't on it's way," he says.

"Not that I know. Is it true? What they said?"

"Let's focus on our current predicament. I'll fill you in on the sordid details of my life after we're free. Got any smart ideas about getting us out of here?"

Before I can answer I see the glow of an approaching light. Bucktooth steps into the circle of light surrounding us, and puts down his floodlight. Close on his heels comes a short, fat man, with long sandy brown hair, and a cruel face. He is also carrying a floodlight, which he puts down. He takes a little packet out of his pocket, takes a pinch of white powder from it, and sniffs it up. Then he rubs his finger over his gums. He gives the packet to BuckTooth, who does the same.

"Let's have a little fun, shall we," BuckTooth says, and crosses to the table by Aaron. He flicks the switch and Aaron convulses again.

"Stop! Stop!" I yell.

"Make me," sneers Bucktooth.

"Please! What do you want?" I beg.

"Don't worry," he laughs nastily. "When we're finished with him we'll cut his cock off, and give it to you. Something to remember him by."

"Please," I beg him. "You're killing him! Remember What Paul said."

Bucktooth turns the switch off, and Aaron collapses back into his slump.

"I guess we could be persuaded to leave him alone. If you'll agree to party with us," he says, leering at me.

"If you promise to leave Aaron alone," I say bitterly.

"Good boy!" BuckTooth smiles. "We're gonna have a lot of fun with you, " he says, and his fat friend gives a nasty laugh.

BuckTooth stands in front of me, and opens his trousers. He puts his hand on the nape of my neck, and pulls my head forward into his crotch. I open my mouth, and his erect cock slips in. It is quite long, and quite thin. I begin sucking it and he moans in appreciation.

"Ooooough! That feels so good," he says.

"Let me have a go now," says his fat friend. His trousers are already open, and his hands are in his underpants, cupping his cock and balls.

BuckTooth withdraws his cock, a string of drool still connected to my mouth. He steps aside, and his friend takes his place. His cock is larger and thicker than average, and uncut. I begin sucking his cock. Suddenly he slaps my face hard, jolting me. "Harder! Suck harder!" he growls.

I try to obey, but Fatso keeps slapping my face hard. He grabs my head, and shoves his cock deeper, causing me to choke and gag.

"Fuck that!" He says, and hits my face harder.

My eye tears up, and I can feel it beginning to swell. But, tied to the chair, I can do nothing to resist.

It seems like forever, but it's probably no longer than a couple of minutes, that Fatso forces me to suck his cock while slapping and hitting me, till BuckTooth tells him "Take it easy, man. Paul will go ballistic if you do something to him." With marked reluctance, Fatso steps away, allowing BuckTooth to insert his cock into my mouth. I'm gasping for breath, but they don't really give me a chance to rest.

BuckTooth is also quite violent, hitting me repeatedly on my arms and chest. They take turns alternately using my mouth, until finally I feel BuckTooth's breathing getting heavier and his thrusts getting harder. Then with no warning he gasps "Ooooaaah I'm cumming," and shoots a huge load straight into my throat, making me cough and retch. He holds my head until I am really struggling and red faced, and then releases me and steps back. My throat feels raw and I am panting, my face stinging from their repeated slaps.

"Let's fuck his arse now," Fatso suggests.

BuckTooth takes out a gun, which he keeps trained on me, while Fatso unties me, and they take one of the floodlights, and lead me away.

"Wh-where are we going?" I ask. But BuckTooth just pokes me in the back with the barrel of the gun.

We walk for a couple of hundred meters in the dark, and end up in another room. This one is smaller, and there is a trestle table in the center.

BuckTooth spreads my legs wide, and Fatso rapidly ties them to the base of the table. Then they tie me face down, bent over the table. I can't escape, I can barely move. I manage to turn my head enough to see BuckTooth undoing his belt, as he positions himself behind me.

"Let's see what you got to offer," he says, "before the others get back."

I feel his cock at the opening of my arse, and I try to resist, but Fatso grabs my head and bangs it hard on the table. Disoriented, and dizzy, I feel BuckTooth penetrating my arse. With no lube, it is painful, and I yell. This only gets my head banged on the table again, and I lie there, squirming and moaning with the pain, as BuckTooth fucks me, grunting and panting in my ear.

After a few minutes of fucking, he disengages, and says "What a sweet arse!"

"My turn now," Fatso is already unbuckled and ready, as BuckTooth moves aside. It hurts again as he shoves his cock in, and I yell. BuckTooth shoves the gun into my face. "Shut the fuck up," he growls. I shut up immediately, whimpering with fear and pain. This seems to turn him on more, and he forces the gun barrel between my lips.

"Suck on this," BuckTooth says. "That'll keep you quiet."

Fatso lets out an evil cackle as he fucks me, hard and fast. The gun barrel tastes of oil, and I am really afraid now. I lie there, and let them have their way, alternately fucking me and making me suck their cocks.

It seems like forever until they have both cum. My throat hurts and my arsehole feels raw. My face and arms are on fire from their slaps and punches. I can feel a trickle of something wet on my forehead, where they banged my head on the table.

"Was that fun, or what?" BuckTooth asks.

"Let's do it again," says Fatso.

"Nah, that's enough for now. We gotta load up the truck."

"Thats not fair! You came twice," Fatso protests. But he reluctantly agrees, and they lead me back to the chair, and tie me up again. Then he and BuckTooth take a floodlight and walk away. I can hear their voices getting fainter, Fatso still complaining that he wants more.

Aaron doesn't respond when I call him, and essentially I am alone. I try to get free, but I am bound too well, and I sit there, wracking my brains, trying to figure out how to escape. I am convinced now that they mean to torture both of us until we die.

I try to jerk the chair, to get closer to Aaron, but I don't get very far, before I see approaching light, and Fatso comes in. My heart sinks at the thought of another round of face fucking with him.

"Don't you have work to do?" I try to distract Fatso. His only response is a sharp slap that rocks my head sideways.

"Look, I'll do what you want, but at least don't hurt us," I try.

In response, Fatso opens his trousers, and forces my head down onto his cock. I try to resist, but he hits me hard. The force of the blow takes me by surprise, stunning me. I can't do anything as he forces my mouth open and shoves his cock inside it. He begins fucking my face hard, holding my head even as I struggle to get away.

A thought sparks in my brain, and I stop resisting. I begin to suck Fatso's cock, swirling my tongue around the glans. He puts his hands on my shoulders, and relaxes a bit, letting me take his cock at my own pace. I hear him let out a low sound, part moan part deep breathing.

I suck his cock for a few minutes, then I release it, and say "Untie my hands. It'll be more fun."

Fatso looks a bit suspicious, so I resume sucking his cock a bit and then say "I won't run. How can I, my feet are still tied." After a couple of seconds, he goes behind me, and unties my hands. I begin working on his cock, stroking his balls and massaging his crotch as I suck it. I do my best, and he seems to be really into it. I lick his balls, and go down lower, to his taint, licking and kissing. He lets out a louder moan, and pushes my head down.

"Want me to rim your arse?" I ask. Fatso hesitates a moment, then turns around. I part the cheeks of his arse, and get my tongue in as deep as I can. He reaches back, to pull my face into his arse. I tongue him and rim him and kiss his arsehole as hard as I can. I am panting with the effort, and also with fear, but I try to act as if I am enjoying it, making what I hope are sexy sounding moans.

After sucking and rimming him for quite a long time, I lift my head and say "I want you to fuck me now. Fuck my arse hard."

In response, he pushes my head back down onto his cock, and begins fucking my face hard and deep. I can barely manage to take it without gagging. But I can tell that he his hot for a proper fuck, and after a few minutes he stops, and unties my feet.

I respond by kneeling in front of him and taking his cock as deep as I can into my mouth, while I fondle and stroke his balls and crotch.

"I want you to fuck me hard now," I tell him, and I get down on my hands and knees. He gets behind me, his cock rubbing and probing at my arsehole.

"Wait a minute, I'll just lube it up a bit more." I turn, and take it in my mouth, stroking his balls as I suck his cock.

As I feel his body relaxing into the sex, I simultaneously pull his scrotum downwards as hard as I can, while biting his cock as hard as I can. I feel a moment of revulsion, as my teeth bite into his cock, and he lets out a terrible yell, and hits me as hard as he can. The blow stuns me, and I fall sideways.

Fatso is gripping his cock in both hands, and screaming "You cuntface! You bastard! I'll kill you!" He kicks me, as I try to get up, knocking me down again, and I writhe on the floor in agony. As I see him aiming another kick, I try to roll out of the way, but his foot hits me hard in the side, and knocks me sideways again.

Fatso straddles me, and grabs my throat in both hands, squeezing hard. I try to pull his hands away, but he is too strong. I try to hit him, but I don't have the strength to do any real damage. My vision is going dark, I'm making choking sounds...

Even as I'm struggling for air something is pulling at the edge of my thoughts. Something about my hand. I realize that the strap of my bag is under my hand. I pull the bag closer, and try to hit him with it, but it doesn't faze him for a second. Frantically, my hand dips into the bag, scrabbling to find something to help me, and closes around something cold.

The kitchen knife! I pull it out and stab at him weakly. Fatso notices the knife, and twists away, but the knife slices across his side.

"You little fuck-" one hand goes to the wound, and I stab at him again. The blade bites into him, with a soft, almost silky sound, and stops. Fatso jerks back

With my final bit of strength, I push harder, and I feel the point of the knife scrape across something, and then plunge deeper into Fatso's body. He stiffens, releasing my throat, and then his grip on my throat relaxes, and he topples sideways, and I lie there coughing uncontrollably, my throat burning.

I am almost unconscious, now, it's hard to breathe, and I just want this all to go away. I feel myself giving in...

The feeling of the knife going into Butcktooth's side flashes back, and I hear the silky little sound that it made, and I jerk in fear and roll away, onto my side. My vision goes gray at the edges...

"Steve! Stay with me. We're not safe!" I become aware that Aaron has been calling me. I open my eyes, and with difficulty roll over onto my stomach.

"That's it. Keep going," Aaron says.

With an effort I get onto my knees, and see Fatso lying in a pool of blood. I hear in my mind the silky little sound of the blade entering his flesh, and my arm jerks as the memory of the knife sliding into his flesh rushes back, and I wince and shudder.

"Get me the knife," Aaron's voice is urgent. "You can freak out later."

My hands shake as I reach out to grab the knife handle protruding from Fatso `s side. I whimper in fear and urgency, half expecting him to grab my hand, and I almost scream when my tugging on the knife causes his body to twitch. But Aaron talks to me, calming my fear, and I manage to release the knife. I stumble over to release Aaron as quickly as I can.

"How come you had a kitchen knife in your bag?" He asks, as I cut his hands free.

"Long story. Let's get out of here," I reply.

I have to help Aaron pull on his clothes. He can barely stand, and he holds his side as if he is in pain. Half supporting him, we hobble through the door, to find ourselves in a long, dimly lit passage.

"Where are we?" I ask.

"No idea," answers Aaron. "But the sooner we get away, the better."

We make our way down the dimly lit corridor. Periodically, openings branch off alternately to the left and right.

"This place is like a maze," I gasp. I'm rapidly getting tired, as Aaron leans on me more and more.

"Yeah, watch out for the Minotaur," Aaron says grimly.

Almost as if on cue, we hear a roar of anger from somewhere behind us. Without exchanging a word we both try to hurry along, but it is obvious that we won't get very far.

"Go ahead," Aaron is gasping now from exhaustion, and holding his side. "I'll slow them down."

"We're both getting out of here," I gasp back.

We emerge through the tunnel into a large space, dimly lit by beams of sunlight shining through holes in the roof. The floor is covered with bird shit, and as we hobble through the room I can hear birds taking off, and flying away. I look around, hoping to see a place we could hide, but the place is an open, empty space, dusty with years of unuse.

"Quick," I say, and we go through a doorway, into another space, just as large, just as gloomy, just as empty. The sounds of pursuit are growing behind us. As we cross the empty space I see a door to one side. "Through here!"

But the door doesn't open, despite our concerted efforts.


Aaron and I whirl round. Paul is standing there, pointing a gun at us. Aaron raises the knife.

"Bringing a knife to a gunfight, Tobias?" Paul mocks. "You always were a little-" he jumps back as Aaron slashes at him with the knife, and with the speed of a striking snake reaches out, batting the knife from Aaron's hand. Then he grabs Aaron, and hits him in the side. Aaron doubles over, grunting in agony, and Paul points his gun down at him. I pick up the knife, and charge at Paul, but he knocks me back quite easily, twisting the knife out of my grasp, then stabs down, hitting Aaron with the knife.

"No!" I shout, and charge at him again. My fury carries me past his guard and I hit him as hard as I can. With a growl, Paul slashes at me with the knife, and I gasp with pain as it cuts my stomach. I fall, holding my stomach with both hands. Everything suddenly seems to slow down, as if in a dream, and Paul looms over me, knife raised.

A bloom of red suddenly appears on Paul's shoulder and he jerks backwards. The crack of the shot seems disconnected to what is happening. Paul falls back, and then pops up like a satanic jack in the box, knife poised. I turn my head, and see HookNose charging across the open space, gun in hand, a snarl of fury on his face, as he shoots again and again.

A wave of darkness seems to be growing in the periphery of my vision. From far away I can hear shouts of "Clear!" "Clear!", and HookNose raises his radio and says "Officer down! Need medical assistance! Two casualties!" The horror of the last few hours grips me, and I scream and scream. It feels like I'll never manage to stop screaming. And then the wave breaks over me, and the darkness engulfs everything...


Next: Chapter 7

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