Hello Neighbor

By Boo Jum

Published on Jul 7, 2019



This is part 2 of my story Hello, Neighbor.


This is a work of fiction. Some of the situations and people are based on personal experience, or things I heard from friends. But by and large it is all my fantasies.

If you enjoyed reading it, please let me know. If you have any comments, criticisms or suggestions feel free to let me know. I can be contacted at boojum64@gmail.com.

As always, I am grateful to nifty.org for hosting my story. Please show your appreciation to nifty, by donating to the site:



The next day passes in a euphoric cloud. I can't stop thinking about how great the sex with Aaron was, and how I'd love to do it again. Even my work buddies sense that something happened last night, and they tease me about it.

Towards the end of the day I'm in a meeting. One of the managers is arguing with my boss, and all I want is to go home. Suddenly my phone buzzes. On the screen is a message: "Look to your right". I look past the guy on my right to the glass doors of the conference room. Someone there waves at me. Tall, dark, lithe. To my surprise it's Aaron.

"Excuse me" I apologize as I get up and head for the door.

"Great to see you" Aaron smiles at me. He's wearing his sports shorts and a very tight t-shirt, that shows off his impressive physique at its best.

"But what are you doing here?"

"I was nearby and decided to drop in and see you." He says.

"Let's go talk in the kitchenette. There's a place to sit and have coffee. We can talk there."

I start down the corridor, but after a few steps Aaron pulls me aside into a storeroom. He closes the door, and then pulls me towards him and kisses me on the mouth.

"Take your shirt off." Aaron's voice sounds a bit hoarse. He grabs the bottom of my shirt, and pulls it up, forcing me to raise my hands above my head. Then he grabs my wrists, holding my hands up above my head, and kisses me on the mouth with real passion. I make a half hearted attempt to pull free, but he's much stronger than I am, so I surrender. I return his kisses, as he presses his body against mine, and I can feel his huge hard cock pressing against my lower belly. My own erect cock throbs in my jeans. He bends his head, kissing my cheek and neck.

"I want you to suck me." Aaron whispers in my ear.

"Yes." I whisper back, and he puts his hands on my shoulders, encouraging me to go down.

I kneel in front of him and pull his shorts down. He is commando, and his beautiful cock springs free into my face. I liberate my own cock, and fondle it as I kiss and lick Aaron's cock, and he leans back, making little sounds of enjoyment. I open my mouth wide, and slide his cock in, and-

"Earth to Steve!" My boss almost shouts, voice dripping with sarcasm. "Care to land, and join the conversation?"

My fantasy is ruined, I sit with throbbing cock in my jeans, and try to pay attention to what they're saying.

But by the evening my euphoria has dissipated, and I'm beginning to wonder what Aaron really wants. I find it difficult to believe that a guy that good looking is interested in me, and I keep thinking he will lose interest or ask for something.

When I arrive home I decide to try my luck with Aaron again, see if he's willing for more. I've got a voucher for a meal for two at a restaurant nearby. Perhaps if his girl is still away he'd appreciate a meal. And perhaps it will lead to more.

As I open the door to my apartment I hear the sound of a door closing from the floor above. There is a distinct but faint sound of a hinge in need of oil, and Aaron appears at the top of the flight of stairs. I stop and look up at him.

"Hello, neighbor." He says, smiling.

"Hi how you doing?"

"I'm good. You?"

We exchange a few polite comments, and then there is a kind of awkward silence. I decide to plunge ahead.

"I've got-"

"I was going-"

We both started talking at the same time. We both stop, and smile.

"You were saying?" He says

"Sorry. Please go ahead." I say

"I was gonna ask if you've already had supper. If not, maybe you'd like to join me. I have a huge lasagna that I will have to throw out if it doesn't get eaten."

I cannot suppress a chuckle.

"What?" He asks

"I was just coming up to ask if you'd like to go out to a restaurant with me."

He chuckles at this. "The way to a man's heart?" He asks

"Is straight through the ribs with a steak knife, if you believe some people." I respond.

He chuckles agan. "I'll have to hide the steak knives. So, you coming?"

"Just give me a few minutes and I'll be up. Can I bring anything?"

"Nah, no need. Just an appetite."

It takes me five minutes to change into a smarter shirt, reapply my cologne, and decide to take a bottle of wine anyway. I'm feeling as nervous as a schoolgirl on her first date when I knock on his door, bottle of red wine in hand.

"Come on in, it's open." He yells from inside

I open the door and walk in.

"In here." He says from the kitchen. He's wearing an apron, and oven gloves. "I was just about to put it in the oven." He turns, and I see his bare buttocks. He's not wearing anything under the apron. He has an almost smooth arse, round and muscular. As he bends to put the lasagna into the oven the muscles in his arse and thighs bunch and flex, and I feel the beginnings of an erection stir in my groin.

He straightens and turns, and looks at me.

"Enjoying the view?" He asks.

"I was just thinking..." I stop.

"Thinking what?"

I hesitate, not sure if I should continue. But then decide to go for it. "That is the best offer I've had all day."

"Well, by all means, go for it." He turns, places his hands on the counter, and bends over at the waist.

I cross the kitchen in a flash and kneel. His arse is level with my face. I kiss and lick the length of his arse crack, and then begin tonguing his hole. He lets out a long, low moan. I can feel my cock getting hard, and I stroke it through my jeans as I try to get my tongue into his tight, puckered arsehole. He parts his arsecheeks, and I push my face in, licking and nibbling on his arse. He pushes his arse back, squashing my face in his crack, while I try to get my tongue to go past his sphincter.

After a while, I draw my head back, panting with the effort, and Aaron turns to face me. His cock is erect and bobbing slightly. He aims his cock at my mouth. I take the glans into my mouth, running my tongue around it. He draws in a sharp breath, grabs my head, and pushes his cock into my mouth. I feel it hit the back of my throat, as he thrusts his hips forward. I almost gag as I feel his cock slam into my throat.

Aaron bends and grabs my face in both hands, pulling me up, and kisses me on the mouth, long and hard. My knees almost buckle, and I can't suppress my moan of enjoyment.

"I want you" He whispers in my ear.

"Yes" I whisper back.

"Come" He begins walking forward, pushing me back, kissing me, as he fumbles at the buttons on my shirt.

Aaron walks me backwards into the bedroom, almost tearing my shirt as he pulls it off. He pushes me, and I fall sprawled on the bed. His hands tear at my belt, trying to pull my trousers and underpants off, and not managing to get them over my shoes. I reach down to help, and he grabs my hands, pushing them down onto the mattress. I lie quiescent, and he cups my balls in his hand as he leans over me, looking into my eyes. Then his head dips down, and he takes my cock into his mouth.

I wasn't expecting that, and I gasp in surprise, and arch my back, in pleasure so intense that I'm not sure I can stand it. I can feel his beard tickling me, as he engulfs my cock, and I feel the soft ring of his lips rising and falling along the length of my cock. I'm making a kind of mewling sound and writhing on the bed, and I feel that I'm close to orgasm, and I don't want him to stop, but I don't want to climax this quickly...

And then quite abruptly Aaron raises his head, and looks at me, with a mischievous smile, and my body relaxes. I reach out to touch his cock, and he pushes my hands down, this time holding them there, as his tongue flutters around my nipples, down across my chest and stomach, and back to my erect, throbbing cock. And I gasp again as his lips and tongue tease my cock, and lick around my balls and groin.

He scoots around, and straddles my body, his crotch hovering over my face, and he takes my cock into his mouth. His beard brushes against my stomach, his rock hard cock is just above my mouth, the tip brushes my lips. I open my mouth, and his cock slides in, all the way. I can barely contain my urge to gag, as I feel his cock in my throat. I want to reach up and push his body away a bit, to ease the pressure in my throat, but he holds me trapped underneath him, and I can barely waggle my head from side to side. It's difficult to breathe, and I feel my orgasm building up slowly, as he sucks my cock. My hips begin to buck, and he times his sucking to synchronize with my pelvic thrusts. The pleasure gets more and more intense, as Aaron plays with me, until it's unbearable. I want to warn him that I'm about to cum, but with his cock in my throat I can't even breathe properly, let alone talk. I try to move my hands, but they're trapped between my body and his thighs. My vision goes black, I can see stars, and I surrender to my cresting orgasm. My entire body shudders, and I almost scream as my cock explodes in his mouth.

Aaron continues working my cock with his mouth until my body is totally relaxed. Then he turns, as he dismounts from my body, and gives me a long, lingering kiss. I can taste my cum on his lips and tongue, and my cock twitches. He brings his cock closer to my face, and I open my mouth and take it in. He grabs my head, and thrusts it further inside, and within seconds I hear him gasp and pant, and I feel the spurts of his semen in my throat as he climaxes.

He collapses on the bed next to me, panting, and we lie there a few minutes. I'm still panting, and my heart is thudding in my chest, when Aaron props himself up on one elbow, and looks down at me, smiling.

"Hello, neighbor" he says.

I smile weakly, and stroke his cheek with my fingers, still too overwhelmed to talk.

Suddenly he jumps up.

"Don't move. I'll be right back."

A few minutes later, he's back, carrying a tray with two huge portions of lasagna and two glasses of wine. We eat slowly, and finish off the bottle of wine, as we talk. I'm dying to know everything about him, and he tells me amusing stories from his job (security in a hospital), his childhood, his studies, but most of it is superficial. When it comes to his life, he is surprisingly reticent. He always seems to find a way to redirect the questions back at me, and I find it easy to open up and tell him about my strained relationship with my family, my not so recent breakup with Mark.

All I can think about the next day is Aaron. The things we talked about, the things I'd like to tell him or ask him, the feeling of his beard tickling me when he sucked my cock...

When I return home later that day, I can barely wait to talk to Aaron. So I go straight up to his apartment. But when I knock, there's no answer, so I go back down to my place. It feels like an anticlimax, after what I'd been thinking all day. About an hour later, I try again, with the same results.

The next few evenings are the same. I look for Aaron, but he's not around.

About five days pass, and I'm sure I heard someone moving around the apartment above. Aaron's back, I think. I head up immediately. I knock, and he answers, fully dressed for a change, in very smart clothes.

"Oh. Hello. " he says. He seems uneasy.

My welcoming smile fades a bit.

"Hi. What's up? You look like you're going out."

"Oh, kind of" He says a bit vaguely.

"I was kind of hoping to talk to you a bit this evening." I say cautiously.

"Ah... well I'm sorry, but I can't. Rain check?" He is already closing the door.

"Sure definitely." I agree.

I return home feeling kind of deflated. It seemed as if he was anxious to get rid of me. After the warm reception of the last couple of times I met him, it is a disappointment.

About ten minutes later, I hear a noise on the stairs, and peek out. A young, very well built guy is going up the stairs. I can't resist, and linger a bit by my door, long enough to hear the faint but distinctive squeal of hinges, as Aaron opens his door to let the guy in.

I try telling myself that it could be anyone: a coworker, a relative, a friend. But I can't lie to myself: He's found a younger, sexier guy, who's arse he can fuck. For the first time I admit that I was beginning to develop feelings for Aaron. I feel a bit hurt.

It's your own fault, I tell myself. What did you think was going to happen? That's what you get for trying anything with a guy who is terminally straight.

For the next few days I keep to myself, and avoid Aaron. I try telling myself that any type of relationship I would have had with him would have ended badly, and it's better to end things now, cleanly. My friends introduce me to a guy, and we go out a couple of times, even end up having mediocre sex. And after a couple of weeks I find that I can go a whole evening without thinking once about Aaron.

Then one evening quite late, there is a knock on my door. I peep out through the little security peephole, and see Aaron standing there. Just the sight of him standing there makes my heart beat harder, and my mouth dry.

What do I do now? I ask myself. He knocks again, and against my better judgement I open the door. He smiles at me, with an expression of... relief? Is that what I'm seeing? His eyes are red and puffy, as if he hasn't had much sleep lately. His clothes look as if he has been wearing them nonstop for too many days in a row, his shirt collar is torn, and he smells of alcohol and.... something... smoke? Not tabacco, not pot..

"Hi. How are you?" He says

"I'm fine.

My heart is beating hard, and I feel that I can't get enough air. But I'm not giving anything away.

"Can I come in?" He takes a step closer

"Is there anything I can help you with?" It takes an effort for me to keep my distance.

"I just need to talk to you for a while. Please" he sounds anxious.

"I don't think that-"

Aaron hangs his head, his shoulders slump.

"Just for a short while. Please?" now he sounds so desperate that despite myself I feel my resolve crumbling.

"Why? What's so-" I break off as Aaron raises his head to look at me. Tears are streaming down his face, and he looks so helpless and sad, my heart melts.

"Hey" I say. "Hey. Don't cry. It's gonna be all right-"

Aaron steps forward, grabs me and hugs me tightly. He puts his head on my shoulder, and lets out a sob that sounds as if it is coming from the innermost recesses of his soul.

I pull him into the apartment, and the door closes. I put my arms around him, and he breaks down, sobbing. Each sob sounds as if he is tearing a part of his soul off. He sags onto me, and sinks down, pulling me with him.

"Shhh. Shhh. Don't cry. It's gonna be okay." I rub his back and cradle his head in my hand. He shakes his head, holding onto me like a drowning man, as he dredges up these huge sobs.

"I can't do it anymore." He sobs "I can't. I can't go back."

I have no idea what Aaron's talking about, but I hug him, and stroke his back, and make little shushing noises, and tell him that it's okay, nobody can force him to go back, and that he doesn't have to do anything he doesn't want to, and eventually his sobbing eases off, and he lies quietly in my arms.

Slowly, his arms around me begin to stroke my body, and I can hear his breathing speed up. He raises his head and looks into my eyes for a few seconds, then kisses me on the lips. There is something urgent in his kiss. His breath smells of alcohol, and there is a smoky smell coming off his clothes and hair.

"I need you." Aaron says to me.

I get to my feet, and pull him up, then lead him by the hand to the bedroom. I lay him down on the bed, and unbutton his shirt. He cooperates enough for me to pull it off, and toss it aside. Then I remove his shoes, and unbuckle his belt, pulling his trousers and boxer shorts off. He raises his arse enough for me to slip them off. Aaron lies there totally nude, his huge cock erect and ready.

I strip quickly, tossing my clothes aside, then I straddle Aaron's body as he lies there, and massage his chest and stomach and shoulders. He has very little body hair, his pubic hair is shaved to a stubble.

"Turn over." I motion to Aaron , and he turns onto his stomach. His back is broad and muscular, his buttocks round and muscular. I massage his back and shoulders, going down to his lower back and buttocks, then his legs.

Aaron turns over onto his back, and pulls me down on top of him. We kiss, and he puts his hands on my shoulders, pushing me down towards his cock. I trail my tongue down across his chest and stomach, and lick around the base of his cock and his balls, before taking his cock into my mouth. His hands push at my head, encouraging me to take it deeper. I feel it going into my throat, and he moans and arches his back.

I suck Aaron's cock like this for as long as I can, and then he sits up, pulls my head off his cock, and throws me face down onto the bed. This is me least favorite position for sex, and I try to resist, but he easily overcomes my resistance, and he pushes me down. He looms over me, his knee pushes my thighs apart, and he uses his hand to position his cock at the entrance to my arse.

The tip of Aaron's cock penetrates my sphincter, and he falls on top of me, his weight pushing all the air from my lungs as it drives his huge cock into my arse. It hurts quite a bit, and I gasp and writhe underneath him.

After about a minute, Aaron rears up, propping himself upon his hands, almost as if he is starting a set of pushups, as he begins fucking me hard and deep. He is a bit rough, but I find I can handle it. I hear his breath quicken, as he goes faster and faster, and then with a drawn out groan, his body tenses, and he climaxes inside me. He relaxes and he lies on top of me, breathing hard, his cock still hard, and in my arse.

After about a minute Aaron begins thrusting again, and rears up on his hands again to continue fucking me, thrusting his cock hard and deep into my arse. His second orgasm comes, leaving him panting on top of me, but he barely pauses, fucking me harder.

Aaron pulls me up onto my hands and knees, cock still buried in my arse, and he grips my hips as he slams his pelvis into me. I reach back and fondle his balls as he fucks me, building up to a third orgasm, faster and faster, harder and harder. I try to brace myself against the wall, but the force of his thrusts knocks me forward, the weight of his body pushing me down. I lie face down, as Aaron's cock slams into me, he lets out a growl, and shoots his third load into my arse, and collapses on top of me.

We lie there for a few minutes, as I feel his cock detumesce, and slip out of my arse. Aaron's breathing slows, and I realize he is asleep. I wriggle out from under him, but in his sleep he grabs me, and hugs me against his body.

He must be tired, I realize, if he fell asleep so quickly. I wonder what happened to upset him so much. Maybe when he wakes up he'll tell me.


Next: Chapter 3

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