Hello Neighbor

By Boo Jum

Published on Feb 2, 2020



This is part 12 of my story Hello, Neighbor.


This is a work of fiction. Some of the situations and people are based on personal experience, or things I heard from friends. But by and large it is all my fantasies.

If you enjoyed reading it, please let me know. If you have any comments, criticisms or suggestions feel free to let me know. I can be contacted at boojum64@gmail.com.

As always, I am grateful to nifty.org for hosting my story. Please show your appreciation to nifty, by donating to the site:



The inspections stopped after that, but a few

weeks later, they resumed. This time it was Oleg who got clapped on the shoulder by warden Norton. As the warden strode on, Oleg looked over at Aaron, an expression of hopeless pleading on his face, as one of the officers told him to get dressed and come along.

At that moment, Aaron realized that no outside help was coming. They'd have to help themselves.

As the boys were being led away, one of the smaller boys began crying and shouting.

"No! Please! You promised," the boy sobbed. "I was chosen last time. It's not fair-"

Everyone turned to watch as the boy, struggling and kicking, was taken by two officers. Aaron took advantage of the fact that all of the officers were focused on the crying boy. He snuck up behind the group, grabbed Oleg from behind, covering Oleg's mouth with his hand, to stifle his cry of surprise, then pushed him back into the dormitory, and took his place.

As the boys were lead out of the living area, one of the officers looked suspiciously at Aaron, who looked up at him as innocently as he could. The man looked confused for a second, but led Aaron out with the other boys.


"I counted on the fact that they were all relatively new guards," Aaron explains. "I didn't think he would be able to tell the difference. Especially if I looked and acted as if I was supposed to be there."


Once again, Aaron found himself stripping in the infirmary, as the doctor raged at the guard.

"I told you last time," he shouted "that I won't do this anymore-"

But he got no further. The guard grabbed his neck in one hand, pushing him back against the wall.

"Maybe you need a reminder," he hissed into the doctor's face "exactly what's at stake, here. What will happen to you if you make problems."

The doctor swallowed. He tried to look the guard in the eye, but Aaron could see his shoulders slump as he gave in.

"You remember, don't you?" the guard said, and with his hand he made the doctor's head nod `yes'.

"You won't make any more problems, will you?" he asked, and moved the doctor's head from side to side.

"No," said the doctor, wearily.

The guard released the doctor.

"Get on with it." He strode out.

"Why are you doing this?" Aaron asked the doctor, as the man examined him.

"I... don't have any choice," the doctor replied. "If I don't do it they will make my family suffer."

While the doctor was turned away to prepare the injection, Aaron looked around, desperately trying to think of a way to get out of this predicament. Something shiny caught his eye. Seeing the doctor was still busy, he reached out and grabbed it. It was the disposable blade of a scalpel.

When the doctor turned back with the syringe poised, Aaron grabbed his hand, and shook his head.

"Do you want it to end?" he asked quietly, and showed the man the small piece of metal in his hand.

The doctor looked stricken for a moment. But then without a word he got up and went over to the next boy.

Aaron closed his fist around the scalpel blade, lay back on the narrow cot, and waited. He tried to look relaxed and drugged, but his heart was pounding, and he was breathing hard. He was afraid of what was going to happen, afraid of what he was planning to do.

When the guards took the boys into the orgy room, Aaron tried to walk slowly and unsteadily, like the other boys. He allowed the guard to arrange him on the sofa, with no resistance. He tried to look relaxed and stupefied by the drugs, but his clenched fist betrayed the tension he was feeling. Aaron lay motionless, hoping that nobody would notice his fist.

When the men came into the room a few minutes later, Aaron was reclining on the sofa, one hand hovering near his crotch. The other hand, with the scalpel, he tried to keep out of sight. He looked at the warden, willing the man to notice him. When the warden looked at Aaron, Aaron smiled at him. It was the kind of smile he'd given to men when he was cruising for customers. It was the smile that Blondie had taught him, all innocence and desire. It had worked then, and it worked now. Warden Norton came straight up to him.

The warden stood next to him, and looked down at Aaron's body. He stooped, and began stroking Aaron, running his hands over the boy's stomach, thighs and chest. His hands were sweating, and Aaron felt his skin crawl at the warden's touch. It took a supreme effort to lie motionless as the warden's hands moved over his body. The warden pinched Aaron's nipples quite hard. Aaron gasped in pain, but managed to add a sexy groan to his voice.

Warden Norton sat next to Aaron on the sofa. He cupped Aaron's balls in his hand, and stroked Aaron's cock. His touch was light, and against Aaron's will, he began to get an erection. As Aaron's cock unfurled, warden Norton exclaimed happily. Aaron put his arms around the warden, who held him close.

As the warden hugged Aaron's body, Aaron carefully opened his fist, maneuvering the blade, till he was holding the part that should connect to the handle. Then he slashed at the warden's back with the blade. The warden exclaimed in pain, and pushed Aaron away. He pawed at the cut on his back, and looked in shock and surprise at the blood on his fingers.

"You miserable little shit!" roared the warden, and drew back his hand to hit Aaron.

As the warden lashed out, Aaron slashed his arm, and the warden pulled his arm back, cursing. Aaron slashed at the warden's face, aiming for the eye. But the warden jerked his head aside, and the scalpel blade cut his cheek. Blood flowed copiously, as Aaron slashed at the warden again and again, trying to hit something vital.

The warden screamed, as Aaron slashed him. Suddenly there was blood everywhere. The warden tried to hit Aaron, and to push him away. But Aaron hung on to him, slashing as much as he could.

Panic ensued. The other men jumped up, pushing away the boys they had been abusing, and ran out. Warden Norton was screaming, as he bled from numerous cuts in his face and upper torso.

Aaron was still slashing at the warden when the guards came running in, batons at the ready. He tried to fight them off, but he didn't stand a chance. They clubbed him unmercifully, until he was unconscious.

When Aaron regained consciousness, he was in total darkness, in a small confined space. He could barely move his arms or his legs a few centimeters in any direction. The air smelt musty and foul. It took him a while to understand where he was. He was in `the coffin'.


"It would have ended a lot worse for me," Aaron says. "Except that Oleg told his mom how I'd saved him. And she told Vadim. And he pulled some strings, and made some calls. And the story got into the newspaper."

"Once the story hit the news, the prison administration had no choice but to set up an inquiry committee, to investigate the allegations of abuse. I had to testify, and some of the other boys as well. That's how the whole story came out. Most of the officers were convicted of abusing the inmates, and warden Norton as the ringleader.

"The press portrayed me as a hero, defending the weaker boys. I became a minor celebrity for a while. And an enterprising journalist did some research into my background. They discovered that there had been some irregularities with the plea bargain I was railroaded into. A new public defender was appointed, there was an appeal, and I was released on a technicality."


Aaron was sent to a halfway house, where he lived, while he continued his schooling, and waited for his eighteenth birthday. At age eighteen he would be legally an adult, free for the first time in his life, to do what he wanted. In the meantime, he was obliged to continue school. In the afternoon he worked doing odd jobs. And in his spare time, he walked around the city, enjoying the freedom of being able to go wherever he wanted.

A couple of weeks passed, and one evening, the house counselor told Aaron that he had a visitor. His first thought was that somehow Sofia had heard he was there, and he quickly went to the door. To his disappointment it was Oleg, standing there. Aaron greeted Oleg quite stiffly, and took him up to his room.

As Oleg glanced around, Aaron considered the room, for the first time, through another person's eyes. The narrow, monastic bed. The desk, cluttered with papers and open books. The single, uncomfortable chair. The bare, whitewashed walls.

"I like what you've done with the place," Oleg quipped, sitting on the chair, and swiveling it around to face Aaron.

"Yeah, well, I didn't have much choice," Aaron said, sitting on the bed, opposite Oleg. "Anyway, it's temporary. Once I hit eighteen I'm gonna leave. Get my own place."

They chatted, Oleg telling Arron about boys they had known in the detention facility, things that had happened after Aaron left. But after a couple of minutes they exhausted this topic, and lapsed into an awkward silence.

Oleg broke the silence after a few seconds.

"I'm really glad to see you, Aaron," he said, leaning forward, and putting his hand on Aaron's thigh.

To Aaron's surprise, he felt his cock beginning to get hard. He shifted awkwardly, hoping that Oleg hadn't noticed. But Oleg leaned forward, and squeezed the crotch of Aaron's trousers.

"Looks like you're also happy to see me," he laughed, squeezing Aaron's cock quite roughly.

Aaron gasped, and Oleg leaned forward, to kiss Aaron on the mouth. Aaron put his hands on Oleg's cheeks, as his lips parted, and Oleg's tongue probed deeper into his mouth.

Oleg moved forward, until he was almost sitting on Aaron's lap. They embraced, and kissed deeply. Their shirts seemed to come off almost on their own, and Aaron held Oleg close, the light skin of Oleg's narrow body contrasting starkly with Aaron's dark, more muscular body.

Oleg ran his hands up and down Aaron's body his fingers trembling slightly with excitement. He pushed Aaron down, and unbuttoned his fly, as he kissed Aaron on the chest, going slowly lower towards Aaron's crotch.

Aaron's cock sprang to attention as Oleg freed it from the confines of his trousers.

"Hey, hey, hey. The legend lives," Oleg said jokingly. "Every spunky centimeter of it."

He gripped Aaron's cock around the base, his fingers encircling Aaron's scrotum as well. His lips teased the glans of Aaron's cock, making Aaron gasp with desire. Oleg took Aaron's cock deeper into his mouth, and Aaron arched his back as he felt his cock hit the back of Oleg's throat. He gripped Oleg's head in his hands, holding it down, as he made short, quick fucking motions with his hips. He could feel Oleg's throat contract as he gagged on Aaron's long thick cock. Aaron immediately releases Oleg, who sat up, and took a grateful breath, his eyes swimming with tears from the effort.

"You like that?" Oleg asked, as his hand went up and down the length of Aaron's cock, squeezing it hard.

Aaron gasped, lying back on the bed, eyes closed. The soft, moist ring of Oleg's lips encircled the glans of Aaron's cock, and went lower, as Oleg engulfed it. His head bobbed up and down, and Aaron felt Oleg's throat closing around the glans. He couldn't control himself any longer. He let out a long, loud moan, as he came, shooting his load straight into Oleg's throat.

Oleg coughed violently, pulling back, and Aaron shot his load onto Oleg's face. Long spurts of thick cum splattered onto Oleg's cheeks and forehead, as he coughed and choked.

"Sorry. Sorry," Aaron gasped, chest heaving.

"Looks like you needed that as much as I did," Oleg laughed.

He sat next to Aaron on the bed, and snuggled up close to him, stroking his body and playing with his flaccid cock. After a couple of minutes Aaron felt his cock getting hard again, and Oleg laughed.

Oleg lay back on the bed, and pulled Aaron down next to him, and the two boys kissed. But the bed was too narrow to accommodate them comfortably, and Oleg sat up. He straddled Aaron's body, and Aaron could feel his cock pressed against Oleg's arse. Oleg moved on top of Aaron, his arse cheeks almost gripping Aaron's cock. Aaron let out an involuntary moan, which he stifled as soon as it came out. He didn't want any curious eavesdroppers to hear anything.

Oleg gripped Aaron's cock, and guided it into his own arse. He took about half, then stopped, moaning softly. He withdrew it, and slathered some saliva into it, then tried again. It took him a couple of tries to accommodate the length and girth of Aaron's cock, but eventually it was in. He leaned his weight on Aaron's chest, panting softly.

Aaron lay still afraid to move, afraid to hurt Oleg. After a couple of minutes, Oleg began moving slowly, rocking back and forwards, and Aaron could feel his cock slide in and out of Oleg's arse. Both boys were panting now, trying to be as quiet as possible, as they held one another.

The bed creaked loudly, and Oleg automatically said "Shhhhh", causing Aaron to laugh.

Every move they made seem to draw creaks from the bed, almost as if in protest to what they were doing. Aaron sat up, and Oleg gripped him. With a bit of effort, Aaron managed to stand up, his cock in Oleg's arse, as Oleg clung to him, making little sounds of fear and enjoyment. Aaron turned and lay Oleg on the desk, and began fucking him. Oleg lay back, and stroked Aaron's muscular chest, his body moving back and forth with each thrust of Aaron's cock into his arse. He reached out, and played with Aaron's nipples, running his hands over Aaron's chest and stomach.

Aron could feel his orgasm building, and he grabbed Oleg, holding him tight as he felt his cock throbbing in Oleg's arsehole, until he couldn't contain himself. He let out a gasp, and pulled his cock out, gripping it in his fist, as it convulsed, releasing stream after stream of thick semen. He sagged against the desk, panting, as Oleg masturbated, shooting his load over his stomach.

Only then did they become aware of a knocking on the door. They hurriedly pulled their clothes on, and Oleg sat on the bed, as Aaron opened the door. It was one of the house staff. He glanced around suspiciously.

"You know the rules about having visitors in your room, Aaron," he said in an annoyed tone.

"Sorry," Aaron replied.

"I was just leaving anyway," Oleg said, as he got up. "Bye Aaron. Maybe next time you should come to my place."

Oleg's visit had brought memories of Sofia back to Aaron, and the next day he paid a visit to his old neighborhood, looking for Sofia.

The building where they had lived was even more dilapidated than he remembered, and the corridor reeked of boiled cabbage. He could hear the faint boom boom of music from another flat, as he knocked on the door of the apartment where Sofia and her family had lived.

The man who opened the door was Asian, and very suspicious. He barely spoke English, and it took a while for Aaron to get the information: Sofia's family had moved away, and nobody knew where they had gone.

Aaron wandered around the neighborhood, looking for people he recognized. There were very few. The couple of people he remembered treated him like an ex-convict, and acted as if he was there to to rob them. Or worse.

Aaron made his way to the park. He was sitting on a bench in the park, when someone stopped next to him.

"Aaron Tobias?"

Aaron turned his head, looking at the boy who had stopped next to him.

"Aaron. It's Naim. Naim Hadidi," the boy said.

It took Aaron a moment to recognize Naim, from his old school class. He felt kind of embarrassed, not knowing how to relate to Naim. Did everyone consider him a dangerous criminal?

Naim sat next to him on the bench. He was short, with a Mediterranean look. Dark hair, dark skin, dark eyes. He had a huge hooked nose, and wore extremely thick glasses. But he glanced over at Aaron, and gave him a reassuring smile.

The two boys chatted, Naim telling Aaron about his old school mates, while Aaron gave him a carefully edited version of where he was and what he was doing.

"You wanna come to us for supper?" Naim asked suddenly.

Aaron looked around in surprise. A couple of hours had passed quite pleasantly, and it was getting dark.

"Won't your mom mind, if you bring a friend like that?" he asked.

"Nah. She's cool. Come on. It's just up here.

He stood up, and pulled Aaron's arm. Aaron went with him, trying to smooth down his hair, tuck in his shirt, and make himself look presentable.

When they got to the house, Naim knocked, and the door was opened by a small, dark woman with a nose every bit as hooked and impressive as Naim's. She glanced at Aaron, and then snapped something at Naim in a foreign language . He answered her in the same language, in a tone that would have earned Aaron a resounding slap if he had tried it with Tina. Mrs. Hadidi snapped something else, and Naim shot back an equally insolent answer. To Aaron's surprise, Mrs Hadidi burst into laughter, then took a step back.

"Pliz," she said. "Come in."

Aaron came in, feeling very embarrassed.

"Hi, Mrs Hadidi," he mumbled. "Pleased to meet you."

Naim led him into the back of the house, to his room. As soon as they were alone, Aaron said

"If your mom is cross that I'm here, it's cool. Just say so, and I'll leave. No hard feelings."

"What? No. She's annoyed, but not that you're here. The washing machine is broken. She's pissed about that. Not about you."

"You sure?"

"Yeah. Yeah. Don't worry."

Aaron glanced curiously around Naim's room. It was almost obsessively neat and tidy. The books on his bookshelf were all graded by height, and the spines were perfectly aligned. The boys spoke a bit about school, and about their plans for the future. A while went past, and Mrs Hadidi knocked on the door.

"Come eat!" she commanded.

Still feeling self conscious, Aaron allowed Naim to lead him into a small alcove off the kitchen, where a table had been set for three. He sat where he was directed, and Mrs Hadidi put a plate of food in front of him.

Aaron looked at it suspiciously, unable to identify most of the ingredients or smells coming from the food. Nothing in his life had prepared him for this.

Growing up, meals had been frozen TV dinners or ready made boil-in-a-bag dishes, when Tina had money, and could be bothered to prepare anything. More often than not it was a peanut butter sandwich, or cereal - sometimes dry, or sometimes with a soda. Prison food had been an improvement compared to that, but a year of institutional food hadn't improved his palate.

"Eat." Mrs Hadidi commanded.

"Errr... what is it?" asked Aaron.

Mrs Hadidi said something in a foreign language, which Aaron took to be the name of the dish. But Naim seemed to be eating with gusto, so Aaron screwed up his courage, took a forkful, and put it into his mouth.


Aaron leans back, turning his face up to the sun. He smiles, a happy, reminiscent smile.

"Words cannot describe the sublimity of Fareeda Naim's cooking," he says.

"That bad?" I ask jokingly.

"Whoever said cleanliness is next to godliness, he got it wrong. It's not cleanliness, it's good cooking that is next to godliness," he replies.


"Is it good?" asked Mrs Hadidi, as Aaron looked up from his now empty plate.

"It's the best food I've ever tasted," said Aaron, honestly.

Mrs Hadidi beamed, and put another portion on his plate.

"Eat, eat," she said. This time it sounded more like an invitation, and less like a command.

And Aaron ate.

At the end of the evening, as Aaron left, Mrs Hadidi presented him with a parcel, containing several Tupperware containers of food.

Over the next months, Aaron began spending more and more time at Naim. Fareeda Naim was a warm woman, who loved her son fiercely, and was willing to sacrifice everything for him. She was the antithesis of every adult Aaron had ever encountered. She began taking an interest in Aaron, making sure that he are properly, and that he put some effort into his schoolwork. It was a new experience for Aaron, to get praised for doing well at school. For the first time, he began to consider his future beyond graduating and finding his own apartment.

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