Hello Neighbor

By Boo Jum

Published on Dec 21, 2019



This is part 11 of my story Hello, Neighbor.


This is a work of fiction. Some of the situations and people are based on personal experience, or things I heard from friends. But by and large it is all my fantasies.

If you enjoyed reading it, please let me know. If you have any comments, criticisms or suggestions feel free to let me know. I can be contacted at boojum64@gmail.com.

As always, I am grateful to nifty.org for hosting my story. Please show your appreciation to nifty, by donating to the site:



"Things began to change in the second year," Aaron tells me. "There was some kind of government audit, and following that, Warden Simmons decided to retire. He was replaced with a younger man. Warden Samuel Norton. "

"Changed for the worse, I'm assuming," I say.

"The food was worse, for one," he says. "It was never particularly good, but at least there was enough. Some days, there wasn't enough for everyone, and we would go hungry. And they started giving punishment for every little thing. If you didn't call an officer Sir' you could get a beating. Or worse. They devised something new. It was like solitary, only worse. Guys said that it was like being buried alive. I guess that was partly because the new guards called it the coffin'".


Once the new warden took up the post, the changes were abrupt. Food portions were smaller, frequently there was no hot water or clean clothes. These changes in the living conditions made the boys fight more, and that led to more punishment.

Most of the officers left, and were replaced by harder men. who imposed new rules, and gave harsher punishment, even for minor infractions. The new officers were issued with batons, which they used frequently, to punish and subdue the boys. They were more corrupt, and frequently took advantage of the boys.The lucky boys, who had family willing to pay, could get more food and clean clothes.

One evening, Aaron was passing near the dining area when he heard some noises, coming from a storeroom. Out of curiosity he opened the door. Jay, one of the newer boys, was there on his knees. An officer was standing in front of him, holding Jay's head as he forced his cock into Jay's mouth. Four other officers were standing around Jay, their trousers open, stroking their cocks, while they waited their turn.

As Aaron watched, the officer withdrew his glistening, dripping cock from the boy's mouth. A strand of saliva still connected it to the Jay's open lips. The officer moved aside, and was instantly replaced by another man, who shoved his cock quite hard into the boy's mouth. Tears flowed from Jay's eyes, as he gagged and choked.

Aaron couldn't control his gasp of surprise. Ever since his encounter with Juan and Andy, word of his impressive endowment had somehow spread, and he was often invited to participate in circle jerks, or free-for-alls. But those had been fun, sexually stimulating activities, their forbidden nature adding an extra layer of titillation. The scene in front of Aaron seemed sordid, and fraught with danger. And Jay, on his knees, didn't look like he was a willing participant.

"Jay?" Aaron asked.

"Fuck off. This doesn't concern you," said one of the officers, rounding on Aaron threateningly. "Unless you want to be next."

He sounded so menacing, Aaron recoiled.

"It's ok, Aaron," said Jay hoarsely, turning his head to speak to Aaron. But the officer standing in front of him grabbed his head, and pulled it back down onto his erect cock.

The next day, at lunch, there wasn't enough meat for everyone. But Aaron noticed that the officer in charge had been one of the men getting his cock sucked by Jay. As the food was handed out, Aaron saw the officer ensure that Jay got a hot portion of meat.

While the other boys grumbled, Aaron looked over at Jay. The younger boy finished his meat, and delicately wiped at the corners of his lips with his fingertips. Aaron couldn't help wonder if the hot meat compensated for the taste of five loads of semen.

A couple of weeks after that, just before supper, the officers suddenly announced that there was going to be an inspection by Warden Norton. The boys were required to stand next to their beds, wearing nothing but their underpants. Warden Norton walked past, and looked them all over, while one of the officers walked behind him. Occasionally he would clap one of the boys on the shoulder. When he reached Aaron, he hesitated for a moment, hand half outstretched, then continued walking.

After the inspection, the officers took five of the boys away. Aaron noticed that the boys they took were the ones that Warden Norton had clapped on the shoulder.

The boys returned the next morning, dazed and confused. When asked, they claimed that they had been drugged, and couldn't remember very much.

But the inspection occurred every couple of weeks, and rumors of parties began to spread. Wild parties, organized by the warden, for him and his friends. Parties in which the boys were forced to have sex with strange men. Parties from which the boys returned, drugged, and sometimes bleeding or bruised. But the rumors were never confirmed. The boys were too afraid.

One afternoon, during an inspection, Warden Norton approached Aaron. As he walked past, he hesitated, then clapped Aaron on the shoulder. After he left, an officer came to Aaron.

"Get dressed, and come with me," he said.

Aaron and the other four chosen boys were taken to the infirmary, where they were told to strip. The prison doctor, who greeted them, looked very unhappy.

"I told you last time," he said to one of the officers, "I won't agree to this."

The guard moved closer to the doctor, looming over him.

"I don't remember anyone asking for your opinion," the guard said, in a menacing tone.

The two men stood looking at one another, but after a few seconds the doctor looked away.

"That's better," the guard said. He walked out.

The doctor began checking each boy, and giving him an injection.

"Are you going to hurt us?" Aaron asked, when the doctor reached him.

"No," the doctor replied. He hesitated a moment. "But they are," he added, pointing towards the door.

He picked up a hypodermic syringe, attached a disposable needle, and filled it with liquid from a bottle.

"What are you giving me?" Aaron asked, as the doctor tied a tourniquet around his arm.

"Something that will make you not care," the doctor answered.

After a couple of minutes, Aaron began to feel very light headed. Everything seemed to be far away, disconnected from him.

When the officers came and took the naked boys, they all went docilely. They were lead into a large, opulent room. On one side of the room was a long table, containing the remains of a lavish meal. The odor of rich food still permeated the air. Several large sofas were scattered around the room, and the boys were arranged on them. The officers left. Feeling suddenly dizzy, Aaron closed his eyes.

When he opened his eyes a few minutes later, a group of men were coming through the door, laughing, and drinking, or smoking cigars. They all looked affluent, and self satisfied. Their laughter acquired a nastier edge, as the men moved among the sofas, looking at the naked boys, touching and caressing their bodies.

One of the men came over to Aaron, and began caressing him. Aaron felt his skin crawl, as the man's clammy hands moved over his body, touching his cock, probing between his legs. The man flipped him onto his stomach, and he felt fingers probing at his arse. He felt the weight of the man on top of him, then he felt the man's cock at the opening of his arse. He wanted to scream, to react. He wanted to push the man away. But everything seemed far away, even the pain in his arse, as the man penetrated him. The man grunted and wheezed, as he fucked Aaron.

Aaron turned his head. He could see Jay, lying on his back, on a sofa a couple of meters away. A naked, fat, pasty man was kneeling over Jay's face, his cock in Jay's mouth. He was holding Jay's legs in the air, while another man inserted his cock into Jay's arse. As Aaron watched, the two men swapped positions.

The man fucking Aaron suddenly let out an explosive breath, and collapsed on top of him, breathing heavily onto the nape of Aaron's neck. Aaron could smell whiskey and cigar smoke on the man's breath. Then the weight disappeared from his body.

Aaron tried to sit up, but he felt disoriented and confused. His hands and feet weren't cooperating. Another man approached, and turned Aaron onto his back. He raised Aaron's legs, pulling him forward until his arse was on the edge of the sofa. Aaron closed his eyes, as the man began fucking him, grunting with each thrust.

Something touched his face. He opened his eyes, and saw a cock in front of his face. It was pinkish and quite large. The man was uncut, and with his foreskin covering the glans of his cock, it looked to Aaron like a large, pink sausage.

The man tried to get Aaron to suck his cock, but gave up after a few attempts. Aaron watched him walk unsteadily over to Jay, and insert his cock into Jay's mouth. He could see the man's fat pink arse flexing as he thrust his cock into Jay's mouth. Every time Jay choked or retched, the man slapped him hard.

It seemed to go on forever. Eventually the man gasped explosively as he climaxed into Jay's mouth. As he withdrew his cock, another man took his place. Seconds later, the man fucking Jay's arse also orgasmed loudly. As he withdrew his cock from the boys arse, a large man, took his place.

With a great effort, Aaron turned his head to the other side, as another man began fucking him. He saw Gary, one of the smaller, frail boys, lying on his stomach, crying, as a man fucked him hard, hitting him with an open hand, and telling him to "keep it down, bitch."

Aaron lay there, helpless, as he was fucked several times, by the men, watching man after man fucking Jay in his arse and in his mouth.

He had no idea how much time had passed, when the men began to gather their clothes, and leave, one after the other. Warden Norton was the last one, sitting with Jay over his knee, as he inserted his fingers into the boys arse. He surveyed the room, then left himself.

A couple of minutes later, the officers returned. They carried the boys out, down a corridor into a large shower. One of them took a hose pipe, and turned it on the boys. The water was freezing cold, and it woke the boys out of their stupor.

"Get your clothes on, you miserable little shits," the officer said.

The shivering boys gathered their belongings, pulling clothes onto wet bodies.

"Youse boys say nothing about what you saw or heard!" The officer said. "If I hear anyone said anything you will all suffer."

He glared around at the boys. Most of them turned their eyes away, but Aaron looked him straight in the eye. The man glared at him.

As they were taken back to their living area, Aaron glanced over at Jay, who was walking next to him. Jay was limping, barely able to walk. Aaron put an arm around him, helping him along. Jay just kept shuffling along with a defeated, resigned expression on his face.

When they reached the living area, Aaron was surprised to see that the sun was up. They had been gone all night.

"Class has already started," the officer said. "Hurry up, you lot." He pointed in the direction of the classroom.

"Come on, guys," Aaron said, looking the officer straight in the eye, "let's take a shower. We'll wash this filth off." The man had the decency to drop his gaze.

Seeing that the officer made no protest, the boys followed Aaron, as he lead them into the shower area, past a row of sinks.

The shower was a large, dimly lit room, with six shower heads spaced evenly down each The boys stood there, not moving. Aaron could hear Gary sobbing. He went over to the crying boy, and hugged him. Gary's head barely came up to his shoulder. One by one the other boys joined them, until all five were huddled in a group, crying.

After a few minutes, Aaron turned the shower on. As warm water poured down on them, Aaron took a bar of soap, and washed the boys, one by one, as gently as he could.

Aaron never saw how it started, as they dried off. A hand running down his back, another hand groping at his crotch, a body pressed against his side, erect cock poking at his leg. Soon, all five boys were huddled together, cocks erect, stroking each other's bodies, playing with each other's cock. Taking comfort in the intimacy of shared misfortune.

The dormitory was never quiet at night. With so many boys, there was always someone snoring, or muttering in his sleep. And occasionally crying out, if he had a bad dream. But what awakened the boys later that night was screaming. The heart rending sound of someone crying in pain and terror.

The noise was coming from the shower area. Aaron's first thought was of Jay, as he jumped out of bed. As he ran past the row of sinks, he heard one of the boys asking what was going on, who was making all that fuss.

Aaron was the first to reach the shower, fully expecting to find Jay crying there. But it wasn't Jay who was crying, it was Gary. He was standing in the entrance to the shower, his hands to his face, screaming in sorrow and terror.

Jay was quiet, unable to make any noise. He was lying in a pool of blood. He'd taken a potato peeler from the kitchen, and used it to slash his wrists.

Next: Chapter 12

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