Hello Neighbor

By Boo Jum

Published on Dec 4, 2019



This is part 10 of my story Hello, Neighbor.


This is a work of fiction. Some of the situations and people are based on personal experience, or things I heard from friends. But by and large it is all my fantasies.

If you enjoyed reading it, please let me know. If you have any comments, criticisms or suggestions feel free to let me know. I can be contacted at boojum64@gmail.com.

As always, I am grateful to nifty.org for hosting my story. Please show your appreciation to nifty, by donating to the site:



"As far as the police were concerned, it was open and shut," says Aaron.

"Mr Marsden was found in his apartment, unconscious. He'd been badly beaten and robbed. There was plenty of evidence that pointed to me, so I was arrested for assault and robbery. I denied it of course, but I had nothing but my own word to say that I was innocent.

Even when Mr Marsden regained consciousness, a couple of days later, the last thing he remembered was me agreeing to go home with him. And that didn't really help me.

"Witnesses identified me as the last person to come to his home. My DNA, my fingerprints, were... well, all over Mr Marsden, and his apartment. The envelope of money found in my home had Mr Marsden's fingerprints on it. And I had bruises consistent with a struggle.

"I denied it all, of course. Fat lot of good it did me. I had a public defender, a sleazy little shyster,who never did more than go through the motions. As far as he was concerned, a trial was unnecessary, just accept whatever plea deal is offered."

"What about your -"

I hesitate. I'd been about to say "parents", but Aaron was ahead of me.

"Tina? Tina and -"

Aaron's voice changes, filled with enough malice to turn the words into a curse.

"- Bob. Fucking Bob. All they were interested in was selling their story to a newspaper, and getting some cash. When that did work out, they concocted a plea bargain, along with the lawyer. My lawyer. Then they browbeat me into accepting it. And I was too naive to understand the consequences. So there wasn't even a real trial.

"I was sentenced to five years. But the judge took my age into consideration, and the first two years were in a juvenile detention facility."

Aaron's face twists with anger, at the memory. When I put my hand on his, he pulls it away.


Aaron was at the lowest point in his life, when the police van delivered him in handcuffs to the juvenile detention center. The driver let him out in front of a door marked "Intake", where he stood, squinting in the harsh noon sun, as the driver handed him over to a large, burly, tough looking officer.

While the two men did the formal handover, Aaron surveyed his surroundings. Empty fields as far as he could see. A high wall, topped with barbed wire. Low concrete buildings with sparse, barred windows. The place looked as grim and bleak as Aaron felt.

The officer lead him inside, to a shower, where his handcuffs were removed, and he was required to strip and shower, under the watchful gaze of the officer. Aaron could see the man getting visibly aroused, as he watched him stripping and showering. He tried to turn away from the officer, partly out of shyness, and partly out of a feeling of humiliation. But Aaron could hear the heavy, slightly wheezy breathing of the man, and he could almost feel his eyes crawling over his body.

To his consternation, when he was finished showering, he turned to see three other officers watching him, all smirking lasciviously. The burly officer then stepped forward, pulling on a latex glove. The huge bulge in the front of his trousers was very noticeable.

"Bend over," he instructed the boy. "Pull the cheeks of your arse apart." Aaron could hear excitement in the man's breathing.

The other officers sniggered, as Aaron reluctantly complied. The officer then proceeded to perform a body cavity search of Aaron. He was not gentle, and it felt as if he was using two or three fingers, as he probed deeply and roughly into Aaron, who barely stifled his groans of pain.

It seemed to Aaron that the ordeal went on much too long, and that the men watching were deriving way too much pleasure from the body cavity search. He could hear their low, nasty laughs, and heard a couple of references to "fresh meat".

Finally, the officer pulled his finger out, slapped Aaron on the arse, and told him to get dressed. As he straightened up, and began pulling on the prison uniform they had supplied, he could see the large bulge in the front of the man's trousers, twitching.

The burly officer then showed Aaron to a holding cell, where he was interviewed by a bored looking Intake Officer.

At the end of the proceedings, the burly officer appeared again, as the Intake Officer recited a list of rules in a singsong voice, indicating that he had done this too many times to even care anymore.

"This is Officer Ted. You will address him, and all other officers, as `Sir'. You will obey him, and all other officers at all times. The following items are strictly forbidden..."

And so it went.

Aaron was then shown through a double barrier, into the inmates area. The walls were painted bright white and blue, and the floor tiles were cream and blue. Everything was spotless, but the place had a dreary, institutional atmosphere. A few motivational posters hung on the walls, alongside numerous laminated signs in bright colors, reminding the inmates of the facility's rules, and of the importance of keeping their living space, and themselves, clean and tidy. But this facade of forced cheeriness couldn't hide the fact that this was a prison.

At the end of the corridor was a large dormitory area. It contained several alcoves, each containing two to six bunk beds. Fluorescent lights were the only source of illumination. A small barred window, high up on one wall let in a square of external light. The overall impression was soulless and depressing.

Officer Ted lead Aaron over to an empty bed, next to a bunk where a short blonde boy sat.

"This is where you'll sleep," Officer Ted said. "Meet your new roommate, Oleg Kamenev."



My interest is piqued. "Any relation of Vadim Kamenev?" I ask.

Aaron smiles.

"I see you recognize the name. Yes, Vadim Kamenev, the oligarch, the suspected head of a criminal empire is Oleg's uncle. In those days he wasn't as powerful as he is today.


Oleg was a slight, blonde boy, with blue eyes and a cherubic face.

"Hi," he said nervously, drawing the syllable out.

"Hey." Aaron's answer was curt.

Oleg began telling Aaron about life in the prison, and about the other boys, but Aaron's monosyllabic answers soon stopped him.

Life in juvie was very regulated. The day started at 7:00 am. The boys were kept busy most of the day, with schoolwork and chores. In the evenings there was some free time, mainly used for playing pointless games, or watching the few channels of television, sanctioned by the facility administration. Lights out was at 9:00 pm. Over weekends, the families would come to visit, and each inmate was allocated some time to sit in the visitor's area, under strict supervision by the guards.

Aaron soon discerned a pecking order among the boys, based mainly on their canteen privileges. The inmates had no money, but each inmate had an account at the canteen. Their families could deposit a sum of money into this account, and the boys could charge this account to buy snacks and toiletries at the canteen.

Aaron had nobody to deposit any money into his account, and nobody came to visit him. He didn't join any of the gangs, and as a consequence, he was targeted by bullies a couple of times. But he was tough enough to make it not worth anyone's while. So none of the bullies ever tried anything with him more than once. Aaron was alone most of the time. The only one who made any attempt to befriend him was Oleg Kamenev.

About a month after beginning his sentence, just after lunch, Aaron saw Officer Mike standing by the dormitory entrance with two boys. Officer Mike was one of the more avuncular wardens, who usually treated the boys well. He stopped Aaron, as he was heading back to his dorm.

"Aaron. Come. I want you to come with me, to clean out the storeroom," Officer Mike said.

Aaron immediately adopted the sullenly resentful demeanor that all the boys displayed towards the wardens.

"Why me?" he asked.

"Because I said so," Officer Mike replied. "The three of you," he continued, pointing to the two other boys standing nearby. "Andy and Juan and you."

Andy was a short and slim baby faced boy, with sandy brown hair, and a pink complexion. Juan was stocky and Hispanic, with the sallow complexion of someone who doesn't get enough sun. He had a round face, with the beginnings of a wispy beard.

Officer Mike lead the boys to the storeroom, which was in a remote area of the facility, beyond the kitchen. Aaron had never been in that area before, and he looked around curiously, as he went with Officer Mike and the two other boys. After a few weeks of prison monotony, any change was refreshing.

The storeroom was dingy and badly lit. The three boys got to work, under Officer Mike's supervision, taking out all the junk that had accumulated there. It was hard work, and quite tedious.

After about half an hour of working, Officer Mike left them alone, and the two other boys disappeared behind a row of shelves. Curiously, Aaron peeked around the shelves, to see what they were doing. The boys were standing opposite each other with their cocks out, masturbating. They were close enough that their cocks were touching. Andy had a pink, curved erection, with a darker pink glans. Juan's dark brown cock was uncut, and quite large, with a mushroom head, that disappeared and reappeared as Andy stroked it.

As Aaron watched, Andy bent down, and began to suck Juan's cock, taking it to the balls at each stroke. Aaron was instantly aroused at the sight of Juan's cock disappearing between Andy's lips, and he was acutely aware of his cock getting instantly hard in his trousers. He hadn't had any sex, or even jerked off, since before being arrested, and he couldn't stop an involuntary gasp of lust. At the sound of Aaron's gasp, Juan turned his head, and saw Aaron watching. Instead of being embarrassed, he smiled at Aaron.

"Come, join in," he said.

"Yeah," said Andy, releasing Juan's cock with a slurping sound. "Show us what you got." His voice was nasal, with a campy inflection.

A bit uncertainly, Aaron took a couple of steps closer, and the two boys began stroking his body and crotch. Aaron made no move to stop them, as Andy unbuttoned his shirt, and Juan opened his trousers. His erect cock sprung into view, and Andy exclaimed at the sight of it.

Andy bent and began sucking Aaron's cock, trying valiantly to fit it all into his mouth. Juan moved behind him, and began inserting his cock slowly into Andy's arse. Andy moaned as he took Juan's cock, but didn't stop sucking Aaron's cock. Aaron gripped Andy's head, and began moving it up and down, feeling Andy's lips slide along the length of his cock, and Andy's tongue stroking the underside of his cock. It felt so good, his knees almost buckled.

Andy's body was pink and almost hairless. In contrast, Juan was dark skinned and hairy. The sight of the masculine brown boy fucking the slim, white, almost effeminate boy made Aaron gasp again, as feelings of lust swept through his body. Aaron looked down at Andy's round white arse as Juan's large brown cock, glistening with Andy's saliva, went in and out. Andy made little moaning sounds, as Juan fucked him.

After a few minutes, Juan began going faster and harder. Suddenly he thrust his cock hard into Andy's arse. Andy let out a gasp, as Juan turned his face up to the ceiling, panting as he came. Aaron looked down at Andy, who had remained bent over. As Juan pulled his cock out, Aaron saw Andy's arsehole, dilated and gaping, for a second. The sight made him feel incredibly horny. Juan motioned to Aaron to take his place. Aaron moved behind Andy, positioning himself to fuck the boy, who had remained bent over and waiting.

"Just remember, you're really huge. You'll have to be careful. Don't fuck me too hard," Andy said, as he felt Aaron cock pushing up against his arse.

Aaron tried to be gentle,as he pushed his large cock into Andy's arsehole. But every move seemed to make Andy wince and exclaim in pain. Juan leaned in, pulling the cheeks of Andy's arse apart, so they could both see Aaron's huge, dark cock entering Andy's white, almost hairless arsehole. The sight of it was too much for Aaron, and he gasped and exclaimed as he ejaculated into Andy's arse.

"Sorry. Sorry," Aaron gasped, but Andy chuckled.

"Oh, baby, where have you been hiding?" he said.


"That evening, as we boys were showering, I noticed a lot of the boys whispering and nudging each other, and saw a lot of sidelong glances directed at me," Aaron tells me.


One evening , a couple of weeks after that, Oleg Kamenev was sitting with a couple of other boys watching a sports program on the TV. A couple of older boys came, and forced the smaller boys to give up their places, then changed the channel. When Oleg complained, the bullies rounded on him, slapping him and making derogatory comments about him. It would have gone further, but a command from one of the guards made them leave the younger boys alone.

Aaron had been sitting nearby, trying to read a book, and he saw the two bullies hitting Oleg, but he made no move to intervene. Later that night, after lights out, Aaron was awakened by the voice of a boy crying out. As he half sat up, the cry was cut off and Aaron saw a shadowy group of figures, pulling a struggling boy out of bed, and carrying him out of the dormitory. Intrigued, Aaron got out of bed.

"Sssss," said one of the boys near to him. "Get back into bed. You don't want them to see you. It'll be bad for all of us."

But Aaron ignored him, and followed the group down the corridor to the recreation area. It was dark, except for some moonlight coming in through the barred windows. Aaron could see enough to recognize the two older bullies, along with a third pal of theirs standing around a smaller boy. They began hitting him, and knocked him to the ground. As he struggled, one of the bullies gagged him, by forcing a piece of cloth into the boys mouth. The bullies tore at his clothes, pulling his trousers down, as the boy struggled and screamed. But his voice was muffled.

The bullies forced the young boy to bend over one of the tables, and while two of them held him down, the third began forcing his cock into the boy's arse. The boy cried out in pain, and struggled, until one of the bullies banged his head on the table, growling at him to shut up.

The boy lay crying softly, he turned his head to the side, and saw Aaron standing to the side. He raised his head, and gave Aaron a beseeching look. Only then did Aaron see that it was Oleg Kamenev.


"Except in my mind it was Bernie, not Oleg, bent over that table," Aaron says. "They were both small skinny guys, so there was a very superficial resemblance. But it was the look in his eyes that made me remember Bernie. That helpless pleading look. And that's why I reacted the way that I did."


As Aaron stepped out of the shadows, the three bullies turned.

"Get lost, Aaron," said one. "This doesn't concern you."

"You'd better get back to bed, Oleg," Aaron said, ignoring the bigger boy.

Oleg straightened up, and pulled his trousers up, but one of the bullies grabbed his arm.

"You're not going anywhere," he said. "We'll continue with you when we've dealt with this..." he motioned to Aaron. "...nuisance."

The bullies bunched together, and began to move towards Aaron. But now Aaron's tough upbringing worked to his advantage. He'd learned at an early age that smaller kids have to get in the first blow, or they don't stand a chance. While the three bullies postured and tried to intimidate him, Aaron struck first, and one boy went down, clutching his bruised testicles, and writhing in pain.

The other two bullies pounced on Aaron, punching and kicking, and the three went down, rolling around on the floor. Aaron initially gave as good as he got, but both boys were bigger than him, and began to overwhelm him.

It might have ended differently, but suddenly the lights came on, and two officers stood there.

"What the fuck do you lot think you're doing?" bellowed one of the officers.

The two bullies released Aaron, who got to his feet. Oleg had taken advantage of the distraction, and was nowhere to be seen. It was just Aaron and the three would be rapists.

"He started it," the leader of the three pointed at Aaron. The other two nodded.

Aaron said nothing, knowing that it would make no difference.

"Well, Tobias." said one of the guards. "Perhaps a night in solidarity will calm you down."

He grabbed Aaron roughly by the shoulder, and lead him away.

Solitary turned out to be a small cell, barely big enough for Aaron to lie down in. The walls were padded and sound proofed. There was a metal toilet with no seat. The room stank of unwashed bodies and urine. The officer half threw Aaron into the little cell, and locked the door. After a few seconds, the light went out, leaving the cell almost pitch dark.

For lack of options, Aaron lay down on the narrow bed. His face and body hurt from the beating he'd received, and it took him a while to calm down. Eventually he drifted off to sleep.

Aaron was kept in solitary all night, and all of the next day. He spent the time lying on the bunk, suffering from the pain of his beating, drifting in and out of a shallow sleep that left him feeling tired and unrefreshed.

When Aaron heard the sound of the door being unlocked he initially thought it was a dream. But the door opened, and the officer stood there.

"I hope you've learnt your lesson", he said. "Now get back to your dormitory."

Aaron was so stiff from pain and from lying down that he could barely stand. Blinking in the unaccustomed brightness, he stumbled over to his bed. On the bed was a huge pile of every type of candy available at the canteen, along with several cans of soft drink.

"What-" Aaron's voice was hoarse, his throat was dry.

"I couldn't think of anything else," said Oleg, who was sitting nearby, "to tell you how grateful I am."


After that," say Aaron, "I never had any problems with canteen privileges."

He pauses for a moment, looking off to the side.

"We became friends out of lack of options, really. We were both pretty much loners. But we looked out for one another, and over time we became friends."

He looks at me.

"That," he says, "is how I came to have connections to organized crime."


Aaron had completed most of his first year of incarceration, when one afternoon Officer Ted came to the classroom.

"Aaron. Come with me. Warden Simmons wants to see you."

He spoke almost gently, and he gave Aaron a peculiar look. This, more than anything else, made Aaron go with him quietly. Officer Ted was never nice to the boys.

Once in the administration building, they were shown into Warden Simmons' office almost immediately. At a sign from the warden, Officer Ted left them, and waited outside.

"Aaron. Please sit down." The warden pointed to a chair opposite his desk.

"Aaron, there's no easy way to say this. So I'm just going to tell you," said the warden, perching on the end of his desk, close to Aaron.

"It seems that the body of a prostitute was found in a dumpster, near the industrial area. It appears- " he broke off for a moment, looking at Aaron.

"It appears to be Christina Tobias."

Aaron sat slouching in the chair, and said nothing. He just looked at the warden.

"Apparently she died of a drug overdose," the warden said.

He looked almost expectantly at Aaron, who just looked back, with a neutral expression on his face.

"Yes, sir," Aaron replied, when it became apparent that the warden expected him to say something.

"Do you understand what I'm telling you, Aaron?" asked the warden.

"Yes, sir. You're saying that my mother is dead." Aaron replied.

"It's okay if you feel bad," the warden said. "There's no shame in it ."

"Yes, sir. If you say so," Aaron said. "Can I go now?"

He stood up. The warden pressed a button on his desk, and a few seconds later the door opened. Officer Ted stood there, looking at Aaron with a look of compassion.

"You can take the rest of the day to yourself, Aaron." said the warden.

"Yes, sir," Aaron replied.

"I'm sorry for your loss," the warden said.

"Don't be," Aaron replied. "That's just the way it is."

Officer Ted escorted Aaron back to his dormitory.

Aaron spent the rest of the afternoon on his own in the dormitory. When the other boys finished their day, Oleg asked him what the warden had wanted. Aaron told him, without any change of expression.

"Jeez, man. I'm sorry," Oleg said.

"Don't be," Aaron replied. "It was always going to happen. And she wasn't very close. Come on, let's go eat supper."

Late that night, when all the boys were asleep, Oleg found Aaron sitting in the shower, sobbing. He put his arm around Aaron, and held him.

Next: Chapter 11

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