
By Stephen Lewis

Published on Aug 17, 2008



I wake up in the middle of the night and look over at the clock. 2:43 AM. The sound of your breathing and the air conditioner gently fill the space and I feel at peace. Feeling your warm body next to me , smelling the sex from earlier that evening causes me to stir and arouse and I wrap my arms around you again. You come close to the surface of consciousness and slide back under the dream waters, leaving me to wonder what is going on under there. I begin to trace your spine gently with my fingers and you reflexively arch your body into me and a sigh escapes your lips. I move my lips towards yours to catch that sigh and to taste you once again. This time you come back up and return my kiss vaguely, like you are kissing the dreams you are leaving behind. Your eyes open and you murmur "Good morning Sir" before kissing me again, this time with a bit more earnestness

"Hello again boy", I whisper as my hand glides down your back, cupping your small shaped ass. I am getting stiff again and show you by pressing my body into you. I feel you wrap your legs around one of mine and you grind back into me. You are no longer asleep and I feel your passion returning.

" I must stink sir" as you remember us collapsing from the violent fuck earlier, the sweat, the semen that dried on your stomach after you came.

"Yes, you do" as I go down your body, sniffing for that spot, tasting the dried seed, savoring it, letting it stoke the fires building in me again. I go further, following the trail your cum left till I reach your cock. I take one more sniff and dive down on it, taking you to the root, smelling your sex at its source.. Your sighs and moans say more than any words could and pushes me harder. I bite down gently on your dick and you yelp but push yourself harder into my mouth. Before you start to fuck my face I remove my mouth from your dick and come back up to kiss you again. You whimper in disappointment but that is soon forgotten as we explore each other's mouths, kissing, licking, nipping, biting.

"You stink too sir" you croon into my ears. I respond by pushing your head into my left armpit, shoving your face into the hair. You know what I want and start lapping at the fur and skin, drinking in the perspiration, enjoying the male musk in there. I then move you to the other pit and you gather more of my odors . You then come back to kiss again, sharing my taste with me.

We both slow down , holding each other, soft silk kisses. I go back to listening to your breathing, feeling your heart beat in your chest.. That peaceful feeling is still there, augmented by meshing desires, mine to own you , yours to be owned. I gather you tighter into my arms and squeeze you tightly as my kisses become more pressing, more urgent and you desperately try to absorb them.

My hands move down your back and find your butt again., but this time I slap it . Not too hard but it makes a satisfying sound that echoes in the room. It has enough sting that you suck your teeth a bit but you are able to hold your composure. I smile mischievously move my head down to your chest. Your nipple piercing sparkle a little in the faint light, a signpost to show me the way . My tongue follows the road there and swirls around the point of your left nip, then I suck the whole thing into my mouth. An ecstatic sigh and an arched back are my rewards so I push further, suck harder. The teeth start to clamp down and the sigh changes to a groan, then a growl, then a hiss, then a cry. I relent a bit and feel the tension that was building in your body release. I start the whole thing again but this time I am now pinching the other tit, pushing you further, making you cry louder. A quiet chuckle seeps out of me, my pleasure is seeing you suffering and you deriving your own pleasure. We continue this game for a bit, pushing you just a bit harder with each wave of pinching, sucking, biting. You fall deeper into your space and my chuckles have changed to warm respect at your toughness. Finally I relent and you come back into my arms for release and refuge, gasping, shaking but not crying.

We are back in that familiar place of you in my arms, held tightly, lips pressing together and tongues darting out. Again we taste each other, tang of sweat mixed in with all the other things that we have licked, swallowed over the course of this night, Again my hands drift to your behind. This time it is different though, there is an edge glistening in our minds. My mouth close to your ear :"Are you ready?"

Your response: "Yes"

Holding you in tight to me I begin what I promised I would do a long time ago. I slap your behind first with the left hand, then with the right. The blows are coming at a slow steady pace, softly at first but with a methodical, relentless rise in intensity, Each strike echoes in the room and in my ears. Each slap forces your body into mine . Each slap becomes a test for you, a chance to prove how much you can bear. Each time you fail to yell, beg or scream becomes a test for me, to see if I can find that point that will finally make you yield to me utterly, completely. The world is collapsing to the sound of my skin abusing yours. This goes on for some time and the constant strikes are now starting to make my own hands sore. I can also feel the heat building in the skin of your abused ass.

Suddenly I stop. Stop is not the right word, it is more like switching gears. You feel my hand raise for another blow but this time it comes down and tickles you. The sudden change in sensation takes your breath away and I hear something akin to a sob bubble out of your lips. I raise the other hand and do the same and your body trembles next to me. I laugh again, this time knowing that you are almost ready. I softly run my fingers all over your behind, randomly, almost carelessly and revel in your shaking pleasure. Out of nowhere the next blow comes and the abrupt change back makes you give up that scream you have been bottling up. Finally getting you I press my advantage and the blows come again, harder and faster than before. Your captured body goes rigid in my arms and you groan and shout for me, you then try to push yourself away but I refuse to let go. I interrupt the spanking for a few moments, get close to your ear and growl "Don't pull away from me boy!" That brings you back from your near panic and focuses you back on to me.

You look into my eyes, "Sorry Sir" and at that moment the final surrender happens. I begin beating your ass again and though you start to cry and sob you lean into me. One last blow and I let you go. You roll onto your stomach , drenched in sweat. I climb onto you and put my cock to your back door, pressing, sliding in easier than I expected, lube still there from earlier that night, I slide in all the way, my balls resting on your backside. The heat from the spanking is intense, almost boilerplate hot and seeps into my scrotum. You sigh as I slide in and push your ass up to meet me. The fuck begins slowly, gently, but unlike the spanking stays that way. I slip in and out with a tenderness that belies the fury that took place only a few minutes ago. The gentleness sheathes itself around our passion, but rather than covering it up it reveals itself more so and I quickly feel the tingle begin at the base of my cock and soon I am shooting my seed deep into you. I collapse on top of you and wrap you in my arms one more time

"Thank you boy"

"Thank you Sir"

I look at the clock again - 3:52. We both feel our eyes get heavy, The night was divided and now it is time to sleep again

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