Heir to the Darkness

By NCfan

Published on Jun 24, 2002


Thank you for all those who are keeping this story alive! I've enjoyed writing this story so much.

Disclaimer: I do not know the BSB nor do I claim to know their orientation. The following writing is a complete work of fiction. All those under 18 are advised not to continue reading as this story contains content of an adult nature (M/M situations).

"All right. Spill!" Aj cried out immediately. "What the hell happened to you these past two weeks?"

Howie's feet shifted in the sand as he looked around nervously. "Where's Nick?" he asked, his voice weak and unsure.

Silence. Kevin, Aj and I stared at each other, disturbed by the tone in Howie's voice.

"I must see him! Where is he?" Howie repeated. This time, there was more vehemence in his voice. Howie started to press forward, pushing us outside the gates of Sangria. His eyes had a golden hue to them, but nothing as innocent as Nick's.

"Dude, Howie. Don't look so freaky. It's only us!" Aj said defiantly.

Howie shook his head in fright. "You don't know what you're harboring. Nick is not who he appears to be."

"What? He the devil in disguise?" I asked rather upset by Howie's slander.

"No. He's no devil. But he has mastered the art of disguise. Have you seen his real face? He's a ten thousand-year old monster whose body has necrosed. You'd probably all barf at the sight of his true face." Howie looked nastier by the minute.

"You're trying to separate us from him!" I continued defiantly. "Why?"

"I'll tell you why!" A voice boomed above us, forcing Howie, Kevin, Aj and I to turn our heads towards the daunting voice. To our shock, Nick was a few hundred feet away, unwilling to come any closer. But even from afar, I could tell the anger in his features, the coldness of his glare.

We all remained silent, waiting to hear his voice. For the first time ever, I was scared shitless . . . of Nick. His eyes seemed to have acquired a different hue. His movements were stealthy and light, yet slow. I was confused. Why was I trying to protect someone like him. Just a few moments ago, I still had detested him. Then why was I trying to defend him to Howie just now?

Nick spoke only to Howie, choosing strangely to exclude me, Kevin and Aj from his focus. "You fear me. You read the prophecy and your heart falters, just like everyone else. You believe that the words that were imprinted on those stones are worth their weight in gold because they speak of such an inevitable truth."

"TELL ME THEY'RE NOT TRUE!" Howie barked back. "Can you tell me that Sangria is not an abandoned wreck? Can you tell me that your old lover is not consumed by The Mist? Can you tell me that you haven't unleashed an ancient evil when you arose again? And can you tell me that the carnage has not begun?" Howie sighed. "The longer you stay here, the more your stay is unwelcomed."

Nick stepped farther away from us, his eyes looked distant, pensive, and . . . distrustful! He turned away from all of us and started to run away, I was the first to be on his heels, although not because I wanted to hurt him.

The rest followed me as we traced his footsteps, using his sweet scent to guide us. He was amazingly fast, his body barely held back by the winds. It was only my will that allowed me to continue. I thought I would make it. I thought I could catch up with him . . . until I saw something that broke my focus^×Nana's body, bathed in her own blood, her eyes disturbingly open. Her body was draped over the balcony. It can't be. Nick wouldn't kill the one who had raised him, would he? I felt the cold seep into my spine.

They all stopped, probably realizing the futility of continuing this chase. But me and my illogical self followed Nick to the end of the road, up quite a few rooftops, and past the castle towers. Amazingly, I did not tire. But my speed was no match for his. Soon enough, I could no longer smell his sweet scent. Either he was very far away, or his foul behavior was making his blood go rotten. Either was plausible.

"Back off," Nick's voice called from behind me. I whipped my head around, surprised. I did not register what he meant until I heard an indescribably loud ground-shaking noise from behind me. Nick's eyes were no longer focused on mine but on something behind me. I felt my blood run even colder than usual as Nick raised his head. He looked . . . vulnerable.

I finally gathered enough nerves to turn around. My blood froze. A vast cloud of black dust rose above our heads, raging like a tsunami, ripping houses from the ground. I had no idea what to do at the time. I didn't know at what point in time did Nick latch onto my belt and pull me away from the tsunami. But the faster he flew, the more frightening this faceless monster became.

And then, I remembered pure darkness as the dust tsunami slammed against Nick's body and threw him into the ground. He flung me aside, away from the tsunami's focus. The tsunami brushed my feet and I was twirled a few hundred times. And when I was stable again, I looked towards Nick's direction, only to see the dust diving like pellets into his body, which was half swallowed by the ground. He was using his free arm to protect his face, but I could tell that the blood that was swirling inside the dust monster belonged to him.

It appeared that the tsunami's rage had no end to it as it ferociously tried to devour Nick. I didn't want that to happen. I tried to think of the reason for all this aggression towards him and the only thing I could fault him was his reckless control over a body that didn't belong to him. Other than that, I could not think of a single horrible act that he did to warrant such a vindictive punishment. And if he had done something bad thousands of years ago, surely he had paid his dues in that volcano.

I thought the winds would never day, that the dust would never settled, but I was surprised once again. The tsunami disappeared abruptly. The reason was that Nick had laid limply on the ground almost unrecognizable. I quickly stood up and ran over to him. Alas, I must have been too slow because I felt a wave of power hit me and drive me back. Once I recovered from the initial shock, I saw a spectacle that overwhelmed me.

I saw Howie's body in the center of a vast circle of vampires and Almans, chanting some strange poem. All focused their gaze on Nick's body, as the energy was released from their minds. A brilliant show of light illuminated the air around me. The light came from all their heads and formed the stokes of a wheel of which Nick was at the center. The light pierced Nick's head. However, he did not scream nor react. He lay firmly on the ground, his eyes still closed.

By now, Kevin and Aj had come up to me to pull me away from this . . . event. "What the hell is going on?" I shouted to Kev and Aj.

Aj shrugged his shoulders. Kevin, on the other hand, had to have known. He looked at me seriously and answered solemnly. "the chant of conquest!" Kevin stated.

Kevin looked at Nick's body with pity before continuing. "They free up Nick's mind by burning the portion of the soul that lies in his head. It's like erasing, in his mind, the concept of who he was. And after that, they pour into his mind of thoughts and images of who they would like him to become."

"So it's an amnesia thing . . . all over again!" I said with exasperation, my anger at Howie starting to increase exponentially.

"Well, maybe. Nick will possess the same powers, but he will lose his sense of purpose in life. That way, they could render him harmless to both races. And then, there would be no need to kill him. Howie's brilliant idea. Nick's mother agreed to it because she didn't want Nick to die. All they want to do is kill that ancient soul that's in his body. And then, once they purge his body of the soul, they will release Nick's body. Isn't that what you wanted, Bri?" Kevin asked me the question innocently, but I felt offended.

I didn't answer to Kevin. I merely looked as the chant of conquest was completed and Nick's eyes opened. He looked like nothing in the world mattered. He stared like a baby at the ground.

"So who do they want him to become?" I asked, rather agitated by the entire concept. I didn't really know why I felt irritated. I just did.

"A slave," Kevin said quietly.

I stared at him incredulously. "He used to be the heir of a king . . . and now they're reducing him to a slave? That's plain awful."

"What do you care?" Kevin responded with disdain. "All we need to do is destroy his sense of self. Once he realizes that the body will not answer to his bidding, then the soul will be forced out of the body."

"Uh, Kevin . . . " Aj interrupted. "Aren't you forgetting something?"

I looked at Aj confused. Kevin's face was flushed by now.

"Spill!" I warned them.

Kevin refused to answer. Aj looked at me miserably. "They're gonna make him into a sex slave."

"What the hell?" I screeched. "What kind of twisted, conniving, disgusting scheme is that?"

Aj shrugged his shoulders. "Apparently, the ancient soul had only lost his virginity to Vincent. Otherwise, he remained very abstinate, never once allowing any creature to touch his body in a sexual manner. Plus, when he died thousands of years ago, all the rapes had crushed his ego. Thus by allowing the body to be used for sexual pleasure, this will drive the soul to insanity, forcing it out of the body faster."

I shook my head. "This has got to be a mistake. And you're letting this happen because . . . "

Kevin turned away while still admonishing me. "Don't let your feelings get in the way. Just think. You always wanted to try him out. Now's your chance."

I punched Kevin hard in the jaw. Damn him! He didn't try to block it or fight back. He just looked at me, his expression sad and worn. I rushed past him and ran towards Howie. Just maybe, if I could push Howie aside and disrupt the Chant of Conquest, I could prevent the entire plan from happening.

I plunged my body into Howie. But to my dismay, I felt Kevin's strong arms pulling at my thighs, preventing me from making impact with Howie. I punched Kevin a few more times, but failed because he deftly averted every single one of my blows. Finally, I was able to remove his hold from me.

This time, rather than plunging into Howie, I stood in front of some of the rays of light, hoping to disrupt the energy flow. Bad idea. I felt the tremendous power pierce my mind, sending it lewd and lustful thoughts before my vision darkened and I fainted from the immense power.

Really bad move!

I smiled as I ran up the lush green hills. "Hey Nick!" I screamed to the blond boy who was laughing madly as he ran behind me.

He laughed when he heard my name and continued to run past me. I reached out and grabbed his arm possessively, holding him back. "Now I've got you!" I beamed proudly.

He shoved me away, smiling at me flirtatiously. "Gotta work harder, boy!" He taunted before falling backwards onto the grass, beaming.

"Oooh, really hard!" I teased as I fell onto him. He laid still, as if anticipating my advances. I placed my hands on each of his thighs and pushed them outwards. He tried to push against my hands teasingly, but I prevailed. My gasps became pants as I pressed myself into him. My lips found his and I fought for total domination. He surrendered after a few minutes and I kissed him hungrily. I wouldn't let him break the kiss for fresh air. He was breathing only through his nose, albeit rather sporadically. My hands found their way down and rested on his 'lower' cheeks. I pulled his body towards me, making our groins rub against one another. I pushed myself down onto him to satisfy this desire even further.

Then I thrusted hard, liking the feeling of domination. My hard-on ripped through my pants and tore through his. His skin felt so smooth against mine. We both moved together with desperation. The faster we moved, the harder I kissed him. I almost climaxed . . . until I woke up from my wet dream to find myself in a dimly lit room with nothing but a bed, a chair, and Howie.

I immediately sat up, alarmed.

"Did you like your dream?" Howie asked nonchalantly.

"It's none of your business!" I retorted.

"I only wanted to know. In case you wanted to make it reality, I could . . . "

"Whatever! I don't usually have such vividly lustful dreams. It's just that voodoo chant of yours that is so dirty."

"So you do acknowledge the power of the Chant of Conquest," Howie exclaimed, pleased.

"What the hell is it that you are doing? You weren't captured by the vampires, were you? You had helped them by allowing Vincent to come with us disguised as you!" I demanded.

Howie ignored me. "Nick could never possibly resist the Chant of Conquest. He may be thousands of years old, but during his years in the volcano, he had lost his ability to control a human body. We can control it better than he. And we won't give him the chance to seek refuge in a body that does not belong to him."

I threw up my hands, exasperated. "First of all, you spent all your energy in destroying his own body thousands of years ago so that he didn't have a body. And then, a month ago, you wanted to lure his soul back into his body. And now you guys want to force his soul out again? You just don't make any sense, do you?"

Howie stared at me coldly. "What are you trying to say?"

I threw up my hands again, really upset. "You want his soul, don't you. I don't know for what sick purpose, but you want to capture his soul to serve your own selfish desires! You used us to lure this Nickolas back to Sangria so that you could capture him! He has never been a threat to our existence, has he? You're the ones that have been a threat to him!"

Howie's face went white. He took a few steps back before he turned around and left the room without another word. Even better, he left my door unlocked. Without any hesitation, I ran out of the room. I had to have hit a truthful note. Why else would Howie have left in such a state of disarray?

I quickly ran up the stony stairs, desperate for freedom. But what I craved more was to see Nick once again. I had to rescue both his body and his soul. I didn't think that either was going to survive both the vindictive nature of the Almans and the vampires. I didn't know why they were teaming up, but I could feel that it was not for a good cause. I saw the lust in their eyes, although I didn't know what it is that they lusted for. What was it that Nick possessed that they wanted? Surely it wasn't sex. There was too much scheming involved for it to be pure sex.

Then what? What was it that they so desperately wanted from Nick? I was nearly at the top of the stairs when my head began to see more images of Nick lying sensuously on a big bed, legs spread apart, ready. I tried to punch myself so that the images would go away, but it didn't work. Nick's body was completely drenched in sweat and he was panting madly, his hand resting on his package. He massaged himself and smiled at me, beckoning me to get onto the bed.

This is simply ludicrous. I'm on the top of the stairs, fleeing for my life. I felt my sweat pouring as well as I slowed down, lost in the pleasant hallucination. I thought that the hallucination would disappear soon, but it wouldn't. The next thing I knew, I once again was making passionate love to Nick. Only this time, it felt more real!


Next: Chapter 18

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