
By D C

Published on Jan 7, 2005


Heels: The Ultimatum 7 - Kinky & Squeamish

By Deane Christopher Copyrighted 2003

Synopsis of Chapter 6: Road Trip

Having just enjoyed their first lesbian encounter, Gale suggested that they both take the remaining personal days that they both had due them from the previous year, and use them for a long weekend lesbian based getaway together. Kelly absolutely loved the idea. The next morning, having called into work and left voice-mail messages with their respective bosses, they packed up and hit the road for the Poconos.

Ostensibly, Gale and Kelly used their four day, three night stay in the Poconos to further explore the various possibilities afford them by the lesbian aspects of their newly expand sexual relationship. However, while they were there, they did make time to visit some of the regions better known tourist attractions.

Chapter 7: Kinky & Squeamish

Needless to say that in light of the recent events, Gale's schedule went right out the window, as her husband began spending the overwhelming majority of his leisure time operating under the guise of his feminine alter ego. Dennis, who had up till then, only been able to climax as Kelly by fingering herself off, was enthralled with the erotic prospect of having her wife go down on her, and give her a thorough tongue lashing. By the same token, Gale, spurred on by her addiction to her husband's vaginal secretions as she was, was more then eager to oblige.

Oddly enough, after extensive experimentation, they both came to the same conclusion. Comparing notes late one night, they found that they were both in agreement, and that the highly touted sixty-nine technique was greatly overrated. Being eaten out, while endeavoring to eat someone else out was far to distracting, not to mention an extremely hazardous undertaking. One sexual jolt, occurring at an unexpectedly moment, could cause the receiver of the jolt to inadvertently inflict some serious pain. Being eaten out, they both wholeheartedly agreed, was no fun when a munch all of a sudden became a crunch.

The reciprocating, seesaw approach, of you do me, then I'll do you, seemed to workout best for the couple. That way, whichever one of them functioned as the instigator of the selfless act of cuniligus would not be as distracted as they otherwise would have been were they also on the receiving end of things. By taking turns, they could devote the full thrust of their energies to pleasuring their partner. Likewise, when being eaten out, they could just lay back, and enjoy the ride.

Dennis, though he was spending about seventy-five to eighty-five percent of his non-working hours as Kelly, still managed to assuage those manly attuned sex drives of his on a regular ongoing bases. To accomplish this, and still spend most of his leisure time as a fully functional female, Gale, who still dearly wanted to engage in heterosexual sex with the man she married, came up with a most apropos suggestion. Gale suggested that as long as they were both up for it, as soon as they finished dinner, the two of them should head upstairs, and make love. Then, after Dennis got his 'rocks' off, he could simply put on the heels, and change into Kelly.


A week and a half after Gale made that suggestion, she came up with another suggestion, one that was both novel, and deliciously perverted, all wrapped up in one neat and nifty little package. Having started menstruating late one afternoon while she was still at work, Gale, on her drive home that evening, came up with what she thought to be an innovative approach to servicing the double edged aspects of her husband's rather craven carnal needs. Though she neither wanted, nor expected Dennis to earn his 'Red Wings' by going down on her while she was in the midst of that persnickety and messy monthly visitor of hers, Gale still did not wish to deprive the man she loved of the massive amounts of enjoyment he derived from sex.

Heading up to the bedroom shortly after dinner, Gale, with the suggestion that she had something new in mind, instructed Dennis to remove his clothes, and then take a seat on the comforter that graced the foot of their bed. Dennis, though somewhat skeptical as to what was going on, did as his wife requested. While Dennis was busy disrobing, Gale took the opportunity afforded her to collect the heels from their assigned resting-place atop her husband's chest of drawers. Then, once Dennis had parked his butt on bed, Gale knelt down immediately in front of him, placing the appropriate high heel alongside of his corresponding foot as she did so.

Positioned as she was within the splay of her husband's legs, Gale, who was already beginning to tenderly fondle and otherwise caress Dennis' flaccid manly member with the tips of her fingers, proceed on to outline exactly what she had in mind. Though somewhat skeptical if his wife's idea would achieve the kind of results that she hoped it would, Dennis assured Gale that, upon reaching a state of arousal that he deemed appropriate, he would do as she requested he do.

Shortly thereafter, as Dennis' penis began to respond to his wife's deft handed ministrations by engorging blood, and elongating, Gale, brought her lips into the fray. Several minutes after that, although he loving the feeling of having his wife go down on him, an extremely turned-on Dennis reluctantly did as Gale had requested. Raising first one foot and then the other, he slipped the toes of each one of those manly gunboats of his into the maul of the awaiting U-throat of those magical high heels of his.

Seconds later, as femininity engulfed her lover's thighs, Gale perceived the event horizon of Kelly's ascension. Rapidly, almost instantaneously, occurring faster than their ability to adequately comprehend, much less categorize, Dennis' penis underwent a drastic downsizing, as it modulated itself into the erotically sensitive nub of Kelly's clitoral prominence.

Where one moment saw Gale performing the selfless act of fellatio on that husband of hers, the next saw her eagerly engaged in cunnilingus with a person who was the splitting image of her husband from the waist upwards, and an uncontested femme fatale from the waist downwards.

Dennis, who was still reeling from the wealth of erotic sensations that spiraled outward from that new and ever so femininely attuned orgasmic epicenter of hers, moaned. Her body shook. It shimmed, as exaltation, after blessed exaltation cavorted and careened about that rapidly transmogrifying body of hers. Pleasure, more intensely compelling than anything she had ever experience before, ricochet off itself, doubling and re-doubling like a phoenix rising on the euphoric winds of primordial wonderment.

Then, even as her transsexualization approached its culmination point, Kelly spurred on as she was by the yet another excruciatingly pleasurable flickering of Gale's ever so talented tongue, climaxed. Concurrently, the wellspring of magically imposed femininity erupted, geyser-like, there by unleashing the raging torrent of orgasmic splendor within her.

In soaring counterpoint to the madly cavorting daisy chain of orgasmic aftershocks that were even then rampaging about that newly acquired physique of hers, Kelly managed to breathlessly exclaim, "Oh God, Gale. You have no idea how utterly fantastic that, whatever the hell you just went and did to me, felt."


Two weeks after that rather unique and often repeated episode, a small package, addressed to one Mrs. Gale Mallory, showed up on their doorstep.

Curious to know what his wife had ordered, half suspecting it was a something she wanted to surprise him with, Dennis tactfully inquired, "So, are you going to tell me what's in the box, or do you intend to keep me guessing?"

"Oh, I have every intention of telling you." Gale playfully replied. "But, I have no intention of telling you now. In other words, dear, you're just going to have to wait until later to find out what I got us."

"Oh... So, it's something for the two of us, is it?" Dennis, who was even more curious than he was before, quizzically countered.

"Yes. And, that's all I going to say about it for now. You're just going to have to wait.

"So, be a good boy, and don't bug me. Alright?"

"Yeah... Sure... Anything you say, honey..."


By the time they had finished dinner, Dennis had up and forgotten all about the package. Gale, for her part, was glad that he had.

"So," Gale coyly began, as she closed the dishwasher's door, and turned the knob to start it cycling, "do you think that you're up for some sexual hanky-panky this evening?"

"Oh, yeah. Sure sounds like a plan to me."

"Okay. Why don't you head on up, and I'll be up in a sec."

An unsuspecting Dennis eagerly did as his wife suggested.

Taking a moment to stuff the plainly wrapped package into a bag of toiletries she had purchased during her lunch hour that afternoon, Gale, with bag in hand, headed upstairs to join her lover. Upon entering their bedroom, she nonchalantly placed the blue plastic shopping bag on her dresser, and began to get undressed.

"Hey." Gale said, as she unbuttoned her blouse. "I've got an idea. Since we've been kind of in a rut these last few nights, why don't we spice things up a bit?"

"Sure... Pray tell. What, exactly, did you have in mind?"

"Well..." Gale's reply was coquettishly couched, "since you really seem to enjoy the BJ to clit licking thing-a-ma-bob that I came up with a couple of weeks ago, what say we start off the evening with that. Then, you can do me, and then we'll just wing it from there on out..."

Upon hearing that, Dennis, who thoroughly enjoyed the unbelievable orgasmic rush that he, as a she, derived from the absolutely phenomenal fellatio to cunnilingus technique that his wife had come up, wasted no time at all. Moving to his chest of drawers, he picked up those heels of his, and carted them over to the bed. Plopping his rump down on the comforter, he carefully arranged those dick teaser specials of his so that they would be in easy reach of his feet.

Horny with the anticipation of what was to come, Dennis' pecker was already on the rise when Gale knelt down in front of him.

"My, my." Gale naughtily giggled, as she loving positioned the shaft of her husband's manhood before her, as if it were a microphone, and she, a gutsy torch singer. "What do we have here? I do believe that your Captain Peckerhead here is already primed and ready for action."


After Gale finished giving that 'girlfriend' of hers a thorough tongue-lashing, Kelly, being the gentleman that she was on the inside, graciously, and with all the loving tenderness she could bring to bear, returned the favor; lick for lick, nibble for nibble, tongue swirl for tongue swirl, and clit tweak for clit tweak. Gale, giddily thinking herself to be the luckiest woman alive, gleefully savored every tweak, every twiddle, and every twinge. Then, knowing that she was rapidly approaching the crescendo point that heralded in the tsunami-like upwelling of orgasmic ecstasy, Gale did as she always did. In one of the few, fleeting, encapsulated moments of lucid thought that was granted her within the wild cavorting torrent of her madly gallivanting emotions, Gale seized the opportunity to give thanks to The Almighty for granting her the boon of finding someone like Dennis to be her husband.

Minutes later, having savored every little nuance of her idyllic post-orgasmic sojourn, Gale dreamily inquired, "So, tell me sweetcheeks, is my little lover-girl still interested in finding out what came in that package that turned up in our mail today?"

"Yeah." With her curiosity rekindled, Kelly briskly replied, "Now that you mention it, I do believe that I kind of would at that."

"Well, it's right over there in that bag on the dresser. So, tell you what, Kell. Since I'm kind of done in right now, why don't you be a dear, and get up and get it. Oh." Gale added an after thought. "And while you're at it, you might as well just go ahead and open it."

Like a shot, Kelly was out of the bed, and scampering over to the dresser. Then, having extracted the package from the bag, and acting is a manner that was reminiscent of an excited child on Christmas' morning; she used the wicked manicured nail of index finger to slice through shipping tap sealing the package. Folding back the two halves of the box's lid, Kelly dipped her hand into the diced up foam packing material and extracted a cardboard-backed blister pack that contained some sort of rounded, oblong, shaft-like do-jiggy-what-ya-ma-call-it.

Unable to discern what the thing was in the dim light afford her, a dubious, and somewhat dishearten Kelly muttered, "Okay... I give. What - exactly - is it?"

"Just bring it over here, and climb back into bed, and it'll be more than happy to show you." Gale encouraged.

With an uneasy felling beginning to gnaw away at her, a somewhat skeptical Kelly did as Gale suggested. Passing the as yet unidentified object into her wife's keeping, Kelly, who was still wearing those high heels of hers so as to maintain her femininely form, and build up some residual girl time, gingerly maneuvered around the foot of their bed. Sliding in alongside of Gale, Kelly proceeded on to said, "Okay... So, how 'bout showing me what you got there, homey."

Having taken the preemptive step of ripping open the blister pack, Gale extracted the item contained within, and after taking a brief moment to examine it herself, passed it over for that lesbian lover-girl of hers to inspect.

"Holy, shit." Kelly, upon realizing what the object was, tumultuously exclaimed, as the she let go of it, and in doing so, inadvertently allowed it to haphazardly plummet onto her lap. Squeamishly, spurred on by an overwhelming sense of revulsion, in a knee-jerk reaction born out of panic's desperation, Kelly pushed the offensive object off of her as she frantically crabbed her body over to the far side of the bed. Still feeling the pressing need to put as much distance between herself and the icky thing that her wife had duped her into handling, Kelly got up and quickly back-stepped away from the bed.

"Hey, Kell." a very confused and concerned Gale intoned in what she hoped was a nonjudgmental tone of voice. "What gives? What's gotten into you? Why did you get out of bed like that? What'ya think? That I handed you a snake or something?"

"No." a very unsettled Kelly replied shrilly. "I knew right off it wasn't a snake."

"Oh... So, I take it that you either know what it is, or think you know what it is?"

"Oh, yeah. I know what it is all right." Kelly began to nervously stammer, "It's a... a... a..."

Taking pity on her lover's inability to come up with the correct terminology to defined the object that had upset her so, Gale tentatively filled in the blank for her husband, "A dildo..."

"Yes. That's it. It's a dildo." the agitation conveyed in Kelly's voice was a clear indication to Gale that she would have to tread lightly in order to salvage what remained the evening.

"And, that bothers you?" Gale asked, in what she hoped was a non-threatening tone of voice, as she reached over and turned on the lamp that was located upon the night table.

"Yes... Why, I haven't a clue, but it does."

Picking up the item in question and proceeding on to casually reexamine it, Gale continued on to say, "Let me hazard a guess here. I'll bet you never, ever saw one of these before, much less touched one?"

"No... I'm afraid to say that you're right on both accounts, honey," Gale could plainly tell that her ultra feminized husband was squeamish over the fact that she was even in the same room with something that disgusted her the way the dildo apparent did.

"I mean..." a still visible shaken Kelly continued on to amend her previous statement, "...while I have seen them from time to time in some of the men's magazines I've perused over the years, I've never actually seen one up close and personal, much less touched one."

Though Gale wished she could have stifled herself, a few very girlish giggles escaped her lips.

"What so funny?" Kelly agitatedly demanded.

"You are, you ninny.

"I mean, do have any idea how ludicrous all this is?

"I mean, of the two of us, you'd think that I be the one who would be the squeamish one.

"But, as it works out, I'm not. But, you are. And, I find that to be rather funny, if not down right hilarious.

"I mean, while I'll grant you that you're not one for the here and now of it, you, my sweet, just happen to be the man of the house. And, while I know it's a lot of bunk, men aren't supposed to be squeamish when it comes to dildos and other such stuff as that."

Feeling every bit the fool, Kelly, taking a stutter step and a half closer to the bed, had to admit that her wife was right. Though erroneous, the general rule of thumb had it that manly men, men who were savvy to the ways of the world, were not supposed to get their shorts in a wad over something as banal, albeit gross, as the artificial penis that Gale rolled about in her hands.

"Look, Kell. We all have our own little idiosyncrasies - I mean, God knows I have mine. - but, come on. It's just a dildo. It's not a really penis. It just sort of looks like a really penis, because it's pink, and it's got these penis like veins, and it's sort of shaped like a real penis, save that this particular one is shaped like two opposing penises.

"In other words, sweetums, this dildo is a special one, in that it's a double header."

"Yeah..." Kelly gingerly replied. "I can see that from all the way over here."

"Come on, Kell. Don't be a fraiddiecat. Come on over here and take a good look.

"Besides, aren't you the one who keeps telling me that the only way that a person is going to get beyond their fears is to face them head on?"

"Yeah... I guess... But, this is different."

"How so?" Gale replied, putting the ball right back in Kelly's court, so to speak. "I mean to tell you, sweetcheeks. I can't wait to hear you explain your way out of this one."

Gale's perseverance won out in the end. No matter how hard Kelly tried to wiggle out of the box she had put herself in, no matter, how much she hemmed and she hauled, no matter how many times she endeavored to employ a bait and switch tactic, she finally had to admit that her wife was right. One did have to face their fears in order to get beyond them.

Though it took over a half an hour to accomplish, Gale, treading lightly at times, finally managed to coax Kelly back into bed.

"Okay, Kell." Gale thought it best to double check first. "Are you sure you're up for this?"

"Yes..." Kelly replied uneasily. "I think I am..."

"Well, here you go then, Kell." Gale said, as she held the dildo out so that her lesbian lover-girl could take possession of it.

"Go ahead. Take it. Trust me. It won't bite."

Employing only the thumb and index finger of her right hand, Kelly gingerly took possession of the odious object. As she did so, she testily replied, "I know it won't bite.

"That's not the problem.

"The problem is I know what it does, and where it goes, and that's what's got me really worried."

Electing to ignore her husband's comments for the time being, Gale, employing her own bait and switch tactic, casually inquired, as she reached over and turned off the light, "So, tell me, Kell. Now that you're holding it, how's it feel?"

"Actually... not as bad as I thought it would.

"I mean, it's sort of stiff like a penis. But, then again, it isn't as stiff as I thought it would be. Amazingly, it's a lot more flexible than I ever suspected it would be..."

"Yeah..." Gale thoughtfully agreed. "I wonder how they do that?"

Always the more analytical one of two, Kelly thoughtfully replied, "I'm not exactly sure, but were I to hazard a guess, I would think that there must be some kind of gel or gelatin inside of the pliable molded outer shell..."

A few minutes later, once Kelly had finished examining the cunningly crafted device, she figured it was high time she got to the crux of the matter. "Okay..." she sigh deeply. "Since you are the one who purchased this... this... this... 'Thing', especially since it's, shall we say, a double ended model, I gather that you did it in the hope that the two of us might actually get around to using it one of these days?"

"Yes... You're correct. That's pretty much what I had in mind."

Then, before that 'girlfriend' of hers could offer any sort of a comeback, Gale, who had been preparing her arguments since the day she had placed the order for the dildo online, took the preemptive move of foraging ahead with it. Though her reasons were well thought out, and therefore logically sound, Gale, aware that she might only get this one chance to state her case, was not averse to employing as much emotional leverage as she deemed necessary to convince Kelly to at least give the matter some thought.

"Kell..." Gale sensually intoned. "Look, I know I owe you an explanation. So, please. Just hear me out, alright?"

Without waiting for Kelly's consent to continue, Gale, though she did so with a great deal of trepidation, proceeded into her explanation.

"First off, you need to know that after you hear what I have to say, if you say 'no', then it's no. Case closed. In other words, Kell, I promise that I'm not going to get mad, or have a crying jag, or nag you, or anything along those lines.

"After all, fairs's fair.

"Look. You never once gave me a hard way to go about that stupid ultimatum of mine, the one that more or less forced you get rid of those magical high heels of yours. Nor, I might add, did you ever once tried to coerce me into becoming your lesbian lover in the days before I got past all those silly inhibitions of mine.

"And, let me just say that I really, really appreciated all of that, Kell. You might even say that I love you all the more for it, and I just want to assure you that no matter what happens, no matter what you decide to do, or not to do, it'll be okay with me.

"Now, as to the reasons why I went and ordered that dildo is because, when it comes to the sexual aspects of you and your being a woman, the thing I've wanted most was to somehow make it possible for you to experience everything that I do.

"I mean, the way it is now, you get to make love to me both ways, both as a man and as a woman. I, on the other hand, can only make love to you as the woman I am.

"Now, I know that you're going to think I'm crazy, but, I can't begin to tell you how many times I've wished that I had a pair of shoes that would turn me into a man, the way those heels of yours turn you into a woman.

"Hell. I'd settle for a pair that would temporarily change my vagina into a man's "thing' so I could do you the way you do me.

"Now, I know you're going to find this hard to believe, Kell, but I love feeling you up inside me like that.

"It's kind of hard to explain, but whenever you're up inside me like that, I get this wonderful warm, cozy feeling.

"Now, I'll grant you that, as a general rule, the orgasms that I have when you're up inside me like that aren't anywhere near as intense, or as many, as those I have when you go down on me. But, that doesn't mean I don't like them, because I really, really do. Truth is, as far fetched is this might sound, sometimes I like the ones I have when you're up inside me even more then the other ones, even if they aren't, I guess you could say, as strong.

"I'm not really sure, but I think it may have something to do with the intimacy of feeling that thingie of yours nestle ever so snugly up inside of this hiddy hole of mine..."

Although Kelly was not a happy camper, she listing attentively as her wife continued to make one valid point after another. Though Gale did so with a great deal of emotion clearly conveyed in the inflections of her voice, Kelly, though she wished she could poke great big holes in her lover's various assertions, reluctantly had to admit that they were logical, and therefore sound.

Though she had already come to the conclusion that she would do whatever her wife wanted with regards to the dildo, Kelly, in an effort to bolster her resolve, finally felt compelled to say something, "Gale. Just for the fun of it, let's say that I do decide to do this. Let's say I let you stick that 'thing' you're holding up inside me. What I want to know is: won't it hurt?"

"No... If we go about it the way I'm planning to, it shouldn't hurt at all.

"That's to say that if you do decide that you want to give it a go, you needn't worry. Before we do anything, I will go into the bathroom, and wash this bad boy in hot water and soap before doing anything else. Then, after I dry it, before we get around to actually inserting it up inside us, you'd best believe that I'm going to swab it with some KY Jelly. That way, it'll it slides up inside of both us easily, and hopefully effortless."

"Are you sure it'll fit?" Kelly was dubious. "I mean, to my way of thinking, it sure looks awful big to me."

"Big!" Gale exclaimed with an infectious giggle. "No way. This bad boy isn't big at all. Fact is, Kell, you're as big, if not bigger that this dildo is.

"Oh." she added. "And, just so you know, this dildo is one of the regular sized ones. I could have ordered us one of the super-sized ones, but I decided against doing that for the time being. My thinking was that it might be so big that it might intimidate the both of us."

"All I can say is: thank God for small favors." Kelly, with a visible shiver, exclaimed. "If that's one of the regular sized ones, I hate to see what one of super-sized ones look likes."

"I whole heartily agree with you, Kell. I wouldn't want to deal with anything bigger than this one myself."

"So, am I to take it that you've used one of these before?"

"No... Should you decide to have a go at it, it'll be a first for me as well as yourself."

"Oh, so what you're saying is that this will be sort of a maiden voyage for the both of us?"

"If you're saying what I think you're saying," Gale reply was filled with hope, "then I guess you're right. This will be will be sort of a maiden voyage for the two of us.

"So," Gale sought clarification, "am I to take it that you're up for trying it?"

"Yeah... I guess I sort of am..." Kelly's answer was a little too ambiguous to suit what Gale wanted to hear.

"Look, sweetcheeks. That's quit enough of that. You're not going to straddle the fence on me here. I don't want to hear any more of those wishy-washy, mamby-pamby answers of yours. You're either up for it, or you not."

Sidestepping the answer for the moment, Kelly, cunningly employing a quickly concocted bait and switch tactic, continued on to ask a question she had already asked before "Are you sure it's not going to hurt?"

"No... It shouldn't..."

Bundling the index and middle finger of her right hand together, Gale rolled on her side, and deftly inserted them in between the multiple lip-folds of her husband's womanhood, and proceeding from there, dipped them, knuckle deep, into the well of her lesbian lover's vaginal canal.

"Tell me. Does that hurt?"

Startled by her wife's aggressive and unexpected act of carnal intrusion, Kelly tersely replied, "No. No, it doesn't hurt at all..."

"Good." Gale exclaimed as she withdrew her fingers. "Then, the dildo shouldn't hurt either.

"I'll grant you it might feel uncomfortable at first, in that it might make you feel like you've been skewered, or impaled on something along those lines. But, if you're patient, and you give it a few minutes, those uncomfortable feelings of yours should eventually pass.

"And, if they don't, if you still feel so uncomfortable that you can't handle this dildo being up inside you like that, you just say the word, and I'll be more than happy to back it out of you, faster than you can say, 'Hey, honey. How 'bout giving me a hum job?'

"So, since the ball's in your court, what's it going to be, Kell? Are we going to try it tonight, or are we going to hold off for another night? Or, if you rather, we can just forget the whole idea altogether..."

"Well, though I'm still a little squeamish with the idea of having that 'thing' rammed up inside of this little you-know-what of mine, I'd say we do it, and get it over with."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm pretty sure... That's to say that I'm about as sure as I'm ever going to be." Kelly replied tersely.

"So," Gale persisted, "I take it that you're saying that you want the two of us to try it?"

"Yes... Yes, I am...

"Now, you'd better go and wash the damn thing off, and do whatever else you have to do, before I use this rather transitory woman's prerogative of mine to up and change my mind."


Gale, having returned from bathroom with the double ended dildo washed, greased and ready for insertion, climbed back into bed, and began to outline the logistics as to how the two the would proceed. Having given the matter a lot of thought, Gale suggested that they both turn on their sides, so that they were facing one another. Then, hoping that a demonstration might help to ally Kelly's fears, Gale effortless slid one end of the opposing artificial phallus up inside her own little honey pot.

"Did you see how easy that was, Kell? No muss. No fuss.

"The whole key to is that you need to relax."

"Yeah. Right. Like there's a fat chance of that ever happening..."


"Holy, shit." Kelly, having just felt the head portion of the dildo pass into the aperture of her vaginal canal, bellowed in utter disbelief. "Damn that feels big. I don't think it's going to fit."

"Fear not, Kell," Gale reassuringly replied, in an effort to placate that lover-girl of hers. "You'll see. It'll fit just fine."

"Oh, no it won't." Kelly's voice was tinged with the raw essence of incredulity.

Pushing the dildo in a smidgen or so more, Gale, with impish giggle, countered, "Oh, yes it will. Trust me. If it fit me, it'll fit you."

"Gale!" Kelly, felling as if her loins were on the verge of being torn asunder, shrilly clamored. "Please, not so fast. You need to slow it down little."

"If I go any slower, Kell, I'd be backing it out."

"Backing it out... Now, that's a novel idea, if ever there was one..." there was a clear sense of hopefulness conveyed in that ever so sultry voice of that sexpot of a husband of hers.

Gale, aware that they had reached the crucial, shit or get of the pot point in the proceedings, did the most advantageous thing she could think of doing, with that thing being: she simply chose to ignore Kelly's comments. Then, spurred into action by the underlying truism which is best enunciated in the hackneyed 'faint heart never won fair maid' cliché, Gale, with a energetic forward thrust of her pelvis, swiftly and succinctly impaled that lover-girl of hers.

"Gale!" Kelly irately raged. "What in the hell where you thinking? Why in the world did you do something like that to me? I though you said you were going to take it slow and easy."

"Well, it appears that I must have changed my mind." Gale, with a giggle, flippantly replied.

"If you recall, sweetums, it was you who brought up the bit about a woman's prerogative to change her mind, not I."

"Funny... Very funny..." Kelly drolly replied.

"I'll have you know that it still smarts from you ramming that dastardly thing up inside me like you just did."

"It does? Oh, I'm sorry." Gale was having a hard time stifling herself. She wanted to laugh so much it almost hurt.

"So, other than it smarting, how's it feel having something nestle up inside you like that?"

"Truthfully... it feels weird. Really, really weird.

"Plus, it feels huge. So huge in fact, I feel like I'm ready to bust a gut down there."

"Well, you needn't worry about that, Kell. Trust me, that vagina of yours is a lot more elastic and durable than you might think."

"It better be."


A few moments following that exchange, Kelly, who had started to wonder how any woman could actually derive any sort of enjoyment out of having some swinging dick's johnson shoved up inside them, felt compelled to dubiously inquire, "So, this is it? We're just going to lay here, face to face with one another, with this gelatin filled thing-a-ma-jiggy connecting your pussy to my pussy?"

"No." Gale was emphatic. "Now, we're going to make love. I'm going to pretend that I'm the husband, and you, my dear, will do me the courtesy of pretending that you're my wife.

"In other words, Kell," Gale seductively teased, as her body began to slowly undulate up against that of her ultra feminized husband's, "for the time being, I will play the part of the humper, leaving you to fulfill the role of the pillow eating humpette."

Though it took a somewhat frazzled Kelly a few minutes to get into the swing of things, Gale finally managed to rekindle the fires of her lesbian lover-girl's ardor. Targeting many of her husband's readily accessible erogenous zones, and employing the tweak, twiddle, caress and fondle method of sexual titillation, Gale soon had Kelly's body undulating in perfect sync with her own. Kelly, being the gentleman that she was up there in that pretty little head of hers, returned the favor, tweak for tweak, and twiddle for twiddle. They took turns French kissing one another. Seesawing back and forth, Gale would insert her tongue into the saliva slick sanctuary of Kelly oral cavity, only to have Kelly's tongue invade her mouth shortly there after.

In perfect counterpoint to their craven needs, they moaned. They groaned. They squealed. They screamed.

Their bodies shook. They shimmed. They shivered, in perfect syncopated harmony with one another.

The ecstasy of their lust transcended their ability to adequately comprehend, but not so their ability to thoroughly relish. Their sense of intimacy became a palatable commodity that cavorted and careened across the bridge of their union. Angelically, they soared on the gossamer wings of their rapture, carried aloft on the intoxicating vapors of orgasmic promise.


Occasionally, Dennis and Gale had come close to experiencing the every elusive, rarely achieve and high touted simultaneous orgasms. Several times they had come so close that were one to employ a rather generous fudge factor, they might even be consider as having met the criteria for a rather loosely defined variant of the greatly desired simultaneous orgasms. That is to say that that on several occasions, while Gale was nearing the tail end of a diminishing daisy chain of multiple orgasms, Dennis experienced his own orgasmic rush, as all those long tailed spermie-wormies came scampering out of that nifty insemination wand of his.

On that evening however, no fudge factor was required. Climaxing as they did on the very same instant in time's ebb and flow, there was no question as to whether or not Gale and Kelly achieved simultaneous orgasms. They did, and that's the be all and end all of it. Case closed. Tally one up for the good guys.


When she could final manage it, Kelly jubilantly gasped, "Gale. Did we just..."

Before that nymphed-out lesbian lover-girl of hers could even finish her question, Gale had it already answered. With a resounding and demonstrative, "Yes." Gale clarified what Kelly already presumed to be the case. "If you're wondering if we just now came together, I think I can safely say that we sure as hell did.

"So, what'ya think, Kell? How was it?"

"Well..." Kelly replied, as she endeavored to organize her thoughts on the matter, "...given that it was the first time I ever came that way, I've gotta tell ya', as much as I didn't think I would, I really, really enjoyed it."

"You did, did ya'?"

"Oh, yeah. Make no never mind about it. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

"How 'bout those orgasms of yours? Where they as good... or, I probably should have said as strong, as the ones you have when I go down on you?"

"No... they weren't nearly as strong, or quite as many as the ones I normally have, but that's okay. They were good nevertheless. And, it's like I said before, honey. I thoroughly enjoyed them. And, as far as I'm concerned, that's all the matters."

"I wholeheartedly agree." Gale, whipping a strand of loose hair from out in front of her face as she did so, concurred. "So, I guess that leaves just one question unanswered."

Curious to know what that one question of Gale's might be, Kelly felt compelled to quip, "Okay. I'll bite. What, exactly, is this question of yours?"

"My question is: do you think you're up for doing this again?"

"If you mean using the dildo again to make love, sure. Why not? I'm game for it as long as you are."

"Great. How 'bout we plan on a repeat performance tomorrow night?"

"Sure sounds like a plan to me." Kelly gleefully replied.

At that, Gale shifted position, in order to better back the dildo out of her husband's vagina. Kelly, upon becoming aware of what her wife was about to do, pleaded, "Please, honey. Can't you leave it in for just a little while longer? I'd kind of like the way it feels up inside of me. So, as long as you don't mind, couldn't we just lay here like this for a few more minutes?"

"Sure, Kell... Actually, now that you mention it, I think I'd kind of like to do that myself..."

Next: Chapter 9

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