
By D C

Published on Jan 7, 2005


Heels: The Ultimatum 6 - Road Trip

By Deane Christopher Copyrighted 2003

Synopsis of Chapter 5: Kelly's Seduction

What Gale did not know, and probably would never come to discern, was that the heels had used those lesbian couched fantasies of hers to fabricate a shadow, or if you will, an auxiliary libido, a libido that was heavily tinged with the pure essence from which manly desires arise. Whenever Dennis was operating as Kelly, Gale's shadow libido would kick in; there by supplanting her normal sexual drives with those that were more akin to those of her husband's.

Though she had yet to come to any conclusion about the oral sex aspects involved in pursuing a lesbian relationship with that sexual transmogrified husband of hers, Gale, after a lot of soul searching, finally admitted to herself that she was sexual attracted to her 'girlfriend', Kelly. While she remained adamant over the fact that there was not a bisexual bone in her body when it came to other women, the same could not be said about her feelings toward that high heel wearing femme fatale of a husband of hers.

Lust, bold and brazen, and born out of the abject depravity of her carnal needs, spurred Gale to take the initiative upon herself. If there was going to be a bisexual upgrade applied to the sexual nature of her and Dennis' relationship, she was well aware of the fact that she would be the one to have to initiate it. Having made the conscious decision to go whole hog and opt into no holds bar lesbianism, Gale began the cunning planned seduction of that 'girlfriend' of hers on their next regularly scheduled girls nights out together.

Though Kelly had become somewhat accustom to having her wife touch her in what could only be construed to be a possessive, and at times, suggestive manner, she was in no way prepared for the overt pawing that Gale lavished on her all throughout the movie they had gone to see that evening. For all intent and purposes, throughout most of the second hour of the movie, Gale's hand had claimed squatter's rights, staking out the nylon-ensconced crest of Kelly's near thigh as if it were virgin territory, ripe for the picking. Though Kelly endeavored to dislodge her wife's hand by shifting about in her seat on several occasions, it was to no avail. Gale was relentless. No matter what Kelly did or did not do, Gale could not be dissuaded. Then, adding torture to torment, the fingers of Gale's intrusive hand began to lackadaisically trace little lovers' circles about the erogenous zone of Kelly's inner thigh, driving her absolutely bonkers in the process.

Kelly was so all fire horny when the movie let out that she ended up doing something that she rarely if ever did. Requesting that her wife drive the two of them home, a very distracted and thoroughly turned-on Kelly handed the car keys to her SUV over to Gale. Though she dearly wanted to question Gale about what she had been doing in the theater, owing to the fact that she was not exactly in the right frame of mind to get into anything heavy at the moment, Kelly thought better of it.

As soon as she was in the door of their townhouse, Kelly, unaware of the fact that Gale was following in her wake, made a beeline for the bedroom, with the expressed purpose of quelling the raging horniness that was doing a real number on her. Surprised to find that her wife had followed her upstairs, a thoroughly befuddled Kelly sought an explanation. To wit, Gale manfully enfolded that sham of a girlfriend of hers in a most impassioned of lovers embraces, an embrace that she punctuated with the most ardent of ardent kisses.

Within moments, the two of them were nude and in bed. With implicit instructions for Kelly to do nothing, save to enjoy the erotic sensations that she was about to engender, Gale, employing Dennis' very own tactics and game plan, began to do unto that ultra feminized husband of hers as he had so often done unto her.

Oddly enough, Gale, who was at that point in the proceedings still undecided as to whether or not she would be able to go down on Kelly, did so eagerly. At what she deemed to be the appropriate time for her to do so, Gale fluidly moved into the inviting splay of her husband's sock-it-to-me legs, legs that ran all the way up to that pert and perky derriere of his, and without any qualm or hesitation on her part, plunged her tongue into the fray.

It should be noted that the heels had taken it upon themselves to one, reward Gale for her change of heart that enabled the lesbian interaction that Dennis had so dearly longed for; and two, lock her into her lesbianism. They accomplished the first goal by making Kelly's vaginal secretions erotically pleasing to both Gale's sense of taste and smell, and the second, by making those very same secretions highly addictive. One whiff, one smell, and Gale was hooked for life.

Chapter 6: Road Trip

"Hey, Kell." breaking the silence of her own period of contemplative post-orgasmic bliss, Gale asked thoughtfully. "Don't you have a few personal days that you carried over from last year?"

"Now that you meant it, you're right. I sure do.

"Why? Do you have something in mind?"

"Yeah... I kind of sort of do...

"I was just now thinking that since I have a couple days left me, as do you, we could actually make a long weekend of it, if we wanted to."

"Are you suggesting that the two of us go somewhere?"

"Yeah. I was thinking that, since the Poconos is only about five to five and a half hours away, and since we've both talking about going to see Bushkill Falls anyhow, we could spend a few days there."

"Sure sounds like a plan to me. Let's do it."


As soon as Dennis woke up the next morning, just to be on the safe side, he double cheeked with wife to make sure she was still up for a long weekend in the Poconos. Receiving Gale's assurance that she certainly was, he placed a call to his boss' office phone. After three rings, the voice mail system kicked in, whereupon Dennis dutifully left a message indicating that something had come up, and he was taking his remaining personal days due him from the previous year, and would therefore not be back in the office until the following Wednesday.

Placing the handset back its cradle, Dennis looked up to she his wife, with heels in hand, standing directly in front of him.

"Oh. So, I take it that what you're trying to tell me is that you want me to put them on?"

Patronizingly, Gale replied, "Yes, dear. I most certainly do..."

"So," Dennis said, as he dutifully took possession of those stiletto heeled bad boys of his, "I take it that this is your way of informing me that you want this long weekend of ours to be a girls only affair?"

"You've got that straight."


"There it is." Gale was giddy with the excitement of it all. "Up there on the left."

"Are you sure that's the right one?" Kelly inquired. "I thought you said that you made reservations for us at the Tall Pines."

"No." Gale was emphatic. "What I said was that I was going to make reservations at the Tall Pines. But if you remember, after I got off the Internet this morning, I told you that while they had plenty of rooms available, the particular kind of room we were interested in all happened to be booked up solid for the entire weekend."

"Oh. That's right. Now that you mention it, I do remember you telling me that." Kelly said as she flipped the SUV's turn signal on.

Pulling into the resort's parking lot, Kelly, thinking it prudent to avoid situations that had the potential for negatively affecting Gale's upbeat mood, thought it best were she to offer a suggestion, "Gale..." Kelly tentatively began. "I was just thinking that maybe it would be for the best if I went in by myself to get the keys for our room, and take care of whatever else needs to be taken care of at the front desk."

Sounding a little put-off by Kelly's suggestion, "You mean to tell me that you don't want me to go in with you? How come?"

"Well..." there was a strong tincture of hesitation clearly conveyed in Kelly's halting response, "You know how some people are..."

"Oh." Gale briskly replied, having deciphered the intended implication of her femified husband's words. "I understand what you're getting at. You don't want me getting upset if people start giving the two of us the old hairy eyeball just because they think we're a couple of lesbians."

"Yeah... that's pretty much it in a nutshell."

"Well, guess what, Kell? I don't really care what other people think. They're going to think what they're going to think, and you and I are powerless to do a damn thing about it."

"Besides, when you come right down to it, for the here and now of it, we really are a couple of lesbos, now aren't we?"

"Yeah... I guess we are at that..."

"Well, let me just say this about that. While it might have bothered me yesterday to have people think of me as a lesbian, you could say that I guess I sort of underwent a sexual epiphany last night.

"In other words, Kell. I don't give a tinker's damn about what people think of me, especially people I don't even know, nor for that matter, will more than likely ever know.

"All I know is I love you. Fact is, I love both the male you and the female you equally. And, if I wish to engage in sex with both of your personas, that my business, and nobody else's, save for you yourself of course."

Seeking clarification, Kelly asked, "So, does that mean that you're going in there with me?"

"You bet that scrumptious derriere of yours I am." Gale quipped, as she opened the passenger-side door as a prelude to getting out of Dennis' SUV.

"Hell, Kell. Don't be surprise if I plant a wet one on you just to give the desk clerk something juicy to talk about tonight.


"Hey, Kell. Did you see the look that the desk clerk gave us when I kissed you like that?" Gale asked as the two of them headed back out to the parking lot.

"I sure did."

"However, I think it might be for the best if you and I to try to refrain from doing anything as overtly as that again whenever we're out in public, where people can get and eyeful of us.

"In other words, honey, I don't think it's a good idea to flaunt the lesbian aspect of this rather convoluted relationship of ours, because stuff such as that tends to make people uncomfortable."

"What can I say, Kell, say to say that when you're right, you're right.

"While I can't guarantee that I'll always be a good little girl, given that when it comes to you, I kind of feel like that proverbial kid in a candy store that you're always hearing about, I will try to remember to behave myself." Gale said, as reached out, and blatantly disregarding everything she had just said, possessively enfolded Kelly's hand in her own.


The first thing the two did upon entering their suite was to head for the bedroom; strip off their clothes; climb unto the king-sized bed, and there, engage in some no holds bar lesbian hanky-panky. Then, having addressed those damn near omnipresent carnal needs theirs, on Kelly's suggestion, the two of them climbed out of bed, and gleefully scampered over to the heart shaped Jacuzzi that was recessed in far corner of their spacious bedroom's floor.

Playfully entwining herself about her husband's curvaceous physique, and tenderly running her middle finger up along the inner swath of Kelly's crevasse crease, Gale sensually purred, "This is place is perfect. I am so going to enjoy this weekend."

"Feeling the fires of her ardor being so skillfully rekindled, Kelly, with a shiver and a moan, demurely replied, "Well... if you keep that up, I guess it goes without saying that I'm going to enjoy this weekend as much, if not, more so than you..."


Having only one goal in mind, with that goal being to enjoy their extended weekend getaway, Gale and Kelly did just that. Though they spent a good portion of their time in their suite, exploring various aspects of the new and exciting lesbian relationship they had embarked upon, Gale and Kelly got to sample a lot of what the Poconos had to offer. For instances, having spent the better portion of Friday evening either in bed or in the Jacuzzi, they spent the better part of the day on both Saturday and Sunday playing tourist. Since they both had wanted to see Bushkill Falls, right after eating a good hearty breakfast on Saturday morning, that is where they headed off to first. They followed that up with lunch at a fast food restaurant, and then a game of miniature golf, a game that Gale won only by the skin of her teeth, not to mention a healthy fudge factor employed when she took it upon herself to tally up the final score. Returning to their luxurious accommodations shortly after three, on Kelly's suggestion, they change into skimpy bikinis, and so attired, took a refreshing dip in the resort's Olympic sized indoor pool.

That evening, this time acting on a suggestion made by Gale, the two of them decided to put on the dog, and dine at the fancier of the two restaurants located at the sprawling, pretty much self-contained, resort complex that they were staying at.

"You know something, sweetcheeks? This isn't fair." Gale teasingly quipped, as she donned a stunning navy blue cocktail dress that she had last worn during their rather truncated honeymoon.

"What isn't fair?" Kelly quizzically inquired, as she invoke the heels magic in order to change one of the bathrobes that the resorts provided for its guests into a shimmering, pewter hued number that appeared to be a mini-skirted version of the ever so graceful Grecian gown.

"That isn't fair." Gale demonstratively proclaimed.

"I mean, I have to work at making myself look presentable, when all you do is use those heels of yours to do in the blink of an eye, what it takes me almost an hour to accomplish."

"What can I say, honey, save to say that life isn't fair.

"However, if it bothers you, as soon as we get back from dinner, I'll take these heels of mine off so that I can start eating away at all the residual girl-time that I've been amassing. That way, come tomorrow morning, you and I can begin spending our remaining time here as man and wife."

"Come on, Kell. Knock it off, would ya? You know I was only kidding you. You know perfect well that I didn't come here to be with my husband. I came here to be with you." Gale, who was busily affixing the back-plate thing-a-ma-jiggy to the post of a diamond-stud earring, said as she reemerge from the bathroom.

"Yeah..." Kelly snidely giggled. "But, you know how I love to get your goat?"

"All to well, sweetums... All to well...

"So, tell me." Gale continued. "How do I look?"

"Great." Kelly replied. "Fact is you look good enough to eat."

"Okay." Gale, with a hint of a giggle infesting her voice, coquettishly replied. "But, can we please hold off on that until after we get back from dinner? Right now, I'm getting hungry, and I'd really like to eat some dinner."

"Funny... Very, very funny..." Kelly, picking up her purse in preparation for heading down to the restaurant, sarcastically smirked.


On Sunday, having made a late night of it, Gale and Kelly slept in. Then, having availed themselves of the resorts breakfast buffet, by mutual accord, they once again opted to play tourist, deciding to visit a nearby state park that featured several picturesque waterfalls. Having spent a portion of the early afternoon leisurely hiking the various trails that the park offered, since they had planned on availing themselves of the pool again later that afternoon, they climbed in Kelly's SUV, and headed back to their resort complex. However, on Gale's insistence, they stopped at one of those custom made T-shirts to go sort of places. There, Gale, without even so much as consulting with Kelly, selected a pink, scallop-necked tank top for herself, and a matching pale blue one for that stacked and packed 'girlfriend' of hers. Having done so, she then instructed the guy working behind the counter to transfer a large number sixty nine onto the back of each one of the shirts she was intent on purchasing.

"Here you go, kiddo." Gale beamed, as she pull the blue tank top out the bag she carried. "This one's yours. The pink one's mine."

"Gee... Thanks. But how come? I mean, what's the occasion?"

"The occasion is what you and I did last night, sweetcheeks. And, I just thought these tops would be a nice way to sort of commemorate it."

Feeling a little stupid for being so slow on the uptake, Kelly laughing replied, "Oh. I get it. I now understand why you had the guy stencil the number sixty nine on the back."



Monday morning, after a mutually satisfying sexual tete-a-tete, followed up by a last touchy-feellie/kissy-face/grab-ass/clit-flicking immersion in their suite's heart shaped Jacuzzi, the two of them got dressed; packed up their belongings; checked out, and got on the road a little after nine. Stopping for a sort of late breakfast/early lunch kind of thing at what looked to a well-frequented truck stop, Kelly, while waiting for their waitress to return with their order, checked and re-checked the time log she had meticulously been keeping all throughout their long weekend.

"Gale, do me a favor. Please, when we get back out to the car, remind me to change out of these heels, all right?

"Otherwise, if I don't do so soon, come tomorrow, I'm going to be in deep shit."

"You mean to tell me that you've - Oh. What's the word?

"Don't tell me. Give me a sec. It'll come to me.

"Oh. I know. The word I'm looking for is 'accrued'.

"You mean to tell me that you've accrued that much residual girl-time?"

"I sure have.

"I mean, you wouldn't think I would have, considering all the time we spent either in bed or in the Jacuzzi, or for that matter, down at the pool. But, according to this log I've been keeping, if I don't change out of these stiletto heeled bad boys of mine soon, I'll be forced to take another excused day, and that's something I don't think either one of us really wants me to have to do..."

Gale did as Kelly had asked. Saying that she'd be happy to drive for awhile, Gale prudently reminded Kelly that she needed to take off those magical high heels of hers. Climbing into the passenger side of her SUV, before even going through the necessary hassle of buckling up, Kelly slipped out of those magical high heels of hers. Then, reaching behind the driver's seat, she procured a gym bag from which she extracted a pair of navy blue high heel pumps that, were one to disregard the color discrepancy, were pretty much a carbon copy of those magical heels of hers.

Having looked on as her husband went through the rigmarole of changing out of one pair of pumps only to put on another, Gale, turning the key in the ignition as she did so, felt compelled to comment, "You real do have a thing for high heels, don't you?"

"Yeah..." Kelly impish admitted. "I guess I kind of sort of do at that..."

Next: Chapter 8

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