
By D C

Published on Jan 7, 2005


Heels: The Ultimatum 4 - Gale's Quandary

By Deane Christopher Copyrighted 2003

Synopsis of Chapter 3: Platonic Relationship

Having addressed those damn near insatiable carnal needs of hers, Kelly dutifully called down the stairs, informing Gale that she could safely rejoin her in their bedroom. There, once Gale had slid into bed beside the shapely figure of her ultra feminized husband, the two of them began to discuss how they were going to handle the platonic aspect of this rather convoluted relationship they were embarking upon.

It was near the end of that conversation that Gale somewhat squeamishly admitted that while she probably could handle it if Kelly were to perform cunnilingus on her, she did not think she could be magnanimous enough to return the favor. Unfazed by her wife's pronouncement, Kelly informed Gale that she understood her wife's position perfectly. Then, in an attempt to further placate any misgivings that Gale might still be harboring, Kelly continued on to reply that were the situation reversed in such a way as to allow Gale to become an anatomically correct male, she would find herself in a similar dilemma. That is to say that Kelly was quick to point out that she did not believe that she could get passed her own revulsions in order to be able perform the selfless act of fellatio on a male Gale. In other words, Kelly freely admitted that she could no more function as the instigator of a homosexual couched act revolving around the administration of oral sex than could Gale.

Oddly enough, while Kelly staunchly observed the restrictions of this platonic relationship of theirs, Gale frequently, and at times, flagrantly disregarded them. This caused Kelly no end of problems in the horniness department.

Chapter 4: Gale's Quandary

Having spent the following evening operating under the guise of his feminine alter ego, owing to Gale's insistence that he do so again, Dennis, felling the desperate need to engage in a little congenial hanky-panky with that relatively new bride of his, had to put his foot down. Though it was apparent that Gale was at first a little put off by her husband's rather abruptly couched refusal, once Dennis explained that he dearly wanted to make love to her as the man he had been born to be, she realized that he was right. Contritely, and somewhat coquettishly, Gale conceded the point that while she enjoyed spending time with her girlfriend, three nights in a row without engaging in sex with her husband was kind of pushing it.

The next evening, as soon as Dennis walked in the door, Gale presented him with a tentative schedule. Tuesday and Thursday evenings were earmarked for girls night out activates, while Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays were reserved for normal husband and wife interactions. Likewise, every other Saturday, starting immediately after Dennis enjoyed an early morning romp in the hay with his wife, would be set aside for Gale and Kelly to do some exclusively 'girl' things together. Sundays were to be left open-ended. Whether Dennis logged any 'Kelly' time on Sundays would depend entirely on the amount of residual girl time he had already accrued that weekend.

Please with the realization that Gale had taken his healthy male appetite for sexual gratification into account, as attested to by the Saturday morning romp codicil she had taken pains to include, Dennis readily agreed to his wife's proposal. "You did good, honey. You did real good.

"As long you and I remain flexible, this schedule of yours should workout just fine."


Several days later, while the two of them were eating dinner in the kitchen, Gale made a request of her husband, "Dennis, tonight, when you change yourself into a woman, I was kind of hoping that you could do me a big favor?"

"Sure, honey. I'd be happy to. Just tell me what it is, and if it's in my power, consider it a done deal."

"Well, I was wondering if I might prevail upon you to do me again, but this time, without all those physical enhancements that you used the other day?"

"Yeah.... Sure... Of course I can do that for you. Why?"

"Do you recall that intimate apparel catalog that came the other day?"

Having perused through the publication several times himself since its arrival, he knowingly chuckled, "Yes. Yes, I do?"

"Well, I was kind of wondering if I could get you to model some of the outfits for me, so I could see how I would look wearing them."

"So, I take it what you're saying is: you're toying around with the idea of ordering a few for yourself?"

"Yes. Yes, I am... But, only if they don't make me look slutty."

"Oh. I get it. You don't mind if they make me look slutty, just as long as they don't make you look slutty?"

"Oh, yeah. You've got that right." Gale laughingly quipped.


"Not bad." Gale commented, as that doppelganger husband of hers modeled a slinky silver lame' sleepshirt. "Not bad at all...

"I kind of like that."

With a voice that was an exact duplicate of his wife's, Dennis replied, "Well then, that makes two of us."

"Okay. How 'bout letting me see how it looks in gold."

"Sure thing, honey." Dennis, who was thoroughly enjoying herself, gleefully chuckled. "Blink."

"Well?" Gale's lookalike questioningly prompted. "Which one of the three do you like me in the best? The silver, the gold, or the bronze?"

"Well, if I have to choose, I'd have to say that I like the silver one the best, but I must say that I also like both the bronze and the gold ones as well."

"Okay. So, why don't you just go ahead and order all three of them?"

"Do you really mean that?"

"Of course I do."

"Well, I guess my next question is: can we afford them, along with all the other stuff I've already picked out?"

"No... But, what the heck, honey. It's only money. Besides, I don't see myself retiring in the near to immediate future..."


As stated previously, during those not so infrequent times in which Dennis operated as an amply endowed member of the crotch creased club, he exercised extreme caution and self-control, so as to avoid doing anything that Gale might misconstrue to be in the realm of some sort of lesbian come-on. His wife, on the hand, was no where near as vigilant as her bodaciously femmed-out husband was. Gale, by her very nature, was born and bred to be a touchy/feellie kind of person. Trouble was, the person she liked to touch most was not only her husband, Dennis. It was also increasingly starting to become her husband's feminine alter ego, Kelly, as well.

And, that touchy/feellie proclivity of Gale's caused Kelly no end of problems in the horniness department.


As one might imagine, Gale got a real kick out of the guilty knowledge she possessed. Just knowing who and what Kelly really was transformed every outing of theirs into a quasi-erotic adventure for her.

"Hey, Kell." Gale excitedly intoned one evening when she and that sham of a girlfriend of hers were out doing their weekly grocery shopping. "Did you happen to catch a glimpse of that guy giving you the once over?"

"Exactly which guy are you talking about?"

"The guy in the last aisle we were just in, the one who was wearing the jeans and a tan windbreaker."

"Oh, that guy.

"Yeah... Now that you mention it, I guess I did at that."

"And, it didn't bother you, him ogling you like he was?"

"No... Should it?"

"Oh, I don't know... I just thought that it might, what with you not really being all the girl you appear to be."

"Oh, I understand what you're getting at.

"You think that I might take it as an assault on this male ego of mine to have a guy lecherously undress me with his eyes, just like that asshole was doing, right?"

"Yeah... I guess so..." Gale meekly replied.

"Well, let me let you in on a little secret. Back in the beginning, back when I first started playing Little Ms.Transgender, the dick teaser's dick teaser, stuff like that unnerved the hell out of me.

"However, as time passed, and I got more comfortable functioning as a woman, I began to take that sort of stuff in my stride.

"In other words, Gale, I just figured that it more or less went with the territory, and that I was either going to have to like it, or lump it. So, since I am basically a pragmatist at heart, I made the conscious decision that I wasn't just going to like it, I was going force myself to reach a point where I enjoyed the hell out of it."

"So, I take it that somewhere along the line, you reached that point?"

"Reached it, and, I might add, surpassed it.

"That's to say that I now take great amounts of perverse pleasure whenever men eye me up one side and down the other."

"You do, do ya?"

"You bet that well rounded and nicely hung tush of yours, I do.

"I mean, I whole heartily agree with that old saying, 'If you've got it. Flaunt it'.

"And, you'd best believe I do. At damn near every opportunity..."

"You're terrible."

"You're right. I am. And, damn proud of it."


Having been given the all-clear by Kelly a little after ten one evening, Gale placed Dennis' paperback copy of The Fellowship Of The Rings on the coffee table; turned the lights off; made sure the front door was locked, and then dutifully headed upstairs. Entering their bedroom, Gale, a perennial anal retentive neatness freak, did as she usually did, in that she picked up the high heel pumps that Kelly had hastily discarded in her mad rush to so cravenly have at herself. With the pumps in hand, Gale turned, and headed for Dennis' chest of drawers. As her wife did so, Kelly dutifully reached over and turned on the low wattage lamp that resided upon the nightstand, causing Gale to respond, "Why, thank you, sweetcheeks. I certainly do appreciate that."

"Think nothing of it. Always glad to be of assistance."

Then, even as Gale was returning the heels to their place of honor atop her husband's chest of drawers, she casually remarked, "I know I've told you this before, but these heels of yours are really something.

"I mean, not only do they cause you to change into a girl wherever you put them on, and dress you in anything that suits that highly imaginative and somewhat perverted manly fancy of yours, but they retain their fresh out of a shoebox look. I mean, there isn't a scuff mark on them."

"Yeah..." Kelly dreamily returned. "Kind of neat, isn't it?"

Speculating, Gale said, "I'll bet that they're damn near indestructible?"

"You're probably right about that, honey. However, since I kind of like the way things are right now, what say we don't put that theory of yours to the test."


Oddly enough, though the chance of the two of them ever finding out the truth of the matter, Gale had hit the proverbial nail on the head. The heels were, for all intent and purposes, indestructible, save perhaps by some arcane means. They were also were somewhat akin to Sauron's mythical One Ring of Power, in that should they ever become lost, stolen or discarded, they would move Heaven and Earth to find their way back to the individual to whom they had magically bonded themselves to.

Though Gale was unaware of the fact that the heels had played their part in making her rethink that pre-nuptial ultimatum of hers, the very same ultimatum that had resulted in her betrothed tossing those stiletto heeled bad boys of his into the trash can, they had done exactly that. Even though the heels' influence had been brought to bear on a subliminal level, they had played an integral part in making Gale change her mind; going so far as to actually induce her to rescue them before the trashmen came to collect the garbage the next morning.

Gale was also completely oblivious to the another effect that the heels were having on her.

The heels had been created with one purpose, and one purpose alone. They were to design to enrich the life of the individual with whom they were metaphysically bonded to, and they accomplished that prime directive of theirs in a myriad of ways. Though it was quite possible that Dennis would never come to realize this, over time the heels had, through a metaphysical leaching process, replicated their magical potential so that it also resided in Dennis' own intrinsic makeup. Where he to simply to make a conscious and concerted wish to become a woman, he would do so, much as he had when he had donned the heels, save that he would do so in the blink of an eye. Likewise, were Dennis to make a wish to reacquire his manhood, all that was needed was another conscious, concerted and clearly thought out desire to do so. In the same fashion, though he might not ever come to realize it, Dennis could, by the exercising of his conscious will alone, negate some, or all, of his accrued residual girl time.

However, as interesting as all that may well be, in the grand scheme of things, the one thing that would have the greatest effect on Gale and Dennis' marriage, other than the transsexual nature of the heels themselves, was the effect the heels were slowly, but steadily engendering within Gale.

Though he figured it was nothing more than a pipe-dream of his, the one thing that Dennis desired most in life was for Gale to one day become his female alter ego's lesbian lover. The heels, while not going so far as to actually change Gale's sexual persuasion, did the next best thing. Without tampering with her free will in any way, shape or form, the heels made it possible for Gale to explore and contemplate her various options.

Once again, the heels accomplished this self-appointed task of theirs on a subliminal level. Using the love Gale had for her husband, Dennis, and that pseudo-girlfriend of hers as a jumping off point, the heels fabricated a series of wildly erotic dreams, dreams in which Gale's lover continually seesawed back and forth between the two strangely intertwined loves of her life. Once initiated, fragments of those vividly erotic dreams began to spawn erotically couched daydreams, daydreams in which Gale began to increasingly fantasize about what it might be like were she and Kelly to go one on one with one another.

Though such aberrant thoughts distressed her at first, Gale found that no matter what she did or did not do, she could not stop herself from fantasizing about engaging in a lesbian tryst with that transsexualized sexpot of a husband of hers. She kept envisioning herself making Kelly squeal and squirm, and wriggle and rive the way she herself squealed and squirmed, and wriggled and rived whenever that deft-handed and ever so talented tongue husband of hers administered to her own wanton carnal needs.

The more Gale fantasized, the more intrigued she became. Likewise the more intrigued she became, the more the impossible became the improbable, which in turn began to grudgingly give way to the possible, but highly unlikely.

Gale's sexual epiphany occurred late one afternoon while she sitting in her cubical at work. Having completed pretty much everything that resided in her in-basket, and reviewed the little that was left, Gale kept herself busy with a bunch of mundane tasks. Given that those self-assigned tasks of hers were little more than make-busy work, they did not require a lot of conscious or creative thought on her part. That being the case, Gale began to daydream as she casually went about the task of tidying up her desk.

Within moments, those idyllic daydreams of hers began to become progressively tinged with an impish, though nonetheless intoxicating sense of the erotic, as Gale began to picture herself and Dennis alone on a secluded tropical beach, fervently engaged in making love with one another. Then, without even realizing exactly when the transition occurred, the image of her husband was supplanted with Kelly's curvaceous figure.

Due to its relevancy, it should be noted at this juncture that prior to meeting Dennis, Gale had not been gung-ho when it came to performing the selfless act of fellatio. While it was true that she had occasionally gone down on many of the guys she had dated over the years, she did it more out of a sense of quid pro quo than for any other reason. If nothing else, Gale was a firm believer in fairness. As far as she was concerned, what was good for the gander was also good for the goose. If I guy was going to go down on her, she felt obligated to return the favor.

Dennis, however, was another story all together. Oddly enough, when it came to Dennis, Gale found that she did not have any qualms about taking that manly shaft of his into the sanctum sanctorum of her oral orifice. As strange as it might seem, as their intimacy grew into the kind of relationship she had always dreamed of having with an eligible young man, Gale actually began to relish the idea going down on that beau of hers.

So anyhow, getting back to Gale's sexual epiphany, there she was at work, tidying up her cubical, and idyllically fantasizing that pert little tush of hers off about getting it on with Dennis, when all of a sudden something extraordinary occurred. One moment, she was sitting there; picturing herself eagerly engaged in the act of deep throating her husband; and the next, she was envisioning herself nibbling the hell out of Kelly's elusive little clit.

Ironically, Gale came to the stark realization that she was not turned-off by the thought of her being the instigator, rather than the recipient, of the ever so pleasurable act of cunnilingus. Truth be told, she was absolutely flabbergasted to find that such aberrant thoughts had nether neither diminished nor dispelled her horniness, rather they had only served to intensify it to an excruciating level.

With her pussy leaking love juices like a sieve, Gale, somehow managed to get awkwardly to her feet, and using a manila folder to prevent anyone form taking note of the wetness that was in the process of darkening the crotch of her pants, hobbled out of her cubical. Threading her way through the maze of cubicles with her inner thighs pressed tightly together in an fruitless effort to prevent further leakage, Gale, passed out of the room, down the outer hallway, and into the little girl's room.

There, having ducked into the first relatively clean stall that presented itself, Gale, taking great pains to stifle herself from offering any verbal counterpoint to the crass actions she was about to engage in, adroitly got down to the business of addressing those carnal needs of hers.

Luckily for Gale, by the time she finished up attending to what needed to be attended to in the ladies room and returned to her cubical, it was neigh on to quitting time. Turning off her computer and locking up her desk, a delightfully perplexed and much invigorated Gale drew on her coat and headed straight off for the parking lot and her car.

At best, she was pleasantly distracted all throughout her drive home. No matter what Gale did or did not do, she could not stop thinking about the strange turn of events that had transpired that afternoon. Over and over and over again, as if her mind were stuck in a virtual memory loop, she replayed the scenario that portrayed her giving Kelly a deliciously thorough tongue-lashing.

All that evening, throughout the night, and continuing on all the next day, an extremely intrigued Gale continue to fantasize about performing oral sex on that ever so sexy transsexualized husband of hers. She became preoccupied with such thoughts to the point of fixation. Though Gale continually tried to get her mind to focus on other matters, she failed miserable. Knowing how utterly fantastic it felt when Dennis went down on her and ate her out, all Gale could think of was how much perverse pleasure she could derive out of turning the tables on him by enthusiastically nibbling away on that delectable little clit of Kelly's.

'Damn.' she thought. 'Wouldn't it be a real hoot to make that husband of mine squeal and squirm the way he makes me squeal and squirm?'

Then, upon the realization that she was actually beginning to contemplate taking that fantasy of hers and turning it into a reality, Gale began to question whether or not she was really capable of getting past those rather substantial inhibitions of hers. With the fully understanding that were she to do what she was thinking about doing, she would be participating in nothing less than a lesbian based activity.

To say that Gale found herself in a real quandary over the issue of her becoming the administrator, rather than the recipient, of lesbian oral sex would have been the grossest of understatements. While she knew that her motives were sound, it all boil down to a matter of ethics. Could she actually engage in something that had once been so abhorrent to her that just the mere thought of it turned her stomach?

Over and over again, she asked herself the very same question. 'Do you really want to do this?' Her unwavering answer was always a demonstrative and resounding 'Yes.' That prompted the obligatory follow up question; 'Do you thinking that when push comes to shove, you'll really be able to go down on her?' Though Gale would like to have answered that pivotal question with the same sort of enthusiastic response as she had the first, being true to herself, she was forced to admit that she just did not know. While she would like nothing more than to be able to answer in the affirmative, there was still a lingering doubt as to whether she could bring herself to do the deed or not.

Gale was plagued with a heavy-handed dose of uncertainty. All throughout the following day she waffled. One moment, wanting nothing more than to lick and suck that sexually reconstituted husband of hers into a state of unprecedented orgasmic ecstasy, Gale thought that she might actually be able to do it. Trouble was, a few minutes after coming to that conclusion, she did an abrupt one-eighty, in which she found herself seriously doubting as to whether or not she could get passed all those long held and well entrenched inhibitions of hers.

To make matters worse, that evening, unlike the pervious evening, was scheduled to be a 'girls' night out'. That meant that Kelly would, at some point, head up to their bedroom, and there, take the matter in hand, as she savagely saw to appeasing those damn near omnipresent carnal cravings of hers.

Though there was nothing compelling Gale to reach a decision that day, or for that matter, any other day, she felt pressured to do so. Knowing that her indecision was well on the way to driving her absolutely bonkers, in that it was already eroding her ability to function at her job properly, Gale accepted the fact that she had reached shit or get off the pot time. If she was going to do it, she needed to do it soon. However, she was also aware of the fact that if she decided that she was not going to be able to get passed all those long held inhibitions of hers, she would have to somehow resign herself to the notion that some things were never meant to be. If she did that, she would then be saddle with the problem of figuring out how to live with her decision.


"Bad day, huh?" Dennis inquired of his wife.

"Yes. In a manner of speaking, you could say that. That's to say that it was a little hectic." Gale distractedly replied, as she went through the rigmarole involved in taking off her coat and hanging it up in the closet.

"So, are you still up for a night out with your girlfriend? Or, if you're not, we can always just stay home and watch some television.

"Hell! Tell you what, Gale. If you'd like, I'll even fix us dinner.

"Look, since you appear to a little stressed out, as far as I'm concerned, it's your call. So, what would you like to do tonight? Stay home? Go out? What?"

As much as Gale appreciated her husband's offer to play chef, since it was not one he made often, Gale put on a happy face, and cheerfully replied, "Well, while I'm half tempted to take you up on your generous offer, I think what I'd really like to do is eat out tonight. After that, if we're both still up for it, we can take in a movie. While I can't seem to remember exactly which one it was, I do know that there's one you've been itching to see. However, after we leave the restaurant, before we head over to the movies, if it isn't to much trouble, I'd like to make a quick stop at the mall first."

"Sure. I don't see any problem doing that at all.

"Okay. I'll bite." Dennis was curious. "Why, exactly, are we going to stop by the mall on our way to the movies? I mean, is there something special you want to pick up?"

"There most certainly is."

"So, are you going to tell me what this something of yours is? Or, do you plan on keeping me guessing?"

"Oh, I'd be happy to tell you...

"By any chance, do you recall that satin bra and panty set you were after me to pick up the last time we stop in at Victoria's Secrets?"

"Yeah... Sure... Why?"

"Well, I was thinking that I might be nice, and let you buy it for me to tonight."

"Sure, I can do that. Truth is I'd be more than happy to do that for you, honey.

"So, tell me. Do you want to do something different tonight, and maybe go out to dinner tonight with your husband? Or, would you prefer spending the evening with that stacked and packed girlfriend of yours?"

"Well..." Gale countered with the sham of mock thoughtfulness. "Since tonight is supposed to be a 'girls' night out', I think I'd prefer Kelly, if that is, that's okay with you?"

"Oh, it's perfectly fine by me.

"The only reason I asked was because I just wanted to know if I needed to change or not." Dennis added as he dutifully headed for the stairs.

"Wait up. I'm coming too?"

"All right... Why, do you want to put on something other than what you're wearing now?"

"Yes. I think I'd like to put on something a little more casual than what I'm wearing now. Something say in the order of jeans, sweater and perhaps those new boots you talked me into buying last week, since we did say that we were going to try that new Texas styled steakhouse tonight. But, in all honesty, the real reason I want to accompany you upstairs to the bedroom is because I really like to watch you whenever you do your guyo to girlo thing."

"You do, do ya'?" Dennis teased. "How come?

"I mean, do you get some sort of extemporaneous thrill out of seeing me change into a girl?"

Shyly, acting as if she was somewhat hesitant to respond to her husband's light hearted inquiry, Gale sheepishly replied, "Yeah... I guess I sort of kind of do at that..."

"So, am I to take it that watching me turn into a woman is a real turn-on for you?"

With a light punch of consternation, delivered expertly to her husband upper arm, Gale brusquely responded, "If you must know, the answer to your question is: yes. Why, I haven't the foggiest idea. But, needless to say, it does turn me on."

Next: Chapter 6

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