
By D C

Published on Jan 7, 2005


Heels: The Ultimatum 3 - Platonic Relationship

By Deane Christopher Copyrighted 2003

Synopsis of Chapter 2: Show & Tell

Having watched Dennis transform himself into her girlfriend, Kelly, via the use of those magical transsexualizing high heels of his, Gale proceeded on to make another request of that drop dead gorgeous husband of hers. Somewhat demurely, she asked Kelly to demonstrate the extra-added magical ability that allowed that ultra feminized husband of hers to instantaneously assume the appearance of another woman, with the only caveat being, that said woman be at least reasonable attractive. Kelly happily complied; capriciously attiring that bodacious body of hers in apparel that suited that rather whimsical, if not somewhat perverted fancy hers in the process. Then, once Kelly has finished running through a whole parcel of readily recognizable women, Gale innocently inquired if there was perhaps any other woman that Kelly 'did' on regular bases. Though Kelly was reluctant at first to show her wife this other semi-regularly assumed persona of hers, she finally gave in to her wife's urgings, and in doing so, transformed herself into a slightly improved version of Gale herself.

Following Kelly's demonstration of the quick-change ability that her heels made available to her, a slight problem arose from an intimate, though innocent embrace that Gale had initiated.

Previous to that night, Gale, through various conversations she had had with Dennis about his feminine alter ego, and those magical, transsexualizing stiletto heeled pumps of his, had learned two very important things about that girlfriend of hers. First off, Dennis had made Gale aware of the fact that whenever he was operating as Kelly, he, as a she, was a self-avowed narcissist, who got turned on by doing nothing more than catching a passing glance of herself in any sort of reflective surface. Then, to muddy the waters even further, Dennis, whenever functioning as the subtle sexpot Kelly, was saddled with an insidious amount of what could only be thought of as hyper-nymphomania. In other words, whenever Dennis was operating as the fetching and amply endowed blonde bombshell Kelly, he, as a she, found herself dealing with a double whammy, a double whammy that kept him, as a her, either horny, or on the cusp of being horny damn near all the time.

Again, owing to all those casual and not so infrequent conversations that Gale and that sexually bipolar husband of hers had engaged in about Dennis and his stints as member in good standing of the sugar and spice club, Gale knew that Kelly's horniness quotient was way off the charts. Given that, Gale, upon the realization that the embrace she had so innocently enfolded Kelly within that auspicious evening, was a no-no. Aware that their intimacy had inadvertently caused Kelly to become sexually aroused, Gale had taken pity on that feminized husband of hers most pitiable state. In doing so, she excused herself, there by allowing Kelly the privacy to take the matter in hand, and there by, assuage those wanton and debasing needs of hers.

Chapter 3: Platonic Relationship

Later that same evening, having been given the all clear by that girlfriend slash husband of hers, a very curious Gale hastened back upstairs.

"So, tell me." she beamed upon entering their bedroom. "Did you enjoy yourself?"

Reluctantly, as if she was ashamed to admit that she had, Kelly sheepishly replied. "Yes... Yes, I did..."

"Good. I'm glad to hear that." Gale said, as she bent over to pick up both her husband's magical high heels and liquid-silver catsuit.

"So, did you manage to have an orgasm?"

With the same gut wrenching sense of reluctance that had resonated in her voice in her prior remark, Kelly tendered her answer, "Yes... Several, actually..."

"Good. That's great." Gale said, as she moved to the chest of drawers in which Dennis stored much of his clothing, and placed the heels reverently atop it.

"So, what do think? Is that a good place to keep 'em, or what?

"I mean, they're easily accessible, and as far as I'm concerned, they definitely deserve a place of honor in our house.

"Besides, if I remember correctly, isn't that where you used to keep them before I came into the picture?"

"Yes... Yes, I did," Kelly cautiously replied. "I guess we can leave 'em there, if that is, it's okay with you?"

"Oh. It's perfectly okay with me." Gale returned as she casually deposited the nylon/lycra unitard on the afghan stand as she made her way back towards the bed.

"All right. But, we're going to have to put them away whenever your mother comes over."

"And, why's that?"

"Because, you know how your mother is, Gale. She'll take one look at those heels, sitting on top of my chest of drawers, and she'll want to know why they're there."

"That's true. She will."

"So, what are you going to tell her? That it's none of her business?"

"No, silly." Gale said as she lifted the covers, and slid in alongside of Kelly. "I'm simply going to tell her truth."

"And, exactly what truth is that, if I might ask?"

Giggling away to beat the band, Gale teased. "That you're a crossdresser, who every now and again, likes to lounge around the house, dressed up in women's clothing

"You wouldn't. You couldn't." Kelly squealed in alarm.

"I would, and I could, but I won't.

"And, the reason I won't is because my mom tends to be a little over-protective."

"A little." Kelly's protest conveyed a wealth of sarcasm. "How 'bout a lot?"


A few minutes later, having beaten the previous subject to death, they moved on to another topic.

"So," Kelly inquired, "did you figure out how we're going to handle it if I do the unthinkable, and start getting frisky while I'm still femmed out to the max?"

"Yes. Yes, I have..."

"Good. I'm glade to hear that.

Eager to hear what her wife had come up with, an intrigued Kelly begged the question, "So, are you going to tell me? Or, are you going to keep me in suspense?"

"Oh, I don't know." Gale teased. "I thought it might be fun to keep you guessing."

"Yeah. Right." Kelly snidely quipped. "Do that, and I promise that you'll be sorry."

"So, what are you going to do? Tickle me?"

"I just might..." Kelly impishly replied. "Or, I might do something else..."

"Like what, for instance?" it was Gale's turn to be curious.

"Like, give you a hands-on demonstration on what it's like to have a lesbian as a lover."

"You wouldn't dare."

"No." Kelly contritely conceded the truth of her wife's rebuttal. "You're right. I wouldn't.

"I would never do something like that to you without getting your permission first."

"That's right. You wouldn't, because you couldn't.

"Look, Kell, even though you're operating as an anatomically correct member of the fairer sex for the here and now of it, let's face it. You're still too much of a gentleman to do something like that.

"And basically, getting back to the point of this little discussion of ours, when push comes to shove, Kell, that's how we're going to handle it if, and when you start feeling a little frisky, and come down with a bad case of wandering hands."

An extremely perplexed and thoroughly confused Kelly replied, "Huh?

"Just what in the hell are you talking about, honey?"

"What I'm talking about is how you and I are going to handle it should you ever try to come on to me while you're still a girl."

"Oh. Okay. I understand what you're getting at now.

"So, tell me, Gale. Just how are we going to handle it?"

"Well, should you try to take liberties with me that you shouldn't ought to be taking while you're femmed out to the max like you are now, I will simply tell you to knock it off, and you, being the gentleman that you are on the inside, will cease and desist."

With a sense of incredulity ringing in her voice, Kelly replied, "I will?"

"Yes." Gale's retort was about as emphatic as emphatic could be. "You will. And, do you want to know why you will?"

Gale didn't give her husband slash girlfriend enough wiggle room in which to formulate an answer, "Well, I'll tell you.

"Basically, when push comes to shove, it all boils down to the fact that you both love and respect me."

"That's true..." Kelly replied with a labored sigh. "I guess I kind of sort of do at that..."

Unfazed by her husband cavalierly couched response, Gale continued, "And, that's why something like that is never going to become a problem for the two of us. Let's face it, Kell. You, my love, are too much of a gentleman to ever take advantage of me like that, and you know it."

"Yeah... You're right. Even though most of my friends would say I do a damn good job of concealing it, I guess that when push comes to shove, I really am a gentleman at that..."

"Well, at least we're both in agreement on that, Kell." there was a note of finality clearly conveyed in Gale's voice. "Look, unless you feel the pressing need to talk about something else, since it's really getting late, how 'bout you and I call it a night?"

"Sure thing, honey. Sounds good to me. Besides, if today was any indication, it looks like I'm going to have another rough day at work tomorrow. In other words, I can use all the sleep I can get."

Then, after an ominous moment of silence, Gale snidely intoned, "I'm waiting..."

"Waiting for what?"

"A goodnight kiss."

"Are you sure that's wise, honey, what with me an my still being a girl and all?"

"Well..." Gale replied after giving the matter some thought. "Let me put it like this. Regardless of the fact that you're as much of a woman as I am right now, it doesn't negate the fact that I'm your wife, and that you're my husband. And, as crazy as this might sound, given the present circumstances, I still want - No. Let's make that demand. - a goodnight kiss from my husband."

"Okay. If you insist..."

A moment later, Gale vehemently registered a complaint, "You call that a kiss?"

"Well..." Kelly was at a loss as to how to best answer her wife's sarcastic rebuke. "I just thought that, under the circumstances..."

"Well, you thought wrong, Dennis.

"Look, I don't care if you are a girl now. You're still my husband, and I would really appreciate it if my husband would give me a goodnight kiss.

"So, haul that pert and perky ass of yours back over here, and give me the kind of a kiss I both want, and deserve."

Fully aware that compliance would have a negative impact on her present state of mind, in that the kind of kiss that Gale was expecting would more than likely rekindle the fires of her ardor, Kelly did as her wife demanded.


Several minutes later, Gale nuzzled her husband's femininely re-sculptured ear, and softly intoned, "Kell..."

"Yes..." Kelly, who was struggling hard to resist the pervasive urge to play a frantic and self-serving game of grab-ass with all those feminine attributes of hers, meekly replied.

"I have a little confession to make."

"You do, do ya'?"

"Yes, Kell. I'm afraid to say I do."

"All right, honey. If it'll make you happy, go ahead. Confess away. You have my undivided attention."

"Well... you know how you're always getting on me about how I'm always employing a double standard?"

"Yes..." there was a hint of reigned-in impatience clearly conveyed in Kelly's response.

"Well... I've been thinking, and I've come to the realization that I haven't been totally honest you."

"You haven't?" Gale's admission piqued Kelly's interest.

"No, Kell. I haven't.

"You see, sweetums, the more I think about it, the more I have to say that I coming to the realization that I probably wouldn't have any problem whatsoever with it, were you, as the woman you are now, to come on to me. That's to say that I don't think it would bother me one bit were you to engage in some heavy petting with me.

"Hell, Kell. I can't believe I'm even saying something as sick and perverted as this, but I don't think I'd have a bit of trouble were you to go so far as to down on me, and give me a thorough tongue lashing with that ever so talented tongue of yours.

"Fact is, I've got to tell you that I'm getting all hot and bothered just lying here thinking about it."

"You are, are you?"

"Yes. As much as I hate to admit it, I'm afraid I am, Kell."

"So, I take it that you're saying that you'd like me to make love to you?"

Responding in a panic, Gale frantically quipped, "No, Kell. I'm not saying that at all.

"While I'd love to say 'yes', it just wouldn't be fair."

"What wouldn't be fair?"

"To let you do something to me, that I couldn't bring myself to do you. It just wouldn't be fair to allow you to go down on me, and not be able to return the favor by going down on you, because my brain's not wired that way."

"Oh, so that's where that damnable double standard of yours comes into play." Kelly had to chuckle.

"Look, honey," Kelly rolled over so that she was nose to nose with that beautiful new bride of hers, "if that's what's bothering you, you can forget it. Believe me. I don't expect you to do anything that you're uncomfortable with.

"Hell. You'd best believe that were the situation was reversed, and you could change yourself into a guy in much the same way that I can change myself into a girl, I would never be able to find the wherewithal within me to be able to go down on you, and put a lip-lock on that magically installed male member of yours.

"In other words, honey, I really do understand what you're getting at."

Though it was fringed with an ominous tinge of doubt, Gale replied surged forth with an eager hopefulness, "You do?"

"Yes. I most certainly do.

"Look, Gale. You've got to understand something here. I knew long before I asked you to marry me that you were as heterosexual as heterosexual could be. In other words, honey, I never once held out the hope that I could one day persuade or cajole you into engaging in a lesbian-based relationship with my feminine alter ego."

"You didn't?"

"No, Gale. I didn't. And, that's why I didn't give you a lot of who-struck-john that night when you asked me to get rid of those magical high heels of mine, now did I?"

"No... No, you didn't."

"Look, Gale, if turning myself into a girl is going to present a problem for you, now or in the future, you just let me know, and I'll get rid of them, just like I did before. All right?"

"No." Gale vehemently countered. "Don't you ever say anything as absurd as that to me again. I told you before, and I'll tell you again. I don't want you to ever get rid of those magical high heels of yours.

"It's like I told you earlier this evening, I don't just want you in my life, Kell. I need you.

"Look. I don't know how to explain this properly. But for some cockamamie reason that I can't even begin to put into words, I know now that I need both you and Dennis in my life in order to make it complete."

"My, my. I must say that it sure warms the cockles of this girlish heart of mine to hear you say something like that, honey."

"Well, it's the truth."

"I know it is, Gale. I know it is..."

"And, you're sure that you're okay with all of this, Kell? I mean, are you going to be okay with it if I'm not able to take care of those carnal needs of yours, whenever you're operating as a girl?"

"Well, of course I am. Trust me. I'll be just fine with it.

"My only concern is: are you going to be able to handle me being both your husband, and your girlfriend?"

"I most certainly am.

"Are you sure?"

"Oh, yeah. I'm sure.

"Fact is: I'm surer than sure."

"Good. I'm glad to here that.

"Okay. Now, let me get this straight, Gale. Even though you don't think you'd mind it if the female me fooled around with you, owing to the fact that you don't think you could, shall we say, reciprocate, and do unto me as I have done unto you, you're saying that we'd best keep this part of our rather convoluted relationship on a platonic footing?"

"Yes... I do believe that would be for the best on all accounts."

"Oddly enough, I'm in full agreement with you.

"Okay. Now that we hashed all of that out, what say you and I call it a night and get some sleep?"

"Sure... Just give me another kiss, first.

"Oh, and just so you know, Kell, I don't want another one of those wimpy, girlfriend type kiss on the cheek kisses of yours. When it comes to goodnight kisses, I don't give a damn what your present sexual affiliation might be, be advised, sweetums, I want my husband to kiss me, not my girlfriend, understand?"

"Okay, kiddo. Pucker up, because I'm about to lay one on you."


The next evening, shortly after the two of them had arrived home from work, Dennis dutifully complied with his wife's request of the night before. With Gale observing from the sidelines, Dennis quickly stripped off the clothes he had been wearing, and deftly stepped into those diminutive stiletto heels of his. Once again, a thoroughly captivated Gale looked on, as uncontested femininity fairly flowed up her husband's body, progressively transforming him into the stacked and packed femme fatale that was none other than her girlfriend, Kelly.

Then, having built up several minutes of residual girl-time in which she could easily accomplish the deed, Kelly, with Gale still watching, re-donned the clothing she had take off only a few minutes before, only to have it magically conform to that scintillatingly sexy new physique of hers.

"Damn, girl." Gale gleefully teased. "Even in jeans and a sweater, I must say: you look absolutely fantastic. Those heels of yours are really something."

With a girlish chuckle infesting her voice, Kelly whole heartily agreed, "They most certainly are."


While operating as the drop dead gorgeous Kelly, Dennis ardently observed the proper decorum for maintaining a strictly platonic relationship with his wife. Though it irked the hell out of him every now and again, not once did he, as the seductive blonde bombshell those heels of his turned him into, overstep the bounds of behavior that he and Gale had mutually agreed upon.

However, the same could not be said for that new wife his. Every so often, Gale, giddy with the excitement of it all, would forget herself, and unwittingly interact with her girlfriend, Kelly, in a manner that was better reserved for her husband, Dennis.

Ironically enough, though Gale had taken the lead in establishing the operating parameters as to how the two of them should accord themselves whenever Dennis was functioning under the guise of his feminine alter ego, it was Gale who had a real problem with straying hands. Starting on their very first girls' night out together, though she herself remained all but oblivious to the fact that she was even doing so, Gale increasingly had a problem keeping her hands off of that supposed girlfriend of hers.

Having made it through dinner, and a hour or so of casual window shopping at a near by mall without any overt signs of affection passing between the two, Gale's undoing came during the movie that Kelly had all but insisted that the two of them go see that evening. One of the chief protagonists in the first of three installments of the epic fantasy they had gone to see had sought to gain time for the remaining members of his fellowship, so that they could escape the perils that threatened them. He did so by defiantly standing on a narrow stone bridge, which traversed a seemingly bottomless chasm, so as to deny passage to a fearsome foe of a long forgotten age. However, though said protagonist had achieved his goal by weakening the stone hued span so that it gave way when the fell fiend of fire and shadow tread upon it, the gray clad protagonist was himself toppled in the fray by a haphazard lash of the dreaded creature's flame thronged whip. Then, with a tormented and frenzied command of, "Fly fools. Fly." the gray clad wander lost purchase, and followed his foe of fire and shadow into the maul of the chasm's abyss.

Given that she had not taken Dennis' advice, and read the acclaimed trilogy prior to going to the movie, Gale truly believed that this much beloved character had fallen to his doom. And because she did, she became extremely distraught, to the point of tears, over what she took to be the apparent demise of one of the epic's most crucial and endearing characters. Forgetting for the moment that her husband was at the time femmed out to the max, Gale sought the kind of solace that only her spouse could offer her. In a knee-jerk reaction, triggered by a wealth of gut-wrenching emotions, Gale reached over and embraced Kelly's left arms with both of her own. Pulling herself in, Dennis' wife snuggled hard up against that stacked and packed pseudo girlfriend of hers.

Feeling a little foolish, and praying to God that no one in the theater had taken notice of an act that could easily be misconstrued to be something other than what it was, Kelly knew that she had to act fast in order to nip things in the bud. Employing her free hand, Kelly located her purse. Undoing the hasp, she quickly located the wadded bundle of paper napkins the she had procured from the dispenser at the refreshment counter.

"Here, Gale," proffering the napkins, Kelly whispered, as she concurrently used her shoulder to gently nudge her wife back over, and into an upright position in her seat. "Take a couple of these."

"Thanks, Kell." Gale tearfully sniffled. "Silly me can sure use them..."


A short while later, as the two of them exited the theater complex and began to make their way across the parking lot to Dennis' Toyota 4Runner, Gale once again breached the very protocol she had taken great pains in establishing earlier that evening. Stepping in close, so that she was walking damn near shoulder to shoulder with that absolutely gorgeous sexpot of a husband of hers, Gale reached over and ardently clasp Kelly's hand in her own.

"He isn't really dead is he?" Gale's curiosity had gotten the best of her.

Having a little fun at her wife's expense, Kelly playfully teased. "Oh, yeah. Boromir's dead alright."

"No, silly. I'm not talking about Boromir. I know he's dead. That new type of orc of Saurman's killed him. The one I'm talking about is Gandalf. He really didn't die in Moria, did he?"

Cagily, as the two of them made their way to Dennis' 4Runner, Kelly kept coming up with inventive ways to dodge answering Gale's question. "Look," she said as she unlocked and opened the door for her wife, "I have an idea. If you really want to know if Gandalf's really dead or not, why don't you do what I've been suggesting you do, and read the books for yourself?

"Tell you what, Gale." Kelly said, as she demurely slipped in behind the wheel of the SUV. "On the nights when I'm femmed out to the max like I am now, and I'm upstairs, all alone in our bedroom, taking care of what needs to be taken care of, why don't you pass the time by reading a chapter or two of the trilogy? That way, we can kill two birds with one stone. In others words, while I'm upstairs playing, what you might think of as a crass game of stink-finger with myself, you can while a way the time downstairs by finding out what's going to happen in the next two movies."

"So, I take it that you're not going to tell me if he's dead or alive, are you?"

"No. You're right, honey. I'm not. If you really can't wait until next year to find out, I seriously suggest that you take it upon yourself to read the books."

"Bitch." Gale laughingly teased.

With an infectious giggle infesting her voice, Kelly countered, "And damn proud of it."


Arriving home, Kelly placed her purse on the steps; hung up her coat, and then headed straightway into the living room, her destination, the first of two natural wood bookcases that lined the far wall. Knowing right where to look, she quickly secured a well-thumbed copy of the Fellowship. "Here." she said, handing the book to Gale. "You can start tonight. As for me, I'm going upstairs and attend to what needs to be attend to."

"You're that horny?"

"Oh, yeah. You'd best believe I am."

"How come?"

"Well, I'm a girl right now, aren't I?"

"Yes... Yes, you are...

"But, what's being a girl got to do with it?"

"Well... to put it bluntly, when it comes to me and my being a part-time girl, you could say that womanhood and horniness are pretty much synonymous. You've got to understand something. I'm horny pretty much all the time when I'm femmed out to the max like I am now."

Sounding about as sarcastic as sarcastic could be, Gale mockingly replied, "You poor thing, you...

"Okay. Be that way. Go ahead. Sashay that pert and perverted little ass of yours upstairs, and attend to whatever it is of yours that needs to be attended to. Just be sure to let me know when you're finished, okay?"

Without another word, Kelly did as Gale suggested she do.


"Oh, shit." Kelly disparagingly quipped, as she lay in bed, cozily snuggling up against her wife's back.

"What's the matter, sweet-cheeks? Is there something wrong?"

"Oh, yeah. You could say that..."

"Well, why don't you tell me. Maybe I can help."

"That you can. You can drive me into work tomorrow morning."

"Sure... I can do that for you.

"So, how come? I mean, why in the world do you need me to drive you to work tomorrow?"

"Because, I was an asshole. Because, come tomorrow morning, due to my stupidity, and the residual girl-time bullshit that I have to contend with, I'll still be in girl motif."

"You will? And, why's that?"

"I'll still be a girl when we wake up tomorrow morning, because stupid me forgot to keep an accurate track of the time I was wearing the heels. Had I had the presence of mind to have done so, I could have simply remove the heels while we were at the movies, there by reducing the total amount of residual girl-time that I was accruing.

"Basically, the way I've got it figured, I won't be switching back to sometime around six forty five, give or take anywhere from a minute or two, up to a whopping fifteen minutes..."

"Oh. I can see where something like that might present a real problem for you."

"Yeah... It sort of does at that.

"Take it from someone who has some first hand knowledge of what it's like to undergo a sexual reassignment while you're contending with morning rush hour traffic, it ain't no fricking fun."

"No... I can see where it wouldn't be at that."

"So, you can take me? Otherwise, I'll have to go in a little late."

"No problem, Kell. As long as we leave a little earlier than I usually do, I have no problem whatsoever dropping you off on my way in to work."

"Thanks. I really appreciate that..."

Next: Chapter 5

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