
By D C

Published on Jan 7, 2005


Heels: The Ultimatum 2 - Show & Tell

By Deane Christopher Copyrighted 2003

Synopsis of Chapter 1: A Change Of Heart

Even though she knew that her husband, Dennis and her girlfriend, Kelly, had in all actuality, been one and the same person, Gale Mallory nevertheless came to find that she missed that former girlfriend of hers more than she ever thought she would. While she thoroughly cherished the time she spent with that new husband of hers, Gale grudgingly came to the realization that she dearly missed spending time with Kelly. Gale had never had a girlfriend the likes of Kelly, and she dearly missed her. She missed doing all those girl-things that the two of them once did together. As illogical as it was, Gale missed being able to commiserate with Kelly. She missed being able to tell Kelly how much she enjoyed married life. She missed being able to shamelessly gloat, as she gleefully filled Kelly in on all the juicy and intimate details of the new life she begun to forage with Dennis. She missed the non-judgmental sounding board that Kelly had once afforded her.

Now, while it was true that Gale had plenty of other girlfriends that she could pal around with, should she ever elect to do so, not one of those other girlfriends of hers could even come close to filling Kelly's shoes. To Gale's mind, Kelly was a non-replaceable commodity. And, since the heart wants what it wants, Gale wanted Kelly back in her life. And that, as they are apt to say, was the be all and end all of it. As far as Gale was concerned there would be no substitutions coming off the bench to fill Kelly's position.

The problem was rooted in the fact that Gale had only herself to blame for Kelly's banishment. Realizing only to late that she had acted hastily, Gale had begun to severely chastised herself for the foolish knee-jerk reaction that had resulted in that ill conceived ultimatum of hers, the very ultimatum that had all but coerced Dennis into dumping those nifty, magical, transsexualizing high heels of his in the trashcan.

Prudently, Gale had provided a lifeline for herself. Unbeknownst to Dennis, Gale, thinking that it might be a wise move for her to do so, had surreptitiously rescued the discarded heels before the sanitary engineers (formerly known as trash men) came by to remove the various plastic trash bags that were due to be collected the following day.

For several weeks, Gale grappled with indecision, constantly vacillating about what she should do. On one hand, she could continue to keep those magical heels of Dennis' stashed away in the oft chance she should ever recant her prior stand on her husband's rather underhanded use of the heels. Or, she could just stick that foolish pride of hers where the sun don't shine and simply return them to him, with the express purpose being to resume her friendship with Kelly.

In the end, Gale decided that resuming her friendship with Kelly was far more important than her foolish pride. To that end, one evening about six weeks into their marriage, Kelly shocked the shit out Dennis by returning those magical high heels of his to him. Having done that, Gale then proceeded on to make a request of her husband. She asked Dennis if he would be kind enough to demonstrate how those high heels of his worked. Overjoyed with his wife's apparent change of heart, Dennis was more than happy to oblige.

Chapter 2: Show & Tell

About five minutes later, as the two of them sat on the foot of their bed, shooting the shit with one another, Gale had to laugh, "Hey, Kell. Do you want to hear something funny?"

"Sure... Shoot."

"Actually... now that I think about it, it's probably more absurd, than it is funny.

"For some odd reason or another, I keep finding myself wanting to fill you in on everything that's transpired in my life since the two of us last saw each other. Look, I know this is crazy, but the thing I wanted most was to be able tell you all about my honeymoon, and everything that Dennis and I have been doing together ever since."

"Now, you've got to admit that that's really absurd, isn't it? I mean, there's absolutely no need for me to fill you in on anything. You already know it all, given that we've been doing damn near everything together."

"That's true..."

"This, whatever you want to call it of ours, is really weird. So wired in fact, that I do believe that it's going to take some time for me to get used to it."

"Yeah... I guess it will at that."

"But, then again, when you think about it, I guess I've got the best of both worlds." Gale's words bubbled with unfettered excitement. "I mean, you're my husband, my lover, and thanks to those magical stiletto heels of yours, the very best girlfriend that I ever had, all wrapped up in one neat little package."


A few minutes after that exchange, having spasmodically leapfrogged from one subject to another without any rhyme or reason, Gale became serious all of sudden, as she quipped, "I hate to say this, Kell, but I do foresee a problem involved in this rather unique situation of ours."

Seeking enlightenment, Kelly felt compelled to ask, "And, exactly what problem is that?"

"Well, since you and my husband just happen to be one and the same person, who am I going to commiserate with when Dennis, or I should have said the male you, and I eventually have a argument?

"How 'bout your mother?"

"Yeah. Right. Like I would ever do something as foolish as that.

"Okay. I'll bite. Why would it be foolish to use your mother as, I guess you could say, a sounding board?"

"Because, while I might forgive and forget, as a general rule, mother-in-laws seldom do."

"Oh. I understand. What you're saying is: long after the argument is over, having only heard their daughters side of the story, mother-in-laws have a marked tendency to hold a grudge against their son-in-laws."

"That's about the size of it, Kell..."


Some ten minutes later, as the conversation began to wind down, Kelly bent forward, and began to remove one of those magical opera pumps of hers.

With a sense of mocked sternness conveyed in the subtle undertones of her voice, Gale demanded, "And, just what do you think you're doing, missy?"

"What's it look like I'm doing? I'm taking off these heels."

"Oh, no you're not."

"And, why's that? Give me one good reason why I shouldn't take them off now?

"I mean, you are aware that I'm not going turn back into a guy again the minute I take them off, aren't you?"

"Yes." Gale replied a little huffy. "I'm fully aware of that.

"Don't you remember? You've told me all about the residual girl-time business, and how you accrue a like amount of girl-time after you've taken those heels of yours off, equal in length to the amount of time you spent prancing around in them.

"In other words, Kell, if I understood you correctly when you explained it to me a couple of weeks ago, were you to wear those heels of yours for, shall we say, an hour, and then take them off, the way the magic works, you'd remain a woman for another hour after that, correct?"

"Yeap. That's the way it works, all right.

"Okay. Getting back to the issue at hand, why is it that you don't want me taking them off right now?"

"Because, silly, I want you to give me a demonstration before we go to bed of how you can use those heels of yours to turn yourself into someone else, if that is, you don't mind doing that for me?"

"No... I don't mind at all...

"However, you do realize that there are a few stipulations that are involved in all of this, don't you?"

"Yes. You told me all about them on several occasions."

"Oh, I did, did I?"

"Yes. Yes, you did."

"Okay, smarty. You tell me. What are they?"

"Well, if I remember correctly, there are only a few basic rules. Basically, the first one is a no-brainer, given that the person you change yourself into a reasonable facsimile of has to be one, a woman. That's to say that you can't change yourself into someone like Ru Paul, because while Ru Paul may look like a lot of women might like to look, genetically speaking, he's really a man."

"That's true..." Kelly concurred.

"Secondly, the woman you change yourself into has to be of an age were they are menstruating. In other words, you can't turn yourself into a pre-pubescence girl on one end of the age spectrum, or a woman who has entered into menopause on the other.

"Very, very good. You surprise me. You really were listening to me when I want over all this with you, weren't you?"

"Yes. I most certainly was." Gale returned defiantly.

"All right. Let's see just how well you were paying attention. Tell me. What's the third and final criteria that's got to be met in order for me to be able to assume the appearance of another woman?"

"Oh, that's the easiest one of the bunch.

"Last but not least, they have to be reasonable good looking, right?

"That's to say that those high heels of yours have a discriminating taste in women, in that they will not allow you to turn yourself into a woman who isn't, shall we say, pleasing to the mind's eye of that rather lecherous and perverted male libido of yours.

"In other words, those heels of yours will not allow you to turn yourself into something along the lines of a Plain Jane. According to what you've told me, you can be cute, attractive, pretty, beautiful, stunning, or knockdown, dragged-out gorgeous. Anything less is strictly verboten. Correct?"

"Yeah... That pretty much sums up my options." Kelly replied, as she demurely stood up and repositioned herself in the central most portion of their bedroom's rather generous open area.

"Okay, Gale. Tell you what. How 'bout I start off the with something simple, such as this?" Kelly said, as she gracefully adopted a model's striking pose.

"Such as what?" Gale quizzically inquired. "Look, I hate to be the one to tell you this, Kell, but nothing happened. You're still you. You haven't change one iota as far as I can tell."

"Oh, crap. You're right. I sure as hell haven't, now have I?"

"No. No, you sure haven't..."

"Oh. I think I know what went wrong.

"Silly me forgot to mention one very important detail. I won't change as long as you're looking at me."

"Now, that sounds like an excuse if ever there was one." Gale playfully teased.

"Yeah... I guess it kind of sort of does at that.

"But, though it does, it's nonetheless true. For some inexplicable reason or another, the heels won't work their magic if anyone is looking directly at me.

"But, not to worry. The solution is a simple one. All you need do is blink when I tell you to, and if everything works the way I'm hoping it will, I'll change.

"All right. Let's have another go at it. On the count of three. One. Two. Three. Blink."

Gale did as instructed, and was astonished to find the spitting image of Marilyn Monroe, decked out in the halter top dress she had worn in the movie, The Seven Year Itch's famous subway grate scene, standing no more than five feet in front of her.

"Holy shit." she giddily gasped. "Kell. Is that really you inside of Marilyn Monroe's body, or are my eyes deceiving me?"

"No. Your eyes aren't deceiving you." Kelly, her voice an exact duplicate of the Hollywood starlet, sensually replied. "Rest assured, it's me alright."

"But, you look and sound just like her."


"Okay. Get ready. One. Two. Three. Blink.

Gale once again did as directed, only to find herself still gazing on a carbon copy of the late Marilyn Monore, save that this time Marilyn was wearing the glamorous hot pink satin gown that the diva had worn for the song and dance number, 'Diamonds Are a Girls Best Friend'.

"Wow. This is absolutely fantastic, Kell.

"Do another." Gale eagerly encouraged.

"Okay. Blink."

Gale did so, and once again opened hers eyes to gaze upon yet another manifestation of a seductively clad Marilyn Monore.

"Isn't that the dress that Marilyn Monore wore when she sang happy birthday to President Kennedy?"

"You're right. It most certainly is." Kelly purred; sounding exactly as Marilyn would have sounded had she utter the very same words.

"That dress sure doesn't leave a lot to the imagination, now does it?"

"No..." Kelly concurred. "It sure as hell doesn't..."



"I don't mean to put you on the spot or anything, but do you think you could do someone else besides Marilyn Monroe?"

"Sure. It would be my pleasure. Can you think of anyone in particular that you like to see me become?"

"How 'bout that model, what's her name?"

"I don't mean to be a pain in the ass, honey, but do you think you could be a tad bit more specific? It would be a whole lot easier for me if I knew exactly who you had in mind."

"Yeah..." Gale had to giggle at her own inability to name the woman she had in mind. "I guess that would help at that, now wouldn't it?"

"Yes. I do believe it would.

"Tell you what, while you're trying to come up with a name, why don't I just run through a couple of my old standbys for you?"

"Alright. Sure sounds like a plan to me."

"Okay. Blink."

In rapid fire succession, Kelly took on the appearance of Heather Locklear, Morgan Fairchild, Pamela Sue Anderson, Halle Berry, Faith Hill, Raquel Welch, Diana Rigg, Kim Bassinger, Cheryl Ladd, Kim Novack, Shania Twain, Vanessa Williams, Grace Kelly, Charlize Theron, Brigitte Bardot, Britney Spears, Julia Roberts, Jennifer Lopez, Sophia Loren, Farrah Fawcett, and lastly, Catherine Zeta-Jones.

"Wow." Gale excitedly exclaimed. "That was really something.

"So, tell me. Who else can you do from memory?"

"Basically, I'd have to say pretty much all the Playboy Playmates over the last five years or so, give or take a Playmate or two, plus, a whole shitload of the women who've been on TV over the last several years."

"Oh. So, I take it you've done a lot of experimenting since you came by those fantastic heels of yours?"

"Yeah... I guess you could say that..."

"Tell me something. Was it my imagination, or have you allowed that healthy male libido of yours to, shall we say, influence, or better yet, enhance the appearance of some of those women you just did? I mean, I never thought Halle Berry's boobs were as big as the ones you had when you did her."

"What can I say, save to say that you're right on both accounts, honey. I have, shall we say, dickered around with the appearances of quite a few of the women I just did, occasionally making subtle changes to suit myself."

"I kind of thought so...

"Tell me something, Kell?"

"Sure... I'd be happy to."

"Where did you come up with this 'Kelly' persona of yours? I mean, is she someone I should know, or at the very least recognize? Or, is she someone you just came up with all on your own?"

"Basically, I guess you could say that she is, or was, a figment of my imagination. In other words, you could say that she is the girl of my dreams."

"Well," Gale teasingly smirked, "by the looks of things, I'd have to say that most of those dreams of yours were: one, rather erotic, in a girl next door kind of way; and two, more than likely wet ones.

"Tell me something else, Kell," she continued on to thoughtfully inquire. "Back in the days before I coerced you into getting rid of those marvelous high heels of yours with that stupid old ultimatum of mine, did you do anyone else on, shall we say, a regular or semi-regular bases?"

"Yeah..." somewhat disturbed by her wife's question, Kelly returned somewhat sheepishly. "I did, but I'm not all that sure that you really want to see me do that particular feminine alter ego of mine..."

"And, why's that?"

"Because..." Kelly was noticeably hesitant to continue on with her explanation.

"'Because' isn't going to cut it, Kell." Gale urged with just a hint of sternness conveyed in the subliminal inflexions of her voice. "Come on. Don't be a party pooper. Show me.

"I mean, you do realize that I'm not going to let you take off those heels until you show me who this secret you is.

"So, if you want to get some sleep tonight, I seriously suggest that you quit stallin'; get your shit together; and show me who this other you is."

Uneasy with the prospect of complying with her wife's request, Kelly endeavored to sooth her nerves by ascertaining a little reassurance first, "Promise me that if I do, you won't get mad, or hold it against me?"

"All right, Kell. If that what it takes, then I promise that I won't get mad, or hold it against you."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." Gale snapped in an uncharacteristic huff. "I'm sure."

"Okay. Just checking. That's all."

"All right... You've checked. I've reassured you. Now, could you please just get on with it?"

"All right." Kelly relented. "On the count of three. One. Two. Three."

Gale blinked, only to open her eyes to see an image of herself, standing not more than five feet in front of her, seductively resplendent in a liquid-silver, nylon/lycra catsuit, a catsuit that left little to the imagination.

"Oh, my God!" she giddily clamored. "You're me!"

Then, after a few seconds of gawking silence, Gale gleefully continued on to amend her previous declaration, "No. On second thought, you're not me. What you are, Kell, is the me that I'd like to be. I mean, your boobs are a tad bit bigger than my mine. Your tummy - a little flatter. Your hips - a little wider. Your face - a sconce more symmetrical. Your nose - smaller and cuter. Your eyes - just a smidgen bigger. Your complexion - what can I say, save to say that it's perfect in every way, and I'd love my complexion to be just like it.

"But," she let loose with a heart felt laugh, "even with all those improvements, I must say, I'm nonetheless flattered."

Though somewhat relieved, Kelly's tone of voice still conveyed a trace of skepticism. "You are? You mean to tell me that seeing me like this doesn't upset you?"

"No. Should it?"

Answering her wife as honestly as she could, Kelly replied, "Oh, I don't know. I just thought it might..."

"Well, it doesn't. So, you needn't worry that pretty little head of yours about it, all right?"

"Sure... If you say so..." Gale could tell by the tone of Kelly's voice, a voice that was a carbon copy of her own, that her part time girlfriend, and full time husband, still harbored some doubts in that regard. Drawing on past experiences, she also knew that there was nothing she could say that would completely eradicate them. However, there was something she could do to ease the tension that still permeated their bedroom, and she did it.

Striding over to her girlfriend/husband/doppelganger, she enfolded Kelly in the warmth and comfort afforded by an emotionally charged, sisterly like hug. "God, how I love you."

Though she hated like hell to have to do so, Kelly, owing to the fact that her arousal quotient was quickly approaching the shit or get off the pot point, sensually murmured, "Gale... I'm sorry to have to say this, but you're turning me on in the worst way imaginable."

"Oh, I'm sorry, Kell." Gale said, as she hastily disengaged, and awkwardly backed away. "Believe me. I never meant to do anything like that to you."

"I know. I know. It's just..."

Gale took over where Kelly left off, "It's just that with you, and your being femmed out to the max like you are right now, things tend to get a little dicey, right?"

"Yeah... You could say that..."

"Look, Kell. If you think that what you really need right now is to get off on yourself - Please, be my guest. Do it. Just go ahead and feel free to attend to those wonton needs of yours.

"Me? I'll just go downstairs, and watch TV, or read a book or something until you're done doing whatever it is you need to do. Okay?"

"The only thing I ask of you is that you do it as Kelly, or any one those other female personas of yours, just not me. That would creep me out."

"No problem. Okay. On three..."

Through she still had on the body showcasing silver catsuit; Kelly was once again Kelly.

"Gale..." Kelly intoned, as her left hand, as if acting on its own accord, reflexively began to knead and caress her ample right breast.


"Are you sure about this? I mean, are you sure you don't mind me getting off on myself up here, while you're downstairs, doing whatever it is you're planning on doing to do to keep yourself occupied?"

"Yes. I'm sure.

"Look. I told you earlier tonight that you needn't feel funny, or for that matter, ashamed, or whatever, about having to get off on yourself whenever you change into a woman. You just do what you've got to do. All right?

"As for me, I'm just happy to have my girlfriend Kelly back, and if that means that I have to give you the time you need to address those feminine wilds of yours, so be it.

"In other words, if there's a problem involved in all of this, it's mine. Not yours. And, just so you'll know, you have my promise that I'll deal with it.

"However, I have a little confession to make of my own."

"Okay. I'll bite, you know, figuratively speaking. What is it?"

"Well..." it was Gale's turn to respond sheepishly, "as sick and perverted as this might sound, I've got to tell you that there's a part of me that would love to watch you get it on with yourself. I would like to see how you go about it."

"You would, would you?" Kelly sardonically teased.

"Yes." Gale snapped somewhat indignantly. "Yes, I have to confess that there's a part of me that would thoroughly enjoy watching you play a crass game of grab-ass with yourself."

"Wow! You know something? They - Whomever in the hell they might happen to be. - are right. You really do learn something-new everyday.

"I mean, we've known each other for well over a year and a half, and here I come to find that my wife has a little of the voyeur tucked up inside that pretty little head of hers.

"Well," Gale bristled, "maybe I do, and then again, maybe I don't. Trouble is, we're probably never really going to find out whether I do or I don't."

"And, why's that?" Kelly felt compelled to ask.

"Because, on one hand, I'd feel really funny sitting at the foot of our bed, watching you play with yourself."

Taking fiendish enjoyment out of the ribald exchange, Kelly quizzically prompted. "And, on the other?"

"Well..." Gale's reply was thoughtfully couched, "on the other, I'd be afraid that my presence would tend to inhibit you."

"Yeah... I guess it could at that. However, the only way we're going to know for sure is for us to try it out one night."

"Okay. That sounds like a plan to me. Tell you what. Let's you and I do just that one of these days. Just, not tonight.

"Tonight, sweetums, you're on your own.

"So, I suggest that since I'm not anywhere near sleepy as yet, you should take all the time you need to do whatever it is you need to do to get off on yourself.

"Look. Do me a favor. Have fun. Enjoy yourself. Then, once everything is all said and done, give me a holler, and I'll come back up here. Okay?"


"Yes..." there was a tentative sense of uneasiness in Gale's comeback.

"You are aware that I'll probably still be a girl when it's time for the two us to go to bed tonight, right?"

"Yes. And, the reason you're bringing that up is?"

"Well... I was just wondering if that was going to present a problem for you?"

"I shouldn't think so... Why? Will it present one for you?"

"I honestly don't know if it will or it won't...

"I mean, I'm really not sure. However, I can see where it might have the potential to become one."

"How so?"

"Well, to be blunt about this, given how much you and I like to cuddle when we go to sleep, I could have a momentary lapse in which I forget the fact that I'm still operating in girl motif. And, should that occur, I could end up exercising my prerogative as a husband to reach out and touch something that, as a girl, I ought not to be touching."

"Oh, I understand what you're getting at. And, you're right. Something such as that could cause us a slight problem.

"Tell you what. While you're up here playing a game of stink-finger with yourself, I'll see if I can come up with a solution or two while I'm downstairs, okay?

"For the here and now of it, Kell, all you need to worry about is taking care of those carnal needs of yours. So, have fun, enjoy yourself, and please don't worry that pretty little head of yours about anything else. Believe me, there's no problem that you can come up with that the two of us can't put our heads together, and come up with someway to work around."

At that, Gale turned, and headed for the hallway. "I'll hit the light switch on the way out, so that you, young lady, can climb into bed, and get busy attending to what needs to be attended to.

"See, you in a little while, Kell. Remember. There's no need to rush. So, take your time, and enjoy yourself." Gale called out as she made the turn at the end of the hallway, and started down the stairs.

Once alone, Kelly didn't hesitate. Stepping out of those magically high heels, she quickly removed the nylon/lycra unitard that had been showcasing that scintillating bod of a body of hers, and eagerly slid beneath the luxurious satin sheets that adorned her and Gale's queen-sized bed.

Next: Chapter 4

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