
By D C

Published on Jan 7, 2005


Heels: The Ultimatum 10 - More Surprises

By Deane Christopher Copyrighted 2003

Synopsis of Chapter 9: Alterations

The heels, adhering to their prime directive to enrich Dennis' life, had taken the metaphysical leaching process a step further. On the day of Dennis and Gale's marriage, beginning with the happy couple's first kiss as a wedded couple, the heels, via the magical potential they had replicated within Dennis himself, had begun to gradually create a carbon copy of their metaphysical wherewithal within Gale. Though Gale's magical potential would remain subordinate to the very same prime directive that the heels themselves operated under, that being to enrich Dennis' life, it would not, nor could not, act against her own best interest. That is to say that the magical potential that was slowly being installed within Gale's intrinsic metaphysical makeup, while being slaved to the goal of enriching her husband's lot in life, could not force her into doing something that was not in her nature to do. Nor, could it cause her to become something she did not wish to become, or even wear something that she did not wish to wear. While it might only occur on a subconscious level of her mental processes, the magical potential that was slowly being replicated within Gale would require her endorsement before any alterations could either be implemented, or enacted upon.

In order to facilitate this gradual metaphysical leaching process, a physical conduit had to be established, no matter how short lived that physical contact might actually be. The holding of hands, a hug, or even a simple kiss provided such a conduit. Sexual intercourse, as well as the couple's ongoing use of the double-ended dildo, provided a greatly enhanced conduit for the leaching process, owing to the fact that the process could then use the accompanying orgasmic rush to mask a massive transfer of the replicated metaphysical wherewithal.

Though Gale failed to pick up on it, the first indication that something new had been added into the mix was the increased amount of compliments she had begun to receive. The second was that her clothes appeared to fit her better than they ever had before. However, the thing that caused her to suspect that something really strange was going on was when of her cohorts at work asked her if she was going to a tanning spa.

Gale's curiosity peaked one Saturday morning, causing her to do a stare and compare. Employing the medicine cabinet mirror, various pictures from her wedding album, and her husband's magnifying glass, discovered that her facial features had undergone a substantial upgrade. Later that same day, she and Kelly stopped in a Victoria's Secret. There, Gale asked the salesgirl to check her measurements. They, like her facial features, had undergone a remarkable makeover.

Both Gale and Kelly were in full agreement. Gale, via the heel's magic, was well on her way to becoming the upgraded, sanitized and unquestionable sexy version of her former self, the very same version that frolicked about within the erotic world of her husband's rather farfetched fantasies.

Later the following week, upon returning home from work one evening, Gale showed Dennis some more of his heels' magical handiwork. A pair of chunky heeled shoes that Gale had just purchased had changed into a pair of stilettos, stilettos that bore an uncanny resemblance to those magical high heels of her husband's.

Chapter 10: More Surprises

Two weeks after the incident with his wife's shoes, round about the time that Gale's tan lines disappeared altogether, Dennis came home to find another surprise waiting for him. Greeting him at the door, resplendent in the black satin finery of full Playboy Bunny regalia, Gale kicked off one of their newly adopted, weekly, tease-to-please theme evenings with a cozy candlelight surf and turf dinner.

"Okay." with a chuckle infesting the inflexions his voice, Dennis humorously quipped. "Tell me, where'd you get the outfit? I mean, it sure looks like the genuine article, and as I understand it, they're not all that easy to come by."

"You're right. They're not. And, for you information, mister, I got it the same place that you get all your girlish duds."

"You mean to tell me that you ended decked out in that Bunny outfit via some magical means?"

"Yes, and I assume, by pretty much the very same magical means that you yourself use."

"Oh, so what you're saying is: you came home, put on those rather unique high heels of mine, and used them to change the clothes you were wearing in a Bunny costume?"

"That's correct, save that I didn't have to put on those magical high heels of yours to do what I did."

"You didn't?"

"No. All I did was to do the same thing that I assume you do.

"That's to say that I formed a mental picture of myself decked out as a Bunny; blinked my eyes, and - Whalla! - I ended up looking just like I do now."

"That's incredible."

"Yeah, I kind of thought so too."

"So, tell me. When did you first become aware that you could do this magical, presto-chango, clothing thing-a-ma-bob of yours?"

"Earlier today..."

"Oh. So, am I to take it that the idea of trying to magically modifying what you're wearing into something else just sort of pooped into your head?"

"No, silly." Gale giggled. "I think it fair to say that I learned that I could do it as a result of what you might call some creative daydreaming on my part.

"You see, dear, on my way into work this morning, while I was waiting for the light at the intersection of Willow and Thirty-fifth to turn green, I took the opportunity to more closely examine a billboard that had that very same advertisement that you made mention of seeing the other day."

"You mean, the one with that has that nice looking blonde decked out in that shimmering white spandex leotard?"

"Yes. That's the one all right.

"So anyhow, I sitting there, looking up at the billboard, and wondering how this new and improved body of mine would look decked out in similar outfit, when I all of sudden I become aware that I'm not wearing the clothes I put on this morning. Rather, I'm wearing the very same skintight outfit that the girl on the billboard is wearing. And to make matters worse, out of the corner of my eye I catch a glimpse of the guy in the car next to mine, and guess what he's doing? He's giving me the old hairy eyeball.

"So anyhow, even though I'm pretty discombobulated at this point in the proceedings, I have enough presence of mind that when the light turns green; I'm able to flip Mr. Obnoxious the Bird, and drive to a parking lot that was situated just on other side of the intersection.

"Okay. Aware that I'm in no condition to drive at the moment, and that I really need to get a handle on what just happened, I pull into a parking place, put the car neutral, pull on the parking break, and turn off the radio.

"Well, to be honest with you here, given all the magical things that you and I been dealing with here of late, it didn't take a lot of brain power on my part to figure out what must have happen. Though I'm at a loss as to how to explain how I ended up with the same sort of magical ability that you have when you're wearing those high heels of yours, I just figured that somewhere along the line, I somehow acquired it.

"Oh. And, that brings to mind a question I have for you.

"Have you ever tried to magically change from one outfit to another when you're not wearing your heels?"

Dennis, after giving the matter some thought, replied, "I can't say for sure, but I don't believe so."

"Tell you what. Tonight, while you're logging some of that residual girl-time of yours, how 'bout giving it a try just to see if you can do it?

"My bet is that you can."

"Okay. I'll do that. I'll give it a shot. However, just in case I forget, please make sure to remind me. Alright?"

"Sure thing..."

"Okay. So, go ahead. Please, finish up telling me about what happened this morning, after you pulled into the parking lot."

"Well, after giving the matter some thought, I realized that while I was gazing up at that billboard, I may have actually muttered something that, while iffy, could have been misconstrued into being a cockamamie half-baked wish on my part. Basically, though I can't for the life of me remember my exact words, I believe I said something to the effect of: I bet Dennis wishes that I would wear something as sexy as that getup to lounge around the house in.

"So anyhow, going on the assumption that that ill conceived wish of mine had somehow caused the clothes that I was wearing to morph into that slinky unitard I found myself trussed up in, I figured that I might be able to undo what I had inadvertently done by simply wishing myself dressed the way I had been when I headed off to work this morning."

"And, that worked?"

"It sure enough did. It worked like a charm.

"Basically, all I did was to close my eyes; form a mental picture of myself dressed the way I had been when I left the house this morning, and that, as they say, was that."


"It's kind of nifty to be able to do something like that, isn't it?"

"Oh, yeah." Gale was quick to concur. "It sure is."

"So, was that the extent of it? Or, did you do what I did when I first realized that I was sort of a self-contained, walkin', talkin', ladies fashion designer slash fashion consultant slash magical seamstress slash model, all rolled into one pretty nifty package, if I do say so myself?

"I mean to tell you, Gale. I was like that proverbial kid in a candy store that you're always hearing about. Like a fiend, I went about the house collecting every magazine I could lay my hands on. Carting them all back upstairs and dumping them on the bed, I began flipping through the pages of first one and then another, until I found a picture of a woman wearing something that, shall we say, tickled this male oriented fancy of mine. Finding something that I thought I might like, I'd changed into a reasonable facsimile of what the woman in the picture was wearing, and proceed on to modeled it for myself.

"Hell. Would you believe that the next day I actually went so far as to order a Frederick's of Hollywood catalog in order to further indulge that new found proclivity of mine to more or less tease, titillate, and there by, seduce myself?

"So, I guess what I'm asking is: did you do something similar? Or, did you wait until you got home to try out this, what appears to be, new and nifty magical talent of yours?"

Gale, in response to her husbands inquiry, began somewhat sheepishly, "Well, as much as I'd like to say that I had the mental fortitude to hold off till I got home tonight, I can't."

"Oh. So, I take it that did a little experimenting while you were at work?"

"No... I hate to say this, dear, but I didn't do a little experimenting while I was at work today. As awful as this is going to sound, I have to say that I did a lot of experimenting."

"You didn't."

"Oh... but I did..."

"Did anyone catch sight of you doing it?"

"No... Not that I'm aware of...

"That's to say that while I did it a lot, I was very careful when and where I did it."

"Good. I'm glad to hear that.

"I mean, we've got a good thing going, Gale, and the last thing you and I need is for someone to become overly curious."

"I agree. And, I promise that I won't ever do something like I did today ever again. It's just too risky..."

"I'll say..." Dennis concurred.

"However, I do know what I going to do."

"And, what's that?"

"From here on out, I'm going to use this newfound ability of mine to my best advantage. In others words, Den, I have full intentions of becoming a fashion plate."

"Be my guest, honey. Since you've got it, you might as well just go ahead and flaunt it."

"And, you'd best believe I have full intentions of doing just that. Starting tomorrow, I going to go work dressed to the nines. Plus, I will probably wear a different outfit each and every day from here on out."

"Hey. While I really like you in that Bunny costume, how 'bout giving me a demonstration of this newfound ability of yours?"

"Sure thing." Gale crisply replied, as she got up from her chair. "I'd be more than happy to.

"Is there anything in particular that you would like to see me in?"

"Oh, I can think of a few, but tell you what. Why don't you just surprise me."

"Okay. Sure... I can do that.

"Ready? One. Two. Three. Blink."

In quick succession, Gale changed her attire, going from Playboy Bunny, to French Maid, to scantly clad genie, to Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader, to latex and leather bound dominatrix. Adopting a new theme, she continued on to successively don the togs of Wonder Woman, Supergirl, Batgirl and Catwoman. After that, she took a more mundane tack, as she garbed herself in various versions of the mini-shirted business suit. Striking, tease-to-please casual attire followed that, ere Gale capped off her dazzling and dizzying display with a mixed bag of beguiling bathing suits and sock-it-to-me bedroom ware, before once again opting for the satin eared, collared, cuffed, and cotton tufted denizen of one of Hef's infamous Hutches.

"Wow." Dennis jubilantly declared. "Now, that was really something."

"Oh. So, I take it that you liked that little demonstration of mine?"

"I most certainly did. I thought it was absolutely wonderful."

"Good. I'm glad to hear that. Especially so, since I must have practiced that very same routine about a half a dozen times before you walked in the door tonight."


Later that night, after appeasing those damn near insatiable sexual appetites of theirs, Gale reminded Kelly that she had promised to try and effect a wardrobe change while not wearing those magical high heels of hers. Reluctantly, and with a frown on her face, Kelly got out of bed, and headed into the adjoining bathroom. Plucking a bathrobe that was far to big for her femininely form from off of the hook upon which it usually resided, Kelly drew it on as she retraced her steps back into the bedroom.

"Okay. Let's see if this is going to work. Ready? One. Two. Three. Blink."

Gale did as Kelly directed, only to find that lover-girl of hers decked out as she herself had been earlier that evening, save that Kelly's Bunny costume was a brilliantly gleaming silver satin, where as, her costume had been a shimmering and ever so sexy black satin.

"Wow." Kelly exclaimed. "It worked. It actually worked."

"Oh, yeah. It most certainly did." Gale concurred. "And, I must say, Kell, you do that Bunny outfit proud. Fact is, decked out like you are now, you look good enough eat."

"Is that an offer?"

"No. It wasn't meant as one. However, since I not anywhere near sleepy as yet, and since you've been a pretty good husband here of late, I guess I could be nice, and do you again.

"So, sweetums," Gale replied, as she began patting the bed as a visual indication for Kelly to rejoin her, "why don't you get rid of that getup, and park that succulent tush of yours right here alongside of me?"

"Sure thing." Kelly said, as she began to eagerly scamper around to her side of the bed. "Ready? One. Two. Three. Blink."

Kelly's gleaming silver Bunny costume was in that instant magically transmogrified back into Dennis' bathrobe, which Kelly soon shed as she scrambled in alongside of that wife and lesbian lover-girl of hers.


A little while later, as the two of them lay entwined within the idyllic comfort of a shared embrace, Gale nuzzled Kelly's ear and gently murmured, "I love you, Kell. I really, really love you."

"And, I love you too." Kelly dreamily replied, ere she continued on to impishly inquire, "I'd just like to know which one of my sexual personas do you love more. Me, or that no account husband of yours?

"Oh, let's not start that nonsense again. You know very well that I love both the male you and the female you equally as well. So, let's not go there tonight. Okay, Kell?"

"Sure... I was just wondering... That's all..."

"Wonder all you want. Just don't ever ask me that stupid question again. Okay?"

"Oh, so that's how it's going to be." Kelly teasingly smirked.

"Yes. That's how it's going to be.

"Now, would you please just do me a favor, and shut up?"

"And, if I don't, what are you going to do? Make me?"

"If I have to..." Gale was warming to Kelly's game.

"And, just how do you think you're going to be able to do that?"

"Like this." Gale sardonically proclaimed, as she planted an impassioned wet one full on Kelly's luscious lips, while at the same time opening a second front by deftly inserting the nimble middle finger of her right hand into the satin slick swath of her husband's magically constituted womanhood.


Though his hands were plagued with rheumatism, Zebulon Castigetta deftly slipped the body of the first of two black kidskin pumps he had been working on that evening onto one of several foot-shaped ironwood pedestals that he had carved during his youthful days as an apprentice. As he did so, the long retired shoemaker made an inquiry of his wife of some fifty or so odd years, "So, tell me, Val. Since I suspect you've been keeping abreast of what's been going on this evening, how are our newest lovebirds fairing."

Looking up from the crystal ball she had been so intently gazing into for the better part of the evening, Valentina Castigetta casually replied, "If by newest, dear, you're referring to Dennis and Gale Mallory, I'd say by the looks of things, the two of them seem to be doing just fine."

"Good. I'm glad to hear that." The grizzled Zebulon somewhat distractedly offered, as he picked up the as yet unattached stiletto heel of the shoe he was working on, and began to once again recheck its proper placement, prior to his actually gluing it to the hindmost section of the pump's sensually arched sole. "From everything you've told me about them, Val, they seem like they're a nice couple."

"Trust me, Zeb, they are.

"Truth be told, they are absolutely perfect for each other."

"And, I take it that they've been making good use of those very specialized pumps of ours?" Zeb inquired, as he gently laid the stiletto heel upon his workbench

"They most certainly have."

"Good. I'm glade to hear that they are." he somewhat distractedly replied, as slid his trusty glue pot out from under the workbench's rear mounted tool shelf where it normally resided, and into a much more easily accessible position on the workbench.

"By the way, has - Oh, what's his name? - figured out that he doesn't actually need to be wearing the pumps anymore in order to be able to change himself into a woman?"

"If by what's-his-name, you are referring to that nice young man, Dennis Mallory, the answer to your question is no. He hasn't figured that out as yet.

"However, thanks to a suggestion his wife made earlier this evening, Dennis has finally discovered that he doesn't need to be wearing those pumps of his in order to change from one female outfit to another. So, I'd say that there's a good chance that he might come to find that he also possess the magical wherewithal to become a woman whenever he so desires, whether or not he's wearing those magical pumps of his."

"You know, Val," Zeb continued thoughtfully, "I've been thinking that maybe we ought to provide an instruction manual with each pair of these rather unique shoes of ours."

"And take all the fun out of having our young gentlemen find out how they work on their own?" Valentina Castigetta quipped. "I think not. I, for one, like things just the way they are."

"Alright." Zeb, sounding a tad bit putout by his wife's gently veiled rebuke, countered. "It was just a suggestion. There's no need to get huffy about it."

"I wasn't getting huffy. And, I must say that I appreciate the suggestion. Truth is, it's a good one. However, were we to do as you suggest, and provide the recipients of our handiwork with, what I guess you might now a days call a user's manual, that explains all the ins and outs of how our pumps work, it would take all the fun out it for me.

"Zeb, you ought to know by now, that I get a big kick watching these young gentlemen of ours trying to figure these things out for themselves.

"So, at least for the here and now of it, how 'bout we just keep doing what we've been doing, and let these sexual seesawing guy-gales of ours find out all the little particulars of how the pumps' invested magic works all on their own..."

A few minutes later, having just completed the task of gluing the splayed base of the seductively tapering stiletto heel onto the awaiting pump, Zebulon made yet another inquiry of his wife, "So, my love, did you by any chance look in on any of our other recipients this evening?"

"Of course I did." Valentina chuckled. "Don't I always?"

"Well, of course you do, dear. But, it still doesn't hurt for me to ask, now does it?"

"No... No, of course it doesn't..."

"So, do you have anything that I might find of interest for you to tell me about?"

"Yes." Val's reply was edged with the eagerness of unbridled excitement. "Now that you mention it, there most certainly is.

"The Grants - You remember. Joe and Beth Grant. - are expecting their first child. Just this afternoon, Beth's gynecologist confirmed the fact that she was indeed pregnant."

"She is, is she? That's great. I do believe from everything you've told me about them, the two of them should make great parents."

"Yes... I agree. I do believe they will at that..."

"So, by any chance did you look in on Paul and Janice Meadows?" Jebulon asked, as he dabbed some glue on the base of yet another unattached wickedly tapered stiletto heel.

"Funny you should ask about them, because, for some reason or another, I did look in on them tonight."

"So, tell me. Is there anything new happening on that front?"

"Yes, actually there is."

"Alright. Go ahead." Zeb encouraged, as he carefully positioned the heel he had just applied glue to over the mate of the pump he just finished affixing a heel to. "I'm all ears."

"Paul, or I probably should have said Paula, was just offered a major role in a new movie that is slated to hit the theaters sometime next summer."

"Well, when it comes out, we'll have to make sure we go see it.

"So, I guess that'll put a crimp in that modeling career of his," Zeb mused aloud.

"No... Not if Janice has anything to say about it, it won't."

"Oh. That's right. Paula more or less put his wife's modeling agency on the map, now didn't she?"

"She most certainly did. Without Paula, Janice's agency would never have gotten off the ground. And without the huge success of Janice's agency, those two would never have been able to fund all those philanthropic endeavors that they do."

"Now, isn't that's the truth." Jeb quipped, as inspected his handiwork.

"You know something, Val? I don't know how you do it, but I must say that you sure have picked some very good young men to receive these shoes of ours."

"First off, while it tickles my heart to hear you refer to them as 'our' shoes, Jeb, in all reality they are really your shoes. You're the shoemaker in the family, not I. All I do is invest them with a little magically wherewithal before sending them out into the world, where, with a little luck, they'll link up with a deserving young man.

"And secondly, as I keep trying to tell you, I don't pick the recipient. The pumps do that all on their own.

"In other words dear, it all boils down to magic..."

The End

Next: Chapter 12: A Friend in Need

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