
By D C

Published on Jan 7, 2005


Heels: The Ultimatum 9 - Alterations

By Deane Christopher Copyrighted 2003

Synopsis of Chapter 8: Variations On A Theme

After experiencing an unprecedented unbroken string of simultaneous orgasms via their nightly use of the double-ended dildo, Gale and Kelly had to concede that their good fortune could only be due to some sort of intervention initiated by Dennis' magical high heels. Several nights after that, Gale asked Kelly if the dildo felt somehow different to her. Kelly tactfully sidestepped her wife's inquiry, forcing Gale to step up to the plate, and say what Kelly was afraid to say. According to Gale, the artificial phallus no longer felt like a dildo, owing to the fact that it had increasing begun to feel like a real penis felt when nestled so snugly up inside of her. Then, after laying that bombshell on her ultra femmed out husband, Gale continued to add that it felt to her as if the penis that was up inside of her climaxed concurrently when they climaxed. To wit, Kelly concurred, admitting that she had experienced pretty much the same sort of sensations that her wife had.

Two nights after that, both women freely admitted that shortly after they had climaxed, the double-ended dildo felt as if it was actually going flaccid, much the way a normal penis would in the aftermath of spewing up its guts, there by fulfilling its part in the procreation process. The night following that, another new wrinkle was added into the mix. Both young women admitted that they not only felt as if they had a penis shoved up inside of them, but also felt as if they also were equipped with a penis that was nestled up inside of the other's vaginal canal. Then, as a topper to that, when they climaxed, the two of them experienced both sides of the sexual equation, save that Gale's was weighted more to the male side of things, while Kelly felt more from the female side of the aisle. Also, as an extra-added bonus, cum put in its first appearance, which in turn caused Kelly to become concerned about the possibility, no matter how remote, of her becoming pregnant via their use of the double-ended dong.

In an effort to assuage her lesbian lover-girls concerns, Gale offered the supposition that the only way the heels would ever allow Kelly to become pregnant was if that was what her husband really wanted. Otherwise, the heels' magic would more than likely ensure that something such as that would never happen. Kelly, being the logical person that she was, perceived her wife's supposition as being a sound one.

Chapter 9: Alterations

Though it would remain a supposition on both their parts, Gale assertion had been right on target. Dennis would not, nor could not become impregnated without his conscious desire to do so.

One principle and one principle alone governed everything the heels did or did not do. They had been created with the expressed purpose of enriching the life of the man with whom they were metaphysically bonded, and they accomplished that prime directive of theirs in a myriad of ways. While they had in no way forced Gale to adopt a bisexual lifestyle, they had done everything in their power to remove as many roadblocks as they could in order to make such a choice a viable one. In like fashion, they had been instrumental in making it possible for Kelly to acqueasse to her wife's proposal, in so far as their use of the double-ended dildo was concerned.

Though it was entirely possible that Dennis would never become consciously aware of the fact, the heels, via a metaphysical leaching process had, over time, replicated their magical potential within Dennis himself. That is to say that were he to but make a conscious and concerted wish to become a woman, he would do so, much as he did when he donned those magical high heels of his. Also, though he was as yet unaware of his ability to accomplish such, he could reclaim his manhood by simply making another conscious and concerted wish, negating some, or all of the residual girl-time he had amassed in the process.

The heels, adhering to their prime directive to enrich Dennis' life, had taken the metaphysical leaching process a step further. On the day of Dennis and Gale's marriage, beginning with the happy couple's first kiss as a wedded couple, the heels, via the magical potential they had replicated within Dennis himself, had begun to gradually create a carbon copy of their metaphysical wherewithal within Gale herself. Though Gale's magical potential would remain subordinate to the very same prime directive that the heels themselves operated under, that being to enrich Dennis' life, it would not, nor could not, act against her own best interest. That is to say that the magical potential that was slowly being installed within Gale's intrinsic metaphysical makeup, while being slaved to the goal of enriching her husband's lot in life, could not force her into doing something that was not in her nature to do. Nor, could it cause her to become something she did not wish to become, or even wear something that she did not wish to wear. While it might only occur on a subconscious level of her mental processes, the magical potential that was slowly being replicated within Gale would require her full endorsement before any alterations could either be implemented, or enacted upon.

In order to facilitate this gradual metaphysical leaching process, a physical conduit had to be established, no matter how short lived that physical contact might actually be. The holding of hands, a hug, or even a simple kiss provided such a conduit. Sexual intercourse, as well as the couple's ongoing use of the double-ended dildo, provided a greatly enhanced conduit for the leaching process, owing to the fact that the process could then use the accompanying orgasmic rush to mask a massive transfer of the replicated metaphysical wherewithal.


Though Gale never made the connection at the time, the marked increase in compliments she received from her coworkers, friends and family should have been a dead giveaway that something unusual was going on. Instead of the occasional, "My, don't you look nice today," Gale began to receive all sorts of compliments; compliments that ran the gambit from, "Whatever you're doing with your hair now, I must say it looks great." to "I must say, married life sure seems to suit you. You're looking better than you ever did."

Gale, thinking that people were just being kind, did not place a lot of credence on all the flattery that was being lavished on her. However, when one of her co-workers asked her what tanning spa she was going to, Gale, upon replying that she was not going to a tan spa, found herself at a complete loss as to how to explain how she had acquired that gorgeous, California beach bunny tan of hers.

Then, on top of all that, Gale began to gradually become aware that her clothes seem to fit her better than they ever had before. Though she had bought them off the rack, they increasingly began to look as if they had been tailor-made to flatter her figure, a figure that even she had to admit was becoming more striking and curvaceous than it ever had seemed to her before.


Having just put the kibosh on what had become their Saturday morning wakeup ritual of some mutually satisfying heterosexual sex; Gale excused herself; got out of bed, and headed into the adjoining bathroom for a quick shower. A few minutes later, even as Dennis was stepping into those magical high heels of his, he heard his wife call out to him, "Hey, Den. Can you do me a big favor? Could you please go downstairs and get me the photo album that has our wedding pictures in it?"

"Sure, honey. I'd be happy to."

"Oh." Gale called out, adding an amendment to her previous request as she did so. "And, while you're at it, would you be a dear, and see if you locate that magnifying glass of yours as well?"

"Sure... No problem... As long as you didn't put it in that 'special place' of yours, the one where all my stuff seems to disappear into, I should be able to do that for you..." Dennis sarcastically added as he began to make his way out of the bedroom.

Though it was substantially a male Dennis who strode out of the bedroom, it was, for all practicality, a very female Kelly who sashayed back into it several minutes later.

"Okay, honey." the voice was still that of her husband's. "Though it took me awhile to find 'em, I've got both of the items you requested. So, tell me. What do you want me to do with them?"

"Bring them in here, will ya'?"

"Sure... I'd be happy to..." Kelly, with a voice that was as feminine as feminine could be, casually replied.

"Look, since I was nice enough to run downstairs and get this stuff for you, I think that it's only fair for you to tell me why you wanted them in the first place." Kelly cheerfully declared, as she placed the two requested items on the countertop, so as to be within easy reach of her wife, who was preoccupied with the task of examining her face in the mirror.

Kelly, curious as all get-out to know what was going on, felt compelled to inquire, "Is there something wrong?"

Somewhat distractedly, Gale tentatively responded, "I'm not really sure..."

"Well, for my money, your face looks just fine to me." Kelly, in an effort on her part to placate any misgivings her wife might be harboring, pleasantly countered.

"Look, while I freely admit that I'm more than a little bit bias where you're concerned, I do believe that you're getting prettier and prettier with each and every passing day."

"Yeah..." Gale, who was still intently scrutinizing herself in mirror, thoughtfully muttered. "I do believe that you might be right about that, and that's what really got me bugged."

"Huh. You're serious about that, aren't you?"

"Yes. Yes, I am."

Seeking clarification, Kelly asked, "And, that's why you wanted the photo album and the magnifying glass? You want to do a stare and compare?"



Kelly, aware that it was no time for her to kibitz from the sidelines, stood silently in the doorjamb. From that vantagepoint, Kelly watched intently as her wife continued to scrutinize herself in the medicine cabinet's mirrored door. Gale, having opened the photo album to two opposing eight by ten close-ups of herself, one a full face, and the other, a profile, alternated between looking at the two of them, via the use of Dennis' magnifying glass, and the reflection of her own visage in the mirror.

Back and forth she went, slowly at first, but accelerating to a frenzied pace as her examination began to focus in on various aspects of her countenance.

"Oh, my God!" Gale gasped. "This is crazy! Absolutely crazy..."

Unable to contain herself, Kelly felt compelled to ask, "What is? What's crazy?"

"My face. That's what's crazy. It's... It's... It's..." Gale stammered. "It's changed."

"Yeah. Right." Kelly, with a mere hint of a giggle infesting that ever so sexy voice of hers, dubiously quipped. "Like something like that could ever happen.

"I tell you what's crazy. You, and your saying something as farfetched as that."

"No." Gale energetically registered an objection. "You don't understand, Kell.

"My face isn't my face any more. It's your face, the one you have when you do me.

"In other words, Kell, my face is now the new, improved, and damn near flawless face that you have concocted for yourself, whenever you use those heels of yours to do me."

"That's ridiculous." Kelly, who had begun to gaze into the mirror as intently as her wife was, brusquely countered. "You don't know what you're talking about, honey."

"I most certainly do." Gale brashly countered. "For your information, I'll have you know that I know exactly what I'm talking about.

"Do you recall that birthmark I had on my face, that little teardrop shaped patch of lighter skin that was situated just below my right eye?"

"Yeah... Sure... Why?"

"Well, if you take a good look, Kell, you'll see that it isn't there anymore."

"Wow. I hadn't noticed that before, but you're right. It sure isn't..."

"And, neither is that hardly noticeable scar that I got when I was learning to ride my first two wheeler after my dad removed the training wheels. If you recall, it ran along the underside of my left jaw.

"Go ahead. Take a look. You'll see that it's gone too."

Kelly, having done as her wife suggested, had to concede that Gale's assertion was indeed correct, "Well, I'll be. You're right, honey. There's absolutely no indication that you ever had a scare there."

"That's right." Gale triumphantly exclaimed. "And, do you want to know why that's right?" Then, before Kelly could get a word in edgewise, her wife continued on to bombastically quip, "Well, I tell ya'. My complexion is damn near flawless. My face, damn near perfect.

"I mean, take a good look at my nose. See. It no longer has that ugly little bump along its ridge. Nor, I might add, is its tip as turned up as it used to be.

"Okay. Now look at my dimples." Gale insisted, as she forced a smile to form on her face. "Remember, they weren't anywhere near even? The right one was a little longer, and a tad bit deeper than the left one was."

"Yeah... You're right. Your dimples weren't even. One was slightly larger than the other one was."

"That's right. But, guess what? They're the same now, aren't they?"

"Yes..." Kelly found herself forced to agree. "They most certainly are..."

"Basically, you could say that my face is, for all practical purposes, about as symmetrical as yours is, Kell?"

"Oh, yeah... It's symmetrical all right. Symmetrical, and without a doubt, about as beautiful as beautiful can be..."

"You mean that, don't you?" Gale felt compelled to ask.

"Oh, yeah. Make no never mind about it, honey, I think that you look absolutely fantastic."

"Well, considering that I now look exactly like that upgraded, sanitized version of the me that resides up there in that head of yours, it more or less goes without saying that you would feel that way."

Not sure if she really wanted to hear her wife's answer, Kelly nevertheless felt compelled to inquire, "Is that going to present a problem for you?"

"Actually... no. Given that I really like the way the new and improved me looks, it's not going to present a problem for me at all."

"Are you sure?"

"Sure, I'm sure.

"I mean, who wouldn't want to look better than they do, or in my case, did?"

"So, do you think that these heels of mine had something to do with this?"

"Well, of course I do. Don't you?"

"Yeah... Sure... I just wanted to get your take on the matter. That's all..."


A few minutes later, acting on her wife's request, Kelly dutifully changed herself into Gale's twin.

"So, what do you think?" Kelly asked. "Can you see any difference?"

"Yes... But, it's only a slight one, and I'd be willing to bet you that in a week or so, I won't be able to detect any."

"So, I take it that what you're saying is: you think that my heels haven't finished with you yet?"

"Yes. That would be my guess."

"Okay." Kelly curiously prompted. "So, tell me. What leads you to that conclusion of yours?"

"Two things. One, your complexion is, shall we say, a smidgen or two more bronze than mine is. And secondly, our tan lines. Or, I really should have said, my tan lines, given the fact that you, my dear, have nary a one, while if you look real close, I still do."

"You know something, honey? You're right. While I never gave it any thought before, I don't have any tan lines. Fact is, now that you mention it, I don't believe I ever did..."


That very afternoon, while making their way along the lower concourse of a near by mall, Gale, upon coming abreast of a Victoria's Secret, cheerfully declared, "If it's okay with you, I liked to go in here for a few minutes."

"Sure..." Kelly replied, as her wife grasped her hand, and began to lead her into the previously mentioned establishment.

Several minutes later, having asked one of the salesgirls to double-check not only her bust measurements, but also her waits and hip measurements as well, Gale pleasantly quipped, "Can you believe that, Kell. Ever since I turned seventeen, I've been a 34B. Now though, thanks to those magical high heels of yours, I'm a 36C. Plus, my waist has lost a good two inches. Instead of being the solid twenty-five inches that it's been for years, it's shrunk down to a very trim twenty-three inches. Likewise my hips, which, if I remember correctly, were somewhere in the neighborhood of thirty-two inches, have expanded to very shapely thirty-four inches..."


An hour or so later, as they sat waiting for one of the shoe store's salesgirls to return to showroom with the several pair of shoes that Gale had asked to try on, a somewhat curious Kelly felt compelled to inquiry, "Hey. What gives here? I thought you hated wearing heels?"

"I do."

"Okay... Well, if that's the case, what's going on? I mean, you do realize that both the boots and shoes that you asked to see all have heels, don't you?"

"Well, of course I do, Kell. That's exactly why I picked them."

"Oh. Now I'm really confused. Why on earth are you even considering getting anything with heels, given the fact that you've made it perfectly clear to me that you hate anything with a heel over an inch or so?"

With a clear sense of consternation ringing in her voice, Gale countered, "Because..."

Not to be daunted, Kelly snapped, "That 'because' of yours ain't going to cut it, Gale. Come on. You've got me intrigued. So, fess up. Why the change of heart?"

"Well... if you must know, Kell, I guess you could say that I guess I'm a little envious of you, and how well you manage getting around in those stiletto heel bad boys of yours, not to mention how down right sexy they make you look."

"Yeah... You're right. They do add something to the overall package, now don't they? Plus, you could say that they give me that little bounce to the ounce that tends to turn guys' heads."

"They most certainly do." Gale concurred, as the salesgirl reappeared with several shoeboxes stacked up in her arms.


"So, how do those new boots of yours feel?" Kelly inquired as she and Gale exited the shoe store.

"Oddly enough, they feel fine."

"Are your toes all scrunched together?"

"No. My toes don't feel pinched at all. Actually, these boots are very comfortable."

"And, the heels aren't giving you any trouble?"

"No. Why, does it look like I'm having trouble?"

"No." Kelly replied. "You seem to be handling them just fine."

"Good. I'm glad to hear that.

"Tell you what, Kell, if I find that I can handle these chunky three inch heels, maybe in a month or so, I'll go whole hog and purchase a pair of four inchers, something more along the lines of those spike heels of yours..."


Arriving home from work the following Wednesday, Gale gleefully called out as she entered their house, "Hey Dennis. Where are you? I've got something I really want you to see."

"I'm upstairs, honey. Be down in a sec."

"Well hurry up." Gale enthusiastically encouraged. "This is something that you really need to see."

A few minutes later, as Dennis reached the bottom of the steps, he casually said, "Okay. So, go ahead. Show me whatever it is you want to show me."

"Take a look at my heels." Gale giddily directed, as she stepped into the center of their living room.

"Oh. So, I take it that you went out and bought yourself a pair of stiletto heels while you where at lunch today."

"You'd think that, wouldn't you? But, the truth of the matter is I didn't buy them today."

"Alright, so I guess one of your co-workers either gave them to you, or lent them to you?"

"Wrong again."

"Okay. I'll bite. So, where and when did you get them?"

Instead of answering her husband's question, Gale coyly replied, "Now, I know you're not going to believe this, but you were with me when I purchased them."

"Bullshit! Contrary to what you might believe, I'll have you know that I was never with you when you bought those shoes."

"Oh, yes you were." Gale was enjoying the game.

"Oh, no I wasn't." Dennis aggressively countered. Then, in move to cover himself in the remote chance he was wrong, Dennis continued on to add, "And, if I was there, like you claim I was, would you please tell me when, exactly, did you buy 'em?"

"Just last Saturday, when the two of us were over at the mall."

"That's crazy. I mean, while it is true that you bought a couple pairs of chunky, moderately heeled pumps, plus that pair of boots, you never purchased a pair of stiletto heels."

"What can I say, Den? When you're right, you're right. I didn't buy a pair of stiletto heels.

"Now, before you go getting your shorts all in a wad over this, how 'bout I explain what's going on here." Gale offered.

"Please do."

"You see dear, I really did buy these shoes last Saturday, only they don't look the same now as they did then."

"Huh. What are you saying, Gale? Are you trying to tell me that they've up and changed the way they look?"

"Yes. That's exactly what I am trying to tell you.

"You see, Den, as crazy as it might sound, this morning these high heels were the black pair of chunky heeled pumps that I bought last Saturday."

"So, what you're saying is: they somehow changed during the course of the day?"

"Yes. That's exactly what I'm saying."

"How's that possible?"

Throwing the question right back at her husband, Gale demanded, "How's anything that 's been happening to the two of us possible? How can you, a guy, turn yourself into a woman? How can you not only assume the appearance of any reasonably attractive woman you want, but also attire your feminine form in anything that over-sexed, lecherous male mind of yours can concoct? How can I, a fairly attractive woman, end up looking as terrific as I do now? How can a dildo not only feel, but also function just like a real guy's 'thing'? How can you and I experience both male and female orgasms concurrently? How can you explain the massive amounts of cum that gets shot up inside of the two of us?"

"Okay. Okay." a somewhat browbeaten Dennis stammered. "I get your point. Basically, what you're saying is that my heels' magic has to be at the root of all of this?"

"Well, if it's not that, how else are you going to explain it?"


A short while later, as the two of them sat at the kitchen table eating dinner, Dennis' curiosity got the best of him, "So, tell me, honey. When did you first become aware that your shoes had up and changed on you?"

"Some time around ten o'clock, or there abouts. I had just refilled my coffee cup and was on my way back to my desk when a co-worker of mine called me into her cubicle. So anyhow, after we talked for a could of minutes, she proceeds to ask me where I purchased my high heels, intimating that she would like to get a pair just like them. Well, even as I'm telling her, for some reason or another, I look down, only to come to the stark realization that shoes I'm wearing look nothing like the shoes that I put on this morning."

"I bet that threw you for a loop," Dennis chuckled.

"Oh, yeah. It most certainly did."

"So, since you haven't as yet taken them off, I would suspect that they're fairly comfortable."

"The truth is, dear, they are the most comfortable shoes I've even worn, bar none."

"So, I gather that there's a good chance that you'll be wearing high heels quite a bit from here on out."

"I hadn't thought of it until you just now mentioned it. But yeah, I probably will at that..."

Next: Chapter 11

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