Hectic Love Life

By rf.liamtoh@naibats

Published on May 24, 2017


This story contains sexual encounters between willing gay males, I hope it's not illegal in your country but if it is, please leave at once!

All characters in this story are +18 years old. Everything belongs to me and to Nifty. Warning: This chapter contains sexual content without urination. Please be aware that Nifty puts a lot of effort into reviewing, classifying and storing the awesome stories you read on Nifty.org, so before you get distracted by the lustful content make sure you pop in a donation to help keep this website going and show your support! Right Here -> http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html

Chapter VI

The next few days went by at the camp and I couldn't get over at how happy I was to be together with Ben, it's like those very few fantastic fantasy dreams you have as a kid where you're living in a wonderful world that appears to come right out from studio ghibli and you're having the time of your life experiencing this world scattered with even more hidden surprises. That is right before someone tells you you've got 10 minutes to catch your bus for school awakes you.

But this you see was like that dream going on forever and knowing you can actually stay there for as long as you wanted.

Today was Saturday so we had the whole day off and as planned Ben and I decided to catch the bus into town. The bus was provided by the camp, it was actually driven by Mr.Hughes himself, which was one of the rare occasions us scouts would see him (not taking into consideration the sex sessions Ben and I have with him as part of the deal to keep our relationship secret).

The bus was complete overkill for the amount of scouts that we were, and taking out all the scouts that didn't ride in to town much we were only 6 on this blue faded colored 1960's double decker bus.

So that pretty much gave us a complete freedom of choice, we all sat on the top floor because the roof had been cut off and instead were several metal arches that kept the structure strong enough so we could enjoy some wind. What was cooler was since we have always been free to modify the bus as we desired just a year ago we planted several GLISSINES in wooden boxes full with soil right beneath every arch.

So instead of a scorching sun hitting us full on, we sat beneath a hallway of flowers and leaves making us enjoying the wind on theses hot days without being rampaged and burnt by the scorching sun. However this also meant sweeping up all of the falling remains that fell into the bus.

For 30 or so minutes we sat on the top deck enjoying the scenery and joining in from time to time in the discussions of our scout mates.

As the bus entered town as far as Mr.Hughes wanted to go without having to go through difficult maneuvering later on, we stepped out as Mr.Hughes all warned us again to be back at the same spot at 3pm. We had 5 hours on us move about in the city.

As we reached the centrum we made excuses to the other scouts so we could go our own ways and before I knew it Ben was pulling me by my hand through the crowded footpath until we reached a pedestrian crossing.

"I'm gonna get this thing at this very interesting place, I've been dying to go there with you since we've been kissing each others lips!" Ben said excitedly to me as I waited for the light to turn green.

"Ah! Is that so? I suppose I'm not allowed to ask what it is?" I smirked at Ben knowing it was probably something dirty.

"Of course you can't know, it's a surprise!" He said as we started crossing over the street "Here's a hint though, you'll never be able to ignore it when I want you to think about it."

"Oh god.. Is this some kind of psychological torture device?? Just saying right now I'm not going in with any of your machiavelical plans Ben!" I replied worryingly praying he was going to laugh at that.

"Haha no way! It's just a little something that will let me have a fair amount of control over all of your actions, that's all." He said innocently before pulling me once again through thick crowds of people.

By the time we walked past some more skyscrapers and crossed a few more crossings, Ben finally came to a stop. We stood in front a shop with a purple frame and a big glass window from which you could see red velvet hanging from the roof, mannequins handcuffed to a pipe and dressed in very thin fabric as well as a queue of dildos in all shapes and sizes.

"A sex shop, I should have known.." I said not too surprised

"Yeah! Awesome right? But wait until you see what I'm about to get you!" Ben said excitedly as he pulled me and pushed the door open.

The bell tinkled again as we closed the door behind us, the shopkeeper who was at the very back of the shop popped out from behind his counter and greeted us.

"Hi folks!" He waved to us

Ben was scanning the shelves for a while as I took the time to look around at all the funny `tools' and toys I could find.

"Here is the first one!" Ben exclaimed as he threw me a pair of pink speedos.

"Ah ha oh no man! You're pushing it a bit too much!" I chuckled as I tried to picture myself wearing these pink speedo briefs in front of the other scouts.

Ben continued looking throughout the shelves obviously looking for something else that was missing.

Meanwhile my gaze scanned across and I made eye contact with the shopkeeper who had his eyebrows raised and a big grin on his face as he watched me holding those pink briefs.

"Yes! Here it is!" Ben interfered before it got any more embarrassing.

He walked over to me and put a box in my hands, I didn't have time to understand what it was before Ben dragged me over to the counter so he could pay for the items.

"That'll be $36,95 please" the shopkeeper said after he scanned the two items.

"Oh and do you have a changing room that we can use to put them on?" Ben asked as he paid with his card.

The shopkeeper started smiling again "Sure just down there and to the left"

Ben took the two items and I followed him to the changing, the shop was empty but it seemed that one stall out of the 4 was being used, we entered the one facing it.

"First things first" Ben said in a lower tone as he closed the door behind us, "Did you see what I got you?" as he held up the box in front of me.

"Oh my..." I was a bit stunned but also excited as I saw what he had bought me "Is that one of those vibrating eggs you can control with a remote??"

"It sure is!" Ben replied with a big grin on his face as his gaze descended to the level of my crotch.

I immediately understood what he meant "Now?? Right here?" I hushed to him nervously

"YES! And then I can used it throughout the day, I won't leave it always on of course but it would be so hot!" Ben hushed excitedly to me as he bit his lip hoping I would agree.

How could I say no to this beautiful boy,

"Ok, let's do this."

"Shorts off !" He said and I proceeded to obey as I unbuttoned and let my shorts fall to the ground. I felt an on growing semi in my underwear as I continued to pull them off as well.

Ben who was gazing dreamily while I undressed quickly got back to his senses

"And let's take this off as well" he said as he pulled my t-shirt off of me leaving me starch naked in the cabin with him. "Turn around and bend over "

I did so and bent over leaning myself on the little stool while I watched myself in the mirror and Ben in the background shuffling around as he opened the packet to reveal the purple vibrating device.

"Incoming ship" He said before he spat on the egg and proceeded to slowly push it against my anus.

I felt the egg going in splitting my hole open, it felt like the size of a clementine which was considerable. The egg was nearly half way through when suddenly it went all in neat and tidy. Ben was now a bit in control of me and that made my boner jump a little more.

"There we go, try standing up" Ben said as he fondled with the remote.

I stood up hoping it wouldn't fall out of me but sure enough it stayed pretty well where it should be.

"Whoaah!" I jolted as I felt a sudden bolt of tickling/stimulating feeling in my butt "WOW that was unreal!!" I said gaping to Ben as he grinned back to me

"That was only level 3, I have 6 levels of intensity here! But we'll discover them later babe" He said as he pocketed the remote "Now let's put the briefs on!"

I had almost forgotten about them, I pulled off the tag and slipped them on, it's such a nice feeling to put your speedos on, these also had the particularity of being bright pink which made me laugh as I watched myself in the mirror.

I could see Ben in the mirror looking at my ass and obviously popping a boner, I'm always stunned that he doesn't wear underwear even when going out into town!

Ben slapped and gave a nice squeeze on my left ass cheek as he whispered to my ear "This is so hot."

He started to gently kiss my neck as his hand snuck beneath my pink briefs running his middle finger down to my entrance as it made it's way through and started tugging from the inside.

I closed my eyes and let myself be touched by Ben, I felt his other hand running across my chest and his hips move closer as he begun rubbing himself up and down against me all while kissing and fingering me in this sex shop cabin. I felt like a diva, I felt desired and excited and horny as fuck! I needed him to do me right now!

"Fuck me just fuck me now!" I whispered back to him as I enjoying his touch

Ben hesitated for a bit then quickly unbuttoned his shorts as they fell to his ankles making his proud boner fling into the air sending a drop or two of precum on the mirror. "Ok super quick then!" He hushed as he placed himself right behind me and pulled down my new briefs to reveal my asshole.

His wet penis touched my entrance and I shivered in excitement and anticipation. He went forth and slowly but confidently slid all the way until his balls made contact with my ass cheeks.

" I can feel the egg!" He said remembering the remote in his pocket. He pulled his cock out of me, grabbed the remote and came back to fill my void with relief.

In and out he pounded as I held steady onto the stool, we could hear some activity in the shop but it wasn't enough to take this epic moment away.

"Oh god!" I exclaimed a little to loudly as I felt an inside vibration aside to Ben's cock ramming in and out of me. "Holy shit this is so intense!"

"I can feel it too!." He huffed between his hip movements.

His thick cock felt so full to me and the vibrating egg was the cherry on top, I didn't know if I could hold long before I shot a huge load of cum onto the mirror.

But just as everything was going so well a sound resonated into our ears;

"KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK" three very loud knocks sounded onto our door, Ben immediately stopped pumping as he looked back nervous to be caught but being in such a horny mood I urged him with a desperate looking face to finish what he started.

"Just a minute!" Ben said to the person knocking at the door as he resumed to pump his cock in and out of me at an even faster rate to try and finish off before that minute ran out.

"You've been in there for quiet a while, I'm closing the store in 5 minutes." The shopkeeper responded as we heard him walk back to the counter.

Ben grabbed onto my shoulders to hold himself as accelerated his fucking pace ramming his dick harder and even further into my arse as I clenched my hands tighter around the stool I held onto.

That's it I can't hold it anymore, I'm literally gonna blow my cum load any second now I thought as I felt Ben nearing climax.

"Fuuuuuuuuuuuckkk....." Ben grunted suddenly as I felt his grip tightening around my shoulders pulling me hard against him as waves and waves of semen unleashed themselves into my asshole.

I felt just then my knees weaken and what seemed like an unreal amount of cum blowing out from the tip of my cock straight onto the mirror and running down in excess onto the floor. Just about 5 loads of cum came out of me and something close to a bucket of semen was now swarming my butt, I felt like I had become a lake.

"Oh my god that was amazing" Ben let out as he fell resting on my back with his dick still inside me.

"And it still is" I whispered back

"I'm closing in 1 minute! I'm gonna have to unlock the door if you don't come out by then." The shopkeeper reminded us

"Shit quick let's get going!" Ben said as he pulled his dick out of me letting cum drip all over the floor while he pulled his shorts back on.

I stood upright and quickly felt I needed to make a big clenching effort if I was to keep that cum inside of me, I pulled my speedo briefs back on and carefully went into my shorts stretching into my t-shirt.

I looked at Ben and he looked at me to make sure we were presentable and he unlocked the door to step back into the shopping area of the store.

"Took you two a while!" The shopkeeper said looking at us knowingly.

I smiled nervously in return trying to hide behind Ben as much as possible as I felt considerable amounts of cum running down my legs.

"Yeah it was a tight fit, have a good lunch sir" Ben waved to him as he kept a steady pace towards the exit

He reached to open the door and pulled the handle down but... it was locked.

Both of us feeling extremely disconcerted as to why would he lock the door knowing we were still in the stalls.

"Huh sir, the door is locked" Ben peeped to the shopkeeper

"Oh? Yes sorry my mistake" He replied as he came towards us with the keys in his hands.

But as he reached us he did not go forth to open the door immediately

"You know" he said making sure to mark the pause to get our attention "I know what you two were doing in there" he continued

"oh..." I squeeked looking back nervously at Ben

"Even though what you were doing in there was illegal, I probably won't say anything" the shopkeeper pursued

We stayed silent not knowing what to expect or what to do or what to say.

"Can I quickly check if your briefs still have a tag on them? I wouldn't want you going around through shops making the sirens go off every time." The shopkeeper asked directly to me.

"umm... sure.." I said timidly feeling like I had done something bad

The shopkeeper approached me, placed his hands on my shoulders and gently turned me around. After doing this he slid his hand along my back and down right underneath my shorts AND my briefs.

`Holy shit' I thought, he's going to feel the huge puddle of cum all around my asshole.

And sure enough, as his hands slid beneath the synthetic material and against my bare cheeks, his index and middle finger ran right into my crack brushing against my dilated anus. As he did so he slowly brought his fingers back up sending shivers through my body all while scooping along a considerable amount of cum until his hand exited from my briefs with a smack sound.

"Just as I thought" he said as I turned to face him again seeing him holding up in front of him two of his fingers dripping in cum "there was a tag left". And just as we were staring at him, he brought his two fingers up to his mouth and scooped the whole lot in before sucking his fingers clean and swallowing down all of the cum.

We stood with our mouths slightly open not believing what had just happened, we didn't budge just waiting for the next event.

As the shopkeeper looked back at our stunned faces he took me again by the should and moved me so I faced the shelf which presented many different sexual items.

And with the most mundane mannerism that could be in this not so mundane event, he simply tilted me against the shelf and pulled my shorts down to my ankles revealing my wide spread open cum stained asshole.

Ben just stood and stared with his mouth wide open as he looked back through the wood and glass entry door nervous that anyone would be witnessing this obvious scene.

The shopkeeper caressed my buttcheeks with his both hands observing the cum leaking out of me as he moved them about. And with no warning whatsoever he unbuckled his pants and pulled his large cock out from his zipper hole which from Ben's perspective was oozing with precum.

Everything was happening so fast and so abruptly, both me and Ben were completely dumb struck as to what was happening and even more so as what could actually BE happening soon.

Before I could think any further I felt it enter me, it was actually happening, the shopkeeper had pushed his thick cock through my well lubricated asshole and not before long he was picking up a good thrusting pace.

"uuuuhh.." Ben started

"Watch the door" The shopkeeper interrupted as he continued pumping his cock in and out of me with ease.

The slurping and slapping was getting louder and I had just realised my cock was rock hard once again from this thick new arrival.

I was feeling the shopkeeper was getting close to climax, he picked up a faster and more aggressive pace as he held on to me hard.

"Urgghh Fuck Yeah!" The shopkeeper grunted as he pounded his last movements to release a surge of thick ropes of cum hitting the very far end inside my ass.

3 ropes of cum flung inside me and 3 more as he pounded a last time hard against me. I felt myself filling up with semen, I felt so naughty having now storing cum from Ben and a complete stranger inside of me.

The shopkeeper kept inside of me for a few seconds to let the last drops flow out until he pulled his dick out of me and wagged his dick to fling the remaining semen stuck onto my back.

He tucked his dick back into his trousers, bent down and pulled my shorts back on making sure to give my butt a real tight squeeze before he opened the door and directed us out.

"See you soon" He said giving us a hands up wave

I followed Ben outside onto the streets and heard the door slam shut behind us.

"Holy shit!" Ben said completely overwhelmed by the recent events

"We need to go to a public toilet, I can feel lots of cum leaking out of me" I said to him urgently dismissing what now belonged to the past "And please can you turn that vibrator off!"

"Ha! Don't worry I know just the place to go" He said as he switched the egg off with his remote

"I'll get you tidy and then I have another little surprise for you babe" He said encouragingly before giving me cute kiss on the cheek.

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