
By Mike Austin

Published on Sep 6, 2020


HECK by Mike Austin


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Heck and his uncle had a mutual respect and admiration for each other. Uncle Matt's children had no interest in the store and after his wife died last year, Matt's interest and enthusiasm about living began to wane. Even though he was younger than Heck's dad, his zeal was gone. Heck's folks had retired, bought a used 80' luxo-yacht, refurbed it and took clients out on cruises and fishing trips. Matt was envious and had discussions with his older brother for over a year, about buying a similar vessel and they run cruises together, when he suddenly grew ill. As noted, after his kids moved away and his wife died, Matt's forward momentum abruptly went into neutral and he became depressed, stopped eating and just began to wither away. The earlier interest in getting the boat routine with his brother had vanished. Matt began spending less and less time at the store but Heck had been there to assume a full-on role. When Heck turned 43, Uncle Matt suffered a massive heart attack at the register in the store that he loved so much. Heck's CPR efforts and those of the local EMTs were futile and Heck was left calling his cousins with the sad news. Heck was overwhelmed with loss and Marcus again remained his constant go to guy, at 41; ever present.

Heck worried about the kids claiming their half of the business and him being unable to leverage the cash to cover the buy-out. Marcus insisted that he not worry until the will was probated and all the dealings done. Marcus' counsel again proved wise as the will stipulated that Matt's interest in their store partnership was to be offered to Heck for $51.00 per surviving child of Uncle Matt. Matt's three kids had wanted nothing to do with the store and now the partnership interest in the store would only pay them a token amount. Also unknown to anyone, Matt had bequeathed his residence to Heck. Heck's cousins were furious but could do nothing to claim any major assets, which all went to Heck. Uncle Matt had really been a stand-up man and now Heck would be comfortable and secure like he'd never imagined.

Heck and Marcus decided it was time to finally live together regardless of any town gossip. They'd convert Heck's small bungalow he now owned into a rental and remodel Uncle Matt's place outside town, plant a major garden and sell fresh produce at the store and have some for them. The house wasn't visible from the hwy and if they wanted to pick tomatoes naked, they would. Now with a 100% gross margin he was realizing from the store business volume that he'd expanded, he'd be able to retire his buy-in loan by the time he was 49. Marcus was now 43 and was promoted to Lab Manager and got a huge incentive bonus annually which would be going to the buy-in loan principal and now Heck's payoff was in sight at 47.

Matt's home was a 4 bedroom one story ranch style house sitting on 10 acres with a small spring-fed pond and stand of mesquite trees on one side. There was an equipment barn at the back of the house and beside it a water well powered by a windmill and ag tank. Matt and his wife had raised 3 kids there, 2 boys and a girl. Heck and Marcus spent 6 months renovating the house with upgrades and modern technology as well as enlarging rooms and giving it a general updating, new surfaces and paint; just like they wanted. Heck recalled many youthful Summer days when they would go to Uncle Matt's and swim in the pond. Now the place was theirs and they were considering adding a pool to swim in vs relying on the pond. On the first anniversary of owning the house and getting it renovated, they decided to throw a small party for close friends, all straight, but the two men figured by this time in life, they didn't care. While not flamers, Heck and Marcus were comfortable in their stage of having come out in town.

The day of the party, Heck brought his two part-time helpers in to run the store so he could help Marcus get the house and meal ready. The menu was grilled steaks and chicken from Meadows Packing House, fresh vegetables from their garden and Tia was making a full sheet tres leches cake as she did at her own restaurant. Earlier the week before, Heck had met a new guy to town named Jack when Mr. Waller brought him by the store for a meet and greet. Mr. Waller owned the small airfield and he'd hired Jack on as a mechanic and he'd only been in town 2 days. Jack was staying in the small bunkhouse adjoining one of the hangars and knew no one, but Mr. Waller wanted to make sure that Heck knew it was ok for Jack to charge things to the airport acct that he may need to get settled in. Heck knew suspected right away that this new guy in town might be gay, shook his hand and stared into the man's deep blue eyes. Heck noted the guy's ruggedly handsome look and felt this was a guy that he and Marcus might rely on as a friend. Heck made sure to invite Jack to the party and he had arrived way too early as a guest, but claimed he came early to offer a helping hand. While Marcus had only met Jack once, he too felt a real friendship would develop and be positive for all three guys. Jack set about doing anything asked of him, quickly and completely then coming back for the next To-Do Item. His help took the pressure off and they were all set about an hour before any guests were set to arrive. They were able to visit and get to know each other.

Jack wore stiffly starched jeans, a western shirt and his best boots, was clean-shaven unlike his usual scruff that while he wore it well, wasn't really the neatest look for a party. Heck wore black jeans and khaki-colored western shirt and boots. Marcus was trimmed out in khaki slacks, topsiders and a green Polo pullover golf shirt. His lean muscular build was defined by the pullover. All three guys looked comfortable in their gear and just seeing them on the street, one would have no idea they were gay. There were about 25 at the party, including the hosts and it lasted from about 6 until 10. Guest compliments about the house were abundant. When Tia arrived with the tres leches cake, Marcus insisted she stay and she became the dance life of the party, encouraging a congo line around the back patio, then into the family room, through the house, out the front door, then around the house to the back patio again before they all sat down to eat. Laughter filled the late spring evening. At one point, Heck looked across the room at Marcus, who beamed back at his lover's gaze. Their connection was obvious. Both their looks scanned the room at the close friends who now recognized and accepted Heck and Marcus as a couple. Jack began picking up plates and service wares from the diners and disappeared into the kitchen and utility room with the cleanup, before returning to the room and repeating the cleanup steps. He paused briefly, feeling both men staring at him and all three smiled and nodded appreciatively.

The last guests left at 10:05 and the three men collapsed in the leather chairs around the breakfast table off the kitchen. The tiki torches still flamed and large potted palm trees, framed the wide patio as all three sat quietly taking in the picture. The stereo was silent; the wind outside beat at the torch flames but could not snuff them, and whipped a rushing sound across the patio and against the back of the house. It was Jack who first spoke, "thank you guys for inviting me and making me feel welcome here, I know I'm an outsider and well, ya know gay in a straight town, but thanks to you guys, I won't feel so isolated and alone now. Don't mistake what I'm sayin', I'm all good with who I am, but it sure does make a difference having some others you can kick back with and maybe share some stories." Heck spoke up, "Jack you're welcome here at any time and for as long as you wanna stay, we're all family here now" and Marcus added, "we don't' really have many background stories that are exciting like you have Jack, but we grew up together and came out late to ourselves and each other and are now together and have you as part of our house and family. You are always welcome here, consider it your home too." Jack was taken aback at the welcome these two guys had extended after only a short time. He stood, shook their hands and said he "needed to get back to the field and check that this wind hasn't caused any hangar problems and that the tiedowns on the smaller Piper Cubs etc are all still secure" then added "thanks again guys" and with that he leaned down and hugged each separately and left. Heck and Marcus turned off lights and left for bed after a busy day and friend-filled evening.

While tired, the pair embraced each other in the Cali King-sized bed and soon, Marcus crawled between Heck's outstretched legs, took his thick long dick in hand and began sucking, licking and swallowing down the long hardening shaft. Heck's typical profuse amount of precum well-lubed his lover's sweet throat. Marcus moaned as he went totally deep down on Hecks' cock; felt it throb slowly and repeat, then throb faster as he bobbed up and down like a pumpjack. Soon Heck gripped Marcus' head and worked him up and down with increased passion. His orgasm grew closer and closer as Marcus' moans filled the room until that moment when Heck came, roaring loudly "NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNOW CUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMING BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABBBE" then collapsed from his tense orgasm. Marcus scampered up beside Heck and humped his crotch to his lover's side and in no time was shooting his own rapid fire jets of cum across Heck's hip and abs. They embraced again, locked in a kiss and fell asleep that way, literally stuck together.

It was 1 a.m. by the time Jack drove back to the airfield from the party, checked all the tie-downed planes, resecured a few, checked all the hangar doors and finally stripped down in the bunkhouse beside the last hangar and climbed into the twin-sized bed. He was worn out, yet excited and horny. Jack's cock was a thick 9" slab and took a long time to bone up, but once there, was good for a long go at an ass or mouth. He stroked his cock for about 20 minutes to get fully erect and tugged his low hanging ball bag all the while. He stroked and stroked thinking about some tricks from the past, about some of the hot scenes he'd been invited into, his military days of hustling and finally after over another ½ hour, was getting close. His body was tense, his toes outstretched to the max, his respiration rapid and his eyes squinted tightly. His muscled right arm hammered up and down his thick hard meat with the big head flooding pre-cum and beads of sweat accumulating in his chest hair. Finally he felt that prerelease just before blast off and Jack screamed aloud "YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" and flooded cum pools on his abs and chest with remnants puddling at the dick base in his crotch. He was still gripping his dick as he drifted off, content to let his cum dry where it fell. Jack slept more soundly that night than he had in over a year and awoke the next morning, a Sunday, to a chilly Spring breeze blowing across the barren airfield.

Next: Chapter 4

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