
By Mike Austin

Published on Sep 5, 2020


HECK by Mike Austin


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Based on his extensive injuries he wasn't a candidate for the military and had a minimal but perpetual limp and drag of his left leg. Heck had not admitted to himself, that being gay was OK. Hell, he hadn't even totally come to grips with that fact and though his agility had been dimmed from the wreck and multiple surgeries, Heck was still a strikingly handsome, if gangly man. It also didn't hurt that he showed that huge bulge in jeans, baggy shorts, khakis or whatever strained to conceal his lower torso.

He worked as a day laborer right after high school at the refinery construction group and once he earned that welding certification from Jr College, he landed a real step up in wages and prestige, though he still felt insecure and inadequate without his basketball honors. His injuries spurred Marcus, who continued challenging Heck to get more education and was right there helping him earn that Associates degree in Chemistry and coupled with Mrs. Thompson's recommendation, landed Heck the lab job. He felt really secure now and worked himself up slowly in the lab staffing, until he reached a point that again, his injuries were more than he could overcome and he was forced to resign. At 30, Heck found himself with a pension he couldn't access for 30+ years, no insurance, no prestige, no job, feelings of inadequacy and loneliness.

Marcus had graduated high school with honors, attended college, earned his B.S. in Chemistry and was working in the lab with his mom and Heck, for the period of time that Heck remained employed there. Heck remained the older brother that Marcus had lost. The pair often ate supper together in Heck's little rented bungalow and some weekends would play old music CDs and watch old TV series. Marcus had already realized he was gay but there were no other gay guys in the small South Texas town; of that he was certain. One weekend the pair had polished off a pizza and were deciding what movie, music or TV stuff to pass the time and Marcus muscled up the courage to open the gay topic. It was late and they were celebrating Heck's landing a job at the Dollar Store. Marcus brought a bottle of Cold Duck by and they'd finished it and the pizza and were just winding down when Marcus paused, looked at Heck at the other end of the sofa, fumbling with the CD remote selecting a vintage album set of tunes. Heck felt the penetrating stare form the opposite end of the sofa, turned to his young buddy and spurted "WHAT IS IT, WHAT"? Marcus blinked to reality and with a stutter, "Heck, uh Heck we been friends for, ya know a really long time and been through a lot of shit", "So yeah we have been what of it little bro" (as Heck had grown to refer to Marcus years earlier). Marcus continued, "I need to be upfront with you about something and it's personal and before you jump in and tell me to fuck off, just hear me out and don't get all bent out of shape, OKAY?" Heck nodded yes as he refilled a glass with Cold Duck and leaned back on the sofa staring at his buddy, then refilled Marcus' as well. Marcus began, "I know you and Bill used to do those J/O sessions a lot and then every day and always tried to keep me out of that action for a lot of reasons", his eyes teared up. "I used to too" he added "only I didn't have anyone to do it with so I just thought about yall jackin off." Heck was stunned at Marcus' admission and really had nothing to add. The 28 year old brunette with the huge brown eyes, long eyelashes and sculpted facial features is coming out to me Heck thought and I owe him the same. "Marcus, you're right we had a pact that we'd not J/O if you were around, not because Bill thought you might be gay, but out of respect, it was sorta sacred ground, YOU were sacred ground" and with that Heck stood, moved beside Marcus, reached around his shoulders and pulled him close. The two men sat there in silence, neither knowing just what to do next, but knowing they'd found a bond that had been there, just sort of flayling in the wind and not connected. Finally Marcus, leaned back, took Heck's head in both his hands and stared into Heck's deep blue eyes. Heck's premature greying hair, eyebrows, lashes and scruff were punctuated by his dark blue eyes. Marcus wiped a tear from each of them and then leaned forward to kiss the older bro, as he'd become over the years and especially after Bills death. Heck responded to Marcus and gripped the young guy firmly and they leaned back against the sofa before resting down onto the cushions, still entangled in each other's arms and legs. Their kisses grew more intense, then soft, then more exploratory and discovering before they sat upright, both took their glasses of cold Duck and did a small toast. "To Billy" Heck almost whispered. "To Bill and Us" came Marcus' reply.

While Marcus had grown into a 6' handsome guy, he still remained far shorter than Heck. Then there was that other variance as Heck led Marcus to the bedroom, shedding their clothes in the process until each stood in the hollow glare entering the bedroom windows from the mercury vapor streetlight. They each were bathed in that surreal light and as Heck and Marcus each tugged back the covers and slipped into bed, they touched and explored as the gay novices they were. Marcus was instantly hard and at 7.5" was proud of his cock. It paled compared to Heck at over 9" and thicker than Marcus' grip. Heck realized that for all the J/O sessions he and Bill had done, they'd never been intimate like this and he paused, taking Marcus in his long hand, gripping the younger cock and stroking it. Marcus moaned and stretched out, surrendering his torso to his idol. The two slipped into a "69" and Marcus eagerly sucked at Heck's cock, felt the heft, the girth and for the first time realized his dreams of so many years. This Saturday night would be memorable for both guys and on several levels. Marcus came first and Heck didn't hesitate to suck down the rich cum of the young bro. No sooner had Marcus finished and Heck found his hardon at the edge and Marcus gobbled lovingly and lustfully down the Hoss Dick. Heck's hands held Marcus' head down on the huge slab of cock as he emptied his balls down the young throat that was locked on his dick. They drifted off to sleep. It was 4 a.m. when Marcus stirred, looked beside him at the man he'd loved for so many years; then nestled into his arms and returned to a sleep he'd never known.

They grew as a couple. The two could not live together in the small town, but spent every night and weekend possible together. Heck worked at the Dollar Store for 3+ years, during which time he gained in salary and integrity; but he needed more and knew that unless he was prepared to travel around from store to store, his future was very limited. He had family and Marcus here and didn't want to move away or be on the road. He and Marcus often talked about their future and plans. One day Marcus arrived for supper with news of an asst. mgr position at a nearby major grocery chain. While the store was 18 miles from their town and it would be a commute that Heck was unaccustomed to making, the salary was excellent but the hours were demanding. So at 34, Heck applied for and landed the asst. mgr. job and again the pair were celebrating Heck's new role. It happened to be Marcus' birthday and Heck was invited to the Thompson's for supper and cake. He'd found Marcus' favorite cologne and a classic rock album, then enjoyed the extended family he'd grown so close to over the years. After supper, Marcus claimed he and Heck were going to a movie and they disappeared into the night. Heck's small bungalow was at the opposite end of town from the Thompson's and they were not in the door good before they were in each other's arms, then in bed and then 69ing eagerly. The 69 stopped and in no time they hit the shower and were back in bed, Marcus prepped and ready to take the Hoss Dick he'd now perfected taking. First doggy and then on his back, Marcus passionately took Heck's dick. Over and over in different positions, kissing and touching and taking the hard cock pounding that Heck delivered until suddenly Marcus' eyes glazed, rolled back and exploded cum between them. Heck continued his deep fucking, felt his passion overwhelm and exploded in his lover, then fell atop Marcus, their arms encircling each other. They woke Sunday morning and repeated their fuck frenzy before showering and fixing breakfast. Heck always loved making Marcus cum hands-free and Marcus always loved the cum volume from Heck's huge dick and balls.

Their life together was a blended one. Marcus' dad was nearing retirement and while his mom was younger, she too wanted to do some traveling. They announced their plans to Marcus that dad would retire in 2 years and mom in 3 years when both turned 65. Their plans were to begin traveling. That would leave Marcus at 35 and his folks off on adventures. Marcus was now the Chief Lab Tech. Heck and Marcus remained living apart because of town gossip. Marcus and Heck altered their own plans some and when after 6 years at the grocery store, Heck was offered a position at another store, he decided to turn down the offer and stay put. At that same time, Heck's Uncle Matt Heckman, opened a discussion with his nephew about buying into his highway general purpose store. Heck was excited, talked the idea over with Marcus who likewise, was supportive. Heck and Matt reached a partnership buy-in agreement. Heck now found himself with a plant retirement/pension, a modest Dollar Store 401K and now a pension with the big box grocery chain. Along with his frugal lifestyle, Heck had managed to eke out a nice savings and the bank was all too eager to loan him the funds for the buy-in. At 40, Heck was now a partner in a thriving business; one he'd grown up around and for which his retail business experiences had positioned him perfectly. Marcus and Heck celebrated vigorously that evening. Heck fucked Marcus so hard that night, the younger 38 year old actually had trouble walking the next day.

Next: Chapter 3

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