Heavy Cummer

By Sensitive Bi Guy

Published on Jul 22, 2005


Normal disclaimers apply: explicit material, for adults only, no minors, aim before you shoot, etc.

Josh just stood there for some time, trying to gather his thoughts into some kind of order. Shock seemed to have gotten the better of him as he looked into the green eyes of his third cousin, Eric. How had he just walked in out of the blue? How had he come from Josh's memories right into the present moment?

"Hey man," said Eric, snapping his fingers in front of Josh's face like he had on that one amazing day three years ago, "snap out of it!"

"Oh, shit, sorry Eric. I'm just... amazed. I didn't expect to see you, it's been so long."

"Yeah, I'm back in town for a little while and I just wanted to surprise you." Eric was even more good looking than when they were kids, if such a thing was possible. He still kept his dirty-blonde hair cut short, though it was a little messy (that bed-head type style that had become popular in recent years). Josh took a quick look at him, taking it all in as fast as he could, not wanting Eric to know that he was checking him out. Eric had a down-to-earth feel to him that Josh found really attractive. By the way he moved it was obvious that Eric was a very confident person and this made him even more handsome.

"You look good, man." said Josh, trying to think of something nice to say.

"Well hey," replied Eric, with one of his characteristic smiles, "Don't jump me right here, there are people watching."

"W-what? I..." Josh stammered

"Damn dude, lighten up." Eric playfully punched him on the arm, "I'm just fucking with ya. You need to relax!"

"Oh, yeah," said Josh, trying to laugh it off. He tried to make himself stop blushing, but it didn't really work.

"So, you work in a record store now, huh?" Eric looked around the place as he asked the question, taking in his surroundings.

"Yeah, it's pretty cool," Josh replied, the mundane question helping him to stop blushing, "I get to be around music all day and plus I get a discount, so that's nice, ya know?"

"Yeah, definitely." Eric pulled a few strands of his messy hair behind his ear, "I wouldn't mind working in a place like this. So what time do you get off?"

"Well, we close at 11 but I leave at 11:30.:

"Hmmm, would you like to hang out after you get off?" asked Eric, "Maybe we could catch up, shoot the shit."

"Damn man, I'd love to, but I have to open the store in the morning, too." In that moment Josh wished that he didn't work at that store just so he could have a little time with this amazing boy from his past. Then Eric said something that made Josh breathe a sigh of relief.

"Well, tell ya what, I'll give you my cell number," Eric reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of paper, "Got a pen?"

"Yeah, here ya go," said Josh, pulling one from a cup behind the counter.

"You just call me when you get off tomorrow," Eric said as he scribbled down his number, "And then we can go get some coffee or something, catch up. That sound good?"

"Yeah, absolutely man."

"Alright then," said Eric, "see ya tomorrow!"

"See ya, man!" Josh watched Eric walk to the door and then turn around and wave. As he waved back to him, Josh couldn't help but wonder what the next day would bring.

The time between Eric walking out of that store and Josh clocking out the following day once his shift was up had been one of the longest stretches of time he had ever experienced. When he had woken up that morning to open, he had a massive hard-on, but he decided not to jerk-off. Some part of him wanted to hold on to that small hope that maybe, just maybe, Eric and him would have the chance to "play" with eachother. He knew that if he jerked off, he wouldn't have as big a load to blow if that did happen. It was that little dream that kept him from stroking his eager cock that morning.

By the the time he left the store, though, he wished he had released his load that morning. His dick had been getting hard all day. It would swell up in his pants for up to a half-hour at times, then slowly it would get soft again. The whole day it had been driving him crazy. There wasn't much time to think about it, though.

Josh had planned on waiting until he got home to call Eric, but he just couldn't hold on that long. As soon as he got in his car and started it up, he pulled out his cell-phone and dialed the number Eric had given him. It rang and rang and for a moment, Josh thought that he wasn't even going to see Eric. Then, a voice-


"Hey Eric, it's Josh. How's it going man?"

"Oh, hey man!" Eric's smile was apparent in his voice, "You just get off work?"

"Yeah, I'm sitting in the parking lot. So, you wanna go get some coffee or something?"

"Actually," Eric replied, "I was wondering if maybe we could hang out at your house? I just thought it would be more comfortable than some coffee shop."

Josh's heart felt like it was going to jump out of his chest. Had he actually just heard Eric speak those words?

"Um, well, my mom and dad are visiting my grandparents for a few days. They told me I couldn't have anyone over, though." As soon as he said this, Josh hit his hand against his forehead, the universal sign for 'why the fuck did I just say that?'

"Come on man, they can't get mad over something they don't know about."

"...Alright," said Josh, trying to sound reluctant to hide his excitement, "I guess they won't find out. Do you remember where my house is?"

"Yeah man, I'll meet you there."

"Ok, see ya there."

"See ya," said Eric.

Josh pressed 'end' on his cell phone and stared out his windshield for a few moments. "Ok, calm down," he said to himself out loud, "Nothing is going to happen. He probably doesn't even remember that stuff or he won't want to talk about it or something. Just relax."

Josh's dick pressed against his khakis in obvious disagreement with what he had just told himself.

"Goddammit," he said and pulled out of the parking lot.

Josh got to his house before Eric did and he decided to make a pot of coffee while he waited, partly because he had to keep himself occupied or else his mind would wander. He didn't have time to think about such horny fantasies and so he focused on brewing coffee. He ran upstairs and changed out of his work clothes, then headed back downstairs into the kitchen. As the pot was almost finished percolating, he heard a knock at the door.

"Come in," he said and turned towards the door.

Eric opened the front door and stepped in, smiling immediately when he saw Josh standing in the kitchen.

"Hey man, hope you don't mind me suggesting your house to hang out at. You sounded a little unsure on the phone. You sure this isn't a problem?"

"Yeah, no problem, man. It's fine." Josh smiled inside, thinking about how smooth Eric could be. Eric knew damn well that Josh wasn't going to tell him to leave once he had gotten there. 'Damn,' Josh thought to himself, 'He must get a lot of pussy being that smooth.' Josh didn't let himself think that maybe Eric got a lot of dick, too, he didn't know if his pants would be able to stand the pressure if he did.

"I made some coffee," said Josh, pulling two cups from the cabinet, "You want some?"

"Sure, that'd be great," Eric replied, "Should I take my shoes off?"

"Yeah, sure. Just put them by the front door and go sit down in the living room, I'll be in there in just a second."

"Ok, sure thing." Eric kicked off his shoes at the door and headed for the couch in the living room. Josh came in a few moments later with two cups of coffee.

"I didn't know how you take yours," Josh told Eric as he handed him the cup, "So I just made it like mine. Lots of cream, lots of sugar."

"That works just fine," he said, accepting the coffee with a smile.

For the next half hour or so, Josh and Eric sat in Josh's living room catching up. Josh sat in the chair across from the couch that Eric was sitting on and they exchanged a few stories about high school and things that had happened to them since they'd last seen eachother. Eventually they got on the subject of relationships and Josh told Eric that he'd only been with a few girls in high school, but the relationships never lasted more than a few months.

"You got laid though, right?" said Eric, bluntly.

"Well, yeah," Josh replied, beginning to blush a little, "My last girlfriend and I had sex a lot."

"So why the hell did you break up with her?" asked Eric with a laugh.

"I don't know, man, she just didn't get me, you know? I need more than sex when it comes to a serious relationship."

"Well what about a not-so-serious relationship?" Eric sipped his coffee and looked in Josh's eyes as he asked this.

"Um, I don't know, I haven't had any of those."

"You mean, you've never just had sex with someone outside of a relationship?" Eric seemed truly surprised at this.

"No, I guess not," Josh said, his whole face turning red.

"Well what about that time at the family reunion?" asked Eric casually, sipping his coffee again.

Josh's heart stopped. Had Eric just said that? Had he just brought that up as if it were normal conversation?

"Um... uh... what?" was all Josh could manage.

"That time at the family reunion," said Eric, more persistent now, "You don't remember? Shit, it was the last time I saw you. I hope you don't forget about your cousin that easily!"

"Well, yeah, I mean, no, I didn't forget about it. I just..." Josh struggled with how to put his thoughts into words, "I just thought that you might not remember."

"Of course I remember," said Eric, comfortable as ever, "You blew a load in my mouth big enough to drown me."

Josh dropped his coffee cup and it shattered on the table between them, coffee spreading quickly across it and dripping onto the carpet.

"Shit!" said Josh as he jumped up and ran into the kitchen, grabbing a bunch of paper towels. He came back into the living room and began cleaning up the mess.

"Here man, let me help you." Eric grabbed some of the paper towels and helped Josh clean up the last of the coffee.

"Thanks Eric, you didn't have to do that," said Josh, trying to pretend that Eric hadn't just dropped a conversational bomb-shell on him.

"No biggy," Eric replied, "Here, let me throw the paper towels away."

"Ok, thanks." Josh sat in the living room while Eric went to the kitchen. Josh's erection was pressing against his pants so hard that he thought it might break through. He couldn't believe what Eric had said and his heart was still racing. Eric came back in and sat down across from Josh.

"Am I making you uncomfortable, man?" Eric asked, seeming concerned, "I can leave if you want me to." Josh's heart sank when he heard this.

"No, please, don't go!" Josh sounded a little more desperate than he meant to. "I mean, well, what I mean is, I haven't seen you in a while and I don't want you to just leave. I'm sorry, I... I just don't talk about stuff like this very often. I'm a little nervous, to be honest."

"Well no shit you're nervous," laughed Eric, "I didn't think you broke coffee cups for the hell of it." Josh smiled weakly and looked into Eric's green eyes, appreciating how good Eric was handling things. As he looked in Eric's eyes, he tried to think of something to say but no words came to mind. His eyes began to wander over Eric's body and suddenly he noticed the bulge in Eric's pants. His eyes grew wide and he looked up at Eric's face, only to see a big grin spreading across it.

"You wanna go upstairs, Josh?" something in Eric's voice had changed. Suddenly it brought back the memory from three years ago at the family reunion when Eric had that same throatiness in his voice.

Josh didn't know what to say, so he just nodded, his whole face burning bright red. Eric stood up and took Josh's hand, encouraging him to get out of the chair and follow him. Josh got up and let Eric lead him through the dining room and up the stairs to his bedroom. His heart was racing and his dick was pressing hard against his pants. Was he dreaming? Was Eric really here, in his house, leading him by the hand up to his bedroom? They got to the door and Eric opened it, leading Josh inside. Then he closed the door behind them and turned around to face Josh.

"So, have you been with any guys since I last saw you?" asked Eric, an evil grin on his face. It seemed that he knew exactly what he was doing to Josh, not to mention what he was doing to Josh's dick.

"No." he replied, looking down at the floor.

"Am I the only guy you've ever done anything with?"

"..." Josh hesitated, "Y-Yes."

"Hmmm," mused Eric, "That explains a lot. Well let me ask you this, do you trust me?" Josh looked up into Eric's eyes.

"Yes, I trust you, Eric."

"Good," he said, smiling, "Now lay down on the bed." Josh bit his lip nervously but did as he was told. He walked over to his bed and laid down on his back. His hard-on became blatantly obvious when he did this, turning the front of his cargo pants into a tent. He shifted his legs a little in a vain effort to hide how hard he was, but it was pretty much pointless. As he lay on his back on the bed, a small dark spot began to form at the top of the tent in his pants. It was almost too much for Josh to take, but there was no way he was going to leave that room.

"Well, well," said Eric playfully as he looked at the dark spot on the front of Josh's pants, "Looks like someone is a little excited." Eric walked over to the edge of the bed and slowly reached a hand over to Josh's hard-on. With his index and middle finger he gently rubbed circles around the tip of Josh's swollen head, trapped in the fabric of his pants. The wet spot began to grow and this made Eric grin. He took his fingers from the wet spot to his tongue, tasting the tiny bit of precum that had soaked through Josh's pants. He let out a contented "mmmmmmm" as he did this.

"Josh," he said then, "Do you want to play with my dick?"

Josh's eyes grew wide as he looked up at Eric. His gaze went from Eric's face all the way down to the erection pressing hard against Eric's pants. It was very close to Josh's face as Eric stood by the side of the bed and Josh could not resist such an offer. He looked up at Eric and nodded, not wanting to speak for fear that it would break this magic spell and he would wake up to realize he had been dreaming. This was no dream, though, this was all deliciously real.

Eric didn't say a word as he unbuttoned his jeans and began to slowly unzip them. He pulled them down a little and let them fall, stepping out of them once they hit the floor. Josh could see Eric's pulsing meat stretching the fabric of his dark blue boxers. His eyes were wide as he took that wonderful sight in. He could tell that Eric's manhood had grown since the last time he had seen it. Josh couldn't be sure, but it looked as if Eric was at least 8 inches, if not a little more. He just watched as the huge bulge in Eric's boxers pulsed in time with his heart. Josh reflexively licked his lips as he noticed the big wet spot on the front of Eric's boxers.

"You want me to take my boxers off, Josh?" asked Eric, that evil grin stretched across his face. Josh nodded again, biting his lip, squirming on the bed, his dick pressing painfully against his pants. The dark spot on Josh's cargo pants had grown even more.

"That's not good enough," replied Eric, "I want to hear you ask me for it. I want to hear you say it." Eric's dick pulsed as he said this last part. Josh panted as he tried to muster the strength to verbalize his desire.

"P-Please Eric," he said, his face completely red, "I want to see your cock."

"Good boy," said Eric as he hooked his fingers around the waistband of his boxers. He must have enjoyed teasing Josh because he pulled down his boxers as slowly as he could. Josh watched in horny anticipation as Eric's beautiful meat was unveiled. First he saw the dense furry patch of Eric's short-cropped pubes. Sticking out from it was his thick cock root, veins criss-crossing over it. The elastic waistband traveled further down Eric's thick shaft, until it finally revealed the ridge of his cock-head. As he pulled the boxers all the way down, Eric's fat dick jumped out, a little bit of his precum actually slinging off of it and hitting Josh on the cheek. It was just a little speck but it made Josh's dick pulse hard against his pants. Eric's fat, meaty cock was right in front of Josh's face, rigid and pulsing, the head swollen and purple. His big, full balls were hanging low under that wonderful shaft. Josh also noticed that Eric's head was slimy with precum and more of it was oozing out as he watched.

"Now," said Eric, obviously enjoying being in control, "What does a good boy like yourself want to do with a sticky dick like this?" Josh just looked up at him with puppy-dog eyes. He was so shy, he didn't know what to say.

"Come on, you can do better than that. Ask me nicely and I might let you do what you want." Josh could hardly stand the anticipation, but hearing Eric take control like this was really turning him on. It felt dirty to be doing this and it made Josh squirm on his bed.

"Please, Eric," he asked shyly, "may I suck your big dick?"

"Yes," said Eric, grinning wide, "You may."

Josh leaned up a little and Eric helped him by moving himself a little closer, his dick bobbing as he took a small step. Now Eric's fat dick was right in Josh's face. He took in a deep breath through his nostrils and he could smell the musky scent of Eric's cock and balls. The smell was heavenly and Josh savored it for a few moments before reaching his hand up and wrapping it around Eric's fat shaft. He was amazed how thick it was, it had to have been about 5 inches around. Josh had been right, this thing had grown since the last time he had seen it. Now that it was right in his face in all it's swollen, rigid glory, Josh began to wonder if it was even longer than 8 inches. He shook himself out of the daze he was in, determined to show Eric that he had learned a great deal about how to please a cock since the last time they had seen eachother. Even though he had only practiced on himself, Josh knew just how to make this handsome boy empty those big, heavy balls.

Squeezing Eric's meaty shaft around the base, Josh pulled up along it's length, pressing his thumb against Eric's cum tube and milking it all the way to the tip. As he did this, a big, gooey glob of precum oozed out of his cock slit. Josh leaned in and slid his tongue under Eric's fat tip, letting the precum ooze freely over it. Once he had milked out that big glob, Josh savored it for a few moments and then swallowed.

"Oooh, fuck that feels good, Josh," cooed Eric, "You sure you haven't been with any other guys?"

"Nope, no other guys," said Josh, proudly, "Just practiced on my own dick a lot."

"Mmmm, well that was time well spent, let me tell you!"

Josh laughed at this and put his attention back on Eric's meat. He began to slowly stroke up and down the length of his shaft, watching as Eric's big purple head oozed even more precum. It ran down the underside of his shaft and got on Josh's fingers, helping to lube them up as he gently stroked Eric's cock. With his other hand he cupped Eric's balls and gently squeezed and tugged them, making sure to be gentle with the sensitive eggs in his sack.

"Mmmmmm, please Josh, stop teasing," panted Eric as he looked down at Josh servicing his dick,"Suck my cock man."

"Heh heh, now who's the one begging?" said Josh, his own evil streak coming out a little.

He wasn't that mean, though, and with that he sucked Eric's fat tip into his mouth, suckling on the big head, coating it in precum and spit. He slurped and sucked on it, purposely making loud, sloppy noises so Eric could hear. It was obviously working as Eric panted and moaned quietly, looking down at Josh slurping on his head like a popsicle. Josh looked up into Eric's eyes as he did this, knowing how much of a turn-on it was. He just locked his eyes on Eric's, while his lips and tongue were locked onto his fat head.

Eric didn't need to tell Josh that he wanted more, Josh could tell. Without saying a word, Josh began to move his mouth further down Eric's manhood, taking that thick shaft into his mouth. His tongue moved along the underside of Eric's cock, coaxing more precum out of his slit, coating Josh's tongue. Josh moaned around Eric's cock and took even more of the shaft in. Eric's cock head pressed against the back of Josh's throat. Josh pulled back just a little then pressed forward again, letting Eric's big helmet press against the entrance to his throat over and over again, teasing him.

"I-I don't suppose - you know how - to deepthroat - do you?" Eric managed to say between heavy pants.

Josh smiled to himself as he realized that Eric was in for a surprise. Though Josh had never sucked dick (save for Eric's that one time three years ago) he had been practicing on popsicles. He would take a popsicle and stick it as far down his throat as he could. Over time, he had learned to control his gag reflex somewhat. He knew that Eric would never expect this.

Without saying anything, Josh pushed his mouth forward and Eric's fat cock head popped into his throat. Eric let out a rumbling moan as his glans squeezed into Josh's throat. Josh kept pushing forward a little, easing Eric's monster into his throat. He went as far as he could and still didn't have all of it in his mouth, but he couldn't take anymore. He pulled back a little, letting Eric's head pop out of his throat, then pushed back again, letting the ring of his throat milk that big meaty helmet. He continued to go up and down, letting Eric's swollen head go in and out, in and out of his throat. The whole time he was still squeezing and tugging on Eric's big heavy ball sack and he began to feel it tighten a little. Josh knew all too well what was about to happen. Despite this, Eric still warned him.

"Ohh fffuck! I'm gonna fucking cum!!" he groaned.

Josh quickly pulled Eric's fat tip out of his throat and wrapped his lips around it, preparing for what was to come. Eric's balls tightened up in his hand, his cock pulsed and then it started shooting the hot, gooey jizm into Josh's mouth. It came in molten hot spurts and quickly coated Josh's tongue. The musky taste and smell almost overwhelmed him at first but he was determined to prove himself to Eric. He hungrily swallowed each splurt as it emptied into his mouth. After the last little glob came out, Josh greedily sucked Eric's softening cock head to milk out the very last of it. Eric shuddered as his dick was completely drained. Josh pulled his mouth from Eric's dick and smiled up at him.

"Was that good at all?" asked Josh, innocently. He found himself enjoying the role of cocksucker and he wanted to milk it for all it was worth.

"Holy.... fuck." was all Eric could say. "You are a liar."

"What?" said Josh, confused.

"You've never sucked another dick before?" said Eric, in genuine disbelief. "I mean, except for that one time, of course."

"Nope," said Josh, very proud of himself, "I swear I haven't."

"Well fuck sakes, you could have fooled me." Eric was panting and sweating in the afterglow of his orgasm. Josh looked down at Eric's cock lovingly, watching it slowly soften, his shaft and head shiny with spit and cum. That's when Josh noticed his own cock, which was pulsing hard against his pants. Josh looked up at Eric only to see that Eric was looking down at his hard-on, aching to be freed from his pants.

"You know, last time I told you that you were a heavy cummer," said Eric, "Do you remember that?"

"Yeah, of course."

"Well, is that still true?" It was obvious in Eric's voice that he had become hungry for his own taste of cum. Josh grinned really wide.

"Yeah, I blow pretty big loads. Why do you ask?" he inquired, feigning ignorance. Eric just looked at him, his eyes saying 'You know damn well why I asked'. Josh laughed at this.

"Ok, you can see it, but only if you ask." said Josh, wanting to take control if only for a little bit.

"Josh," asked Eric, much more confidently than Josh had asked earlier, "May I please see that uncut cum hose of yours?" Josh's dick leaked more precum as Eric asked this.

"Yes, you may." he replied. With that, Josh stood up and walked over towards the chair in his room, standing in front of it. "If you want to see it, though, you have to take it out."

"My pleasure," responded Eric and he wasted no time dropping to his knees. Reaching up, he unbuttoned Josh's cargo pants and unzipped them, letting them fall to the floor. He made Josh step out of them and threw them aside. The front of Josh's burgundy boxers had a huge dark spot on it. Sucking Eric's cock had made Josh's dick leak copious amounts of precum. Eric excitedly pulled down Josh's boxers and his uncut cock leaped out. It wasn't as big as Eric's, it was still only about 6 inches, but it was every bit as thick as his. Josh sat down then, spreading his thick legs wide open, his heavy ball sack resting on the seat of the chair.

The hunger was obvious in Eric's eyes as he looked at the fat, hooded head of Josh's cock. The slit was still oozing precum and that sticky stuff had coated what little bit of Josh's head that Eric could see, even leaking down his shaft. Eric wrapped his hand around Josh's shaft and pulled back, letting the foreskin roll back over his head. Josh's helmet was slimy, completely coated in pre-jizz. Eric leaned in and sucked Josh's fat tip into his mouth, making Josh gasp. He hungrily cleaned Josh's cock head off with his tongue, sliding it around, under, and over his big head. Josh just made little whimpering noises as Eric cleaned off his sticky tip.

Then Eric cupped Josh's balls in his hand and in one smooth motion, like he had done so long ago, sucked Josh's entire cock into his mouth.

"Oooohhh fuck!!" Josh moaned, unable to control himself as Eric swallowed his entire manhood. Eric rubbed his nose in Josh's pubes, moving his mouth from side to side, letting Josh's cock head squirm inside his throat. Then he pulled all the way back, pulling Josh's dick out of his mouth. A strand of precum ran from his bottom lip to Josh's throbbing helmet. Eric smiled up at Josh and then swallowed his cock whole again. He began bobbing up and down on Josh's meat, letting the head pop in and out of his throat. The sloppy wet noises drove Josh insane and he knew that, even though he had made Eric blow his load, Eric was way better at sucking cock than he was.

Eric's hand squeezed on Josh's full ball sack and his fingers played with the flap of skin between his sack and his anus. Josh was glad that he was sitting down. He knew that, had he been standing, he would have fallen down as Eric sucked his dick like a pro. Josh looked down at Eric and saw that he was looking right up at him, his eyes locked on Josh's as he slid his mouth all the way down to the base of Josh's dick. He held it there for a few moments, using his throat muscles to massage Josh's throbbing cock while he stared right in his eyes. It was more than Josh could stand and he could feel his orgasm approaching.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!! I'm gonna cum Eric, I'm gonna blow my load!!" Josh moaned loudly. Eric quickly pulled Josh's dick from his throat and then from his mouth. Josh didn't know what he was doing, but he didn't have time to think about it. Eric opened his mouth wide and jerked Josh's cock as it swelled in his hand.

"Ooooohh fuck!!" yelled Josh. His dick pulsed and a fat, hot spurt of jizm erupted from his purple head, splattering across Eric's nose. Another splurt landed on his chin, dripping down onto the floor. Josh unloaded glob after slimy hot glob of jizm as Eric pumped his fat shaft. Josh was unable to look away as his cock emptied his load all over Eric's eager face and mouth. He watched as it splurted onto his cheeks, his lips, some of it squirting right into his mouth. Josh could hear the delicate splattering noise as his jizm squirted into Eric's mouth. Eric was moaning as Josh's uncut dick unloaded it's thick globby cum. Eric must have been hungry because he began aiming Josh's cock so his gooey white seed would go right into his mouth. Josh shot a few more wads of it into Eric's mouth and then his orgasm began to subside.

Eric took Josh's cock into his slimy mouth and let him empty the last little gobs of it onto his tongue. Then he hungrily swallowed the big load in his mouth and began sucking the fat head, draining every last drop. Josh's cock began to soften and Eric pulled it from his mouth. Then he did something that made Josh's jaw drop.

Eric reached his hands up to his face and began scooping up the cloudy white globs of cum with his fingers and sticking them in his mouth, sucking the salty goop from them. He kept doing this, getting all the messy stuff off his face and eating it with obvious enjoyment. Then, he actually leaned down to the floor and licked up the wad that had landed there. Josh was simply amazed, he had never seen anyone so hungry for cum.

When Eric was finished licking up every little bit of cum, and licking Josh's soft cock completely clean, he looked up into Josh's brown eyes.

"So," he said, "How long does it take for those balls of yours to recharge?"

Josh knew that something really amazing had just begun, and he smiled to himself.

To be continued...

Once again, if anyone has any questions/comments/feedback or if you just want to write me dirty emails (please!), feel free to write me at: sensitive_bi_guy@hotmail.com

I'm glad to hear from anyone who wants to write to me. Don't be shy!

Next: Chapter 3

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