Heavy Cummer

By Sensitive Bi Guy

Published on Jul 12, 2005


adults, not to be read by minors. All similarities to any real person or place is purely coincidental. May cause dizziness, dry mouth, and swedish headaches. Enjoy!

Josh squeezed the base of his uncut cock and pulled up the length of his shaft, milking out a big bead of precum. With his forefinger he smeared it over the tip of his cock and rolled his foreskin over the head to completely coat it. Now it was really sticky and his cock pulsed in his hand as the realization of this traveled from his brain to his penis.

He was 19 years old and by this point had become very adept at pleasing himself. How strange for him to think back to when he first started masturbating, back when he was unsure of what he was doing. He smiled to himself, thinking of how glad he was that he had put in the effort to become really good at making himself cum. He had also become aware over time that he was a heavy cummer, he shot bigger loads than most guys. This was something that he was actually quite proud of.

He took his hand from his cock long enough to lick his palm and thumb and then he readied himself for the sensation he knew was coming. With his saliva-coated palm he enveloped his cock head, rubbing and milking it, making sure to rub his wet index finger across the underside of his head. A rush of pleasure went through his whole cock, focusing in his head. His mouth opened in an attempt to moan but no sound came out as he was completely caught up in what he was doing. Then he began to feel his orgasm approaching. He had wanted to hold himself on the edge of cumming to make it more intense, but he found himself too worked up to slow down.

Regaining his senses for a brief moment, he put his left hand out in front of his cock. He was just in time. Not a moment later his cock pulsed in his hand, his balls tightened, and a fat spurt of cum shot from his uncut dick into his left hand. His dick kept pulsing and shooting, sending ripples of ecstacy throughout his body with each spurt. The jizm streamed into his hand and coated his palm, some even streaming across his fingers. Feeling the heat of his cum almost burning a hole in his hand just made him shoot even harder. Finally, his dick let out the last weak shots and began to ooze in the aftershocks of his orgasm. He squeezed it again and milked out the last thick globs of it into his hand.

Sitting there, panting and sweating from the jerk-session, Josh looked down at his messy left hand. The jizm had literally pooled up in his palm and as he moved his fingers around, the cum clung to them leaving little strands between his digits. It had cooled a little but he could still feel some heat from it. Unable to resist, he brought his hand up closer to his face. First he smelled it and the scent brought back a familiar memory. His mind went back to a day in his past when he had tasted cum before. The memory faded quickly since he was so caught up in what he was doing. That jerking had really gotten him worked up and all he could think about in that moment was tasting his own gooey cum.

He leaned in and began lapping up the load in his palm. That familiar musky taste of his own cum filled his mouth, the scent filling his nostrils as well. Seeing all that cloudy, pearl-colored jizm and the thought of eating his own load from his hand made his now-soft cock stir a little. The thought of how dirty what he was doing turned him on a great deal, but his powerful orgasm had taken away most of his desire.

Beside him was a towel that he used for cleaning up on just such occasions. He grabbed it and gently wiped his cock clean and then his hands. Grabbing some clothes, he went to take a shower. It was going to be a hot, muggy, July day.

As the warm water cascaded over his dark-brown hair and washed over his entire body, Josh found his mind wandering to that memory that he held onto with such reverence: the one time that he had sucked a cock. It was something he found himself thinking of quite often, especially when he masturbated. Almost mechanically he went through the motions of bathing himself while his mind was pre-occupied, thinking back...

It was the summer after 9th grade and Josh had just turned 16. He was a pretty shy kid, though he had quite a few friends. To other people he was a pretty funny guy, but they didn't know much about him. Ever since he was a child he had been more sensitive than his male peers and he was also a little heavyset. That meant that he got picked on quite frequently, especially in middle and high school. Because of this, he tended to keep a lot of things to himself. He liked to make people laugh because then they were nice to him instead of treating him like an outcast.

Josh never seemed to have much luck with girls, either. The few relationships he had been in didn't last very long. Being shy and overweight made it harder for him to be noticed by girls, they always went for the jocks or the macho guys. 9th grade girls didn't seem to have much need for sensitive, shy guys.

Now that it was summer, Josh could just be himself and have a good time, free from the worries of fitting into high school. He used his time well: playing video games until all hours of the night (and morning), reading comics and books, swimming at the lake, and sometimes hanging out with a few of his friends. The thing he enjoyed the most, though, was something he had discovered only just a year before. It was masturbating, of course.

Although he didn't know it at the time, he had started a little later than most boys his age. It wasn't until 8th grade, when he saw another boy miming the "jerk-off" motion, that he even knew how to masturbate. He tried it after school that day and was amazed to find how good it felt. After that, he always made time to sneak off to the bathroom or his bedroom to jerk off.

At first, he was scared when he would approach orgasm. Since he had never felt it before, an orgasm was quite a shock to him. Eventually, he became more comfortable with the feeling and had his first orgasm. He was lying on his bed jerking off when it happened and a couple of small squirts of cum came out and landed on his belly. This fascinated him and fueled his horny curiosity even more. After a year, he had grown to enjoy masturbation a great deal and did it often. However, he was soon to discover that there was something even more exciting and satisfying than masturbating.

It was a hot day in August and Josh had just woken up from a long night's sleep. He had drifted off while reading one of his comics and it was laying beside him when he woke up. He let out a yawn and then got up, grabbing the comic book as he did so and setting it on the table in his room. As he set it down, he looked down and noticed that he had a massive hard-on. He had somewhat noticed it before when he woke up, but he was too groggy to really think about it. Now it was almost painfully obvious as he looked down at it, stiff and throbbing. He couldn't resist as he reached down and began to slowly jerk off, rolling the foreskin over his cock head and back again with each stroke. It felt so good and he let out a contented "mmmmmmm" as he played with himself.

"Josh," he heard his mom yell from downstairs, "it's time to get up! We have to go to the family reunion today so hurry up and get ready!"

"Shit," Josh said to himself, "there goes my hard-on."

The mention of "family reunion" had pretty much killed his urge to masturbate so he reluctantly grabbed some clothes and got dressed. A few times while he was putting on his clothes he tried to rub his cock to get it hard again, but it didn't really work. Thinking about going to see his uncles and aunts and bizarre relatives didn't exactly help him get hard again.

The whole drive there all Josh could think about was masturbating. For some reason he had woken up extremely horny that morning and he wished that he had just had a chance to beat one off before he had to endure hours of pointless banter from people he barely knew.

'Oh well,' he thought, 'maybe Eric will be there.'

Eric was his third cousin, related to him through some kind of marriage or other. Josh didn't really keep track of his family tree and he wasn't sure how Eric was related to him, but they had played together at basically every family reunion he had been to. In fact, playing with Eric was pretty much the highlight of family reunions for him because Eric was one of the few kids Josh's age that he really got along with. They would just run around and play catch or ride the swings at the park where they always had the reunions. Usually they would talk about all kinds of things that they were interested in.

As he was riding in the car, Josh realized that they hadn't had a family reunion in about three years. He wondered if Eric was still a fun guy to be around or if he had changed.

"We're here!" said Josh's mom, shaking him from his thoughts. "Come on, let's go say hey to everybody!"

Josh let out a heavy sigh and rolled his eyes.

"Come on, Josh," his dad said as he got out of the car and opened the door for him, "it won't be that bad."

He got out of the car and walked with his mom and dad over to the picnic tables where everyone was gathering. It was all a blur of relatives saying "look how much you've grown," and, "why, I remember when you were this tall!" All of the things you'd expect from relatives you only see every few years. Josh got through with all of the hellos and slipped away while the adults were distracted with eachother. Maybe Eric was around somewhere and they could actually find something to do.

Eric was sitting under a shady oak tree at the edge of the park, near the forest. As Josh walked closer, he could see that Eric was reading from a comic book, reaching up every now and then to pull his short, dirty-blonde hair away from his eyes. He was a lot thinner than Josh was and this often made him envious of Eric, but Eric never paid much attention to such things, he didn't pick on Josh for being overweight, which made Josh like him even more.

"Hey man, whatcha reading?"

"Huh?" Eric looked up, squinting his green eyes against the sunbeams that poked through the foliage of the tree. "Oh, Hey Josh!" Eric said with a grin, "long time no see!" Josh sat down in the grass beside him.

"Yeah, it's been a while," said Josh, grinning back, "I was hoping you'd be here, these reunions always bore the hell out of me."

"Tell me about it," Eric sighed, "why do you think I'm over here by myself?" Eric had laid the comic book down and it was resting in his lap as he sat indian-style. Josh looked down at it, the cover read "Zombie-Vampires from Outer Space!"

"So, is that comic any good?" asked Josh, making conversation.

"Oh, this thing," said Eric, pointing to the comic, "nah, it sucks honestly. It's the magazine that I was reading inside of the comic that I really like." A big, mischievous grin stretched across his face. Josh raised an eyebrow, not really sure what he meant.

"Check it out." He lifted the comic up and turned it so Josh could see the magazine that was opened up inside of it. The picture was of a woman laying on a bed, completely naked. Her big, dark nipples were hard and there was a little strip of hair just above her barely visible pussy lips. As his eyes moved over the picture, Josh's hard-on from that morning returned with full strength. His dick pressed hard against his pants and it was all he could do to keep from grabbing it and jerking off.

Eric laughed and said, "Yeah, boredom isn't the only think keeping me over here." With that, he looked down towards his crotch and Josh's eyes followed his. His heart nearly stopped when he saw that Eric's fly was unzipped and his half-hard cock was laying out on his jeans. Josh's mouth was agape and his eyes were locked on Eric's dick. He noticed that it was a little bigger than his own, maybe about 7 inches, Josh's was only about 6 inches. Also, Eric was circumsised. Josh had never seen another cock, but he thought that every guy had foreskin just like him. His dick fascinated him and it wasn't until Eric touched his arm that Josh noticed Eric had been talking to him.

"Hey man, snap out of it!" Eric snapped his fingers in front of Josh's face. Josh regained his focus and looked Eric in the eye. Realizing that he had been staring at his cock the whole time, Josh blushed and looked down.

"Damn man, you act like you've never seen another guy's cock before."

"W-well," Josh stammered, "Yeah. Er, I mean no, I haven't. I never have."

Eric looked puzzled and said, "Really? You never have? Damn, me and my friends jerk off together all the time. I thought most guys did." Now Josh was really amazed. Eric had friends who he jerked off with? This all sounded really strange, but it was making Josh even harder hearing him talk about it so casually. He really had changed since they had last seen eachother.

"You... You and your friends jerk off together?" Josh tried to hide his excited shock, but his shaky voice gave it away. Eric just grinned really wide, a realization that Josh didn't fully understand spreading across his face.

"Come on, man," said Eric, zipping up his pants and standing up, "Let me show you something." Josh's heart was racing and his mind was trying to tell him that this was a bad idea or wrong somehow, but his cock was throbbing in his pants and his primal self took over. His face still burning red, he stood up and followed Eric without a word as he led him into the woods. They walked along a little unmarked trail for a little while until they were completely out of view of everyone at the reunion. Then, just like that, Eric dropped his pants.

Eric's pubes were darker and curlier than his hair and his balls hung low. His cock was still half-hard and Josh could see that the head was shiny, like it was wet. This made Josh more curious because it wasn't white like cum, it was clear like water. Josh had never seen something like that come out of his own dick before.

Without saying anything, Eric reached down and began to gently play with his cock. He reached under his dick and rolled his balls around some, then slowly wrapped his hand around his shaft and began stroking. His cock grew in his hand and Josh was completely fixated on it. For some reason seeing another guy play with his own dick was making him really fucking horny.

"So, how much do you know about jerking off, Josh." Eric's hand continued to move slowly up and down his stiffening cock as he looked Josh in the eye, talking to him as if nothing were happening, as if he weren't standing there stroking his dick right in front of him.

"You know, I c-can do it and all," Josh shakily responded. He had forgotten how to talk properly, everything else receded in his mind as he watched Eric touch himself.

"Well, do you know about precum?" asked Eric.


Eric smiled again. "Damn man, you are missing out. I bet when you get hard you just jerk off right away until you cum, don't you?"

"Well, yeah, I thought that's how you were supposed to do it." Now Josh was really confused. Was there something fundamental he was missing?

"See, if you stay horny for a little while, like just touch yourself a little bit, you'll start making precum. Look, I'll show you." Eric looked down at his own cock and grabbed it around the base. He pulled up, milking his shaft until a clear viscous liquid oozed out the tip of his cock. With two fingers, Eric scooped the precum from his cock slit and brought it up to his mouth, sucking it from his fingers.

"Mmmmmmm," was all he could say as he tasted his own precum. In an instant, the way Josh thought about masturbation changed. He realized that Eric was right, he had been missing out. Josh shifted on his feet, trying to find a comfortable position to stand in with his cock poking hard against the front of his pants. Eric apparently noticed because once Josh looked away from Eric's cock and into his eyes, he saw that Eric was staring at him, smiling.

"What's the matter Josh, your pants getting tight?" There was something in Eric's voice that made Josh's cock throb and he didn't know why. Eric took his hand off his own cock and stepped out of his pants laying on the ground. He walked over to Josh and stood right in front of him. Eric's dick pulsed between them, in time with his heartbeat. "Come on, man, let that thing out. It can't be good for it to stay cooped up in there."

Josh's face turned completely red and he just looked away, stammering. "I-I.. I can't do that."

"Yes you can. I just did it in front of you, it's no big deal. Shit, I've seen a lot of dicks already anyway." Eric tried to reassure him with his words and his smile. It began to work. Josh really did want to, but he was shy about his body. Eric kept gently reassuring him until Josh finally agreed.

"Ok, I guess since you showed me yours... it's only fair." Josh began to unbutton his pants but his hands were shaking.

Eric got on his knees in front of him and looked him in the eye. "Here, let me help." Delicately, as if he were afraid that Josh would run away, Eric unbuttoned his pants and pulled down his zipper. He let Josh's pants fall, his hard-on obviously uncomfortable in his white briefs. Josh was blushing uncontrollably but his cock was throbbing to be released from it's cotton prison. Gently, Eric hooked his fingers inside the waistband of his briefs and pulled them all the way down. Josh's cock jumped out as his underwear was pulled down. Eric's eyes grew wide once he saw Josh's cock.

"You're uncut!" said Eric, somewhat surprised.

"What, is that bad or something?" said Josh, starting to feel self-conscious.

"Bad? Are you kidding?" said Eric, obviously pleased, "I love uncut dicks! Most of the guys I know don't have their foreskin. Personally, I think uncut dicks are much nicer!"

So many different feelings were tripping over eachother inside Josh's head. Here he was, pants around his ankles, showing his throbbing cock to his third cousin who had just shown him his cock. Now he was telling him that he liked to see other guys' cocks.

"Um, can I ask you something Eric?"

"Sure Josh," said Eric, looking up at him.

"Are you..." Josh hesitated, "Are you gay?"

"No. Why?"

"Um. I just thought that if... if a guy liked another guy that means that he's gay, right?"

"Look man," said Eric, "I like to cum. All guys like to cum, but most girls don't like to make guys cum. They get all grossed out by it or something." Eric sneered as he said this, obviously displeased with the encounters he'd had with girls. "I don't see anything wrong with guys helping eachother blow their loads. I mean, hell, we know how to do it best anyway, right?"

Josh had never really thought about it like that before, but he sure did like the way it sounded. Especially when the guy saying it was crouched in front of him with his face only inches away from Josh's rock hard cock.

"Let me ask you something, Josh. Ok?"

"Um, ok. What?"

"You ever got head before?"

"Head? What's that?" Josh had heard other kids talk about it before, but he was never quite sure what it was.

"Well here, let me just show you."

And with that, Eric took Josh's cock into his mouth. Josh let out a gasp as a shockwave of pleasure ran through his body. Eric wasted no time and began suckling Josh's cock head, licking and slurping it with obvious pleasure. As he sucked on his head, his hand was stroking Josh's shaft in time with the sucking. Josh had never felt anything like it before in his entire life and he could feel himself getting close to orgasm. Just then, Eric pulled away, wiping his mouth.

"Why-" Josh gasped, "-did you stop?"

"Well, I don't want you to blow just yet. I had something else in mind. Um, I was wondering if you'd do me a favor." Eric bit his lip after he said the last part. Josh didn't know what the favor was, but he was a little apprehensive. Eric stood up and Josh could see that his cock was standing straight up, throbbing and leaking precum down his shaft. In fact, his cock head was almost completely covered in precum. "Josh, would you give me head?"

Josh's heart leaped in his chest. He knew that Eric said he wasn't gay, but this all seemed a little strange for him. He wasn't quite sure what to do.

"Come on, man, please?" pleaded Eric, "Just try it and if you don't like it, you can stop. Deal?"

"...Ok, deal." said Josh, his desire overwhelming him. He got down on his knees in front of Eric and looked him in the eye. He eased his hips forward a little bit, gently encouraging Josh to take his cock into his mouth. Josh looked away from Eric's eyes and directly at his cock. His swollen purple head was right in his face, precum oozing from his slit. Josh could smell the strong scent of his cock and balls and it made him even more horny. He hesitantly reached up, grabbing Eric's thick cock around the shaft and guided the head into his mouth. Eric let out a little moan as Josh's mouth enveloped his head. He began to suck and slurp on it the same way that Eric had done to him.

As he suckled Eric's dick, the precum getting on his lips and tongue, he began to find that he really enjoyed it. His own dick was so hard he could barely stand it as he sucked on the delicious cock. Then he relaxed completely, all of his nervousness went away and he began to really suck on Eric's cock. Hungrily he began to take a little of his shaft into his mouth, but found he couldn't take much, so he started bobbing up and down on Eric's dick, taking just a little of his shaft at a time.

The whole time Eric was moaning and panting, sweat beading on his legs and stomach. His moans just made Josh suck him off even harder. Then Eric's breathing became sharper, and he warned Josh.

"Oh fuck! I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna fucking cum!" he grunted through gritted teeth.

Josh didn't know what to do but before he could react, Eric's dick spasmed and started blowing in his mouth. The first shot of the hot goo almost choked him and he pulled his mouth off of Eric's cock. He barely had time to cough when another spurt of it hit him in the mouth. Reflexively he closed his eyes and two more shots hit him, one on the chin, one right on the nose. It seemed that Eric was done cumming so Josh slowly opened his eyes. When he did, he saw that Eric had gotten on his knees, too. He was right in front of Josh, face to face. Without a word, he began to lick his own cum off of Josh's chin and nose. Then he leaned in and licked it off of his mouth. Josh was so caught up in the moment, he opened his mouth and began kissing Eric, the taste of his cum still in his mouth. Eric hungrily licked and kissed the cum from Josh's mouth, eager to share the load. They kissed for a little longer, tasting eachother, then Eric pulled back and smiled.

"Did you enjoy that, Josh?" asked Eric with an evil grin.

"Y-yes," he gasped.

"Good, cause you're going to enjoy this, too. Stand up."

Josh could guess what he was going to do and he stood right up, hoping he was right. Eric took Josh's cock in his hand and Josh knew then that he had been right, this was going to be fun.

"Hey, look what we have here!" Eric grabbed Josh's cock and milked out some of the clear, sticky liquid. "Told ya, man. Just get horny enough, and your dick starts leaking."

Eric pulled the foreskin up over the tip of Josh's cock and slid his tongue in between his hood and his cock head, greedily licking up all the precum. Josh just let out little moaning sounds as Eric cleaned his cock off. Then he did something that Josh never expected, in one smooth motion he took all of Josh's dick into his mouth. Josh's balls rested on Eric's chin, his entire length buried in his mouth, his cock head in his throat. He shuddered as Eric pulled all the way back until only the head was in his mouth, then went all the way down again. He continued to do this, deep-throating Josh's cock, coating it in saliva and precum. There was only so much Josh could take and soon he was warning Eric just as Eric had warned him.

"Oh shit, Eric, I'm gonna cum! You better take it out!"

"Mmm-mmm," mumbled Eric, shaking his head "no". Just the idea of what he was saying pushed Josh over the edge and his cock erupted into Eric's mouth. Eric immediately began swallowing as spurt after spurt of cum shot into his mouth. Eric's eyes got wider as Josh kept on cumming in big, thick globs. He did his best to swallow all that he could, but some dribbled out of his mouth. As Josh's cock softened in his mouth, he sucked out the last small drops of cum and pulled his mouth from it with a popping sound.

"Wow," was the first thing Eric said after he swallowed the last of Josh's cum, "You are a pretty heavy cummer, you know that?" Josh didn't know what Eric meant, he thought everyone came the same as he did.

"Um, thanks." said Josh, not so sure if it was even a compliment. Then they both got dressed, cleaned off their hands on some leaves, and headed back up the path. They didn't say much on the walk back, there really wasn't much to say. They had both blown their loads and were content with walking in silence. When they got back, they saw that the reunion was going on as normal, everyone completely unaware of what had just happened. Josh's mom walked up to him, obviously upset about something.

"Come on, we're leaving, get in the car." For a moment Josh's heart stopped. Had his mom somehow found out what had happened?

"W-what's going on?" asked Josh, suddenly terrified.

"Look, me and your Aunt Beatrice just don't get along sometimes, ok? Can we please just go?" said his mom, getting frustrated with each passing moment that she had to stay there. Josh let out a breath that he didn't even know he had been holding.

"Yeah, ok. See ya later Eric." Josh gave Eric a high five like he always used to. As their hands touched, his mind suddenly replayed everything that had just happened between them in a matter of seconds and his heart was racing again, so many different feelings running through his head.

"See ya, man. Have a good one." said Eric, giving another of his evil grins.

Josh turned off the water in the shower and stepped out, grabbing a towel from the rack beside him. He patted his face and body dry and looked in the mirror, into his own brown eyes.

That family reunion had been the last time he'd seen Eric. He had gone through high school and graduated just a month ago, but he never saw Eric in all that time. Josh's parents stopped going to the family reunions, probably fed up with their own relatives, so he never even had a chance to see him. He couldn't help but wonder whatever happened to him. He also couldn't help but fantasize about what it would be like to see him again. His cock stirred a little as he thought about it, but he decided he didn't have time for another jerk-session, he had to be at work soon. He threw his clothes on, grabbed his keys, and went out the door.

Once he got to work he forgot all about Eric as he assumed the role of helpful music store clerk. He was glad he got to work at a record store, he loved music and loved talking about it with people. This made him a pretty decent salesman, his manager was always pleased with his customer service and Josh really took pride in it. He managed to keep his mind off of Eric until about 2:30 in the afternoon. That was when a lanky boy with short, dirty-blonde hair and green eyes came into his store and walked right up to the counter. Josh turned around and their eyes met. His heart almost stopped in his chest as he realized. It was his cousin, Eric.

"Hey Josh, long time no see," he said with a big grin.

To Be Continued...

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to email me: sensitive_bi_guy@hotmail.com I would love to hear any feedback that anyone has on this story. This is my first erotic story that I have ever written or posted on a site, so please be just a little gentle.

Next: Chapter 2

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