Heating Up the Frat House

By ap

Published on Jan 10, 2023


College, Authoritarian

DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction. All characters are over 18 years of age. This story explicitly details sex between males. If it is illegal for you to read this where you are, please stop now and exit this site.

I reserve all rights to this work.

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All feedback is welcome. Let me know if you have ideas about character direction. This is a bit wordy, and many more chapters to cum.

Hope you enjoy. The HVAC guy

Chapter 11.

I woke up in Ryan's bed when I heard the shower turn on.

I picked up my phone and see that its 7am. Theres a text from my dad telling me to work on the new construction project again today. So I'm not in a super rush to get up. I just layed in bed scrolling through the gram.

The shower turned off and Ryan walked out of the bathroom naked drying his hair with a white towel.

The view is mezmerizing. This hot soccer stud, naked, with 6 pack abs, his uncut cock hanging in front of his big balls. thick muscular thighs, and his biceps and shoulders flexing with the movement of drying his hair. GAH how did I get this lucky?? this adonis fucks me!!

'hey Kev, good morning. hop in the shower. I have class at 8. meet me in the kitchen when you're done for breakfast.' Ryan flashed me that smile. I melted. He spoke with command. Not mean, but I knew what I was supposed to do.

I hopped out of bed quickly and headed for the shower.

As I passed Ryan, he bro slapped my ass. It didn't sting today, but it reminded me that my ass got a good spanking last night. It felt good.

I showered and dried myself off in front of the huge mirror. Looking at myself, I saw the same ol' Kev. I have a tight muscular body also, gained from hard physical labor rather than a gym, but my arms are built and I have well defined pecs and a firm bubble butt. I can see why these guys want me. I smile at myself. I am an alpha, maybe socially instead of sexually. I know what I want in my life now. I want to be a sub for these guys. But when I put on my carharts and workboots and flannel shirt and beanie and walk into the coffee shop or the job site, I'm the alpha. I get what I want. I think I'm beginning to see who I am. And that feels good.

I got dressed. I had to run home to get dressed for work, I came here last night in jeans, a hoodie and vans. But I wasn't in any rush this morning. I made Ryan's bed. Picked his clothes up off the floor and put them in his hamper. I hung up his wet towel and headed down to the kitchen.

As I walked down the stairs I could see Cooper, Dylan and Marcus walking into the kitchen ahead of me.

Tim was on kitchen duty this morning. He recognized me as I walked in 'Good Morning Kev. want some coffee?'

'Good morning. Yes please. that would be great.' I smiled at him. It felt good to be one of the guys.

'Morning Kev, come sit over here' Riley motioned to a seat next to him.

Everyone at the table mumbled good morning around their coffee or breakfast. It was a table full of sexy frat brothers in various styles of dress, from sweats and hoodies to dress shirts and ties. I guess some guys had class, some had internships, some were headed back to their rooms to sleep or do homework or whatever.

Ryan was sitting at the head of the table to Riley's left side as usual.

'Tim, make sure Kev has a lunch when he leaves.' Ryan spoke to Tim.

'Yes Sir.' Tim responded

'you don't have to keep doing that Ryan.' I was feeling embarrassed again that I was being singled out.

'its no big deal Kev. we all get fed here. and you called me Ryan. we need to work on that. count this as a warning.' Ryan smiled and winked.

'Sorry Sir.' I quickly responded. Ryan reprimanded me in normal voice and I'm sure the whole table heard him. I guess I need to get used to this. Nobody seems to even take notice. I guess everyone is used to the Frat, pledge, hierarchy that exists in the house and just rolls with it.

Corey walked into the kitchen 'Hey Tim, can I get a coffee and some pancakes and bacon buddy?' he spoke with a smile and an upbeat tone. 'morning frat fam. Hows everyones morning?'

Everyone at the table looked up smiled and wished him a good morning, then went back to their phone and eating.

'Hey Core, some sit over here.' Ryan motioned Corey to the seat on his right.

'Morning guys.' Corey said looking at me, Riley, and Ryan, as he sat down.

I said good morning as did Riley.

'Morning Core. You have class this morning right?' Ryan asked Corey

'Yes Sir. at 8:30' Corey responded as Tim delivered his coffee and a plate of food.

'Cool. are you free after that? could you meet up with Kev today for lunch and chat together?' Ryan asked as he took a bite of bacon, looking at Corey.

'Yeah sure. I'm free after about 11:30. where you wanna go Kev?' Corey asked me.

I was drinking my coffee and sputtered 'Ummm im working all day about 10 mins from here, but I can go anywhere. where's convenient. but I only have about an hour or so.'

'cool. i can text you and we can figure it out - but lets plan for 12 noon.' Corey said as he started to eat his breakfast.

'yeah thats great. do you have my number?' I dont recall giving Corey my number.

'He will in a minute.' Ryan piped in. 'And Kev, you'll be here after work for dinner. Riley and I get the key to our new place today.'

'Yes Sir. I'll come over after i clean up from work.'

'No, come straight from work. you and corey will have a lot to do, corey can fill you in at lunchtime.' Ryan finished his breakfast and stood up to go. 'I'm off to class, have a great day guys. Tim, Thanks for Breakfast man. It was delicious as always.'

Ryan got up and left his dirty dishes on the table.

'You doing ok Kev?' Riley asked as he sipped his coffee.

'Yeah im really good. im happy. and honestly im looking forward to helping you guys get set up in your new place.' I smiled as I responded. I really am happy.

'thats great Kev. im happy too. and thanks for being so cool. we're gonna have fun.' Riley finished his coffee and left the table.

Corey smiled at me 'You look happy man. sexy AF!! and happy.' Corey laughed

I laughed with him. It was weird having such a public conversation with another gay guy, with other straight guys around, but as I glanced around, nobody was paying attention, although I know at least some of them sitting next to us could hear, nobody seemed to care. I really feel comfortable here.

'haha thanks man. i seriously am happy. i don't know whats gonna happen in this new role, but its exciting to think about. And i realized this morning, there's more than one side to me. and i don't have to lose who i am to explore another side of myself. realizing that made me feel better too. Thanks for talking to me last night. you're a good guy.'

Corey smiled 'you're a good guy too Kev, and im glad you're comfortable being who you are. just enjoy it. and dont stress about it.'

'im gonna try.' I went back to eating my breakfast.

'i gotta get to class man.' Corey started to get up.

'Want me to drive you? i gotta head out also.' I offered.

'Oh man that would be amazing! its cold as shit out there.'

'let's go.' we both picked up our plates, I picked up Ryan and Riley's plate and put them in the sink then walked out of the kitchen.

'Don't forget your lunch Kev' Tim reminded me.

'Thanks man. and thanks for Breakfast. it was great.' I put my hand on Tims shoulder.

'My pleasure. have a great day Kev.' Tim went back to cooking eggs.

Corey and I walked out to my work van, and got in.

'Man this is exactly what i want. getting into my work truck and heading off to work. you have the perfect life Kev. You literally are living the life I am praying for man. You have 2 sexy masters, and working as a tradesman. i want your life.' Corey was looking around the truck, looking back into the van at the tools and supplies.

'i never really thought of it honestly. i do have a pretty great life don't i? i have a good paying Job, no real stress. My dad owns the business and treats me well, pays me well. i live in an apartment over his garage, so basically live on my own. and yeah, now i have 2 masters, which i guess shouldn't make it better, but it really does.' I was suddenly realizing how good my life is. when I walked into the frat house I thought my life was shit, and these guys had it made. They are doing well, but also still waiting to start their lives and not sure where they're going, lots of school and life stress. I'm in a really good spot.

'don't dismiss getting joy from having 2 masters. 2 very sexy masters. theres a line of subs who would kill to be in your position right now. enjoy it. appreciate it. give it your all. it's a good thing if it makes you happy.' Corey scolded me.

'Yeah you're right. i guess im still wrapping my head around it, and now being in my truck, it's feeling weird again. its like i have two lives suddenly, i was feeling comfortable in the house, but now i have to rationalize it with everything else.' I wasn't so much confused, as curious. How was this going to change how I act or how other people perceive me.

'My buliding is that white one over there. You'll figure it out man. and im here to talk whenever you need to.' Corey pointed to the spot I needed to drop him off.

'thanks Core. before you go: did Ryan tell you to meet me for lunch before this morning? is there an agenda i need to know about?' I was curious what Corey knew. if he was a friend or a plant to indoctrinate me into my new role.

'i didn't know that we were gonna have lunch, but i am free, and i do what Ryan wants when i'm able to. i don't have an agenda, although im sure Ryan does, he always does. he's a cool guy, but he loves to have control over everything, as you may have already noticed, i suspect he'll text me some info today, or we'll just hang out, im not sure yet. But i'll let you know when i know.' Corey didn't seem fazed by any of it,

'ah ok, thanks for being honest with me. one other question. Now that i'm like Ryan and Riley's house boy, does that mean you and i can't fool around anymore?' I wasn't sure how to ask so I just decided to be direct. Like I would be in my normal life.

'haha you want to fool around with me kev?' Corey blushed. 'You know im a fuck bitch for a frat house right?'

'you're sexy af and i cant stop thinking about fucking you dude. so yeah i really do. not as the frat fuck bitch, but like a friend....with benefits' I wasn't sure what words would be right to get my point across and also let Corey know I wasn't expecting him to do it cause he felt obligated.

'I'd really like that man. i have a lot of sex, but it would be awesome to hang out and have sex not just when im on call. its hard finding someone that accepts what i do. id really enjoy hanging out more Kev. ill check with Ryan to make sure its ok. maybe lunch can be at your place if its OK with Ryan?' Corey was smiling ear to ear.

'That would be awesome man. i'm so fucking horny, and honestly i could use some cuddle time.' I leaned forward and hugged corey awkwardly across the front seat of the van.

'I'll text you and let you know man.' Corey pulled back slightly from the hug to look into my eyes. I leaned forward and kissed his lips gently, and he kissed me back and moved his hand to the back of my head while he tiled his head to the side to kiss me deeper.

'GAH. now i'm hard!!' Corey broke the kiss. We both laughed.

'haha me too. see you at lunch.' I said looking deep into Corey's eyes.

'see you then...hopefully at your place.' Corey hopped out of the truck and closed the door.

FUCK. two masters and I'm catching feelings for the frat housebitch. WTF has happened to my life in the past 2 days...it feels like a year.

I drove home, changed into my work clothes, got more coffee, and a bagel, and drove to the job site. The electrician was here also. His truck is in front of the house. That's normal to have a few trades on the site together. I just hope he doesn't get in my way.

I walked into the house and heard them working in the basement, and that's where I needed to be since I was almost done installing the furnace. So I headed down there also. When I got to the bottom of the stairs I saw Clay, the electricians apprentice, pulling cable.

'Hey Clay, hows it going?' I said. Clay is a super nice kid. Maybe 19-20. 5'10" always wearing surfer brands instead of real work clothes. Today it's jeans slouched down under his bubble butt. He's wearing American Eagle boxer briefs, vans, and a grey volcom hoodie. I can see a swoop of his blond hair streaming out from under his beanie.

'Hey Kev. its good. just pulling cable like its my fucking job man. ya know.' Clay laughed. I know Clay enjoyed his job and was attending electrician classes to get his license while he was working for his uncle. And probably loved working alone since I've never seen him on a job without his uncle.

'I hear ya man. at least theres no customers around telling us how to do our job.' I headed over to the corner where the Furnace sat.

'Amen man. everyones got an opinion.' Clay shrugged his shoulders and went back to work.

I started to work, and occasionally looked up to see Clay stretching up to run the cables through the floor joists and got a good look at his belly with wisps of slightly darker blond hair than on his head, and the band of his AE underwear, and his soft cock bulge was clearly evident underneith the belt buckle of his jeans. Clay is a hot dude.

One time I looked up and caught clay looking away from me quickly and ging back to his work. As the morning went on, I needed to walk up and down the basement stairs to run thermostat wire up to the the first and second floor. As I walked by Clay I could feel him staring at my crotch and ass.

One time when I walked past and realized I forgot my cutting pliers, I turned around and caught clay rubbing his cock through his jeans.

'Everything ok there Clay?' FUCK, why did I say that? FUCK FUCK FUCK.

Clay turned bright red 'ummm yeah, I uh, yeah, everythings cool man. Hows things for you dude?'

hmmmmm...Clay blushed fast. he's definitely checking me out. 'Going good. just running these fucking wires up three flights of stairs gets old fast.' I laughed it off.

'I can help you Kev.' Clay almost cut me off as I spoke, he responded so quickly. This is getting interesting.

'Yeah that would be awesome Clay. thanks. wanna come upstairs and i'll show you were i need the wire to be and you can help me fish it through the studs.'

'Yeah sure Kev. i can do that.' I headed to the steps in front of clay, then had an idea. 'oh fuck, forgot the pliers. go ahead up, i'll be right there.' and clay walked past me. 'ugh they're right here in my back pocket.' and I followed clay up the stairs. closely so I could look at his sweet ass. it was perfect and I wanted to rub my hand around it, and grab it, and slide my finger between those cheeks to find his hole and make him beg me to fuck him.

'I hate when i do shit like that.' Corey responded. I think I hear his voice getting huskier.

clay stopped at the top of the stairs, and because I was so close behind him, and focused on his bubble butt, my momentum brought me up short, so I kinda slid around him, and my hand naturally slid along his butt. it wasn't an intentional touch, but I heard Clay moan a little, and I don't think I was imagining him push his butt towards my hand when he felt it.

'Feel good Clay?' I joked as I stepped past him headed to the wall we needed to work on.

'yes Sir.' clay responded. but his response sounded a little too real. he wasn't laughing.

I let it go by. but now my senses were pin point focused on this guy. I really think he's flirting. but he seems to want me to make the first move. I have lunch with Corey in about an hour. so nothing is gonna happen before then, but this is gonna be interesting.

'Here's where the wire is gonna come up. pull one up to here, and tie it off then we'll fish the other one up the same wall to the second floor, so lets get plenty of slack up here then you can go upstairs and i'll feed it up there. sound good?' I laid out the plan for clay.

'Yes Sir. i understand.' Clay responded as he looked down at my boots.

'Good boy. I'll head downstairs now.' as I walked away and spoke, I gave him a bro slap on his ass.

He tensed up and inhaled deeply, but didn't say a word. but I looked back as I got to the stairs, and noticed he was smiling ear to ear.

My phone vibrated and I saw a text from Corey 'Ryan is fine with us doing whatever and he explained what we'll be doing tonight, just moving stuff in like we both probably assumed. can you pick me up where you dropped me off when you're ready for lunch?'

I responded immediately 'awesome. i'll be able to leave in about an hour. I'll text you when i'm on my way.'

'perfect. i'll just be finishing up class around then. see you soon stud.' Corey wrote back.

Clay and I ran the wire, and were on seperate floors for the rest of the time we ran the wire, so I didn't get a chance to see or touch him.

When we'd finished with the wire, I yelled up to him that I was gonna head out for lunch.

Clay came walking down the steps at a quick pace 'Oh yeah OK. where you headed? want company?' Clay asked.

'oh thanks man. i would have liked that, but i'm meeting a friend for lunch. raincheck?' I could see the disappointment on his face.

'oh cool. well. uh. have fun Kev. i'll run out and get lunch also. i'll be here when you get back. OK?' Clay smiled like a little puppy dog.

It was incredibly obvious now that Clay was interested.

'OK cool man. see you later.' I responded in a passive tone. I wanted to fuck this kid so bad. It was kinda hot that he wanted it too, or at least seemed to. But he seemed pretty submissive, or maybe just scared or inexperienced. after all, he had no way of knowing if I was into it or if I'd kick his ass for flirting. I know that feeling.

But I wanted to dominate him. I didn't just wanna have sex with him. I wanted to be a dom top and use him to get off. And I got a sense that he wanted to be used.

Am I a sub or a Dom? I just declared my subbmissive service to 2 Dominant Frat Bro's who fucked the hell out of me and beat my ass raw last night. And now here I am lusting after this kid who I want to dominate. WTF is wrong with me?

I got into my truck and drove to pick up Corey.

'Hey Kev, hows your day going man?' Corey asked as he hopped into the passenger seat.

'Dude this day just keeps getting wierder and wierder.' I blurted out.

Corey laughed 'whats going on?'

I explained the whole morning to Corey. 'So WTF is wrong with me? am I a Dom or a sub? or am i just straight and experimenting with everything? I'm so fucking confused.'

I was rock hard explaining the whole morning to Corey.

'Dude thats so hot. maybe youre a switch. you like both. You're a super masculine guy, you definitley look like a dom top guy. I can see why this kid is into you, and called you sir. When I first saw you, i was drooling over you. you're like a porn fantasy come true.' I could see Corey was hard also.

'you think I'm both?'

'well judging by how you fucked me...twice within an hour...I'd say yeah, you probably are. plus, the best dom guys have experience as subs. because they know what feels good and what doesn't and how far to push things, and are usually more concerned about the subs comfort in an unconscious way, and make sure the sub is enjoyijng the play also. Dom guys that are total doms seem to prefer to use a sub for their pleasure and focus on that. They can be caring and attentive to safety but maybe not as much as someone thats a switch.' Corey explained

'Dude this is a lot. I was straight like 2 days ago!!' I practically yelled out.

Corey broke out laughing. 'Yeah, you were straight' Corey used air quotes and continued laughing. 'I say you practice your version of being dominant with this kid when you get back from lunch. But first, lets get naked and make out and i need you to fuck me NOW!' Corey demanded.

Corey makes me smile. I pulled into my driveway 'Listen Boy, you'll do what i tell you, when i tell you. Now get your ass upstairs and get naked and into my bed so I can use that hole to get off bitch.'

'Yes SIR.' Corey mocked as he got out of the car. I motioned for him to go up the stairs along side the garage. And swatted his ass as he walked by me 'That will be enough from you boy. Upstairs' I commanded.

Corey got serious, and quickened his pace up the stairs 'Yes Sir.'

When we got into the living room of my apartment I spoke 'I dont wanna dominate you today Core. I really need some love to be honest. can we make out and cuddle?'

'Hell yeah Kev. that sounds amazing. BUT, I hope you will wanna fuck me also.' Corey responded as he wrapped his arms around me.

'Fuck yeah. I'm so fucking horny. Ryan and Riley don't seem too focused on making sure i get off when they use me.' I wrapped my arms around corey and layed my head on his shoulder.

Corey put his hand on the back of my head and petted my hair. 'Yeah they have a singular focus, which is their pleasure. But im here for you buddy. Ryan said you have no restrictions on what you do as long as you're available for them when they call. So we can do whatever we want, whenever we want.'

Kevin lifted his head to look at corey and leaned in for a kiss.

The kiss turned into a deep tongue sucking make out session for 2-3 mins. then Corey lifted his head up and lifted Kevins chin up 'Take me to your bed and lets get naked stud.'

Kevin held Corey's hand and led him to his bedroom. Once in the bedroom Kevin started unbuttoning his flannel shirt, and Corey bent down to untie his boots and unbutton Kevins pants then stood up and started making out again while their hands wandered around shucking articles of clothing and leaning awkwardly to kick off shoes and boots until they were both naked, Corey sank to his knees and took Kevin's hard cock into his mouth and moaned as he tasted the precum oozing out of his piss slit.

Kevin ran his fingers through Corey's hair as corey bobbed up and down on his hard cock. Kevin threw his head back and moaned into the air 'FUCK. that feels so amazing Core.' Corey put his hands on the globes of Kevin's ass and pulled him deep into his throat gagging himself, but recovering easily. Kevin moaned out louder 'Oh my god. FUCK. don't make me cum yet. FUCK.'

Corey slowly pulled back off Kevin's hard, spit lubed cock. You're not cumming til youre deep in my hole man. I need you to fuck me.'

'Not yet Core. lay down. i wanna make out with you some more.' They laid down on the bed, Kevin on top of Corey, kissing deeply, Corey sucking Kevin's tongue into his mouth while their hands wandered, Corey finding Kevins ass, playing with the hairs within the crack, making Kevin moan around his tongue and grind his cock harder into Corey's.

Kevin pulled back and knelt down to take Corey's cock into his mouth, and teased just the head up and down between his lips for 5-6 strokes making Corey moan and push his hips forward trying to get deeper, as his precum leaked onto Kevins tongue. Kevin finally swallowed Corey's cock all the way down to the balls making Corey inhale quickly and take a deep breath as he moaned out the exhale while kevin slowly worked his tongue up and down Corey's cock, still buried deep in his throat.

Corey spoke 'you're doing too good of a job Kev. you're gonna make me cum man.'

Kevin slid off Corey's cock and spoke with a smile 'Not yet buddy. that ass is mine.'

Corey smiled back 'Take whats yours then stud.'

Kevin leaned back, pulled Corey's legs up and pressed his knees to his chest, spit on his hand and stroked his cock then spit again and used his finger, then two fingers to lube Corey's hole. Kevin took his hard cock in his hand and spit onto his cock and into his palm and stroked his cock a couple times, then lined the head of his lubed cock up with Corey's waiting hole.

Kevin pushed the head of his cock into Corey's hole eliciting a moan: 'Oh yeah. FUCK. that feels so fucking good man. don't stop.'

Kevin obliged and continued the pressure forwad until his cock was buried deep inside Corey.

'Dude you feel so fucking amazing inside me.' Corey cooed and pushed his head forward as Kevin bent down and they kissed deeply for a minute, Kevins cock pulsing deep in Coreys hole forcing Corey to gasp around Kevins tongue each time.

Kevin leaned back, took hold of Corey's ankles and spread them wide and smiled down at corey. 'Dude your hole feels so fucking amazing.' and began a slow steady pace feeling every inch of his cock slide in and out of Corey's ass.

Corey moaned gently closing his eyes, and leaning his head back into the pillows enjoying the sensation of the gentle rhythm of Kevin's cock in and out of his hole.

Kevin was getting super close and started to pick up the pace. Corey recognized the shift in energy, opened his eyes, and ran one of his hands up and down Kevins hairy belly and chest while his other hand grasped his own cock and started jerking off in rhythm with Kevin's thrusts.

'Oh Fuck Corey, you're squeezing down on my cock. you're gonna make me cum so soon.' Kevin was practically panting now. His hips pounding into Coreys ass.

'Dude I'm cumming, FUCK, Fuck, Im gonna cuuummmmm' Corey screamed out as cum shot out of his piss slit and onto his belly. The next shot landed on his cheek almost hitting his eye, as did the third. The fourth spurt landed on his chest, then cum oozed out of his cock and down the shaft onto his hand.

Kevin could feel Corey's ass clench down with each spurt as he shot his load, causing Kevin to scream out with surprise 'Oh Fuck. stop stop, oh fuck. FUCK. ' as Kevin shot his load deep in Corey's ass, thrusting in deep with each squirt of cum from his cock.

Kevin stayed in position with his eyes closed, holding Coreys ankles wide apart and his cock deep in his hole while he caught his breath and he regained his sense of where he was.

'Oh Fuck Core, that was so fucking HOT!' Kevin exclaimed.

'Fuck yeah it was, you are so fucking sexy Kev. i love how good you fuck me man.'

Kevin let Corey's legs fall to his sides, but stayed buried deep in coreys ass as he leaned forward and kissed Corey on his lips gently.

As Kevin's cock softened, it began to slide out of Corey causing him to gasp out loud, then they both laughed as Kevins softening cock slid out.

Kevin collapsed next to Corey and pulled corey's head over onto his chest and he wrapped his arm around Coreys neck and shoulder to hug him in tight.

'GAH. that felt so good man. I needed that.' Kevin exclaimed.

'That was amazing dude. You're a sexy fucker.' Corey pulled himself into Kevin's chest and inhaled deeply.

They laid on the bed for a few mins, then Kevin suggested they get under the covers and guided Corey under the covers and onto his side so Kevin could be the big spoon and wrapped his arms around Corey. Corey pushed his butt back against Kevin's soft cock, and kissed Kevin's hand. 'This feels good Kev'

'It really does Core. it feels amazing, i wish we could stay like this all day.'

'Same. but at least maybe we can stay like this for a few mins.' Corey hugged Kevins arms tighter around him.

Next: Chapter 9

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