Heating Up the Frat House

By ap

Published on Jan 8, 2023


College, Authoritarian


This is a work of fiction. All characters are over 18 years of age. This story explicitly details sex between males. If it is illegal for you to read this where you are, please stop now and exit this site.

I reserve all rights to this work.

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All feedback is welcome. Let me know if you have ideas about character direction. This is a bit wordy, and many more chapters to cum.

Hope you enjoy. The HVAC guy

Chapter 10.

As I walked down the staircase with the cum and spit soaked sheets in my arms, I could hear the guys in the living room. Ryan and Riley were there, but I could hear Dylan and Cooper also.

I walked straight into the kitchen where Mike was making sandwiches.

'Hey man, where is the laundry?' I dropped my chin to my chest in shame as I asked Mike for help.

'Hey Kev, its in the basement. come on I'll show you.' Mike put down the knife he was using and wiped his hands on a towel.

He walked in front of me to the door I went through when I fixed the heater...When I was a confident straight man. Now I'm walking back there having just been used and abused by Ryan and Riley, with Mike, who came into the room and saw me naked in bed with them.

'It's right down here. you can leave it in the basket and one of us will do it in the morning. I'm not sure who is assigned laundry duty tomorrow. but i know its not me.' Mike chuckled.

'ummm i think maybe i should put it in the washer at least.' I didn't want anyone to see the mess that was in the sheets.

'it's fine Kev. its a frat house. trust me they've seen worse.' Mike chuckled again.

When we got to the laundry room Mike directed me to the basket 'Seriously, just throw it in there. its not a big deal.'

I did as Mike suggested. I just threw it into the basket.

'You doing OK Kev? you dont't seem happy.' Mike turned to me and I could feel him looking at me, but I was looking at his shoes.

'yeah i'm fine. i know you saw me with Riley and Ryan. its kind of embarrassing.' I was burning with embarrassment

'oh that. haha. thats no big deal buddy. if you're having fun, who cares.' I guess Mike wasn't judging me as I suspected he was.

I raised my head to look at Mike finally 'well its just more than i'm used to dealing with. and having people know is new for me.' I confessed.

'haha well welcome to college buddy. you can be yourself here. nobody cares. we're all finding ourselves. Do what makes you happy, experiment and figure out what makes you happy. I grew up in a super conservative family and never smoked, or drank or even kissed a girl before I got here. Lets just say I've done a lot of experimenting since I got here. hahaha.' Mike was making me feel better.

'haha well i'm not from a conservative family, but not sure my dad or my frineds would understand what you just saw.'

'i get it man. we all go through that. but i'm learning to live for myself not to make my family happy. They had their chance to live their lives and make their choices. now its my turn to make my own choices.'

I could feel myself relaxing 'i guess your right man. its just super new to me. and honestly i thought you'd be judging me for what you saw.'

'no fucking way man. i was happy to see you having fun with Riley and Ryan. i know they can be a little aggressive sometimes, so i imagine you got a work out. haha' I wonder if Mike has ever been with the guys.

'Oh, you've been with them?' I asked

'well not the way you were, but just in the house here. they're cool guys but i can see they like to be in control. And i've seen them with other guys, so i get a sense of who they are, ya know?'

I snickered 'yeah i definitely know.' Mike and I laughed together.

Mike put his hand on my shoulder, and directed me towards the stairs 'Lets get upstairs and get those sandwiches put together. you're a cool guy. nobody here is judging you. enjoy yourself, we all are.' Mike and I walked up the stairs and into the kitchen.

I started to help Mike with the sandwiches when he stopped me 'Thanks Kev, but you should go into the living room with the guys. I'm a pledge and i'll bring the sandwiches. you can't help me. Theres an order to some things here, and i'd def be called out if you helped me with this. but thanks for thinking of it man.' Mike smiled up at me.

I think I'm beginning to understand that everyone has a role here. And maybe I just need to relax and lean into my role. I walked into the hallway, took a deep breath and put a smile on my face, then walked into the living room.

'Hey Kev, how you feeling man?' Riley asked as I walked into the living room. Ryan looked up and smiled at me. Dylan and Cooper looked up, smiled and nodded then looked back to their phones.

'I'm good. i was just talking to Mike. He helped me find the laundry room.'

'Mikes a cool guy. Glad he helped you.' Riley said smiling at me.

'That's great. but where are our sandwiches?' Ryan cut in. Riley and Ryan both chuckled.

'He's making them right now. he sent me in here so he could finish.' I dont want to get mike in trouble.

'good I'm hungry.' Ryan joked.

'grab a controller Kev, we'll finish this game then you can join in.' Riley handed me a controller, and moved over so I could sit between Riley and Ryan.

Mike delivered the sandwiches, we ate, played some smash bros and hung out. Things were back to whatever normal they had been when I first showed up in the house. I was having fun and enjoying hanging out with these guys.

After maybe an hour, at the end of a game Riley said he was tired, and headed for bed, Ryan said he was headed to bed also. Dylan and Cooper had already left while we were playing the game. I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do. I recall Ryan told me I was sleeping with him tonight, but part of me just wanted to go home and clear my head.

'You're with me right Kev?' Ryan solved the mystery.

'Yes Sir' I must have said it in a dejected tone.

'only if you want to man. i want you to, but its up to you.' Ryan turned to me and looked into my eyes and smiled. GAH those eyes!!!

I brightened up. 'I mean yes, i want to go with you.'

'cool.' We all walked up the stairs Riley peeling off at his room, and Ryan led me towards his room, which I hadn't been to, so I wasn't sure where we were headed but quickly found out. When Ryan opened his door I realized very quickly that his room was the front center room of the house with a really beautiful french door with side lights and an ornate arched window reaching to the vaulted ceiling. Four chairs and a coffee table sat in front of the french door, which I knew from the front facade had a balcony outside. A fireplace sat on the other wall with comfy chairs in front, a king sized sleigh bed sat against another wall opposite the largest dresser I've ever seen with a tall and wide mirror above it. I could also see that there was a bathroom beyond one of the doors on the other wall, along with what I assume to be a closet door. This room is huge and gorgeous. This is obviously the room reserved for the president.

Ryan went right to the bed while I took in the room, he shucked his grey sweats, hoodie and socks, and pulled the covers back and sat down on the edge of the bed in his boxer briefs to plug in his phone.

I wasn't sure what to do so I started slowly walking around to the other side of the bed.

'theres a charger over there man, you have an iphone right?' Ryan being the good host wanted to make sure I was all set up.

'Thanks.' I quickened my pace now that I knew I was on the right track.

'You OK man? you got quiet since we left the living room.' Ryan turned to look at me.

'honestly, I'm just not sure how to act. like one second we're best buds and the next you're abusing me by beating my ass and fucking my throat til i feel like im gonna puke.' Tears were welling up in my eyes.

'oh man. Kev, come here.' Ryan reached across the bed and reached for my hand.

I could feel tears running down my cheeks.

'we're just having fun man. Aren't you having fun? didn't you enjoy it?' Ryan asked as he pulled me down to the bed and wrapped his arms around me.

I laid my head on his shoulder as he hugged me tight and rocked me gently.

'Well yeah i guess. But you guys are so rough sometimes.' I was starting to regain my composure.

'You want us to stop man? we'll stop. no more of that. we're cool man. I thought you enjoyed it' Ryan relaxed his hug and laid back to look into my eyes.

'well i don't want to stop.' I leaned up on my arm, I think I over did it. 'i'm just really confused about whats going on.'

'so lets talk about it Kev. we're just having fun. theres no pressure.' Ryan explained.

'Corey told me what you and Riley want. He says you're interviewing me.' I blurted out.

'hahaha Corey's a good friend. what did he tell you we want?' Ryan smiled

'He said you want me to be your house boy when you move out of the frat house in a couple months.' I am nervous I might have gotten Corey in trouble.

'He's right, that's exactly what we want. How do you feel about that?' Ryan asked.

'I don't know. i've never done anything like this before. I didn't even know you were gay!' I said probably louder than I needed to.

Ryan laughed again 'I'm not gay man. i'm not even bi really. I just like being rough and being waited on and I like when people do what i tell them to do. And I'm good at it. It just so happens that girls don't like any of that, but there's some guys that do. so its more of a matter of supply and demand. I learned back in high school when i was the captain of the soccer team that some guys like to please other guys, and do what they're told. They get off on that. so you could say that i'm supplying a service.' Ryan didn't sound cocky, just very matter-of-fact.

'You fucked guys on your soccer team?' I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

'eventually i did. when they wanted me to. At first I just realized i was a natural born leader. An alpha. and guys listened to me, and wanted to please me. I learned how to use that ability to get what i want. Whether its bulding a team to win a game, or running a frat house full of independent thinkers, or getting a blow job, or getting gifts. i typically get what i want.'

Ryan is so self confident. I thought I was an alpha male a couple days ago. Now I know I was nowhere near it. 'what do you mean get gifts?' All the other things he mentioned seemed normal but how could he get gifts?

'haha you live a sheltered life Kev. men love to give me things. sometimes money, sometimes gifts. men i've never met send me gifts from my wishlist. Ryan and i started a wishlist to stock our apartment.' Ryan wasn't bragging. this is a man who is just comfortable getting what he wants.

'people give you money for sex?' I didn't realize Ryan was a sex worker.

'nope. they give me money and gifts because they want to make me happy. sometimes a guy i let blow me will also give me money. but he'll do it because he wants to please me, not because i charge him for the privilege of blowing me.' Ryan has a whole life I never could have imagined.

'so then why do you need a house boy? if you have all these guys giving you things and money, why not use one of them, or pay someone to clean for you?' I'm confused about his thoughts and it's getting more confusing by the minute.

'Look Kev, theres alpha's in the world and there's subs in the world, and theres a whole range in between. I'm an Alpha. I want someone at my beck and call 24/7 keeping my interests in mind. you're a sexy confident guy who nobody would assume is a sub by looking at you, and thats hot to me. To be able to dominate a guy like you, and that you want to serve me is exciting to me. As soon as i saw you walk in the house in your carharts and workboots I knew i wanted to dominate you. When i saw you eyeing the toys downstairs i realized it might be possible you'd be interested. The guys i randomly get money or gifts from are just guys who find me online or I come across in life who feel a need to please me. some of them i've never met. i just text them and tell them i need new sneakers or tell them to send me $50. and i send them a pic of my feet or my dick or sell them my used underwear or socks and they do what they're told. I typically tell them to to do something like not jerk off for a while or something sadistic, and they get off on that. Nobody gets hurt and we all get what makes us happy' Ryan seemed to be very comfortable with his arrangements.

'And riley does this too?' I didn't realize anyone did this, but here are two college guys doing it.

'nah, Riley's not into that. he doesn't get off on findom like I do. I had a tough time convincing him on creating a wedding registry for the new apartment. I woulda just done a wishlist, but amazon makes it impossible to do that anymore, and since we were both moving in, it just clicked in my head haha so now when someone wants me to dominate them online, i tell them to go to the registry first. Some of them think its hotter that my wife Riley is listed there. hahaha' Ryan has a devious mind. and it's kind of turning me on. I didn't even know this existed but it sounds super hot.

'so these guys know who you are? like you put your name and address out there? that sounds scary' I thought Ryan was smarter than that.

'haha no - they never see my face and don't know anything about me that i dont want them to know. the wedding registry is for Ryan Simpson & Riley Jones hahaha I tried to get Riley to pick a cartoon name too, but he just wanted Jones. he can be a real stick in the mud sometimes.' Ryan was cracking himself up.

'So guys are buying you stuff off this list?' I don't know whether Ryan is brilliant or devious. but for some crazy reason I wanted to buy them both stuff off their list to make them happy. I wonder what kinda stuff they have on it.

'Yeah, i set it up at the beginning of the semester so we have a pretty decent amount of stuff. i held back some stuff so the cheapo's didn't pick inexpensive things. if they want me to dominate them, i make it worth my time.' Ryan laid back on his pillow and pulled the covers up to his chin.

'So what am i in all of this?' just hearing how Ryan dominates people, people he's never met, was making me hard. He really is a natural born alpha. I would never have thought to do any of the stuff he seems to think is so normal.

'That's up to you Kev, what do you want to be? could just have been a fun night and we part ways, or be friends, or maybe you like making Riley and I happy and want to stay on and keep exploring. it's all up to you buddy.' Ryan turned on his side to face me and put his fingers on the back of my head and craddled my ear with his palm.

'What if i don't know what i want?' ...I know what i want, I just need reassurance that I'm gonna be ok.

'haha i can't tell you what you want bud. but you've been boned up since we've been talking, so i think you do know what you want, and are afraid to admit it. I think you want to serve Riley and I and make sure we're happy and comfortable in our new apartment.' Ryan ruffled my hair.

'UGH you're right. i DO!! I really, really do.' I couldnt hold back anymore. I ground my dick into Ryans leg and hugged into him burying my face in his chest.

'You're a good boy Kev. You're gonna make Riley and i super happy.' Ryan hugged me tight.

'I want to make you happy. I just don't know if i can or how i can.' I leaned back and looked ryan in the eye.

'You can do what we tell you buddy. we know what we want. and we're not shy about asking for it. Are you ready to do what you're told to make us happy? no matter what we tell you? no questions asked?

'i think i am' I said with a bit of hesitation.

'that won't do Kev. you have to want it. you have to crave it and be open with us about wanting to please us. no more of this equivocation. you have to own who you are and committ to serving us. can you do that buddy?' Ryan stroked my hair again.

GAH. Ryan is so hard to resist.

'Yes Sir. I want to serve you and Riley. I want to make you both happy and comfortable in your new apartment.' I said with glee.

'And you'll do everything you're told without hesitation?' Ryan asked

'yes!' I know I want this.

'yes Sir kev' Ryan gently scolded me. 'If you accept this, you are to call Riley and us Sir or Master Riley or Master Ryan. Do you understand boy?' Ryan sounded stern but gentle

'Yes Sir, Master Ryan' I said with confidence.

Ryan laughed 'we can work on that. You really are a good boy Kev. We're gonna have a lot of fun together. It won't all be work. we'll have fun too.' Ryan ruffled my hair.

'Text Riley and let him know. and tell him to come into my room. we need to celebrate.

'Yes Sir, Master Ryan.' I smiled and dove for my phone.

I texted Riley: 'Master Riley, Ryan asked me to text you to come to his room to celebrate me being your house boy Sir.'

'run down and get us beers buddy' Ryan ordered.

I jumped off the bed and out the door and down the staris to the kitchen, asked Mike for 2 beers and he suggested that he should deliver them. I explained that Ryan told me to get them, so he relented and handed me the beers with a smile. I headed back up the stairs.

When I walked into the bedroom, Riley was there already standing next to the bed talking to Ryan, they were both smiling. I handed them each a beer.

'You didn't get one for yourslef?' Riley asked as he accepted the bottle.

'oh, i didn't.' I was confusing myself

'you're a good boy Kev. You're already showing that you are focused on our pleasure. Hop up on the bed and you can suck us off while we drink our beers. this is truly a fitting celebration.' Ryan gently slapped my ass in directing me to the bed. my ass still stung from the spanking earlier, but it made me hard instantly.

Riley and Ryan each pulled their boxer briefs off and sat up in bed, while I knelt between them trying to decide which cock I should take first.

'Kev, you're our boy now. i want you to tell us in your own words what you are agreeing to.' Ryan nodded his bottle to me as he spoke.

'I want to be your house boy sirs. i want to serve you in whatever way you need me so that you're both happy and comfortable in your new apartment sirs.' I felt a strange sense of pride in taking on these duties.

'Do you understand boy, that you'll be on call 24/7, expected to do any task assigned to you without question, accept any punishment you've earned whether you agree its deserved or not? and serve any of our guests as if they were us?'

'yes Sir. i understand. i'll do whatever i'm told Sir.' and I meant it. Deep down in my heart this is what I always wanted. I felt a true sense of purpose and it made me feel calm and happy.

'you're a good boy. get up here.' Ryan motioned me up to them. Riley and Ryan clinked their beers, took a sip each, then leaned their bottle one at a time to my lips so I could take a sip.

'It's done. you're our boy Kev. we'll discuss more details over time, but we're bound together. your first command as our new house boy is to get down and suck us off while we enjoy our beer. and take your time.' Ryan commanded.

I hopped down to their hard cocks, took them in each hand and started stroking them in unison, then lowered my lips to Ryan's cock head tasting the precum that started dripping down his cock head.

I have two masters. I can't imagine any boy in the world happier than me.

Next: Chapter 8

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