Heating Up the Frat House

By ap

Published on Jan 7, 2023


College, Authoritarian


This is a work of fiction. All characters are over 18 years of age. This story explicitly details sex between males. If it is illegal for you to read this where you are, please stop now and exit this site.

I reserve all rights to this work.

Thanks to Nifty for years of pleasure reading. Please donate to them to keep them up and running:


All feedback is welcome. Let me know if you have ideas about character direction. This is a bit wordy, and many more chapters to cum.

Hope you enjoy. The HVAC guy

Chapter 8.

Ryan, Riley and I lay in bed after our threesome in Riley's bedroom in their frat house.

I'm in the middle of them both, all spooning together.

'That was so fucking hot Kev. your ass felt so good around my cock.' Riley was behind me with his arms around my chest, fingers gently playing with my left nipple. I never realized my nipples were so sensitive, but it felt like electric current stimulating my cock. I am rock hard again, my cock pressing against Ryans ass.

'his throat feels way better Riley. You'll enjoy that just as much.' Ryan had just fucked my throat raw with his thick uncut cock. I can feel how sore my throat is everytime I try to swallow.

'Ryan, text Mike and have him bring us up some drinks and a freshly packed bong' Riley raised his head up on his hand obviously coming out of his post-coital relaxation.

Ryan picked up his phone and texted. We laid there another 5 mins or so when there was a knock on the door.

'Come in.' the door opened. Mike walked in with a tray containing drinks and the bong. He looked over at us and smiled then looked back straight ahead.

'put the try by the fireplace.' Riley instructed.

'Yes Sir. anything else Sir?' Mike asked

'No thats all man. thanks.' Riley excused Mike. Mike looked back directly at me and smiled, then left the room.

I wonder what he was thinking? He's a pledge not a fuck bitch. UGH what am i doing?

Ryan, sat up on the edge of the bed, still naked, then got up and walked over to grab a drink, Riley followed him, then I did the same.

GAH, they are both so fucking sexy, such hot asses, gorgeous cocks, and gym bodies.

Ryan lit the Bong and took a hit, he passed it to Riley, then to me. Ryan sat down in one of the comfy chairs, and Riley sat in the other. I looked around, but there wasn't a third chair.

'looks like you get the floor buddy.' Riley instructed.

so I sat down on the floor in front of them, between them so we could face each other and chat.

'Dude that was fun! I cant wait for round 2.' Ryan smiled. He was definitely high.

'Yeah dude, you're fun. you made me feel amazing!!' Riley added. Riley put his foot on my knee and rubbed it up my thigh and back to my knee as he spoke.

'Next time i get that ass though! your ass is so fucking hot man' Ryan put his foot on my other knee and began rubbing it up my thigh also.

'yeah. that was fun guys. but it was kinda rough. I've never done anything like that before.' I was really feeling the pot hit me now and enjoying the feeling of their feet on my leg and I was starting to chub up.

'Nah, you were so fun man. you took it like a champ. you loved it as much as we did, didn't you?' Riley rubbed his foot up my thigh and along my inflating cock.

'well yeah, it felt great. it was super fun. but, like, i couldn't breathe while you had your cock in my throat.' GAH these guys are so fucking sexy, and I'm getting hard again already.

'We'll train you to be able to breathe through that man. You'll learn how to handle it. don't worry. you have the best teachers right here in this room.' Ryan leaned forward and ruffled my hair. forcing my head down a bit. I laughed a little, these guys are great :)

'Thanks guys, I guess i don't have a lot of experience like you guys do. I'm bi, so haven't been with a lot of guys before.'

'thats cool man. no pressure. we'll teach you. You're fun, and you know how to make us feel amazing. That ass felt amazing around my cock dude.'

'And you know how to give head like a champ man. i had to hold back blowing my load so many times. I had to keep pulling out just so i wouldnt blow too quick and ruin the fun.'

'oh yeah?' I smiled ear-to-ear. wow, I didn't realize I was making them feel that great.

'Dude, i dont know whether it's the pot or all this talk, but i'm getting hard again.' Ryan rubbed his hard cock as he stood up.

'Yeah man, I am too.' Riley stood up and was rock hard also.

'Yeah i am too.' I said as I got myself up off the floor.

Ryan leaned forward and kissed me deeply, as Riley got behind me and rubbed his hard cock up and down the crack of my bubble butt as he leaned forward and sucked on my neck.

I closed my eyes, and my head fell backward, my cock started leaking precum and I was in heaven.

Ryan slowly broke the kiss and started leading me back to the bed. Ryan crawled up on to the bed and stayed on his knees at the foot of the bed, facing the head, guiding me to kneel on the bed also facing the head, while Riley crawled up and knelt in front of me and started making out with me, pushing his tongue deep in my mouth, while Ryan massaged my ass and sucked on my neck.

Ryan leaned back, and pushed me forward breaking the kiss between Riley and I, pushing me onto all fours. Ryan spit into his hand and stroked his cock.

'Kev man, this ass is so fucking HOT. i need you so bad man. You're gonna make me feel so good.'

'You ready for more fun Kev?' Riley asks me as he smiled, looking down into my eyes.

'Yeah Riley, i'm ready.' I smiled back up at him.

'suck on my cock Kev,' Riley instructs as he gently puts his hand behind my head and guides my head down to his hard cock.

I open my mouth and encirlce Rileys hard cock and taste the precum thats leaking down his hard shaft. I can feel more pouring out onto my tongue as i close my lips around his engorged pole.

I can feel Ryan spitting on my hole, and sliding one then a second finger in and out of my ass gently, lubing me up to prepare me to take his thick uncut cock. he withdraws both fingers and rubs the outside of my hole, then spits into his hand and strokes his cock 'I cant wait to feel my cock inside you Kev.' your ass is so fucking hot. it's gonna feel so good man.'

I can feel Ryan pushing the head of his cock against my hole. I'm not sure the spit was enough lube for his huge cock, but Ryan keeps steady pressure until I feel his cock head pop past my tight sphincter. I scream out around Riley's cock. Riley pulls his cock from my mouth, and gently grips my chin and lifts up 'You ok Buddy?'

'Yeah, im fine. just kinda tight. I think I need more lube.'

'Yeah ok man' Ryan says from behind me, and pulls his cock out making me cry out again at the abrupt exit. Ryan spits on my hole twice, then spits into his hand and strokes his cock.

Riley slides his cock back between my lips, and presses deeper towards my throat.

Ryan, lines his cockhead up with my hole, and presses in, this time easily pushing through with less resistance, and keeps steady pressure driving deeper.

I feel amazing sucking on Rileys cock, and feeling Ryan fill my hole with his thick cock.

They keep up a steady rhythm slowly going faster and deeper. Riley's cock is beginning to press deeper into my throat making me start to gag, and Ryan is fucking deeper and faster.

Riley pushes deep in my throat making me gag and wretch around his thick cock, and holds his cock deep. I lift up a hand and try to push against his thigh, but he now has both his hands behind my head pulling my head deeper onto his cock 'OMG Kev, you're throat feels so fucking good on my cock dude. yeah keep doing that. FUCK'

doing what? I'm fighting for air and trying not to puke.

Ryan is behind me pulling his cock almost all the way out of my hole then slamming back deep with his hands on my hips pulling me back deeper onto his cock.

They aren't in a rhythm, they're just each fucking in a random pattern now so its hard to anticipate how to handle each thrust. I'm trying to keep from puking, my ass clenches then gets pummeled by Ryans cock. Then Ryan begins pulling his cock all the way out of my hole leaving my hole gaping open, then jabs his hard fuck stick back in, balls deep making me scream out around Riley's cock fucking deep into my throat.

On one of Ryan's particularly violent thrusts, I scraped my teeth on Riley's cock when Ryan forced his thick cock into my ass while Riley pulled his cock back through my lips.

Riley freaked out and started yelling at me 'watch your fucking teeth bitch. You get one warning.' then goes back to fucking my throat harder making me gag and wretch around his cock. Tears are running down my face. Riley has his hands behind my head pulling my head onto his cock while he forces his cock deep into my throat, then all the way out of my mouth then thrusts back deep into my throat.

I'm gagging and spitting up mucous.

Riley chastises me 'you're making a fucking mess Bitch. you're going to have to clean that up.'

Ryan pulls his cock all the way back out of my gaping hole and slams his cock back in to the hilt in one powerful thrust. I scream out and my teeth scrape Rileys cock again.

'Jesus Fucking Christ bitch.' Riley slaps me across my cheek. 'Thats it! Ryan, whats the punishment for this bitch scraping my cock with his teeth?'

Ryan has his cock deep in my guts as he replies 'Either 5 with a paddle or 10 with a hand. your choice buddy.'

I have tears running down my face, and feel nauseous from the assault on my throat. Riley and Ryan are talking about me like I'm some pack mule. What are they talking about 5 with a paddle or 10 with a hand?

Riley abruptly pulls his cock out of my throat making me heave.

'Bitch, since this is your first infraction, I'll give you the choice. paddle or hand?'

'What do you mean?' I say, sobbing now.

'Focus bitch. do you want to take your punishment spanking with my hand or a paddle?' Riley asked matter of factly as if there were no other option.

'Why am i getting punished?' I am so confused.

Riley responded angrily 'Because you bit my cock bitch. do you think I'm gonna let that go unanswered?'

'i guess not. but i couldnt help it. Ryan shoved his thick cock in my ass and made me scream. you guys just need to go easier on me. please' I wasn't sobbing anymore, i just wanted to make everything ok again.

'Listen bitch, the only way you're gonna learn is training. and sometimes you need to be punished to learn not to do something. so choose. hand or paddle?'

'Hand I guess.' i dont think i could handle being paddled.

'OK fine if you want to be spanked with my hand, get over my knee.' Riley sat down on the side of the bed. Ryan yanked his cock out of my ass abruptly causing me to scream out. I could feel cum dripping out of my gaping hole from when riley shot his load in my ass before.

I laid my body across Riley's lap with my chest on the bed and my feet on the floor.

'lift your ass up into the air bitch' Riley commanded.

I did as I was told.

Riley slapped my left ass cheek and I screamed out in pain. 'OUCH!!! that fucking hurts' My ass stung so bad.

Riley chastised me 'wrong bitch. you count them out and say thank you Sir. Lets try that again'

Riley slapped my left ass cheek again in the same exact spot as last time 'AAAAAhhhhhhh. Fuck!!'

This really hurt. I havent been spanked since I was a kid and I don't remember it ever hurting this bad. Fuck!

'You're a slow learner Bitch. what are you supposed to say bitch?' Riley was getting annoyed.

'Sorry Sir. i'm supposed to count and say thank you sir.' i tried to be calm but my ass was on fire it stung so bad.

'you really are a stupid bitch.' Riley gave my ass a quick swat. I could tell he was losing patience. 'repeat after me bitch: 1. thank you Sir'

'oh ok.' Now I understood what he wanted.

Riley smacked my ass again...in the same exact fucking spot. 'FUCK!!'

'Do not say another word Bitch. we're going to start over one more time. If you fuck it up this time, we double your punishment. And trust me you don't want Ryan to administer half your punishment. he is a sadist.' Riley seemed calm now but I dont know if that meant he was really angry. I didn't say a word. there was a long pause.

'Good boy. now lets start again.' Riley smiled then brought his hand down hard on the same exact fucking spot. It stung so fucking bad. But I didn't cry out this time.

'1. thank you Sir' I said through gritted teeth.

'Good Boy. Next time say it with a smile and louder Bitch.' Riley commanded and spanked my ass, harder this time, in the same exact spot again. My ass was now officially on fire. I don't know how I'm gonna last through 9 more of these.

'1. thank you Sir' I screamed out in pain.

Riley and Ryan both laughed out loud. wtf...were they enjoying my pain that much?

'you like it that much bitch? you want to start over?' Riley said while he was still laughing at me.

'am i allowed to speak sir?' i asked. now i'm afraid to speak!!

'speak freely until i tell you you're to be silent again.' Riley allowed.

'i don't want you to start over Sir. My ass is on Fire. why are you laughing? and why do you have to keep hitting me in the same exact spot?' As I talked I began to cry.

'enough talking. I'll answer your questions. but you're not to speak again.' Riley cut me off. 'you started the count at 1 again bitch. that was supposed to be number 2. but i'll stick to your count. pay attention next time. And don't question my decisions on how to administer your punishment. you need to learn how to suck a cock without using your teeth. i'm doing you a favor training you. do not question me again bitch' Riley brought his hand down on the same exact spot again. I definitely wasnt ready for that one.

'AAAAhhhhh' I quickly added: '2. thank you Sir.'

'Good boy. you're learning.' Riley spanked my ass in the same spot AGAIN.

'3. thank you Sir'


'4. thank you Sir'


'5. thank you Sir'

There was a long pause, then Riley put his hand on my burning hot ass cheek. He gently rubbed his hand around. It actually felt good.


'AAAAHhhhhh 6. thank you Sir' Riley's spanking surprised me and hurt worse then before since he was just being so gentle. Why did he have to hit the same exact spot every single time? He hadn't even touched my other ass cheek yet.


'7. thank you Sir' I was crying out loud now. Tears running down my face.


'8. thank you Sir'


'9. thank you Sir'


'10. thank you Sir'

'Good boy. now tell me. are you gonna cover your fucking teeth when you're sucking on a mans cock next time?' Riley asked as his hand rested on my burning hot ass cheek.

'Yes Sir. i'll cover my teeth sir.' I responded through my sobbing.

'Good boy. now get up on your hands and knees and show us how you are supposed to act, bitch.' Riley helped me onto my feet so I could get back on the bed.

I crawled onto the bed, my ass on fire, but I was starting to control my breathing and I stopped crying. I got onto all fours.

Ryan kneeled behind me and put his hand on my ass 'Damn dude, his ass is bright red and i can feel the heat coming off it. thats gotta fucking hurt'

Riley knelt in front of my face. Riley put his finger and thumb on my chin and lifted my head up to look him in the eye and said gently 'you're a good boy Kev. you want us to keep fucking you?'

'Yes Sir.' I was in a trance.

Riley was gentle now 'you sure boy?'

'Yes Sir' My cock was rock hard.

'suck on my cock boy' Riley commanded.

I leaned forward and sucked his cock into my mouth. He was leaking precum like crazy and I could see pools of precum on his thighs from where my cock was leaking while he spanked my ass. I was hard the whole time.

Riley put his hand on the back of my head and started to gently take over contol of his cock sliding in and out of my mouth. getting deeper and deeper with each stroke. Ryan was behind me, and i could feel him rubbing his hands on my back and ass feeling my burning hot ass cheek. His hard cock was randomly touching my ass while his hands wandered. His fingers found my hole and made me moan around Rileys cock.

Ryan put another finger in my ass, and pushed in deep and found my prostate. I could feel precum running out of my cock onto the bed. Ryan pulled his fingers out gently, and then I felt the head of his cock push on my hole. I pushed back and he slid in balls deep in one thrust. It felt so fucking good. He stayed in deep and sighed out loud. 'Your ass feels so good wrapped around my cock Kev. this feels so fucking good dude.' and he gently pulled his cock all the way back out to the head and then slid back in just as slowly.

I was in heaven. These two studs were using both my holes and it felt amazing.

Riley asked me 'you like this boy? your holes feel good boy?' as he pushed his cock deep in my throat.

I tried to respond around his cock, but it just came out as a humming sound 'mmmmmmmmmmm'

'you're a good boy. Ryan, lets reward Kevin for his good behavior' Riley spoke to Ryan.

'fuck yeah man' Ryan was in.

They immediately picked up the pace. Ryan thrusting his hips in deep shoving his thick monster cock beyond the point of comfort making me wince and cry out around Rileys cock as it pushed deep into my throat making me gag. Then they both pulled out almost to the head of their cocks. as I got used to the cadence I was eventually able to take a breath before Riley thrust his rock hard cock back into my throat making me gag and wretch. sometimes he hit a certain spot and I wasnt able to take a breath because I was trying so hard not to puke.

Ryan changed the rhythm as some point and he pulled his cock all the way out of my ass leaving my hole gaping wide open. Then he'd spit into my hole and shove his cock back in to the balls in one fast hard thrust and slapped my burning hot ass cheek. The first time he did that Riley was pulling his cock out of my throat at the same time and I cried out from the assault on my ass. And my teeth scraped his cock again.

Riley slapped my face hard 'Bitch. TEETH!!! this fucking bitch just doesnt learn Ry. He needs another lesson. whats the punishment for a second infration?'

They continued their assualt on my ass and throat as they discussed my punishment. Ryan continued deep dicking me, pulling all the way out of my ass spitting in my hole then pile driving his massive cock deep in my colon making me scream out each time. Riley continued fucking my throat. I think Ryan was trying to make me scrape Rileys cock with my teeth again. WTF.

Ryan sounded like he was reading off some rule book 'second infraction is 10 swats with a paddle. no choice on alternatives after the first time.'

Riley seemed fine with that. 'OK lets get him set up'

What did that mean? set up?

Ryan pulled his thick cock out of my ass abruptly with a popping sound leaving my ass gaping wide

Riley pulled my face onto his cock and pushed his hips in deep impaling his cock deep in my throat making me wretch, then pulled his cock out of my throat really fast making me gag and cough up throat slime that hung from my chin. 'you'll be cleaning that up bitch' riley wiped the mucous from his cock on my hair down to my nose.

Ryan was in front of Riley's dresser with a drawer open pulling out something that looked like rope. and handed something to Riley.

'get down to the foot of the bed. Put your chest on the bed, feet on the floor spread wide apart and ass in the air.' Ryan took charge.

I did as instructed as Riley and Ryan bent my body down onto the bed, and pushed my legs wide apart. Riley got up on the bed and put a loop of rope around each of my wrists and began pulling my arms with the rope, tieing them to head board so that my arms were stretched wide across the bed while Ryan was tieing each of my ankles to each leg of the foot board.

'what are you doing? why are you tieing me down?' I was getting scared.

'trust me youre gonna thank us. I'm gonna put my underwear in your mouth so you have something to bite on.' Ryan sounded like he was doing me a favor as he shoved the underwear into my mouth and tied it in place with one of Rileys soccer socks.

why was i gonna thank them for tieing me to the bed and shoving a pair of piss stained underwear into my mouth?

Ryan and Riley were now standing behind me, one of them had his hand on my ass feeling my ass and occasionally squeezing it gently. It felt as if they were having a casual conversation and he was playing with a gum wrapper while chatting with a bud. Then they both moved apart and i sensed one of them behind me and then Riley spoke into my ear. 'I know you cant count these outloud bitch, but it might help to count them in your head. I'm not gonna lie, this is really gonna hurt. But so does my dick from your fucking teeth biting it. I hope this helps you understand your transgression.' and he stood up and disappeared.


I saw stars and thought I was gonna puke, my ass exploded in pain. and i screamed at the top of my lungs into the underwear in my mouth.

'hahaha that had to hurt.' Riley laughed at Ryans first hit.

'Yeah, why hold back. might as well let him know what he's in for right away.' Ryan boasted.

  1. only 9 more to go. Fuck, Im gonna die.


'FUCK....AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH' I screamed into the underwear as tears were streaming down my face.

Three in rapid succession were almost too much to handle i was feeling light headed like i was gonna pass out. My ass felt like a hot brand was laying on it. my legs were shaking and i was sobbing uncontrollably.

that was 4. only 6 more to go. Oh my God.


'AAAAAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAA' my legs gave out. all my weight was now on the bed. my ass was completely weak. I couldn't hold my legs up anymore. I was kinda sliding down the bed but my arms tied to the headboard were holding my body onto the bed.

There was a long pause. I could hear Riley and Ryan whispereing to each other. Why were they waiting? just get this over with.

'mmmphfff' I tried talking through the underwear, now soaked in my saliva, tied in my mouth.

'what is that bitch? you want more?' Ryan taunted me

I shook my head no 'nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn'


in rapid succession again.

'AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH' i screamed into the underwear. sobbing more. tears continuing to roll down my face.

my shoulders were hurting now, stretched out, holding my body on the bed and I was involuntarily pulling on the ropes with each hit to my burning ass.

one of the guys put his hand on my ass causing me to scream out in surpise. I thought they were hitting me, but they were just gently rubbing my ass.

Riley spoke 'Fuck! his ass is bright red. and you could cook an egg on the heat coming from his ass. DAMN!'

Ryan asked 'how many more does he have? were you counting?'

Riley laughed 'you weren't counting? i dont know.'

I jumped in, screaming into my gag 'hhhmmmmhhhhmmmm' and raised 7 fingers

They both laughed. 'you have 7 more bitch?' Riley asked through his laughter.

I shook my head no. 'mmmmmmm mmmmmm hhhhhhhhh' and I raised 3 fingers.

'you have 3 more bitch?' Riley asked

I smiled around my spit soaked gag. 'uuuhhh huuuh'

'looks like he has 3 more dude.' Riley told Ryan.


'There you go Kev' Ryan said it as if he was doing me a favor.

'AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH' My ass exploded with pain. He hit just my left ass cheek all three times, where Ryan had focused his first punishment.

my entire body went flaccid on the bed being held onto the bed only by the ropes tied around my wrists. I was sobbing uncontrollably.

'That ass is bright red dude.' Riley put his hand on my ass again. I didn't even react this time.

'im hard as a rock dude.' Ryan pushed Rileys hand off my ass and drove his thick uncut cock deep into my burning hot ass in one thrust and proceeded to deep dick me driving deep into my colon then pulling his cock all the way out spitting into my gaping hole and pile driving his fuck rod, balls deep over and over again. Occassionally slapping my burning hot ass with his hand. I was still sobbing uncontrollably and his spanking was barely noticable. My ass felt numb now.

Ryans fucking got more aggressive with fast deep strokes his hands on my hips to get leverage to get himself in deeper. His breathing was getting erratic. 'Oh Fuck. I'm gonna cum. UUUUGGGGGHHHHHHH AAAAAAHHHHH' Ryan drove his cock deeper into my ass as he unloaded his thick load of cum deep in my hole.

'Damn your ass is sexy dude' Riley said as he gently bro-slapped Ryans ass and started making out with him while Ryans cock spasmed deep inside me.

They broke off their kiss 'Damn that was fucking hot dude' Ryan said to Riley. YOu're turn to get off dude.

They were talking to each other as if I was an object in the room; while I lay tied to the bed sobbing, tears running down my face.

I felt someone lay on the bed in front of me.

'You doing ok Boy?' Riley asked as he wiped tears from my cheek with his thumb.

' mmmmhhhhmmmm' I sniffled as I answered him.

Riley Smiled 'Thats a good boy. You're making us feel so good bitch. I need to cum. your ass is gonna make my cock feel so good. You ready to make me feel good boy?' Riley smiled at me while he stroked my cheek with his thumb.

'mmmmhhhhhhmmmm' I hummed around the spit soaked gag in my mouth.

I'm making them feel good. I'm their good boy.

Riley got behind me, slapped my ass making me scream into the gag, spit on my hole and lined his cockhead up with my gaping hole.

'You're a good boy Kev. You're our good boy. Right Kev?' Riley asked as he rubbed his spit slick cock head along my hole.

'mmmmhhhhhhmmmm' I smiled through my gag.

'Thats a good boy' Riley said as he slapped my ass and drove his cock deep into my hole in one fast hard thrust. making me scream into my gag 'AAAAAHHHHHHHH'

Riley fucked me fast and deep holding tight to my hips pulling me back onto his cock as he thrust his hips deep into my ass. His pulling action was putting intense pressure on my shoulders. My wrists were tight in the ropes and I could see my hands were purple from the pressure.

I could hear the shower turn on and realized Ryan wasn't in the room anymore.

Riley continued his assault on my ass for what felt like 20 mins without a pause, I could feel sweat drip onto my back and ass from his face, my arms strained against the ropes. I tried to lift my body up with my legs, but Rileys tight grip on my hips prevented me from lifting myself up.

'You're a good bitch arent you Kev?' Riley's breathing was more like panting.

'mmmmmmhhhhhhhmmmm' I tried to answer through the gag.

'You like making us feel good don't you bitch?' Riley sounded like he was close to coming. his thrusts were becoming less rhythmic.

'MMMMhhhhhmmmmm' I tried to sound enthusiastic

'Thats right bitch. you want to be our bitch dont you boy? you want to serve us. give your hole to us for our pleasure? let us fuck your throat? drink our piss. fuck our guests. You want to serve us dont you bitch?' Riley was talking so fast he was so close.

'MMMMHHHHHMMMMM' he needs to cum.

'YOu're our bitch arent you Kev? you want to be our slave? Ryan and me? you're ours now arent you bitch?' Riley was thrusting faster and deeper.

Wait what? their slave?

'hhhhmmmmm?' i hummed a question

Riley slapped my left ass cheek hard. 'you're our bitch now, right boy?' Riley asked

'hmmmmmm?' more questioning humming.

Riley slapped my left ass cheek repeatedly maybe 10 times. I was screaming in pain

'AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH' into my spit soaked gag.

'tell me youre our bitch. you fucking cock sucker.' Riley sounded aggressive.

'mmmmhhhhhhhmmmmm' I screamed into the gag. I had to end this.

'Thats a good boy.' Riley reached forward and ruffled my hair. 'YOu're a good boy. Fuck I'm so close to nutting boy. you want my load boy? deep inside you?'

'mmmmmhhhhhhmmmmm' I really did want his load.

'OOOooohhhhhh FUCK. YEAH.' Riley moaned loudly into the air.

I could feel Rileys cock spasming deep in my ass and felt his load squirting deep inside me.

"fuck Kev. you're ass is so fucking amazing.' Riley laid down onto my back while his hard cock was still deep inside my ass.

'mmmmmmmmmmmm' I was so happy having him inside me.

Riley wrapped his arms around my chest and kissed my neck 'You're a good boy'

We laid there for a few mins. My wrists and shoulders hurt so bad. the corners of my mouth felt like they were ripped open. Saliva was running down my chin.

Ryan walked back into the room 'Showers free'

Riley put his hands on my shoulders and pushed himself up off me.

'I'll hop in now.' Riley said as he pulled his cock out of my ass. I could feel cum running down my balls and the inside of my legs.

'Are you gonna untie him?' Ryan asked Riley.

'You can while I shower.' Riley responded as he walked away.

'i'm clean now. I dont want to touch him. you do it before you shower' they were arguing about touching me like i was nuclear waste. an object to be dealt with.

'Ugh. fine.' Riley walked back in a huff. He roughly untied the ropes from the head board and threw them over my back 'untie yourself boy' Riley walked back to the shower. Ryan sat in a chair by the fireplace and started scrolling through his phone, sipping from the snapple bottle.

I lay on the bed. Exhausted. Eventually I tried to push myself further up onto the bed with my legs. They were spread so wide it was hard to push myself up. I finally decided to untie my wrists first. Then I searched around my head for the knot in the sock holding the gag in my mouth. I ended up just pulling the sock over my head which pulled painfully at the corners of my mouth, but eventually came over my head and the gag fell out of my mouth along with a wad of spit.

I opened and closed my mouth and wiggled my jaw back and forth a few times. I started feeling a bit more normal with the gag out of my mouth.

I was able to claw at the blankets a bit while I pushed my legs up to get my body up far enough to grab the foot board so I could sit myself back on the floor. when my ass hit the floor I screamed out involuntarily. My ass was still on fire from the spanking I endured.

'everything OK Kev?' Ryan asked while focused on his phone.

I rolled my eyes 'yeah.'

He just stared at his phone.

I was able to untie my ankles from the foot board and I laid back on the floor for a few minutes.

Riley came out of the bathroom naked, drying his hair with a white towel smiling at me. He looks so fucking hot. 'Doing OK boy?'

'Yes Sir' I smiled back at him.

'Great. you're a good boy. get into the shower then take these sheets down to the laundry. I'll leave a fresh set for you to put on the bed when you get back.' Riley walked over to Ryan 'I'm hungry. Wanna text mike and have him make us some sandwiches?'

'Yeah sure. down in the living room?' Ryan asked

'yeah sure. Kev when you're done. we're gonna have some sandwiches in the living room. you hungry?'

I really was hungry 'Yes Sir'

'OK, come down after you've made the bed. we can eat and smoke a little. Play some mario cart then head for bed.' Riley gave me the plan.

'Yes Sir.'

'You're gonna sleep with me tonight.' Ryan told me.

'yes Sir.' I got up, pulled the sheets off the bed and made a pile by the door and got into the shower. the water felt so good.

I stood with my face in the water stream thinking: 'what just happened?' when I got here tonight I was one of the guys. Now I'm calling Riley and Ryan Sir; not sure if they told me to or not, but I am. I just got my ass beat, and cleaned the sheets off Riley's bed. Am I their bitch? Do I want to be?

My cock starting getting hard as I thought about it. Deep down inside I knew. I want to be their bitch. I needed to please them.

Next: Chapter 6

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