Heating Up the Frat House

By ap

Published on Jan 4, 2023


College, Authoritarian


This is a work of fiction. All characters are over 18 years of age. This story explicitly details sex between males. If it is illegal for you to read this where you are, please stop now and exit this site.

I reserve all rights to this work.

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All feedback is welcome. Let me know if you have ideas about character direction. This is a bit wordy, and many more chapters to cum.

Hope you enjoy. The HVAC guy

Chapter 7

The work day started pretty slow, the weather was nice, the sun is out, and I guess nobodies heat is acting up today. I left the frat house this morning after fucking Corey twice. Then went to my Dad's HVAC office, and he told me to head to the new construction job where we're installing the heating system. It's been a few days since I've been here since the weather has been wreaking havoc on the town's heating systems.

I was just finishing running some duct work in the attic when my phone buzzed.

`Hey Kev. hope your day is going well. wat r u upto tonight?' it was a text from Ryan.

I'm not sure why Ryan is being so nice to me. He's the president of the Frat where I repaired the heating system yesterday, and hung out last night, and fucked their Frat house bitch twice, and have some confusing feelings about him.

`No plans man. What ru upto?' I responded.

I got a quick reply: `just gonna hang out. wanna hang?'

`sure man. what can I bring?'

`just yourself. What time do you get off work?'

Oh man. I'm not showing up in work clothes again.

`I won't be free til like 8.'

`OK sounds good see you then man.'

Why is Ryan so into hanging out with me?

My phone buzzed again `Hey sexy. Hows your day?' it was Corey

`Hey man. it started amazingly well!! Fucked this hot dude in the shower.'

`he's a lucky man ;)'

`Ryan invited me over to the house tonight. Is that cool?'

There was a long pause, and I started to get worried. I went back to work, and couldn't stop wondering if Corey was pissed that I was gonna be there again.

About 30 mins later I got his response: `that's cool man. I have class tonight, maybe I'll see you when I get back. But have to spend some time in the library so might not make it. Hope you have a fun night man ;)'

This is feeling weird now. I assumed Corey would be there. I know Corey wasn't looking for a bf. But I spent more time with him than anyone else. But Ryan was the one who invited me originally and we did hang a bit before I met Corey.

Ugh. I shouldn't have been so quick to say I'd hang with them. What am I doing?

The rest of the work day dragged by. I was kinda anxious about what the night held. I should probably just relax. Since I had a great time last night when I hung out with them. They're cool guys.

After work, I went home took a shower and layed down for quick nap.

My phone buzzing next to my head woke me up `Hey man, you coming over?'

I looked at the time it's 8:30. Fuck!

`hey man sorry. Got held up, getting ready now – shoulda texted you that I'd be late. sorry.'

I sat on the side of my bed wearing just boxer briefs. Waiting for my boner to go down. I needed to get dressed but that nap wiped me out. I just wanted to go back to sleep.

But I got up and put on a pair of jeans and a hoodie and my black high top vans. And headed out the door.

When I got to the frat house, and walked up to the front porch, the door opened before I knocked.

`Good evening Sir. May I take your coat?' a new pledge at the door. This pledge was about 5'4" wearing a black t-shirt that was tight over his well-defined chest and stretched around his biceps and stretchy jeans that couldn't hide the bulge his flaccid cock made nor the bubble butt.

I was obviously staring because he had to explain the process to me, even though I knew already:

'its part of being a pledge we have to serve the brothers, i'm Tim, the door man tonight. just give me your coat and take off your shoes and i'll announce you to the brothers in the living room, you're Kevin right?'

`oh yeah. I'm kevin. Here. Thanks. Sorry.' I was stuttering after being caught staring.

Tim cleared his throat `Sirs, your guest has arrived.'

Ryan stood up and headed over to me with his hand extended `Thanks Tim. Tell Mike to bring Kevin some dinner. And pack the bong for us.'

`Oh man. I don't need food. I'm good' I was already feeling anxious about them waiting on me again.

`oh you already ate?' Ryan asked.

`well no. but I'm fine.'

Ryan rolled his eyes at me and repeated his order to Tim `have mike bring kevins dinner'

`yes Sir. Anything else sir?'

`No that's it Tim'

`Kev come have a seat. We were just talking about the weekend.'

Riley, Marcus, Dylan, and two guys I'd seen in the house before but hadn't met were sitting around the living room.

Ryan continued riley, marcus, Dylan you guys remember Kevin?' all three echoed hey yeah, hi Kev'

Ryan turned to the other two guys `Cooper, Dave, this is Kevin.' They both stood and shook my hand and said it was nice to meet me.

`thanks for inviting me to hang guys' I felt awkward but they all seemed relaxed and didn't seem to mind that I was there.

Mike walked in with a tray containing a full plate, an open beer with a chilled glass and sat it down on the table in front of me.

`Sir can I get you anything else?' Mike asked Ryan.

`Thanks Mike I think we can all use a fresh beer, and some pop corn'

`Yes Sir. Thank you Sir' Mike began to leave the room.

`Hey Mike can you bring me a Snapple instead?' Dave requested. Riley said he preferred a Snapple also.

`Yes Sirs, thank you sirs.' Mike left the room.

`So this weekend. We have a party Kev, so we were just talking about it. We're almost done, then we can just hang. Sorry to bore you with all this.' Ryan explained.

`do you want me to leave man?' I felt like I shouldn't be here.

`nah, its cool. No state secrets being discussed' Riley joked

Ryan laughed and continued `so the pledges all know their assignments, Frank took care of ordering the food and beer. Corey is gonna bartend.'

Marcus interrupted `Corey is bartending? I thought he was taking punishments?'

`nah, chris is doing that this weekend. Chris needed the money so corey let him take it this time.' Ryan explained.

Marcus looked annoyed `damn. corey knows how to take a beating'

Ryan turned to me `Kev, this probably all sounds weird. Our bylaws require that any brother who does something wrong must be punished by the frat sergeant-at-arms with a paddle. And punishments are doled out in number of swats with the paddle. We can never get enough votes to change the by-laws to make the punishment a monetary fine. But there is clause that allows punishment to be transferred to someone else, that doesn't have to be a brother, with proper compensation. So, most of the brothers pay the fuck bitches to take their punishment for them. So we set up a punishment show in the basement when we have parties. A couple of the masochistic fuck bitches like being punished and like making the money from the brothers.'

NOW I understand the basement display I saw when I was fixing the heating system. That must be where they do the show.

`oh yeah I think I saw that when I was in the basement.' I confessed.

`you like that Kev?' Riley teased me

`haha nah, it was just hard to miss.' I defended.

`oh I meant you're getting hard. So I thought maybe you enjoyed the idea.'

`Riley, leave him alone. Not everyone is into that shit' Marcus came to my defense. But not before everyone took note of my growing bulge.

well if he enjoys it maybe he'd want a go at it.' Riley argued. you prefer being paddled or doing the paddling Kev?'

`OK, enough of that. Chris is on the bench this weekend. Who is at the door? we need at least 3 pledges to handle coats.' Ryan moved the conversation along but Riley kept looking at me and he smiled and winked at me.

The drinks and bong arrived as I finished my dinner. A fresh beer was put on the table in front of me.

`OK, I think we're all set for this weekend. Thanks guys. Who's in for some Mario cart?'

`im gonna hit that then go to bed man. I'm beat.' Marcus reached for the bong.

`im out too Ryan. I got a paper due tomorrow morning.' David was already getting up to leave.

`fraid im out too. I have an exam in the morning.' Dylan was getting up also.

`I'm in for Mario cart.' Riley moved to the seat next to me and closer to the TV.

`I'm in too, after I hit that.' Cooper moved to grabbed the controllers to hand out.

Ryan turned to me, and put his hand on my thigh `you up for some Mario cart stud?'

`yeah im in thanks.' Is Ryan flirting with me?

We all took a turn at the bong, then started playing Mario cart.

Its fun playing with these guys, they're all good at the game and make fun of each other and talk shit so its super fun.

I kept noticing that Riley, who was on my left and Ryan, who was on my right would reach across me to nudge each other or push me into each other when they got frustrated throughout the games. They often had their hand on my thigh. I was super high, so all this stimulation had me in a perpetual chub. Luckily we were sitting the whole time, so nobody would notice.

At the end of a game Ryan stood up and mentioned he needed to take a leak, and everyone stood up, so I did also. I don't know if anyone noticed, except Riley whispered towards me `looks like you're really enjoying the game Kev. Need some help with that?' the other guys had all started to head out of the room toward the kitchen, when riley whispered to me and reached behind me and grabbed my ass.

I moaned involuntarily.

`if you want some help man, we can head up to my room.' Riley offered.

`oh man, I don't know. Ryan invited me to hang out man.' I was getting nervous fast. And I was still super high.

`Ryan will join us, don't worry.' All the guys were out of the room now, and riley stood in front of me and put his hand on the back of my head and pulled me into a kiss. GAH he is a good kisser. Riley pushed his tongue into my mouth and I sucked on his tongue while he let his other hand drop down my back and into the waist band of my jeans and graze the top of my ass crack with a finger making me moan into his kiss again.

Riley broke the kiss. `Let's go up to my room man.'

`you think its ok?' I wasn't gonna be too hard to convince at this point.

Riley put his hands on my shoulders and turned me toward the staircase and gave my butt a swat. `up the stairs Kev'

I noticed Riley walking behind me texting on his phone.

We walked up the stairs then past the guest room I fucked Corey in this morning and down the hall where Riley said `that's my room on the right'

I opened the door to a huge bedroom with a fireplace, a king size bed and a few comfy chairs and dressers and a door open to a bathroom.

`Wow this is an awesome room Riley' I can't get over how awesome this house is.

`thanks. I like it. Nice not to have to share a room this year. Im the Vice president of the frat so I get a room to myself'

The door to the room opened again as I was looking around. Ryan walked in `everything cool Riley?'

`I don't know. Everything Cool Kev?'

I was starting to see why Ryan was so interested in me hanging out with them.

`yeah everything is great guys. I'll be honest, I've never done this with 2 guys before so I don't know what to do.'

`don't worry Kev. Just follow our lead. We'll make sure you have a good time' Riley came towards me and kissed me deeply. I could feel Ryan step behind me and hug his arms around me to pull Riley closer. Ryan began to kiss my neck and nibble my ear lobes. I was hard as a rock. I could feel Ryans hard cock grinding on my ass.

Riley started unbuttoning my flannel shirt while he continued pushing his tongue into my mouth. Ryan had his hands around my waist unbuttoning my jeans so he could get his hand into my boxer briefs and rub my hairy butt. Ryan's fingers wandered deeper in the crack until his finger grazed my hole and made me quiver and moan.

Riley broke our kiss `did ryan find you hole Kev? Does that feel good?'

`Fuck yeah it does.' My head was spinning

I could feel that ryan had pulled his hand away which was disappointing until I felt his fingers return, this time feeling wet and slippery as they found my hole again. Ryan went back to kissing my neck and I could feel the spit on his lower lip. His finger pressed into my hole and I wimpered out loud.

Riley snickered `feel good kev?' and then I felt his hand wander down to my hard cock that was slowly being revealed as my pants dropped lower down my thighs.

Riley kissed me deep again as he stroked my cock while ryan now had 2 fingers sliding into my hole. I was in heaven. Everything felt so good.

Riley broke our kiss again `get on the bed Kev' he helped me sit on the bad while be pulled my pants down my hairy legs. Ryan pulled my flannel shirt off my back. I noticed Ryan was naked now also as he layed me on my back on the bed. I could sense Riley was taking his clothes off.

I need to describe these gods to you:

Riley is about 21-22. 6ft with a perfectly sculpted soccer body. Toned pecs, biceps, 6 pack abs narrowing to a perfect V to his rock hard cock that looks about 7" thick and uncut.

Ryan is about the same age, maybe 5'10" short well manicured dark beard, black hair gym body with a perfect bubble butt and an intimidating prob 8" very thick uncut cock.

I was laying on my back making out with Ryan, when I felt Riley lick up my left leg suck on my balls then quickly swallow my cock in one stroke. I moaned out load as his tongue ran down my cock and my cock head hit the back of his throat and his nose buried into my pubes. Ryan stuck his tongue deep into my mouth and I sucked him in deep and moaned around our kiss.

I don't know how long we were tangled in this position, but I was so close to shooting my load deep in Riley's throat. I pulled off Ryan's tongue `I'm getting so close riley'

`we're no-where near that buddy.' Riley pulled off my cock and slid up to start making out with ryan. I could feel Rileys cock leaking precum on my belly as his hard cock ground into mine.

Ryan rubbed his hand along the side of my head and found my mouth and slid 2 fingers into my mouth while he made out with Riley.

Riley got up on his knees `Kev, take Ryans cock in you mouth.' As Riley pushed my knees to my chest, Ryan grabbed my ankles and kneeled on either side of my head and dipped his hard cock into my mouth and gently pushed past my lips. I could feel Riley spread my ass cheeks apart to expose my hole and then I felt his tongue make a wide circle around my tight hole. I reflexively tightened my hole and moaned around Ryans hard cock as it slid further into my mouth.

Riley used his tongue to tease my hole. licking gently around the edges then a long lick from top to bottom then pushing his tongue directly through my tight ass lips. I was moaning and squealing and writhing around the bed with every new sensation.

Ryan's cock was working its way deeper and deeper. I could feel the head of his hard cock touching the back of my throat. My jaws were stretched wide to accommodate Ryans thick cock. I could hear ryan moaning and telling me how good my throat felt.

`Kev your throat is like velvet. You're so fucking good at this man. you're making me feel so good.'

Ryans cock was pushing deeper into my throat and I wasn't sure if I could take much more without gagging.

`Kev you're gonna take my whole cock dude. You're a master cock sucker dude. This is so fucking hot. You're gonna make me cum deep in your throat man'

Ryan was getting excited and I could feel him pushing his cock deeper into my throat and I could feel myself start to gag, but then Ryan would withdraw and rub my legs and say something encouraging to me `you can take it man. you're making me feel so good Kev. You can take it. It feels so good' and then I'd feel Riley lick my hole and push his tongue deeper into my ass.

Ryan pushed his cock deep into my throat making me gag and held it deep. I couldn't breathe and I was gagging around his cock.

I felt Ryan slide a finger into my hole and it made me moan and squirm.

Ryan pulled his cock back out of my throat slowly `OMG Kev that felt so amazing. Your throat was spasming around my cock. I almost shot my load down your throat. It feels so fucking good man,'

Ryans cock never left my mouth, he just pulled it back far enough for me to get a breath and stop gagging. I had tears running down my face.

Riley now had 2 fingers in my hole and he started rubbing my prostate and I could feel precum running out of my cock.

Ryan pushed his cock in just to the back of my throat and pulled back before I would have gagged. He did this a few times.

I felt Riley pull his fingers slowly and gently out of my hole. then I felt liquid dripping on my ass and I could sense Riley was stroking his cock. I think he is gonna fuck me.

Ryan was sliding his cock slowly through my lips, but never deep enough to make me gag. I loved feeling Ryans huge cock fucking my mouth. I felt something larger push against my hole, and I tried to push out to let Rileys cock head enter my tight hole.

Rileys cockhead popped through and I moaned around Ryan's cock as it slowly fucked my mouth. I was in heaven.

Riley slowly slid more of his cock into my hole and started using his lubed hand to stroke my cock.

`This feel good Kev?' Riley was checking in.

`mmmmhhhhhmmmm' I hummed around Ryan's huge cock.

`Good boy' Ryans voice was getting husky.

`Ry, lets show Kev a real good time buddy' Ryan and Riley were ready to spit roast me and I could feel the energy change immediately.

Ryan thrust his hard cock deep in my throat making me gag while at the same time Riley buried his hard cock balls deep in my colon making me scream around Ryan's cock.

Ryan and Riley got into a steady fast rhythm of fucking my throat and ass I could hardly gasp in a breath as my throat was fucked raw by Ryan's thick uncut cock. And my ass was raped by Riley. At one point Ryan and Riley leaned into each other over my body and made out while they had their cocks buried deep inside me. They were so deep I think their cocks were touching while they made out.

When they broke their kiss Ryan pulled his cock from my throat giving me a chance to gasp in a couple breaths of air.

But that didn't last long. `Dude im so fucking close. Im gonna shoot my load any second' Ryan was panting.

`Im super close too man. fuck his throat, we'll cum at the same time.' I could hear Riley was out of breath from his assault on my hole.

They were talking like I wasn't even there. I was just a piece of meat they were fucking.

Ryan buried his cock balls deep into my throat making me gag around his cock. I could feel his balls bouncing off my forehead as Riley deep dicked my hole thrusting in deep then pulling out to the head of his cock then ramming his cock back in deep. I could tell Riley was close too cause his fucking was becoming erratic and then I heard him yell out and push deep into my ass. At the same time Ryan pushed his cock head deeper into my throat than it had been yet and I felt his cock spasm then squirt after squirt of cum shooting down my esophagus as I gagged around his cock with tears running down my cheeks.

I think Ryan forgot I needed to breath. He kept his cock buried deep in my throat as I felt his whole body relax after his orgasm. I was getting nervous, I slapped his arms til he realized and pulled his cock from my throat and out of my moth trailing a slick of throat slime and cum across my nose and forehead.

Riley stayed inside me as I caught my breath.but let my legs relax a bit around him.

`How you feeling Kev?' Riley asked as he flexed his still hard cock in my ass.

I moaned involuntarily `OMG I don't know man. that was a lot. I don't know how I feel. I've never been used like that before'

`You're a rockstar Kev. Not many people can take my cock like you did buddy. You made me feel so fucking good. Holy Shit' Ryan was obviously enjoying what just happened.

`Yeah your cock is huge Ryan.' I kinda laughed and could feel my own throat slime sliding off my forehead but I wasn't sure how I felt about what just happened. It was amazing, but a lot all at once, and more than I could handle... but I did handle it.

You must have enjoyed it a little, your stomach is covered in your cum.' Riley scooped up some of my cum open your mouth Kev'

I opened my mouth so Riley could feed me my own cum `Suck my finger clean buddy' I closed my mouth around Riley's finger and sucked his finger.

`That's a good boy' Riley smiled at me as i sucked his finger clean and he patted my cheek with his other hand. I felt like a good boy. I liked making Riley happy.

Ryan ruffled my hair `You are a good boy Kev' and he leaned down and kissed me deep as I felt Rileys cock flexing in my hole making me moan again.

Ryan broke our kiss `gonna spend the night Kev? So we can have a round 2? I'd love to feel my cock in that hot ass man.'

`yeah I can stay Ryan.' What was I getting myself into??

Riley scooped up some more of my cum and leaned toward my mouth while I opened up like a baby bird `Good boy'

Next: Chapter 5

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