Heating Up the Frat House

By ap

Published on Feb 18, 2023


College, Authoritarian


This is a work of fiction. All characters are over 18 years of age. This story explicitly details sex between males. If it is illegal for you to read this where you are, please stop now and exit this site.

I reserve all rights to this work.

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All feedback is welcome. Let me know if you have ideas about character direction. This is a bit wordy, and many more chapters to cum.

Hope you enjoy. The HVAC guy

Chapter 14.

Corey and I finished assembling the furniture, and got dinner then headed back to the frat house to grab the mattresses and a few other things that would fit, then one more trip to grab the rest of the stuff for the night and the sheets to make Ryan's bed and towels for his bathroom. I noticed there was a new shower curtain and rugs that were labeled for Ryans bathroom, so I assumed that was an instruction to put those up also.

When we'd finally gotten the beds made and Ryans bathroom straightened out - the bedrooms looked really great.

'i can't believe they got all this stuff sent to them from people online'

'all this stuff?' Corey looked surprised.

'i guess so, Ryan said they have a wish list on amazon and guys he dominates online give him money and send him stuff.' I assumed Corey knew this already

'i've heard of guys doing that and selling their underwear and socks and stuff, but i didn't know other guys actually bought them, or just sent guys like Ryan money and gifts for dominating them online. honestly, thats kinda hot. i'd do that if i was in a small town with no dom's to use me. actually i may need to when i move back home.' Corey looked serious.

'honestly i would too. and i got hard when Ryan told me about it. but it still surprised me' I felt a little embarrassed to admit it, but it's true.

'i guess we're lucky that we have what we want in person then.' Corey slapped me on the back and laughed.

'haha yeah i guess you're right. time to go?' I was getting tired after all the moving after a full day of work.

'yeah sure.' Corey started walking towards the door to leave.

'hey Core. would you wanna crash at my place tonight?' I really wanted to cuddle tonight but I didn't want to sound too needy.

'hell yeah. i didn't want to invite myself, but i really wanna cuddle tonight man. i'd love that.' Corey turned toward me and reached out to hug me.

I walked into his arms and laid my head on his shoulder. and he hugged me tight.

'this feels so good Core.' I said softly.

'it does. and i can feel you getting hard.' Corey laughed.

I laughed also 'well yeah. i guess you have that effect on me.' i confessed.

'so maybe you need to fuck me before we cuddle' Corey lifted his head and I did too, so we could look at each other.

'i mean, if thats what you want' I said innocently.

Corey laughed 'oh this is all about me now? then yeah, thats exactly what i want Kev. i love the way you fuck me. and cuddle me, and honestly i'd love to wake up in your arms in the morning.' Corey said then hugged me into his chest tightly again.

'lets get going.' I suggested after hugging Corey for a full minute.

'yeah well walk slow - im not gonna be able to hide this boner you just gave me.'

We both laughed, and walked towards the door, picking some stray garbage that we left around. and grabbing the garbage bags as we exited the apartment.

'just throw it all in the back of the van and i'll get rid of it at the job site tomorrow' I instructed Corey as we walked out to the van.

'speaking of the job site, how'd things work out with clay?' Corey asked through a mischievious grin.

'UGH. it went exactly how you'd expect it to go.' I tried to brush it off.

'Oh no. you can't leave me hanging like that. spill. i want graphic details' Corey made a show of having a stern face, but I could see his smirk beneath it.

'fine. i seriously wasn't gonna do anything with him, i was afraid it would get complex, and i have enough new shit going on right now, i didn't want to start something else right now.' I started to qualify my actions even before I gave the details.

'...BUUUUUUTTTT...' Corey read right through me,

'haha...well he's just so fucking cute, like a little puppy. and he was awkward and shy, and it was super obvious he wanted it, and when i got back to the job, he was stretched up into the ceiling and his abs and bulge and ass were just too much.' I confessed

'FUCKING HOT!!!!' Corey was leaning forward on every word now.

'Yeah, he's a sexy fucker. and he started calling me Sir'

'WHAT? OMG this is amazing' Corey cut me off.

'yeah, it was too much to let slide. so i "accidently" touched his ass, and he moaned, and i just knew, so i told him he had a hot ass and he told me it was mine. so it just went quick from there.' I explained

'So, you fucked him right there?' Corey asked

'No, i actually started playing with his nipples and he blew a load humping my leg'

'Holy FUCK. this kid is gold.' Corey was smiling ear to ear and I could see the tent in his pants.

'yeah, so i made him suck on his cum soaked underwear while i rimmed him, spanked him then fucked him, and he blew another load' I was so horny retelling the story.

'OMG Kev, you better start driving, i need to be naked with you right now!' Corey commanded me

'haha, yeah i hear ya, its turning me on just thinking about it.' I put the van in drive and started driving. Corey unbuckled his seat belt and kneeled between the seats and unbuttoned my pants and belt, and took my hard dick out and started sucking on my cock while I drove home.

'Oh man Core, slow down, i want to fuck you. dont make me cum yet' I was getting close. Corey slowly sucked up to the tip of my cock, and pulled his mouth off my cock

'sounds like your problem Kev. i'm gonna keep sucking, but you're not allowed to cum. you need to wait to cum til you're fucking me, now focus on driving and stop telling me what to do stud.' corey smiled and winked and dove back down on my cock burying my hard cock deep in his throat and began bobbing up and down slowly. GAH what exquisite torture. Holding back cumming was making me want to cum even more - it like focused me on my need to cum, in a viscious cycle. Luckily we were super close to home.

I pulled into my driveway and practically yelled 'We're here' my voice cracked.

Corey laughed as he came up off my cock 'sounds like someone is in a hurry'

'OMG core you have no idea how close i am to blowing my load'

'well then, we better do something to prolong that - because i dont want a quick fuck stud.'

'what are we gonna do?' this was getting worse.

'lets go in and figure it out Kev' Corey half stood up from his kneeling position and kissed me deeply gently pushing his tongue into my mouth, while simultaneously gently twisitng my right nipple with his hand. This is not helping my situation at all.

COrey pulled back from our kiss and stared at me with his sexy smile for a few beats, then said 'lets get upstairs Kev. i need you naked.'

Don't have to tell me twice, I was out the door and half way up the stairs before Iremembered my cock was still hanging out of my pants. I tucked myself in, and dropped the keys trying to unlock the door. As I bent over to get the keys, Corey rubbed my ass, and spoke 'someones a bit frazzled.'

'COre man, you have no idea what you do to me. im losing my mind' we both laughed. As I opened the door, Corey gently turned me back to him and pulled me into a hug as he kissed me deeply again, his hands wandering around my back and ass.

'Kev, I want to enjoy each other. no quick fuck. will you let me enjoy you slowly?' corey looked tenderly into my eyes, and I melted.

'yeah Corey. everything you want.' we kissed deeply again.

Corey pulled away as we ended the kiss. 'you have a speaker i can connect to? i have a playlist i wanna play while we enjoy each other.'

I turned on the speaker bar and he paired his phone, then Lizzo 'Lingerie' started playing and he pulled me into a hug and started swaying back and forth as he started kissing me and pulling my jacket slowly down my back, then kissed my neck while he reached his hands under my sweatshirt and tshirt to touch the sides of my stomach and lifted them slowly up my torso, almost tickling my skin, but not quite a tickle, as he appraoched my chest, I lifted my arms and he lifted the shirt over my head, but then pulled the shirts down my arms and left them on my arms, forcing me to keep my arms up over my head, then he started kissing down my neck, across my throat, then up the other side of my neck and gently purred into my ear, making my knees week, and my eyes roll back into my head and my cock pulse. I could feel the precum leaking out of my cock, trapped in my pants.

Corey slowly and gently ran his finger tips down my chest and abs, then back up the sides of my stomach and chest then across my nipples stopping momentarily to give each nipple a gentle twist, then rubbing his hands back down my belly, the whole time kissing and licking my neck. I was moaning outload, barely able to stand up straight,my knees felt like they'd collapse. My hands were still trapped inside my sweatshirt over my head.

As Corey gently ran his hands down my abs, he lowerd his lips to my nipples, lightly kissing then nibbling on each nipple as his hands found my cock, and rubbed up and down the length on my cock still inside my pants, then one hand traveled around to my ass rubbing and gently squeezing my ass. I was moaning loudly now, I could hear the music changed to Lana Del Rey 'Doing time'

Corey unbuckled my pants and pulled my underwear down under my balls, and began sucking each ball into his mouth and sniffing around my crotch and rubbing his hand around my balls, gently scratching my pubes and rubbing my belly, but conspicuously not touching my raging hardon which was now dripping precum like a faucet.

my pants wound up on the floor as corey turned my body 180 degrees and pushed my sweatshirt trapped arms onto the back of the couch bending me at the waist, while he ran his hands along my back and down to my ass cheeks which he gently rubbed then traveled down my hairy legs and back up to my ass.

Corey slowly rubbed the globes of my ass as he bent his head to my crack and slowly ran his nose up the full length of my ass, pausing at the cleft of my ass to use his lips to pull on the hair at the top of my ass then slowly travel back down, gently pulling my ass cheeks apart to expose my hole. I could feel his breath on my hole right before I felt his tongue press against my hole making my legs give out as I moaned outloud, luckily I was draped over the couch, and was able to push my legs back up to stay standing.

Having my ass so expertly rimmed and the globes of my ass massaged, with an occasional stroke or two of my rock hard Cock was more than my brain could handle, I felt like I was in another orbit, and could hear myself moaning and exclaiming my feelings with each new touch. Corey had me on the edge of exctasy. I wasn't close to blowing my load but my body was in a seemingly constant state of orgasm, heightened with every touch of his tongue lips and fingers.

When I felt Corey slide a spit lubed finger into my hole, I awakened from my dream, and knew things were about to get serious. COrey hadn't ever fucked me yet. I was always the top, and he has mentioned many times, that he is a bottom, so I was immediately curious where this was going, but wherever it went, I was there for it.

corey slid that spit lubed finger directly to my prostate and as he pressed on that spot I could feel precum drool out of my piss slit. Corey gently but persistently rubbed my prostate while he rubbed and nibbled on my ass, causing my moans to get louder and more insistent. I could feel an orgasm building. It felt like hours since the bj in the van, and it may have been at least a half hour ago, but I suddenly wasnt ready to cum, I wanted this amazing feeling to continue.

'core man, you're getting me super close man.' I cautioned with a husky voice.

'you do you man, don't hold back.' corey instructed, as I also sensed him ease up on my prostate, and moved his hand from stroking my cock to reaching up to gently twist my right nipple, causeing me to moan out, and my dick to pulse.

I felt Corey's finger slide out of my ass, only to be replaced by his tongue, and I could tell he was lubing my hole with spit.

He suddenly stood up, and the next thing I felt was the head of his cock pushing against my hole, and another dollop of spit hit my hole from above. Corey nudged my hole with the head of his cock a couple times before his spit soaked cock broke through my hole causing me to inhale deeply. corey rocked his cock gently just inside my hole as I adjusted to the girth of his thick cock, I squeezed down on him a few times then felt him push deeper inside me til I could feel the hair surrounding his cock against my ass. Corey reached around my chest and hugged me tight and kissed my neck. 'You're so fucking Sexy Kev. It feels so good to be inside you.'

'you feel so good Core. i want to feel this for the rest of my life' I cooed. I felt like I was going to cry I was so happy

Corey kissed my neck then stood up and slowly withdrew his cock, keeping the head inside me, I felt another wad of spit hit my hole then Corey slid back in, and continued to stroke in and out of my hole slowly and gently as he told me how beautful he thinks I am and how good I'm making him feel 'Kev you're such a gorgeous man, you make me feel so good. not just being inside you, but being around you, holding you, cuddling with you, kissing you, eating dinner with you' Corey continued to stroke his cock in and out of my hole slowly 'working with you all night, watching your body move as we assembled the furniture, watching your ass as we walked up the stairs, whatching your bicpes flex lifting boxes, seeing your hairy ass bent over the couch while i rim you. you make me so fucking horny for you' Corey pushed deep inside me holding himself deep as he bent forward, kissing my neck and whispered into my ear 'you're such a sexy man Kev, i'm the luckiest guy in the world'

Corey's talk was melting my heart, and his cock was sliding across my prostate making me feel like i was gonna cum any second now.

'Kev ive wanted you so bad all day long, i'm so lucky to have you right now in my arms, kissing and fucking you. being inside you is such an amazing feeling, i dont want it to end. your ass is making it hard to hold back, i'm getting so close Kev'

I was moaining the whole time, because I was getting close too. Corey was picking up speed with his fucking, as gentle and loving as he was trying to be, I knew his need to cum was getting strong and I could feel him getting closer.

'Kev i love being this close to you man, OMG i cant hold back anymore, FUCK im gonna cum Kev, i'm gonna cum inside you.' Corey practically screamed as he made a hard jab deep in my ass, I could feel his cum squirt deep inside me.

I wanted to cum with Corey, but I still needed a second,and my arms were still trapped inside my sweatshirt, I couldnt even JO.

Corey gently stroked his drooling cock inside my hole and it felt amazing, occasionally sliding across my prostate. corey hugged me tight and layed against my back, as he regained his breath. He kissed my neck gently and stroked my hair. 'GAH you're so fucking amazing Kev. you feel so good in my arms.'

'Feels so great to be held by you while you're still inside me Core. i could stay like this all night long'

'we will stud, but laying in bed comfortably' corey said with a chuckle. Corey stood, and slowly slid his cock out of my hole. Then helped me stand up straight and pulled the sweathshirt off my arms, and helped me get out of my boots and pants, then guided me to the bedroom where he instructed me to lay down on my back, and put my cock in his mouth and slowly bobbed up and down on my cock, I was getting close again, when corey pulled off my cock. I internally groaned, I need to fucking Cum.

Corey spit in his hand, stroked my cock, then spit again and lubed his hole and sat up guiding my cock to his hole and sat down on my cock and leaned forward to make out with me while he fucked himself on my cock. Corey slid his tongue in my mouth and sat up and down on my cock as I moaned around his kiss. Corey hugged me tight and picked up the pace of fucking himself on my cock, I couldn't hold back any more, I moaned loudly around his kiss as my body shook and I unloaded shot after shot of cum into Corey's hole as he slowed his pace, continuing to kiss me deeply and hug me tight. My body went limp. Corey slowed his kissing, and sat deep on my cock, squeezing his hole around my softening cock while we both regained our breath.

After a minute or two, Corey pulled his head away from our kiss and looked into my eyes, 'you're so fucking amazing Kev. i could get used to this.' then leaned down and gently kissed my lips three times before he slid off my cock and cuddled up next to me with his head on my chest and my arm around his shoulder, hugging me tight.

I could definitely get used to this.

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