Heating Up the Frat House

By ap

Published on Jan 11, 2023


College, Authoritarian


This is a work of fiction. All characters are over 18 years of age. This story explicitly details sex between males. If it is illegal for you to read this where you are, please stop now and exit this site.

I reserve all rights to this work.

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All feedback is welcome. Let me know if you have ideas about character direction. This is a bit wordy, and many more chapters to cum.

Hope you enjoy. The HVAC guy

Chapter 13.

Corey and I arrived at the address Ryan texted. We walked into the building, up the steps to the 2nd floor. This is a super nice building. I guess one of their parents has money. I can't imagine a college student affording this place.

We walk to the apartment door: 2d. The door is unlocked as Ryan said it would be. We let ourselves in, and immediately notice something is awry.

There is a dress shoe with no laces, flipped on its side by the door, a bit further in, a pair of mens dress pants, very nice expensive looking pants, with coins and small folded paper and a few bills strewn about, then to the side a suit jacket is thrown at the corner of the room. As we walk further, there is a pair of socks, and boxers, and now we can hear Ryan:

'but is it new bitch?'

...and a muffled response.

Corey and I look at each other. 'should we leave?' I whispered.

'nah, ive know these guys long enough, nothing happens by accident. im sure they want us here for this. lets just go in.'

So we walked towards the noise and found Ryan, Riley, and someone in what looks like the master bedroom. Ryan has the other shoe in his hand addressing a mostly naked man, who is tied facing the back wall of a closet, with his hands tied to the shelving units on either side of the closet by what looks like his shoe laces, and his dress shirt pushed up over his shoulders.

Riley is standing back a few steps and notices us come in 'Oh hey guys, the landlord stopped by. we're gonna give him a rest in a second and we'll give you the lay of the land. seems the rug ryan asked to be replaced, hasn't yet, and they're negotiating the solution right now.'

Ryan never diverted his attention from the 'landlord' but the landlord hearing that other people had entered the room, began looking backwards frantically to see who was here. I could see he had maybe a glove shoved in his mouth. But I couldn't see his full face since he was tied facing away from us.

'FOCUS bitch!!' Ryan screamed at him, and delivered three painful blows to the landlords ass with his own dress shoe. His ass was already bright red, and I could imagine how painful those three blows must have been.

The landlord screamed into the glove in his mouth.

'Now, The carpet in the living room. I asked you: does that look brand new to you?' Ryan continued his interrogation.

'nnnnnnnnnn hhhhhhhrrrrrrrrrr' the landlord moaned through his gag.

'i agree it does not look new at all, as a matter of fact, there are stains and wear marks, and i can see where someone elses dollar store furniture was placed.' Ryan had his face close up to the landlords face, like a drill sargent, as he yelled.

'mmmmmmm hhhhhhhhrrrrrrr' The landlord quickly replied.

'so you agree that it will be replaced by tomorrow at lunchtime, so my move in is not delayed any further?' Ryan spoke more softly this time.

'mmmmmmm hhhhhhrrrrrr' The landlord shook his head yes, responding very quickly.

'thats a good boy. i don't know why you make this so difficult, if you'd only done what you were supposed to do, this wouldn't have been necessary.' Ryan swatted the landlords ass with his hand this time causing the landlord to scream out.

'now stay here a moment while i have a discussion with my associates here. you can start thinking about how you can address the state of the two bathrooms. they are abysmal, which you'll find out when i return. You can explain how clean they are too me, once you've insepcted them with your tongue.' Ryan ended the statement with another painful slap to the landlords ass.

'NNNNNNNnnnnnnnnnnn' The landlord screamed into his gag.

Ryan turned towards us, smiled and said 'hey guys, hows it going?'

Corey spoke first with a questioning tone 'Um good. is everything ok here?'

Ryan smiled, and chuckled 'Oh yeah everythings fine. this closet case thought he found a couple college kids he could flirt with when we came to look at the apartment. we quickly divested him of that misconception. in that session, after we negotiated a more reasonable monthly rent, i thought we had also agreed on some upgrades to the apartment. but it seems this tool didn't fully understand what his responsibilities were. so we're just creating a punch list for him to work on. ANYway. the rug in here has been replaced, so you can bring everything in here, and at least set up my bedroom. Riley's bedroom has a new carpet also, so you can set up his bedroom. as you may have just heard, the living room carpet will be installed before noon tomorrow, so wait on that furniture til tomorrow. and nothing in the kitchen or bathrooms, looks like we're gonna be getting them more thoroughly cleaned tomorrow also. but as I'm thinking of the logistics, that might be better off done before the carpet, so, let me work on the schedule with this asswipe, and ill fill you in later.'

Riley spoke up 'my bathroom is fine, you can put my stuff in there.'

Ryan smiled at Riley 'you sure buddy? we can go inspect it and make sure.'

Riley smiled back 'nah its cool. this is taking forever already. i have a paper due tomorrow, and gotta get back. i don't know why this idiot can't get shit right the first time'

'he'll learn, don't worry' Ryan turned back to the landlord, who I looked at more closely now.

He has a nice toned body, firm, plump ass, he obviously does squats. His back is muscled, his shoulders and biceps are well defined straining against the ties. His hair is brown, and cut short on the back and sides, but looks like it might be longer on top, He's much older than we are, maybe 40's or 50's - tough to tell from the back. but definitely older.

Ryan walked over to the landlord and gave his ass another swat with his open hand 'right bitch?'

The landlord screamed out around his gag 'mmmmmmm hhhhhhhrrrrrrr'

'Good boy'

Ryan walked over to us, then ushered us out into the living room, and Riley followed us, closing the door behind us.

Ryan spoke 'thanks for helping out guys. Corey, i showed you all the stuff in the basement. but lets hold off on bringing over the stuff for the kitchen, baths and living room tonight. so just the stuff for our bedrooms. if you aren't sure of something you can text, but if you bring something over by mistake, just put it in my bedroom til tomorrow, no stress.'

Riley added 'i need the bed and dresser put together, and you can put the sheets on the bed, i want to bring some clothes over tomorrow. And the towels can be put in the bathroom. The sheets and towels are gonna be in a basket in the laundry room, mike is washing them today. i have a date tomorrow night and if all goes well i wanna come back here.'

Corey responded 'Ok great. we'll get started.'

Ryan bro slapped my ass and smiled 'thanks guys. you'll both be rewarded for your efforts. now i need to go get my bathroom and the kitchen cleaned' Ryan laughed.

Corey and I walked out into the hallway and down the stairs. once back in the van I spoke first 'so am i the only one who finds that whole scene a little disturbing?'

Corey laughed 'haha yeah that was a little weird man, but knowing Ryan and Riley, they saw this guys true nature and used it for their benefit. there's no way in the world they could afford this building, but ill bet you they scoped out a bunch of high end places until they found the right situation for them to exploit. and this landlord guy is probably hard as a rock being abused by two college studs. judging by this buidling and the suit that was strewn around the apartment, im guessing he can afford the fun he's having right now.'

'Jeez, Ryan told me i live a sheltered life, and im starting to believe him. i could never imagine in a billion years doing anything like that.'

'thats because we're not Alpha's buddy. we want to please people. even when we're feeling confident and aggressive, we still care about other people and don't wanna inconvenience people. i dont think people like Ryan and Riley have those filters. or maybe they see through people and see who wants to be used. i don't know. but they definitely find all the right people to serve them. its a gift.' Corey shrugged his shoulders and smiled.

'seriously. i mean, they figured me out and i didn't even know i wanted this. yet here i am. and honestly i watched that whole scene and wished it was me.' I said with some mbarrassment in my tone.

'Dude! ME TOO!' Corey practically yelled. 'OMG i was so hard watching that, feeling that spanking and i was fucking jealous!'

'hahaha we're such basket cases dude' I laughed also.

'nah, we just know what we like, theres nothing wrong with that Kev.' Corey reached over and touched my shoulder.

'yeah you're right. i need to stop seeing it as something wrong and start embracing my true nature. it's just new' I acknowledged.

'i get it man, it took me a while also, im not chastising you, im just reminding you, you're a good guy, just enjoying your life, don't be negative in your self talk.' Corey soothed

'Yes sir' we both laughed.

We pulled up to the back alley door of the frat house, I opened the back of the van, Corey unlocked the basement door, and we started loading stuff into the van. discussing the proper order: bed frames, several boxes with the dresser parts for the 2 bedrooms, and we decided the next trip would be the 2 queen sized mattresses, and the boxed tv's. and a third trip for the laundry. so we can build the furniture, put the mattresses on the beds, then make the beds.

We got to work loading the truck. Took the first load to the apartment, and carried a box up the steps to the second floor and into the living room. We could hear Ryan 'negotiating' with the landlord in the bathroom. We propped the box against the wall in the living room, and walked into the bedroom.

Ryan has his hand on the back of the landlords head pushing his face into the toilet yelling at him to lick the toilet 'is that clean bitch? do you expect me to piss into this toilet?' Ryan lifted his hand up off the landlords head and his head popped up out of the water, dripping wet 'No sir. it needs to be cleaned sir' Ryan pushed his head back into the toilet and yelled 'It was supposed to be cleaned before i moved in wasnt it fuck wad?' and Ryan lifted his hand up again, the land lords head popped back up dripping wet 'Yes Sir. I'm sorry Sir, I told them to clean it sir. I know they did Sir. I confirmed it sir' the landlord was practically sobbing now, trying to catch a breath before he was dunked again.

Ryan pushed his head back into the toilet 'well they didn't do a very good job, did they bitch? I'm sure you'd agree after having licked this supposedly clean toilet' Ryan turned towards us and smiled and lifted his chin in a 'hey' movement, then redirected his attention to the toilet, flushed the toilet and then lifted his hand up off the landlords head.

The landlords head popped up dripping water, he heaved in a few breaths before his head was pushed back into the toilet. 'Since I can't piss in this dirty toilet, maybe i need to piss down your fucking throat then.' Ryan yelled at the back of the landlords head. The landlord started shaking his head back and forth trying to break free. Ryan slapped his bare ass, and continued 'I wouldnt put my dick anywhere near your filthy mouth bitch. after seeing you lick this dirty toilet.' Ryan lifted his hand up and the landlords head popped up and he gasped for air.

'Stay right there Bitch. Do NOT MOVE. DO NOT TURN YOUR HEAD. DO NOT MOVE A MUSCLE. understand bitch? Ryan commanded.

'yes Sir' the landlord responded in a loud but exhausted tone.

'Good bitch.' Ryan slapped the side of the landlords head and walked towards us.

I was mesmerized by the landlord. I could see his face now, in profile. He was definitley in his 50's and had a short well manicured greying beard and the hair on his hair is longer on the top, now dripping water down his face. with greying temples. In his suit I know he's a real daddy stud. But right now, with his hands tied behind his back, his ass bright red, kneeling next to the toilet looking down into the filling bowl with his hair dripping toilet water and seemingly just having licked a dirty toilet, he looked kinda pathetic. But I was hard as a rock.

'im almost done here guys. the kitchen and bathrooms will be cleaned tomorrow morning, and the rugs installed in the afternoon. so you guys can move the rest of the stuff in tomorrow night. Corey, you have class in the afternoon, but you're free at night right?' Ryan acted as if he didn't just flush the landlords head in the toilet a second ago.

'im free tomorrow night Ryan. i can do that.' Corey responded.

Ryan turned to me 'so you're both going to move the rest of the stuff tommorrow' Ryan said it as if to challenge me to say I wasn't available.

'Yes sir' I said confidently. getting a big smile in response from Ryan.

'You're a good boy kev' Ryan clasped the back of my neck and let go.

'Hey Ryan, do you know if there's an elevator here? i didn't see one when i walked in but seems like the kind of place that people dont walk up 4 stories to the top floor.' Corey was smart to ask. I wondered also after carrying just one box up.

'there isn't a public elevator, but i know there's a service elevator. give me a sec' Ryan smiled and turned back to the bathroom.

'Dickwad. my friends need to use the service elevator to move some stuff in. get your ass up and get dressed and show them where it is.' Ryan commanded the landlord.

'Yes Sir. it requires a key sir. it won't run without the key.' the landlord was getting a bit of what i assume to be his normal voice back.

Ryan slapped his face 'why is this my problem bitch? give them the fucking key. or turn the key yourself all night. i don't give a fuck. get dressed and get going.' Ryan walked out of the room. Out of the apartment. I guess he was leaving.

The landlord looked up from the toilet and looked at Corey and I looking at him.

'i guess i'll give you guys the key if thats ok.' the landlord said in a diminutive voice.

Corey responded confidently and cheerfully 'Yeah thats great. I'm corey.' and he walked towards the landlord and reached to untie his hands. I went to the living room to get his boxers, pants, shirt and jacket and brought them into the bathroom.

'you doing ok buddy?' I heard Corey asking the landlord as he untied his hands.

'yeah i'm good. sorry you boys had to see that. this is embarrassing.' He replied with his head hanging down, not looking at us. I stood in the doorway holding his clothes.

Corey laughed 'no worry buddy, notice that we're here with Ryans stuff and he left. we feel you man. it's cool' Corey almost had his hands untied.

The landlord lifted his head and turned it towards me and I smiled at him 'Hi, im kevin.'

The landlord smiled 'Hi Kev I'm Barry....The landlord' and he laughed out loud.

'Good to meet you Barry.' I replied, waving my free hand

'so you're working for Ryan?' Barry asked.

'i wouldn't say working exactly. maybe serving is a better word.' Corey laughed. I realize Corey makes everything fun and light.

'i guess Ryan finds us all huh?' Barry's hands were free now, he sat back onto the bathroom floor leaning against the wall rubbing his wrists, and wincing as he readjusted his butt on the floor, which I assumed was to avoid the pain of his ass touching the floor after the beating it took in the closet.

'i didn't realize anyone but Ryan and Riley would find out about me. this is embarrassing boys' Barry looked from Corey to me, then back to corey. I noticed Barry's finger has a wedding ring on it.

Corey soothed 'no worry Barry. we all stick together. you have nothing to worry about from us. if this is an ongoing thing with you and ryan and riley, I suspect we'll be meeting again in the future.'

Barry laughed and looked down 'an ongoing thing.' He seemed to be in his own head now. Then looked back up 'i don't know what this is to be honest. this has never happened before. im not quite sure how this happened.'

Corey smiled 'looks like you're enjoying it though' and pointed to the hard cock between Barry's bent legs. It was very small, but it was hard as a rock, dripping precum onto the floor.

Barry laughed and put his hands over his hard cock. 'you caught me. i need to get dressed and get out of here.' Barry leaned forward with effort and a bit of strain to get up off the floor. I handed Barry his clothes. He grabbed them all then looked around realizing there was no place to lay them down. I held my hand out again, and he smiled at me, and handed me back everything except his underwear, and began to get dressed. His hair was still dripping from the longer hair on top of his head. He took his socks, and dried his hair with them and dropped them to the floor, then put his pants and shirt on, then his suit jacket.

'did you see my shoes?' Barry asked and his head dropped to his chest. This is obviously embarasing for him.

'i saw one by the door' I offered.

'i think the other one is in the bedroom' Corey added.

Barry's head dropped further and he laughed to himself 'right. i guess it is, isnt' it' and he walked into the bedroom collecting his shoe, and his gloves, then walked to the front door and put his other shoe on, and shoved the shoe laces and his red tie into his suit jacket pocket.

'well boys, lets go find the service elevator so i can get back to the office and schedule this rug and cleaning for tomorrow. i dont want to go through another apartment inspection like that.' Barry had his head held high now, and was back to business.

Corey smiled and gave Barry a bro slap on his ass causing Barry to yelp 'you sure about that buddy?'

Barry smiled 'FUCK! haha this is all confusing isnt it.'

'don't think too far into it. embrace who you are. enjoy it for what it is. Ryan and Riley are good guys, honest. Kev and i are here voluntarily, and i assure you ive endured much worse than you have today, and i look forward to the next time.'

Barry looked at Corey with new respect and put his hand on corey's shoulder 'you're a smart kid. i guess i have some soul searching to do'

'for what its worth, im new at this too, and kinda confused too, but i was hard as a rock wishing it was me in your place.' I added.

Barry looked at me and smiled 'it was hot. ill be JO later thinking about it I'm sure. here's to new experiences.' Barry patted us both on the shoulder.

'lets get you boys to work' Barry opened the front door, and looked both ways down the hallway, then ran/walked down the hall in his unlaced dress shoes and around a corner to the elevator. We rushed to keep up with him.

Barry inserted a key and turned it, and the elevator sprang to life. 'i cant be seen like this in the building. ill give you boys this key, please don't lose it. you have to turn the key to call the elevator. once inside, you have to turn the key to press the floor buttons. there's another key to the service entrance in the basement. park your truck around back and use that door, its close to the service elevator. ill show you where to leave the keys in the basement. here's my card, if you have any problems, text me. and, thanks for not judging me. i hope this whole thing stays between us. i will appeciate your discretion.'

Corey and I both assured Barry that his secret is safe with us.

We rode the elevator down to the basement, Barry pointed to a locked mailbox hanging on the wall to drop the keys in when we were finished, showed us out the back service entrance, handed us two keys, and got into his gleaming BMW 8 series coupe and drove off.

'let's get to work' Corey turned back into the basement, we took the elevator to the first floor, walked outside and moved the van around back, then started moving stuff up to the apartment.

Once everything was inside, I grabbed tools, we opened spotify, hooked it up to a speaker bar we moved from the basement, and started assembling the bedframes, then the dressers.

'im getting hungry, are you Core?' my stomach was growling.

'yeah i am. wanna stop at five guys on the way back for the next trip?' Corey suggested.

'that sounds perfect.'

Next: Chapter 11

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