Heather and Maggie

By Lust Stories

Published on May 9, 2020


I don't think I have been more excited about the prospect of a long term relationship than I am with Maggie. As soon as I set my eyes on her I knew I wanted to be with her for the rest of my life, she has a wonderful outlook on life and she just makes me feel great whenever I am with her. But since that night I spent with her she hasn't said boo to me or even rung me to see how I was. I knew she said move in tomorrow in a moment of passion while I was going down on her, but I really thought she anted to move in with me. I really hope I haven't lost her as I want to see how far this goes and my mu really thinks it's just going to be a one night stand and I'll be rooting another woman with in a week, I really want to prove her wrong

I finally saw Maggie at the gym on Thursday night and she looked happy again, her smile is a thing of beauty and her booty might be big, but it's beautiful. I saw her got to the treadmill and I went and jumped on the spare one next to her and started walking along with her. She looked at me and awkwardly smiled "hey Maggie how are you" she looked back at smile and smiled "oh hi heather how are you going" she stepped off the treadmill and went somewhere else, I was confused. Why would she all of a sudden be ashamed to be around me. I just kept walking on the treadmill and didn't really let it bother me. When the doors opened for the class I went into the room and stood in my usual spot, Maggie stood at the back of the class and I went back there to stand with her. When she saw me stand next to her she was a bit angry when I stood next to her. It's as if what we did on Saturday night never happened, I think I have lost her. After the class I tried to go and talk to her but she ran off to her car, I suspect it was because of the babysitter or she didn't want to talk to me

While out shopping on Saturday I ran into an ex and she looked like she was about to pop, I didn't know she had a boyfriend or even was pregnant. Man she looks amazing. We went and had lunch "so when did you fall pregnant jessie" she rubbed my leg with her foot and I remember the first time she did that, that night she fucked with a strap on. "At Christmas heather, I was out with a few guys and one fucked me good" her leg was right up on my crotch by the time she finished saying that "mmm your foot knows how I feel. So you like men now". She leaned in and kissed me "no I wouldn't say that" I pulled back and said "I have a girlfriend sorry jessie" she laughed and said "you wouldn't have had lunch with me today if you did". I saw Maggie looking at me with a friend she looked shocked, I knew it was a bad sign "see that woman over there getting a coffee" I pointed at Maggie "her, man she isn't exactly your type but if she makes you happy" we finished lunch and jessie went home

I went searching for Maggie to just talk to her, I saw her in a lingerie shop and I was hoping she would put a show on. I casually went and stood next to her as he was looking at bras "I reckon you would look hot in this lace bra maggie" she turned her head around and went red. She went to another aisle and found some panties. She was buying so hot looking panties as if she was ready for a hot night in. She held a black thong and I went said "can I see you in that tonight' she put the thong and bra back and left the store I followed her. She stopped and turned around and said "why are you following me everywhere heather" she started to cry. I hugged her and said "I just want to talk to you. I miss you" she pushed me away and said "well then shy are kissing and fucking other women, I loved you" she ran off. I stood there in the mall shocked, I haven't been fucking any women since I slept with her and that kiss jessie gave me was jessie trying to do something she shouldn't have

I went home after shopping and really had a think about things and I want to show her she is the only one I love and there will never be anyone else. I went to her place with a bottle of wine hoping she would talk to me. I knocked on the door and she answered it straight away, her face wasn't what you call happy to se me look "look I don't want to talk to you right now, you have hurt me and I don't know if I can ever forgive you" she went to close the door and I stopped the door "look maggie Iove you and I honestly don't know what I need to show or prove to you that I do" she pushed me out the door and said "if you can't figure it out for yourself than we can't be together" she went to slam the door "marry me maggie" she went white and then said "don't be stupid heather you don't love me enough to ask me to marry me. You don't even have a ring" that gave me an idea

The next day I went to a ring shop, where I know the owner and I got a nice ring that isn't too over the top but perfect for heather. I had a plan on how to ask her again, I rang the school she teaches at and asked to what days she controls the play ground at lunch and ;luckily they told me and I had a time to go to the school on Thursday and I didn't have any classes on that day and I had all day to get things done. I went to the gym that night and heather was there, I didn't even talk to her or even acknowledge her, she came up to me and said hello "hi heather I'm sorry for being blunt last night honey. Can we be friends". She hugged me and I smiled and knew she is going to be in for a shock on Thursday "yeah sure maggie if that's what you want" On Wednesday I rang the school and setup a plan for what I wanted to do, I am going to go to the school and while she isn't watching I will stand behind her and get kids from her class to yell "Mrs. Ingle" and hope she turn around to see me on bended knee.

thursday really dragged and I couldn't find what I wanted to wear. I wore my favourite white dress and white thong and went to the school with the ring in my hand. I saw her in the yard helping some kids and then I saw the kids from her class with the principal walk to where she was standing. I went into the yard and stand behind her and with their biggest voices the kids from her class yelled "Mrs. Ingle" I got down on one knee as she turned around she saw me and put her hands up to her mouth ponce she saw the ring and she said "really heather this is stupid now" I started to cry and said "shut up maggie and listen. Ever since I saw you at the gym that night we first met, I knew you were the woman I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. You are the only woman I want to be with. So Mrs. Ingle will you please do me the honour and be my wife" she started crying and nodding her head "is that a yes" she picked me up and kissed me and said "oh yes absolutely its a yes" the crowd cheered. "Looks like I'm getting married again"

We went out for dinner that night and maggie didn't stop looking at her ring, I knew she was thinking about why did she ask me again "do you really want to marry me heather" I stood up and got down on one knee and started crying "yes maggie I don't want to lose you and I want you to be my wife my soulmate my everything. That ring isn't to keep you as a girl friend. its to keep you as a wife" she held my head in her hands and gave me a kiss that I will never ever forget, she really made the moment perfect with that kiss. "Well that means you have to move in and meet my kids" I hugged her and said "our kids" she squeezed me tightly and kissed me again.

I drove her home and to finish the night off I kissed her and felt inside her skirt, she was wet. "You are coming in aren't you" we got out of the car and went inside, she held my hand as went into her bedroom, her kids were all asleep and so was the babysitter. When we got to her room she just pushed me on her bed, she knelt in front of me and removed her blouse and unzipped her skirt. She was wearing the bra and thong I saw her looking at on Saturday and she looked grey in them "you like my new bra and thong" I nodded. She took her bra off and moved up to my face and shoved her saggy tits in my faces. I started sucking on her nipple while she had her hand inside me thong fingering my pussy "god you're good at that babe" she said. My handler and lips were struggling to handle her big tits. "I think you are ready for my tongue baby"

She moved to my crotch and put her hands up inside my dress and pulled the white thong I was wearing down. I watched her slowly finger me and smile and lick her lips as she looked at my pussy. She lowered her head and she spread my pussy lips open and she started slowly licking and sucking at my pussy, she really knows how to make a girl feel good. I had my hand on her head the whole time as she ate me out, she was wonderful at what she was doing, she then inserted a finger back into my pussy and fingered me harder and faster this time, I wanted to scream. But it would wake the house up and I don't want the kids to know just yet. She found my clit and she sucked on it until it was raw. I reached the most wonderful climax I have ever had and this really is love to me.

We crawled under the covers and cuddled each other and maggie made me sad again "honey I'm going to give you this ring back" I started to cry "why? I love you maggie" she hugged and kissed me and said "I know sweetheart but we don't need a ring to prove it now, I know you love me and only me. What you did today we absolutely the best thing I have ever had happen to me. But we aren't ready for that I want you to move in as soon as possible ok" I hugged and kissed her as we went off to sleep. I am so glad we have cleared everything up, I love maggie

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