Heart of Ryan

By Ryan White

Published on Aug 6, 2018


Yo peeps!!

I thought long before writing this. I wanted to make the storyline and topic as realistic as possible. I did some research on the matter before, and I really hope you enjoy it :)

I LOVE GETTING MAIL FROM YOU :) Makes my cock super hard knowing you read the shit I write hahaha.

Feel free to contact me :)

liciousryan@gmail.com via email Via Twitter @LiciousRyan1

Love always, Ryan xx


"Please God. I beg you. Please forgive these thoughts I've been having and help me to be normal. Because only you, Johovah, has the forgiveness and love to destroy these feelings I have. Lord, I know it's wrong. I don't wanna have these urges. Please help me, and take them away. Glory to God. Jehovah, my provider. Amen."

Ryan stood up and opened his eyes. He didn't really feel any kinds of different than before the prayer started. His mind wandered back to the topic of his conversation with the Lord Almighty. He shook his head, his eyes tightly shut, deteremined to make this go away. There had to be some way he could destroy all these evil, confusing feelings he had. It was the work of the devil. He had to resist these evil attacks, as he was taught from a very early age. He knew the devil saw an opportunity and took it, and gave him all these weird and despicable urges and he desperately needed God's help. He couldn't do this any longer. He refused to. He was a good Christian. A true believer. A God fearing teenage boy of sixteen years of age. He wasn't going to give in to temptation.

As he left the temple from where he did his nightly prayers, he saw that tea was being served out on the patio. As usual it was Sister Bea who provided the fresh nourishments along with crisp, brown bread as a snack before bed time. Ryan followed his eyes over towards Brother Matthew, who was handing out the pieces of bread, his long flowing dark brown hair making him like almost a carbon copy of the picture he had of what Jesus must have looked like. Brother Matthew grew up in the Believers and was like a father to all of them. He taught the boys from an early age that to live in God's light, they had to repent their sins and protect themselves against attacks from evil. Attacks like what Ryan was going through right now. He spotted David, his best friend and life long Brother, near the fire as the latter gobbled up his slice of bread. Poor guy was always hungry more than most. His muscled body simply needed more than the others. His strong arms and biceps needed that extra nutrition. His legs were powerful and bulky. His ash blond hair made him look almost God-like as he stood in the full view of the moonlight shining onto the followers of the Believers. This, is all that Ryan had known all his life. From the moment he could recall any sort of memories, it included being here. With the Believers. They were his family. Not the people who dumped him a couple of blocks away on the outside world and left him to rot as a baby.

Brother Matthew, as a small boy of 13 years of age, heard the screaming on that fateful day. It was the unmistakeable sound of a baby crying. Elder Ross, the Head of the Believers, at the time, headed out the compound along side Sister Bea, who was a trained nurse and quickly saw the abondoned baby boy. He couldn't have been more than a few weeks old. They quickly wrapped him up in warm sanitized blankets and brought him to the Believers. Elder Ross named the baby Ryan. Pure as gold. He has simply never knew of another life beyond these borders of the establishment the Believers was situated on. These boys around him, whom he had grown up with and bonded with over the last sixteen years...they were his family. And together with them, he served Jehovah with every last breath he had. That was the true North and right path to follow. He loved everyone he lived with dearly...and that's why he was praying, begging the Lord Almighty to relieve him of the terrible and disgusting thoughts he was suffering from.

In all honesty, it had been a few years coming. He didn't realise what it meant at the time. There was a new boy that was brought in one day, he was in a bad way. He had robbed a woman at the local bakery and his parents thought it was best to bring him to the Believers in order to "get his head straight" and most probably turn him back into the sweet little boy this little thug once was. Ryan, who had always been so full of life and energy, and always willing to help and listen to others, as a naive thirteen year old, who didn't know why his penis always turned super hard when he was simply breathing, tried his best to bond with the troubled Andrew, or as he liked to call himself, Venom. As much as Ryan tried to hide it, and tell himself that it wasn't happening, the more and more it did. Andrew was single handedly the most beautiful person he had ever seen. His heart would race uncontrollably whenever they spent time together. Whenever they did the gardening, his penis would stiffen when he smelled the other boy. When they talked. When they laughed over a joke. When they said good night. Ryan, who was never taught this, didn't know what to make of it. In hindsight, he had fallen in love without even realizing it. His first love of his young life, and he didn't even know it. The day that Brother Matthew phoned up Andrew's parents and told them their son was cured of his evil ways, was the day that something broke inside Ryan. Because he was too naive to realise that, what he had perceived as genuine friendship, was just a matter to get through the weeks, for Andrew. He didn't even wait to say goodbye to Ryan. He even made Andrew a card to celebrate him going home. He had never before felt as much pain in his teenage heart before. And it had left him with a whole bunch of new confused feelings about what he wanted out of life. Thoughts that was strictly forbidden. He suddenly started to look at the other boys with different eyes, and at David specifically. Now that they were both older, he began to realise how beautiful the boy was. He didn't dare tell anyone what he felt. It was wrong. It was the devil attacking him. He couldn't allow it to win.

This year, with him and David both turning sixteen, they were finally allowed to leave the compound and travel with Sister Bea and Brother Matthew to try and gain more followers for the Believers. They would visit schools and local churches to try and convince wayward teenage boys to right their wrongs. And what better place to do that, than with the love and fellowship that was recieved at the Believers? For Ryan, this was the first time in sixteen years that he and David were allowed to leave the compound. It was the golden rule...Before you were sixteen years of age, Brother Mattrew always said that they weren't ready. Now, there was an excitement in the air from what would happen the following day. Ryan and David never really felt the need to leave. Why would they? There was never a reason to. Brother Matthew was a father to them and cared for, and loved them. Each and every night, before David and Ryan went to bed, he would pull them towards him and kiss their foreheads. They knew he loved them.

"Are you excited about tomorrow?"

Ryan was snapped out of his vegged state as he saw David next to him, handing out a cup of steaming hot tea for him. Ryan smiled at his best friend in thanks.

"Yeah. I've never once thought about leaving the Believers but I've often wondered what was outside these walls. Let's do this tomorrow, okay? Lets do Brother Matthew proud. Lets get some more followers. It's gonna be fun."

"Can I tell you something?" David asked, his eyes cast towards his own cup of tea.

"You know you can," Ryan said, confused. David had never acted this shy before. David looked up, but he avoided Ryan's eyes. Instead he focused on Sister Bea handing out more tea.

"I just...when I saw you standing here...you looked..."

"...I looked? Is my shirt dirty or something?"

"No! Nothing like that...I just meant...never mind. Hey, let's get some more of this yummy bread, yeah? Sister Bea always makes it with lots of love."

Ryan got the distinct feeling that David was not telling the whole truth, which he wasn't used to. David was one of the most honest people he knew. He never lied. He frowned. Maybe he was nervous about leaving the compound tomorrow. Yeah, it had to be that. He smiled when he saw David looking at him over his shoulder. His heart warmed. David looked...so pure. So beautiful.


The next morning, Brother Matthew fully prepared both David and Ryan of what to expect once they finally leave the compound. He explained that there would be loads of temptation from dark forces on the outside, and they should stand strong and believe in Jehovah. With Him on their side, nothing was impossible. He hugged both boys before leading them to the gates infront of the Believers compound, complete with wired fences to protect against intruders. The doors slid open...and for the first time in sixteen years, both boys caught a glimpse of the real world. Cars moving at blistering speed. People of various gender and races. Fast food restaurants like they had only seen in religious newspapers before. Boys, just like them, walking around with cellphones and earphones. It was like a curtain that had been hung before their eyes for years, had finally been withdrawn, at last. Brother Matthew lead the boys to his car and both got in. Their first visit was at a local highschool where the Believers were often invited to come and speak to the students.

Ryan was mesmerized. Never before had he seen such a bunch of boys and girls mixed together. Except for Sister Bea, there was no females or girls at the Believers. Ryan and David's years of inexperience showed. It wasn't difficult to see. There was a reason Brother Matthew warned them against dark forces trying to attack them. Now he knew what he had meant. He felt his penis stiffen as he watched two boys walking towards the school...HOLDING HANDS. He shook his head and his face turned the colour of a ripe tomato. He felt Brother Matthew's hand on his shoulder.

"See them? That's why were here. To try and stop this. To try and show them how wrong they are. You guys ready?"

Both boys nodded slowly. Brother Matthew kissed David's forehead before hugging him tightly. He then turned towards Ryan. Ryan's eyes closed when he felt Brother Matthew's lips touch his forehead. His penis was hard. So incredibly hard...

"Fuck off, faggots!"

Ryan's eyes opened and he felt Brother Matthew's body go rigid. Two boys fistbumped eachother as they laughed whilst walking away. They were talking so loud, they could still be heard a few feet away.

"It's those bible bashers again. Can you believe that pervert kissing those boys right here in public? And they're allowing it?"

"Fucking homo's!"

Ryan felt Brother Matthew caress his back. Over and over. Eventually his heart rate slowed.

"Never you mind. The devil are in those boys. Its clear as day. Come on. The Head of the school is waiting for us."

They were sitting in a restaurant after the sermon at the school. Both David and Ryan had said their piece in trying to convince the school boys that they needed to repent their messed up ways. They were booed off at every turn possible, making it virtually impossible to be heard. The principal didn't even do anything to stop them. Ryan felt like a small fish inside a big pond. Being outside the compound for the first time affected him more than he realised. He felt a hand take hold of his. It was David's. He looked up into the boy's face. He felt the boy's thumb caress his knuckles.

"Remember what Brother Matthew said? Even if we had managed to help ONE person, everything was worth it. I know there are some of those kids sitting in that school now, thinking about what we told them."

"Sure. They are probably laughing at us."

"Jehovah is not laughing. Come on. It was a good day. We got to see things we never had before. Enjoy it!" David said before Brother Matthew arrived at the table with their food. Ryan didn't realize how hungry he was. He never had hamburgers before. Nor the black coloured cooldrink that came with it.

"I'm so proud of both of you. I love you guys. In Jehovah's name!" Brother Matthew said. Ryan felt slightly better. He took a sip of his drink. It was delicious. The food tasted even better. Yeah. David was right. It had been a good day.

Later that night, both boys were assigned to dish washing duty. Ryan washed and David dried off and was packing plates and cups away. Ryan senced that David was more quiet than usual and asked him if something was wrong. David kept quiet for a little while before he sighed.

"Did you see those two boys today?"

"The ones who insulted us? Of course I did."

"No. Not them. I meant the...the two who was holding hands."

Ryan stopped scrubbing the pot he was busy with and looked at David. In his heart, he knew that David also had a hard time with having witnessed that, just like he did.

"I don't think we should talk about that now, man. Let's just finish up and go get our tea."

"Why do you never wanna talk about anything serious? Really, Ryan? What those boys did today, out in the open for anyone to see...and here I am...too scared to..."

The door swung open.

"Guys, come quick!" Brother Matthew yelled towards them. Both boys dropped everything they were doing, including the uncomfortable conversation, and followed him. The whole compound was stunned into silence. Outside, noises could be heard. It was most definitely a fight between a couple of men. Their violent screams could clearly be heard for miles. David slowly walked towards the gate, but Ryan grabbed his arm, shaking his head.


Brother Matthew signaled everyone to go back inside. Ryan and David was shaking as they recieved a warm cup of tea from Sister Bea.

"Faggots. That's what non believers call men who..."

"...lie with other men, I know. It's a damn sin. Forget it," Ryan chipped in. He didn't want David to realise just how much that word had upset him. And why. Suddenly they heard Brother Matthew's voice in urgency.

"Ryan! David! Come help me!"

Both boys rushed outside just in time to see Brother Matthew drag something inside from outside the gates. It was a body. Of a youngish looking boy. Sister Bea appeared next to them and she quickly knelt down and felt the boy's neck for a pulse.

"He's breathing," she confirmed.

"Get him inside. Now!" Brother Matthew ordered. Ryan and David picked the slender, yet muscled boy up and carried him inside.

"Your room?" David asked.

"Sure, why not?" Ryan replied.

They entered and gently placed the unconscious boy down on the soft feather bed. He was barely breathing. He looked so bad. He was bleeding heavily.

"Now what do we do?" David hissed just as Sister Bea entered with the medical aid kit.

"Get his clothes off. Come on, get a hurry! He's got nothing the two of you hasn't got! Lord knows. Boys!"

Together Ryan and David undressed the boy as well as they possibly could. It was the most inappropriate time to get a stiff penis, but the need inside Ryan's trousers was clear to see if anyone cared to look. The battered boy was breath takingly beautiful, even in this state. His long blond hair was wrapped in a ponytail. His muscled arms defined his gorgeous body. He looked like he spent loads of hours working out, if the blocks on his stomach was anything to go by. Who would do this? Ryan clenched his fists in anger. Sister Bea cleaned the boy up as only she could and placed him inside the bed, with a tea towel covering his forehead.

"Let him sleep. Ryan, stay with him," she ordered and sighed, grabbed the medical aid kit and left the room shaking her head.

"What now?" David asked, looking down at the sleeping boy.

"Now I stay with him. You heard her. Get some sleep. I'll be fine."

David hesitated, before softly touching Ryan's arm. Just grazing it with his finger tips. As if in a dream, he saw Ryan's hand join his, as his fingers covered David's. Both boys sighed and took deep breaths.

"See you tomorrow," David said before taking his hand from Ryan's arm.

"David, wait..."

Ryan stood up, and slowly walked towards David. Gently he placed his arms around his best friend and grabbed him slowly into a hug. David immediately reciprocated as both boys felt the day's emotions and feelings melt away.

"I love you, Ryan..." David whispered.


"I've prayed to Jehovah so many times. I can't stop what I'm feeling..."

Ryan released David from the hug and took his hand in his.

"It's wrong. We both know that. Its dark forces attacking us. We need to be strong. Fight it. With everything you can. I'm doing it. You can too."

Ryan saw a single tear roll across David's cheek.

"Yeah, you're right. Good night," David croaked. He took one more look at the boy on the bed before closing the door, leaving Ryan alone with him.

Ryan felt his heart swell as he turned towards the sleeping boy. He looked like an absolute angel. Seriously. That long, flowing blond hair, laying in strands over his forehead. He gently tugged the loose hair behind the boy's ear.

"Lord, God...help me. Help me. Please..." he whispered, his voice shaking.

The next morning, Ryan was greeted by a noise that sounded very much like a mating hedgehog. He fully woke up, only in time to see the boy open his eyes. He was clearly in pain though. In a flash, he was at the boy's side. He tried to speak but the boy started to cough. Ryan caressed the boy's back, whilst holding his stomach with his free hand.

"Ssshhh...you're okay. You're gonna be fine. Just lie still."

"What the fuck? Did you kidnap me?"

"Don't use those words. No. We found you outside last night."

"That's fucking kidnap, you nutcase!"

"I said stop talking like that!"

"What? You're seriously gonna stop me? Wait...I've seen you before...God damn..."

"I beg you, stop taking the Lord's name in vain..."

"You're that bible basher! The one at school! I need to get outta here..."

"You're not going anywhere. You're hurt. Brother Matthew will be here any moment with some medicine..."

"Oh my God, listen to you! Brother this, and Brother that? Let me go. Now. I swear I'll fuck all you weird people up if you dont. LET ME GO!"

The sound of skin on skin revelled through out the room. Ryan stared in shcok at the palm of his hand. He had slapped the kid. He had actually slapped him. He was blasphemous! He deserved it! The look on the boy's face though...it was hurting his heart. He regretted his actions immediately.

"I'm... I'm so sorry...I begged you to stop..."

"That's how you wanna play this?"

Ryan stopped whispering and looked at the boy. The latter's eyes had fire in them.

"I don't understand...oh my...what are you doing..."

The boy had gotten his hands on Ryan's penis. And it was rapidly getting hard, like it always seemed to do these days. Ryan started breathing hard. For the first time in his life, what he could remember, someone else than himself was touching him...there. And...God helped him...it didn't feel wrong. At all. The boy reached back with his hand and pulled the band loose which contained his hair. The blonde mess fell around his stunningly handsome face.

"You like it rough, do you, bible boy? You wanna feel good? I can make you cum like a fucking race horse. Your virgin cock won't know what hit it. But first...LET...ME...GO..."

The boy leaned forward and gently kissed the spot below Ryan's ear...Ryan shivered with hormones flooding his body like oxygen did his lungs. His penis was so hard...so hard...the door opened....


Brother Matthew dropped the glass of freshly squeezed orange juice he was holding. His face was in a state of comatose shock. Ryan stood up as quickly as if he had been electrocuted...big mistake...too late...he immediately knew that his hard, virgin penis could now clearly be seen. By everyone. Including Brother Matthew. It was stretching the material of his trousers like a viper ready to strike.

"Thanks for the juice, Padre. I'm Leo. I like you. You're hot as fuck..." the boy said before he laid back, smirking.


So...we have a virgin boy and one clearly experienced boy all in the same room. Will he teach Ryan some things he has been missing out on?

Have a chat with me :) liciousryan@gmail.com

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