Heart Desires

By H

Published on Jan 10, 2002


This story contains explicit material that focuses on men loving men and sharing consensual sexual experiences. If you know this is going to offend you, then you shouldn't be here in the first place. Any similarities to plot, setting, themes, etc., are purely coincidental.

Chapter fourteen - expectations beyond

Hey guys, I'm back. I apologize for the long delay, but you know how life goes. One minute you have a lot of free time on your hand, the next minute you're busy as hell. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the continuing saga of "Soulful Desires."

At the hospital...

As Jonathan and my secretary hovered around my bed, we were suddenly disturbed by a clamor of loud voices on the outside of my room. Before I could make out the noises, Ryan came charging into my room with a bitching receptionist tailgating behind him. I was incredulous, we all were. Ryan hurriedly hopped towards my bedside.

"Sir, you can't be in here..." The receptionist yelled. "Can't you understand the rules and the regulations of this hospital?"

I was shocked. "What's going on?"

"Taylor, I have to tell you something." Ryan said seriously, as Jonathan moved aside for him. As he neared me, I instinctively looked down at his feet and stared in disbelief. Why the hell was Ryan's foot wrapped up in a bandage? I started to get scared, and I knew it must have shown on my face. The receptionist left to summon doctor Cordovan. This bitch wasn't playing. She was pissed off at Ryan and it showed when she stormed out the room like a woman gone mad.

"Why all the commotion, Ryan?" I asked, desperately trying to recover from my bewilderment. "And what the hell happened to your foot?"

"I was shot at." Ryan said quickly.

"Come again?"

"I said I was..."

"I heard you." I said with much alarm. "What do you mean you were shot at?"

Jonathan looked at me, bemused. We couldn't believe the words that were coming out that boy's mouth.

"Rouge shot at me and I got away." Ryan wasn't holding back at all. "And I came to warn you that you might be in danger too."

"Back up, what the fuck did you just say?" I felt like I was in a dream. "I know I didn't misinterpret what you said, but Rouge? Shot you?"

"Taylor, I'm not talking shit here!" Ryan peered into my eyes. Suddenly, I saw the seriousness in them. "You think I'd be relaxing at home, knowing you were involved in a serious accident, and not bother to visit you? Adam doesn't even know where I was for the past few days."

"You are serious." I started.

"I would not lie to you about something like this, Taylor."

Politely, Jonathan interrupted and told me that he thought it would be best that he and my secretary left, seeming I was confronting a personal matter with Ryan. He figured it was none of their business to listen in on it. When I'm well and back on my feet, I'm going to show him how much I appreciate him for the person he is. I've got to tell him how he amazed me in so many ways.

"So where have you been staying?" I questioned, finally letting the story about Rouge settle within my confused mind.

"With this dude who rescued me in the alley."

"I still can't believe this." I said vacantly. I mean, I always thought something was weird about Rouge, but I never would have dreamt in a million years that it would be this. "So why do you think Rouge shot at you?"

"The bullet grazed my ankle, but I believe he wanted to kill me because of Eric?"

"Eric?" The muscles in my forehead came together, as I tentatively eased up in the bed. "You think he had something to do with Eric's murder?"

"Yeah, why else would that asshole have it in for me?" Ryan was angry and I could tell by the inflection in his voice.

"You're losing me."

"I heard his conversation on the phone."

"What conversation?" I probed Ryan.

In the middle of Ryan's response, doctor Cordovan and the angry receptionist pushed open my door and walked in. The receptionist glared at Ryan.

"That's him right there, doctor. Do you want me to call security?"

Doctor Cordovan just smiled. "No, it's fine. I don't see a problem Ms. Wincott."

"You sure?" She said, eyeing Ryan with a revengeful stare.

"Of course I'm sure, now go back to your desk. Visiting hours aren't over yet." Doctor Cordovan said to the receptionist, and then looked at us. "I apologize for Ms. Wincott actions, if you need anything, you push that red button next to you and I'll come careening in here like a galloping horse."

I elicited a smile, but my mind was somewhere else. After Doctor Cordovan left, I turned my attention back to Ryan.

"What did Rouge say that made you think he had something to do with Eric's death?"

"He said something about being paid to do something. I really wasn't listening to his friggin conversation, he was the dumbass who gave himself way."

"Oh my goodness!" I said with alarm.



At Rouge's apartment

Adam was feeling depressed as he walked up Rouge's walkway. He prayed Rouge was home so he could apologize to him. Then he begin thinking, supposed Rouge still wanted to fuck him, what was he going to do? What was he going to say to him this time? This was exactly why Rouge had probably gotten himself into trouble with the police. He wanted to fuck and Adam didn't want to. Maybe Adam did want to, but he loved Taylor too much to tear open his male pussy for another man. His pussy belonged to Taylor and only Taylor. He couldn't live with himself if he cheated.

Adam knocked on Rouge's door feverishly, calling out his name with the same energy. But he got no answer. He felt distraught. Where would Rouge be at this time of night? He instinctively looked around in the parking lot and was shocked. Rouge's white dodge was parked in its spot, so he had to be home. He thought, as a young, blond guy, opened the door next to Rouge's and peered out. He'd heard Adam's loud voice from his bedroom.

"Hello, I'm so sorry." Adam apologized. "Do you know if Rouge is home?"

"The Spanish-looking guy?" He asked, in an effeminate tune of voice. "Oh my goodness, that boy is fucking cute."

"So?" Adam was impatient.

"He's probably getting his pussy ravished by those lecherous guys?"

"What lecherous guys?" Now Adam felt like he'd caused Rouge to go places he shouldn't go. Supposed something happens to him? He had to find Rouge at all costs.

"You don't know?" The blonde guy questioned, flickering his eyes at Adam.

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"He's wanted by the police, honey. I saw his cute ass all over the news."

"Shit!" Adam swore. "Stop fucking around, dude. I need to find Rouge."

"No you didn't!" He exulted. Adam thought this guy was being ridiculous and he wasn't in the mood for it. "You fine mother fucker, I may be viewed as everything degrading and detestable, but I'm no fucking liar."

"Look, I didn't mean to sound that way." Adam said, looking at his watch. He needed to see Taylor before visiting hours were over. "It's just that I'm on edge right now."

"Whatever, I'm only telling you what I've seen. Why don't you go home and watch the news, maybe your ass needs to see things to believe them."

The blonde guy closed his door in Adam's face. Adam stood confused. He didn't want to believe the blonde guy, but he sounded like he was telling the truth. What had Rouge done that would cause the police to be looking for him? Adam shook his head, as he incredulously walked back to his car. He was at a total loss. He had to find Rouge before the police did.

Meanwhile at Toby's place...

From Toby's computer room, muffled, grunting sounds could be heard, while slight crashing noises echoed distantly from the closed door. Inside the computer room, Kaylen energetically pounded a juicy ass against the wall. The two muscular bodies were drenched in dripping sweat, passionately indulging themselves in eternal lewdness. Kaylen's thick, throbbing meat penetrated the prodding hole with precision. The male pussy widened with each one of Kaylen's powerful thrusts. Noises resonated through the bodies of the two sexy, gay men, undeniably rhapsodic. They quickly switched into another lewd position. Kaylen sat on the carpet and spread his husky legs apart, with his meaty cock pointing towards the ceiling. Without warning, a warm, succulent hole engulfed his entire cock. He shuttered at the intensity of the warmth, as the hole comfortably locked its muscle ring around his shaft.

The guy on top rode Kaylen's swollen cock with a lustful and purposeful grind. He faced Kaylen's voluptuous looking lips and the urge to ravish them had overtaken him. He attacked Kaylen's lips and sucked them like sweet candy. The fast up and down movements started to send Kaylen closer to the edge. He closed his eyes and held onto the guy with all his strength. As the guy continued to grind deeply, he pushed up into him, causing involuntary grunts to escape.

On the outside, Toby pulled up in his jeep. He hurriedly climbed out and ran towards his door. He'd left his case of CDs in the computer room. He needed them because a special band was performing tonight at club and they'd given him a CD to listen to, but he had forgotten it. So he was in a hurry to get it. He'd left Kaylen at his place because he said he wasn't feeling well. He hoped he felt better, because he felt horny and he wanted Kaylen to fuck his brains out in three minutes and then hurry back to the club. He smiled lustfully, as he pushed open his front door.

In the computer room, Kaylen hugged the guy tighter, as his swollen cock plowed deeply through his fleshy cunt. Their groans had turned animalistic. As Kaylen stiffened inside the warm pussy, Toby forcefully pushed the computer room door open. Kaylen had noticed him, but he was too far-gone. He just closed his eyes, as his man seed exploded deep within the receiving cunt. Toby stared and for about ten seconds, he couldn't elicit a single emotion. The guy was still grinding on Kaylen's penis, as his cock began ached for release. But Kaylen pushed him off before he ejaculated. The guy was bemused, but when he saw Toby, he recoiled and then immediately lost it.

"Toby!" The guy said unexpectedly, with a you-got-caught expression that grew across his face. He was standing stark naked with his cock exposed to Toby.

"I wonder what Bryan is going to say when he finds out my man fucked you senseless." Toby said in a cold, daunting voice. He was seething with anger, but he refused to show it. He politely walked over to the computer desk, grabbed his CD case, turned around and walked back out of the room. Kaylen shouted after him, but he didn't turn around. All he said to him was, "When I get back, your ass had better be gone. Leave my fucking key under the mat."

In Orlando at Bruce's place.

The bright morning sun beamed through the glass window in the den, where Rouge remained motionless on the sofa. He was naked. Cum had hardened on his stomach and parts of his solid thighs. His cunt was sore and he knew it was going to be because he hadn't had gay sex in years. Nevertheless, it was, by far, the best sex he'd ever experienced. Bruce really worked his pussy last night and he was weak from it all. He was twenty-six and his life was so fucked up.

As he lay still, he thought about the police and wondered how close they were tagging his trail. He still thought about turning himself in, but the decision was harder now. Everything had changed. He'd never expected Bruce to pursue him the way like he did last night. It threw him off course and he had to find a way to get focused again. He still didn't know what Bruce was up to. He had to think of something that would give him the upper hand over Bruce. Involuntarily, his thoughts reverted to Adam. He still wanted to be with Adam, but how was he going to make it possible? Adam wouldn't even know where he was, and if he called him, Adam would want an explanation..... something he really didn't feel like giving right now.

Upstairs, Bruce showered and cleansed his skin thoroughly. He wickedly laughed to himself. He had Rouge confused and that's what he wanted. The sex was good last night, but he had to stay on top of his game. Bruce was a man who could change from one personality to another. He rarely cared about people feelings. But one guy had stolen his heart and that guy was Adam. He usually kept his feelings about Adam to himself, but lately he felt like openly expressing them to someone. Suddenly, his shower door slid open. It startled him, but when he saw who it was, he quickly recovered.

"Mind if I join you?" Rouge asked, looking at Bruce with a puppy stare.

"I'm getting out soon, though." Bruce said, trying to determine Rouge's game.

"That's OK, what I'm about to do wouldn't take that long." Said Rouge, and then grinned seductively at Bruce. "You look good when you're wet."

"What are you doing?" Bruce questioned. It was obvious that Rouge was trying to play the same trick on him, he'd played on Rouge last night.

"This." Rouge slid the glass door shut and gingerly got down on his knees. Bruce's growing cock throbbed near his lips. "I see you're turned on by me."

"Don't..." Bruce didn't want to admit it, but he was surprisingly turned on just by Rouge's presence. When Rouge had slid the shower door open and he'd seen his naked body, his cock pitched in response. Why his cock did that, he didn't know. But he had to stop Rouge before he executed his plan. "Get up, Rouge I don't want you to suck my cock."

Rouge pretended like he didn't hear him, he just licked slowly and enticingly around his slit. Bruce shuddered at the sensation and tried to gain control. He was getting weak in the knees and his head started spinning. He reached over and turned off the shower. "Rouge, please..." Bruce said in a lustful voice. "Don't..."

Rouge stopped, but he only stopped for one reason. He stood up and put his lips near Bruce's ears. Bruce tried to get away, but Rouge pulled his naked body back into his.

"Why are you trying to get away from me?" Rouge questioned, mischievously. "And you wanted me last night?"

"Rouge, look." Bruce breathed deeply. "You're trying to figure me out and I'm not that easy to figure out. Last night was just an overdue hormonal reaction. I don't want to do this again."

"Prove it." Rouge challenged. "Your cock is still hard." Rouge suddenly turned around and rubbed his ass against Bruce's crotch. "I'm sore after last night, but I want to feel you inside me again. I want to take all of you, every inch."

Rouge felt Bruce's hot breath behind his ears. He knew his plan was working. He just needed to do something that would cause Bruce to give into him completely. He then grabbed Bruce's thick rod, held it steady, and then plunged back with excessive force, making Bruce's penis slide all the way into his wet pussy. The sudden insertion had caused Rouge to grunt and then moan as his cunt adjusted to the size Bruce's veiny penis, Bruce lost it. He grabbed Rouge around the waist and immediately pushed deeper into him. He then pulled out midway and back in, causing Rouge to scream again. It turned him on to hear him scream like he did. He sound liked a woman, but better. Bruce and Rouge stepped out of the shower, into the bedroom. Rouge leaned over a desk in Bruce's room, with his left foot arched up. His knee touched his chin. Bruce got behind him and carefully guided the mushroom shaped head into his receiving male pussy.

Vigorously, he fucked Rouge with a sexual rage he'd experience last night. He couldn't understand why two people who hated each other's guts, were being forced into the snare of debauchery. He knew if they kept this up, they may end up liking each other and that couldn't happen. Because if it did, his entire plan would be ruined. He wanted to leave Rouge on his own and let him defend for himself, but he had to wait for the right moment. Rouge frenziedly shook, as his seed expelled on the desk. He was moaning very lustfully, which sent spasms to Bruce's cock. Within seconds, he was emptying his man juice in the Nicaraguan's ass.

"I love you." Rouge said, softly.

To be continued...

Well, this chapter ends here. I hope you have enjoyed this one, because I really had fun writing this particular chapter. Drop a line and let me know what you thought about it. Stay tuned for the remaining chapters of "Soulful Desires."

I want to say a special thanks my editor, Daryl.

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