Heart Desires

By H

Published on Nov 30, 2001


This story contains explicit material that focuses on men loving men and sharing consensual sexual experiences. If you know this is going to offend you, then you shouldn't be here in the first place. Any similarities to plot, setting, themes, etc., are purely coincidental.

Chapter 13 - Unexpected connections

Adam couldn't wait until his job was done so that he could rush over to the hospital and visit Taylor. He thought about Taylor so much that he couldn't concentrate on the task before him. His boss walked by his desk and noticed that he was lost in another world...

"Is everything OK, Adam?" Questioned Mr. Rivera.

"Oh, sure!" Adam lied, then pretended like he was calculating rates on his computer. "I'm just trying to figure out the best interest rate that I can give this customer."

"It's written all over your face." Said his boss.

"What is?" Adam inquired.

"Like something happened, and you can't get your mind off it."

"It's that obvious. . . huh?"

"I realize whatever it is, it's personal and..."

"A friend of mine was in a serious accident a couple nights ago and he is still in serious condition in the hospital." Adam told him quickly. "And I'm sorry for being a bit distracted, but I can't help it. I promise I won't let it interfere with my work."

"It's OK." Said Mr. Rivera. "These things happen and I'm sorry to hear about your friend. Do you need to leave early today?"

"Do you mind?" Adam questioned hopefully.

"Look, I know you're concerned about your friend." Said Mr. Rivera. "And I also know that you're a good worker. Besides, it's not so busy in here that you can't steal away for a few hours. So, you can leave right now if you want to."

"Oh, man. Thank you so much Mr. Rivera." Said Adam, gratefully. "I'll make it up tomorrow, I promise."

Mr. Rivera just smiled and walked away. Adam looked on his watch and realized that traffic was going to be tight. It was about fifteen minutes to seven and he wanted to stop at Kelly's bakery before it closed. He wanted to talk to Rouge and hopefully try to straighten things out with him. He wondered what Rouge's problem was last night. Rouge was so uncharacteristically out of control that Adam didn't have time to think what to make of his actions. As he drove towards Kelly's Bakery, he thought about what it would have been like if he had actually made love to Rouge. And for some reason, he wasn't upset with Rouge anymore. Just curious to why he acted the way he did last night.

At University Hospital...

Jonathan and Taylor's secretary approached the front desk and asked the receptionist for directions to Taylor's room.

"What is it about this guy, huh?" Asked the receptionist, as her eyes stayed glued on the computer in front of her.

"I'm his supervisor and this is his secretary." Said Jonathan. "And we just want to see how he's doing and talk to him about a few things."

"Well, you two have to wait." Said the receptionist.

"Why?" Inquired Taylor's secretary.

"Miss, we are only allowing two visitors at a time, and as of fifteen minutes ago, two young guys came here asking for Taylor, and they have been with him ever since. Don't worry, I told them to keep their visit no longer than 20 minutes, so that others like you could get a chance to see the patient."

"Thank you." Jonathan told the lady, as he and the secretary turned and walked into the waiting area.

"Don't you think that receptionist was rude?" Questioned Taylor's secretary, as she sat across from Jonathan.

"She's probably had a long day." Said Jonathan.

"I don't care, all of us had a long day." Said the secretary. "That doesn't give her the right to act like a...never mind..."

"I know how you feel."

"I mean, it's bad enough that we're sitting here worried about Taylor." Said the secretary. "And to make matters worst, we rushed here to this hospital only to be treated like..."

"Like we don't have feelings and emotions." Jonathan finished for her.

"Yeah...that wasn't what I was going to say, but that'll work."

Jonathan had to wonder if he wasn't the only one who was attracted to Taylor. The way this lady was going on was making him believe that she was in love with Taylor too. If that were the case, he would have to do something about that.

On the outside of University Hospital...

Matt pulled up at the hospital entrance with Ryan sitting in the passenger seat.

"So this is it, huh?" Asked Matt. "I'm not going to hear from you again."

"Don't say that, man!" Ryan told Matt. "I've made a friend for life. I'm just so grateful to you for saving my life, I don't know if I would be alive tonight, if it wasn't for you."

"And like I told you a thousand times, I was glad I was there at the right time and at the right place."

"Matt, I would love to spend more time with you." Said Ryan. "But I have to let Taylor and Adam know what happened with me and Rouge."

"I understand." Said Matt. "Promise me that you're going to call me later and let know how things went."

"You know I will." Ryan told Matt, as he extended his hand. "And I'm sorry for making you late for work tonight."

"Enough with the apologizes." Matt said with a smile, and then shook Ryan's hand. "I'm just happy that something good came out of a bad situation, and that's you my friend."

"The feeling is mutual." Ryan told Matt, as he exited the car and gingerly limped up the steps.

Meanwhile at Bruce's apartment...

Rouge paced the kitchen floor, wondering what he should do. He wasn't sure he was ready to turn himself in yet. At first he was, but he was starting to have second thoughts. While he contemplated this, Bruce lay still on the floor in the den. He was still unconscious from the blow that Rouge inflicted upon him, and he'd been out cold for a half hour. Rouge searched for smelling salts around Bruce's place, but he couldn't find any. He looked under the kitchen cabinet and found a bottle of ammonia. He reached for a rag and dampened it with the ammonia. Rouge's purpose was to bring Bruce back to the world of the living, so that he could let him know what he planned to do.

He brushed the rag under Bruce's nose several times, but Bruce didn't stir. So he slapped him a few times and then brushed the rag under Bruce's nose again. By this time Rouge got a response...

"Get the fuck up!" Rouge shouted at Bruce, as he leaned over him.

"Whaaa...?" Bruce muttered, with his eyes slightly open.

"You think I'm playing with you. Get up Bruce!"

"Mamma...is that you?" Bruce moaned.

"I'm not your fucking mamma!" Rouge shouted. "You better get your ass up if you don't want me to go to the police."

With that, Bruce opened his eyes wide and looked at Rouge.

"Uh-huh, I thought so." Said Rouge.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Bruce asked groggily, as he slowly raised up and sat on the sofa. "You could have killed me."

"I should have, but what would I benefit from that?"

"So why didn't you go to the police?" Bruce questioned. "You finally realized what a stupid idea that was, huh?"

"I should have gone to the police, but I'm not ready to turn myself in yet." Rouge told him. "And it's not because of you. I just need some more time to do one more thing."

"And I bet I know what that thing is?" Bruce challenged.

"Frankly, I don't care." Said Rouge. "I'm so fucking tired of getting ordered around by you. I am my own man, and I'm gonna do whatever the fuck I want."

"As long as your plans don't involve Adam, it's fine by me." Said Bruce. "Besides, I'm getting tired of you myself."

"Before I go, I want to let you know that I will eventually go to the police and tell them the whole story." Said Rouge. "Maybe the judge would shorten my sentence if I lead them to the person who's responsible for this fucking mess."

Bruce was seeping with anger, but he didn't want to fight with Rouge again. He had to try another approach to detour him from going to the police. He thought about killing Rouge, but he was having second thoughts. Rouge could defend himself and he didn't want to be the one to end up dead after the showdown was over. He suddenly thought of something strange and out of the ordinary. It just might work, though. While Rouge was still talking about his plan to go to the police, Bruce gave him a seductive look...

"What the fuck are you looking at?" Rouge questioned, obviously stunned by Bruce's sudden change of action.

"You." Said Bruce. He said it so seductively that it made Rouge nervous.

"Stop it! I know what you're trying to do Bruce, it's not going to work."

"Rouge, let's put aside our anger and frustrations for one minute and let me ask you this one question." Bruce said, watching for Rouge's weak point, so that he could take advantage of it. "Honestly, when we first met you didn't find me to be attractive or appealing?"

"What the fuck is this?" Rouge questioned, with a surprised look on his face. "One minute ago you were ready to kill me, and now you want to fuck me? I don't get it, this shit ain't right."

Suddenly, Bruce felt his cock pitched in his pants. Could it be that he actually wanted to have sex with Rouge?" Maybe the tension and the constant fighting between them generated some kind of sexual energy.

"I don't know what's going on either." Said Bruce, almost truthfully. "But I think I do what to fuck you!"

"Stop with the bullshit, Bruce. It's not becoming of you!"

"Rouge, I think I'm being serious here." Said Bruce. "I really do want to fuck you, look at my crotch."

"I don't want to look at your fucking crotch!" Rouge shouted. "I'm not in the mood for this shit, dude."

"OK. I admit that I was fucking with you at first, but I couldn't be more serious as much as I am now." Bruce told Rouge.

"I don't care about your sudden urge to fuck." Said Rouge. "Because you disgust me, and I couldn't stand the idea of your cock stuck somewhere up my ass!"

"I know you want me, Rouge." Said Bruce softly, reaching for Rouge's hand. "Why are you pushing me off?"

Bruce couldn't control himself now. He wasn't sure if his feelings for Rouge were of pure deception or if they were sincere. But he hated Rouge. Why would he feel this attraction? Despite his struggle to decipher his feelings for Rouge, his cock throbbed in his pants.

"Don't you fucking touch me!" Rouge shouted, as he got up and walked towards the kitchen.

"Don't make me run after you, Rouge." Bruce said, as he followed him.

"I'm not making you do anything!" Rouge retorted. "You'd better stop fucking with me before I knock your ass out again."

While Rouge went in the kitchen for a beer, Bruce started to strip off his clothes. In seconds, Bruce stood naked in front of a stunned Rouge.

Meanwhile at Kelly's Bakery...

Adam had pulled up to the bakery fifteen minutes after seven. He didn't see Rouge car but he decided to go inside anyway. Although the 'Closed" sign was on the door, Miss Buchanan opened the door for him because he came there often to visit Rouge, and she figured he might have some information about Rouge's whereabouts.

"Excuse me Miss Buchanan." Said Adam. "I'm looking for Rouge, is he here?"

"Honey, we all are looking for him." Said Rouge's supervisor.

"What are you talking about?" Adam inquired.

"He didn't come into work today." Said Miss Buchanan. "And I'm afraid for him because two detectives were here today looking for him."

"What?" Adam asked, shockingly. "Detectives, what for?"

"That's what I'm trying to figure out, I called him numerous times, but I couldn't reach him."

"Oh my goodness!" Adam said, incredulously. "What have I done?"

"What?" Questioned Miss Buchanan.

"Nothing, nothing...I have to go." Said Adam, as he stumbled out the bakery and drove towards Rouge place. He wondered what Rouge had done to cause two detectives to be looking for him. Adam started to feel a little guilty. Maybe part of this was his fault. He had to find Rouge and find out what's going on.

Meantime in Taylor's hospital room...

"I better get going, man, I have to be at work by eight." Said Toby.

"I understand." I told him. "Thanks for visiting me. Honestly, I didn't know you still cared."

"Come on, Taylor, just because we have our little differences doesn't mean I don't worry about you." Toby said, sincerely.

"Thanks, what a nice thing to say."

"It's the truth, dude." Said Toby. " Anyway, take care and I'll visit you again before you leave the hospital."

"OK. Take care." I told him. "Nice to meet you again Kaylen and thanks for coming to see me. . . especially since I'm in this condition."

"Trust me, not even bandages could distort your physically beauty." Kaylen said, blushing.

"Oh my, thank you."

"Bye Taylor." Said Toby.

With that, both of them left the room. Kaylen sure was a cute guy. Come to think of it, he had features similar to Adam. Suddenly it hit me, Toby was only going out with this guy as a substitute for Adam. He was tall, and cute with dark hair. At least he found someone, I thought. About two minutes later, Jonathan and my secretary walked in...

Back at Bruce's condo...

Bruce was inches away from Rouge's face. Both of them were silent and breathing heavily. Rouge didn't say anything because he was shock. He didn't know Bruce cock was that big. And to top it off, Bruce had a beautiful sculpted body, with minimal hair. As Bruce and Rouge stood face to face, Rouge could feel the heat that emanated from Bruce's naked body. For some reason, he was finding it harder and harder to resist this hot flesh in front of him. Rouge had to think of something to say.

"Look, man, I don't even like you like that to be having these sexual feelings towards you." Rouge said, in a calm voice.

"I don't like you either, but I still want to fuck you." Bruce said, softly, as he stroked Rouge's face.

"I can't fucking believe this." Rouge said, looking into Bruce's eyes.

"What?" Bruce questioned seductively.

"Me and you, standing so close to each other like this."

"I know. I want you, Rouge." Said Bruce, as he took Rouge's hand and placed it on his stiff cock. "Do you want me?"

Rouge didn't respond, he just stared into Bruce's eyes. With his free hand, Bruce gently pulled Rouge face towards his and kissed him. Rouge was still acting a bit hesitant, but he gave in when Bruce forced his tongue in his mouth. Rouge felt the warmth and succulence of Bruce tongue as he massaged the insides of his mouth. Suddenly, a sexual rage overtook Rouge that caused him to rip off his clothes and attack Bruce's nipples with raw passion. Bruce was immensely turned on too, and he couldn't understand why.

Rouge dropped to his knees and started sucking Bruce's cock, licking the pre-cum that drizzled out of the slit. Bruce placed his hands on Rouge head, as Rouge engulfed his entire eight inches. He gagged slightly but kept going at it in a fast pace. Bruce closed his eyes and began pushing his cock in and out of Rouge's juicy mouth. Bruce was staring to moan because the feeling was inexpressible. He didn't know that Rouge was this good of a 'cocksucker'. A few minutes later, they were back to passionate kissing. Their hands were all over each other and their breathing had almost turned into constant groans.

"Oh my goodness! I want you so bad." Bruce cried.

Bruce walked Rouge over to the sofa and made him lay on his back. Bruce lifted his legs a little, which gave him access to Rouge's juicy pink asshole. He started to lick Rouge's manhole slowly and strongly. This caused Rouge to shiver. Without warning, Bruce began working his tongue in and out of Rouge's asshole, relaxing his tight muscles. Rouge licked his lips and rubbed his fingers through Bruce's hair. Both of them were enjoying this sexual energy that had unexpectedly came upon them, and as far as this 'relationship' goes after they fuck, they weren't worrying about it now.

Bruce continued to rim Rouge's male pussy with precision and dedication. Rouge groaned louder and bit his lip. It was all he could do from pulling the hair out of his head.

"I can't take it anymore, put it in me, Bruce." Rouge begged. "Put your hard cock in me."

At Rouge's request, Bruce spat on his hand and then lubricated his cock, mixing it with the pre-cum that expelled from his slit. He placed Rouge's legs almost over his head and positioned his cock at Rouge's man-cunt. As he pushed inward, Rouge started to holler loudly, but he encouraged Bruce to continue. Bruce's cock was like hot steel as he slid into Rouge. Slowly, but surely, Bruce balls began to touch Rouge's pubic hair. They remained still for a minute or so, then Bruce slid halfway out and then back into Rouge's cunt. That caused Rouge to scream again. Bruce began to think that Rouge probably wasn't a bottom, or he had not taken it in the ass all that often.

Nevertheless, Rouge's cunt felt so good around Bruce's shaft, that he had trouble taking it easy on Rouge. He pulled out slowly again and then pushed back in again. Rouge's muscle ring was loosening with each thrust. Taking that as a cue, Bruce increased his pace and started to ram his cock up Rouge's ass. By this time, Rouge was groaning, but more from pleasure than pain. Bruce lips were inches away from Rouge's. So, as he fucked him, he started to passionately kiss him, exploring Rouge's mouth with his tongue. This was more than Rouge could handle. Bruce didn't know that Rouge had only been with a guy twice and that had been in his teen years. But somehow, Bruce made Rouge feel so horny that Rouge was coming closer and closer to the edge with each one of Bruce's powerful thrusts.

Suddenly, Rouge screamed like a bitch and then shot his load all over the place. He shot so much that it mesmerized Bruce. It seemed to him that Rouge would never stop from squirting. That sent him closer to the edge and within seconds he exploded deep within Rouge. Both of them were out of breath and for a few minutes, they just relaxed.

"I hate you." Rouge said softly, with Bruce semi harden cock still in his male pussy.

To be continued...

Well, this chapter ends here. I hope you have enjoyed this one, because I had strayed from my intended plot. Stay tuned for the remaining chapters as this mystery slowly unravels.

I want to say a special thanks my editor.

Next: Chapter 29: Soulful Desires 14

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