Heart Desires

By H

Published on Apr 16, 2001


It was 3:30 in the morning when I was awoken by a warm, moist sensational feeling. When I indeed came to my senses, it quickly dawn on me that I was experiencing the most incredible blow-job a cock could ever receive. The "cocksucker" was Eric. So I relaxed and open my legs wider so he can have access to everything. When he saw me reciprocated to his sexual advances, he slides up on my chest and kissed me.

"Do you remember when we would fuck all night into the wee hours of the morning?" He said softly, as he placed his lips over my nipples.

"Do I? I responded, trying to match his whisper. "Why don't you remind"

"Dude you're so flicking horny!" He said with a grin. "But I'm not complaining"

With that, Eric slid back down to my crotch and proceeded sucking my hard cock. There's something about fucking 3:30 in the morning. I was so overcome by the dread of that moment, that I couldn't contain myself from making an animalistic sound when Eric push his wet tongue in my ass. My manhole was prodding and was ready for Eric's juicy cock! In case you haven't noticed I am a bottom. I turned over and lay on my stomach. My manhole was still a bit slippery from Eric's jist and the KY jelly three hours earlier. Eric mounted atop me and slid his cock in my ass all at once. I let out a pleasurable growl and we begin to fuck. I pushed my ass upwards and Eric grinds me from the top, we were dripping with sweat and relishing the feeling of ecstasy. He kisses the back of my ears, letting his tongue explore the inside and I felt his hot, heavy breathing, it was intoxicating! I felt when Eric's movement became faster and harder and his moaning escalating. My stiff cock beneath me starts to swell and the muscle around my ass begin to contract and I knew what lies ahead in just a few short seconds. Eric gripped the back of my shoulders and was shaking like a leaf. He emptied his sack in my ass. I shoot my load in the sofa. It was incredible!

Saturday was a busy day for me. Eric took a shower and left at 12 noon. I had a paper to write and turn in on Monday to my Psychology instructor. I was like so tired and weren't in the mood to write a paper about clinical depression. Regardless of me wanting to procrastinate, I took my weary ass over to the library over on Bruce B. Downs and force myself to scrabble something together. At the same time, I was thinking on ways to get in Adam's pants. He was a mystery to me. For the past four weeks I was trying to see if he would give me any indication that he sucks cock. He was friendly and that's it. It must have looked like I was really into writing my paper from a distance, because I heard this recognizable voice interrupt my thoughts. It was Adam.

"Hey dude, you look like you could use a break," He said with that smile I dream about every night.

I was temporarily stunted. What was he doing in the same library with me?

"Hey, what's up Adam?" I responded. "I'm working on this paper and most of it says a lot of shit!"

He laughed and said, "Come on now Taylor, it ain't that bad, you mind if I have a look?"

Of course I didn't mind but I didn't want to appear to eager. If there was some way he would suggest that I come over to his place and we'll work on it together there, was a possibility I knew was far fetch.

"I don't know Adam", I said, hoping he'll take the bait.

"Don't be a wuss, let me see it!"

"Don't say I didn't warn you." I said, trying to sound as hopeless as I can.

"You're a funny guy Taylor."

He thought I was funny. I didn't want to amuse him. I wanted him to fall in love with me. I gave Adam the paper and watched his expression. He seemed really into it and that impressed me a bit. He started to walk a little with his back turned to me and I had a perfect view of his bubble butt. He was wearing short sweat pants with a tank top shirt cut above the navel. His legs were well defined and slightly muscular. My cock started to make me embarrass when he turned around suddenly and caught me gawking. He looked at me with those piercing brown eyes and I was afraid he probably knew I had it bad for him.

"This shit is great", he said. "All you need a strong summation and you're in."

"Come off it Adam, it sucks!" I said, trying to hide the disappointment, but then again if I showed it, he might see that it really bothers me and his help will be greatly needed.

"Dude, I'm for real, my paper isn't this good"

"You're trying to make me feel better aren't you?"

"Taylor, I didn't spend much time on my paper and yours made me want to rewrite it over." He said, trying to sound reassuring.

"I don't believe you", I said. I wondered if he had his paper home, maybe I'll ask him to show me and we'll have to go over to his place. But he cut the conversation short.

"Hey man, I'm sorry I have to go, I have to meet someone for 3:00."

I looked at my watch and said, "It's fifteen past three, you're late!"

"I know, she's going to kill me", he said, looking really worried now.

She? What did she means? Do Adam have a girlfriend and didn't mention anything about it. Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself; maybe it's his sister or his mom.

"You better get cracking", I replied.

Adam left and I had already missed him. Later that night, I lay on my bed and found myself thinking about Eric. He really got my juices flowing, but I didn't love Eric, he was just my fuck-partner. Hell, what did I now about love? I am a 22 year old horny, cocksucking queer. My feelings for Adam were so different than for Eric. Although I wanted to get fucked by Adam and suck his cock, I also wanted something more. I wanted his love, his time and his commitment. I begin to think about that "she". What if it turns out that this "she" is Adam's girlfriend? It will be a challenge for me to win his heart over if he loves this girl. Time will tell.

Sunday I didn't do anything all day but work on my paper, putting in finishing touches. The phone rang and it was Sam. I haven't heard from him in over two years. Sam and I had a good platonic friendship, which almost evolved into something more. He and I worked for the same company and later he was transferred to Connecticut. We did everything together, (except fucking). On the night before he left to go to Connecticut, we decided to spend our last night together at his place. We talked for hours until the wee hours in the morning. His flight was scheduled for 10am and he hadn't sleep. We lay side by side in his bed. While laying there, Sam told me he think he love me. This didn't phase me because we always told each other that. So he leaned on his elbow and looked me in the eyes and told me he love me sexually. I didn't know how to respond, I thought about sex with him, but it may have destroyed what we had. Now here it is he's telling me he wants me sexually and he's leaving in a few hours. Why couldn't he tell me this six months back? I needed time to gather my thoughts. I told him to think it over and if this is what he wanted we'd have sex. It took him two years to sought this out, why else was he calling me? Anyway, he wanted to stay at my place because his company in Connecticut is sending him down to a three days seminar. What did I suppose to tell him? I said yes.

Knowing Sam was coming in a few days made me antsy. Memories flood my mind and so did the possibility of Sam and I fucking. I lay across the bed just thinking and I didn't realized I had fallen asleep until my alarm woke me up for class that Monday morning.

I proceeded to get out the bed and noticed I had a rock hard-on. Well, I decided to do something about that. I laid back in the bed and start stroking my shaft slowly. Adam was the first person that came to my mind and I imagined he was there holding my cock, stroking it and loving me at the same time. I was a confused bitch! Eric, Sam and Adam flash across my mind, wouldn't it be paradise if the four of us fuck each other all night. By this time I was stroking my cock faster and my normal breathing changed to soft moans. My cock began to swell and I shoot my load all over my stomach and my fingers. I licked my lips and finished the masturbation fantasy with a taste of my cum. It was palatable!

Students were everywhere when I reached to Phil University that Monday morning. I walked hurriedly to my class, hoping I got there before the instructor arrives. I wanted to set my papers in order and make sure everything was right. After that phone call from Sam last night, I couldn't finish chronological put my papers where they suppose to be. I just put them in the folder and place them in my trapper keeper. As I approached my psychology class, I heard Adam shout my name out from down the hall.

"Hey Taylor, wait up!"

I spun around quickly and when he was approaching me, I was reminded of the first time my eyes were set on him.

"Hey man, how was the rest of your weekend?" I responded back to him.

"Just another day off. Dude, I need a favor", he said this like he really needed my help. "I didn't know what came over me last night, went out all night, got drunk and forgot where I placed my papers."

"I don't know what you want me to do Adam", I said. I was really concern now because I didn't want him flunk this paper. I really didn't know what to tell him, but I waited to see what he wanted.

He starts laughing really hard and said, "Dude, I can be an actor, the look on your face is amazing!"

I was bemused. I said, "So you didn't loose your papers?"

"Nope, just a morning starter!" He said, obvious still laughing at my gullibility.

I felt stupid. I can't believe he did that to me. He saw I looked a bit embarrassed, so he put an arm around me and tells me to forgive him and forget about it. It was easy for me to forget about it once his arm was around me. I got an instant hard-on! I walked with my trapper keeper in front of me until I reach to my seat and sat down, waiting for my hard-on to subside. Adam turned around to talk to me and he actually looked like he was sorry.

"Hey man, everything cool?"

"Why wouldn't it be?" I said, trying to sound as reassuring as possible.

He smiled and turned back around and I felt better. He actually gave a second thought about what he did. Was it just his personality or did he really cared about me?

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 3

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